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Detailed documentation on the FairnessAnalysisPipeline

Concepts used

  • Group name: refers to the attribute used to form the subcohorts of patients, for example, sex or admission reason
  • Category: refers to the value taken by this attribute, it characterizes a specific subcohort, for example, F (female) or Cardiovascular Please note that in the documentation we can use the word "cohort" and "category" equally, to refer to a set of patients sharing a common attribute value. The word "grouping" is commonly used to refer to a way of categorizing patients, i.e. to the fact of conditioning on a specific attribute.

Prerequisites to run the pipeline

These are the general preliminary steps that are required before running the FairnessAnalysisPipeline.

Obtain predictions on the test set

On HiRID: Store predictions on the test set by running the training pipeline with an additional stage HandlePredictions (example GIN configs are given in ./config) On other data source: Save your predictions in a pickle file as a dictionary: {patient_id: (predictions, labels)}, predictions and labels need to be NumPy arrays.

Define your groupings

For all data sources Define which groupings and cohorts of patients you want to study in a YAML file (an example is given for HiRID in config/group_hirid_complete.yaml and for MIMIC in config/group_mimic_complete.yaml)

Generate a dataframe with patient's demographics

On HiRID: This is done directly in the LoadPatientsDf stage (this is already run by the FairnessAnalysisPipeline no need for a preliminary step) On MIMIC III: This is done directly in the LoadPatientsDf stage for the grouping's attributes listed in config/group_mimic_complete.yaml (this is already run by the FairnessAnalysisPipeline no need for a preliminary step) On other data source: Construct a .csv indexed by patient id (row) and having as columns the different attributes used in your groupings.

Generate a dictionary containing the target event boundaries

On HiRID: This can be done directly in the LoadEventBounds stage (this is already run by the FairnessAnalysisPipeline no need for a preliminary step) On other data source: For our primary use-case, the events to predict have a certain length. For each patient, we want to know the period of the stay for which he/she was undergoing an event. This needs to be saved in a pickle file as a dictionary {patient_id: [start_event, stop_event]}. start_event and stop_event are indexed on an evenly spaced time grid (for HiRID it is a 5-minute time grid).

Obtain patients split (train, validation, test)

On HiRID: This can be done directly in the LoadSplitPids stage (this is already run by the FairnessAnalysisPipeline no need for a preliminary step) On other data source: This needs to be saved in a pickle file as a dictionary {split_name: np.array(list_pids)} with split_name taking values in train, val, test and list_pids the corresponding list of patient ids.

Construct the GIN config

In the GIN config, as attributes of FairnessAnalysisPipeline:

  • use_multiple_predictions flag to run the analysis of the average of predictions by models trained with different random seeds. The root directory where the predictions are stored and the list of seeds need to be passed in GIN config as an attribute of the HandleMultiplePredictions stage. If use_multiple_predictions = False then the pickle file containing the predictions needs to be stored in the log directory as predictions/predictions_split_{split_name}.pkl.
  • threshold_score threshold value on score or name_threshold to define a threshold from a target metric value (e.g. event_recall_0.8 means that the threshold on score will be defined such that we have a global event-based recall at 0.8)
  • do_stat_test flag to run statistical tests for the different analysis
  • significance_level value of significance level for statistical test (before correction)
  • horizon prediction horizon in hours (by default 12 hours)
  • max_len maximal length of time series to consider per patient (on {timestep} min grid)
  • timestep timestep of time series in minutes (by default 5)
  • To run a particular analysis stage, it has to be added to the FairnessAnalysisPipeline.analysis_stages list in the GIN config

Set-up stages

  • SetUpGroupDef loads the grouping definitions In GIN config: - group_config_file path to the YAML file containing the grouping definition

