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In-Depth Usage Guide

This document discusses in depth how to use each feature of this framework.

Stated more informally, this document just talks about the classes and things that you get by importing this framework. If you read through this entire document, you should have a good understanding of how each of the types are meant to be used and how they work together.

Note: as I'm writing this right now, there aren't docstrings for every function or type defined by this framework. This is definitely subject to change. Eventually, there should be docstrings for everything.


This section talks about the types (classes and interfaces) that this framework provides.


Every genetic algorithm (or at least the ones implemented using this framework) have some sort of "population". This "population" consists of a bunch of pieces of data and all of these have "genes" (hence "genetic"). This framework calls these "organisms". The Organism interface represents this concept.

The Organism interface is pretty simple. There are two instance variables.

  • genes: this variable can be any type. This is probably usually an object or at least an array. I think better designs will define genes to be an object or array.

  • mutationChance: the mutation chance for each gene. I recommend setting this to a value between 0 and 1 to properly represent a probability. This makes it easier to work with later in the mutate function. For example:

    const shouldMutate = Math.random() < organism.shouldMutate


    const shouldMutate = Math.random() > (1 - organism.shouldMutate)

    are marginally simpler than something like this (where mutation rate is between 1 and 100):

    const shouldMutate = (Math.random() * 100) > organism.shouldMutate

This value is usually used in the mutate function to decide whether a single gene should mutate. You can read more about the design rationale for this variable here.

Genetic Algorithm Model

The Terrarium framework was implemented in a way that hopefully makes it more able to integrate with model-view-controller design (MVC). If you don't know what MVC is, there is plenty of information on the internet.

The GeneticAlgorithmModel interface should represent the "model" in MVC terms. It kind of represents the state of the system at any given moment, and I think that's all it should ever represent.

Right now, it has three instance variables:

  • populationSize: this is used to generate the population. This one doesn't really need any other clarification. It's the number of organisms that will exist in the system. It's a hyperparamter for creating the system. Maybe it could eventually be removed because it feels like something that can probably just be stored in the GeneticAlgorithm class.
  • generation: this is the number of the current generation. It's pretty straightforward. This is increased by 1 each time the algorithm progresses to the next generation.
  • population: this is the real meat of this model. This is an array of the organisms that live in the genetic algorithm.
  • frameCountSinceGenStart: this is a number that counts how many frames have occured since the current generation started.


This class should be your main interface with the framework. Don't expect any major support for interacting with the framework by circumventing this class.

It's a wrapper around the GeneticAlgorithmModel interface basically. There's a few other things that I'll discuss, but that's how I think of it. It handles things that are outside the scope of the model itself. I think it can kind of be thought of as the controller in MVC. Input should come in through this class and then it should do things to the model if that's appropriate.

This is really the one thing that needs the most documentation, so this section is going to be pretty long. I'm gonna talk about all of the methods and instance variables that it has and then I'll talk about how to use it.

Since it's kind of hard to organize the data that's contained in this class, I'm going to kind of just talk about the class free-form and make sure to cover everything at least once.

The constructor is obviously the entry point for this function. It's kind of an init function for the whole genetic algorithm. Here are the parameters it expects:

  • createOrganism: user-defined method that has no inputs and should return an object of type Organism. This is used by the class to initialize the first generation of the genetic algorithm. It may also be used in the future to add reset functionality to this class.
  • stepFunction: user-defined method that takes a GeneticAlgorithmModel as an input and returns nothing. It makes changes to the GeneticAlgorithmModel in-place. On the backend, the GeneticAlgorithm class runs the model through this function every frame.
  • shouldProgressGeneration: user-defined method that takes a model as an input and returns a boolean. Refer to this image for a better understanding. This is the function that checks if it's time to move to the next generation. You can probably figure out how to use it better if you take a look at some of the examples. The user can define this however they want and the GeneticAlgorithm class will handle the rest.
  • produceNextGeneration: user-defined method that takes a model as an input and returns a new model. The population field of the model it returns should represent the population of the new generation. It is highly recommended to just use the default. The default is pretty good. It increases the generation by one and then finds the two most fit parents (with the user-defined fitness function) and then performs crossover and the mutation. This is pretty standard for genetic algorithms I think. This function is called when shouldProgressGeneration returns true.
  • calculateFitness: user-defined method that takes a single organism as input and returns a number that represents the fitness of the organism. Generally, you should write this function so that higher fitness means the organism is more fit for creating offspring. If you use the default produceNextGeneration function, it will find two parents according to the two organisms with the highest fitness. You are completely able to write a function where smaller is better, but that means you either have to add a negative sign to the value before the function returns or you have to write your own produceNextGeneration function that takes this into account.
  • crossover: user-defined method that takes two parents (of type Organism) and returns an offspring organism. The user has to define this because there's really no way for the framework to figure out how to combine two organisms. I encourage putting some logic in this function to make sure the organism that the function returns is congruent with both of the parents. You probably don't want your offspring to have a few more or a few less genes than the parents. This is obviously also something that the user has to define because it would be very difficult (and not even completely robust) for the framework to try and do this congruency check itself. By default, this function is leveraged by the produceNextGeneration function, but if you define your own function for that, then you have to be sure to call the crossover function.
  • mutate: user-defined method that takes a single organism as input and returns the mutated organism. This should leverage the mutationChance instance variable of the Organism type. This function has some similarities with the crossover function. You should check for congruency between the input organism and the output organism. This function is also called by default in the produceNextGeneration function, so if you aren't using the default, you should make sure to call this function in your version. Mutation is very necessary for an ecosystem to progress. crossover can only go so far. If you know how gradient descent works, you can think of a 0 mutation chance genetic algorithm that has converged because of crossover just like a gradient descent algorithm that is stuck in a local minimum. Maybe an absolute minimum is right next door, but you'd never know if you didn't push the algorithm to do a little bit of exploration.
  • shouldTerminate: user-defined method that takes a model as its only parameter and returns a boolean that represents a yes-or-no answer to the question, "should this genetic algorithm keep running". If you want it to run forever, this can be as simple as return true;. If you are using a genetic algorithm to solve something like the traveling salesman problem, then you'll probably want to "arrive" at a solution at some point. In the same way you could theoretically train a neural network for an infinite amount of time, you could just let the genetic algorithm run forever. With neural networks, often, you might define a convergence point where if your improvements over a training epoch are smaller than some number N, you just stop training. The same logic can be applied to genetic algorithms.

