diff --git a/docs/mobile-apps/features/network-capture.md b/docs/mobile-apps/features/network-capture.md
index 1b93f50353..ffea081868 100644
--- a/docs/mobile-apps/features/network-capture.md
+++ b/docs/mobile-apps/features/network-capture.md
@@ -7,55 +7,127 @@ import useBaseUrl from '@docusaurus/useBaseUrl';
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
-Network Traffic Capture is a functionality that gives you the ability to record network traffic for HTTP/HTTPS requests during Android and iOS/iPadOS mobile app tests on real devices. This provides granular insight into your app’s behavior, facilitates debugging, and helps you determine which development team is responsible for application failure.
Real Devices Only
-With this feature, traffic is recorded on our side and exposes the HAR file through your test’s endpoint, producing HTTP traffic information to help you troubleshoot.
+Network Traffic Capture is a feature that allows you to record and analyze HTTP/HTTPS network traffic, during mobile app tests on real Android and iOS/iPadOS devices.
+This functionality provides detailed insights into how an app interacts with network services, making it an essential tool for debugging,
+performance optimization, and identifying issues in the app's data exchange processes. By capturing network traffic, users can pinpoint
+the exact moment and nature of a failure, such as identifying requests that time out, pinpointing requests that slow down the loading process,
+or locating faulty API calls. This enables quicker resolution and ensures a more precise assignment of responsibility when passed on to developers.
+The captured traffic is presented in the [HTTP Archive (HAR) file format](), which offers a
+comprehensive view of the request and response cycles, including headers, payloads, and timings, enabling in-depth troubleshooting and performance analysis.
+In combination with our [Network Throttle](/mobile-apps/features/network-throttling/) functionality to simulate various network scenarios,
+you have the tools to replicate and troubleshoot any performance concerns stemming from network operations.
## What You'll Need
- A Sauce Labs account ([Log in](https://accounts.saucelabs.com/am/XUI/#login/) or sign up for a [free trial license](https://saucelabs.com/sign-up))
-- A native Android, iOS, or iPadOS mobile app that makes HTTP/HTTPS requests. We currently support the following:
- - Android 6.0 and higher
- - For Swift: iOS 11.0 and higher
- - For Objective-C: iOS (all)
+- A native Android, iOS, or iPadOS mobile app that makes HTTP/HTTPS requests.
-## Using Network Traffic Capture
+## System-wide Network Capture
-To enable network traffic capturing in your tests:
+Our system-wide network capture feature enhances network monitoring by capturing all HTTP/HTTPS requests made from the device, offering
+visibility beyond just a single app or service. It works seamlessly regardless of the app’s framework or if it’s a hybrid application.
+This comprehensive approach provides a holistic view of network activity, giving you deeper insights into how various components of the
+device interact with external services. To ensure the captured data remains relevant and manageable, our system filters out some OS-specific
+services that can otherwise create unnecessary noise.
-1. On Sauce Labs, click **Live** > **Mobile App**.
-2. Upload your mobile app to Sauce Labs [through our UI](/mobile-apps/app-storage/#uploading-apps-via-ui) or [our REST API](/mobile-apps/app-storage/#uploading-apps-via-rest-api).
-3. After you’ve uploaded your app, return to the **Live** > **Mobile App** page, hover your mouse over your app, then select **Settings**.
-4. Under **Default Settings**, toggle Instrumentation and Network Capture to enable the feature.
-5. For Automated Testing only: add the networkCapture capability to your test script. Click the link below corresponding to your framework:
+On iOS/iPadOS devices, this feature works seamlessly without requiring any [resigning](/mobile-apps/automated-testing/ipa-files/#sauce-labs-resigning-enablements)
+or changes to the app, making it simple and efficient to use.
- - [Appium](/dev/test-configuration-options/#saucelabsnetworkcaptureenabled)
- - [Espresso via saucectl](/mobile-apps/automated-testing/espresso-xcuitest/espresso/#networkcapture)
- - [XCUITest via saucectl](/mobile-apps/automated-testing/espresso-xcuitest/xcuitest/#networkcapture)
+For Android devices, a minor modification in the manifest is necessary, but all required changes will be handled by us. This means no
+complete resigning or additional instrumentation is needed, ensuring a smooth feature enablement.
-Now you can start your live or automated testing session. Your network logs will be captured and displayed in the test results page as well as During a Live Testing session with the Developer Options window.
-## Accessing Network Traffic in real-time (Live Testing)
+### Accessing Network Traffic in real-time (Live Testing)
To be able to observe network traffic in real-time:
1. Navigate to **Live** -> **Mobile App**/**Cross Browser**
2. Choose device and start a session
-3. Launch the network inspector
+3. In the live test window, in the left toolbar, open the **Developer Options** and select the **Network tab**.
- * Start the capture.
+4. Start the network capture.
- * Inspect network logs as they arrive
+5. Inspect network logs as they arrive.