  • LoadPatientsDf loads or generates the dataframe with the patient's demographics If it has been pre-computed, you just need to give in the gin config the path at LoadPatientsDf.patients_df_file Otherwise, in the GIN config: - patients_df_file: path to store the generated dataframe - patients_source: data source, currently supported hirid or mimic - general_table_hirid_path: if the data source is hirid, path to the extended general table (generated by HiRID preprocessing) - root_mimic: if the data source is mimic, the path to the directory containing all MIMIC-III dataframes - pid_name string referring to the patient id, for HiRID it is patientid and for MIMIC it is PatientID

  • LoadEventBounds load or generate the target event boundaries If it has been pre-computed, you just need to give in the gin config the path at LoadEventBounds.event_bounds_file Otherwise, in the GIN config: - patients_df_file: path to store the target event boundaries - patients_source: data source, currently supported hirid - patient_endpoint_data_dir: directory containing endpoints data (generated by HiRID preprocessing) - event_column: string referring to the event column name in the endpoint dataframes In both cases, one can merge events that are relatively close (less than merge_time_min) by setting LoadEventBounds.merge_time_min to the desired value in minutes.

  • LoadSplitPids loads or generates patients splits (train, validation, test) dictionary If it has been pre-computed, you just need to give in the gin config the path at LoadSplitPids.split_file Otherwise, in the GIN config: - split_file: path to store the patients splits dictionary - data_table_file: path of h5 file containing the split definition, in the same format as the ML-stage preprocessed data of HiRID

  • HandlePredictions loads the predictions that are stored at {log_dir}/predictions/predictions_split_{split_name}.pkl One can choose the split to load passing its name to HandlePredictions.split in the GIN config. We advise for the test set. This stage is run if FairnessAnalysisPipeline.use_multiple_predictions=False

  • HandleMultiplePredictions loads multiple predictions and averages them. The subsequent analysis will be run on the averaged predictions. One can choose the split to load passing its name to HandleMultiplePredictions.split in the GIN config. We advise for the test set. Then, in the GIN config:

    • root_predictions_path: a path of the root directory containing the different predictions
    • list_seeds: list of seeds to construct the different prediction paths Each set of predictions has to be stored in a pickle file whose path is of the form root_predictions_path/seed_{list_seeds[i]}/predictions/predictions_split_{split_name}.pkl. This stage is run if FairnessAnalysisPipeline.use_multiple_predictions=True.

Analysis stages

We will now explain how to configure each of the analysis stages

  • AnalysePerformanceGroup computes model metrics for each cohort of patients
    In GIN config:

    • use_cache flag to store analysis output
    • overwrite flag to overwrite analysis output that has already been stored
    • store_curve flag to enable curve generation (e.g. calibration)
    • nbins_calibration number of bins to draw the calibration curve
    • metrics_binary_to_check List of binary metrics to measure, it has to be a subset of ["recall", "precision", "npv", "fpr", "corrected_precision", "corrected_npv", "event_recall"]
    • metrics_score_to_check List of score-based metrics to measure, it has to be a subset of ["positive_class_score", "negative_class_score", "auroc", "auprc", "corrected_auprc", "event_auprc", "corrected_event_auprc", "calibration_error"]
  • AnalyseTimeGapGroup computes the median time gap between the first correct alarm and the start of the corresponding event, compares the difference of medians across cohorts of patients
    In GIN config:

    • use_cache flag to store analysis output
    • overwrite flag to overwrite analysis output that has already been stored
    • groups_start_event list to define the bounds of event groups based on the length of the available prediction horizon. For instance, to specify the following groups [0-3h, 3-6h, 6-12h, >12h], provide a list [0, 3, 6, 12]. Values in a list should be given in hours and sorted in increasing order without duplicates. We need to group events based on the duration between the end of the last event (or the start of the stay) and the start of the event. This duration affects the range of possible values for the time gap between the alarm and the event. Some events have less available time in front of them than others, for instance, we can not predict 8 hours in advance for the event that happened 2 hours after the admission.
  • AnalyseMedVarsGroup computes the median values of specified medical variables for each cohort of patients, based on the training data.
    For each cohort, the median value is computed for three conditions: all patients across the entire stay, for all patients but only while not in an event, and only for patients not experiencing any event.
    Please note that to run this stage, you need preprocessed data that are of a similar format as the common stage preprocessed data of HiRID.
    In GIN config:

