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Graph Cycles


Handshaking Lemma

  • A graph has an even number of vertices of odd degree.
  • For any graph $G(V, E)$, the sum of degrees of all its nodes is twice the number of edges: $$\sum_{v\in{V}}^{}degree(v) = 2\cdot|E|$$
  • Each edge contributes 2 to the sum of degrees

Connected Components

  • The nodes of an undirected graph can be partitioned into subsets connected components.
    • Any node belongs to exactly one connected component
    • Any two nodes from the same connected component have a path between them
    • Any two nodes from different connected components are not connected
  • Theorem of Lower Bound: An undirected graph $G(V, E)$ has at least $|V| - |E|$ connected components.
    • The Lower Bound theorem is useless for graphs with $|E| \geq |V|$.

Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs)

  • A DAG is a direct graph without cycles. This occurs naturally: Examples include citation graphs, course prerequisite graphs.

  • A topological ordering of a directed graph is an ordering of its vertices such that, for each edge $(u, v)$, $u$ comes before $v$. ![[Pasted image 20230724152844.png]]

  • Every DAG has a topological ordering. The proof of this theorem involves:

    • Showing that every DAG has a sink—a node with no outgoing edges,
    • Taking a sink, putting it to the end of the ordering, removing it from the graph (this maintains the acyclic nature), and repeating.
  • Every DAG has a sink.

Strongly Connected Components

  • In a directed graph, two nodes $u$ and $v$ are said to be connected, if there exists a path from $u$ to $v$ and a path from $v$ to $u$.

  • Nodes of any directed graph can be partitioned into subsets called strongly connected components (SCC) where:

    • every node belongs exactly to one SCC
    • nodes from the same SCC are connected (as defined above)
    • nodes from different SCCs are not connected
  • Condensing the SCCc of a directed graph gives a DAG. ![[Pasted image 20230724154744.png]]

Eulerian Cycle

  • An Eulerian cycle is a [[Graph Theory#Paths|cycle]] that visits every edge exactly once.
  • A connected undirected graph contains an Eulerian cycle, $iff$ the degree of every node is even.
  • A strongly connected directed graph contains an Eulerian cycle, $iff$, for every node, its in-degree is equal to its out-degree. If some node is imbalanced, there is clearly no Eulerian cycle.
  • For a path instead of a cycle on an undirected graph, the graph is allowed to contain two imbalanced nodes: one for the starting node (with out-degree > in-degree by 1) and an ending node (with out-degree < in-degree by 1). Adding a directed edge from the ending node to starting node will generate a Eulerian cycle.

Hamiltonian Cycles

  • A Hamiltonian cycle visits every node of a graph exactly once.

  • No simple criteria is known for the Hamiltonian cycle problem.

  • No polynomial time algorithm is known to find Hamiltonian cycle.

  • In fact, the question of whether there is a polynomial time algorithm for the Hamiltonian cycle problem is the [[P versus NP]] problem.

  • The right formulation can be used to convert the problem of finding Hamiltonian Cycles (which is intractable; class NP) could be reduced to the problem of finding Eulerian cycles by using the De Bruijn graphs.