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{"data":{"repository":{"discussions":{"totalCount":185,"nodes":[{"id":"D_kwDOFUbqUM4AVjwS","category":{"name":"General"},"upvoteCount":1,"updatedAt":"2023-09-20T16:40:45Z","createdAt":"2023-09-20T13:44:30Z","number":418,"title":"09/20/23 Weekly Meeting 125 Notes/Agenda","body":"Weekly Meeting 124 is happening on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 from 9:00 AM PDT (16:00 UTC) - 10:00 AM PDT (17:00 UTC)\r\n\r\nYou can add it to your calendar [here](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/1?cid=Y18wZHB1Z2Y5ZjgzZXE0cWVrbWI2b21xYmptZ0Bncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t).\r\n\r\nWe'll be meeting again in the omi-weekly-meeting channel of the [AngellXR/OMI Discord](https://discord.gg/NJtT9grz5E).\r\nWe regularly use the # omi-meeting-chat channel for text chat.\r\n\r\nWho we are and why we're here:\r\nThe Open Metaverse Interoperability Group (OMI) is focused on bridging virtual worlds by designing and promoting protocols for identity, social graphs, inventory, and more. Our members include businesses and individuals working towards this common goal.\r\n\r\nIf you’re an observer or here for the first time, this is a meeting where people who work on the OMI group initiatives discuss updates and contribution opportunities for current projects and goals. This is your chance to jump in and help!\r\n\r\nWe welcome you to introduce yourself in the :speaker: omi-weekly-meeting chat as we dive into the agenda items. There will be an open floor in the last 15 minutes of the meeting (agenda permitting) where we can discuss any items you feel are relevant to the current or near future OMI goals.\r\n\r\nAgenda:\r\n\r\n* new MetaTraversal event coming up [September 28th](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/evonne_vrland-frame-getsocial-activity-7109965645567426560-XQja?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop)\r\n\r\nContinued:\r\n\r\n* working group check-ins\r\n\r\nLast week: https://github.com/omigroup/omigroup/discussions/417","author":{"login":"mrmetaverse"},"comments":{"nodes":[{"id":"DC_kwDOFUbqUM4Aa7zB","author":{"login":"indiebio"},"body":"TODO: work this up to grow the community of people passionate about glTF Physics standards, and people send to their university networks. https://hackmd.io/@indiebio/get-involved-glTF-Physics - MrMetaverse, indiebio, Pearl Hyacinth, Knev.phd\r\n"},{"id":"DC_kwDOFUbqUM4Aa70q","author":{"login":"mrmetaverse"},"body":"# OMIFest\r\n- the vote is in for our name, its OMIFest \r\n- dates:\r\n - thinking october 2024 (that is a year out) \r\n - there is a free and open source software fest we could collab with sept 2024 \r\n - can we do something sooner like this year or the spring of 2024? (No, we are going to do multiple events leading up) \r\n- we will host multiple little independent events leading up to OMIFest. \r\n - OMI Demo Day 9/30/23 \r\n - Saturday afternoon Eastern time \r\n - Demo something connected to OMI Physics \r\n - continued in the [next section](https://github.com/omigroup/omigroup/discussions/418#discussioncomment-7060782)\r\n - multiple ideas in [this thread on discord](https://discord.com/channels/770382203782692945/1149030210503716944/1149030214807064616)"},{"id":"DC_kwDOFUbqUM4Aa70u","author":{"login":"mrmetaverse"},"body":"# September 30th OMI Demo Day planning: \r\n- Saturday afternoon Eastern time \r\n- Demo something connected to OMI Physics \"Interoperable Physics in the Open Metaverse\"\r\n - last week we observed a globe that was using the OMI Physics spec\r\n- have someone share screen and do a lightning talk on a topic \r\n - who: whether you implemented OMI Physics, or have a novel / alternative solution, you are welcome to demo physics in the metaverse\r\n - 5 minutes per speaker (so no one single person hogs the space). 5 min to present your hook. Then we can revisit after with a chat afterwards. \r\n - where: we should have this in a virtual world. something was proposed about setting a campfire, with a front page for OMI group. \r\n- 5 min intro from @mrmetaverse about the open metaverse \r\n- identify 2-3 people to partake \r\n"}]},"labels":{"nodes":[]}},{"id":"D_kwDOFUbqUM4AVdFk","category":{"name":"Weekly Meetings"},"upvoteCount":1,"updatedAt":"2023-09-13T16:58:04Z","createdAt":"2023-09-13T16:11:40Z","number":417,"title":"09/13/23 Weekly Meeting 124 Notes/Agenda","body":"Weekly Meeting 124 is happening on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 from 9:00 AM PDT (16:00 UTC) - 10:00 AM PDT (17:00 UTC)\r\n\r\nYou can add it to your calendar [here](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/1?cid=Y18wZHB1Z2Y5ZjgzZXE0cWVrbWI2b21xYmptZ0Bncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t).