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Carolina Cornejo Castellano castellco
MSc Computational Social Science | Into all things #data | #Rstats enthusiast

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Lima, Perú

Linus Chirchir linuschirchir
Data Analyst at Research Data Scotland. Passionate about storytelling with data, insights, and impact 📊. Decoding the world's health stories!

Research Data Scotland Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

EconMaett EconMaett
Master in Economics - Specialization in Digitization and Data Analytics

Swiss National Bank Switzerland

Imad EL BADISY ielbadisy
Research Engineer in Applied Statistics

IMT Atlantique Brest - France

Marc Bosch marcboschmatas
Policy analyst, open data, open software, open knowledge.
Yannis Galanakis ygalanak

King's College London

Nicola Rennie nrennie
Lecturer in Health Data Science. Generative artist. Runner of endurance races. Neat freak. She/her.

Lancaster University United Kingdom

Justin Boylan-Toomey justinbt1
Machine Learning Lead at the Wellcome Trust.

@wellcometrust London, UK

mb25 mbedan

Jacobs Engineering Colorado, USA

Matt Kerlogue mattkerlogue
Doing things with data (often in R) and a lapsed geographer

Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford London, UK

Jonathan Auerbach jauerbach
Assistant Professor in Stats at GMU

George Mason University Fairfax, VA

Raphael Sonabend-Friend RaphaelS1
Director and Founder of OSPO Now. You can find my code scattered across orgs: RaphaelS1, mlr-org, and xoopR.

OSPO Now London

Zhiyang Ong eda-ricercatore
A multilingual, globetrotting cultural chameleon pursuing U.N. SDGs

Design Automation Renegades In passato, vicino al Dolomiti

Johann Wagner johann-wagner
I like using R 💅💅💅

Jobs and Skills Australia Canberra, Australia

Michael Dunn michaeldunn99
Aspiring Engineer | Oxford Mathematics Graduate

United Kingdom

Rowan Hemsi_ONS rowanhemsi
Data scientist at Office for National Statistics and Government Analysis Function
Alexander Newton alexander-newton
PhD student at LSE. Formerly, ONS.


Harriet Sands harrietrs

@NHSDigital @nhsengland London, UK

Santiago Ortúzar sortuzar
Sociólogo y magíster en sociología (PUC)

Santiago, Chile

Diana Villasana Ocampo dvillasanao
Head of Internal Migration @ National Population Council | Applied Statistics

National Population Council Mexico City

Alejandro Alonso Rehor arehor
BS in Physics - UBA. 30+ years experience in IT Industry.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Lesley Duff dataquine
Senior developer now seeking employment in data related role. Graduate of @codeclan DR22 cohort in Professional Data Analysis.

Glasgow, Scotland

Gehazi Bispo gehazibispo
Experimental and computational psychologist. Way too much interested in modeling, simulation, chocolate cake, and coffee.

will Bank Petrolina, PE, Brazil

Patrick Howard phoward38
Co-Founder @noclocks | Full Stack Developer

@noclocks Atlanta, GA

Jonathan Jayes j-jayes

Lund University Lund, Sweden

Chi Hin Leung chihinnhs
An ineffective rabbit sitter 🐇🕳️🤔, Cancer Analysis and Insights Team (CAIT)

NHS England Leeds

Lydia Gibson lgibson7
Graduate Statistician | Data Scientist | Board Member @dslc-io (fka @r4ds) | ❤️ #rstats

Nevada, USA

Giulia Solinas GiuliaSolinas
Data Scientist | Strategy & Innovation Expert | Researcher | Passionate about leveraging data analysis to drive strategic digital transformation

CROZ Munich

Finn-Ole Höner finnoh
MPhil student in Business Data Science

Business Data Science (BDS / TI) Amsterdam

Melodie Li Melodiepo
UCL MSc Machine Learning
