Releases: qonversion/unity-sdk
What's new
- PreferencesManager import fix
What's new
Errors details
From now Qonversion SDK returns more details about the error received. Check the details in the QonversionError
object and in the documentation.
Error details contain information on receipt validation error, project configuration issues, invalid or fraud purchases, wrong credentials, etc.
Product update
New Product fields: StoreTitle, StoreDescription, Price, CurrencyCode, PrettyIntroductoryPrice.
Minor improvements
Updated background mode logic
What's new
Apple Search Ads
Qonversion SDK can now automatically collect Apple Search Ads attribution data. Just enable that using SetAppleSearchAdsAttributionEnabled
Call this function to link a user to his unique ID in your system and share purchase data:
Call this function to unlink a user from his unique ID in your system and his purchase data:
A/B Testing
A/B testing makes it easy to run and analyze in-app subscription experiments to quickly find the best subscription price, duration, and other parameters that maximize your app's revenue in the long run.
It is an out-of-the-box solution that does not require any third-party service. You can roll out the winning version of the experiment to all users instantly without releasing a new app version.
See the details in our documentation to set up your first subscription pricing A/B experiment
What's new
Fix StrictMode policy violation errors in the Google Play Console pre-launch report.
What's new
Fix StrictMode policy violation errors in the Google Play Console pre-launch report.
What's new
Errors details
From now Qonversion SDK returns more details about the error received. Check the details in the QonversionError
object and in the documentation.
Error details contain information on receipt validation error, project configuration issues, invalid or fraud purchases, wrong credentials, etc.
Product update
New Product fields: StoreTitle, StoreDescription, Price, CurrencyCode, PrettyIntroductoryPrice.
Minor improvements
Updated background mode logic
From now Qonversion supports Google Play Billing Library 4.0.0.
If you are using Qonversion Unity SDK in Observer Mode, please check the Google Play Billing Library version in your in-app subscription implementation. For the library version 3.x.y, you have to use the major version of the SDK 2.x.y. In other cases use the latest SDK version (version 3.0.0 and above).
What's new
Intro eligibility
You can check if a user is eligible for an introductory offer, including a free trial. On the Apple platform, users who have not previously used an introductory offer for any products in the same subscription group are eligible for an introductory offer. Use this method to determine eligibility.
You can show only a regular price for users who are not eligible for an introductory offer.
string[] productIds = {"premium"};
Qonversion.CheckTrialIntroEligibilityForProductIds(productIds, (eligibility, error) =>
if (error == null)
if (eligibility.TryGetValue("premium", out Eligibility premiumEligibility) && premiumEligibility.Status == EligibilityStatus.Eligible)
// handle available eligibility
What's new
iOS updates
- SKProduct issue fix
- Unfinished transactions fix
- Minor improvements
User properties
User properties are attributes you can set on a user level. You can send user properties to third-party platforms as well as use them in Qonversion for customer segmentation and analytics.
Qonversion.SetProperty(UserProperty.Email, "[email protected]");
What's new
On iOS 14.5+, after requesting the app tracking permission using ATT, you need to notify Qonversion if tracking is allowed and IDFA is available.
Just callQonversion.SetAdvertisingID();
- Minor improvements