\r\n\r\nWe'll be meeting again in the omi-weekly-meeting channel of the [AngellXR/OMI Discord](https://discord.gg/NJtT9grz5E).\r\nWe regularly use the # omi-meeting-chat channel for text chat.\r\n\r\nWho we are and why we're here:\r\nThe Open Metaverse Interoperability Group (OMI) is focused on bridging virtual worlds by designing and promoting protocols for identity, social graphs, inventory, and more. Our members include businesses and individuals working towards this common goal.\r\n\r\nIf you’re an observer or here for the first time, this is a meeting where people who work on the OMI group initiatives discuss updates and contribution opportunities for current projects and goals. This is your chance to jump in and help!\r\n\r\nWe welcome you to introduce yourself in the :speaker: omi-weekly-meeting chat as we dive into the agenda items. There will be an open floor in the last 15 minutes of the meeting (agenda permitting) where we can discuss any items you feel are relevant to the current or near future OMI goals.\r\n\r\nAgenda:\r\n\r\n* shoutout to the fresh voices\r\n\r\nContinued:\r\n\r\n* working group check-ins\r\n\r\nLast week: https://github.com/omigroup/omigroup/discussions/415","author":{"login":"aaronfranke"},"comments":{"nodes":[{"id":"DC_kwDOFUbqUM4AarPB","author":{"login":"madjin"},"body":"## OMI Demo Day\r\n\r\nSaturday 2pm EST September 30th, 2023\r\n\r\n- Make a 5-10 presentation about what you're working on\r\n- Will be in-world (likely hyperfy)\r\n- Bring your own avatar (vrm) or will have some ready\r\n- M3 will handle event logistics and AV technical help\r\n\r\n![image](https://github.com/omigroup/omigroup/assets/32600939/8c3b9c4c-c259-4684-83e4-894dae1afc9c)\r\nhttps://discord.gg/CGjRVNtD?event=1151561164245966989\r\n\r\n## Portal Crawl\r\n\r\nAnother event to keep on radar is our next MetaTr@versal on Sept. 28th, we'll be updating this page soon with worlds info https://www.eventbrite.com/e/metatrversal-portal-crawl-iii-tickets-716246581807?aff=oddtdtcreator"},{"id":"DC_kwDOFUbqUM4AarQJ","author":{"login":"madjin"},"body":"## MSF Group\r\nSome interesting events coming up\r\n![Screenshot from 2023-09-13 12-16-14](https://github.com/omigroup/omigroup/assets/32600939/298d6c82-7e37-46b3-9ead-996a0021dd77)\r\n\r\n### MSF Meeting notes\r\n\r\n- https://hackmd.io/@xr/metaversestandards\r\n\r\n![image](https://github.com/omigroup/omigroup/assets/32600939/25bd27fd-cdec-4c8e-a164-45375f2296ab)\r\n\r\n![Screenshot from 2023-09-13 12-15-59](https://github.com/omigroup/omigroup/assets/32600939/0e4e5452-7567-433d-99b7-c9a10c47e710)\r\n\r\n"}]},"labels":{"nodes":[]}},{"id":"D_kwDOFUbqUM4AVXBI","category":{"name":"General"},"upvoteCount":1,"updatedAt":"2023-09-06T17:12:29Z","createdAt":"2023-09-06T15:33:16Z","number":415,"title":"09/06/23 Weekly Meeting 123 Notes/Agenda","body":"Weekly Meeting 123 is happening on Wednesday, September 6, 2023 from 9:00 AM PDT (16:00 UTC) - 10:00 AM PDT (17:00 UTC)\r\n\r\nYou can add it to your calendar [here](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/1?cid=Y18wZHB1Z2Y5ZjgzZXE0cWVrbWI2b21xYmptZ0Bncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t).\r\n\r\nWe'll be meeting again in the omi-weekly-meeting channel of the [AngellXR/OMI Discord](https://discord.gg/NJtT9grz5E).\r\nWe regularly use the # omi-meeting-chat channel for text chat.\r\n\r\nWho we are and why we're here:\r\nThe Open Metaverse Interoperability Group (OMI) is focused on bridging virtual worlds by designing and promoting protocols for identity, social graphs, inventory, and more. Our members include businesses and individuals working towards this common goal.\r\n\r\nIf you’re an observer or here for the first time, this is a meeting where people who work on the OMI group initiatives discuss updates and contribution opportunities for current projects and goals. This is your chance to jump in and help!