ONNX Runtime now supports an internal model format to minimize the build size for usage in mobile and embedded scenarios. An ONNX model can be converted to an internal ONNX Runtime format ('ORT format model') using the below instructions.
The minimal build can be used with any ORT format model, provided that the kernels for the operators used in the model were included in the build. i.e. the custom build provides a set of kernels, and if that set satisfies a given ORT format model's needs, the model can be loaded and executed.
You will need a script from the the ONNX Runtime repository, and to also perform a custom build, so you will need to clone the repository locally. See here for initial steps.
The directory the ONNX Runtime repository was cloned into is referred to as <ONNX Runtime repository root>
in this documentation.
Once you have cloned the repository, perform the following steps to create a minimal build of ONNX Runtime that is model specific:
We will use a helper python script to convert ONNX format models into ORT format models, and to create the configuration file for use with the minimal build. This will require the standard ONNX Runtime python package to be installed.
- Install the ONNX Runtime python package from https://pypi.org/project/onnxruntime/. Version 1.5.2 or later is required.
pip install onnxruntime
- ensure that any existing ONNX Runtime python package was uninstalled first, or use
with the above command to upgrade an existing package
- Copy all the ONNX models you wish to convert and use with the minimal build into a directory
- Convert the ONNX models to ORT format
python <ONNX Runtime repository root>/tools/python/convert_onnx_models_to_ort.py <path to directory containing one or more .onnx models>
- For each ONNX model an ORT format model will be created with '.ort' as the file extension.
- A
configuration file will also be created.
Running 'python <ORT repository root>/tools/python/convert_onnx_models_to_ort.py /models'
where the '/models' directory contains ModelA.onnx and ModelB.onnx
- Will create /models/ModelA.ort and /models/ModelB.ort
- Will create /models/required_operators.config/
You will need to build ONNX Runtime from source to reduce the included operator kernels and other aspects of the binary.
See here for the general ONNX Runtime build instructions.
The follow options can be used to reduce the build size. Enable all options that your scenario allows.
Reduce build to required operator kernels
- Add
--include_ops_by_config <config file produced by step 1> --skip_tests
to the build parameters. - See the documentation on the Reduced Operator Kernel build for more information. This step can also be done pre-build if needed.
- NOTE: This step will edit some of the ONNX Runtime source files to exclude unused kernels. If you wish to go back to creating a full build, or wish to change the operator kernels included, you should run
git reset --hard
orgit checkout HEAD -- ./onnxruntime/core/providers
to undo these changes.
- NOTE: This step will edit some of the ONNX Runtime source files to exclude unused kernels. If you wish to go back to creating a full build, or wish to change the operator kernels included, you should run
- Add
Enable minimal build (
)- A minimal build will ONLY support loading and executing ORT format models.
- RTTI is disabled by default in this build, unless the Python bindings (
) are enabled. - If you wish to enable execution providers that compile kernels such as NNAPI specify
--minimal_build extended
.- See here for more information about using NNAPI with ONNX Runtime Mobile on Android platforms
Disable exceptions (
)- Disables support for exceptions in the build.
- Any locations that would have thrown an exception will instead log the error message and call abort().
- Requires
. - NOTE: This is not a valid option if you need the Python bindings (
) as the Python Wheel requires exceptions to be enabled.
- Exceptions are only used in ONNX Runtime for exceptional things. If you have validated the input to be used, and validated that the model can be loaded, it is unlikely that ORT would throw an exception unless there's a system level issue (e.g. out of memory).
- Disables support for exceptions in the build.
ML op support (
)- Whilst the operator kernel reduction script will disable all unused ML operator kernels, additional savings can be achieved by removing support for ML specific types. If you know that your model has no ML ops, or no ML ops that use the Map type, this flag can be provided.
- See the specs for the ONNX ML Operators if unsure.
Use shared libc++ on Android (
)- Building using the shared libc++ library instead of the default static libc++ library will result in a smaller libonnxruntime.so library.
- See Android NDK documentation for more information.
The MinSizeRel
configuration will produce the smallest binary size.
The Release
configuration could also be used if you wish to prioritize performance over binary size.
<ONNX Runtime repository root>\build.bat --config=MinSizeRel --cmake_generator="Visual Studio 16 2019" --build_shared_lib --minimal_build --disable_ml_ops --disable_exceptions --include_ops_by_config <config file produced by step 1> --skip_tests
<ONNX Runtime repository root>/build.sh --config=MinSizeRel --build_shared_lib --minimal_build --disable_ml_ops --disable_exceptions --include_ops_by_config <config file produced by step 1> --skip_tests
Remove --disable_exceptions
(Python requires exceptions to be enabled) and add --build_wheel
to build a Python Wheel with the ONNX Runtime bindings.
