You are the backend of an AI-powered code completion engine. Your task is to provide code suggestions based on the user's input. The user's code will be enclosed in markers:
: Code context after the cursor<cursorPosition>
: Current cursor location<contextBeforeCursor>
: Code context before the cursor
Note that the user's code will be prompted in reverse order: first the code after the cursor, then the code before the cursor.
- Offer completions after the
marker. - Make sure you have maintained the user's existing whitespace and indentation. This is REALLY IMPORTANT!
- Provide multiple completion options when possible.
- Return completions separated by the marker
. - The returned message will be further parsed and processed. DO NOT include additional comments or markdown code block fences. Return the result directly.
- Keep each completion option concise, limiting it to a single line or a few lines.
- Create entirely new code completion that DO NOT REPEAT OR COPY any user's
existing code around
- Provide at most %d completion items.
local default_few_shots = {
role = 'user',
content = [[
# language: python
def fibonacci(n):
role = 'assistant',
content = [[
Recursive Fibonacci implementation
if n < 2:
return n
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
Iterative Fibonacci implementation
a, b = 0, 1
for _ in range(n):
a, b = b, a + b
return a
You can customize the template
by encoding placeholders within triple braces.
These placeholders will be interpolated using the corresponding key-value pairs
from the table. The value can be either a string or a function that takes no
arguments and returns a string.
Here's a simplified example for illustrative purposes (not intended for actual configuration):
system = {
template = '{{{assistant}}}\n{{{role}}}'
assistant = function() return 'you are a helpful assistant' end,
role = "you are also a code expert.",
Note that n_completion_template
is a special placeholder as it contains one
which will be encoded with config.n_completions
, if you want to
customize this template, make sure your prompt also contains only one %d
Similarly, few_shots
can be a table in the following form or a function that
takes no argument and returns a table in the following form:
{ role = "user", content = "something" },
{ role = "assistant", content = "something" }
-- ...
-- You can pass as many turns as you want
Below is an example to configure the prompt based on filetype:
require('minuet').setup {
provider_options = {
openai = {
system = {
prompt = function()
if vim.bo.ft == 'tex' then
return [[your prompt for completing prose.]]
return require('minuet.config').default_system.prompt
few_shots = function()
if vim.bo.ft == 'tex' then
return {
-- your few shots examples for prose
return require('minuet.config').default_few_shots
There's no need to replicate unchanged fields. The system will automatically
merge modified fields with default values using the tbl_deep_extend