- Qualcomm® AI Engine Direct SDK setup should be completed
- Install DNN dependencies for SDK
- Install opencv using
pip install opencv-python
Download ONNX model required for this tutorial
wget https://github.com/arsenyinfo/EnlightenGAN-inference/raw/main/enlighten_inference/enlighten.onnx -P onnx-model/
Optional command to simplify the onnx model.
onnxsim onnx-model/enlighten.onnx onnx-model/enlighten_opt.onnx
- Copy the onnx model / simplified onnx-model you get from above steps to
folder (by default it has been already provided) and run the following command :
qnn-onnx-converter --input_network onnx-model/enlighten_opt.onnx --input_dim input 1,3,240,320 --out_node output --output_path FP_32/enlighten_opt.cpp
This will produce the following artifacts:
The artifacts include .cpp file containing the sequence of API calls, and a .bin file containing the static data associated with the model.
Once the model is converted it is built with qnn-model-lib-generator
qnn-model-lib-generator -c FP_32/enlighten_opt.cpp -b FP_32/enlighten_opt.bin -o model_libs/FP_32
This will produce the following artifacts:
- Quantization can improve model performance in terms of latency and make the model light weight. change directory to Model/SESR/Quantization and run below command:
qnn-onnx-converter --input_network ../onnx-model/enlighten_opt.onnx --input_dim input 1,3,240,320 --out_node output --output_path INT_8/enlighten_opt_quantized.cpp --input_list list.txt
This will produce the following artifacts:
The artifacts include .cpp file containing the sequence of API calls, and a .bin file containing the static data associated with the model.
Once the model is converted it is built with qnn-model-lib-generator
mkdir model_libs
qnn-model-lib-generator -c INT_8/enlighten_opt_quantized.cpp -b INT_8/enlighten_opt_quantized.bin -o ../model_libs/INT_8/
This will produce the following artifacts:
Note : By default libraries are built for all targets. To compile for a specific target, use the -t option with qnn-model-lib-generator. Choices of are aarch64-android, arm-android, and x86_64-linux-clang.
One distinction is the HTP backend requires a Quantized model. Additionally, running the HTP on device requires the generation of a serialized context. To generate the context run:
qnn-context-binary-generator --backend ${QNN_SDK_ROOT}/target/x86_64-linux-clang/lib/libQnnHtp.so --model model_libs/INT_8/x86_64-linux-clang/libenlighten_opt_quantized.so --binary_file lib_graph_prepare_from_int8_x86.serialized
- To check the execution on snapdragon device, please run "Model_Prototyping_EnhancementGAN.ipynb" a jupyter notebook present in the Prototyping folder.
- To run any jupyter notebook, run the below command. It will generate few links on the screen, pick the link with your machine name on it (host-name) and paste it in any browser.
- Navigate to the notebook ".ipynb" file and simply click that file.
jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=8080 --ip --allow-root
- Jiang, Y., Gong, X., Liu, D., Cheng, Y., Fang, C., Shen, X., Yang, J., Zhou, P. and Wang, Z., 2021. Enlightengan: Deep light enhancement without paired supervision. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 30, pp.2340-2349.
- https://github.com/arsenyinfo/EnlightenGAN-inference