The Smartsheet C# SDK references the NLog project for SDK logging. NLog is highly configurable for console
and file logging. The root folder contains an NLog.config
file which specifies the logging configuration of the SDK. Targets for File and ColorConsole logging are used by the SDK.
Using NLog, the Smartsheet C# SDK logs all API queries including HTTP method, URI, HTTP status, and response time
. API Request and Response details are logged to DEBUG
If there is an API feature that is not yet supported by the C# SDK, there is a passthrough option that allows you to pass and receive raw JSON objects.
To invoke the passthrough, your code can call one of the following four methods:
string jsonResponse = smartsheet.PassthroughResources().PostRequest(endpoint, payload, parameters);
string jsonResponse = smartsheet.PassthroughResources().GetRequest(endpoint, parameters);
string jsonResponse = smartsheet.PassthroughResources().PutRequest(endpoint, payload, parameters);
string jsonResponse = smartsheet.PassthroughResources().DeleteRequest(endpoint);
endpoint (string)
: The specific API endpoint you wish to invoke. The client object base URL gets prepended to the caller’s endpoint URL argument, e.g., if endpoint is 'sheets' an HTTP GET is requested from the URL (string)
: The data to be passed through in the request payload as a string.query_params (Dictionary<string,string>)
: An optional list of query parameters.
All calls to passthrough methods return a JSON string result.
The following example shows how to POST data to using the passthrough method and a JSON string payload:
SmartsheetClient smartsheet = new SmartsheetBuilder().SetMaxRetryTimeout(30000).Build();
string payload =
"{\"name\": \"my new sheet\"," +
"\"columns\": [" +
"{\"title\": \"Favorite\", \"type\": \"CHECKBOX\", \"symbol\": \"STAR\"}," +
"{\"title\": \"Primary Column\", \"primary\": true, \"type\": \"TEXT_NUMBER\"}" +
"]" +
string jsonResponse = smartsheet.PassthroughResources.PostRequest("sheets", payload, null);
long id = 0;
JsonReader reader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(jsonResponse));
while(id == 0 && reader.Read()) {
switch (reader.TokenType)
case JsonToken.StartObject:
case JsonToken.PropertyName:
string message = reader.ReadAsString();
Assert.AreEqual(message, "SUCCESS");
else if(reader.Value.ToString().Contains("id"))
id = (long)reader.Value;
A more complete example can be found in the Integration test file, PassthroughResourcesTest.cs
Integration tests:
- Your environment must contain a variable named SMARTSHEET_ACCESS_TOKEN containing an api access token in order to proceed with the tests.
- Run the tests from within Visual Studio.
Mock API tests:
- Clone the Smartsheet sdk tests repo and follow the instructions from the readme to start the mock server.
- Run the tests within the
project from within Visual Studio.
You can provide a number of customizations to the default HTTP behavior by extending the DefaultHttpClient class and overriding one or more methods (examples below).
Common customizations may include:
- implementing an HTTP proxy
- injecting additional HTTP headers
- overriding default timeout or retry behavior
The following example shows how to enable a proxy by providing the SmartsheetBuilder with an HttpClient that extends DefaultHttpClient.
Invoke the SmartsheetBuilder with a custom HttpClient:
// Initialize client
SmartsheetClient smartsheet = new SmartsheetBuilder()
.SetHttpClient(new ProxyHttpClient("localhost", 8888))
using Smartsheet.Api.Internal.Http;
using System.Net;
namespace sdk_csharp_sample
class ProxyHttpClient : DefaultHttpClient
public ProxyHttpClient(string host, int port)
: base()
// create a WebProxy on the RestSharp client
this.httpClient.Proxy = new WebProxy(host, port);
The following example shows how to override the default retry/timeout logic.
Invoke the SmartsheetBuilder with a custom HttpClient:
// Initialize client
SmartsheetClient smartsheet = new SmartsheetBuilder()
.SetHttpClient(new RetryHttpClient())
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using Smartsheet.Api;
using Smartsheet.Api.Models;
using Smartsheet.Api.Internal.Http;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace sdk_csharp_sample
class RetryHttpClient : DefaultHttpClient
/// <summary>
/// Override this method to perform API requests for special cases
/// </summary>
/// <param name="previousAttempts"> number of previous attempts </param>
/// <param name="totalElapsedTime"> the total elapsed time for the API request </param>
/// <param name="response"> the last response from the API </param>
/// <returns> true to retry, false to exit and return error to the caller </returns>
public override bool ShouldRetry(int previousAttempts, long totalElapsedTime, HttpResponse response)
string contentType = response.Entity.ContentType;
if (contentType != null && !contentType.StartsWith("application/json"))
// it's not JSON; don't try to parse it
return false;
Error error;
// Details about the Smartsheet API error condition
error = jsonSerializer.deserialize<Error>(
catch (JsonSerializationException ex)
throw new SmartsheetException(ex);
catch (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonException ex)
throw new SmartsheetException(ex);
catch (IOException ex)
throw new SmartsheetException(ex);
switch (error.ErrorCode)
// The default shouldRetry, retries 4001, 4002, 4003, 4004 codes
case 4001:
case 4002:
case 4003:
case 4004:
case 9999: // adding my fictional error code to the retry list
return false;
// The default calcBackoff uses exponential backoff, add custom behavior by overriding calcBackoff
long backoff = CalcBackoff(previousAttempts, totalElapsedTime, error);
if (backoff < 0)
return false;
logger.Info(string.Format("HttpError StatusCode={0}: Retrying in {1} milliseconds", response.StatusCode, backoff));
return true;
The following sample demonstrates best practices for consuming the event stream from the Smartsheet Event Reporting feature.