    • use_cache flag to store analysis output
    • overwrite flag to overwrite analysis output that has already been stored
    • path_common_stage_dir path to the directory that contains the common_stage preprocessed data (resampled on {timestep}-time grid before imputation, see more details in the HiRID benchmark repo:
    • patients_source string that specifies the data source (for the moment only working for hirid - we expect that path_common_stage_dir is a directory containing .parquet files containing time series data for a batch of patients.)
    • classical_vars list of medical variables to study (same naming as in common_stage tables)
    • conditioned_vars list of medical variables to study but only when they respect a certain condition on other medical variables
    • specified_conditions object specifying conditions for the variables in conditioned_vars
    • vars_units dictionary mapping each medical variable to its unit, this is optional and will only be used for display purpose

    Example of how to declare conditioned_vars: We want to study the Mean Arterial Pressure when patients aren't under vasopressors (as they influence the MAP) conditioned_vars={'ABPm': ('has_vasop', False)} means that we compute the median ABPm when the condition has_vasop is False. Then the condition has_vasop needs to be defined in specified_conditions.
    specified_conditions = {'has_vasop': {'vasop1': ('val>0', 'val==0'), 'vasop2': ('val>0', 'val==0')}} means that has_vasop is True for all time points where the value of vasop1 or the value of vasop2 is greater than 0.

  • AnalyseFeatImportanceGroup compares the feature ranking (per importance according to SHAP values) for each cohort of patients.
    It is possible to use this stage with pre-computed SHAP values and without access to the ML-stage data (same formatting as for HiRID). In this case, the root_shap_values_path and feature_names_path need to be passed, and in the case of multiple models the model_seeds as well. We expect the pre-computed SHAP values for a model to be stored in a pickle file containing a dictionary of the format {patient_id: matrix_shap_values}, matrix_shap_values being a matrix of SHAP values obtained for each feature, for each time step (it is of size number_timesteps x number_features).
    If the SHAP values have not yet been computed then the ml_stage_data_path, the task_name as well as all the information related to the trained models have to be passed.
    Please note that the computation of SHAP values within the stage isn't supported for the DL model. If you want to use the stage for a DL model you will need to pass the pre-computed SHAP values directly as specified above.
    In GIN config:

    • use_cache flag to store analysis output
    • overwrite flag to overwrite analysis output that has already been stored
    • ml_stage_data_path path to the ML-stage data (.h5 file) (contains the input to the model, same format as preprocessed HiRID)
    • split name of the data split for which we want to compute the SHAP values (either test or val)
    • task_name name (or index) of the task in the ML-stage dataset
    • model_seeds list of seeds in case of multiple models (it corresponds to the suffix of the model folder of the form seed_{model_seeds[i]})
    • root_model_path path to the directory containing the trained models, in case of multiple models in contained the seed_{model_seeds[i]} folders
    • model_type string representing the type of model (for the moment only classical_mlis supported, by classical_ml we mean all non-Deep Learning models that are supported by shap.Explainer:
    • model_save_name name under which the model is saved (for classical_ml model type, expected name finishing with .jobllib)
    • feature_names_path path to a pickle file containing the list of feature names (in case the ml_stage_data_path hasn't been provided and thus the feature names cannot be inferred)
    • root_shap_values_path path to the directory containing the SHAP values (or where to save them), in case of multiple models, it contains the seed_{model_seeds[i]} folders
  • AnalyseMissingnessGroup compares the intensity of measurements for each cohort of patients and assesses the impact of missingness in model performance.
    Please note that to run this stage, you need preprocessed data that are of a similar format as the common stage preprocessed data of HiRID.
    In GIN config:

