This is a project to make initializing and traversing a GUI much simpler. The goal is to shorten multiple lines of code and make the hierarchy easier to navigate.
Benefits of hierarchy components:
- You can easily tell which components are children of which other components
- You don't have to make a component & add it to a container
- Adding is handled automatically
Initializing a Swing form before Hierarchy Components:
class Swing{
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Frame Title");
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
JButton button1 = new JButton("Click me!");
JButton button2 = new JButton("No, click me!");
JButton button3 = new JButton("CLICK ME!");
button2.addActionListener((e) ->
System.out.println("Thanks for clicking me!")
//showing it
Initializing a Swing form after Hierarchy Components:
class Hierarchy {
public static void main(String[] args) {
HFrame frame = new HFrame("Frame Title",
notNamed(new HPanel(
named("button1", new HButton("Click me!")),
named("button2", new HButton("No, click me!", (e) ->
System.out.println("Thanks for clicking me!")
named("button3", new HButton("CLICK ME!"))
//showing it, true);
You may be wondering how to access the variables after you made them. When you make a new HFrame, it automatically creates a Navigator with all the components according to their name.
Here is an example:
class NavEx {
public static void main(String[] args){
//...code above
Navigator nav = frame.getNavigator();
//getting one component by name
JComponent button1 = nav.getSingle("button1");
//getting one component by name and class
HButton button1asButton = nav.getSingleByClass("button1", HButton.class);
//getting a list by name
List<JComponent> labels = nav.getList("label");
//getting list by class
List<JLabel> jLabels = nav.getListByClass(JLabel.class);
//getting list by name and class
List<JLabel> jLabelsNamedLabel = nav.getListByClass("label", JLabel.class);