02-APIs.md ← | → 04-model-cbi.md
See: example & guide in example/empty_controller.lua & example/guide_controller.lua
module creation the index function
The dispatcher calls the index function of a
While there are many attributes you can set for a cbi value within its object structure in the cbi file there are a few that can only be set in the call itself. These attributes are parsed by the dispatcher's _cbi function. You can pass a set of configurations to the cbi call by passing it a table as below.
cbi("path/to/cbi", {"config values"})
The Following config vallues are allowed:
on_success_to If set this will redirect to the node passed it upon a form value returning that it was valid, done, changed or skipped (see:cbi-form values)
on_changed_to If set this will redirect to the node passed it upon a form value returning that it was changed or skipped (see:cbi-form values)
on_valid_to If set this will redirect to the node passed it upon a form value returning that it was valid, or done (see:cbi-form values)
noheader If set this will cause a CBI page to be rendered without the CBI header (which contains the start of the form that all CBI values are contained within) and without the OpenWRT Theme header.
nofooter If set this will cause a CBI page to be rendered without the CBI footer (which contains the CBI submission buttons) and without the OpenWRT Theme footer.
hideresetbtn Hide the reset button on the footer
hideapplybtn Hide the apply button on the footer
hidesavebtn hide the save button on the footer
skip Add the skip button on the footer (really only useful if you are making a flow/deligator based config.)
To enable authentication you need to set the sysauth properties on your root-level node:
x = entry({"myApp"}, template("myApp/overview"), "myApp", 1)
x.dependant = false
x.sysauth = "root"
x.sysauth_authenticator = "htmlauth"
(see controller/admin/index.lua)
local root = node()
root.target = alias("myApp")
root.index = true
This should work as long as the name of your app > "admin" due to alphabetical sorting.