diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 7182f87280..4d1d90cf09 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.description": "Generovat přístupové objekty get a set", "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.title": "Generovat přístupové objekty", "codeActions.source.organizeImports.title": "Uspořádat importy", - "configuration.expandableHover": "(Experimental) Enable/disable expanding on hover.", + "configuration.expandableHover": "(Experimentální) Povolit nebo zakázat rozbalení při najetí myší.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.checkJs": "Umožňuje povolit nebo zakázat sémantickou kontrolu souborů JavaScriptu. Existující soubory jsconfig.json nebo tsconfig.json toto nastavení přepíší.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.experimentalDecorators": "Umožňuje povolit nebo zakázat možnost experimentalDecorators pro soubory JavaScriptu, které nejsou součástí projektu. Existující soubory jsconfig.json nebo tsconfig.json toto nastavení přepíší.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.module": "Nastaví systém modulů pro program. Další informace: https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#module.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json index b6ab382003..de7a229b9c 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ "editor.experimental.asyncTokenization": "Určuje, jestli se má tokenizace provádět asynchronně ve webovém pracovním procesu.", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationLogging": "Určuje, jestli se má protokolovat asynchronní tokenizace. Pouze pro ladění.", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationVerification": "Určuje, zda se má asynchronní tokenizace ověřit pomocí tokenizace starší verze pozadí. Může zpomalit tokenizaci. Pouze pro ladění.", - "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "Controls whether tree sitter parsing should be turned on for specific languages. This will take precedence over `editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry` for the specified languages.", + "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "Určuje, jestli se má zapnout parsování sitteru stromu pro konkrétní jazyky. U zadaných jazyků bude mít přednost před nastavením editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry.", "editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry": "Určuje, jestli se má zapnout parsování sitteru stromu a shromažďovat telemetrie. Nastavení editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter pro konkrétní jazyky bude mít přednost.", "editorConfigurationTitle": "Editor", "hideUnchangedRegions.contextLineCount": "Určuje, kolik řádků se použije jako kontext při porovnávání nezměněných oblastí.", @@ -5387,7 +5387,7 @@ "chat.clear.label": "Vymazat všechny chaty pracovního prostoru", "chat.history.label": "Zobrazit chaty…", "chat.history.rename": "Přejmenovat", - "chatWith": "Chat with Extension", + "chatWith": "Chat s rozšířením", "currentChatLabel": "aktuální", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "Vymazat historii vstupu", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "Vstup chatu na intenzivní práci", @@ -5573,7 +5573,7 @@ "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", "discard.file": "Discard", "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Suggested Edits", - "open.file": "Open File" + "open.file": "Otevřít soubor" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "Ikona popisku editoru chatu.", @@ -6084,8 +6084,8 @@ "comments.collapseAll": "Sbalit všechny komentáře", "comments.expandAll": "Rozbalit všechny komentáře", "comments.expandUnresolved": "Rozbalit nerozpoznané komentáře", - "comments.focusCommand.error": "The cursor must be on a line with a comment to focus the comment", - "comments.focusCommentOnCurrentLine": "Focus Comment on Current Line", + "comments.focusCommand.error": "Aby bylo možné přesunout fokus na komentář, musí se kurzor nacházet na řádku s komentářem.", + "comments.focusCommentOnCurrentLine": "Přesunout fokus na komentář na aktuálním řádku", "comments.nextCommentingRange": "Přejít na další rozsah komentářů", "comments.previousCommentedRange": "Go to Previous Commented Range", "comments.previousCommentingRange": "Přejít na Předchozí rozsah komentářů", @@ -6169,7 +6169,7 @@ "commentThread": "Kontextová hodnota vlákna komentáře.", "commentThreadIsEmpty": "Nastavte, když vlákno komentáře neobsahuje žádné komentáře.", "editorHasCommentingRange": "Jestli má aktivní editor rozsah komentářů", - "hasComment": "Whether the position at the active cursor has a comment", + "hasComment": "Určuje, jestli má pozice na aktivním kurzoru komentář.", "hasCommentingProvider": "Určuje, jestli má otevřený pracovní prostor komentáře nebo rozsahy komentování.", "hasCommentingRange": "Určuje, jestli má pozice na aktivním kurzoru rozsah komentářů." }, @@ -8184,7 +8184,7 @@ "explorerSection": "Oddíl průzkumníka: {0}", "refreshExplorer": "Aktualizovat Průzkumníka", "refreshExplorerMetadata": "Vynutí aktualizaci Průzkumníka.", - "type to search files": "Type to search files" + "type to search files": "Pokud chcete prohledat soubory, zadejte text." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/views/explorerViewer": { "confirmMove": "Opravdu chcete přesunout {0} do {1}?", @@ -8285,8 +8285,8 @@ "stop.title": "Přestat číst naznačovací nápovědu" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChat.contribution": { - "cancel": "Cancel Request", - "cancelShort": "Cancel", + "cancel": "Zrušit žádost", + "cancelShort": "Zrušit", "send.edit": "Upravit kód", "send.generate": "Vygenerovat" }, @@ -8304,7 +8304,7 @@ "moveToNextHunk": "Přejít na další změnu", "moveToPreviousHunk": "Přejít na předchozí změnu", "rerun": "Spustit znovu", - "run": "Chat v editoru", + "run": "Editor Inline Chat", "showChanges": "Přepnout změny", "startInlineChat": "Ikona, která vytvoří vložený chat z panelu nástrojů editoru", "unstash": "Pokračovat v posledním zavřeném vloženém chatu", @@ -8337,7 +8337,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/common/inlineChat": { "acceptedOrDiscardBeforeSave": "Určuje, jestli probíhající relace vloženého chatu brání uložení.", "accessibleDiffView": "Určuje, jestli se ve vloženém chatu pro změny vykresluje také přístupný prohlížeč rozdílů.", - "accessibleDiffView.auto": "The accessible diff viewer is based on screen reader mode being enabled.", + "accessibleDiffView.auto": "Prohlížeč rozdílů s podporou přístupnosti je založen na povoleném režimu čtečky obrazovky.", "accessibleDiffView.off": "Přístupný prohlížeč rozdílů není nikdy povolen.", "accessibleDiffView.on": "Přístupný prohlížeč rozdílů je vždy povolen.", "editorOverviewRuler.inlineChatInserted": "Barva značky přehledového pravítka pro vložený obsah vloženého chatu.", @@ -8356,6 +8356,7 @@ "inlineChatEditing": "Určuje, jestli uživatel právě upravuje nebo generuje kód ve vloženém chatu.", "inlineChatEmpty": "Určuje, jestli je vstup interaktivního editoru prázdný", "inlineChatFocused": "Určuje, jestli má vstup interaktivního editoru fokus", + "inlineChatHasPossible": "Whether a provider for inline chat exists and whether an editor for inline chat is open", "inlineChatHasProvider": "Určuje, jestli existuje poskytovatel interaktivních editorů", "inlineChatHasStashedSession": "Určuje, jestli interaktivní editor zachoval relaci pro rychlé obnovení", "inlineChatInnerCursorEnd": "Určuje, jestli je kurzor vstupu interaktivního editoru na konci vstupu.", @@ -10492,8 +10493,8 @@ "pauseSocketWriting": "Připojení: Pozastavit zápis soketu", "remote": "Vzdálené", "remote.autoForwardPortFallback": "Počet automaticky přesměrovávaných portů, které při automatickém přesměrování portů a nastavení možnosti remote.autoForwardPortsSource na výchozí hodnotu process spustí přepnutí z process na hybrid. Pokud chcete zakázat náhradu, nastavte hodnotu 0. Pokud se nenakonfiguroval remote.autoForwardPortsFallback, ale remote.autoForwardPortsSource ano, bude se remote.autoForwardPortsFallback považovat za nastavený na hodnotu 0.", - "remote.autoForwardPorts": "When enabled, new running processes are detected and ports that they listen on are automatically forwarded. Disabling this setting will not prevent all ports from being forwarded. Even when disabled, extensions will still be able to cause ports to be forwarded, and opening some URLs will still cause ports to forwarded. Also see {0}.", - "remote.autoForwardPortsSource": "Sets the source from which ports are automatically forwarded when {0} is true. When {0} is false, {1} will be used to find information about ports that have already been forwarded. On Windows and macOS remotes, the `process` and `hybrid` options have no effect and `output` will be used.", + "remote.autoForwardPorts": "Pokud je tato možnost povolena, jsou zjištěny nové spuštěné procesy a porty, na kterých naslouchá, jsou automaticky předávány. Zakázání tohoto nastavení nezabrání přeposílání všech portů. I když je zakázané, rozšíření i nadále budou moci způsobit přesměrování portů a otevření některých adres URL bude přesto způsobovat přesměrování portů. Viz také: {0}.", + "remote.autoForwardPortsSource": "Nastaví zdroj, ze kterého se automaticky přesměrovávají porty, když je možnost {0} nastavená na hodnotu true. Pokud je {0} false, {1} se použije k vyhledání informací o portech, které už byly přesměrovány. Na vzdálených počítačích s Windows a macOS nemají možnosti process a hybrid žádný účinek a použije se možnost output.", "remote.autoForwardPortsSource.hybrid": "Porty zjištěné při čtení výstupu terminálu a ladění se budou automaticky přesměrovávat. Ne všechny procesy, které používají porty, se vytisknou do integrovaného terminálu nebo konzoly ladění, tudíž se některé porty vynechají. Portům se zruší přesměrování sledováním procesů, které naslouchají na daném portu, aby se ukončily.", "remote.autoForwardPortsSource.output": "Porty zjištěné terminálem pro čtení nebo výstupem ladění se automaticky přesměrují. Do integrovaného terminálu nebo konzoly ladění nebudou zapisovat všechny procesy, které používají porty, proto některé porty budou chybě. Přesměrování portů, které jsou přesměrované podle výstupu, se nezruší, dokud se neprovede nové načtení nebo dokud uživatel port neuzavře v zobrazení Porty.", "remote.autoForwardPortsSource.process": "Porty zjištěné sledováním spuštěných procesů, které zahrnují port, se automaticky přesměrují.", @@ -10569,7 +10570,7 @@ "tunnel.preview": "Vzdálené tunely jsou aktuálně ve verzi Preview. Nahlaste všechny problémy pomocí příkazu Nápověda: Nahlásit problém." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/replNotebook/browser/repl.contribution": { - "repl.execute": "Execute REPL input" + "repl.execute": "Spustit vstup REPL" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/replNotebook/browser/replEditorAccessibilityHelp": { "replEditor.cellNavigation": "Šipky nahoru a dolů také přesouvají fokus mezi dříve provedenými položkami.", @@ -10580,7 +10581,7 @@ "replEditor.overview": "Jste v editoru REPL, který obsahuje vstupní pole pro vyhodnocení výrazů a seznam dříve spuštěných výrazů a jejich výstupu." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/replNotebook/browser/replEditorInput": { - "replEditorLabelIcon": "Icon of the REPL editor label." + "replEditorLabelIcon": "Ikona popisku editoru REPL" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/sash/browser/sash.contribution": { "sashHoverDelay": "Určuje zpoždění zpětné vazby najetí myší v milisekundách pro oblast přetažení mezi zobrazeními nebo editory.", @@ -10640,7 +10641,7 @@ "inputMinLines": "Určuje minimální počet řádků, ze kterých se vstup automaticky zvětší.", "manageWorkspaceTrustAction": "Spravovat vztah důvěryhodnosti pracovního prostoru", "miViewSCM": "Správa &&zdrojového kódu", - "no history items": "The selected source control provider does not have any source control history items.", + "no history items": "Vybraný zprostředkovatel správy zdrojového kódu nemá žádné položky historie správy zdrojového kódu.", "no open repo": "Nejsou registrováni žádní zprostředkovatelé správy zdrojového kódu.", "no open repo in an untrusted workspace": "Žádný z registrovaných poskytovatelů správy zdrojového kódu nefunguje v omezeném režimu.", "open in external terminal": "Otevřít v externím terminálu", @@ -10980,7 +10981,7 @@ "search": "Hledat", "searchFileMatch": "Počet nalezených souborů: {0}", "searchFileMatches": "Počet nalezených souborů: {0}", - "searchFolderMatch.aiText.label": "{0} Results", + "searchFolderMatch.aiText.label": "Výsledky {0}", "searchFolderMatch.other.label": "Ostatní soubory", "searchFolderMatch.plainText.label": "Textové výsledky", "searchMatch": "Počet nalezených shod: {0}", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json index 13c306f3ec..f5d77fdb35 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.ipynb.i18n.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "copyCellOutput.title": "Zellenausgabe kopieren", "description": "Bietet grundlegende Unterstützung für das Öffnen und Lesen von Jupyters .ipynb-Notizbuchdateien", "displayName": "IPYNB-Unterstützung", - "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Experimental feature to serialize the Jupyter notebook in a worker thread. Not supported when the Extension host is running as a web worker.", + "ipynb.experimental.serialization": "Experimentelles Feature zum Serialisieren des Jupyter-Notebooks in einem Arbeitsthread. Wird nicht unterstützt, wenn der Erweiterungshost als Worker ausgeführt wird.", "ipynb.pasteImagesAsAttachments.enabled": "Aktivieren/Deaktivieren des Einfügens von Bildern in Markdownzellen in IPYNB-Notebook-Dateien. Eingefügte Bilder werden als Anlagen in die Zelle eingefügt.", "markdownAttachmentRenderer.displayName": "Zellenanlage-Renderer „Markdown-It-IPYNB“", "newUntitledIpynb.shortTitle": "Jupyter Notebook", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index a7f966c29f..6bf537dc97 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.description": "GET- und SET-Accessoren generieren", "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.title": "Accessoren generieren", "codeActions.source.organizeImports.title": "Importe organisieren", - "configuration.expandableHover": "(Experimental) Enable/disable expanding on hover.", + "configuration.expandableHover": "(Experimentell) Erweitern beim Daraufzeigen aktivieren/deaktivieren.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.checkJs": "Aktiviert/deaktiviert die Semantikprüfung bei JavaScript-Dateien. Diese Einstellung wird von vorhandenen Dateien \"jsconfig.json\" oder \"tsconfig.json\" außer Kraft gesetzt.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.experimentalDecorators": "Aktiviert/deaktiviert \"experimentalDecorators\" in JavaScript-Dateien, die keinem Projekt angehören. Diese Einstellung wird von vorhandenen Dateien \"jsconfig.json\" oder \"tsconfig.json\" außer Kraft gesetzt.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.module": "Legt das Modulsystem für das Programm fest. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#module.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json index b2d239b731..82dfab2f4a 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -192,13 +192,13 @@ "editor": "editor" }, "vs/editor/browser/controller/editContext/screenReaderUtils": { - "accessibilityModeOff": "The editor is not accessible at this time.", - "accessibilityOffAriaLabel": "{0} To enable screen reader optimized mode, use {1}", - "accessibilityOffAriaLabelNoKb": "{0} To enable screen reader optimized mode, open the quick pick with {1} and run the command Toggle Screen Reader Accessibility Mode, which is currently not triggerable via keyboard.", - "accessibilityOffAriaLabelNoKbs": "{0} Please assign a keybinding for the command Toggle Screen Reader Accessibility Mode by accessing the keybindings editor with {1} and run it." + "accessibilityModeOff": "Auf den Editor kann zurzeit nicht zugegriffen werden.", + "accessibilityOffAriaLabel": "{0} Um den für die Sprachausgabe optimierten Modus zu aktivieren, verwenden Sie {1}", + "accessibilityOffAriaLabelNoKb": "{0} Um den für die Sprachausgabe optimierten Modus zu aktivieren, öffnen Sie die Schnellauswahl mit {1}, und führen Sie den Befehl „Barrierefreiheitsmodus der Bildschirmsprachausgabe umschalten“ aus, der derzeit nicht über die Tastatur ausgelöst werden kann.", + "accessibilityOffAriaLabelNoKbs": "{0} Weisen Sie eine Tastenzuordnung für den Befehl „Barrierefreiheitsmodus der Sprachausgabe umschalten“ zu, indem Sie mit auf den Editor für Tastenzuordnungen zugreifen {1} und ihn ausführen." }, "vs/editor/browser/controller/editContext/textArea/textAreaEditContext": { - "editor": "editor" + "editor": "Editor" }, "vs/editor/browser/coreCommands": { "removedCursor": "Sekundäre Cursor entfernt", @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ "undo": "Rückgängig" }, "vs/editor/browser/gpu/viewGpuContext": { - "editor.dom.render": "Use DOM-based rendering" + "editor.dom.render": "Verwenden des DOM-basierten Renderings" }, "vs/editor/browser/services/hoverService/hoverWidget": { "hoverhint": "Halten Sie die {0}-Taste gedrückt, um mit der Maus darauf zu zeigen." @@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ "multiDiffEditor.headerBackground": "Die Hintergrundfarbe des Diff-Editor-Headers" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/multiDiffEditor/multiDiffEditorWidgetImpl": { - "loading": "Loading...", + "loading": "Wird geladen...", "noChangedFiles": "Keine geänderten Dateien" }, "vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": { @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ "editor.experimental.asyncTokenization": "Steuert, ob die Tokenisierung asynchron auf einem Webworker erfolgen soll.", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationLogging": "Steuert, ob die asynchrone Tokenisierung protokolliert werden soll. Nur zum