\r\n\r\nWe welcome you to introduce yourself in #omi-meeting-chat as we dive into the agenda items. There will be an open floor in the last 15 minutes of the meeting (agenda permitting) where we can discuss any items you feel are relevant to the current or near future OMI goals.\r\n\r\nAgenda: \r\n\r\n- shoutout to the fresh voices \r\n- champions moved to this Friday\r\n- open collective did approve now, but I would like help (mm) \r\n- election? Where did we leave off with that planning? \r\n\r\nContinued: \r\n\r\n- working group check-ins\r\n- Festival name vote ends today :checkered_flag: \r\n\r\nLast week: https://github.com/omigroup/omigroup/discussions/414 \r\n","author":{"login":"mrmetaverse"},"comments":{"nodes":[{"id":"DC_kwDOFUbqUM4AabW3","author":{"login":"mrmetaverse"},"body":"## Demos"},{"id":"DC_kwDOFUbqUM4AabY1","author":{"login":"mrmetaverse"},"body":"## re: Election \r\n- we discussed the vacant chair seat and the potential for a new election. \r\n- First, we discussed the meta behind the election itself. Before nominating anyone, we are sharing thoughts about the idea of an election. \r\n- Shadow proposed focusing moreso on the tasks that anyone can do, rather than putting too much emphasis on a new set of chairs who \"all the work may fall on\". \r\n- if we don't have an election, what is our plan for a future election? and how do we support the existing elected leaders? \r\n- before nominating, we should consider what jobs need to be done, what the need is for a chair(s) and set a date or triggering event for a future election. "},{"id":"DC_kwDOFUbqUM4AabaD","author":{"login":"indiebio"},"body":"What are the big goals of OMI?\r\n1. Implementers\r\n2. Contributors\r\n"},{"id":"DC_kwDOFUbqUM4Aabel","author":{"login":"indiebio"},"body":"We need a better public interface.\r\nDiscoverability, curation, aggregrators, public interface, like blogs, of what content / projects / etc are out there that we like \r\n\r\n"},{"id":"DC_kwDOFUbqUM4AabfZ","author":{"login":"indiebio"},"body":"Lets find our first 5. \r\n\r\n5 examples of creators using OMI_Seat, OMI_Physics, and OMI_Personality \r\n\r\nlets find our first 5 platforms to implement 1 OMI protocol. (maybe OMI SEAT and OMI Physics)\r\n\r\nOMI_seat and OMI_spawn_point are two low-hanging fruits, they are simple, easy to implement, and are unlikely to change in the future. We could spearhead with getting these used by 5 platforms."}]},"labels":{"nodes":[{"id":"MDU6TGFiZWwzMzM2MTIxOTU0","name":"Consistently deliver value","color":"1B9AAA","description":"We incrementally discover and deliver value with intent"}]}},{"id":"D_kwDOFUbqUM4AVQan","category":{"name":"Weekly Meetings"},"upvoteCount":1,"updatedAt":"2023-09-05T19:28:56Z","createdAt":"2023-08-29T16:33:23Z","number":414,"title":"08/30/23 Weekly Meeting 122 Notes/Agenda","body":"Weekly Meeting 122 is happening on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 from 9:00 AM PDT (16:00 UTC) - 10:00 AM PDT (17:00 UTC)\r\n\r\nYou can add it to your calendar [here](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/1?cid=Y18wZHB1Z2Y5ZjgzZXE0cWVrbWI2b21xYmptZ0Bncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t).\r\n\r\nWe'll be meeting again in the omi-weekly-meeting channel of the [AngellXR/OMI Discord](https://discord.gg/NJtT9grz5E).\r\nWe regularly use the # omi-meeting-chat channel for text chat.\r\n\r\nWho we are and why we're here:\r\nThe Open Metaverse Interoperability Group (OMI) is focused on bridging virtual worlds by designing and promoting protocols for identity, social graphs, inventory, and more. Our members include businesses and individuals working towards this common goal.\r\n\r\nIf you’re an observer or here for the first time, this is a meeting where people who work on the OMI group initiatives discuss updates and contribution opportunities for current projects and goals. This is your chance to jump in and help!\r\n\r\nWe welcome you to introduce yourself in #omi-meeting-chat as we dive into the agenda items. There will be an open floor in the last 15 minutes of the meeting (agenda permitting) where we can discuss any items you feel are relevant to the current or near future OMI goals.\r\n\r\nAgenda\r\n\r\n1. Past meetings transcribed and fireflie'd, SO GOOD! thanks jin. Need this link pinned somewhere, even on website mainpage?