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rosecitytransit edited this page Oct 5, 2017 · 15 revisions

These are the steps I'm using to do a minimal install of GNURadio and trunk-recorder without a GUI/Desktop environment or support for HackRF, . Please edit this if you can improve it or have suggestions.

  1. Install a Minimal version of Ubuntu from here: (I picked Ubuntu 17.04 "Zesty Zapus")

  2. When the system gets done booting after installation, press Ctrl+Alt+F2 to get to a login shell as it will leave you in the spot where (I'm guessing) the Desktop goes.

  3. sudo apt install python-pip

  4. cd /usr/local (I had problems using the PyBOMBS prefix feature and putting stuff somewhere else before)

  5. sudo chmod -R o+w /usr/local

  6. sudo -H pip install PyBOMBS

  7. pybombs auto-config

  8. sudo apt install python-apt

  9. pybombs recipes add-defaults

  10. nano ~/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/gnuradio.lwr -under depends comment out: uhd, wxpython, pygtk, pycairo, pyqt4, qwt5, pyqwt5, apache-thrift -Also removed "-DENABLE_GR_AUDIO=ON -DENABLE_GR_BLOCKS=ON -DENABLE_GR_DIGITAL=ON -DENABLE_GR_FEC=ON -DENABLE_GR_FFT=ON -DENABLE_GR_FILTER=ON -DENABLE_GR_QTGUI=ON -DENABLE_GR_UHD=ON -DENABLE_PYTHON=ON -DENABLE_VOLK=ON -DENABLE_GRC=ON" from config_opt as it wasn't there the last time I did this and I certainly don't want some of that stuff

  11. nano ~/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/gr-osmosdr.lwr -under depends comment out: uhd, hackrf, bladerf, airspy

  12. sudo pybombs prefix init /usr/local

  13. sudo chmod -R o+w /usr/local