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Rec automatic optimization, special behavior of layers

Albert Zeyer edited this page Aug 9, 2021 · 16 revisions

A list of layers with special behavior when inside a recurrent loop vs outside recurrent loop (optimized out of the loop).

  • RecLayer / RnnCellLayer. Inside loop, they have hidden state, and do one step. Outside loop, they operate on the time sequence. Determined whether the input has a time dim.

  • TwoDLSTMLayer

  • SelfAttentionLayer (deprecated)

  • EditDistanceTableLayer. Outside loop case is partly not implemented, although some efficient code already exists.

  • MaskedComputationLayer

  • UnmaskLayer

  • WindowLayer. Inside loop, keeps the previous N (window_size - 1) frames as hidden state such that you have [B,window_size,...]. Assuming window_right=0 and window_left=window_size - 1 (also see #570). Outside loop, just adds the window axis (with an efficient implementation).

  • CumsumLayer. For input x: inside loop, does output = prev:output + x. Outside loop, wraps tf.cumsum.

All other layers do not have special logic. So the implicit assumption is that the behavior is correct, i.e. when such a layer is optimized out of the loop, the behavior of the overall model/computation will not change. This is obvious correct for layers such as LinearLayer and most other layers where extra axes do not matter and the same operation would be calculated in every time frame. Basically all layers with recurrent=False.

There are some layers which would/could get confused, for various reasons:

  • KenLmStateLayer. Assumes to always be inside loop.

  • DotLayer. The var option needs T?. See #569. But otherwise operates fine, and it is important that this optimization is done correctly for efficiency.

  • All layers operating on the time-dim axis (implicitly or explicitly via some axis=T), e.g.:

    • ConvLayer (implicitly)
    • ReduceLayer with axis=T
  • RecStepInfoLayer. Kind of special case. For :i inside loop. Code could be added to perform tf.range outside loop, and thus is related to RangeInAxisLayer. However, not sure if this special logic is worth it.

We could automatically add a tf.while_loop (or anonymous RecLayer) around layers which would behave incorrectly when optimized out of the loop. E.g. such as KenLmStateLayer or RecStepInfoLayer.