Click here to visit the central BUILD project on GitHub, where you can find out more!
Click here to view the BUILD Contribution Guidelines.
- MongoDB is installed
- NPM is download, installed and available from the command line
Ensure the correct proxy settings are enabled:
git config --global http.proxy http://proxy:8080 npm config set proxy http://proxy:8080 npm config set registry
Ensure that grunt is available from the command line;
npm install –g grunt-cli npm install grunt
Install the required node modules (dependencies) from package.json;
npm install
To access a local instance of projects;
Note: ensure you have a local instance of mongo running on port 27017 before starting up
grunt dev
grunt serve
Open, http://localhost:9000
grunt dev // build in development mode
grunt test // Run test and eslint
grunt serve // build dev + start express server + watch js & less for changes
grunt serve:debug // run app in debug mode (with node-inspector)
grunt dist // build for production
[GET, POST, PUT] /api/projects/
[GET] /api/projects/?showArchived=true|false
- JSON response containing all projects associated with the users profile
- Supported filters [?showArchived=true|false], return a list of projects filtered by the archive flag. If flag is omitted you receive ALL projects
- to archive a project, you call PUT, passing in the following body '{"archived":true}', similar to how you would update the project and its respective fields.
[DELETE] /api/projects/:projectId/revoke
- Allowing the owner of the project ONLY to revoke certain items i.e. invited users
[POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE] /api/projects/:projectId/invite
- Allowing the user to accept, reject and create invites for a project
- ACL is only on POST, there is no ACL on the PUT, PATCH and DELETE as user wont be a collaborator on the project as we wont have their user ID to apply to ACL
[GET] /api/projects/:projectId/team
- Return a JSON response of all team members of a project i.e. Rejected User, Invite List and Collaborators
- User must be a member of the project in order to carry out any of these tasks
[GET] /api/projects/:projectId/
[PUT, PATCH, DELETE] /api/projects/:projectId/settings
- JSON response containing specific project details
- ACL is enforced to owner to update, archive or delete a project
- User must be a member of the project in order to carry out any of these tasks
[GET, POST] /api/projects/:projectId/document/
[GET] /api/projects/:projectId/document/?fileType=image/png|image/jpeg
[GET] /api/projects/:projectId/document/?thumbOnly=true|false [default is false]
[POST] /api/projects/:projectId/document/?linkImage=true [default is false]
- Upload and retrieve files belonging to a specific project
- Supported filters [?fileType=image/png, thumbOnly=true|false], these can be combined in one request as well
- Append linkImage=true to the POST if you want to attach a thumbnail to the main image. This thumbnail needs to be uploaded/created by the UI client, it is not created on the server. Setting this attribute to true will populate the parent_id in the thumbnail.
- User must be a member of the project in order to carry out any of these tasks
[GET] /api/projects/:projectId/document/:assetId/
[GET] /api/projects/:projectId/document/:assetId/?thumbOnly=true|false
- Handle specific asset details, response is in JSON format
- Supported filters [thumbOnly=true|false, default is false], these can be combined in one request
- User must be a member of the project in order to carry out any of these tasks
[GET] /api/projects/:projectId/document/:assetId/:version/
[GET] /api/projects/:projectId/document/:assetId/:version/render/
- Handle specific asset details, response is in JSON format
- Supported filters [thumbOnly=true|false, default is false]
- User must be a member of the project in order to carry out any of these tasks
[GET] /api/projects/:projectId/document/:assetId/render/
[GET] /api/projects/:projectId/document/:assetId/render/?thumbOnly=true|false
[GET] /api/projects/:projectId/document/:assetId/render/?download=true|false
[GET] /api/projects/:projectId/document/:assetId/:version/render/?thumbOnly=true|false
[GET] /api/projects/:projectId/document/:assetId/:version/render/?download=true|false
- Render the latest asset that has been uploaded
- Supported filters [thumbOnly=true|false, default is false], show the upload thumb version of the parent image
- Supported filters [download=true|false, default is false], allows the user to download the file, does not return a 304 and sets content-disposition with 'attachment'
- User must be a member of the project in order to carry out any of these tasks
[PUT] /api/projects/:projectId/picture/
- Update the thumbnail that is displayed for a Project (the thumbnail is base64 encoded)
[GET] /api/projects/:projectId/history
[POST] /api/projects/:projectId/history
- Log and retrieve project history
- User must be a member of the project in order to carry out any of these tasks
"name":"Project Name",
"email":"[email protected]"