The articles related to the profileData
setting - those articles containing the mentioned names in the title or the link - can either be collected in text files or they can be integrated into Cortex XSOAR. For this only the base url to the hosted Cortex XSOAR must be given in the CortexXSOARAPIConfig - host
setting. In the api_key
, the key to be used for authorization must be given. It can be generated in Cortex XSOAR in Settings - Integrations - API Keys.
To fully use the REST API of XSOAR, the application should have the Core REST API instance enabled. This can be done in Settings - Integrations - Instances.
If articles related to a new name should be collected from now on, it must only be added to the profileData
. Once the TI Scraper finds an article for profiling but does not find the entry in Cortex XSOAR, it will offer to create a very basic record with only the indicator value, type and the articles added as community notes. It will always create the record as a "Threat Actor" type, however, this setting can still be changed manually once the record is created. In most cases there is a necessity to also add further details (like threat actor classification, malware type, VirusTotal links, ...) manually directly in the Cortex XSOAR application.
The Terminal will also print the response of the API-Request.
The article entries are added to the newly created or already existing XSOAR-Record into the "Community Notes" as a new note for each article.
The Value of the new record will always be the name given in the profiling - profileData
setting. The same will also be written to the "Aliases" custom field. As there might be several aliases for the same record (many threat actors or malware are tracked under different names), the script extracts all aliases from Cortex which are not available in the config file and writes them into a newly created json file named cortex_aliases.json in the config folder. The next time the TI Scraper is executed, it will also check for the aliases if any of them appears in the articles and if so, it will add that record to the profile in Cortex.
If the names given as profileData
should be written into a different field, the code must be changed in the file, line 18. However, a value
for the Cortex XSOAR record must be given, otherwise the record will still be created, but is actually not useable. So it is recommended to - instead delete the line - just add the new field where the profileData
entries should be written to.
The filter to find the record once it exists can be set in the config in profiling - CortexXSOARAPIConfig - search_field
. The values of the field name given here must match the entries from profileData
to generate the search query.
The cortex_helper Repository contains additional scripts that can be run separately to batch-update the records in Cortex XSOAR after their creation. Scripts from there can be easily integrated with the TI Scraper as a subfolder of the scripts directory.
Further information on the Palo Alto Cortex XSOAR Application can be found on the Palo Alto website. Technical details on the API integration can be found in the docu.