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Development Setup
Setup a Developer Environment

This document will describe how to set up an Let's Connect! / eduVPN development environment for easy development and running it on your development system.

This is NOT meant to be used as installation instructions! See the deploy instructions instead!

We assume you will be using either Fedora >= 33, or Debian >= 10. Other distributions will also work, but some minor details, regarding installation of the required software, will be different.

NOTE: if you try to build a package repository you need to be on the respective OS: for DEB packages you need to be on Debian, for Fedora/CentOS packages you need to be on Fedora.

Fedora >= 33

When you are not running Fedora as your desktop OS, it is easiest to install a VM with a desktop. In addition, install the required software (dependencies):

$ sudo dnf -y install golang php-cli git composer php-date php-filter php-hash \
    php-json php-mbstring php-pcre php-pdo php-spl php-sodium php-curl php-gd \

Debian >= 10

When you are not running Debian as your desktop OS, it is easiest to install a VM with a desktop. In addition, install the required software (dependencies):

$ sudo apt install curl git build-essential php-sqlite3 composer php-curl \
    php-xml php-cli unzip

You also need to install a newer version of Go on Debian 10 from buster-backports:

$ echo "deb buster-backports main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
$ sudo apt install golang-go/buster-backports golang-src/buster-backports


Download the script from this repository and run it. It will by default create a directory ${HOME}/Project/eduVPN-v2 under which everything will be installed. No root is required!

$ curl -L -O
$ sh ./


All projects have unit tests included, they can be run from the project folder, e.g.:

$ cd ${HOME}/Projects/eduVPN-v2/vpn-user-portal
$ vendor/bin/phpunit


A "launch" script is included to run the PHP built-in web server to be able to easily test the portals.

$ cd ${HOME}/Projects/eduVPN-v2
$ sh ./

Now with your browser you can connect to the user portal on http://localhost:8082/.

You can login with the users foo and password bar or admin with password secret.

VPN Configuration

To generate the OpenVPN server configuration files:

$ cd ${HOME}/Projects/eduVPN-v2/vpn-server-node
$ php bin/server-config.php

The configuration will be stored in the openvpn-config folder.

Modifying Code

If you want to modify any of your code, it makes sense to switch to using your own "fork". We'll only consider the eduVPN/LC components here and not the underlying dependencies.

For example if you want to modify vpn-user-portal you can do the following, we assume you already have an empty vpn-user-portal repository created on GitHub:

$ mkdir ${HOME}/tmp && cd ${HOME}/tmp
$ git clone --bare
$ cd vpn-user-portal
$ git push --mirror [email protected]/fkooman/vpn-user-portal

You can add GitHub as a remote now to your project checkout of vpn-user-portal:

$ cd ${HOME}/Projects/eduVPN-v2/vpn-user-portal
$ git remote add github [email protected]/fkooman/vpn-user-portal

Now when you make changes to the code you can push them to your own repository "fork"

$ git branch my-feature-branch
$ git checkout my-feature-branch
$ git commit -a -m 'implement feature X'
$ git push github my-feature-branch

If this works properly locally, you can send a "pull request" or "merge request" to the upstream project, or even create a package repository containing your own version of vpn-user-portal if necessary!

When working with RPM packages for CentOS/Fedora you can easily create a package from a commit. For DEB packages you need to make a release first. What I am doing is developing on CentOS/Fedora and only when considered stable I'll make a release after which I also create Debian packages.

Creating RPM packages

First install all requirements on your Fedora system as described here.

So we assume you have your own fork of vpn-user-portal as shown above. Now how to create an RPM package for it in your own development repository?

The vpn-user-portal package also has an RPM package repository, we assume you already have an empty vpn-user-portal.rpm repository created on GitHub::

$ mkdir ${HOME}/tmp && cd ${HOME}/tmp
$ git clone --bare
$ cd vpn-user-portal.rpm
$ git push --mirror [email protected]/fkooman/vpn-user-portal.rpm

Add the new remote to rpm/vpn-user-portal.rpm:

$ cd ${HOME}/Projects/eduVPN-v2/rpm/vpn-user-portal.rpm
$ git remote add github [email protected]/fkooman/vpn-user-portal.rpm

Now you can modify the SPEC file under vpn-user-portal.rpm/SPECS/vpn-user-portal.spec to point to your Git repository and commit.

Modify the following lines, point %global git to your Git commit:

%global git 925933279f8f4b99e242d4c154be7c6c55aa91e6

Version:    2.4.8
Release:    0.1%{?dist}




* Tue Feb 09 2021 François Kooman <[email protected]> - 2.4.8-0.1
- update to development package

Set Version to one higher than the current version. The 0.1 in the Release field indicates it is a pre-release version. Also update the %changelog entry.

You can try to build this package locally:

$ rpmdev-setuptree
$ cd ${HOME}/Projects/eduVPN-v2/rpm/vpn-user-portal.rpm
$ spectool -g -R SPECS/vpn-user-portal.spec
$ cp SOURCES/* ${HOME}/rpmbuild/SOURCES
$ rpmbuild -bs SPECS/vpn-user-portal.spec
$ rpmbuild -bb SPECS/vpn-user-portal.spec

Then you can commit your changes:

$ git commit -a -m 'update to development package'
$ git push github

Once this is complete, you can continue and create your own package repository by following the instructions here. Make sure you update REPO_URL_BRANCH_LIST and point it to your fork of the vpn-user-portal.rpm package.

If all goes well, you'll end up with your own RPM repository with your fork of the package in it!

Software Releases

The following script is used to make official releases of the components as tar.xz. It signs the source code with both PGP (for the Debian packages) and with Minisign for Fedora/CentOS. Please setup your own PGP and Minisign keys before running this script.


PROJECT_NAME=$(basename "${PWD}")

if [ -z "${1}" ]
    # we take the last "tag" of the Git repository as version
    PROJECT_VERSION=$(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags)
    echo Version: "${PROJECT_VERSION}"

mkdir -p "${RELEASE_DIR}"
    echo "Version ${PROJECT_VERSION} already has a release!"
    exit 1

gpg2 --armor --detach-sign "${RELEASE_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}-${PROJECT_VERSION}.tar.xz"

Make the script executable:

$ chmod +x ${HOME}/.local/bin/make_release

In order to upload the release, I'm using the API. I am storing this file under ${HOME}/.local/bin/sr.ht_upload_release. You'll need to update the locations. For other source hosting platforms it will be different.

#POST /api/:username/repos/:name/artifacts/:ref
#Attaches a file artifact to the specified ref.
#Note: this endpoint does not accept JSON. Submit your request as multipart/form-data, with a single field: "file".

V=$(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags)
B=$(cat ${HOME}/.config/
R=$(basename $(pwd))

for F in release/*${V}*; do
	curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${B}" -F "file=@${F}" "${R}/artifacts/${V}"

Creating DEB packages

Debian packages currently only work from proper releases. Updating the Debian packages is described here. You can also use your own vpn-user-portal.deb fork to get going. Follow the instructions there.