- Enhanced the MX parser log verbosity when parsing malformed content
- Changed the
findByTags and findByPath methods to return the element values instead of the XML stream object
- (PW-2113)
added a method to extract the enclosed MT from a multi-format MX message - (PW-2113)
added methods to extract comments from XML string - Added new SettlementInfo class, and added MxParseUtils#getSettlementInfo to extract it from a raw MX message.
- Moved and enhanced the MxSwiftMessage#findElement to support multiple element's path
- Update apache-commons-lang3 from 3.14.0 to 3.17.0 fixing derived apache-text dependency vulnerabilities
- Gradle wrapper update to 8.12
- (PW-1958) Fixed the
NPE issue when the amount values are null
- (PW-1947) Updated MX model with latest SWIFT SRU2024 schema update, including new messages such as trck.001.001.03
- Add support for Business Application Header version head.001.001.04
- (PW-1875) Fixed the
to convert the datetime to UTC offset if needed
- Enhanced the AppHdrFactory to honor the business service set in the parameter MxId
- Enhanced the MxParseUtils#identifyMessage to set the business service in the MxId when present
- SWIFT Standard release update 2024 (live 16 November 2024)
- Yearly revision of deprecation phase (see https://dev.prowidesoftware.com/SRU2024/getting-started/deprecation/)
- Added message categories for File Management (cafm), Fraud Reporting and Disposition (cafm), Network Management (canm), and Settlement Reporting (casr)
- Add support in the MxWriteConfiguration to use standard envelopes for SWIFT and ISO 20022
- Changed the default Document prefix to the message category; "camt", "pacs", etc...
- Enhanced MxId with optional and transient businessService field to act as a message type discriminator
- Dependency update: commons-lang3 -> 3.14.0
- Dependency update: gson -> 2.11.0
- (PW-1875) Changed the BusinessApplicationHeaderV01 marshaller to always use Zulu timezone with "Z" indicator
- Enhanced the identifier extraction of the MxSwiftMessage to use the AppHdr when the Document namespace is missing
- Enhanced the generic AbstractMX#parse to detect the message type from the AppHdr when the Document namespace is missing
- Added default metadata extraction implementation for pacs and camt amounts and value dates
- Added default methods for sender, receiver, and identifier extraction to the MxSwiftMessage.
- Replaced the DistinguishedName parse logic with proprietary util class from the Prowide Core library
- Enhanced metadata extraction for xsys messages getting sender/receiver BICs from the RequestHeader element
- Make the message metadata extraction lenient, by fixing the XML instruction of the payload when it contains invalid case
- Added new utility class SupplementaryDataUtils to facilitate "SplmtryData" extraction from MX messages
- (PW-1392) Fixed the default escape handler when serializing model objects into XML, that was duplicated quote characters in the output
- SWIFT Standard release update 2023 (live 19 November 2023)
- Yearly revision of deprecation phase (see https://dev.prowidesoftware.com/SRU2022/getting-started/deprecation/)
- (GH-74) Added a parameter in the MxWriteParams to define a custom indentation string to use when marshalling into XML
- Added an optional way to pass a JaxbContext instance to the parse and write methods
- (GH-63) Added message type versions in categories: acmt, admi, auth, caaa, camt, catm, fxtr, pacs, reda, seev, semt, sese, setr, supl and trck
- Added new business process and messages for: caad, cafc, cain, casp
- Removed obsolete trea (treasury) message types
- Added model and support for the BusinessApplicationHeaderV03
- (PW-1082) Added support in the JaxbContextCache and its default implementation to create the context without the classes parameter
- (PW-922) Added a parameter in the MxReadParams used by the AbstractMX#parse to control the log verbosity when parsing unrecognized messages
- Added model for "trck" types
- SWIFT Standard release update 2022 (live 21 November 2022)
- Yearly revision of deprecation phase (see http://www.prowidesoftware.com/resources/deprecation-policy)
- Updated gson dependency to 2.9.0
- (GH-45) Fixed Json serialization in Java 17
- (GH-36) Added customizable datetime, date and time adapter in the MxWriteConfiguration, MxReadConfiguration
- Changed the default date time serialization to local time with UTC offset format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.sss]+/-hh:mm
- Changed the default time serialization to local time with UTC offset format hh:mm:ss[.sss]+/-hh:mm
- Encapsulated the serialization options in a DTO, when calling xml or message methods in AbstractMX and AppHdr
- Validate.notNull -> Objects.requireNonNull
- (GH-37) Updated dependency: gson:2.8.8 -> gson:2.8.9
- Added com.prowidesoftware.iso20022 as automatic module name in the MANIFEST for JPMS support
- Updated dependency: Apache Commons Lang 3.8.1 -> 3.12.0
- Updated dependency: Apache Commons Text 1.6 -> 1.9
- Updated dependency: Gson 2.8.2 -> 2.8.8
- (PW-584) Enhanced the XML serialization to use localized line separators
- NamespaceReader utility class made public with method to extract namespaces from XML, or to check if an element exists
- NamespaceAndElementFilter made public, used by the parser, handy to implement a validator
- (GH-26) Fixed AppHdr JSON conversion with explicit new namespace field as discriminator
- (GH-24) Added a new MxWriteConfiguration and EscapeHandler API to tweak the serialization into XML
- SWIFT Standard release update 2021 (live 22 November 2021)
- Yearly revision of deprecation phase (see http://www.prowidesoftware.com/resources/deprecation-policy)
- (GH-17|PW-506) Enhanced the XML format in the serializing, spaces and line breaks
- (GH-18) Fixed NPE in json serialization/deserialization of XMLGregorianCalendar fractional second
- Added customizable strategies to set the MxSwiftMessage metadata fields: reference, main amount, value date, etc...
- (GH-8) (JR-428) Fixed parser to skip unbounded content such as the @XmlAnyElement(lax = true) elements used in many schemas for supplementary data
- Fixed javadoc jar
- Fixed pom file
- Added AppHdrType enum and AppHdrFactory method to create headers with the enum as parameter
- Added targetNamespace method to the AbstractMX
- Internal SCM refactor for OS release
- Revamped the parser implementation with SAX to avoid custom namespace preprocessing
- Added AppHdrParser utility class
- Removed the CopyableTo implementation from the generated model
- Change the generic AbstractMX#parse to throw runtime exception when XML parameter is blank or null (same semantic as Mx classes parse method)
- Removed blank lines in MX writer (marshalling)
- Fixed generic AbstractMX parse for system messages (xsys)
- SWIFT Standard release update 2020 (live 22 November 2020)
- Yearly revision of deprecation phase (see http://www.prowidesoftware.com/resources/deprecation-policy)
- Added a new extensible interface based model for the application headers: AppHdr
- Added support for the ISO Business Application Header version 2: head.001.001.02
- ISO 20022 module extracted from Prowide Integrator to its own library, with its own version from now on