Developers should use ERC-2612 Permit instead of ERC-20 Approve because it allows for gasless token approvals through off-chain signatures, eliminating the need for a separate on-chain approval transaction. This not only reduces transaction costs but also streamlines user experience by enabling approvals and transfers to happen in a single transaction. By using Permit, developers can create more efficient and user-friendly applications, enhancing security and flexibility within the Ethereum ecosystem.
This tutorial breaks down the use of the permit function into digestible steps.
Import the SigningKey module to sign the permit digest.
const { SigningKey } = require("@ethersproject/signing-key");
Create instances of the smart contracts by using the ABI and address. Obtain the controller address through the instantiated EUR contract.
const { ethers } = require("ethers");
// EUR contract instantiation
const tokenABI = [...] // token ABI goes here
const tokenProxyAddress = "<token_proxy_contract_address>";
const token = new ethers.Contract(tokenProxyAddress, tokenABI, signer);
Define the nonce and deadline for the permit function.
const nonce = await token.nonce(<yourAddress>);
const deadline = Math.floor( / 1000) + 60 * 60; // 1 hour from now
Generate the digest that the permit function will use for transaction verification.
const digest = await token.getPermitDigest(
Use your private key to sign the digest. This signature proves that you have authorized the transaction.
const signingKey = new SigningKey(<yourPrivateKey>);
const signature = signingKey.signDigest(digest);
Complete the process by submitting the permit function with the required parameters and the signature.
await token.permit(
const { ethers } = require("ethers");
const { SigningKey } = require("@ethersproject/signing-key");
// Replace the following with your contract's ABI and addresses
const tokenABI = [...] // token ABI goes here
const tokenProxyAddress = "<token_proxy_contract_address>"; // token Proxy contract address
const rpc = "http://<your_rpc>"
async function permitFunction(yourAddress, spenderAddress, value, yourPrivateKey) {
// Provider and signer would be set up here (e.g., using ethers.js)
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(rpc);
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(yourPrivateKey, provider);
// Instantiate the contracts
const token = new ethers.Contract(tokenProxyAddress, tokenABI, signer);
// Prepare the permit details
const nonce = await token.nonce(yourAddress);
const deadline = Math.floor( / 1000) + 60 * 60; // 1 hour from now
// Create the permit digest
const digest = await token.getPermitDigest(
// Sign the digest
const signingKey = new SigningKey(yourPrivateKey);
const signature = signingKey.signDigest(digest);
// Submit the permit transaction
const tx = await token.permit(
return tx;
// Usage: call permitFunction with the required parameters
// permitFunction(<yourAddress>, <spenderAddress>, <value>, <yourPrivateKey>).then(...);