A simulator to find desired wheeltorque curves for vehicles
The GUI is now ready-ish for testing! run it by invoking
$ python flaskpage.py
Then point your browser to, fill in the boxes and click run to see your result. It requires many libraries, mainly on the Python side, if you get some errors try:
pip install numpy scipy flask matplotlib
Replace pip with conda if you are of that persuasion. Might require new-ish Python version also, 3.8 or newer. Please post any bugs/issues you find as comments to this repo :)
The Python code is now quite fast thanks to @vakuj and some assistance from @najmehabiri, resulting in:
NP: 0.1813 s
Vanilla: 0.1791 s
MATLAB: 0.3651 s
Gradient: 0.0175 s
See if you can beat that on an average of 10 runs Simon.
JSON reference files are now slightly ill formatted and need to be regenerated. Would be happy to get my hands on some more torque curves for EVs!