- * A copy of what you see in the inspector can be downloaded in HAR format with the following button.
+### Sauce Labs Network Viewer
+The [Sauce Labs Network Viewer](https://github.com/saucelabs/network-viewer) is a visualization tool for HAR files that presents requests
+in a table view with a range of advanced filtering options.
+#### Pause / Resume
+Pause and resume the display of new network traffic without affecting the **network.har** test asset.
+The final **network.har** file contains all network traffic from the moment the network capture was initiated and will be available after the
+session is closed.
+#### Reset
+Clear the current state of network logs from the inspector. This does not affect the final **network.har** test asset.
+#### Export HAR file
+Download the current state of network logs from the inspector in HAR format. This is helpful for capturing a specific part of the test flow
+with a network issue, making it easier to share with developers for debugging.
+#### Filter by status
+Use the status filter dropdown list to filter network logs based on their status code.
+#### Search by URL
+Search for specific network logs using the request URL.
+#### Filter by content type
+Filter requests by their content type by selecting the desired category from the options available.
+#### Requests table
+The main table displays all captured requests with the following columns:
+* Path: The name of the request. Hover over it to view the full resource, including the domain name.
+* Domain: The domain of the request.
+* Status: The HTTP/HTTPS status code.
+* Method: The HTTP/HTTPS method used.
+* Type: The MIME type of the requested resource.
+* Size: The total size of the response headers plus the response body, as delivered by the server.
+* Time: The total duration from the start of the request to the receipt of the final byte in the response.
+* Waterfall: A visual representation of the timeline for all network requests.
+Each request is color-coded based on their state. Red entries indicate errors with status codes of 400 or higher, while light grey entries
+represent still pending requests.
+#### Waterfall chart
+The Waterfall chart shows the request lifecycle, with detailed timing information when hovering over the chart.
+This helps to gain a deeper understanding of the request's timeline.
+#### Request details
+Clicking on a specific request opens the Request Details view, which includes general information about the request, along with the request and
+response headers, and the request and response payloads.
+#### Stats Row
+The Stats row in the footer provides details on the number of requests, transferred data size, resource sizes, and time metrics such as
+Page Load, DOMContentLoaded, and Finished time.
+### Limitations
+:::note Limitations
+- iOS network capture is supported on iOS/iPadOS 14.0 and above.
+- Android network capture is supported on Android 10 and above.
+- Only HTTP/HTTPS network traffic is captured.
## Accessing HAR Files (Live and Automated Testing)
@@ -63,51 +135,81 @@ To download HAR files from Sauce Labs:
1. Navigate to **Test Results**.
2. Select the applicable test.
-3. Click the **Network** tab in the bottom to preview network calls.
-4. Click the **Logs** tab on the right panel and select **network.har** from the dropdown menu to download the report.
+3. Click the **Network** tab on the right panel to preview all captured network requests.
You can also download a HAR file programmatically using the following API request:
-curl --compressed \
--O https://{SAUCE_USERNAME}:{SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY}@{DATA_CENTER}.saucelabs.com/v1/rdc/jobs/{JOB_ID}/network.har
+```jsx title="Sample Request"
+curl -u "$SAUCE_USERNAME:$SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY" --location \
+--request GET 'https://api.us-west-1.saucelabs.com/v1/rdc/jobs/{JOB_ID}/network.har'
-### Viewing HAR Files
-You'll need a HAR viewer to read HAR files. Sauce Labs provides a [React Network Viewer](https://opensource.saucelabs.com/network-viewer/) HAR viewer for your convenience. For step-by-step usage instructions, see our [Visualize HAR Files with the New React Network Viewer](https://opensource.saucelabs.com/blog/react_network_viewer/) blog article.
-Alternatively, some other commonly used HAR viewers include:
+```jsx title="Sample Request"
+curl -u "$SAUCE_USERNAME:$SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY" --location \
+--request GET 'https://api.eu-central-1.saucelabs.com/v1/rdc/jobs/{JOB_ID}/network.har'
-- Chrome devtools builtin [HAR imports](https://developer.chrome.com/blog/new-in-devtools-62/#har-imports)
-- Google Admin Toolbox [HAR Analyzer](https://toolbox.googleapps.com/apps/har_analyzer/)
-- Software is Hard blog [HTTP Archive Viewer](http://www.softwareishard.com/har/viewer/)
-- Firefox network monitoring builtin [HAR imports](https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/devtools-user/network_monitor/toolbar/index.html)
+## Instrumented Network Traffic Capture
+:::note Android Only
+For Android applications, a minor modification in the manifest is necessary to disable SSL pinning and accept our own certificate by your application.
+In addition, we require the debug version of the application. If your application includes SecureSDK, please ensure the repackaging prevention feature is disabled.
+To enable network traffic capturing in your tests:
+1. On Sauce Labs, click **Live** > **Mobile App**.
+2. Upload your mobile app to Sauce Labs [through our UI](/mobile-apps/app-storage/#uploading-apps-via-ui) or [our REST API](/mobile-apps/app-storage/#uploading-apps-via-rest-api).
