- Can be easily added to your project
- Uses modern C++ optimizations
- Efficient and Light-Weight
- The implementation uses C++ templates, so you can have any data-structure that represents a state in the planning problem. The only requirement is that you also provide a hash function for the same data-structure if it is not available already in C++. Initialize the planner with custom data-structure that represents state
and actionactionT
, optionally along with the custom hash function for the state as suchWAstar<stateT, actionT, stateHasher>
. - You just have to provide the planner with three helper functions based on your domain
double getH(stateT s, stateT goal)
: Your implementation of any heuristic function for your domain which takes in a states
and finds the heuristic value to thegoal
. The return type ofdouble
is fixed in my implementation as it works will every case.getSuccessors(stateT s)
: A function which my planner will call to get the successors of any states
. This allows you to have implicit, explicit or latice-based graphs etc. It returns a more complicated data-structure, so please refer to the code.bool satisfiesGoal(stateT s, stateT goal)
: Sometimes for your planning problem the goal may be under-represented. Thus, my planner will allow you to specify a custom search termination condition which checks whether a states
satisfies the goal condition given by the stategoal
- Just include the main header:
#include "lib_planner.h"
- Make sure to build with
flag and-O3
would also help.
- Add demo planning problem
- Support for a goal region instead of a single goal state
mpdmanash (at) cmu.edu