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Releases: statelyai/xstate


30 Nov 15:44
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  • 🐌 If a subscriber/listener subscribes to a service that is already running, it will now receive the current state upon subscription. #814
  • 🆙 The new escalate() action creator escalates custom error events to a parent machine, which can catch those in the onError transition:
import { createMachine, actions } from 'xstate';
const { escalate } = actions;

const childMachine = createMachine({
  // ...
  // This will be sent to the parent machine that invokes this child
  entry: escalate({ message: 'This is some error' })

const parentMachine = createMachine({
  // ...
  invoke: {
    src: childMachine,
    onError: {
      actions: (context, event) => {
        //  {
        //    type: ...,
        //    data: {
        //      message: 'This is some error'
        //    }
        //  }
  • ❓ You can now specify undefined as the first argument for machine.transition(...), which will default to the initial state:
lightMachine.transition(undefined, 'TIMER').value;
// => 'yellow'
  • 🤝 Services (invoked machines) are now fully subscribable and can interop with libraries that implement TC39 Observbles like RxJS. See for more info.

  • 🆔 When a service is invoked, it has a uniquely generated sessionId, which corresponds to _sessionid in SCXML. This ID is now available directly on the state object to identify which service invocation the state came from: state._sessionid #523

  • ⚙️ The original config object passed to Machine(config) (or createMachine(config)) is now the exact same object reference in the resulting machine.config property.

  • 🎰 The createMachine() factory function now exists and is largely the same as Machine(), except with a couple differences:

    • The generic type signature is <TContext, TEvent, TState> instead of <TContext, TStateSchema, TEvent>.
    • There is no third argument for specifying an initial context. Use .withContext(...) on the machine or return a machine with the expected context in a factory instead.
  • 🛑 Event sent to a stopped service will no longer execute any actions, nor have any effect. #735

  • 🚸 The invoked actors are now directly available on state.children.

  • ✍️ Plain strings can now be logged in the log() action creator:

entry: log('entered here', 'some label')
const quietMachine = Machine({
  id: 'quiet',
  initial: 'idle',
  states: {
    idle: {
      on: {
        WHISPER: undefined,
        // On any event besides a WHISPER, transition to the 'disturbed' state
        '*': 'disturbed'
    disturbed: {}

quietMachine.transition(quietMachine.initialState, 'WHISPER');
// => State { value: 'idle' }

quietMachine.transition(quietMachine.initialState, 'SOME_EVENT');
// => State { value: 'disturbed' }


12 Jul 20:08
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  • A regression in the new stateUtils.ts file caused a bundling failure; this is now fixed.


12 Jul 20:08
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  • A configuration change that included testing files as an included path in tsconfig.json was reverted.


12 Jul 20:07
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  • The service.children property of interpreter instances is now marked as public.
  • An improved algorithm for determining state nodes on a transition fixed #518. This algorithm will eventually replace the current one, while maintaining the same behavior.
  • spawn() is now typed correctly. #521


02 Jul 17:05
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  • 🔭 Actors that are synced (with { sync: true }) will have their updates reflected as state.changed === true.
  • 📻 This also goes for manual updates (via sendParent(actionTypes.update)), when actors are not synced.


  • 🤦‍♂ @vuepress/plugin-google-analytics was accidentally specified as a dependency and not a devDependency. This is fixed. XState will always be dependency-free.


26 Jun 17:22
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  • 🔧 This PR contains a fix for #509, where services were converted to (more limited) actors. The limitation was unnecessary, and caused some bugs. Those bugs are now fixed without removing any functionality.


19 Jun 12:52
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  • 🎭 Machines can now keep in sync with spawned child machines when setting spawn(..., { sync: true }) (false by default). This means that the parent machine will receive a special "xstate.update" action with the updated actor state and the actor ID:
// ...
actions: assign({
  myTodo: spawn(todoMachine, { sync: true }) // keeps myTodo.state in sync
// ...