+3. After you’ve uploaded your app, return to the **Live** > **Mobile App** page, hover your mouse over your app, then select **Settings**.
+4. Under **Default Settings**, toggle Instrumentation and Network Capture to enable the feature.
+5. For Automated Testing only: add the networkCapture capability to your test script. Click the link below corresponding to your framework:
+ - [Appium](/dev/test-configuration-options/#networkcapture)
+ - [Espresso via saucectl](/mobile-apps/automated-testing/espresso-xcuitest/espresso/#networkcapture)
+ - [XCUITest via saucectl](/mobile-apps/automated-testing/espresso-xcuitest/xcuitest/#networkcapture)
+:::note Coming soon
-## HAR Files
+System-wide network capture for Automated Testing will be available soon.
-[HTTP Archive Format (HAR) files]() collect all network requests and responses made and received by the browser during testing. HAR files offer useful debugging information, such as:
-- Identifying browser requests that time out
-- Pinpointing requests slowing down the loading process
-- Locating faulty API calls
+Now you can start your live or automated testing session. Your network logs will be captured and displayed in the test results page as well as during a Live Testing session with the Developer Options window.
-## Limitations
+### Limitations
:::note Not Supported
- Android Emulators
- iOS Simulators
-- Hybrid Applications in automated tests (React Native, Cordova, Flutter)
- Android Chrome Browser in automated tests
- iOS Safari Browser in automated tests
-### Android
+#### Android
-Our network capture code depends on the fact that these classes are not obfuscated:
+Our network capture feature depends on the fact that these classes are not obfuscated:
@@ -126,12 +228,29 @@ Our network capture code depends on the fact that these classes are not obfuscat
- com.android.volley.RequestQueue
- com.android.volley.Response
-### iOS
+#### iOS
- Network capture works if the app uses [NSURLSession](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/nsurlsession) or a library (like [Alamofire](https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire) or [AFNetworking](https://github.com/AFNetworking/AFNetworking)) that uses NSURLSession inside.
- Calls made by [NSURLConnection](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/nsurlconnection) (deprecated by Apple), will not be captured.
## More Information
+- [Network Throttling](/mobile-apps/features/network-throttling)
- [Sauce Labs Test Results](/test-results)
- [Sauce Labs Insights](/insights)
+- [Visualize HAR Files With The New React Network Viewer Component](https://opensource.saucelabs.com/blog/react_network_viewer)
+### Viewing HAR Files
+You need a HAR viewer to read HAR files. Sauce Labs provides a [React Network Viewer](https://opensource.saucelabs.com/network-viewer/) HAR
+viewer for your convenience.
+Alternatively, some other commonly used HAR viewers include:
+- [Charles Proxy](https://www.charlesproxy.com/)
+- [Telerik Fiddler](https://www.telerik.com/fiddler)
+- Chrome DevTools builtin [HAR imports](https://developer.chrome.com/blog/new-in-devtools-62/#har-imports)
+- Google Admin Toolbox [HAR Analyzer](https://toolbox.googleapps.com/apps/har_analyzer/)
+- Software is Hard blog [HTTP Archive Viewer](http://www.softwareishard.com/har/viewer/)
+- Firefox network monitoring builtin [HAR imports](https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/devtools-user/network_monitor/toolbar/index.html)
diff --git a/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-1.png b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-1.png
index e91a8a63cb..c7412b84a5 100644
Binary files a/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-1.png and b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-1.png differ
diff --git a/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-2.png b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-2.png
index 36f05061ba..b961dd7f9e 100644
Binary files a/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-2.png and b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-2.png differ
diff --git a/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-3.png b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-3.png
index 43e514e6f5..8d49863798 100644
Binary files a/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-3.png and b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-3.png differ
diff --git a/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-4.png b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-4.png
deleted file mode 100644
index d228781926..0000000000
Binary files a/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-4.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-export.png b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-export.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..430cf0a44f
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-export.png differ
diff --git a/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-pause-resume.png b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-pause-resume.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a998a530cf
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-pause-resume.png differ
diff --git a/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-request-details.png b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-request-details.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4bbfff8edc
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-request-details.png differ
diff --git a/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-request-table.png b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-request-table.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..216036ee39
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-request-table.png differ
diff --git a/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-reset.png b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-reset.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be340ccc0f
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-reset.png differ
diff --git a/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-search.png b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-search.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4576644653
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-search.png differ
diff --git a/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-stats-row.png b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-stats-row.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e7ff1d799
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-stats-row.png differ
diff --git a/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-status-filter.png b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-status-filter.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..222c033b07
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-status-filter.png differ
diff --git a/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-type-filter.png b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-type-filter.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0fd71b74b
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-type-filter.png differ
diff --git a/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-waterfall.png b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-waterfall.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3395eac8a1
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/img/mobile-apps/network-capture-waterfall.png differ