Notes CLI Application built during the Workshop Introduction to Node.js, v3 by Scott Moss.
Participation & Enjoyment By: Pieter Herman, a passionate learner who dived into the Awesome Workshop Introduction to Node.js, v3.
Led & Inspired By: The one and only Scott Moss. His wisdom, insights, and engaging teaching style made this journey an unforgettable learning experience.
A command-line note-taking tool, created during the workshop. Simple, like the best ideas. Made with Node.js, because why not?
Because jotting down ideas in the terminal is cool, and because learning through workshops like this one helps shape better developers.
Engaging and insightful. Thanks to Scott Moss's captivating workshop, I've gained valuable insights into Node.js.
- Check Here The Workshop Introduction To Node.js, v3 (Unedited Replay)
- Learn More About the Man Behind the Magic: Scott Moss
Clone the repo
bash npm install && npm link
node app.js --help
note new <note> Create a new note
note all get all notes
note find <filter> get matching notes
note remove <id> remove a note by id
note web [port] lanch website to see notes
note clean remove all notes
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-t, --tags tags to add to the note [string]