Key | value | consumed in |
src | ... webwork2/html2xml? | |
answersSubmitted | 0 | |
sourceFilePath | Library/.../ | PG->new |
problemSeed | 43256/ | PG_envir (envir) |
courseID | daemon_course | WebworkWebservice |
userID | daemon | WebworkWebservice |
course_password | daemon | WebworkWebservice |
showSummary | FormatRenderedProblem | |
displayMode | MathJax | PG_envir |
problemUUID | 3243 | PG_envir |
language | en | PG_envir |
outputformat | libretexts | FormatRenderedProblem |
webworkJWT | aaa.bbb.ccc | encoded JWT immutable data |
The GET arguments are in `%inputs_hash
Adjustments are made to key names to accomodate LTI calls (e.g. from Canvas)
- for example
- for example
webworkClient is created with pass through values from input_hash
key obtained from value consumed by site_url SITE_URL url of webworkwebservice site xmlrpcCall() site_password password for using webworkwebservice site form_action_url FORM_ACTION inserted into problem form for checking userID input_hash passthrough courseID input_hash passthrough course_password input_hash passthrough session_key input_hash returned by webworkwebservice, can be used instead of password outputformat input_hash passthrough webworkJWT input_hash passthrough input_hash %input_hash includes many pg_envir values -
This hash is posted to the
in byxmlrpcCall()
$xmlrpc_client->xmlrpcCall(renderProblem, $xmlrpc_client->{input_hash}) )
notice that values in input_hash are being carried in parallel by as much as 3 channels:
(this needs pruning) -
notice also that we don't need both webworkwebservice and webworkXMLRPC
renderProblem first calls
creates WebworkXMLRPC object using values from the hash reference $rh_input.
|key | from | |----------|------| | courseName|
$rh_input ->{courseID}
| |user_id
| | password |$rh_input->{course_password}
| |session_key
|$rh_input ->{session_key}
| -
authenticates the user_id, courseName, password using the webwork2 authorization routines (slightly modified with a mixin)
The name changes are probably necessary to match values used in checking the authorization using the webwork legacy machinery
The method for calling the webwork2 code to authenticate is squirrly because it needs to interface with the webwork2 authentication methods. It needs to be checked -- how is it being done? is it being done? originally it was done by renaming some of the subroutines. (mixins) Is that still being done?
the initiate_session call returns an object whose
method performs the rendering
renderProblem {
my $self = $class->initiate_session($in);
return $self->do( WebworkWebservice::RenderProblem::renderProblem($self,$in) );
$self is a webworkXMLRPC object
- The output of the
call is passed back as the return value for thexmlrpcCall()
should be replaced with something like$webworkXMLRPCobject
- replace the
call with something more function oriented?
- input_hash to Webworkwebservice::RenderProblem::renderProblem()
- call to PG::defineEnvironment
- create a PG object (PG->new)
- input hash to PG->new
- PG object automatically processes the inputs and creates an output hash
- output hash from PG->new
* we're back from the xmlrpcCall()
* feed the output of that to FormatRenderedProblem
* feed the output of FormatRenderedProblem back to renderViaXMLRPC
* feed the return value of that to the Browser
- uses a format template in WebworkClient directory