    • use_cache flag to store analysis output
    • overwrite flag to overwrite analysis output that has already been stored
    • path_common_stage_dir path to the directory that contains the common_stage preprocessed data (resampled on {timestep}-time grid before imputation, see more details in the HiRID benchmark repo:
    • patients_source string that specifies the data source (for the moment only working for hirid - we expect that path_common_stage_dir is a directory containing .parquet files containing time series data for a batch of patients.)
    • medical_vars dictionary of medical variables to study (same naming as in common_stage tables) with their corresponding expected sampling intervals (in minutes)
    • vars_only_patient_msrt list of medical variables for which we want only to study predictions on patients with measurement (a subset of medical_vars keys), if a variable is used in the label definition it needs to be appended to this list.
    • category_intensity Dictionary defining the categories of intensity of measurement of the following format {intensity_category: (lower, upper)} (with lower excluded and upper included). Categories have to be in increasing order.
    • metrics_binary_to_check List of binary metrics to measure (no event-based metrics should be present), it has to be a subset of ["recall", "precision", "npv", "fpr", "corrected_precision", "corrected_npv"]
    • metrics_score_to_check List of score-based metrics to measure (no event-based metrics should be present), it has to be a subset of ["positive_class_score", "negative_class_score", "auroc", "auprc", "corrected_auprc"]
  • CreatePDFReport generates a PDF report with the results of each of the previous analysis
    In GIN config:

    • colors list of colors for the figure creation
    • display_stat_test_table whether to display statistical test tables in the report
    • figsize_* size for the different figures to display in the report
    • k_feat_importance number of features to display for the AnalyseFeatImportanceGroup stage report
    • max_cols_topkfeat_tablenumber of adjacent tables to render for the AnalyseFeatImportanceGroup stage report

The results of the analysis will be stored in {log_directory}/fairness_check/{str_stat_test}/{name_threshold}/{merge_str} with:

  • str_stat_test being no_stat_test if the pipeline is run with do_stat_test=False or w_stat_test if the pipeline is run with do_stat_test=True
  • name_threshold the string given in the config if any, otherwise threshold_{threshold_score}
  • if merge_time_min is given in the config then merge_str is merge_event_{merge_time_min}min, else the path ends at the name_threshold folder

Special use-cases

Timepoint events

In case the target event has no duration i.e. it is a single timestep, it is possible to run the analysis but the event boundaries should be constructed accordingly {patient_id: [(timepoint_event, timepoint_event+1)]}.

No early warning

In case the alarm system is meant to raise the alarm when the event starts, the HORIZON has to be set at 0. The stage AnalyseTimeGapGroup cannot be run. Note also that event-based metrics are ill-defined in this case, we thus advise to not use them in the audit and to choose a threshold target that does not depend on them.

Classical binary classification

For the following use-cases, AnalyseTimeGapGroup and AnalyseMissingnessGroup aren't supported as well as all event-based metrics.
Set MAXLEN to 1, HORIZON to 0. Single output for each patient Consider a use-case where the input data is still time-series for each patient but the output is a single label. Predictions have to be stored in the following format {patient_id: (np.array([prediction]), np.array([label]))}. If the label is positive then the event boundary for the patient is [(0, 1), (1,len(input))] else it is an empty list. AnalyseFeatImportanceGroup can be run if the SHAP values are pre-computed as explained above.

Single output and no time-series input for each patient Set TIMESTEP to 1. Consider a use-case where the input data for a patient is a single value for each feature and the output is a single label. Predictions have to be stored in the following format {patient_id: (np.array([prediction]), np.array([label]))}. If the label is positive then the event boundary for the patient is [(0, 1), (1, -1)] else it is an empty list. AnalyseMedVarsGroup can't be run. AnalyseFeatImportanceGroup can be run if the SHAP values are pre-computed as explained above.