Debuggen.", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationVerification": "Steuert, ob die asynchrone Tokenisierung anhand der Legacy-Hintergrundtokenisierung überprüft werden soll. Die Tokenisierung kann verlangsamt werden. Nur zum Debuggen.", - "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "Controls whether tree sitter parsing should be turned on for specific languages. This will take precedence over `editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry` for the specified languages.", + "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "Steuert, ob die Struktursitteranalyse für bestimmte Sprachen aktiviert werden soll. Dies hat Vorrang vor \"editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry\" für die angegebenen Sprachen.", "editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry": "Steuert, ob die Struktursitteranalyse aktiviert und Telemetriedaten erfasst werden sollen. Das Festlegen von \"editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter\" für bestimmte Sprachen hat Vorrang.", "editorConfigurationTitle": "Editor", "hideUnchangedRegions.contextLineCount": "Steuert, wie viele Zeilen beim Vergleich unveränderter Regionen als Kontext verwendet werden.", @@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ "editorViewAccessibleLabel": "Editor-Inhalt", "emptySelectionClipboard": "Steuert, ob ein Kopiervorgang ohne Auswahl die aktuelle Zeile kopiert.", "enabled": "Aktiviert das Glühlampensymbol für Codeaktionen im Editor.", - "experimentalEditContextEnabled": "Sets whether the new experimental edit context should be used instead of the text area.", + "experimentalEditContextEnabled": "Legt fest, ob der neue experimentelle Bearbeitungskontext anstelle des Textbereichs verwendet werden soll.", "experimentalWhitespaceRendering": "Steuert, ob Leerzeichen mit einer neuen experimentellen Methode gerendert werden.", "experimentalWhitespaceRendering.font": "Verwenden Sie eine neue Rendering-Methode mit Schriftartzeichen.", "experimentalWhitespaceRendering.off": "Verwenden Sie die stabile Rendering-Methode.", @@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ "inlayHints.enable": "Aktiviert die Inlay-Hinweise im Editor.", "inlayHints.fontFamily": "Steuert die Schriftartfamilie von Einlapphinweisen im Editor. Bei Festlegung auf \"leer\" wird die {0} verwendet.", "inlayHints.fontSize": "Steuert den Schriftgrad von Einlapphinweisen im Editor. Standardmäßig wird die {0} verwendet, wenn der konfigurierte Wert kleiner als {1} oder größer als der Schriftgrad des Editors ist.", - "inlayHints.maximumLength": "Maximum overall length of inlay hints, for a single line, before they get truncated by the editor. Set to `0` to never truncate", + "inlayHints.maximumLength": "Maximale Gesamtlänge von Inlayhinweisen für eine einzelne Zeile, bevor sie vom Editor abgeschnitten werden. Auf „0“ festlegen, damit sie nie abgeschnitten werden", "inlayHints.padding": "Aktiviert den Abstand um die Inlay-Hinweise im Editor.", "inline": "Schnelle Vorschläge werden als inaktiver Text angezeigt", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "Steuert, ob für Benutzer*innen, die eine Sprachausgabe nutzen, bei Anzeige einer Inlinevervollständigung ein Hinweis zur Barrierefreiheit angezeigt werden soll.", @@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ "inlineSuggest.showToolbar.never": "Die Inlinevorschlagssymbolleiste nie anzeigen.", "inlineSuggest.showToolbar.onHover": "Die Symbolleiste „Inline-Vorschlag“ anzeigen, wenn Sie mit dem Mauszeiger auf einen Inline-Vorschlag zeigen.", "inlineSuggest.suppressSuggestions": "Steuert, wie Inlinevorschläge mit dem Vorschlagswidget interagieren. Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, wird das Vorschlagswidget nicht automatisch angezeigt, wenn Inlinevorschläge verfügbar sind.", - "inlineSuggest.syntaxHighlightingEnabled": "Controls whether to show syntax highlighting for inline suggestions in the editor.", + "inlineSuggest.syntaxHighlightingEnabled": "Steuert, ob Syntaxhervorhebungen für Inlinevorschläge im Editor angezeigt werden.", "letterSpacing": "Legt den Abstand der Buchstaben in Pixeln fest.", "lineHeight": "Steuert die Zeilenhöhe. \r\n – Verwenden Sie 0, um die Zeilenhöhe automatisch anhand des Schriftgrads zu berechnen.\r\n – Werte zwischen 0 und 8 werden als Multiplikator mit dem Schriftgrad verwendet.\r\n – Werte größer oder gleich 8 werden als effektive Werte verwendet.", "lineNumbers": "Steuert die Anzeige von Zeilennummern.", @@ -2974,7 +2974,7 @@ "pid": "PID" }, "vs/code/electron-utility/sharedProcess/sharedProcessMain": { - "sharedLog": "Shared" + "sharedLog": "Freigegeben" }, "vs/code/node/cliProcessMain": { "cli": "CLI" @@ -5114,7 +5114,7 @@ "verbosity.notification": "Geben Sie Informationen zum Öffnen der Benachrichtigung in einer barrierefreien Ansicht an.", "verbosity.replInputHint": "Geben Sie Informationen zu relevanten Aktionen für die Repl-Eingabe an.", "verbosity.terminal.description": "Gibt Informationen über den Zugriff auf das Hilfemenü für Barrierefreiheit im Terminal an, wenn das Terminal den Fokus aufweist.", - "verbosity.walkthrough": "Provide information about how to open the walkthrough in an Accessible View.", + "verbosity.walkthrough": "Geben Sie Informationen dazu an, wie Sie die exemplarische Vorgehensweise in einer barrierefreien Ansicht öffnen.", "voice.speechLanguage": "Die Sprache, die von der Spracherkennung und Sprachsynthese verwendet werden soll. Wählen Sie „Auto“ aus, um nach Möglichkeit die konfigurierte Anzeigesprache zu verwenden. Beachten Sie, dass möglicherweise nicht alle Anzeigesprachen von der Spracherkennung und den Synthetisierern unterstützt werden.", "voice.speechTimeout": "Die Dauer in Millisekunden, die die Spracherkennung aktiv bleibt, nachdem Sie das Sprechen beendet haben. In einer Chatsitzung wird der transkribierte Text beispielsweise automatisch übermittelt, nachdem das Timeout erreicht wurde. Legen Sie diese Einstellung auf „0“ fest, um dieses Feature zu deaktivieren." }, @@ -5232,18 +5232,18 @@ "disabled": "Deaktiviert" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/authentication/browser/actions/manageAccountPreferencesForExtensionAction": { - "accounts": "Accounts", - "currentAccount": "Current account", - "manageAccountPreferenceForExtension": "Manage Extension Account Preferences", - "noAccounts": "No accounts are currently used by this extension.", - "pickAProviderTitle": "Manage Extension Account Preferences", - "placeholder": "Manage '{0}' account preferences...", - "selectProvider": "Select an authentication provider to manage account preferences for", - "title": "'{0}' Account Preferences For This Workspace" + "accounts": "Konten", + "currentAccount": "Aktuelles Konto", + "manageAccountPreferenceForExtension": "Einstellungen für Erweiterungskonto verwalten", + "noAccounts": "Von dieser Erweiterung werden derzeit keine Konten verwendet.", + "pickAProviderTitle": "Einstellungen für Erweiterungskonto verwalten", + "placeholder": "„{0}“ Kontoeinstellungen verwalten...", + "selectProvider": "Auswählen eines Authentifizierungsanbieters zum Verwalten von Kontoeinstellungen für", + "title": "„{0}“ Kontoeinstellungen für diesen Arbeitsbereich" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/authentication/browser/actions/manageTrustedExtensionsForAccountAction": { "accountLastUsedDate": "Letzte Verwendung dieses Kontos: {0}", - "accountPreferences": "Manage account preferences for this extension", + "accountPreferences": "Verwalten von Kontoeinstellungen für diese Erweiterung", "accounts": "Konten", "manageExtensions": "Wählen Sie die Erweiterungen aus, die auf dieses Konto zugreifen können.", "manageTrustedExtensions": "Vertrauenswürdige Erweiterungen verwalten", @@ -5387,7 +5387,7 @@ "chat.clear.label": "Alle Arbeitsbereichschats löschen", "chat.history.label": "Chats anzeigen...", "chat.history.rename": "Umbenennen", - "chatWith": "Chat with Extension", + "chatWith": "Chatten mit Erweiterungen", "currentChatLabel": "aktuell", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "Eingabeverlauf löschen", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "Chateingabe fokussieren", @@ -5404,7 +5404,7 @@ "chat.newChat.label": "Neuer Chat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatCodeblockActions": { - "chat.applyAll.label": "Apply All Edits", + "chat.applyAll.label": "Alle Bearbeitungen anwenden", "interactive.applyInEditor.label": "Im Editor anwenden", "interactive.compare.apply": "Änderungen anwenden", "interactive.compare.discard": "Änderungen verwerfen", @@ -5417,8 +5417,8 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatContextActions": { "chatContext.attach.placeholder": "Anlagen suchen", - "chatContext.notebook.kernelVariable": "Kernel Variable...", - "chatContext.notebook.selectkernelVariable": "Select and Insert Kernel Variable", + "chatContext.notebook.kernelVariable": "Kernelvariable...", + "chatContext.notebook.selectkernelVariable": "Kernelvariable auswählen und einfügen", "chatContext.symbol": "Symbol...", "imageFromClipboard": "Image from Clipboard", "pastedImage": "Pasted Image", @@ -5436,7 +5436,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatExecuteActions": { "actions.chat.submitSecondaryAgent": "An sekundären Agent übermitteln", "chat.newChat.label": "An neuen Chat senden", - "chat.pickModel.label": "Pick Model", + "chat.pickModel.label": "Modell auswählen", "interactive.cancel.label": "Abbrechen", "interactive.submit.label": "Senden" }, @@ -5473,15 +5473,15 @@ "interactive.unhelpful.label": "Nicht hilfreich" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/codeBlockOperations": { - "applyCodeBlock.error": "Failed to apply code block: {0}", - "applyCodeBlock.noActiveEditor": "To apply this code block, open a code or notebook editor.", - "applyCodeBlock.progress": "Applying code block using {0}...", - "applyCodeBlock.readonly": "Cannot apply code block to read-only file.", - "applyCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "Cannot apply code block to read-only notebook editor.", - "insertCodeBlock.noActiveEditor": "To insert the code block, open a code editor or notebook editor and set the cursor at the location where to insert the code block.", - "insertCodeBlock.readonly": "Cannot insert the code block to read-only code editor.", - "insertCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "Cannot insert the code block to read-only notebook editor.", - "overlap": "Another code change is being previewed. Please apply or discard the pending changes first." + "applyCodeBlock.error": "Fehler beim Anwenden des Codeblocks: {0}", + "applyCodeBlock.noActiveEditor": "Um diesen Codeblock anzuwenden, öffnen Sie einen Code- oder Notebook-Editor.", + "applyCodeBlock.progress": "Codeblock wird mit {0} angewendet...", + "applyCodeBlock.readonly": "Der Codeblock kann nicht auf eine schreibgeschützte Datei angewendet werden.", + "applyCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "Der Codeblock kann nicht auf den schreibgeschützten Notebook-Editor angewendet werden.", + "insertCodeBlock.noActiveEditor": "Um den Codeblock einzufügen, öffnen Sie einen Code-Editor oder Notebook-Editor, und legen Sie den Cursor an der Stelle fest, an der der Codeblock eingefügt werden soll.", + "insertCodeBlock.readonly": "Der Codeblock kann nicht in den schreibgeschützten Code-Editor eingefügt werden.", + "insertCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "Der Codeblock kann nicht in den schreibgeschützten Notebook-Editor eingefügt werden.", + "overlap": "Eine weitere Codeänderung wird in der Vorschau angezeigt. Wenden Sie die ausstehenden Änderungen zuerst an, oder verwerfen Sie sie." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat": { "generating": "Wird generiert" @@ -5540,7 +5540,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { "chatCollapsibleList": "Reduzierbare Chatliste", - "copyReference": "Copy", + "copyReference": "Kopieren", "setting.hover": "Einstellung \"{0}\" öffnen", "usedReferencesCollapsed": "{0}, zugeklappt", "usedReferencesExpanded": "{0}, aufgeklappt", @@ -5560,11 +5560,11 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatDragAndDrop": { "attach as context": "Attach {0} as Context", - "file": "File", + "file": "Datei", "image": "Image" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingService": { - "accept.allFiles": "Accept All", + "accept.allFiles": "Alle akzeptieren", "accept.file": "Accept", "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Open Diffs", "chatEditing.startSession": "Start Editing Session", @@ -5572,8 +5572,8 @@ "chatEditing.stopSession": "Stop Editing Session", "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", "discard.file": "Discard", - "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Suggested Edits", - "open.file": "Open File" + "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Vorgeschlagene Bearbeitungen", + "open.file": "Datei öffnen" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "Symbol der Beschriftung des Chat-Editors.", @@ -5583,18 +5583,18 @@ "followUpAriaLabel": "Anschlussfrage: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatGettingStarted": { - "chat.openPanel": "Open Chat Panel", - "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "When enabled, shows a getting started experiments in the chat panel." + "chat.openPanel": "Chatbereich öffnen", + "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, wird im Chatbereich ein Experiment mit den ersten Schritten angezeigt." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatImagePaste": { "pastedImage": "Pasted Image" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInlineAnchorWidget": { "actions.attach.label": "Add File to Chat", - "actions.goToDecl.label": "Go to Definition", - "goToReferences.label": "Go to References", - "miGotoDefinition": "Go to &&Definition", - "miGotoReference": "Go to &&References" + "actions.goToDecl.label": "Zur Definition wechseln", + "goToReferences.label": "Gehe zu Verweisen", + "miGotoDefinition": "Gehe &&zu Definition", + "miGotoReference": "Gehe zu &&Verweisen" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Chateingabe, Eingabe zum Stellen von Fragen oder Eingabe für Themen: Drücken Sie die Eingabetaste, um die Anfrage zu senden. Verwenden Sie {0} für die Hilfe zur Barrierefreiheit des Chats.", @@ -5628,7 +5628,7 @@ "chat.viewContainer.label": "Chat", "chatCommand": "Ein Kurzname, mit dem auf diesen Befehl in der Benutzeroberfläche verwiesen wird, z. B. `reparieren` oder * `erklären` für Befehle, die ein Problem beheben oder Code erklären. Der Name sollte unter den von diesem Teilnehmer bereitgestellten Befehlen eindeutig sein.", "chatCommandDescription": "Eine Beschreibung dieses Befehls.", - "chatCommandDisambiguation": "Metadata to help with automatically routing user questions to this chat command.", + "chatCommandDisambiguation": "Metadaten, die beim automatischen Weiterleiten von Benutzerfragen an diesen Chatbefehl helfen.", "chatCommandDisambiguationCategory": "Ein detaillierter Name für diese Kategorie, z. B. \"workspace_questions\" oder \"web_questions\".", "chatCommandDisambiguationDescription": "Eine detaillierte Beschreibung der Arten von Fragen, die für diesen Chatbefehl geeignet sind.", "chatCommandDisambiguationExamples": "Eine Liste repräsentativer Beispielfragen, die für diesen Chatbefehl geeignet sind.", @@ -5638,7 +5638,7 @@ "chatCommandsDescription": "Für diesen Chatteilnehmer verfügbare Befehle, die der Benutzer mit einem `/` aufrufen kann.", "chatFailErrorMessage": "Fehler beim Laden des Chats, weil die installierte Version der {0}-Erweiterung nicht mit dieser Version von {1} kompatibel ist. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die GitHub Copilot-Chaterweiterung auf dem neuesten Stand ist.", "chatParticipantDescription": "Eine Beschreibung dieses Chatteilnehmers, die in der Benutzeroberfläche angezeigt wird.", - "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Metadata to help with automatically routing user questions to this chat participant.", + "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Metadaten, die beim automatischen Weiterleiten von Benutzerfragen an diesen Chatteilnehmer helfen.", "chatParticipantDisambiguationCategory": "Ein detaillierter Name für diese Kategorie, z. B. \"workspace_questions\" oder \"web_questions\".", "chatParticipantDisambiguationDescription": "Eine detaillierte Beschreibung der Arten von Fragen, die für diesen Chatteilnehmer geeignet sind.", "chatParticipantDisambiguationExamples": "Eine Liste repräsentativer Beispielfragen, die für diesen Chatteilnehmer geeignet sind.", @@ -5652,7 +5652,7 @@ "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Fügt einen Chatteilnehmer hinzu" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { - "chatWidget.tips": "{0} to attach context\r\n\r\n{1} to chat with extensions" + "chatWidget.tips": "{0} zum Anfügen von Kontext\r\n\r\n{1} zum Chatten mit Erweiterungen" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { "chat.codeBlock.toolbar": "Codeblocksymbolleiste", @@ -5694,9 +5694,9 @@ "chatIsEnabled": "Wahr, wenn der Chat aktiviert ist, weil ein Standard-Chat-Teilnehmer mit einer Implementierung aktiviert ist.", "chatItemId": "The id of the chat item.", "chatLastItemId": "The id of the last chat item.", - "chatModelsAreUserSelectable": "True when the chat model can be selected manually by the user.", + "chatModelsAreUserSelectable": "True, wenn das Chatmodell manuell von der benutzenden Person ausgewählt werden kann.", "chatParticipantRegistered": "Wahr, wenn ein Standard-Chatteilnehmer für das Panel registriert ist.", - "chatParticipantSupportsModelPicker": "True when the current chat participant supports picking the model manually.", + "chatParticipantSupportsModelPicker": "True, wenn der aktuelle Chatteilnehmer die manuelle Auswahl des Modells unterstützt.", "chatRequest": "Das Chatelement ist eine Anforderung.", "chatResponse": "Das Chatelement ist eine Antwort.", "chatResponseErrored": "TRUE, wenn die Chatantwort zu einem Fehler geführt hat.", @@ -8304,7 +8304,7 @@ "moveToNextHunk": "Zur nächsten Änderung", "moveToPreviousHunk": "Zur vorherigen Änderung", "rerun": "Erneut ausführen", - "run": "Editor Chat", + "run": "Editor Inline Chat", "showChanges": "Änderungen umschalten", "startInlineChat": "Symbol, das den Inlinechat über die Editor-Symbolleiste erzeugt.", "unstash": "Zuletzt geschlossenen Inlinechat fortsetzen", @@ -8356,6 +8356,7 @@ "inlineChatEditing": "Gibt an, ob der Benutzer zurzeit Code im Inlinechat bearbeitet oder generiert.", "inlineChatEmpty": "Gibt an, ob die Eingabe des interaktiven Editors leer ist", "inlineChatFocused": "Gibt an, ob die Eingabe im interaktiven Editor fokussiert ist", + "inlineChatHasPossible": "Whether a provider for inline chat exists and whether an editor for inline chat is open", "inlineChatHasProvider": "Gibt an, ob ein Anbieter für interaktive Editoren existiert", "inlineChatHasStashedSession": "Gibt an, ob der interaktive Editor eine Sitzung für die schnelle Wiederherstellung beibehalten hat.", "inlineChatInnerCursorEnd": "Gibt an, ob der Cursor der interaktiven Editor-Eingabe am Ende der Eingabe steht.", @@ -10569,7 +10570,7 @@ "tunnel.preview": "Remotetunnel befindet sich derzeit in der Vorschau. Bitte melden Sie eventuelle Probleme mit dem Befehl \"Hilfe: Problem melden\"." