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Create one named graph per data source.
- RIALTO namespace base (not resolvable): http://sul.stanford.edu/rialto/
- Organizations NS:
- People NS:
- Publications NS:
- Concepts NS:
- Grants NS:
- Context nodes:
- External:
- VIVO = Namespace("http://vivoweb.org/ontology/core#")
- OBO = Namespace("http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/")
- VCARD = Namespace("http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#")
- Organization Identifier == $.alias (string)
- RDF.type == FOAF.Agent, FOAF.Organization
- Organization URI == RIALTO organizations namespace + organization identifier
- Organization Alias == $.alias (string)
- Children == $.children (array of strings, identifiers for each child), mapped to OBO.BFO_0000051 for each child identifier as a child organization URI
- Organization Name == $.name (string), mapped to SKOS.prefLabel & RDFS.label as a Literal
- Organization Codes == $.orgCodes (array of strings), mapped to DCTERMS.identifier as a Literal
- Parent == $.parent (string, identifier for parent), mapped to OBO.BFO_0000050 for parent identifier as a parent organization URI
- Organization Types == $.type
- Based on $.type
- "DEPARTMENT": RDF.type, VIVO.Department
- "DIVISION": RDF.type, VIVO.Division
- "ROOT": RDF.type, VIVO.University (Always Stanford University)
- "SCHOOL": VIVO.School
- Person Identifier == $.profileId (string)
- RDF.type == FOAF.Agent, FOAF.Person
- Person URI == RIALTO people namespace + person identifier
- Person Label ==
$.names.preferred.firstName (string) + " " + $ .names.preferred.middleName (string) + " " + $.names.preferred.lastName (string), mapped to SKOS.prefLabel & VCARD.fn as a Literal - Person Name URI == RIALTO names namespace (in contexts) + person identifier
- Person Name
- Person URI VCARD.hasName Person Name URI .
- Person URI RDF.type, VCARD.Name .
- Person Name URI VCARD.given-name $.names.preferred.firstName (string) .
- Person Name URI VCARD.middle-name $.names.preferred.middleName (string) .
- Person Name URI VCARD.family-name $.names.preferred.lastName (string).
- Person Affiliation:
- if
$.affiliations.capPhdStudent (Boolean) == True or $ .affiliations.capMsStudent (Boolean) == True or $.affiliations.capMdStudent (Boolean) == True: Person URI RDF.type VIVO.Student - if $.affiliations.capFaculty (Boolean) == True: Person URI RDF.type VIVO.FacultyMember
- if
$.affiliations.capFellow (Boolean) == True or $ .affiliations.capResident (Boolean) == True or $.affiliations.capPostdoc (Boolean) == True: Person URI RDF.type VIVO.NonFacultyAcademic - if
$.affiliations.physician (Boolean) == True or $ .affiliations.capStaff (Boolean) == True: Person URI RDF.type VIVO.NonAcademic - Ignoring
$.affiliations.capRegistry & $ .affiliations.capOther at present
- if
- Person Biograph: Person URI VIVO.overview $.bio.text (Literal)
- Person address: if $.contacts.type == "academic":
- Person Address URI: RIALTO Address NS (contexts) + person identifier
- Person VCARD.hasAddress Person Address URI .
- Person Address URI RDF.type, VCARD.Address .
- Person Address URI VCARD.street-address $.contacts.address (Literal)
- Person Address URI VCARD.locality $.contacts.city (Literal)
- Person Address URI VCARD.region $.contacts.state (Literal)
- Person Address URI VCARD.postal-code $.contacts.zip (Literal)
- Address URI DCTERMS.spatial country_uri (Geonames lookup based on $.contacts.zip)
- Address URI VCARD.country-name Name (Literal, from Geonames lookup based on $.contacts.zip)
- Person Address URI: RIALTO Address NS (contexts) + person identifier
- Department (Organization) URI: use Department label for Organization lookup in CAP data (above) using $.contacts.department (Literal for lookup, URI for end value)
- Person Position URI: Positions context URI + Person ID + Position Label (+ Date...?)
- Person Position URI RDF.type VIVO.Position .
- Person URI VIVO.relatedBy Person Position URI .
- Person Position URI RDFS.label $.contacts.position (Literal, above) .
- Person Position URI VIVO.relates Department (Organization) URI .
- for each advisee in $.advisees :
- Advisee URI: RIALTO People NS + $advisees.advisee.profileId
- Advisee URI RDF.type FOAF.Agent, FOAF.Person
- Advisee Name URI: RIALTO Names NS (contexts) + advisee ID
- Advisee Name URI VCARD.fn $.advisees.advisee.label.text
- Advisee URI VCARD.hasName Advisee Name URI .
- Advisee Name URI RDF.type VCARD.Name .