So those are all of the user-defined methods. That's the real meat of the framework. It consumes those and puts them together so the user doesn't have to worry about it at all. Later in these docs, I'll discuss exactly how the GeneticAlgorithm class brings everything together.

There is one more parameter that you can pass to the constructor: populationSize. This value defaults to 50. As I'll discuss in a second, the constructor creates an empty model and populates it and this populationSize value is passed directly to that object. In a more standard implementation, this value represents the number of organisms that exist in your ecosystem. In code terms, it's basically the length of the population array. It's theoretically possible to implement a produceNextGeneration function that doesn't use the populationSize value to generate a new population. However, that's probably a very rare use case. Most users of this framework will probably use the default produceNextGeneration and the same number of organisms will exist during the entire length of a generation. In those cases, the populationSize is the length of the population array. If the user uses the default produceNextGeneration but changes the number of organisms in the population during a generation, then the framework can only guarantee that the populationSize is the number of organisms that exist at the beginning of each generation. If they don't use the default produceNextGeneration function and they change the number of organisms during a generation, then the populationSize value may be completely meaningless.

Now that we've covered every single parameter that the constructor gets, I'll discuss exactly what happens when the constructor runs. Obviously, this is all documented in code, but it's worth discussing in plain english as well in case comments aren't sufficient.

As I mentioned previously, the constructor immediately creates an empty GeneticAlgorithmModel object. It has an empty population, a generation set to 0, and a populationSize of whatever you gave it in the parameters.

I considered having some sort of input validation for all of the parameters, but I figured that would constrain the user too much considering the fact that even when using the framework, the user is still doing like 40-60% of the work.

It then saves all of the user-defined functions in the this object for use later.

It initializes a new variable: isRunning. This value represents whether or not the genetic algorithm is running. More specifically, the stepFunction won't run repeatedly if this value is false.

The constructor then populations the this.model.population array. It leverages the createOrganism function you just gave it to create a number of organisms equal to populationSize.

Note: isRunning is false at the end of the constructor, which means the genetic algorithm doesn't start progressing until you tell it to.

That's everything the constructor does.

The next thing to discuss are the four very simple class methods:

  • step(): runs every frame and handles the "game loop" sorta stuff. Tt immediately checks if the genetic algorithm should terminate. If the answer is yes, then it checks if it should progress to the next generation. If the answer is yes, it produces a new generation and continues with the rest of the function. The last thing it does is check if isRunning is true and if it is, it calls the user-defined stepFunction and then calls the next class method I will discuss: next.
  • next(): this one might seem kind of weird, but it's super simple and should kinda make intuitive sense. It might not though because I know next() is kind of a reserved word for linked-lists. I knew I would be calling requestAnimationFrame a bunch in this class and I wanted to make that pretty easy and kind of abstract that away so the code was cleaner. The next function just makes a requestAnimationFrame call where the callback is an arrow function that runs this.step(), which I just discussed.
  • play(): exactly what it sounds like. This "plays" the genetic algorithm. In more concrete terms, it sets isRunning to true and then bootstraps the game loop again by calling next(). As I mentioned before, the constructor DOES NOT start the genetic algorithm. Your code has to call this function at some point to start running the genetic algorithm.
  • pause(): also exactly what it sounds like. This just sets isRunning to false.

That's everything. You probably already noticed the framework is like 150 lines of code. It's pretty simple. Honestly, you could probably just learn the framework by reading the code just as fast as you can learn it by reading this documentation.

Good luck!

If you have any questions, you can find my contact information on my website. Please don't hesitate to reach out!