A .whl file will be produced in the build output directory under the <config>/dist
- The Python Wheel for a Windows MinSizeRel build using build.bat would be in
<ONNX Runtime repository root>\build\Windows\MinSizeRel\MinSizeRel\dist\
- The Python Wheel for a Linux MinSizeRel build using build.sh would be in
<ONNX Runtime repository root>/build/Linux/MinSizeRel/dist/
The wheel can be installed using pip
. Adjust the following command for your platform and the whl filename.
pip install -U .\build\Windows\MinSizeRel\MinSizeRel\dist\onnxruntime-1.4.0-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
The API for executing ORT format models is the same as for ONNX models. See the ONNX Runtime API documentation.
If you provide a filename for the ORT format model, a file extension of '.ort' will be inferred to be an ORT format model. If you provide in-memory bytes for the ORT format model, a marker in those bytes will be checked to infer if it's an ORT format model.
If you wish to explicitly say that the InferenceSession input is an ORT format model you can do so via SessionOptions.
Ort::SessionOptions session_options;
session_options.AddConfigEntry('session.load_model_format', 'ORT');
so = onnxruntime.SessionOptions()
so.add_session_config_entry('session.load_model_format', 'ORT')
session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(<path to model>, so)
Using the NNAPI Execution Provider on Android platforms is now supported by ONNX Runtime Mobile. A minimal build targeting Android with NNAPI support must be created. An ORT format model that only uses ONNX operators is also recommended as a starting point.
For a more in-depth analysis of the performance considerations when using NNAPI with an ORT format model please see ONNX Runtime Mobile: Performance Considerations When Using NNAPI.
The NNAPI Execution Provider is only able to execute ONNX operators using NNAPI. When creating the ORT format model it is recommended to limit the optimization level to 'basic' so that custom internal ONNX Runtime operators are not added by the 'extended' optimizations. This will ensure that the maximum number of nodes can be executed using NNAPI. See the graph optimization documentation for details on the optimization levels.
To limit the optimization level when creating the ORT format models using tools\python\convert_onnx_models_to_ort.py
as per the above instructions, add --optimization_level basic
to the arguments.
- e.g.
python <ORT repository root>/tools/python/convert_onnx_models_to_ort.py --optimization_level basic /models
For NNAPI to be used on Android with ONNX Runtime Mobile, the NNAPI Execution Provider must be included in the minimal build.
First, read the general instructions for creating an Android build with NNAPI included. These provide details on setting up the components required to create an Android build of ONNX Runtime, such as the Android NDK.
Once you have all the necessary components setup, follow the instructions to create the minimal build, with the following changes:
- Replace
with--minimal_build extended
to enable support for execution providers that dynamically create kernels at runtime, which is needed by the NNAPI Execution Provider. - Add
to include the NNAPI Execution Provider in the build - Windows example:
<ONNX Runtime repository root>.\build.bat --config RelWithDebInfo --android --android_sdk_path D:\Android --android_ndk_path D:\Android\ndk\21.1.6352462\ --android_abi arm64-v8a --android_api 29 --cmake_generator Ninja --minimal_build extended --use_nnapi --disable_ml_ops --disable_exceptions --build_shared_lib --skip_tests --include_ops_by_config <config file produced by step 1>
- Linux example:
<ONNX Runtime repository root>./build.sh --config RelWithDebInfo --android --android_sdk_path /Android --android_ndk_path /Android/ndk/21.1.6352462/ --android_abi arm64-v8a --android_api 29 --minimal_build extended --use_nnapi --disable_ml_ops --disable_exceptions --build_shared_lib --skip_tests --include_ops_by_config <config file produced by step 1>
A minimal build has the following limitations currently:
- No support for ONNX format models
- Model must be converted to ORT format
- No support for runtime optimizations
- Optimizations should be performed prior to conversion to ORT format
- Execution providers that statically register kernels (e.g. ONNX Runtime CPU Execution Provider) are supported by default
- Limited support for runtime partitioning (assigning nodes in a model to specific execution providers)
- Execution providers that statically register kernels and will be used at runtime MUST be enabled when creating the ORT format model
- Execution providers that compile nodes are optionally supported, and nodes they create will be correctly partitioned at runtime
- currently this is limited to the NNAPI Execution Provider
- No support for custom operators
We do not currently offer backwards compatibility guarantees for ORT format models, as we will be expanding the capabilities in the short term and may need to update the internal format in an incompatible manner to accommodate these changes. You may need to regenerate the ORT format models to use with a future version of ONNX Runtime. Once the feature set stabilizes we will provide backwards compatibility guarantees.