diff --git a/integtest.sh b/integtest.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 9081d879d..000000000
--- a/integtest.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-function usage() {
- echo ""
- echo "This script is used to run integration tests for plugin installed on a remote OpenSearch/Dashboards cluster."
- echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- echo "Usage: $0 [args]"
- echo ""
- echo "Required arguments:"
- echo "None"
- echo ""
- echo "Optional arguments:"
- echo -e "-b BIND_ADDRESS\t, defaults to localhost |, can be changed to any IP or domain name for the cluster location."
- echo -e "-p BIND_PORT\t, defaults to 9200 or 5601 depends on OpenSearch or Dashboards, can be changed to any port for the cluster location."
- echo -e "-s SECURITY_ENABLED\t(true | false), defaults to true. Specify the OpenSearch/Dashboards have security enabled or not."
- echo -e "-c CREDENTIAL\t(usename:password), no defaults, effective when SECURITY_ENABLED=true."
- echo -e "-h\tPrint this message."
- echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-while getopts ":hb:p:s:c:" arg; do
- case $arg in
- h)
- usage
- exit 1
- ;;
- b)
- ;;
- p)
- ;;
- s)
- ;;
- c)
- ;;
- :)
- echo "-${OPTARG} requires an argument"
- usage
- exit 1
- ;;
- ?)
- echo "Invalid option: -${OPTARG}"
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
-if [ -z "$BIND_ADDRESS" ]
- BIND_ADDRESS="localhost"
-if [ -z "$BIND_PORT" ]
- BIND_PORT="5601"
-if [ -z "$SECURITY_ENABLED" ]
-if [ -z "$CREDENTIAL" ]
- CREDENTIAL="admin:admin"
- USERNAME=`echo $CREDENTIAL | awk -F ':' '{print $1}'`
- PASSWORD=`echo $CREDENTIAL | awk -F ':' '{print $2}'`
-yarn osd bootstrap
-cypress run --env security_enabled=$SECURITY_ENABLED opensearch_dashboards=${BIND_ADDRESS}:${BIND_PORT}
diff --git a/public/pages/CreateDataStream/containers/BackingIndices/BackingIndices.tsx b/public/pages/CreateDataStream/containers/BackingIndices/BackingIndices.tsx
index b7f327a83..9f941c933 100644
--- a/public/pages/CreateDataStream/containers/BackingIndices/BackingIndices.tsx
+++ b/public/pages/CreateDataStream/containers/BackingIndices/BackingIndices.tsx
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ export default function BackingIndices(props: SubDetailProps) {
field: "managed",
name: "Managed by policy",
- sortable: false,
+ sortable: true,
truncateText: true,
textOnly: true,
render: renderNumber,
diff --git a/public/pages/Indices/containers/Indices/__snapshots__/Indices.test.tsx.snap b/public/pages/Indices/containers/Indices/__snapshots__/Indices.test.tsx.snap
index 6eba9f596..191b4b655 100644
--- a/public/pages/Indices/containers/Indices/__snapshots__/Indices.test.tsx.snap
+++ b/public/pages/Indices/containers/Indices/__snapshots__/Indices.test.tsx.snap
@@ -349,21 +349,29 @@ exports[`