The sample uses the smartsheet.EventResources.ListEvents
method to request a list of events from the stream. The
first request sets the since
parameter with the point in time (i.e. event occurrence datetime) in the stream from
which to start consuming events. The since
parameter can be set with a datetime value that is either formatted as
ISO 8601 (e.g. 2010-01-01T00:00:00Z) or as UNIX epoch (in which case the numericDates
parameter must also be set to
. By default the numericDates
parameter is set to false
To consume the next list of events after the initial list of events is returned, set the streamPosition
with the NextStreamPosition
property obtained from the previous request and don't set the since
parameter with
any values. This is because when using the ListEvents
method, either the since
parameter or the streamPosition
parameter should be set, but never both.
Note that the MoreAvailable
property in a response indicates whether more events are immediately available for
consumption. If events are not immediately available, they may still be generating so subsequent requests should keep
using the same NextStreamPosition
value until the next list of events is retrieved.
Many events have additional information available as part of the event. That information can be accessed using the
Dictionary stored in the AdditionalDetails
property. Information about the additional details provided can be found
class Program
// this example is looking specifically for new sheet events
private static void PrintNewSheetEventsInList(IList<Event> events)
// enumerate all events in the list of returned events
foreach (Event _event in events)
// find all created sheets
if (_event.ObjectType == EventObjectType.SHEET && _event.Action == EventAction.CREATE)
// additional details are available for some events, they can be accessed as a Dictionary
// in the AdditionalDetails property
if (_event.AdditionalDetails.ContainsKey("sheetName"))
static void Main(string[] args)
// Initialize client
SmartsheetClient smartsheet = new SmartsheetBuilder().Build();
// begin listing events in the stream starting with the `since` parameter
DateTime lastWeek = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-7);
// this example looks at the previous 7 days of events by providing a since argument set to last week's date
EventResult eventResult = smartsheet.EventResources.ListEvents(lastWeek, null, 1000, false);
// continue listing events in the stream by using the `StreamPosition`, if the previous response indicates
// that more data is available.
while(eventResult.MoreAvailable == true)
eventResult = smartsheet.EventResources.ListEvents(null, eventResult.NextStreamPosition, 10000, true);
If you need to access Smartsheetgov you will need to specify the Smartsheetgov API URI as the base URI during creation of the Smartsheet client object. SmartsheetGov uses a base URI of The base URI is defined as a constant in the SmartsheetBuilder class (i.e. SmartsheetBuilder.GOV_BASE_URI
Invoke the SmartsheetBuilder with the base URI pointing to Smartsheetgov:
using Smartsheet.Api;
using Smartsheet.Api.Models;
static void Sample()
// Initialize client
SmartsheetClient smartsheet = new SmartsheetBuilder()
// TODO: Set your API access in environment variable SMARTSHEET_ACCESS_TOKEN or else here
// .SetAccessToken("ll352u9jujauoqz4gstvsae05")
// List all sheets
PaginatedResult<Sheet> sheets = smartsheet.SheetResources.ListSheets(
null, // IEnumerable<SheetInclusion> includes
null, // PaginationParameters
null // Nullable<DateTime> modifiedSince = null
Console.WriteLine("Found " + sheets.TotalCount + " sheets");
long sheetId = (long) sheets.Data[0].Id; // Default to first sheet
// sheetId = 567034672138842; // TODO: Uncomment if you wish to read a specific sheet
Console.WriteLine("Loading sheet id: " + sheetId);
// Load the entire sheet
var sheet = smartsheet.SheetResources.GetSheet(
5670346721388420, // long sheetId
null, // IEnumerable<SheetLevelInclusion> includes
null, // IEnumerable<SheetLevelExclusion> excludes
null, // IEnumerable<long> rowIds
null, // IEnumerable<int> rowNumbers
null, // IEnumerable<long> columnIds
null, // Nullable<long> pageSize
null // Nullable<long> page
Console.WriteLine("Loaded " + sheet.Rows.Count + " rows from sheet: " + sheet.Name);
If you need to access Smartsheet Regions Europe you will need to specify the API URI as the base URI during creation of the Smartsheet client object. uses a base URI of The base URI is defined as a constant in the SmartsheetBuilder class (i.e. SmartsheetBuilder.EU_BASE_URI
Invoke the SmartsheetBuilder with the base URI pointing to
using Smartsheet.Api;
using Smartsheet.Api.Models;
static void Sample()
// Initialize client
SmartsheetClient smartsheet = new SmartsheetBuilder()
// TODO: Set your API access in environment variable SMARTSHEET_ACCESS_TOKEN or else here
// .SetAccessToken("ll352u9jujauoqz4gstvsae05")