Trees are defined by the following equivalent definitions:
A Tree is a connected graph without cycles.
It is a connected graph on n vertices with n - 1 edges.
A graph is a tree iff there is a unique simple path between any pair of its vertices.
A path graph is always a tree.
A spanning tree of a graph
$G$ , is a subgraph of$G$ which is a tree containing all vertices of$G$ . -
A minimum spanning tree of a weighted graph
$G$ is a spanning tree of the smallest weight. The problem of finding a minimum spanning tree has implications for optimizing network connectivity.
- A graph
$G$ is Bipartite if its vertices can be partitioned into two disjoint sets$L$ and$R$ such that:- Every edge of
$G$ connects a vertex$L$ to a vertex in$R$ . - No edge connects two vertices from the same set.
- Every edge of
$L$ and$R$ are called the parts of$G$ . ![[Pasted image 20230724194906.png]] -
A graph is bipartite,
$iff$ it has no cycles of odd length. - A cycle graph with even vertices is a bipartite graph. Not true if number of vertices is odd.
- Trees are bipartite as well.
- A Complete Bipartite Graph
$K_{L, R}$ is a bipartite graph in which all vertices of$L$ are connected to all vertices of$R$ and vice versa.
A matching in a graph is a set of edges without common vertices.
A maximal matching is a matching which cannot be extended to a larger matching.
A maximum matching is a matching of the largest size.
In bipartite graphs, matchings can be used to find mapping solutions from one part to the other.
- **In a bipartite graph
$G = (L \cup R, E)$ , there is a matching which covers all vertices from L,$iff$ for every subset of vertices$S \subseteq L$ ,$$|S| \leq |N(S)|$$ - Here, the Neighborhood
$N(S)$ of$S$ , a subset of vertices$S \subseteq V$ of graph$G = (V, E)$ , is defined as the set of all vertices connected to at least one vertex in$S$ .
- A graph is said to be planar if it can be drawn in the plane such that its edges do not meet (cross) except at their end points.
- Geographical maps are always equivalent to planar graphs. ![[Pasted image 20230724202237.png]]