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Guru gurudevk1

PayPal Bengalore

Machine Learning Research, Roboticist, & Software Developer

Chicago, IL

guo zebin xszyou

广州市雅恒信息科技有限公司 中国

ZnHoCn znhocn

Null Local

Liu Chang KDLc-design
Passionate adventurer.
Tanishq Pahuja Tanishq665
I'm a passionate student with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), & Data Science.
YK Leung YK-Leung

aomygod guangdongguangzhou


Boston University Boston, MA

Kelvin Musodza KELVI23
Software and Full Stack Engineer from Vancouver, Canada

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Jack Saunders SaundersJE97
PhD student @ University of Bath. Aerial Vehicle Control using Reinforcement Learning.

University of Bath Bath

Salim salim4n
Software Engineer | Certified Tensorflow Developer | Azure Certified X2


zero well wellzero
Hello quantitative finance, it's a interesting guy.
Roman Nemchinovrp

Райффайзенбанк Москва

Qasim Afzaal Qasim-afzaal
Hello! I'm Qasim Afzaal, a seasoned Mobile Application Developer with 5 years of hands-on experience in Flutter and AI.

Techinoid Camden, New Jersey, USA

Nik Asyraf NikAsyraf454
Software Engineering Graduate


akash spotakash
Learning Everyday Sharing Everyday
