Pending Items:
- Review score list and make it dynamic in terms of innings captured
- Testing of overall game play and statistics
- Some UI clean up and fine tuning
- Incorporate some probability to the types of hits that currently being generated at random
- Review some functions and switch arguments to lists and unpack arguments within the function
- Review advance runner; if there are runners on base, make sure after an out they remain on base unless it is the third out
- Rebuild the score list vs score_list_team_roster; put into a function and run as a test before the game ends. The totals between the two structures should tie out.
Convert main Innings For Loop which loops through nine innings to a While loop that checks for the completion of nine innings. After nine innings the scores are checked for a tie. Need to incorporate extra innings if there is a tie. *** Keeping for Loop, checking for tie after nine innings
Moved Inning process to a function
Run extra innings process after tie detected after nine innings
Rebuilding score box to allow variable number of total innings
Moved most of the data structures to the function file
Print score box after a run is scored
- Print after a team is done with their at bat
Cleaned up some of the borders printed between processes
Added a variable (range_variable) to store the number of innings to play (to allow testing without running all nine innings)