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/replNotebook/browser/repl.contribution": { - "repl.execute": "Execute REPL input" + "repl.execute": "REPL-Eingabe ausführen" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/replNotebook/browser/replEditorAccessibilityHelp": { "replEditor.cellNavigation": "The up and down arrows will also move focus between previously executed items.", @@ -10580,7 +10581,7 @@ "replEditor.overview": "You are in a REPL Editor which contains in input box to evaluate expressions and a list of previously executed expressions and their output." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/replNotebook/browser/replEditorInput": { - "replEditorLabelIcon": "Icon of the REPL editor label." + "replEditorLabelIcon": "Symbol der Beschriftung des REPL-Editors." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/sash/browser/sash.contribution": { "sashHoverDelay": "Steuert die Hover-Feedbackverzögerung des Ziehbereichs zwischen Ansichten/Editoren (in Millisekunden).", @@ -10676,11 +10677,11 @@ "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.false": "Ignorieren Sie keine führenden und nachfolgenden Leerzeichen.", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.inherit": "Von „diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace“ erben.", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.true": "Ignorieren Sie führende und nachfolgende Leerzeichen.", - "scm.graph.badges": "Controls which badges are shown in the Source Control Graph view. The badges are shown on the right side of the graph indicating the names of history item groups.", - "scm.graph.badges.all": "Show badges of all history item groups in the Source Control Graph view.", - "scm.graph.badges.filter": "Show only the badges of history item groups used as a filter in the Source Control Graph view.", - "scm.graph.pageOnScroll": "Controls whether the Source Control Graph view will load the next page of items when you scroll to the end of the list.", - "scm.graph.pageSize": "The number of items to show in the Source Control Graph view by default and when loading more items.", + "scm.graph.badges": "Steuert, welche Badges in der Graph-Ansicht der Quellcodeverwaltung angezeigt werden. Die Badges werden auf der rechten Seite des Diagramms angezeigt, die die Namen von Verlaufselementgruppen angibt.", + "scm.graph.badges.all": "Badges aller Verlaufselementgruppen in der Graph-Ansicht der Quellcodeverwaltung anzeigen.", + "scm.graph.badges.filter": "Zeigt nur die Badges von Verlaufselementgruppen an, die als Filter in der Graph-Ansicht der Quellcodeverwaltung verwendet werden.", + "scm.graph.pageOnScroll": "Steuert, ob die Graph-Ansicht der Quellcodeverwaltung die nächste Seite mit Elementen lädt, wenn Sie an das Ende der Liste scrollen.", + "scm.graph.pageSize": "Die Anzahl der Elemente, die standardmäßig in der Graph-Ansicht der Quellcodeverwaltung und beim Laden weiterer Elemente angezeigt werden sollen.", "scm.providerCountBadge": "Steuert die Anzahlbadges in Headern von Quellcodeverwaltungsanbietern. Diese Header werden in der Ansicht \"Quellcodeverwaltung\" angezeigt, wenn mehrere Anbieter vorhanden sind oder wenn die Einstellung {0} aktiviert ist, und in der Ansicht \"Repositorys der Quellcodeverwaltung\".", "scm.providerCountBadge.auto": "Hiermit wird der Anzahlbadge für Quellcodeverwaltungsanbieter nur angezeigt, wenn die Anzahl ungleich Null ist.", "scm.providerCountBadge.hidden": "Hiermit werden Badges für die Anzahl von Quellcodeverwaltungsanbietern ausgeblendet.", @@ -10701,46 +10702,46 @@ "sourceControlViewIcon": "Ansichtssymbol der Quellcodeverwaltungsansicht." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/scm/browser/scmHistory": { - "scmGraph.HistoryItemHoverAdditionsForeground": "History item hover additions foreground color.", - "scmGraph.HistoryItemHoverDeletionsForeground": "History item hover deletions foreground color.", + "scmGraph.HistoryItemHoverAdditionsForeground": "Vordergrundfarbe der Hinzufügevorgänge von Verlaufselementen beim Draufzeigen.", + "scmGraph.HistoryItemHoverDeletionsForeground": "Vordergrundfarbe der Löschvorgänge von Verlaufselementen beim Draufzeigen.", "scmGraphForeground1": "Vordergrundfarbe des Quellcodeverwaltungsdiagramms (1).", "scmGraphForeground2": "Vordergrundfarbe des Quellcodeverwaltungsdiagramms (2).", "scmGraphForeground3": "Vordergrundfarbe des Quellcodeverwaltungsdiagramms (3).", - "scmGraphForeground4": "Source control graph foreground color (4).", - "scmGraphForeground5": "Source control graph foreground color (5).", - "scmGraphHistoryItemBaseRefColor": "History item base reference color.", - "scmGraphHistoryItemHoverDefaultLabelBackground": "History item hover default label background color.", - "scmGraphHistoryItemHoverDefaultLabelForeground": "History item hover default label foreground color.", + "scmGraphForeground4": "Vordergrundfarbe des Quellcodeverwaltungsdiagramms (4).", + "scmGraphForeground5": "Vordergrundfarbe des Quellcodeverwaltungsdiagramms (5).", + "scmGraphHistoryItemBaseRefColor": "Basisreferenzfarbe des Verlaufselements.", + "scmGraphHistoryItemHoverDefaultLabelBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe für das Zeigen auf die Standardbezeichnung des Verlaufselements.", + "scmGraphHistoryItemHoverDefaultLabelForeground": "Vordergrundfarbe für das Zeigen auf die Standardbezeichnung des Verlaufselements.", "scmGraphHistoryItemHoverLabelForeground": "Vordergrundfarbe für das Zeigen auf die Bezeichnung des Verlaufselements.", - "scmGraphHistoryItemRefColor": "History item reference color.", - "scmGraphHistoryItemRemoteRefColor": "History item remote reference color." + "scmGraphHistoryItemRefColor": "Referenzfarbe des Verlaufselements.", + "scmGraphHistoryItemRemoteRefColor": "Remotereferenzfarbe des Verlaufselements." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/scm/browser/scmHistoryViewPane": { - "activeRepository": "Show the source control graph for the active repository", - "all": "All", - "allHistoryItemRefs": "All history item references", - "auto": "Auto", - "currentHistoryItemRef": "Current history item reference(s)", + "activeRepository": "Anzeigen des Quellcodeverwaltungsdiagramms für das aktive Repository", + "all": "Alle", + "allHistoryItemRefs": "Alle Verlaufselementverweise", + "auto": "Automatisch", + "currentHistoryItemRef": "Aktuelle Verlaufselementreferenz(en)", "deletion": "{0} Löschvorgang{1}", "deletions": "{0} Löschvorgänge{1}", "fileChanged": "{0} Datei geändert", "filesChanged": "{0} Dateien geändert", - "goToCurrentHistoryItem": "Go to Current History Item", - "historyItemChangesEditorTitle": "All Changes ({0} ↔ {1})", - "historyItemMessage": "Message", + "goToCurrentHistoryItem": "Zum aktuellen Verlaufselement wechseln", + "historyItemChangesEditorTitle": "Alle Änderungen ({0} ↔ {1})", + "historyItemMessage": "Nachricht", "insertion": "{0} Einfügevorgang{1}", "insertions": "{0} Einfügevorgänge{1}", - "items": "{0} Items", + "items": "{0} Elemente", "loadMore": "{0} Weitere laden...", - "referencePicker": "History Item Reference Picker", + "referencePicker": "Verweisauswahl für Verlaufselemente", "refreshGraph": "Aktualisieren", - "repositoryPicker": "Repository Picker", + "repositoryPicker": "Repositoryauswahl", "scm history": "Verlauf für die Quellcodeverwaltung", - "scmGraphHistoryItemRef": "Select one/more history item references to view, type to filter", - "scmGraphRepository": "Select the repository to view, type to filter all repositories", - "scmGraphViewOutdated": "Please refresh the graph using the refresh action ($(refresh)).", - "scmGraphViewRevealCurrentHistoryItem": "The current history item is not present in the source control graph. Please use the history item references picker to expand the set of history items in the graph.", - "viewChanges": "View Changes" + "scmGraphHistoryItemRef": "Wählen Sie einen oder mehrere Verlaufselementverweise aus, die angezeigt werden sollen. Geben Sie einen Suchbegriff zum Filtern ein.", + "scmGraphRepository": "Wählen Sie das anzuzeigende Repository aus, oder geben Sie einen Suchbegriff ein, um die Repositorys zu filtern.", + "scmGraphViewOutdated": "Aktualisieren Sie das Diagramm mithilfe der Aktualisierungsaktion ($(refresh)).", + "scmGraphViewRevealCurrentHistoryItem": "Das aktuelle Verlaufselement ist im Quellcodeverwaltungsdiagramm nicht vorhanden. Verwenden Sie die Verweisauswahl für Verlaufselemente, um den Satz von Verlaufselementen im Diagramm zu erweitern.", + "viewChanges": "Änderungen anzeigen" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/scm/browser/scmRepositoriesViewPane": { "scm": "Repositorys der Quellcodeverwaltung" @@ -13031,9 +13032,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfilesEditor": { "activeProfile": "Active", - "addButton": "Add Folder", - "addFolder": "Add Folder", - "addFolderTitle": "Select Folders To Add", + "addButton": "Ordner hinzufügen", + "addFolder": "Ordner hinzufügen", + "addFolderTitle": "Hinzuzufügende Ordner auswählen", "change profile": "Profil ändern", "changeIcon": "Klicken Sie, um das Symbol zu ändern", "contents": "Contents", @@ -13049,16 +13050,16 @@ "default": "Standard", "default description": "{0} aus dem Standardprofil verwenden", "default info": "– *Standard:* Inhalt aus dem Standardprofil verwenden\r\n", - "default profile contents description": "Browse contents of this profile\r\n", + "default profile contents description": "Inhalte dieses Profils durchsuchen\r\n", "defaultProfileIcon": "Das Symbol kann für das Standardprofil nicht geändert werden.", "defaultProfileName": "Der Name kann für das Standardprofil nicht geändert werden.", - "editIcon": "Icon for the edit folder icon in the profiles editor.", + "editIcon": "Symbol für das Symbol „Ordner bearbeiten“ im Profil-Editor.", "empty profile": "Keine", "enable for current window": "Dieses Profil für das aktuelle Fenster verwenden", "enable for new windows": "Dieses Profil als Standard für neue Fenster verwenden", "extensions": "Erweiterungen", - "folders_workspaces": "Folders & Workspaces", - "folders_workspaces_description": "Following folders and workspaces are using this profile", + "folders_workspaces": "Ordner und Arbeitsbereiche", + "folders_workspaces_description": "Folgende Ordner und Arbeitsbereiche verwenden dieses Profil", "from existing profiles": "Vorhandene Profile", "from template": "Aus Vorlage", "from templates": "Profilvorlagen", @@ -13073,18 +13074,18 @@ "import profile quick pick title": "Aus Profilvorlage importieren...", "importProfile": "Profil importieren...", "keybindings": "Tastenkombinationen", - "localAuthority": "Local", + "localAuthority": "Lokal", "name": "Name", "name required": "Der Profilname ist erforderlich und muss ein nicht leerer Wert sein.", "new from template": "Neues Profil aus Vorlage", "newProfile": "Neues Profil", - "no_folder_description": "No folders or workspaces are using this profile", + "no_folder_description": "Dieses Profil wird von keinen Ordnern oder Arbeitsbereichen verwendet.", "none": "Keine", "none description": "Leeren {0} erstellen", "none info": "– *Keine:* Leeren Inhalt erstellen\r\n", "open": "In neuem Fenster öffnen", "options": "Quelle", - "pathColumnLabel": "Path", + "pathColumnLabel": "Pfad", "profileExists": "Das Profil mit dem Namen {0} ist bereits vorhanden.", "profileName": "Profilname", "profiles": "Profile", @@ -13092,9 +13093,9 @@ "settings": "Einstellungen", "snippets": "Codeausschnitte", "tasks": "Aufgaben", - "trustedFolderAriaLabel": "{0}, trusted", - "trustedFolderWithHostAriaLabel": "{0} on {1}, trusted", - "trustedFoldersAndWorkspaces": "Trusted Folders & Workspaces", + "trustedFolderAriaLabel": "{0}, vertrauenswürdig", + "trustedFolderWithHostAriaLabel": "{0} auf {1}, vertrauenswürdig", + "trustedFoldersAndWorkspaces": "Vertrauenswürdige Ordner und Arbeitsbereiche", "use for curren window": "Für aktuelles Fenster verwenden", "use for new windows": "Für neue Fenster verwenden", "userDataProfiles": "Profile" @@ -13871,10 +13872,10 @@ "webview.context": "Kontextmenü für die Webansicht" }, "vs/workbench/services/activity/common/activity": { - "activityErrorBadge.background": "Background color of the error activity badge", - "activityErrorBadge.foreground": "Foreground color of the error activity badge", - "activityWarningBadge.background": "Background color of the warning activity badge", - "activityWarningBadge.foreground": "Foreground color of the warning activity badge" + "activityErrorBadge.background": "Hintergrundfarbe des Badges „Fehleraktivität“", + "activityErrorBadge.foreground": "Vordergrundfarbe des Badges “Fehleraktivität“", + "activityWarningBadge.background": "Hintergrundfarbe des Badges „Warnungsaktivität“", + "activityWarningBadge.foreground": "Vordergrundfarbe des Badges „Warnungsaktivität“" }, "vs/workbench/services/assignment/common/assignmentService": { "workbench.enableExperiments": "Ruft Experimente ab, die über einen Microsoft-Onlinedienst ausgeführt werden sollen." diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index 3c237b5023..7f0e318b02 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -354,9 +354,9 @@ "command.branchFrom": "Crear rama desde...", "command.checkout": "Desproteger en...", "command.checkoutDetached": "Extraer del repositorio en (desasociado)...", - "command.checkoutRefDetached": "Checkout (Detached)", + "command.checkoutRefDetached": "Restauración (desasociado)", "command.cherryPick": "Selección exclusiva...", - "command.cherryPickRef": "Cherry Pick", + "command.cherryPickRef": "Selección exclusiva...", "command.clean": "Descartar cambios", "command.cleanAll": "Descartar todos los cambios", "command.cleanAllTracked": "Descartar todos los cambios a los que se les realiza seguimiento", @@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ "command.commitStagedSignedNoVerify": "Confirmar almacenados provisionalmente (aprobado, no comprobar)", "command.continueInLocalClone": "Clonar repositorio localmente y abrir en escritorio...", "command.continueInLocalClone.qualifiedName": "Seguir trabajando en el nuevo clon local", - "command.createTag": "Create Tag...", + "command.createTag": "Crear etiqueta...", "command.deleteBranch": "Borrar rama...", "command.deleteRemoteTag": "Eliminar etiqueta remota...", "command.deleteTag": "Eliminar etiqueta...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 5c78a0e21e..da67ca0f05 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.description": "Generar los descriptores de acceso \"get\" y \"set\"", "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.title": "Generar descriptores de acceso", "codeActions.source.organizeImports.title": "Organizar Importaciones", - "configuration.expandableHover": "(Experimental) Enable/disable expanding on hover.", + "configuration.expandableHover": "(Experimental) Habilitar o deshabilitar la expansión al mantener el puntero.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.checkJs": "Habilita o deshabilita la comprobación semántica de los archivos de JavaScript. Los archivos \"jsconfig.json\" o \"tsconfig.json\" existentes invalidan esta opción.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.experimentalDecorators": "Habilite o deshabilite \"experimentalDecorators\" en los archivos de JavaScript que no forman parte de un proyecto. Los archivos \"jsconfig.json\" o \"tsconfig.json\" existentes invalidan esta opción.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.module": "Establece el sistema de módulos para el programa. Más información: https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#module.