A list of several desirable properties of a mesh routing protocol:
- usable also in huge sized networks
- reachability of a node increases:
- if a nodes address is in the hirarchy of the neighbors
- if a node is involved in a lot of traffic
- if a node stays in the same place for a long time
- => make the reach of a node finite, so that an oversized network won't get killed by routing overhead
- reachability of a node increases:
- no overhead when there is no traffic, important for wireless networks
- wireless networks is a pricious resource that must not be overutilized
- => reactiv protocols, they approach the state of proactive protocols anyway
- efficient flooding
- wireless networks is a precious resource that must not be overutilized
- => use OLSRs Multi Point Relay (MPR) or even better the goTennas "critical node" approach
- see
ECHO: Efficient Zero-Control Network-Wide Broadcast for Mobile Multi-hop Wireless Networks
- see
- good path selection
- practice has shown that a bandwidth metric is the most suitable for real world use
- use timing information
- agree on individual send/receive times to support very low powered devices
- hard to interfere by malicious peers
- prevent resource exhaustion (e.g. broadcast storms) / DDOS attacks
- prevent traffic to be intentionally dropped / blackholed
- incentive for nodes to participate
- => a nodes that forwards traffic gets it's own traffic forwarded with priority
- Incentives in Computer Science
- dynamic link aggregation for traffic
- keep related traffic between two nodes on one path
- this avoids fluctuation in transmission time
- keeps packet order intact
- use multiple routes to spread traffic
- usually it is good to send packet of one connection context on one route to preserve the packet order