Within this repository, you'll find an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) pipeline designed for the retrieval of Sentinel imagery.
The pipeline seamlessly processes Sentinel data, executing essential transformations.
Leveraging the ODATA protocol, it efficiently downloads Sentinel images from the dataspace.copernicus.eu
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/solo2307/etl-sentinel-imagery.git
cd etl-sentinel-imagery
- Create mamba environemt and install requierments from yaml file
mamba env create -f environment.yaml
Note: To install mamba please visit - https://mamba.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation/mamba-installation.html
- Create and add credentials to
file. CopernicusHub username and password.Please create an account in https://dataspace.copernicus.eu/:- COPERNICUSHUB_API_URL=https://catalogue.dataspace.copernicus.eu/odata/v1
- COPERNICUSHUB_API_ID=your_user_name
- COPERNICUSHUB_API_SECRET=your_user_password
- Configure Area of Interest to retrieve from Copernicus in
. Furthermore, for Sentinel-2, there is an option to retrieve data based on the tile_id.
# AOI acquisition and preprocessing descriptor parameters.
aoi: data/aoi.geojson
crs: epsg:4326
global_dataset: data/area/s2_tiles.csv
tile_ids: []
- Set up credentials for the Copernicus Data Space Catalogue and configure image acquisitions.
# CopernicusHub credentials and Sentinel imagery configurations
# CopernicusHub API credentials
api_url: ${oc.env:COPERNICUSHUB_API_URL}
api_id: ${oc.env:COPERNICUSHUB_API_ID}
api_secret: ${oc.env:COPERNICUSHUB_API_SECRET}
# Image acquisition and preprocessing descriptor name.
start_date: 2023-05-01
end_date: 2023-09-05
platform_name: SENTINEL-2
processing_level: Level-2A
product_type: S2MSI2A
cloud_coverage_max: 4.0
resolution: 10.0
bands: [ 'B02', 'B03', 'B04', 'B08' ]
format: UINT8
- Configure a local storage.
feature_dir: cache/s2
- Monthly transfer limit = 6Tb;
- Max number of activate sessions = 100;
- Number of concurrent connections limit = 4;
- A token stays active for 10 min;