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json index 85f1c3487a..8ee52768a4 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ "editor.experimental.asyncTokenization": "Controla si la tokenización debe producirse de forma asincrónica en un rol de trabajo.", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationLogging": "Controla si se debe registrar la tokenización asincrónica. Solo para depuración.", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationVerification": "Controla si se debe comprobar la tokenización asincrónica con la tokenización en segundo plano heredada. Puede ralentizar la tokenización. Solo para depuración.", - "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "Controls whether tree sitter parsing should be turned on for specific languages. This will take precedence over `editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry` for the specified languages.", + "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "Controla si se debe activar el análisis del establecedor de árbol para idiomas específicos. Esto tendrá prioridad sobre \"editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry\" para los idiomas especificados.", "editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry": "Controla si se debe activar el análisis del establecedor de árbol y recopilar telemetría. Tendrá prioridad establecer \"editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter\" para idiomas específicos.", "editorConfigurationTitle": "Editor", "hideUnchangedRegions.contextLineCount": "Controla cuántas líneas se usan como contexto al comparar regiones sin cambios.", @@ -5387,7 +5387,7 @@ "chat.clear.label": "Borrar todos los chats del área de trabajo", "chat.history.label": "Mostrar chats...", "chat.history.rename": "Cambiar nombre", - "chatWith": "Chat with Extension", + "chatWith": "Chatear con la extensión", "currentChatLabel": "actual", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "Borrar el historial de entradas", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "Enfocar entrada de chat", @@ -5404,7 +5404,7 @@ "chat.newChat.label": "Nuevo chat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatCodeblockActions": { - "chat.applyAll.label": "Apply All Edits", + "chat.applyAll.label": "Aplicar todas las ediciones", "interactive.applyInEditor.label": "Aplicar en el editor", "interactive.compare.apply": "Aplicar ediciones", "interactive.compare.discard": "Descartar ediciones", @@ -5417,8 +5417,8 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatContextActions": { "chatContext.attach.placeholder": "Buscar datos adjuntos", - "chatContext.notebook.kernelVariable": "Kernel Variable...", - "chatContext.notebook.selectkernelVariable": "Select and Insert Kernel Variable", + "chatContext.notebook.kernelVariable": "Variable de kernel...", + "chatContext.notebook.selectkernelVariable": "Seleccionar e insertar variable de kernel", "chatContext.symbol": "Símbolo...", "imageFromClipboard": "Imagen del Portapapeles", "pastedImage": "Imagen pegada", @@ -5436,7 +5436,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatExecuteActions": { "actions.chat.submitSecondaryAgent": "Enviar al agente secundario", "chat.newChat.label": "Enviar a nuevo chat", - "chat.pickModel.label": "Pick Model", + "chat.pickModel.label": "Elegir modelo", "interactive.cancel.label": "Cancelar", "interactive.submit.label": "Enviar" }, @@ -5473,15 +5473,15 @@ "interactive.unhelpful.label": "Inútil" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/codeBlockOperations": { - "applyCodeBlock.error": "Failed to apply code block: {0}", - "applyCodeBlock.noActiveEditor": "To apply this code block, open a code or notebook editor.", - "applyCodeBlock.progress": "Applying code block using {0}...", - "applyCodeBlock.readonly": "Cannot apply code block to read-only file.", - "applyCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "Cannot apply code block to read-only notebook editor.", - "insertCodeBlock.noActiveEditor": "To insert the code block, open a code editor or notebook editor and set the cursor at the location where to insert the code block.", - "insertCodeBlock.readonly": "Cannot insert the code block to read-only code editor.", - "insertCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "Cannot insert the code block to read-only notebook editor.", - "overlap": "Another code change is being previewed. Please apply or discard the pending changes first." + "applyCodeBlock.error": "No se pudo aplicar el bloque de código: {0}", + "applyCodeBlock.noActiveEditor": "Para aplicar este bloque de código, abra un editor de código o cuaderno de notas.", + "applyCodeBlock.progress": "Aplicando bloque de código con {0}...", + "applyCodeBlock.readonly": "No se puede aplicar el bloque de código al archivo de solo lectura.", + "applyCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "No se puede aplicar el bloque de código al editor de cuadernos de solo lectura.", + "insertCodeBlock.noActiveEditor": "Para insertar el bloque de código, abra un editor de código o un editor del cuaderno de notas y establezca el cursor en la ubicación donde insertar el bloque de código.", + "insertCodeBlock.readonly": "No se puede insertar el bloque de código en el editor de código de solo lectura.", + "insertCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "No se puede insertar el bloque de código en el editor de cuaderno de notas de solo lectura.", + "overlap": "Otro cambio de código está en vista previa. Aplique o descarte primero los cambios pendientes." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat": { "generating": "Generando" @@ -5540,7 +5540,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { "chatCollapsibleList": "Lista de chats contraíbles", - "copyReference": "Copy", + "copyReference": "Copiar", "setting.hover": "Abrir configuración ''{0}''", "usedReferencesCollapsed": "{0}, se ha contraído", "usedReferencesExpanded": "{0}, expandido", @@ -5560,11 +5560,11 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatDragAndDrop": { "attach as context": "Attach {0} as Context", - "file": "File", + "file": "Archivo", "image": "Imagen" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingService": { - "accept.allFiles": "Accept All", + "accept.allFiles": "Aceptar todo", "accept.file": "Aceptar", "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Open Diffs", "chatEditing.startSession": "Start Editing Session", @@ -5572,8 +5572,8 @@ "chatEditing.stopSession": "Stop Editing Session", "discard.allFiles": "Descartar todo", "discard.file": "Descartar", - "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Suggested Edits", - "open.file": "Open File" + "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Ediciones sugeridas", + "open.file": "Abrir archivo" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "Icono de la etiqueta del editor de chats.", @@ -5583,18 +5583,18 @@ "followUpAriaLabel": "Pregunta de seguimiento: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatGettingStarted": { - "chat.openPanel": "Open Chat Panel", - "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "When enabled, shows a getting started experiments in the chat panel." + "chat.openPanel": "Abrir panel de chat", + "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "Cuando está habilitada, muestra experimentos de introducción en el panel de chat." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatImagePaste": { "pastedImage": "Imagen pegada" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInlineAnchorWidget": { "actions.attach.label": "Add File to Chat", - "actions.goToDecl.label": "Go to Definition", - "goToReferences.label": "Go to References", - "miGotoDefinition": "Go to &&Definition", - "miGotoReference": "Go to &&References" + "actions.goToDecl.label": "Ir a la definición", + "goToReferences.label": "Ir a Referencias", + "miGotoDefinition": "Ir a la &&Definición", + "miGotoReference": "Ir a &&Referencias" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Entrada de chat, Escribir para hacer preguntas o escribir / para temas, presione Entrar para enviar la solicitud. Use {0} para la Ayuda de accesibilidad del chat.", @@ -5628,7 +5628,7 @@ "chat.viewContainer.label": "Chat", "chatCommand": "Nombre corto con el que se hace referencia a este comando en la interfaz de usuario; por ejemplo, \"fix\" o * \"explain\" para comandos que corrigen un problema o código de explicación. El nombre debe ser único entre los comandos proporcionados por este participante.", "chatCommandDescription": "Descripción de este comando.", - "chatCommandDisambiguation": "Metadata to help with automatically routing user questions to this chat command.", + "chatCommandDisambiguation": "Metadatos para ayudar a enrutar automáticamente las preguntas del usuario a este comando de chat.", "chatCommandDisambiguationCategory": "Un nombre detallado para esta categoría, por ejemplo, \"workspace_questions\" o \"web_questions\".", "chatCommandDisambiguationDescription": "Descripción detallada de los tipos de preguntas que son adecuadas para este comando de chat.", "chatCommandDisambiguationExamples": "Lista de preguntas de ejemplo representativas que son adecuadas para este comando de chat.", @@ -5638,7 +5638,7 @@ "chatCommandsDescription": "Comandos disponibles para este participante del chat, que el usuario puede invocar con \"/\".", "chatFailErrorMessage": "Error al cargar el chat porque la versión instalada de la extensión {0} no es compatible con esta versión de {1}. Asegúrese de que la extensión de chat de GitHub Copilot está actualizada.", "chatParticipantDescription": "Una descripción de este participante del chat, que se muestra en la interfaz de usuario.", - "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Metadata to help with automatically routing user questions to this chat participant.", + "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Metadatos para ayudar a enrutar automáticamente las preguntas del usuario a este participante del chat.", "chatParticipantDisambiguationCategory": "Un nombre detallado para esta categoría, por ejemplo, \"workspace_questions\" o \"web_questions\".", "chatParticipantDisambiguationDescription": "Una descripción detallada de los tipos de preguntas que son adecuadas para este participante del chat.", "chatParticipantDisambiguationExamples": "Lista de preguntas de ejemplo representativas adecuadas para este participante de chat.", @@ -5694,9 +5694,9 @@ "chatIsEnabled": "True cuando el chat está habilitado porque se activa un participante de chat predeterminado con una implementación.", "chatItemId": "Id. del elemento de chat.", "chatLastItemId": "Id. del último elemento de chat.", - "chatModelsAreUserSelectable": "True when the chat model can be selected manually by the user.", + "chatModelsAreUserSelectable": "True cuando el usuario puede seleccionar manualmente el modelo de chat.", "chatParticipantRegistered": "True cuando se registra un participante de chat predeterminado para el panel.", - "chatParticipantSupportsModelPicker": "True when the current chat participant supports picking the model manually.", + "chatParticipantSupportsModelPicker": "True cuando el participante del chat actual admite la selección manual del modelo.", "chatRequest": "El elemento de chat es una solicitud", "chatResponse": "El elemento de chat es una respuesta.", "chatResponseErrored": "Es True cuando la respuesta del chat produjo un error.", @@ -6063,10 +6063,10 @@ "introWidget": "Este widget contiene un área de introducción de texto para la composición de nuevos comentarios y acciones a las que se pueden agregar pestañas una vez habilitado el modo de enfoque de movimiento de pestañas con el comando Alternar tecla de tabulación para mover el foco{0}.", "next": "- Ir al siguiente intervalo de comentarios{0}.", "nextCommentThreadKb": "- Ir al siguiente subproceso de comentario{0}.", - "nextCommentedRangeKb": "- Go to Next Commented Range{0}.", + "nextCommentedRangeKb": "- Ir al siguiente intervalo comentado{0}.", "previous": "- Ir al intervalo de comentarios anterior{0}.", "previousCommentThreadKb": "- Ir al subproceso de comentario anterior{0}.", - "previousCommentedRangeKb": "- Go to Previous Commented Range{0}.", + "previousCommentedRangeKb": "- Ir al rango comentado anterior{0}.", "submitComment": "- Enviar comentario{0}." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/comments/browser/commentsController": { @@ -6078,7 +6078,7 @@ "pickCommentService": "Seleccione Proveedor de Comentario" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/comments/browser/commentsEditorContribution": { - "comments.NextCommentedRange": "Go to Next Commented Range", + "comments.NextCommentedRange": "Ir al siguiente rango comentado", "comments.addCommand": "Agregar comentario en la selección actual", "comments.addCommand.error": "El cursor debe estar dentro de un rango de comentarios para agregar un comentario", "comments.collapseAll": "Contraer todos los comentarios", @@ -6087,10 +6087,10 @@ "comments.focusCommand.error": "The cursor must be on a line with a comment to focus the comment", "comments.focusCommentOnCurrentLine": "Focus Comment on Current Line", "comments.nextCommentingRange": "Ir al rango de comentarios siguiente", - "comments.previousCommentedRange": "Go to Previous Commented Range", + "comments.previousCommentedRange": "Ir al rango comentado anterior", "comments.previousCommentingRange": "Ir al rango de comentarios anterior", "comments.toggleCommenting": "Alternar comentarios del editor", - "commentsCategory": "Comments" + "commentsCategory": "Comentarios" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/comments/browser/commentsModel": { "noComments": "Aún no hay ningún comentario en esta área de trabajo." @@ -6113,10 +6113,10 @@ "comments.filter.ariaLabel": "Filtrar comentarios", "comments.filter.placeholder": "Filtro (por ejemplo, texto, autor)", "replyCount": " {0} respuestas,", - "resourceWithCommentLabel": "{0} at line {1} column {2} in {3} {4}\r\nComment: {5}{6}", - "resourceWithCommentLabelFile": "{0} in {1} {2}\r\nComment: {3}{4}", - "resourceWithCommentLabelFileOutdated": "Outdated from {0} in {1} {2}\r\nComment: {3}{4}{5}", - "resourceWithCommentLabelOutdated": "Outdated from {0} at line {1} column {2} in {3}{4}\r\nComment: {5}{6}", + "resourceWithCommentLabel": "{0} en la línea {1}, columna {2}, en {3} {4}\r\nComentario: {5}{6}", + "resourceWithCommentLabelFile": "{0} en {1} {2}\r\nComentario: {3}{4}", + "resourceWithCommentLabelFileOutdated": "Obsoleto de {0} en {1} {2}\r\nComentario: {3}{4}{5}", + "resourceWithCommentLabelOutdated": "No actualizado de {0} en la línea {1}, columna {2} en {3}{4}\r\nComentario: {5}{6}", "resourceWithCommentThreadsLabel": "Comentarios en {0}, ruta de acceso completa {1}", "resourceWithRepliesLabel": "{0} {1}", "rootCommentsLabel": "Comentarios para el área de trabajo actual", @@ -8304,7 +8304,7 @@ "moveToNextHunk": "Moverse al cambio siguiente", "moveToPreviousHunk": "Moverse al cambio anterior", "rerun": "Repetición", - "run": "Editor Chat", + "run": "Editor Inline Chat", "showChanges": "Alternar cambios", "startInlineChat": "Icono que genera el chat en línea desde la barra de herramientas del editor.", "unstash": "Reanudar el último chat en línea descartado", @@ -8356,6 +8356,7 @@ "inlineChatEditing": "Si el usuario está editando o generando código en el chat insertado", "inlineChatEmpty": "Si la entrada del editor interactivo está vacía", "inlineChatFocused": "Si la entrada del editor interactivo está enfocada", + "inlineChatHasPossible": "Whether a provider for inline chat exists and whether an editor for inline chat is open", "inlineChatHasProvider": "Si existe un proveedor para editores interactivos", "inlineChatHasStashedSession": "Si el editor interactivo ha mantenido una sesión para una restauración rápida", "inlineChatInnerCursorEnd": "Si el cursor de la entrada del editor iterantivo está al final de la entrada", @@ -8399,8 +8400,8 @@ "interactiveWindow.showExecutionHint": "Muestra una sugerencia en el cuadro de entrada de ventana interactiva (REPL) para indicar cómo ejecutar código." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/replInputHintContentWidget": { - "ReplInputAriaLabelHelp": "Use {0} for accessibility help. ", - "ReplInputAriaLabelHelpNoKb": "Run the Open Accessibility Help command for more information. ", + "ReplInputAriaLabelHelp": "Use {0} para obtener ayuda de accesibilidad. ", + "ReplInputAriaLabelHelpNoKb": "Ejecute el comando Abrir ayuda de accesibilidad para obtener más información. ", "disableHint": " Alternar {0} en la configuración para deshabilitar esta sugerencia.", "emptyHintText": "Presione {0} para ejecutar. " }, @@ -10569,7 +10570,7 @@ "tunnel.preview": "Los túneles remotos están actualmente en versión preliminar. Informe de cualquier problema con el comando \"Ayuda: notificar problema\"." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/replNotebook/browser/repl.contribution": { - "repl.execute": "Execute REPL input" + "repl.execute": "Ejecutar entrada REPL" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/replNotebook/browser/replEditorAccessibilityHelp": { "replEditor.cellNavigation": "The up and down arrows will also move focus between previously executed items.", @@ -10580,7 +10581,7 @@ "replEditor.overview": "You are in a REPL Editor which contains in input box to evaluate expressions and a list of previously executed expressions and their output." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/replNotebook/browser/replEditorInput": { - "replEditorLabelIcon": "Icon of the REPL editor label." + "replEditorLabelIcon": "Icono de la etiqueta del editor REPL." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/sash/browser/sash.contribution": { "sashHoverDelay": "Controla el retraso, en milisegundos, en la obtención de comentarios mediante movimiento del mouse del área de arrastre entre vistas o editores.", @@ -13871,10 +13872,10 @@ "webview.context": "El menú contextual de vista web" }, "vs/workbench/services/activity/common/activity": { - "activityErrorBadge.background": "Background color of the error activity badge", - "activityErrorBadge.foreground": "Foreground color of the error activity badge", - "activityWarningBadge.background": "Background color of the warning activity badge", - "activityWarningBadge.foreground": "Foreground color of the warning activity badge" + "activityErrorBadge.background": "Color de fondo del distintivo de actividad de error", + "activityErrorBadge.foreground": "Color de primer plano del distintivo de actividad de error", + "activityWarningBadge.background": "Color de fondo del distintivo de actividad de advertencia", + "activityWarningBadge.foreground": "Color de primer plano del distintivo de actividad de advertencia" }, "vs/workbench/services/assignment/common/assignmentService": { "workbench.enableExperiments": "Captura experimentos que se van a ejecutar desde un servicio en línea de Microsoft." diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index e95eb15162..0c0db42ce3 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.description": "Générer les accesseurs 'get' et 'set'", "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.title": "Générer des accesseurs", "codeActions.source.organizeImports.title": "Organiser les importations", - "configuration.expandableHover": "(Experimental) Enable/disable expanding on hover.", + "configuration.expandableHover": "(Expérimental) Activez/désactivez le développement au pointage.