- Advisee Name URI VCARD.given-name $.advisees.advisee.firstName .
- Advisee Name URI VCARD.family-name $.advisees.advisee.lastName .
- Relationship URI: Relationship NS (contexts) + Advisee ID + "_" + Person URI
- Relationship URI RDF.type VIVO.AdvisingRelationship .
- Advisor Role URI: Roles NS (contexts) + "AdvisorRole"
- Advisor Role URI RDF.type VIVO.AdvisorRole
- Advisee Role URI: Roles NS (contexts) + "AdviseeRole"
- Advisee Role URI RDF.type VIVO.AdviseeRole
- Person URI VIVO.relatedBy Relationship URI
- Advisee URI VIVO.relatedBy Relationship URI
- Relationship URI VIVO.relates Person URI
- Relationship URI VIVO.relates Advisee URI
- Person URI OBO.RO_0000053 Advisor Role URI
- Advisor Role URI OBO.RO_0000052 Person URI
- Advisee URI OBO.RO_0000053 Advisee Role URI
- Advisee Role URI OBO.RO_0000052 Advisee URI
- Advisee URI: RIALTO People NS + $advisees.advisee.profileId
- For keyword in $.keywords:
- Keyword URI: lookup in ?? (wikidata? lc subjects?) based on $.keywords.keyword (with whitespace stripped):
- Keyword URI RDF.type SKOS.Concept
- Keyword Label RDFS.label Literal ($.keywords.keyword)
- Person URI VIVO.hasResearchArea Keyword URI
- For organization in $.organizations:
- Organization Label $.organizations.organization.label.text
- Organization URI: lookup for current organizations (from CAP) based on Label (or ID?)
- Organization ID: Retrieved from lookup for Organization URI
- Position URI: Positions namespace (context) + Affiliation + _ + Organization ID + "_" + Person ID
- Position URI RDF.type VIVO.Position
- Person URI VIVO.relatedBy Position URI
- Organization URI VIVO.relatedBy Position URI
- Position URI VIVO.relates Organization URI
- Position URI VIVO.relates Person URI
- Position URI RDFS.label $.organizations.organization.affiliation (Literal)
- Position URI DCTERMS.date "unknown/2018-08" (Literal) (presuming this is current position)
- Position URI VIVO.hrJobTitle $.primaryContact.title
- Person URI VCARD.hasEmail $.primaryContact.email
Identifier ==
(string) -
URI == RIALTO publication namespace + (md5-hashed) publication identifier
RDF type == map value of
to document type mapping (see below) -
Abstract == if value of
is 1, grab$.static_data.fullrecord_metadata.abstracts.abstract.abstract_text.p
(because string), else loop over$.static_data.fullrecord_metadata.abstracts.abstract.abstract_text.p
(because array) and build up a string using concatenation (in array order) -
DOI ==
. failing that,$.dynamic_data.cluster_related.identifiers.identifier[?(@.type=='xref_doi')].value
Title ==
Date of Creation ==
Identifier ==
Journal issue ==
Publisher ==
Subject == Send strings from
along with a string representing the source (Web of Science) to the RIALTO entity resolver, and use the returned URIs -
Sponsor == Send grant ID strings from
to the RIALTO entity resolver. Note that the.grant
node may be either an object or an array, and thegrant_id
node may be either a string or an array. (There are four different possibilities that your JSON Path will need to accommodate.) Use the returned URIs, or create new ones -
Funded by == TBD, requires integration with SeRA source data
Author == TBD, requires integration with Profiles source data
- Profiles-confirmed == TBD
Editor == TBD, requires integration with Profiles source data
- Profiles-confirmed == TBD
Same as == ???
Alternative title == ???
Cites == ???
Description == ???
Has instrument == ???
Link == ???
WoS document types are from https://images.webofknowledge.com/images/help/WOK/hs_document_types.html
WoS type | RIALTO type |
Abstract | http://vivoweb.org/ontology/core#Abstract |
Article | http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/Article |
Book | http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/Book |
Data Set | http://vivoweb.org/ontology/core#Dataset |
Patent | http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/Patent |
Report | http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/Report |
Standard | http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/Standard |
Thesis/Dissertation | http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/Thesis |
Other | http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/Document |
Map to http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/Document if nothing better?
- Art and Literature
- Bibliography
- Biography
- Case Report
- Clinical Trial
- Correction
- Data Paper
- Data Study
- Editorial
- Government Publication
- Legislation
- Letter
- Meeting
- News
- Reference Material
- Repository
- Retracted Publication
- Retraction
- Review
- Case Study
- Catalog
- Clinical Guideline
- Conference Poster
- Manual
- Manuscript
- Research Proposal
- Score
- Screenplay
- Slideshow
- Speech
- Translation
- Webpage
- Working paper