- GUI: add circuit list and allow adding circuits as components (partly done)
- GUI/DSPatch: forward between settings of circuits components and components settings!
- OPENLF: actually handle config hierarchy
- OPENLF: DspParameter - store origin (type?) so a _process can only set the settings it has itself modified
- GUI: fix circuit display glitches (list circuits, re-open/show already opened, unnamed entries)
- GUI: connectouttoin may remove other connections (only single input allowed!), sync this!
- CLIF: CLIF_LINK_LIBRARIES contains absolute paths! (e.g. hdf5)
- GUI: fix component deletion (segfaults in conn. delete (circuit already deleted?))
- OPENLF: operators macro: we get problems if output dim != input dim (on output[].create...)
- CLIF: keep roughly track of large data allocations (datastores) and flush to disk on some threshold
- CLIF: reimplement disk cache
- CLIF: clifview - more generic datastore display (make it a widget?) (partly done)
- CLIF: generic dimension handling (for attribute & datastore, hdf5 handling)
- CLIF: fix exposure/brightness scaling if no conversion happens
- OPENLF: update tutorial
- CLIF: change interna to clif::Mat
- CLIF: clif::Mat : call element destructors on delete for class elements
- CLIF: clif::Mat : create copy when generating a cv::Mat from a mmap'ed file?
- doc current Mac OSX homebrew Mac?: CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local/opt/qt5/lib/cmake/:/usr/local/opt/opencv3 LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib cmake .. LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib make
- CLIF: fix FNM_EXTMATCH for windows and OSX
- CLIF/OPENLF: proper cmake config generation (using find_package in config), similar to hdmarker/ucalib - use common cmake code base!
- CLIF: clif::Mat: fix cvMat if original data comes from cv::Mat (roundtrip cv->clif->cv!)
- CLIF: fix cache for re-used readImage img Matrix
- cliini: allow appending to cliargs (for multiple type files)
- CLIF/cliini: add --help to clis functions, via cliini
- CLIF: use "source" linking for default structures
- CLIF: dynamically derive various specific classes from clif (e.g intrinsics with calibration info - store in cache, delete when groups under some root change)
- CLIF: multi-channel calibration for checkerboard
- CLIF: fix overwerite of exisinstg files/stores/...
- OPENLF: store lib version in components
- OPENLF: dispatch: error handling for gml loading
- OPENLF: circuit viewer: call config at insert/load (show errors immediately)
- OPENLF: expose sub-circuit parameter via aliases
- OPENLF: fix small inconsitencies in gui
- OPENLF: ticking - execute on extra circuit(s), allowing viewing and inspecting executing and executed circuits in extra view(er)?
- OPENLF: circuit::clone - copy parameters in circuit!
- OPENLF: component clone don'ts set unset parameters! (use GetParaemter?)
- OPENLF/Write...: check if output dirctory exists and is writable
- OPENLF: cmake - don't add \Debug to release
- CLIF: clif-bin always truncate outout?
- CLIF: protect all hdf5 reads with omp pragma critical (hdf5)
- OPENLF: comp aliasung from sub (procepi2d) only works if sub-comp specififed via parameter first!
- DSPatch: integrate type system - only allow correctly typed settings and connections!
- COMP_Epi somhow directly store epi processing results in target FlexMav, avoiding one copy!
- GUI: popOut , popOut
- fitler/save only GML files
- use DspParaeter path/filepath (input/output)
- maybe add dspparameter flags?
- autouic not correctly called for at least ubuntu 14.04 uic lfcamconfigurator_linux.ui > ui_lfcamconfigurator_linux.h uic toolbox_ui.ui > ui_toolbox_ui.h
- DSPatch: save/load circuit positions (22.,23.10.15)
- GUI: name load actually with load (23.10.15)
- First load then save button (23.10.15)
- GUI: use circuit coordinates when creating gui and save them when moving components (22.,23.10.15)
- CLIF: on linking memory-only datastore will be lost (23.10.15)
- GUI: delete components and connections in gui! (24.10.15)
- OpenLF/DSPatch use compiled plugin structure (no headers) (25/26.10.15)
- CLIF: TEMP file handling under windows (26.10.15)
- CLIF: clifview: repair and get running on windows (26.10.15)
- build shared libs on linux (27.10.15)
- cannot load any more object with static TLS (ARGHH) (27.10.15 - fixed by changing Linux build to dlls)
- GUI: show error messages for components! (27.10.15)
- GUI: add circuit list and allow adding circuits as components (circuits loaded at startup show already up, 17.10.15)
- CLIF: datastore::link uses file name, not file path (which is unavailable for hdf5?!?) - move to ClifFile (28.10.15)
- CLIF: rewrite core to provide transparent multidimensional data handling throught clif::Datastore (28/29.19.15)
- CLIF: bin/clif: combine clif and ini import (atm clif attributes are lost?) 30.10.15
- fix windows build (30.10.15-2.11.15)
- CLIF: clifview - more generic datastore display (make it a widget?) (partly done 3.11.15)
- CLIF: clifview - windows - automatically show/select on dataset click! (fixed different - 3.11.15)
- CLIF: clifview - open store from cli (3.11.15)
- CLIF: scale range (4.11.15)
- CLIF: clifview - ipc file loading - use existing instance to show new clif files! (5.11.15)
- CLIF: remove temporary files after use! (6.11.15)
- HDMarker: deterministic threading results (10.11.15)
- CLIF: move attributes to dense storage (10.11.15)
- UCALIB: move calibration into dedicated library (13.11.15)
- HDMARKER: bayer pattern marker detection (18.11.15)
- CLIF/OPENLF: new Mat type (18-21.11.15)
- CLIF: use mmap for Mat read (18-21.11.15)
- CLIF: fix hdmarker storage (23.11.15)
- CLIF: fix vigra includes (once again) (23.11.15)
- CLFI/OPENLF: compiles on OSX (24.11.15)
- CLIF: support old hdf5/vigra versions (for ubuntu 14.04 lts)
- CLIF: soft and external links (25.11.15)
- CLIF; split dataset and datastore (26.11.15)
- OPENLF/DSPatch: add alias functionality (parameter forwarding for circuits, 27-28.11.15)
- OPENLF: add default parameter handling and resets (30.11.15)