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.checkJs": "Active/désactive la vérification sémantique des fichiers JavaScript. Les fichiers 'jsconfig.json' ou 'tsconfig.json existants remplacent ce paramètre.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.experimentalDecorators": "Active/désactive 'experimentalDecorators' dans les fichiers JavaScript qui ne font pas partie d'un projet. Les fichiers 'jsconfig.json' ou 'tsconfig.json existants remplacent ce paramètre.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.module": "Définit le système de module pour le programme. Voir plus : https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#module.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json index bddb249fcb..a0d62eb8d0 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ "editor.experimental.asyncTokenization": "Contrôle si la création de jetons doit se produire de manière asynchrone sur un worker web.", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationLogging": "Contrôle si la création de jetons asynchrones doit être journalisée. Pour le débogage uniquement.", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationVerification": "Contrôle si la segmentation du texte en unités lexicales asynchrones doit être vérifiée par rapport à la segmentation du texte en unités lexicales en arrière-plan héritée. Peut ralentir la segmentation du texte en unités lexicales. Pour le débogage uniquement.", - "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "Controls whether tree sitter parsing should be turned on for specific languages. This will take precedence over `editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry` for the specified languages.", + "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "Contrôle si l’analyse de sitter (système) d’arborescence doit être activée pour des langues spécifiques. Cette opération aura priorité sur « editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry » pour les langues spécifiées.", "editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry": "Contrôle si l’analyse de sitter (système) d’arborescence doit être activée et la télémétrie collectée. La définition de `editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter` pour des langages spécifiques est prioritaire.", "editorConfigurationTitle": "Éditeur", "hideUnchangedRegions.contextLineCount": "Contrôle le nombre de lignes utilisées comme contexte lors de la comparaison des régions inchangées.", @@ -5387,7 +5387,7 @@ "chat.clear.label": "Effacer toutes les conversations de l’espace de travail", "chat.history.label": "Afficher les conversations...", "chat.history.rename": "Renommer", - "chatWith": "Chat with Extension", + "chatWith": "Chat avec extension", "currentChatLabel": "actuel", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "Effacer l’historique d’entrée", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "Focus sur l’entrée de la conversation", @@ -5573,7 +5573,7 @@ "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", "discard.file": "Discard", "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Suggested Edits", - "open.file": "Open File" + "open.file": "Ouvrir un fichier" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "Icône de l’étiquette de l’éditeur de conversation.", @@ -8304,7 +8304,7 @@ "moveToNextHunk": "Aller à la modification suivante", "moveToPreviousHunk": "Aller à la modification précédente", "rerun": "Réexécuter", - "run": "Editor Chat", + "run": "Editor Inline Chat", "showChanges": "Basculer les modifications", "startInlineChat": "Icône qui génère le chat en ligne à partir de la barre d'outils de l'éditeur.", "unstash": "Reprendre le dernière conversation instantanée en ligne rejeté", @@ -8356,6 +8356,7 @@ "inlineChatEditing": "Indique si l’utilisateur modifie ou génère actuellement du code dans la conversation en ligne", "inlineChatEmpty": "Indique si l’entrée de l’éditeur interactif est vide", "inlineChatFocused": "Indique si l’entrée de l’éditeur interactif est ciblée", + "inlineChatHasPossible": "Whether a provider for inline chat exists and whether an editor for inline chat is open", "inlineChatHasProvider": "Indique s’il existe un fournisseur pour les éditeurs interactifs", "inlineChatHasStashedSession": "Indique si l’éditeur interactif a conservé une session pour la restauration rapide", "inlineChatInnerCursorEnd": "Indique si le curseur de l’entrée de l’éditeur itératif se trouve à la fin de l’entrée", @@ -10569,7 +10570,7 @@ "tunnel.preview": "Les tunnels distants sont actuellement en préversion. Signalez les problèmes éventuels à l’aide de la commande « Aide : signaler un problème »." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/replNotebook/browser/repl.contribution": { - "repl.execute": "Execute REPL input" + "repl.execute": "Exécuter l’entrée REPL" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/replNotebook/browser/replEditorAccessibilityHelp": { "replEditor.cellNavigation": "Les flèches vers le haut et le bas déplaceront également le focus entre les éléments précédemment exécutés.", @@ -10580,7 +10581,7 @@ "replEditor.overview": "Vous êtes dans un Rédacteur REPL qui contient dans la zone d’entrée pour évaluer les expressions et une liste des expressions précédemment exécutées et leur sortie." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/replNotebook/browser/replEditorInput": { - "replEditorLabelIcon": "Icon of the REPL editor label." + "replEditorLabelIcon": "Icône de l’étiquette de l’éditeur REPL." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/sash/browser/sash.contribution": { "sashHoverDelay": "Contrôle le délai de rétroaction du pointage (en millisecondes) de la zone de glissement entre les vues/éditeurs.", @@ -10640,7 +10641,7 @@ "inputMinLines": "Contrôle le nombre minimum de lignes depuis lesquelles l’entrée s’agrandira automatiquement.", "manageWorkspaceTrustAction": "Gérer l’approbation d’espace de travail", "miViewSCM": "&&Contrôle de code source", - "no history items": "The selected source control provider does not have any source control history items.", + "no history items": "Le fournisseur de contrôle de code source sélectionné n’a pas d’éléments d’historique de contrôle de code source.", "no open repo": "Aucun fournisseur de contrôle de code source inscrit.", "no open repo in an untrusted workspace": "Aucun des fournisseurs de contrôle de code source enregistrés ne fonctionne en mode restreint.", "open in external terminal": "Ouvrir dans un terminal externe", @@ -13871,10 +13872,10 @@ "webview.context": "Menu contextuel de la vue web" }, "vs/workbench/services/activity/common/activity": { - "activityErrorBadge.background": "Background color of the error activity badge", - "activityErrorBadge.foreground": "Foreground color of the error activity badge", - "activityWarningBadge.background": "Background color of the warning activity badge", - "activityWarningBadge.foreground": "Foreground color of the warning activity badge" + "activityErrorBadge.background": "Couleur d’arrière-plan du badge d’activité d’erreur", + "activityErrorBadge.foreground": "Couleur de premier plan du badge d’activité d’erreur", + "activityWarningBadge.background": "Couleur d’arrière-plan du badge d’activité d’avertissement", + "activityWarningBadge.foreground": "Couleur de premier plan du badge d’activité d’avertissement" }, "vs/workbench/services/assignment/common/assignmentService": { "workbench.enableExperiments": "Récupère les fonctionnalités expérimentales pour exécuter à partir d’un service en ligne de Microsoft." @@ -14096,7 +14097,7 @@ "cannot change enablement environment": "Impossible de modifier l’activation de l'extension {0}, car elle est activée dans l’environnement", "cannot change enablement extension kind": "Impossible de modifier l’activation de {0} extension en raison de son type d’extension", "cannot change enablement virtual workspace": "Impossible de modifier l’activation de l’extension {0}, car elle ne prend pas en charge les espaces de travail virtuels", - "cannot change invalid extension enablement": "Cannot change enablement of {0} extension because of it is invalid", + "cannot change invalid extension enablement": "Impossible de modifier l’activation de l’extension {0}, car elle n’est pas valide", "cannot disable auth extension": "Impossible de changer l'activation de l'extension {0}, car la synchronisation des paramètres en dépend.", "cannot disable auth extension in workspace": "Impossible de changer l'activation de l'extension {0} dans l'espace de travail, car elle apporte une contribution aux fournisseurs d'authentification", "cannot disable language pack extension": "Impossible de changer l'activation de l'extension {0}, car elle apporte une contribution aux modules linguistiques.", @@ -14136,7 +14137,7 @@ "install multiple extensions": "Voulez-vous installer et synchroniser des extensions sur vos appareils ?", "install single extension": "Voulez-vous installer et synchroniser l'extension '{0}' sur vos appareils ?", "limited support": "'{0}' a une fonctionnalité limitée dans {1}.", - "main.notFound": "Cannot activate because {0} not found", + "main.notFound": "Impossible d’activer, car {0} est introuvable", "multipleDependentsError": "Impossible de désinstaller l'extension '{0}'. Les extensions '{1}', '{2}' et d'autres extensions en dépendent.", "non web extensions": "'{0}' contient des extensions qui ne sont pas prises en charge par {1}.", "non web extensions detail": "Contient des extensions qui ne sont pas prises en charge par.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json index e7ec122645..684411111f 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.github.i18n.json @@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ "config.gitProtocol": "Controlla il protocollo usato per clonare un repository GitHub", "description": "Funzionalità di GitHub per VS Code", "displayName": "GitHub", - "welcome.publishFolder": "You can directly publish this folder to a GitHub repository. Once published, you'll have access to source control features powered by Git and GitHub.\r\n[$(github) Publish to GitHub](command:github.publish)", - "welcome.publishWorkspaceFolder": "You can directly publish a workspace folder to a GitHub repository. Once published, you'll have access to source control features powered by Git and GitHub.\r\n[$(github) Publish to GitHub](command:github.publish)" + "welcome.publishFolder": "È possibile pubblicare direttamente questa cartella in un repository GitHub. Dopo la pubblicazione, sarà possibile accedere alle funzionalità di controllo del codice sorgente basate su Git e GitHub.\r\n[$(github) Pubblica in GitHub](command:github.publish)", + "welcome.publishWorkspaceFolder": "È possibile pubblicare direttamente una cartella dell'area di lavoro in un repository GitHub. Dopo la pubblicazione, sarà possibile accedere alle funzionalità di controllo del codice sorgente basate su Git e GitHub.\r\n[$(github) Pubblica in GitHub](command:github.publish)" } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 3eea198dae..6070305567 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.description": "Generare le funzioni di accesso 'get' e 'set'", "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.title": "Genera funzioni di accesso", "codeActions.source.organizeImports.title": "Organizza importazioni", - "configuration.expandableHover": "(Experimental) Enable/disable expanding on hover.", + "configuration.expandableHover": "(Sperimentale) Abilitare/disabilitare l'espansione al passaggio del mouse.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.checkJs": "Abilita/Disabilita il controllo semantico di file JavaScript. Eventuali file `jsconfig.json` o `tsconfig.json` esistenti sovrascrivono questa impostazione.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.experimentalDecorators": "Abilita/Disabilita gli elementi `experimentalDecorators` in file JavaScript che non fanno parte di un progetto. Eventuali file `jsconfig.json` o `tsconfig.json` esistenti sovrascrivono questa impostazione.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.module": "Imposta il sistema di moduli per il programma. Altre informazioni: https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#module.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json index 2e5dd050d8..a8e44a1fb9 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -192,10 +192,10 @@ "editor": "editor" }, "vs/editor/browser/controller/editContext/screenReaderUtils": { - "accessibilityModeOff": "The editor is not accessible at this time.", - "accessibilityOffAriaLabel": "{0} To enable screen reader optimized mode, use {1}", - "accessibilityOffAriaLabelNoKb": "{0} To enable screen reader optimized mode, open the quick pick with {1} and run the command Toggle Screen Reader Accessibility Mode, which is currently not triggerable via keyboard.", - "accessibilityOffAriaLabelNoKbs": "{0} Please assign a keybinding for the command Toggle Screen Reader Accessibility Mode by accessing the keybindings editor with {1} and run it." + "accessibilityModeOff": "L'editor non è accessibile in questo momento.", + "accessibilityOffAriaLabel": "{0} Per abilitare la modalità ottimizzata per l'utilità per la lettura dello schermo usare {1}", + "accessibilityOffAriaLabelNoKb": "{0} Per abilitare la modalità ottimizzata per l'utilità per la lettura dello schermo, aprire la selezione rapida con {1} ed eseguire il comando Attiva/Disattiva modalità di accessibilità dell'utilità per la lettura dello schermo, attualmente non attivabile tramite tastiera.", + "accessibilityOffAriaLabelNoKbs": "{0} Assegnare un tasto di scelta rapida per il comando Attiva/Disattiva modalità di accessibilità dell'utilità per la lettura dello schermo accedendo all'editor dei tasti di scelta rapida con {1} ed eseguirlo." }, "vs/editor/browser/controller/editContext/textArea/textAreaEditContext": { "editor": "editor" @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ "undo": "Annulla azione" }, "vs/editor/browser/gpu/viewGpuContext": { - "editor.dom.render": "Use DOM-based rendering" + "editor.dom.render": "Usa rendering basato su DOM" }, "vs/editor/browser/services/hoverService/hoverWidget": { "hoverhint": "Tieni premuto il tasto {0} per passare il mouse" @@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ "multiDiffEditor.headerBackground": "Colore di sfondo dell'intestazione dell'editor diff" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/multiDiffEditor/multiDiffEditorWidgetImpl": { - "loading": "Loading...", + "loading": "Caricamento in corso...", "noChangedFiles": "Nessun file modificato" }, "vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": { @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ "editor.experimental.asyncTokenization": "Controlla se la tokenizzazione deve essere eseguita in modo asincrono in un web worker.", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationLogging": "Controlla se deve essere registrata la tokenizzazione asincrona. Solo per il debug.", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationVerification": "Controlla se la tokenizzazione asincrona deve essere verificata rispetto alla tokenizzazione legacy in background. Potrebbe rallentare la tokenizzazione. Solo per il debug.", - "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "Controls whether tree sitter parsing should be turned on for specific languages. This will take precedence over `editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry` for the specified languages.", + "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "Consente di stabilire se attivare l'analisi di Tree-sitter per lingue specifiche. Avrà la precedenza su 'editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry' per i linguaggi specificati.", "editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry": "Consente di stabilire se attivare l'analisi di Tree-sitter e se acquisire i dati di telemetria. L’impostazione di `editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter` per linguaggi specifici avrà la precedenza.", "editorConfigurationTitle": "Editor", "hideUnchangedRegions.contextLineCount": "Controlla il numero di righe usate come contesto durante il confronto delle aree non modificate.", @@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ "editorViewAccessibleLabel": "Contenuto editor", "emptySelectionClipboard": "Controlla se, quando si copia senza aver effettuato una selezione, viene copiata la riga corrente.", "enabled": "Abilita la lampadina delle azioni codice nell'editor.", - "experimentalEditContextEnabled": "Sets whether the new experimental edit context should be used instead of the text area.", + "experimentalEditContextEnabled": "Imposta se usare il nuovo contesto di modifica sperimentale anziché l'area di testo.", "experimentalWhitespaceRendering": "Controlla se viene eseguito il rendering degli spazi vuoti con un nuovo metodo sperimentale.", "experimentalWhitespaceRendering.font": "Usare un nuovo metodo di rendering con tipi di caratteri.", "experimentalWhitespaceRendering.off": "Usare il metodo di rendering stabile.", @@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ "inlayHints.enable": "Abilita i suggerimenti incorporati nell'Editor.", "inlayHints.fontFamily": "Controlla la famiglia di caratteri dei suggerimenti inlay nell'editor. Se impostato su vuoto, viene usato {0}.", "inlayHints.fontSize": "Controlla le dimensioni del carattere dei suggerimenti di inlay nell'editor. Per impostazione predefinita, {0} viene usato quando il valore configurato è minore di {1} o maggiore delle dimensioni del carattere dell'editor.", - "inlayHints.maximumLength": "Maximum overall length of inlay hints, for a single line, before they get truncated by the editor. Set to `0` to never truncate", + "inlayHints.maximumLength": "Lunghezza complessiva massima degli hint di inlay, per una singola riga, prima che vengano troncati dall'editor. Impostare su `0` per non troncare mai", "inlayHints.padding": "Abilita il riempimento attorno ai suggerimenti incorporati nell'editor.", "inline": "I suggerimenti rapidi vengono visualizzati come testo fantasma", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "Controlla se l'hint di accessibilità deve essere fornito agli utenti dell'utilità per la lettura dello schermo quando viene visualizzato un completamento inline.", @@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ "inlineSuggest.showToolbar.never": "Non mostrare mai la barra dei suggerimenti in linea.", "inlineSuggest.showToolbar.onHover": "Mostra la barra degli strumenti dei suggerimenti in linea quando al passaggio del mouse su un suggerimento in linea.", "inlineSuggest.suppressSuggestions": "Controlla la modalità di interazione dei suggerimenti inline con il widget dei suggerimenti. Se questa opzione è abilitata, il widget dei suggerimenti non viene visualizzato automaticamente quando sono disponibili suggerimenti inline.", - "inlineSuggest.syntaxHighlightingEnabled": "Controls whether to show syntax highlighting for inline suggestions in the editor.", + "inlineSuggest.syntaxHighlightingEnabled": "Controlla se mostrare l'evidenziazione della sintassi per i suggerimenti inline nell'editor.", "letterSpacing": "Controlla la spaziatura tra le lettere in pixel.", "lineHeight": "Controlla l'altezza della riga. \r\n - Usare 0 per calcolare automaticamente l'altezza della riga dalle dimensioni del carattere.