- Windows: How to Install Python 3 on Windows
- Ubuntu: How to Install Python 3 on Ubuntu
- MacOS: How to Install Python 3 on MacOS
- Windows: How to Install Anaconda on Windows
- Ubuntu: How to Install Anaconda on Ubuntu
- MacOS: How to Install Anaconda on MacOS
- Beginner-friendly video: Git & GitHub Tutorial
- Git Cheat Sheet: GitHub Cheat Sheet
- GitHub Desktop Tutorial:
- Short Introduction Video: Markdown for Beginners (8-min video)
- Markdown Cheat Sheet: Markdown Guide Cheat Sheet
- Quick Introduction: Real Python Jupyter Notebook Guide
- Python Tutorial Playlist (Videos 2-10)
- Python Basics
- Official Python Documentation: Python Docs
- Official Pandas Documentation: Pandas Docs
- Pandas Tutorial by W3Schools
- Official Matplotlib Documentation: Matplotlib Docs
- Matplotlib Tutorial by W3Schools
- W3Schools - Sections on Python, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, and Matplotlib
- GeeksforGeeks - Sections on Python, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, and Matplotlib
- Python Basics
- NumPy Basics
- Pandas Basics
- Python, NumPy, and Pandas
- Scikit-learn Basics
- Matplotlib Basics
- Complete 10-15 questions manipulating datasets and working with the libraries listed above.
- Linear Regression using Neural Networks
- Linear Regression using NumPy
- Linear Regression using Scikit-learn
- Regression Analysis in Machine Learning
- Artificial Neural Network Implementation using NumPy
- Convolutional Neural Network Using PyTorch
- CNN Visualisation
- CNN Explainer
- PyTorch Basics in 4 Minutes
- Pytorch Tutorial
- PyTorch Tutorial
- PyTorch Tutorial - Develop Deep Learning Models
- PyTorch Playlist
- Implement a PyTorch classifier on a basic dataset.
- https://towardsdatascience.com/active-learning-overview-strategies-and-uncertainty-measures-521565e0b0b
- https://neptune.ai/blog/active-learning-strategies-tools-use-cases
- Implement Active Learning using the query strategies discussed in the papers and evaluate the performance.