\r\nhttps://hackmd.io/@XR/omigroup/https%3A%2F%2Fhackmd.io%2F%40XR%2Fomi_8-23-23\r\nWorking groups update: \r\n2. glTF\r\n3. MSF\r\n4. <agenda in progress :) >\r\n5. M3 open day recap: https://mirror.xyz/m3org.eth/mTtZNs7XXNAQfLeqn6VCc7Nj5-9PIDBjlwNZ88EBb6U\r\nmetaverse festival:\r\n7. NAME? \r\n 1. \"Metaverse festival\"\r\n 2. OMIFES\r\n 3. . OMIFEST / OmiFest: Open Metaverse Interoperability Festival\r\n 4. MetaVerseCon: A conference dedicated to building an open and interoperable metaverse.\r\n 5. OpenMeta Expo: An exposition showcasing the efforts towards an open metaverse.\r\n 6. InteropFest: Celebrating the strides in interoperability in the metaverse.\r\n 7. VersaThon: A hackathon-style event focused on creating an open metaverse.\r\n3. Platform?\r\n 1. concerns with hyperfy\r\n 2. but portals possible. Turning it around, hyperfy could be a portal, with different starting platform.\r\n 3. an installer pack with desired platform? e.g. Like we ship overte, v-sekai and a web browser (could be a web-view) \r\n4. Related: \r\nSocial VR 2023 survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfzkJNb1D085UZ6Nwbnq8RVf_jqQvQ4UuzozaBGiF9gp0ukPg/viewform","author":{"login":"indiebio"},"comments":{"nodes":[{"id":"DC_kwDOFUbqUM4AaMVs","author":{"login":"madjin"},"body":"I got drag n drop pallete ready for burning man themed buildathon, 1pm EST friday is when planning to do a collaborative build event with M3 and Neon Buidl\r\n![Screenshot from 2023-08-30 11-26-17](https://github.com/omigroup/omigroup/assets/32600939/cea750a4-7eb5-4d7e-bb7c-0bfb9dafd3c9)\r\n"},{"id":"DC_kwDOFUbqUM4AaMWV","author":{"login":"indiebio"},"body":"1. meeting archive awesome! summaries more than raw markdown, and also useful to train AI models for future problemsolving etc."},{"id":"DC_kwDOFUbqUM4AaMZF","author":{"login":"indiebio"},"body":"2. Need more people to show up for glTF. \r\nWIFM? Aaron: frustrated by content sucked into Unity packages. Want more openness. \r\nso what is the strategy ?\r\nStarted looking at vehicles, but physics need to be done first.\r\nHow do we get people excited about physics then?\r\ngtTF is ratified, but the physics spec the team is working on is not ratified yet.\r\n\r\nTODO: Async the next month, send links to Hyperfy / Spatial etc the github links about the glTF Physics issues.\r\n\r\nTODO: Brainstorm if we can get e.g. physics academics interested to collaborate. They are niche and may be OK with new standards.\r\n\r\nTODO: Summary page (on hackmd) of these github issue links, tell the story. \r\n\r\nideas: show integrations between our glTF Physics and other standards, to show that it works well together.\r\n\r\ndovetail the more technical hackathon proof of concept models, and the more community focused events. To combine with e.g. speakers, hackathon, and show-and-tell. - jimmy6dof to write this idea up in a bit to unpack the thinking. "},{"id":"DC_kwDOFUbqUM4AaMaG","author":{"login":"indiebio"},"body":"5. We've been doing virtual events for 5 years now, we're pro at it now. We're looking to expand, help and run events with other communities. Can do on any platform, is being recorded and documented and summarised. Yay!"},{"id":"DC_kwDOFUbqUM4AaMd-","author":{"login":"indiebio"},"body":"6. Metaverse name: There is a poll open for the name, open until Friday 1 September. \r\nhttps://discord.com/channels/770382203782692945/976535598313644113/1146487699486801951\r\n\r\nThe poll will also be shared / duplicated / cross posted on Twitter etc. for input (results may be weighted)."},{"id":"DC_kwDOFUbqUM4AaY8i","author":{"login":"jimmy6DOF"},"body":"MONHTLY EVENT PROGRAM PLAN\r\nRegular mini-Events as build up to .... \"2024 Open Ready Player Playa\" maybe a countdown ?\r\n\r\nTHEMES\r\n- Guest Speaker(s) (Headliners)\r\n- Workshops, Show & Tells, & Demo Day\r\nOne can be the Aftershow/Preshow sidecar event for the other depending on content weights\r\nCan promote them together & can dovetail the themes \r\n\r\nSynergy with like minded Work Groups : Attendance\r\n- Virtual Worlds Society / Spatial Ape / XR Guild / WebXR Discord / BabalyonJS Forum / Godot Discord / MetaTraversal / M3 / WebXR Awards / Reality Innovators Network / AWE \r\n- OM3 / OMF / MSF \r\n\r\nSynergy with Metaverse Providers / Platforms : Venues\r\n- RP1 / M3 / (VRChat) \r\n\r\nOutput to vTube/Twitch/Podcast facilities (invite creators)\r\n\r\nGuest Invitation Show Runners chase down and sell the slot to speakers\r\nInvitations & Attendance : Channel collateral through partners & beat the street\r\nPublish Calendar & Update\r\n"}]},"labels":{"nodes":[]}}]}}}}