\r\n - I valori compresi tra 0 e 8 verranno usati come moltiplicatore con le dimensioni del carattere.\r\n - I valori maggiori o uguali a 8 verranno usati come valori effettivi.", "lineNumbers": "Controlla la visualizzazione dei numeri di riga.", @@ -1033,22 +1033,22 @@ "showLensOnLine": "Mostra comandi di CodeLens per la riga corrente" }, "vs/editor/contrib/colorPicker/browser/colorPickerParts/colorPickerCloseButton": { - "closeIcon": "Icon to close the color picker" + "closeIcon": "Icona per chiudere la selezione colori" }, "vs/editor/contrib/colorPicker/browser/colorPickerParts/colorPickerHeader": { - "clickToToggleColorOptions": "Click to toggle color options (rgb/hsl/hex)" + "clickToToggleColorOptions": "Fare clic per attivare/disattivare le opzioni di colore (rgb/hsl/hex)" }, "vs/editor/contrib/colorPicker/browser/hoverColorPicker/hoverColorPickerParticipant": { - "hoverAccessibilityColorParticipant": "There is a color picker here." + "hoverAccessibilityColorParticipant": "Qui è disponibile una selezione colori." }, "vs/editor/contrib/colorPicker/browser/standaloneColorPicker/standaloneColorPickerActions": { - "hideColorPicker": "Hide the Color Picker", - "hideColorPickerDescription": "Hide the standalone color picker.", - "insertColorWithStandaloneColorPicker": "Insert Color with Standalone Color Picker", - "insertColorWithStandaloneColorPickerDescription": "Insert hex/rgb/hsl colors with the focused standalone color picker.", - "mishowOrFocusStandaloneColorPicker": "&&Show or Focus Standalone Color Picker", - "showOrFocusStandaloneColorPicker": "Show or Focus Standalone Color Picker", - "showOrFocusStandaloneColorPickerDescription": "Show or focus a standalone color picker which uses the default color provider. It displays hex/rgb/hsl colors." + "hideColorPicker": "Nascondi selezione colori", + "hideColorPickerDescription": "Nascondere la selezione colori autonoma.", + "insertColorWithStandaloneColorPicker": "Inserisci colore con selezione colori autonoma", + "insertColorWithStandaloneColorPickerDescription": "Inserire colori hex/rgb/hs con la selezione colori autonoma con lo stato attivo.", + "mishowOrFocusStandaloneColorPicker": "&&Mostra o sposta lo stato attivo su selezione colori autonoma", + "showOrFocusStandaloneColorPicker": "Mostra o sposta lo stato attivo su selezione colori autonoma", + "showOrFocusStandaloneColorPickerDescription": "Mostrare o spostare lo stato attivo su una selezione colori autonoma che usa il provider di colori predefinito. Visualizza i colori hex/rgb/hsl." }, "vs/editor/contrib/comment/browser/comment": { "comment.block": "Attiva/Disattiva commento per il blocco", @@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@ "removeManualFoldingRanges.label": "Rimuovi intervalli di riduzione manuale", "toggleFoldAction.label": "Attiva/Disattiva riduzione", "toggleFoldRecursivelyAction.label": "Attiva/disattiva riduzione in modo ricorsivo", - "toggleImportFold.label": "Toggle Import Fold", + "toggleImportFold.label": "Attiva/Disattiva importazione riduzione", "unFoldRecursivelyAction.label": "Espandi in modo ricorsivo", "unfoldAction.label": "Espandi", "unfoldAllAction.label": "Espandi tutto", @@ -1298,10 +1298,10 @@ "location.kb": "Simbolo {0} di {1}, {2} per il successivo" }, "vs/editor/contrib/gpu/browser/gpuActions": { - "drawGlyph.label": "Draw Glyph", - "gpuDebug.label": "Developer: Debug Editor GPU Renderer", - "logTextureAtlasStats.label": "Log Texture Atlas Stats", - "saveTextureAtlas.label": "Save Texture Atlas" + "drawGlyph.label": "Disegna glifo", + "gpuDebug.label": "Sviluppatore: debug renderer GPU editor", + "logTextureAtlasStats.label": "Statistiche foglio texture log", + "saveTextureAtlas.label": "Salva foglio texture" }, "vs/editor/contrib/hover/browser/contentHoverRendered": { "hoverAccessibilityStatusBar": "Questa è una barra di stato al passaggio del mouse.", @@ -5114,7 +5114,7 @@ "verbosity.notification": "Fornire informazioni su come aprire la notifica in una visualizzazione accessibile.", "verbosity.replInputHint": "Fornire informazioni sulle azioni pertinenti per l'input Repl.", "verbosity.terminal.description": "Fornire informazioni su come accedere al menu della Guida sull'accessibilità del terminale quando il terminale è attivo.", - "verbosity.walkthrough": "Provide information about how to open the walkthrough in an Accessible View.", + "verbosity.walkthrough": "Fornire informazioni su come aprire la procedura dettagliata in una visualizzazione accessibile.", "voice.speechLanguage": "Lingua che deve essere usata per la sintesi vocale e la conversione della voce in testo scritto. Selezionare 'auto' per usare la lingua di visualizzazione configurata, se possibile. Non tutte le lingue di visualizzazione potrebbero essere supportate dal riconoscimento vocale e dai sintetizzatori.", "voice.speechTimeout": "Durata in millisecondi in cui il riconoscimento vocale rimane attivo dopo aver smesso di parlare. Ad esempio, in una sessione di chat il testo trascritto viene inviato automaticamente dopo il timeout. Impostare su '0' per disabilitare questa funzionalità." }, @@ -5232,18 +5232,18 @@ "disabled": "Disabilitato" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/authentication/browser/actions/manageAccountPreferencesForExtensionAction": { - "accounts": "Accounts", - "currentAccount": "Current account", - "manageAccountPreferenceForExtension": "Manage Extension Account Preferences", - "noAccounts": "No accounts are currently used by this extension.", - "pickAProviderTitle": "Manage Extension Account Preferences", - "placeholder": "Manage '{0}' account preferences...", - "selectProvider": "Select an authentication provider to manage account preferences for", - "title": "'{0}' Account Preferences For This Workspace" + "accounts": "Account", + "currentAccount": "Account corrente", + "manageAccountPreferenceForExtension": "Gestisci preferenze account estensione", + "noAccounts": "Nessun account attualmente usato da questa estensione.", + "pickAProviderTitle": "Gestisci preferenze account estensione", + "placeholder": "Gestisci '{0}' preferenze account...", + "selectProvider": "Selezionare un provider di autenticazione per cui gestire le preferenze degli account", + "title": "'{0}' preferenze degli account per questa area di lavoro" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/authentication/browser/actions/manageTrustedExtensionsForAccountAction": { "accountLastUsedDate": "Ultimo utilizzo di questo account: {0}", - "accountPreferences": "Manage account preferences for this extension", + "accountPreferences": "Gestisci le preferenze degli account per questa estensione", "accounts": "Account", "manageExtensions": "Scegliere le estensioni che possono accedere a questo account", "manageTrustedExtensions": "Gestisci estensioni attendibili", @@ -5387,7 +5387,7 @@ "chat.clear.label": "Cancella tutte le chat dell'area di lavoro", "chat.history.label": "Mostra chat...", "chat.history.rename": "Rinomina", - "chatWith": "Chat with Extension", + "chatWith": "Chatta con estensione", "currentChatLabel": "correnti", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "Cancella cronologia input", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "Input chat con stato attivo", @@ -5404,7 +5404,7 @@ "chat.newChat.label": "Nuova chat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatCodeblockActions": { - "chat.applyAll.label": "Apply All Edits", + "chat.applyAll.label": "Applica tutte le modifiche", "interactive.applyInEditor.label": "Applica nell'editor", "interactive.compare.apply": "Applica modifiche", "interactive.compare.discard": "Rimuovi modifiche", @@ -5417,8 +5417,8 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatContextActions": { "chatContext.attach.placeholder": "Cerca allegati", - "chatContext.notebook.kernelVariable": "Kernel Variable...", - "chatContext.notebook.selectkernelVariable": "Select and Insert Kernel Variable", + "chatContext.notebook.kernelVariable": "Variabile kernel...", + "chatContext.notebook.selectkernelVariable": "Seleziona e inserisci variabile kernel", "chatContext.symbol": "Simbolo...", "imageFromClipboard": "Immagine dagli Appunti", "pastedImage": "Immagine incollata", @@ -5436,7 +5436,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatExecuteActions": { "actions.chat.submitSecondaryAgent": "Invia all'agente secondario", "chat.newChat.label": "Invia a nuova chat", - "chat.pickModel.label": "Pick Model", + "chat.pickModel.label": "Seleziona modello", "interactive.cancel.label": "Annulla", "interactive.submit.label": "Invia" }, @@ -5473,15 +5473,15 @@ "interactive.unhelpful.label": "Poco utile" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/codeBlockOperations": { - "applyCodeBlock.error": "Failed to apply code block: {0}", - "applyCodeBlock.noActiveEditor": "To apply this code block, open a code or notebook editor.", - "applyCodeBlock.progress": "Applying code block using {0}...", - "applyCodeBlock.readonly": "Cannot apply code block to read-only file.", - "applyCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "Cannot apply code block to read-only notebook editor.", - "insertCodeBlock.noActiveEditor": "To insert the code block, open a code editor or notebook editor and set the cursor at the location where to insert the code block.", - "insertCodeBlock.readonly": "Cannot insert the code block to read-only code editor.", - "insertCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "Cannot insert the code block to read-only notebook editor.", - "overlap": "Another code change is being previewed. Please apply or discard the pending changes first." + "applyCodeBlock.error": "Non è stato possibile applicare il blocco di codice: {0}", + "applyCodeBlock.noActiveEditor": "Per applicare questo blocco di codice, aprire un editor di codice o notebook.", + "applyCodeBlock.progress": "È in corso l'applicazione del blocco di codice usando {0}...", + "applyCodeBlock.readonly": "Non è possibile applicare il blocco di codice al file di sola lettura.", + "applyCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "Non è possibile applicare il blocco di codice all'editor di notebook di sola lettura.", + "insertCodeBlock.noActiveEditor": "Per inserire il blocco di codice, aprire un editor di codice o un editor di notebook e impostare il cursore nella posizione in cui inserire il blocco di codice.", + "insertCodeBlock.readonly": "Non è possibile inserire il blocco di codice nell'editor di codice di sola lettura.", + "insertCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "Non è possibile inserire il blocco di codice nell'editor di notebook di sola lettura.", + "overlap": "È in corso l'anteprima di un'altra modifica del codice. Applicare o rimuovere prima le modifiche in sospeso." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat": { "generating": "Generazione in corso" @@ -5540,7 +5540,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { "chatCollapsibleList": "Elenco chat comprimibile", - "copyReference": "Copy", + "copyReference": "Copia", "setting.hover": "Apri impostazione \"{0}\"", "usedReferencesCollapsed": "{0}, compresso", "usedReferencesExpanded": "{0}, espansa", @@ -5564,7 +5564,7 @@ "image": "Immagine" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingService": { - "accept.allFiles": "Accept All", + "accept.allFiles": "Accetta tutto", "accept.file": "Accetta", "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Open Diffs", "chatEditing.startSession": "Start Editing Session", @@ -5572,8 +5572,8 @@ "chatEditing.stopSession": "Stop Editing Session", "discard.allFiles": "Rimuovi tutto", "discard.file": "Rimuovi", - "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Suggested Edits", - "open.file": "Open File" + "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Modifiche suggerite", + "open.file": "Apri file" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "Icona dell'etichetta dell'editor di chat.", @@ -5583,18 +5583,18 @@ "followUpAriaLabel": "Domanda di completamento: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatGettingStarted": { - "chat.openPanel": "Open Chat Panel", - "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "When enabled, shows a getting started experiments in the chat panel." + "chat.openPanel": "Apri pannello chat", + "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "Se questa opzione è abilitata, mostra esperimenti introduttivi nel pannello della chat." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatImagePaste": { "pastedImage": "Immagine incollata" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInlineAnchorWidget": { "actions.attach.label": "Add File to Chat", - "actions.goToDecl.label": "Go to Definition", - "goToReferences.label": "Go to References", - "miGotoDefinition": "Go to &&Definition", - "miGotoReference": "Go to &&References" + "actions.goToDecl.label": "Vai alla definizione", + "goToReferences.label": "Vai a Riferimenti", + "miGotoDefinition": "Vai alla &&definizione", + "miGotoReference": "Vai a &&riferimenti" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "Input chat, Digitare per porre domande o digitare/per gli argomenti, premere invio per inviare la richiesta. Usare {0} per la Guida sull'accessibilità della chat.", @@ -5628,7 +5628,7 @@ "chat.viewContainer.label": "Chat", "chatCommand": "Un nome breve a cui fa riferimento questo comando nell'interfaccia utente, ad es. 