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File metadata and controls

107 lines (83 loc) · 3.36 KB

📁 telescope-dirpicker.nvim

telescope-dirpicker.nvim is a directry picker plugin for NeoVim and Telescope. It allows you to pick from a list of subdirectories and either execute Telescope's find_files on that directory, or set up a custom callback to do whatever you want when a directory is selected.

dirpicker gif

But Why?

On my machine, all of my code repositories are in ~/Projects. I have bound <space>pp to :Telescope dirpicker cwd=~/Projects. When I load vim, I type <space>pp and pick from a project. When I want to work on a new project, I open a new tab page and run :Telescope dirpicker again.

Initially I used project.nvim, which I really like, however, it's got some issues and it seems like an abandoned project. Some of the features I need are sitting in PRs that have been open for over a year without any response. It also does a bunch of things I don't really care about. I realized that what I actually need is pretty simple.


  • Neovim >= 0.5.0
  • Telescope >= 0.1.6

NOTE: This may work on Windows, however, I have not been able to test it.

Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:

  dependencies = {
  config = function(_, opts)
    local telescope = require("telescope")

    -- optional, if not provided, `:Telescope dirpicker` will still work, you
    -- won't be able to autocomplete `dirpicker` on first use if you lazy load
    -- telescope.


To use the directory picker

:Telescope dirpicker cwd=~/Projects
require("telescope").extensions.dirpicker.dirpicker({ cwd = "~/Projects/" })

The default "select" action is to open the directory with :Telescope find_files. You can configure this behavior by setting on_select to a function with the signature: function(dir):

  cwd = "~/Projects/",
  prompt_title = "Projects",
  on_select = function(dir)
    vim.notify("You selected: " .. dir)
  -- on_select = vim.cmd.edit,  -- to open dir in netrw

Picker Options

These are the overrideable default picker configuration options:

local opts = {
  cwd = ".",
  prompt_title = "Pick a Directory",
  enable_preview = true,
  on_select = function(dir)
    require("telescope.builtin").find_files({ cwd = dir })


telescope-dirpicker.nvim comes with the following mappings:

Normal mode Insert mode Action
t <c-t> Change tab directory
l <c-l> Change buffer directory
c <c-c> Change global directory
e <c-e> Edit dir in default dir editor
d <c-d> Edit first search dir in default dir editor
b <c-b> Browse files in telescope