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Challenge 2: OAuth 2 Implicit Flow

Here is what you'll learn 🎯

  • How to register an Azure AD application and allow the OAuth2 Implicit Grant Flow
  • How to register an Azure AD application and expose an API with OAuth2 permissions
  • How to authenticate an user and start an OAuth2 implicit flow to acquire an access token for the API

:::warning The Implicit Grant Flow is less secure than the Code Grant Flow. This is because the generation of the access_token for accessing the user's data on a resource server (e.g., the Graph API), is completely happening on the front channel. However, as the flow completely happens in the browser, it is suited for applications that do not have a server backend (e.g., 100% JS-based SPA). :::

Table Of Contents

  1. Create an Azure AD Application and enable Implicit Grant Flow
  2. Create an Azure AD Application and expose an API with OAuth2 Permissions
  3. Run the Token Echo Server
  4. Create the Request to directly acquire an access_token for the Microsoft Graph API
  5. Wrap-Up
  6. Cleanup

Create an Azure AD Application and enable Implicit Grant Flow

Before you can authenticate an user and acquire an access token for the API you must register an application in your Azure AD tenant. By default the Implicit Grant Flow for issuing access tokens is disabled.

Azure CLI

First, create a new Azure AD Application, this time with oauth2-allow-implicit-flow enabled:

az ad app create --display-name challengeimplicitgrant --web-redirect-uris http://localhost:5001/api/tokenechofragment --identifier-uris --enable-id-token-issuance true --enable-access-token-issuance true

Replace TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME with the domain name of your Azure AD instance again. As before, note down the appId. Next, retrieve and note the ID of your current Azure AD tenant via:

az account show

Create an Azure AD Application and expose an API with OAuth2 Permissions

In this sample we create an API that exposes four OAuth2 permissions:

  • Contacts.Read
  • Contacts.Create
  • Contacts.Update
  • Contacts.Delete

Azure CLI

First, create a new Azure AD application and write the output to a variable:

az ad app create --display-name challengeimplicitgrantapi --identifier-uris https://TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME/challengeimplicitgrantapi

Replace TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME with the domain name of your Azure AD instance again.

Now you need to add your own OAuth2 permissions. This we will do manually in the Azure portal. Navigate there. Under Azure Active Directory --> App registrations find the challengeimplicitgrantapi.

There navigate to Expose an API and add four scopes.

Select + Add a Scope.

API Permissions

Enter the following information for the new Scope:

Name Value
Scope name Contacts.Update
Who can consent? Admins and users
Admin consent display name Update contacts
Admin consent description Allows the app to update contacts for the signed-in user
User consent display name Update contacts
User consent description Allows the app to update your contacts
State Enabled

Select Add scope.

API Permissions

Do the same for 3 more scopes.

Name Value
Scope name Contacts.Delete
Who can consent? Admins and users
Admin consent display name Delete contacts
Admin consent description Allows the app to delete contacts for the signed-in user
User consent display name Delete contacts
User consent description Allows the app to delete your contacts
State Enabled
Name Value
Scope name Contacts.Create
Who can consent? Admins and users
Admin consent display name Create contacts
Admin consent description Allows the app to create contacts for the signed-in user
User consent display name Create contacts
User consent description Allows the app to create your contacts
State Enabled
Name Value
Scope name Contacts.Read
Who can consent? Admins and users
Admin consent display name Read contacts
Admin consent description Allows the app to read contacts for the signed-in user
User consent display name Read contacts
User consent description Allows the app to read your contacts
State Enabled

The permissions should look like this: API Permissions

In Azure AD an Application is something like a template with all necessary settings like ReplyUrl, required permissions, OAuth2 Permissions etc. When a user logs in for the first time and grants consent, an instance of the application is created. The instance is called a Service Principal. All created Service principals can be found in your Azure AD under Enterprise Applications. As no user ever logs on to an API we must create the Service Principal for the API.

az ad sp create --id <API_APP_ID>

Run the Token Echo Server

Open another shell and run the Token Echo Server from day5/apps/token-echo-server in this repository. This helper ASP.NET Core tool is used to echo the token issued by your AAD. The tool is listening on port 5001 on your local machine. Tokens are accepted on the route http://localhost:5001/api/tokenechofragment. That's the reason why we initially registered an AAD application with a reply url pointing to http://localhost:5001/api/tokenechofragment.

Run the application via:

dotnet run

Create the Request to directly acquire an access_token for the Microsoft Graph API

We can directly request an access_token by specifying token in the response_type field. Adding token will allow our app to receive an access_token immediately from the authorize endpoint without having to make a second request to the token endpoint. If you use the token in response_type, the scope parameter must contain a scope indicating which resource to issue the token for.

Replace TENANT_ID with your AAD Tenant Id and APPLICATION_ID with your Application Id (this is the id that you received when you created the first application). Replace TENANT_DOMAIN with the name of your Azure AD instance and make sure not to temper with the masking. Open a browser and paste the request:

After executing the request and you have signed in, Azure AD shows you a consent page and you have to grant access for the requested API permissions. After giving consent, have a look at your browser's address bar. The access_token is in the fragment of the url and should look something like this:


Make sure to only copy the access_token, not the full remainder of the string!

Go to, paste the token and have a look at the decoded token. You will see that there is issued an additional claim scp. This claim contains all OAuth2Permissions the user gave consent to.

More details on how the OAuth2 Implicit Grant Flow request can be used is documented here.


This challenge showed how to create a new application in AAD and use the OAuth 2.0 Implicit Grant Flow to request an access token for accessing the Graph API. The full process is described here.


Remove the created resources via the Azure CLI:

az ad app delete --id <APP_ID>
az ad app delete --id <API_APP_ID>

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