Date: 20210526
Start time: 1400ET
- Manuel and especially Chris continue working on a Conv-NN implementation.
- Manuel´s gsoc Enzyme project got accepted :)
- outlook for linfa + update roadmap?
- manuel
- anirudh
- christian
- ivano
- lorenz
- ricky
- chris m
Convolutaion NN implemetnation
- performance wasn't as good as expected
- chrism started a new implmentation from scratch and has some nice numbers
- cpu only for now
- going to analyze it, and hopefully build alexnet
Google Summer of Code (gsoc) Enzyme project got accepted
- get two gsoc students for the task, so split the work!
- will keep us updated for the next steps
- plus the LLVM developer mailing list
- gsoc has a hard deadline (sometime in August)
outlook for linfa + update roadmap?
- lorenz doesn't have much time
- trying to find direction with linfa
- accepted nearest neighbors pull request
- new issue for improvements?
- boosting random forest
- thinking about opening an issue to track how can we improve the existing algorithms
- possibly clean up the issues in linfa to better organize what is open and pending
Aero-Rust Working Group
- expressed interest in the ML group
- not super experienced in OSS and/or rust
- working on coming up with a consesnsis project
- possibly putting an image classifier on a drone would be fun!
Fun datasets
- large classification project
- first iteration
- damage classification
- ricky worked on the baseline