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Tim Kuntz tim-kuntz

AppFolio Chicago

DevOps Engineer and rust addict

Squad France

c05m4r c05m4r

Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina

Austin Zhu AustinZhu
Founder of @desoul-labs | Main contributor of @wasedatime. | ex-@DeNA

@desoul-labs Tokyo

Ben Quinteros benquinteros
Test Automation Lead


Rakesh Chaudhary rakeyshc
A Polyglot who enjoys coding and solving problems. Started writing software in Java since 2007 and React since 2020.


Alexandr Bodrov alexsteeel
Software engineer.

Moscow, Russia

Steven Holloway impurist
Coder: Ruby, JavaScript, Typescript. Muso: Bass, Guitar, Vox.

Melbourne, Australia

Carsten Koch cabcookie
♥️🤔🙏💪🙋‍♂️– that's me.


Software Dev; Languages: Java, Kotlin, TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, C#, C++; Frameworks: Spring, Angular, Android, Svelte, .net (EF)
Tci Gravifer Fang Gravifer
Zu nihilum gehöre; Den iukoto echo tipote. Festina! Delai cto chocesh quand tu le pouvez encore!

Tsinghua University Beijing

Logan Bontelo
Digital construction worker


B Vinay Kumar samuelvinay91
Early adopter, tech savvy

TCS Hyderabad

Anderson Lemos andersonlemos
Crafting Code & Exploring Language | Passionate Reader 📚

@alemos-io Rio de Janeiro

Hakan Çelik hakancelikdev
Author of Unimport & Unexport

Trendyol Malatya, Turkey

Richard Ottó O'Brien dicki

InfoCapital - @blikk-software Iceland

Yukai Huang Yukaii
會在網路上喵喵叫的都是男孩子; 留長髮這種麻煩事就交給男孩子吧! Co-founded @hackmdio. I use t̶a̶b̶s̶ ꜱᴘᴀᴄᴇꜱ, meow. I use kakoune, btw.

@hackmdio Taipei, Taiwan

Friso FreesoSaiFared
Life philosophy and writings as software project. Wave one. The AI State. A implementation of the state through AI. Legal Status of a Religion.

StateOfAI Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Ramesh rameshvr
Technology Consultant


Sam Huynh samhwang
Senior Software Engineer at @Lyka-Pet-Food . Contributes to @viet-aus-it and @bifrostlab.

@Lyka-Pet-Food || VAIT @viet-aus-it || @bifrostlab Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Gabriel Lima GabrielSlima
Software Engineer;

Itaú Unibanco Anywhere

tanimon tanimon

@classmethod Osaka, Japan

Nikita Vershinin endeveit

Ankorstore Berlin, Germany

yep. that's me.
Hesh heshdotcc
Ad astra per aspera
Krzysztof Lempka krzysztof-lempka
Product-driven software leader and architect with 14 years of experience building awesome things across technologies like C#, JS, Azure, and IoT.
Xiang Ji XiangJi
Lean startup work style

Google Kirkland, WA

Bohdan tryb3l

Poland, Ukraine

Samat Iskaziyev sam4t
Software Developer

@babbel Berlin, Germany