AVA bash script running on both Linux and MacOS. (Tested on Ubuntu 20 and MacOS Catalina)
Required components:
- AVA Node (Installation: https://docs.ava.network/v1.0/en/quickstart/ava-getting-started/ )
- curl
- jq
- sed
- awk
- Create user
- Create P-Chain Account on default subnet
- Stake x AVA for y days
- Stake issued but not staking balance
- Check active and pending validators and your node's validator status
Before running the script, edit settings.txt and at least add a username and password
$ sh avacmd command parameter1 parameter2
$ avacmd command parameter1 parameter2
Give execution permission to file with chmod a+x avacmd and add path to your $PATH with export PATH=${PWD}:$PATH to be able to run script directly
Available commands:
Command | parameter1 | parameter2 | Description |
balance | Get AVA balance of your AVA address | ||
balanceall | Get all asset balances of your AVA address | ||
createuser | default | Creates your user with the defined username and password in settings.txt | |
createuser | username | "strongpass" | Creates the user with the given password. Password must be at least 8 chars including a lowercase, an uppercase, a number and a special character |
deleteuser | username | "strongpass" | Deletes the user (Warning: Use with caution) |
fundsubbet | amount | days | Fund default subnet with the given amount and start staking for given days. If no amount is set, it uses all available balance (-100AVA). If no stake length (in days) set, staking length will be 30 days |
issuedbalance | Get balance issued to P-Chain address | ||
listpaccounts | List all accounts on P-Chain | ||
nodeid | Get your NodeID | ||
users | List users | ||
pendingvalidators | List pending validators on default subnet | ||
pendingvalidators | onlyme | List if your node is in pending validators on default subnet | |
stakeissued | days | Stake issued but not staked balance for given days on P-Chain address | |
tx | TXID | Get result of the given transaction (TXID mandatory) | |
validators | List active validators on default subnet | ||
validators | onlyme | List if your node is in active validators on default subnet |
Variable | Description |
USERN | Your node username |
PASSW | Your node user password |
NODEID | Your Node ID (leave blank if you don't know) |
AVAADR | Your AVA address (leave blank if you don't know) |
PCHAIN | Your P-Chain Account (leave blank if you don't know) |
HOST | AVA Node's Host or IP |
PORT | AVA Node's HTTP Port |
STAKEL | Stake length (30 Days by default. You can set when using fundsubnet command) |
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