We use Rarible to help us identify NFTs from creators and collectors in the Picnic showcase. The Rarible API provides a few great endpoints for fetching the necessary data.
The following endpoints can be used:
- Production(Mainnet, Chain ID: 1): https://ethereum-api.rarible.org
- Staging (Ropsten, Chain ID: 3): https://ethereum-api-dev.rarible.org
- Staging (Rinkeby, Chain ID:4): https://ethereum-api-staging.rarible.org
Paginate through owned tokens
import axios from 'axios';
* Get collector's owned tokens.
* @param {string} owner - owner address (0x...)
* @param {object} opts - options
* @param {string} opts.continuation - Rariable continuation ID
* @param {integer} opts.size - size of tokens to get (default: 100).
* @return
const fetchOwnedTokens = async (owner, opts = {}) => {
const { continuation, size = 100 } = opts;
try {
const result = await axios.get('https://api.rarible.com/protocol/v0.1/ethereum/nft/items/byOwner', {
params: { owner, continuation },
const { data } = result;
// Paginate results
let hist = [];
if (data.continuation && data.items.length === size) {
hist = await getOwnedTokens(owner, { ...opts, continuation: data.continuation });
// Return full history
return [...data.items, ...hist];
} catch (err) {
return [];
The byOwner
endpoint does not return token metadata. You can attempt to query this information from the blockchain directly or use another API to collect token metadata information.
You can use the getItemMetaById
Rarible API endpoint to get token metadata. Be mindful that you’ll have to make one request per token.
import axios from 'axios';
* Get token metadata from token id.
* @param {string} id - token ID, formatted as CONTRACT_ADDRESS:TOKEN_ID (e.g. 0x1:1001)
* @return {object}
const fetchTokenMetadata = async id => {
const { data } = await axios.get(`https://api.rarible.com/protocol/v0.1/ethereum/nft/items/${id}/meta`);
if (!data?.name) {
throw new Error('Invalid NFT data', { id, data });
return data;
If you have question, please reach out. [email protected] / @gleuch