Our releases have the form YY.MM with a corresponding milestone and git tag.
- switch to master branch
- git pull
npm install --include=dev && npm update
cp js/config/config.dist.ts js/config/config.ts
- change the version number in
to the new release
Run npx npm-upgrade && npm install
and upgrade all packages that don't break anything.
Golden Layout needs to stay at version 1.x.
If something breaks, try to fix it with reasonable effort.
If that doesn't help, keep the old version, document it with an issue and add the incompatible package version range and reason to .npm-upgrade.json
- close all open issues in the milestone or move them to another one
- close the milestone
There must be no errors.
npm run test
There must be no errors and as few warnings as possible.
Configured in oxlintrc.json
Can be integrated into IDEs and editors like Atom.
npm run lint
- Some errors can be fixed automatically via
npm run fix
Run npm run typecheck
Static code analysis can help uncover some otherwise hard to find bugs.
There should not be errors, though in some cases it seems to be unavoidable.
All manual tests need to be successfull.
Create a local web server and test it on localhost using npm run dev
- clone a fresh copy of SNIK Graph into a temporary folder, see code preparations above
- run it in different browsers
- the most important test: it needs to load without errors. Make sure to open the console groups.
npm run dev
may fail to load the submenu indicator image but that should work withnpm run build && npm run preview
. - clear the cache and local storage and try to load again (press F5)
- open a new tab
- copy some nodes in the main tab
- paste them in the new tab
- go back to the main tab
- test all the filters (by turning them on and off, some subontology filters like meta may have no effect if they aren't set to load in the config)
- hide inter-ontology relations
- press recalculate layout
- all subontologies must be separate now if meta isn't loaded
- show inter-ontology relations again and recalculate
- test the day mode (options)
- test all links (under Services and Help), Developer Documentation won't work locally
- check if the mouseover tooltips are shown when hovering over menu entries (not all entries have tooltips)
- "About SNIK Graph" must be correct
- test the zoom elements
- try if the language switches from English to German and back to English
- the language switch must apply both to the menu and to many BB classes
- search for "3lgm2 mentity type"
- 3LGM² Entity Type from the blue book must be highlighted with a yellow color now.
- search for "Logical Tool Layer" as well, it must also be highlighted with a yellow color now.
- select 3LGM² Entity Type
- click and hold the secondary mouse button on "Logical Tool Layer" and choose path, release the mouse button
- check if the path is displayed and the labels (on nodes and edges) are existing (scroll to zoom in)
- reset view
- choose any two not directly connected nodes and test spiderworm, doublestar and starpath in that order (see the manual for what they should do)
- reset view
- select any node and test star and circlestar
- reset view
- hide at least one node and one edge using the contextmenu and del-button
- check if the description and the other entries in the contextmenu are working
- add, commit and push the release commit
- create the release on GitHub, attach package-lock.json to the assets
- ssh into the server
- check out the gh-pages branch