Proof of Concept for a SLSA github action / cli.
- upload attestation somewhere
- how to make attestations searchable
- Fulcio and Reko from sigstore to see where they can fit in
- Fulcio is a work in progress. There's working code and a running instance and a plan, but you should not attempt to try to actually use it for anything
- Handle the ability to resolve packages that's private (or don´t)
Created simple CLI to test concepts:
- sign attestation using DSSE (leverage some of sigstore functionality)
- create a SBOM / in-toto attestation
- clone github project
- Should contain a Predicate for SLSA Provenance
- list all dependencies in a gradle project
- get all dependencies (including transitive) for a given repo and language
- One language at a time
- create attestation with materials based on dependencies
- sign attestation with DSSE
- sign docker image and put into attestation, using cosign
- digest over dependencies etc in attestation
- include build steps from workflow
- create a pipeline where a "provenance" action can be used
- how to get/add the digest for dependency artifacts for all build tools
- explore cosign