Derive an automaton based on Peterson's mutual exclusion algorithm and check its properties using verification tools.
The algorithm for two concurrent processes in C.
Process 1
req1 = 1;
turn = 2;
while(turn != 1 && req2 != 0){
// busy wait
// critical section - start
// critical section - end
req1 = 0
Process 2
req2 = 1;
turn = 1;
while(turn != 2 && req1 != 0){
// busy wait
// critical section - start
// critical section - end
req2 = 0;
- Blue expressions are assignment to variables, that are executed when the transition is taken. To create assignment, edit the 'Update' section of the created edge.
- Green expressions are guards that have to be true in order for the corresponding transition to be enabled. To create guard, edit the 'Guard' section of the created edge.
- To specify the name of the template, edit the 'Name' field just above the drawing area.
- To specify parameters, write them in the 'Parameters' field just above the drawing area. For this specific example it will be:
const int[1,2] me, int[0,1] &req_self, int[0,1] &req_other
Place the following code snippet into the System declarations section of the project. This will create two instances of mutex template and compose them into a system.
// Place template instantiations here.
P1 = mutex(1, req1, req2);
P2 = mutex(2, req2, req1);
// List one or more processes to be composed into a system.
system P1, P2;
Place the following code snippet into the Declarations section of the project. Variables used by the system will be declared on the global level.
int[0,1] req1,req2;
int[1,2] turn;
Perform the syntax check and fix issues if any.
Click on the Verifier tab, click on the Insert button, click in the Query text area and write the mutual exclusion property: A[] not (P1.CS and P2.CS)
. Press the Check button and you are done. There should be a green button lighted on, which means that the property was verified.
A[] not (P1.CS and P2.CS)
- For all combinations, there is not a single one where process P1 and P2 are both in the critical section of the system.E<> P1.CS
- There exist a combination where process P1 reaches the critical section of the system.
If a property fails in the verifier, choose Options