This will keep sync with the referenced actor's state, by mutating the actorRef.state property with the new actor state. When doing change detection, do not rely on actorRef to change - that will always stay constant (unless reassigned). Instead, keep a previous reference to its state and compare it:

const state = currentState.context.myTodo.state;

// ... assume an "xstate.update" event was sent

const nextState = currentState.context.myTodo.state;

state === nextState;
// => false

⚠️ Also, be careful when using { sync: true } because an "xstate.update" event will occur for every single state transition in every spawned actor, which will make the service more "chatty". Always prefer explicit updates.


  • ⚙️ machine.withContext() now internally uses original config, not machine definition. #491


  • 🤝 xstate is now a peer dependency.


  • 🤖 You can now specify machine config directly in useMachine(...) options:
const [current, send] = useMachine(someMachine, {
  actions: {
    doThing: doTheThing
  services: {/* ... */},
  guards: {/* ... */},
  // ... etc.


28 May 21:57
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  • 🎭 Support for actors (read up on the Actor model has landed! Actors are dynamic entities that can send and receive messages from each other, spawn other actors, and only modify their own local state. This is a great model for communicating state machines. Think of it like services but dynamic (same implementation!).

Read the docs 📖 on actors.

const todoMachine = Machine({
  id: 'todo',
  // ...

const todosMachine = Machine({
  id: 'todos',
  context: {
    todos: []
  // ...
  on: {
    'TODOS.ADD': {
      actions: assign({
        todos: (ctx, e) => [
          { data:, ref: spawn(todoMachine) }
      actions: send('COMPLETE', {
        to: (ctx, e) => ctx.todos
          .find(todo => ===


  • 🔵 Observables can now be invoked (or spawned):
import { interval } from 'rxjs';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
// ...

const intervalMachine = Machine({
  id: 'interval',
  context: { value: 1000 },
  invoke: {
    src: (context) => interval(context.value)
      .pipe(map(n => ({ type: 'UPDATE', value: n })))
  on: {
    UPDATE: { /* ... */ }
  // ...
const service = interpret(machine).start();

// Subscribe to state transitions
const sub = service.subscribe(state => {

// Stop subscribing
  • 💥 For executing custom actions, service.execute(...) can now be configured dynamically with custom action implementations:
const alertMachine = Machine({
  id: 'alert',
  context: { message: '' },
  states: { /* ... */ },
  on: {
    NOTIFY: { actions: 'alert' }

const service = interpret(alertMachine, { execute: false })
  .onTransition(state => {
    // execute with custom action
    service.execute(state, {
      alert: (context) => AlertThing.showCustomAlert(context.message)

// => shows custom alert
  • 🎯 The send() action creator now supports target expressions for its to option:
// string target 
send('SOME_EVENT', { to: (ctx, e) => });

// reference target
send('SOME_EVENT', { to: (ctx, e) => ctx.someActorRef });
  • 💧 New action creator: pure() allows you to specify a function that returns one or more action objects. The only rule is that this action creator must be pure (hence the name) - no executed side-effects must occur in the function passed to pure():
// Assign and do some other action
actions: pure((ctx, e) => {
  return [
    assign({ foo: }),
    { type: 'anotherAction', value: }

Fixes and enhancements

  • ⚠️ Warnings are now only displayed when not in production mode.
  • 🚥 Services that are started will now not have any unintended side-effects if .start() is called again.
  • 🕳 Transitions for deep flat parallel state value now resolve as expected (thanks @Andarist for the test) #458 #465
  • ❗️ The service.state and service.initialState are now always defined on an Interpreter (service) instance, which should fix some tiny React hook issues.
  • 🔍 Destructuring { matches } from a State instance will no longer lose its this reference, thanks to @farskid #- #440
  • ❓ A service creator that returns undefined will no longer crash the service. #430 #431


13 Apr 02:53
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  • 📬 Sending events with payloads to running services just got a lot easier. You can now specify two arguments:
    • eventType (string)
    • payload (object)
service.send('EVENT', { foo: 'bar' });

// equivalent to...
service.send({ type: 'EVENT', foo: 'bar' });

This is similar to how Vuex allows you to send events. #408

  • ➕ You can now send batch events in a running service:
  'SOME_EVENT', // simple events
  { type: 'YET_ANOTHER_EVENT', data: [1, 2, 3] } // event objects

Actions from each state will be bound to a snapshot of their state at the time of their creation, and execution is deferred until all events are processed (in essentially zero-time). #409

  • 🚪 To avoid confusion, onEntry and onExit have been aliased to entry and exit, respectively:
// ...
- onEntry: 'doSomething',
+ entry: 'doSomething',
- onExit: 'doSomethingElse',
+ exit: 'doSomethingElse'

The onEntry and onExit properties still work, and are not deprecated in this major version.

