This is the frontend of 'Where Can I Play?'. It is a website that lets users find the nearest places to play their favourite arcade games. The repository of the backend of 'Where Can I Play?' can be seen here.
This is a project created with create-next-app
. It uses Typescript.
This is currently an MVP and so the style, features and implementation will change. Please refer to the project board for what I am currently working on/going to work on.
Currently using Heroku to deploy the MVP.
- Base Url
- Results for the game 'Time Crisis II'
- Specific arcade selected for the game 'Time Crisis II'
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
Open http://localhost:3001 with your browser to see the result.
You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx
. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.
This project uses next/font
to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.