  • 🗺 Instead of just true or false for the activities mapping in State objects, a truthy activity actually gives you the full activity definition.
  • ⏱ Proper scheduler work eliminates many edge-cases and issues with sync/async event processing, thanks to @jjkola #392
  • 🤐 Thanks to @johnyanarella, invoking promises will work with promise-like values in case non-native promises are used. #415 #417
  • 👩‍🏫 The Interpreter class is exposed in the main exports.
  • 🆕 New package: @xstate/immer coming soon! More info on this 🔜



29 Mar 02:01
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  target: 'searching',
  // Custom guard object
  cond: {
    type: 'searchValid',
    minQueryLength: 3
    states: {
      green: {
        after: {
          // after 1 second, transition to yellow
          LIGHT_DELAY: 'yellow'
// ...
// Machine options
    // String delays configured here
    delays: {
      LIGHT_DELAY: (ctx, e) => {
        return ctx.trafficLevel === 'low' ? 1000 : 3000;
      YELLOW_LIGHT_DELAY: 500 // static value
  • ⚛️ New package: @xstate/react provides you the useMachine hook from the docs. Read the README 📘
import { useMachine } from '@xstate/react';
import { myMachine } from './myMachine';

export const App = () => {
  const [current, send] = useMachine(myMachine);

  // ...
  • 🔧 Redux DevTools now defaults to false in the console, in order to prevent random crashes of the extension. To activate it, set { devTools: true } in the interpreter options:
// default: { devTools: false }
interpret(machine, { devTools: true });
  • ⏹ Activities are no longer started in transient states. This is because transient states are essentially zero-time, since statecharts should transition to the resolved state immediately, so the activities would be started and stopped in the same microstep anyway.
  • 🐛 nextEvents will now be properly populated in State objects when transitioning from a state value rather than an existing State object (or when restoring a saved state).
  • ℹ️ Action implementations can now read the current state (this should not be a common use-case):
actions: {
  log: (ctx, e, { action, state }) => {
    console.log(state); // logs the State instance
  • ⬆️ TypeScript version bumped up to 3.3.3333
  • ❌ Ever experience those annoying errors about sending events to an uninitialized service? Maybe you forgot to .start it, or maybe you know it will be initialized and something out of your control (e.g., React's rendering) initializes the service right after you send an event to it. Now, events are deferred by default and will queue up in the uninitialized service until the service is .start()-ed... and then the events are processed. A warning will still show up to let you know that the service wasn't initialized.
    • If you prefer the original behavior, set interpret(machine, { deferEvents: false }) in the interpreter options.
  • 🚥 Services will now resolve the State (or state value) that they are started with, which means you can:
// Start a service from a restored state
someService.start(State.from({ bar: 'baz' }))

// Or from a plain state value
someService.start({ bar: 'baz' });

// Even if the state value is unresolved!
// (assume 'baz' is the initial state of 'bar')
someService.start('bar'); // resolves to State.from({ bar: 'baz' })
  • 📊State changes now properly detect context changes. #397
  • 🔃 Relative child transitions that are external ({ internal: false }) now properly exit and reenter the parent state before transitioning to the child state; .e.g, { target: '.child', internal: false } will now behave like { target: 'parent.child' }. #376
  • ⌛️ Delayed transitions are now properly canceled after a service is stopped.
  • ➕ An awesome React calculator demo based on the original calculator statechart by Ian Horrocks was added to the docs. Thanks, Mukesh Soni!
  • 🙏 If an invoked Promise throws, it will only send an event if the Promise wasn't canceled. #379