'fix' o * 'explain' per i comandi che consentono di risolvere un problema o di spiegare il codice. Il nome deve essere univoco tra i comandi forniti da questo partecipante.", "chatCommandDescription": "Una descrizione di questo comando.", - "chatCommandDisambiguation": "Metadata to help with automatically routing user questions to this chat command.", + "chatCommandDisambiguation": "Metadati che consentono di instradare automaticamente le domande dell’utente a questo comando della chat.", "chatCommandDisambiguationCategory": "Un nome dettagliato per questa categoria, ad esempio 'workspace_questions' o 'web_questions'.", "chatCommandDisambiguationDescription": "Una descrizione dettagliata dei tipi di domande adatti per questo comando della chat.", "chatCommandDisambiguationExamples": "Un elenco di domande di esempio rappresentative appropriate per questo comando della chat.", @@ -5638,7 +5638,7 @@ "chatCommandsDescription": "Comandi disponibili per questo partecipante alla chat, che l'utente può richiamare con '/'.", "chatFailErrorMessage": "Non è stato possibile caricare la chat perché la versione installata dell'estensione {0} non è compatibile con questa versione di {1}. Assicurarsi che l'estensione Chat di GitHub Copilot sia aggiornata.", "chatParticipantDescription": "Una descrizione di questo partecipante alla chat, visualizzata nell'interfaccia utente.", - "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Metadata to help with automatically routing user questions to this chat participant.", + "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Metadati che consentono di instradare automaticamente le domande dell’utente a questo partecipante della chat.", "chatParticipantDisambiguationCategory": "Un nome dettagliato per questa categoria, ad esempio 'workspace_questions' o 'web_questions'.", "chatParticipantDisambiguationDescription": "Una descrizione dettagliata dei tipi di domande adatti per questo partecipante della chat.", "chatParticipantDisambiguationExamples": "Un elenco di domande di esempio rappresentative appropriate per questo partecipante della chat.", @@ -5694,9 +5694,9 @@ "chatIsEnabled": "True quando la chat è abilitata perché un partecipante della chat predefinito viene attivato con un’implementazione.", "chatItemId": "L’ID dell'elemento della chat.", "chatLastItemId": "ID dell'ultimo elemento della chat.", - "chatModelsAreUserSelectable": "True when the chat model can be selected manually by the user.", + "chatModelsAreUserSelectable": "True quando l'utente può selezionare manualmente il modello di chat.", "chatParticipantRegistered": "True quando un partecipante della chat predefinito viene registrato per il gruppo.", - "chatParticipantSupportsModelPicker": "True when the current chat participant supports picking the model manually.", + "chatParticipantSupportsModelPicker": "True quando il partecipante alla chat corrente supporta la selezione manuale del modello.", "chatRequest": "L'elemento della chat è una richiesta", "chatResponse": "L'elemento della chat è una risposta.", "chatResponseErrored": "True quando la risposta della chat ha restituito un errore.", @@ -7262,7 +7262,7 @@ "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.true": "L'estensione verrà sempre abilitata.", "extensions.supportUntrustedWorkspaces.version": "Definisce la versione dell'estensione a cui applicare l'override. Se non viene specificata, l'override verrà applicato indipendentemente dalla versione dell'estensione.", "extensions.supportVirtualWorkspaces": "Eseguire l'override del supporto delle aree di lavoro virtuali di un'estensione.", - "extensions.verifySignature": "When enabled, extensions are verified to be signed before getting installed.", + "extensions.verifySignature": "Se questa opzione è abilitata, viene verificato che le estensioni siano firmate prima dell'installazione.", "extensionsCheckUpdates": "Se è abilitata, controlla automaticamente la disponibilità di aggiornamenti per le estensioni. Se per un'estensione è disponibile un aggiornamento, l'estensione viene contrassegnata come obsoleta nella visualizzazione Estensioni. Gli aggiornamenti vengono recuperati da un servizio Microsoft online.", "extensionsCloseExtensionDetailsOnViewChange": "Se è abilitata, gli editor con dettagli di estensione verranno chiusi automaticamente quando si esce dalla visualizzazione delle estensioni.", "extensionsDeferredStartupFinishedActivation": "Se l’opzione è abilitata, le estensioni che dichiarano l'evento di attivazione `onStartupFinished` verranno attivate dopo un timeout.", @@ -7280,7 +7280,7 @@ "handleUriConfirmedExtensions": "Quando un'estensione è presente in questo elenco, non verrà visualizzata alcuna richiesta di conferma quando l'estensione gestisce un URI.", "id required": "ID estensione obbligatorio.", "importKeyboardShortcutsFroms": "Esegui migrazione dei tasti di scelta rapida da...", - "install": "Install", + "install": "Installa", "install button": "Installa", "install installAndDonotSync": "Installa (Non sincronizzare)", "installButton": "&&Installa", @@ -7381,7 +7381,7 @@ "configureWorkspaceFolderRecommendedExtensions": "Configura estensioni consigliate (cartella dell'area di lavoro)", "configureWorkspaceRecommendedExtensions": "Configura estensioni consigliate (area di lavoro)", "current": "corrente", - "dependencies": "Show Dependencies", + "dependencies": "Mostra dipendenze", "deprecated message": "Questa estensione è deprecata perché non viene più supportata.", "deprecated tooltip": "Questa estensione è deprecata perché non viene più supportata.", "deprecated with alternate extension message": "Questa estensione è deprecata. Usare l'estensione {0}.", @@ -7409,7 +7409,7 @@ "enabled in web worker": "Questa estensione è abilitata nell'host dell'estensione ruolo di lavoro perché preferisce essere eseguita in tale posizione.", "enabled locally": "Questa estensione è abilitata nell'host dell'estensione locale perché preferisce essere eseguita in tale posizione.", "enabled remotely": "Questa estensione è abilitata nell'host dell'estensione remoto perché preferisce essere eseguita in tale posizione.", - "extension disabled because of dependency": "This extension depends on an extension that is disabled.", + "extension disabled because of dependency": "Questa estensione dipende da un'estensione disabilitata.", "extension disabled because of trust requirement": "Questa estensione è stata disabilitata perché l'area di lavoro corrente non è attendibile.", "extension enabled on remote": "L'estensione è abilitata in '{0}'", "extension limited because of trust requirement": "Questa estensione ha funzionalità limitate perché l'area di lavoro corrente non è attendibile.", @@ -7432,7 +7432,7 @@ "install anyway": "Installa comunque", "install browser": "Installa nel browser", "install confirmation": "Disinstallare '{0}'?", - "install donot verify": "Install Anyway (Don't Verify Signature)", + "install donot verify": "Installa comunque (non verificare la firma)", "install in remote": "Installa in {0}", "install local extensions title": "Installa estensioni locali in '{0}'", "install locally": "Installazione locale", @@ -7463,9 +7463,9 @@ "more information": "&&Altre informazioni", "no local extensions": "Non ci sono estensioni da installare.", "no versions": "Questa estensione non ha altre versioni.", - "not signed": "'{0}' is an extension from an unknown source. Are you sure you want to install?", - "not signed detail": "Extension is not signed.", - "not signed tooltip": "This extension is not signed by the Extension Marketplace.", + "not signed": "'{0}' è un'estensione di origine sconosciuta. Installare?", + "not signed detail": "L'estensione non è firmata.", + "not signed tooltip": "Questa estensione non è firmata dal Marketplace delle estensioni.", "not web tooltip": "L'estensione '{0}' non è disponibile in {1}.", "pre-release": "versione non definitiva", "reinstall": "Reinstalla estensione...", @@ -7506,7 +7506,7 @@ "updateExtensionConsentTitle": "Aggiorna estensione {0}", "updateExtensionStart": "L'aggiornamento dell'estensione {0} alla versione {1} è stata avviata.", "updated": "Aggiornata", - "verification failed": "Cannot install '{0}' extension because {1} cannot verify the extension signature", + "verification failed": "Non è possibile installare l'estensione '{0}' perché {1} non può verificare la firma dell'estensione", "workbench.extensions.action.clearLanguage": "Cancella lingua visualizzata", "workbench.extensions.action.setColorTheme": "Imposta tema colori", "workbench.extensions.action.setDisplayLanguage": "Imposta lingua visualizzata", @@ -7571,7 +7571,7 @@ "builtin": "Predefinite", "builtinFeatureExtensions": "Funzionalità", "builtinProgrammingLanguageExtensions": "Linguaggi di programmazione", - "click show": "Click to Show", + "click show": "Clic per visualizzare", "deprecated": "Deprecato", "disabled": "Disabilitate", "disabledExtensions": "Disabilitato", @@ -7599,7 +7599,7 @@ "remote": "Repository remoto", "searchExtensions": "Cerca le estensioni nel Marketplace", "select and install local extensions": "Installa estensioni locali in '{0}'...", - "show": "Show", + "show": "Mostra", "suggestProxyError": "Marketplace ha restituito 'ECONNREFUSED'. Controllare l'impostazione 'http.proxy'.", "untrustedPartiallySupportedExtensions": "Limitata in modalità con restrizioni", "untrustedUnsupportedExtensions": "Disabilitata in modalità con restrizioni", @@ -7652,7 +7652,7 @@ "confirmEnableDisableAutoUpdate": "Aggiorna le estensioni automaticamente", "confirmEnableDisableAutoUpdateDetail": "Le impostazioni di aggiornamento automatico impostate per le singole estensioni verranno reimpostate.", "consentRequiredToUpdate": "L'aggiornamento per l'estensione {0} introduce il codice eseguibile, che non è presente nella versione attualmente installata.", - "deprecated extensions": "Deprecated extensions detected. Review them and migrate to alternatives.", + "deprecated extensions": "Sono state rilevate estensioni deprecate. Controllarle ed eseguire la migrazione alle alternative.", "disable all": "Disabilita tutto", "disableDependents": "Disinstalla estensione con dipendenti", "enable locally": "Please {0} per abilitare questa estensione a livello locale.", @@ -7663,7 +7663,7 @@ "enableExtensionTitle": "Abilita estensione", "extensionsAutoRestart": "Le estensioni sono state riavviate automaticamente per abilitare gli aggiornamenti.", "incompatible": "Non è possibile installare l’estensione '{0}' perché non è compatibile.", - "incompatibleExtensions": "Some extensions are disabled due to version incompatibility. Review and update them.", + "incompatibleExtensions": "Alcune estensioni sono disabilitate a causa di incompatibilità di versione. Controllarle e aggiornarle.", "installButtonLabel": "&&Installa estensione", "installButtonLabelWithAction": "&&Installa estensione e {0}", "installExtensionMessage": "Installare l'estensione \"{0}\" da \"{1}\"?", @@ -7671,7 +7671,7 @@ "installVSIXMessage": "Installare l'estensione?", "installing extension": "Installazione dell'estensione...", "installing named extension": "Installazione dell'estensione '{0}'...", - "invalidExtensions": "Invalid extensions detected. Review them.", + "invalidExtensions": "Sono state rilevate estensioni non valide. Controllarle.", "malicious": "Questa estensione è segnalata come problematica.", "multipleDependentsError": "Non è possibile disabilitare solo l'estensione '{0}' perché da essa dipendono '{1}', '{2}' e altre estensioni. Disabilitare tutte queste estensioni?", "multipleDependentsUninstallError": "Non è possibile disinstallare solo l'estensione '{0}' perché da essa dipendono le estensioni '{1}', '{2}' e altre. Disinstallare tutte queste estensioni?", @@ -7769,7 +7769,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/extensions/electron-sandbox/runtimeExtensionsEditor": { "extensionHostProfileStart": "Avvia profilo host dell'estensione", - "openExtensionHostProfile": "Open Extension Host Profile", + "openExtensionHostProfile": "Apri profilo host dell'estensione", "saveExtensionHostProfile": "Salva profilo host dell'estensione", "saveprofile.dialogTitle": "Salva profilo host dell'estensione", "stopExtensionHostProfileStart": "Arresta profilo host dell'estensione" @@ -8184,7 +8184,7 @@ "explorerSection": "Sezione di Esplora risorse: {0}", "refreshExplorer": "Aggiorna Explorer", "refreshExplorerMetadata": "Forza un aggiornamento di Explorer.", - "type to search files": "Type to search files" + "type to search files": "Digita per cercare file" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/views/explorerViewer": { "confirmMove": "Spostare '{0}' in '{1}'?", @@ -8304,7 +8304,7 @@ "moveToNextHunk": "Passa alla modifica successiva", "moveToPreviousHunk": "Passa alla modifica precedente", "rerun": "Riesegui", - "run": "Editor Chat", + "run": "Editor Inline Chat", "showChanges": "Attiva/Disattiva modifiche", "startInlineChat": "Icona che genera la chat inline dalla barra degli strumenti editor.", "unstash": "Riprendi ultima chat inline ignorata", @@ -8356,6 +8356,7 @@ "inlineChatEditing": "Indica se l'utente sta attualmente modificando o scrivendo codice nella chat online", "inlineChatEmpty": "Indica se l'input dell'editor interattivo è vuoto", "inlineChatFocused": "Indica se l'input dell'editor interattivo è in evidenza", + "inlineChatHasPossible": "Whether a provider for inline chat exists and whether an editor for inline chat is open", "inlineChatHasProvider": "Indica se esiste un provider per gli editor interattivi", "inlineChatHasStashedSession": "Indica se l'editor interattivo ha mantenuto una sessione per il ripristino rapido", "inlineChatInnerCursorEnd": "Indica se il cursore dell'input dell'editor interattivo si trova alla fine dell’input", @@ -9276,7 +9277,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/multicursor/notebookMulticursor": { "addFindMatchToSelection": "Aggiungere trova corrispondenza alla selezione", "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "Elimina a sinistra", - "deleteRightMultiSelection": "Delete Right", + "deleteRightMultiSelection": "Elimina a destra", "exitMultiSelection": "Uscire dalla modalità multi-cursore" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/navigation/arrow": { @@ -9309,7 +9310,7 @@ "notebookVariableAriaLabel": "Variabile {0}, valore {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/notebookVariables/notebookVariablesView": { - "notebook.ReplVariables": "REPL Variables", + "notebook.ReplVariables": "Variabili REPL", "notebook.notebookVariables": "Variabili notebook" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/outline/notebookOutline": { @@ -9364,9 +9365,9 @@ "focusNextChatWidget": "Sposta lo stato attivo sul widget Chat cella successiva", "focusNotebookChat": "Chat con stato attivo", "focusPreviousCell": "Sposta lo stato attivo sulla cella precedente", - "notebook.apply1": "Accept and Run", - "notebook.apply2": "Accept & Run", - "notebook.apply3": "Accept the changes and run the cell", + "notebook.apply1": "Accetta ed esegui", + "notebook.apply2": "Accetta ed esegui", + "notebook.apply3": "Accetta le modifiche ed esegui la cella", "notebook.cell.chat.accept": "Effettua richiesta", "notebook.cell.chat.close": "Chiudi chat", "notebook.cell.chat.nextFromHistory": "Successivo dalla cronologia", @@ -9379,7 +9380,7 @@ "notebookActions.restoreCellprompt": "Genera" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/controller/chat/notebook.chat.contribution": { - "pickKernelVariableLabel": "Pick a variable from the kernel" + "pickKernelVariableLabel": "Selezionare una variabile dal kernel" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/controller/chat/notebookChatContext": { "notebookCellChatFocused": "Indica se l'editor della chat cellulare è attivo", @@ -9523,11 +9524,11 @@ "notebook.diff.cell.revertMetadata": "Ripristina metadati", "notebook.diff.cell.revertOutputs": "Ripristina output", "notebook.diff.cell.switchOutputRenderingStyleToText": "Cambia rendering dell'output", - "notebook.diff.cell.toggleCollapseUnchangedRegions": "Toggle Collapse Unchanged Regions", + "notebook.diff.cell.toggleCollapseUnchangedRegions": "Comprimi/decomprimi aree non modificate", "notebook.diff.ignoreMetadata": "Nascondi differenze metadati", "notebook.diff.ignoreOutputs": "Nascondi differenze output", - "notebook.diff.openFile": "Open File", - "notebook.diff.revertMetadata": "Revert Notebook Metadata", + "notebook.diff.openFile": "Apri file", + "notebook.diff.revertMetadata": "Ripristina metadati notebook", "notebook.diff.showMetadata": "Mostra differenze metadati", "notebook.diff.showOutputs": "Mostra differenze output", "notebook.diff.switchToText": "Apri editor diff di testo", @@ -9585,7 +9586,7 @@ "notebook.markdown.lineHeight": "Controlla l'altezza della riga in pixel delle celle Markdown nei blocchi appunti. Se questa opzione è impostata su {0}, verrà usato {1}", "notebook.markup.fontSize": "Controlla le dimensioni del carattere del markup di cui è stato eseguito il rendering nei blocchi appunti. Se impostato su {0}, viene usato il 120% di {1}.", "notebook.minimalErrorRendering": "Controllare se eseguire il rendering dell'output degli errori con uno stile minimo.", - "notebook.multiCursor.enabled": "Experimental. Enables a limited set of multi cursor controls across multiple cells in the notebook editor. Currently supported are core editor actions (typing/cut/copy/paste/composition) and a limited subset of editor commands.", + "notebook.multiCursor.enabled": "Sperimentale. Abilita un set limitato di controlli con più cursori tra più celle nell'editor di notebook. Sono attualmente supportati le azioni principali dell'editor (digitazione/taglia/copia/incolla/composizione) e un sottoinsieme limitato di comandi dell'editor.", "notebook.outputFontFamily": "Famiglia di caratteri del testo di output all'interno delle celle del blocco appunti. Se impostato su vuoto, viene usato {0}.", "notebook.outputFontSize": "Dimensioni del carattere per il testo di output all'interno delle celle del blocco appunti. Se impostato su 0, viene usato {0}.", "notebook.outputLineHeight": "Altezza della riga del testo di output all'interno delle celle del blocco appunti.\r\n - Se impostato su 0, viene usata l'altezza della riga dell'editor.\r\n - I valori compresi tra 0 e 8 verranno usati come moltiplicatore con le dimensioni del carattere.\r\n - I valori maggiori o uguali a 8 verranno usati come valori effettivi.", @@ -10640,7 +10641,7 @@ "inputMinLines": "Controlla il numero minimo di righe da cui verrà incrementato automaticamente l'input.", "manageWorkspaceTrustAction": "Gestire l'attendibilità dell'area di lavoro", "miViewSCM": "Controllo &&sorgente", - "no history items": "The selected source control provider does not have any source control history items.", + "no history items": "Il provider del controllo del codice sorgente selezionato non ha alcun elemento della cronologia del controllo del codice sorgente.", "no open repo": "Non esistono provider di controllo del codice sorgente registrati.", "no open repo in an untrusted workspace": "Nessuno dei provider di controllo del codice sorgente registrati funziona in modalità con restrizioni.", "open in external terminal": "Apri nel terminale esterno", @@ -10676,11 +10677,11 @@ "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.false": "Non ignora gli spazi vuoti iniziali e finali.", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.inherit": "Eredita da 'diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace'.", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.true": "Ignora gli spazi vuoti iniziali e finali.", - "scm.graph.badges": "Controls which badges are shown in the Source Control Graph view. The badges are shown on the right side of the graph indicating the names of history item groups.", - "scm.graph.badges.all": "Show badges of all history item groups in the Source Control Graph view.", - "scm.graph.badges.filter": "Show only the badges of history item groups used as a filter in the Source Control Graph view.", - "scm.graph.pageOnScroll": "Controls whether the Source Control Graph view will load the next page of items when you scroll to the end of the list.", - "scm.graph.pageSize": "The number of items to show in the Source Control Graph view by default and when loading more items.", + "scm.graph.badges": "Controlla quali notifiche vengono visualizzate nella visualizzazione Grafico del controllo del codice sorgente. Le notifiche vengono visualizzate sul lato destro del grafico a indicare i nomi dei gruppi di elementi della cronologia.", + "scm.graph.badges.all": "Mostra le notifiche di tutti i gruppi di elementi della cronologia nella visualizzazione Grafico del controllo del codice sorgente.", + "scm.graph.badges.filter": "Mostrare solo le notifiche dei gruppi di elementi della cronologia usati come filtro nella visualizzazione Grafico del controllo del codice sorgente.", + "scm.graph.pageOnScroll": "Controlla se la visualizzazione Grafico del controllo del codice sorgente caricherà la pagina successiva di elementi quando si scorre fino alla fine dell'elenco.", + "scm.graph.pageSize": "Numero di elementi da visualizzare nella visualizzazione Grafico del controllo del codice sorgente per impostazione predefinita e durante il caricamento di altri elementi.", "scm.providerCountBadge": "Controlla le notifiche di conteggio nelle intestazioni del provider del controllo del codice sorgente. Queste intestazioni vengono visualizzate nella visualizzazione Controllo del codice sorgente quando è presente più di un provider o quando l'impostazione {0} è abilitata e nella visualizzazione Repository del controllo del codice sorgente.", "scm.providerCountBadge.auto": "Mostra la notifica di conteggio per Provider di controllo del codice sorgente solo quando è diversa da zero.", "scm.providerCountBadge.hidden": "Nasconde le notifiche di conteggio di Provider di controllo del codice sorgente.", @@ -10701,46 +10702,46 @@ "sourceControlViewIcon": "Icona della visualizzazione Controllo del codice sorgente." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/scm/browser/scmHistory": { - "scmGraph.HistoryItemHoverAdditionsForeground": "History item hover additions foreground color.", - "scmGraph.HistoryItemHoverDeletionsForeground": "History item hover deletions foreground color.", + "scmGraph.HistoryItemHoverAdditionsForeground": "Colore di primo piano per le aggiunte degli elementi della cronologia al passaggio del puntatore.", + "scmGraph.HistoryItemHoverDeletionsForeground": "Colore di primo piano per le eliminazioni degli elementi della cronologia al passaggio del puntatore.", "scmGraphForeground1": "Colore primo piano del grafico del controllo del codice sorgente (1).", "scmGraphForeground2": "Colore primo piano del grafico del controllo del codice sorgente (2).", "scmGraphForeground3": "Colore primo piano del grafico del controllo del codice sorgente (3).", - "scmGraphForeground4": "Source control graph foreground color (4).", - "scmGraphForeground5": "Source control graph foreground color (5).", - "scmGraphHistoryItemBaseRefColor": "History item base reference color.", - "scmGraphHistoryItemHoverDefaultLabelBackground": "History item hover default label background color.", - "scmGraphHistoryItemHoverDefaultLabelForeground": "History item hover default label foreground color.", + "scmGraphForeground4": "Colore di primo piano del grafico del controllo del codice sorgente (4).", + "scmGraphForeground5": "Colore di primo piano del grafico del controllo del codice sorgente (5).", + "scmGraphHistoryItemBaseRefColor": "Colore dei riferimenti di base agli elementi della cronologia.", + "scmGraphHistoryItemHoverDefaultLabelBackground": "Colore di sfondo per l'etichetta predefinita degli elementi della cronologia al passaggio del puntatore.", + "scmGraphHistoryItemHoverDefaultLabelForeground": "Colore di primo piano per l'etichetta predefinita degli elementi della cronologia al passaggio del puntatore.", "scmGraphHistoryItemHoverLabelForeground": "Colore in primo piano dell'etichetta del gruppo di elementi della cronologia al passaggio del mouse a passaggio del puntatore.", - "scmGraphHistoryItemRefColor": "History item reference color.", - "scmGraphHistoryItemRemoteRefColor": "History item remote reference color." + "scmGraphHistoryItemRefColor": "Colore dei riferimenti agli elementi della cronologia.", + "scmGraphHistoryItemRemoteRefColor": "Colore dei riferimenti remoti agli elementi della cronologia." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/scm/browser/scmHistoryViewPane": { - "activeRepository": "Show the source control graph for the active repository", - "all": "All", - "allHistoryItemRefs": "All history item references", - "auto": "Auto", - "currentHistoryItemRef": "Current history item reference(s)", + "activeRepository": "Mostra il grafico del controllo del codice sorgente per il repository attivo", + "all": "Tutto", + "allHistoryItemRefs": "Tutti i riferimenti agli elementi della cronologia", + "auto": "Automatico", + "currentHistoryItemRef": "Riferimenti a elementi della cronologia correnti", "deletion": "{0} eliminazione{1}", "deletions": "{0} eliminazioni{1}", "fileChanged": "{0} file modificato", "filesChanged": "{0} file modificati", - "goToCurrentHistoryItem": "Go to Current History Item", - "historyItemChangesEditorTitle": "All Changes ({0} ↔ {1})", - "historyItemMessage": "Message", + "goToCurrentHistoryItem": "Vai all'elemento della cronologia corrente", + "historyItemChangesEditorTitle": "Tutte le modifiche ({0} ↔ {1})", + "historyItemMessage": "Messaggio", "insertion": "{0} inserimento{1}", "insertions": "{0} inserimenti{1}", - "items": "{0} Items", + "items": "{0} elementi", "loadMore": "{0} Caricare altro...", - "referencePicker": "History Item Reference Picker", + "referencePicker": "Selezione dei riferimenti agli elementi della cronologia", "refreshGraph": "Aggiorna", - "repositoryPicker": "Repository Picker", + "repositoryPicker": "Selezione repository", "scm history": "Cronologia nel controllo del codice sorgente", - "scmGraphHistoryItemRef": "Select one/more history item references to view, type to filter", - "scmGraphRepository": "Select the repository to view, type to filter all repositories", - "scmGraphViewOutdated": "Please refresh the graph using the refresh action ($(refresh)).", - "scmGraphViewRevealCurrentHistoryItem": "The current history item is not present in the source control graph. Please use the history item references picker to expand the set of history items in the graph.", - "viewChanges": "View Changes" + "scmGraphHistoryItemRef": "Selezionare uno o più riferimenti a elementi della cronologia da visualizzare, digitare per filtrare", + "scmGraphRepository": "Selezionare il repository da visualizzare, digitare per filtrare tutti i repository", + "scmGraphViewOutdated": "Aggiornare il grafico usando l'azione di aggiornamento ($(refresh)).", + "scmGraphViewRevealCurrentHistoryItem": "L'elemento della cronologia corrente non è presente nel grafico del controllo del codice sorgente. Usare la selezione dei riferimenti agli elementi della cronologia per espandere il set di elementi della cronologia nel grafico.", + "viewChanges": "Visualizza modifiche" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/scm/browser/scmRepositoriesViewPane": { "scm": "Repository del controllo del codice sorgente" @@ -13031,9 +13032,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfilesEditor": { "activeProfile": "Attivo", - "addButton": "Add Folder", - "addFolder": "Add Folder", - "addFolderTitle": "Select Folders To Add", + "addButton": "Aggiungi cartella", + "addFolder": "Aggiungi cartella", + "addFolderTitle": "Seleziona cartelle da aggiungere", "change profile": "Cambia profilo", "changeIcon": "Fare clic per cambiare l'icona", "contents": "Contents", @@ -13049,16 +13050,16 @@ "default": "Impostazione predefinita", "default description": "Usa {0} dal profilo predefinito", "default info": "- *Predefinito:* usa il contenuto del profilo predefinito\r\n", - "default profile contents description": "Browse contents of this profile\r\n", + "default profile contents description": "Visualizzare il contenuto di questo profilo\r\n", "defaultProfileIcon": "Non è possibile modificare l'icona per il profilo predefinito", "defaultProfileName": "Non è possibile modificare il nome per il profilo predefinito", - "editIcon": "Icon for the edit folder icon in the profiles editor.", + "editIcon": "Icona per l'icona di modifica della cartella nell'editor dei profili.", "empty profile": "Nessuno", "enable for current window": "Usare questo profilo per la finestra corrente", "enable for new windows": "Usa questo profilo come predefinito per le nuove finestre", "extensions": "Estensioni", - "folders_workspaces": "Folders & Workspaces", - "folders_workspaces_description": "Following folders and workspaces are using this profile", + "folders_workspaces": "Cartelle e aree di lavoro", + "folders_workspaces_description": "Le cartelle e le aree di lavoro seguenti usano questo profilo", "from existing profiles": "Profili esistenti", "from template": "Dal modello", "from templates": "Modelli di profilo", @@ -13073,18 +13074,18 @@ "import profile quick pick title": "Importare da modello di profilo...", "importProfile": "Importa profilo...", "keybindings": "Scelte rapide da tastiera", - "localAuthority": "Local", + "localAuthority": "Locale", "name": "Nome", "name required": "Il nome del profilo è obbligatorio e deve essere un valore non vuoto.", "new from template": "Nuovo profilo da modello", "newProfile": "Nuovo profilo", - "no_folder_description": "No folders or workspaces are using this profile", + "no_folder_description": "Nessuna cartella o area di lavoro usa questo profilo", "none": "Nessuno", "none description": "Crea {0} vuoto", "none info": "- *Nessuno:* Crea contenuto vuoto\r\n", "open": "Apri in una nuova finestra", "options": "Origine", - "pathColumnLabel": "Path", + "pathColumnLabel": "Percorso", "profileExists": "Il profilo con nome {0} esiste già.", "profileName": "Nome profilo", "profiles": "Profili", @@ -13092,9 +13093,9 @@ "settings": "Impostazioni", "snippets": "Frammenti di codice", "tasks": "Attività", - "trustedFolderAriaLabel": "{0}, trusted", - "trustedFolderWithHostAriaLabel": "{0} on {1}, trusted", - "trustedFoldersAndWorkspaces": "Trusted Folders & Workspaces", + "trustedFolderAriaLabel": "{0}, attendibile", + "trustedFolderWithHostAriaLabel": "{0} su {1}, attendibile", + "trustedFoldersAndWorkspaces": "Cartelle e aree di lavoro attendibili", "use for curren window": "Usa per la finestra corrente", "use for new windows": "Usa per nuove finestre", "userDataProfiles": "Profili" @@ -13296,8 +13297,8 @@ "dialogClose": "Chiudi finestra di dialogo" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted": { - "acessibleViewHint": "Inspect this in the accessible view ({0}).\r\n", - "acessibleViewHintNoKbOpen": "Inspect this in the accessible view via the command Open Accessible View which is currently not triggerable via keybinding.\r\n", + "acessibleViewHint": "Ispezionarlo nella visualizzazione accessibile ({0}).\r\n", + "acessibleViewHintNoKbOpen": "Ispezionarlo nella visualizzazione accessibile tramite il comando Apri visualizzazione accessibile che attualmente non è attivabile tramite il tasto di scelta rapida.\r\n", "allDone": "Contrassegna come completato", "checkboxTitle": "Se selezionata, questa pagina verrà visualizzata all'avvio.", "close": "Nascondi", @@ -13307,7 +13308,7 @@ "gettingStarted.editingEvolved": "Evoluzione dell'editor", "gettingStarted.keyboardTip": "Suggerimento: usare tasti di scelta rapida ", "gettingStarted.someStepsComplete": "{0} di {1} passaggi completati", - "goBack": "Go Back", + "goBack": "Indietro", "imageShowing": "Immagine che mostra {0}", "new": "Nuovo", "newItems": "Aggiornato", @@ -13350,9 +13351,9 @@ "workspacePlatform": "Piattaforma dell'area di lavoro corrente, che nei contesti remoti o serverless può essere diversa dalla piattaforma dell'interfaccia utente" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedAccessibleView": { - "gettingStarted.description": "Description: {0}", - "gettingStarted.step": "Step {0}: {1}\r\nDescription: {2}", - "gettingStarted.title": "Title: {0}" + "gettingStarted.description": "Descrizione: {0}", + "gettingStarted.step": "Passaggio {0}: {1}\r\nDescrizione: {2}", + "gettingStarted.title": "Titolo: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedColors": { "walkthrough.stepTitle.foreground": "Colore primo piano dell'intestazione di ogni passaggio della procedura dettagliata", @@ -13429,12 +13430,12 @@ "getting-started-setup-icon": "Icona usata per la categoria di configurazione della home page", "gettingStarted.accessibilityHelp.description.interpolated": "La finestra di dialogo della Guida sull'accessibilità fornisce informazioni su cosa aspettarsi da una funzionalità e sui comandi/tasti di scelta rapida per utilizzarli.\r\n Con lo stato attivo in un editor, un terminale, un blocco appunti, una risposta alla chat, un commento o una console di debug, la finestra di dialogo pertinente può essere aperta con il comando Apri Guida sull'accessibilità.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.accessibilityHelp.title": "Usare la finestra di dialogo della Guida sull'accessibilità per informazioni sulle funzionalità", - "gettingStarted.accessibilitySettings.description.interpolated": "Accessibility settings can be configured by running the Open Accessibility Settings command.\r\n{0}", - "gettingStarted.accessibilitySettings.title": "Configure accessibility settings", + "gettingStarted.accessibilitySettings.description.interpolated": "Le impostazioni di accessibilità possono essere configurate eseguendo il comando Apri impostazioni accessibilità.\r\n{0}", + "gettingStarted.accessibilitySettings.title": "Configura impostazioni accessibilità", "gettingStarted.accessibilitySignals.description.interpolated": "I suoni e gli annunci di accessibilità vengono riprodotti in tutto il workbench per eventi diversi.\r\n È possibile individuare e configurare tali elementi usando i comandi Elenca suoni segnale e Elenca annunci segnale.\r\n{0}\r\n{1}", "gettingStarted.accessibilitySignals.title": "Ottimizzare i segnali di accessibilità da ricevere tramite audio o un dispositivo Braille", "gettingStarted.accessibleView.description.interpolated": "La visualizzazione accessibile è disponibile per il terminale, il passaggio del mouse, le notifiche, i commenti, l'output del notebook, le risposte della chat, i completamenti inline e l'output della console di debug.\r\n Con lo stato attivo in una di queste funzionalità, si può aprire con il comando Apri visualizzazione accessibile.\r\n{0}", - "gettingStarted.accessibleView.title": "Screen reader users can inspect content line by line, character by character in the accessible view.", + "gettingStarted.accessibleView.title": "Gli utenti di utilità per la lettura dello schermo possono esaminare il contenuto riga per riga, carattere per carattere nella visualizzazione accessibile.", "gettingStarted.beginner.description": "Ottieni una panoramica delle funzionalità più essenziali", "gettingStarted.beginner.title": "Informazioni sulle nozioni fondamentali", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.description.interpolated": "Ridurre o espandere una sezione di codice con il comando Attiva/Disattiva riduzione.\r\n{0}\r\n Ridurre o espandere ricorsivamente con il comando Attiva/Disattiva riduzione in modo ricorsivo\r\n{1}\r\n", @@ -13490,8 +13491,8 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.OpenFolderWeb.description.interpolated": "La configurazione è stata completata ed è possibile iniziare a scrivere codice. È possibile aprire un progetto locale o un repository remoto per aggiungere i file in VS Code.\r\n{0}\r\n{1}", "gettingStarted.setup.description": "Personalizza l'editor, scopri le nozioni di base e inizia a scrivere codice", "gettingStarted.setup.title": "Introduzione a VS Code", - "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.description": "Learn the tools and shortcuts that make VS Code accessible. Note that some actions are not actionable from within the context of the walkthrough.", - "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.title": "Get Started with Accessibility Features", + "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.description": "Informazioni sugli strumenti e i collegamenti che rendono accessibile VS Code. Si noti che alcune azioni non sono utilizzabili nel contesto della procedura dettagliata.", + "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.title": "Introduzione alle funzionalità di accessibilità", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "Personalizza l'editor, scopri le nozioni di base e inizia a scrivere codice", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "Introduzione a VS Code per il Web", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "Una volta individuati i comandi preferiti, è possibile creare scelte rapide da tastiera personalizzate per l'accesso immediato.\r\n{0}", @@ -13510,7 +13511,7 @@ "gettingStarted.topLevelRemoteOpen.title": "Connetti a...", "gettingStarted.topLevelShowWalkthroughs.description": "Visualizza una procedura dettagliata nell'editor o in un'estensione", "gettingStarted.topLevelShowWalkthroughs.title": "Apri una procedura dettagliata...", - "gettingStarted.verbositySettings.description.interpolated": "Screen reader verbosity settings exist for features around the workbench so that once a user is familiar with a feature, they can avoid hearing hints about how to operate it. For example, features for which an accessibility help dialog exists will indicate how to open the dialog until the verbosity setting for that feature has been disabled.\r\n These and other accessibility settings can be configured by running the Open Accessibility Settings command.\r\n{0}", + "gettingStarted.verbositySettings.description.interpolated": "Le impostazioni del livello di dettaglio per le utilità per la lettura dello schermo sono disponibili per le funzionalità del workbench in modo che, una volta acquisita familiarità con una funzionalità, si possa evitare di ascoltare suggerimenti su come utilizzarla. Ad esempio, le funzionalità per cui esiste una finestra di dialogo della Guida all'accessibilità indicheranno come aprire la finestra di dialogo finché non verrà disabilitata l'impostazione del livello di dettaglio per tale funzionalità.\r\n Queste e altre impostazioni di accessibilità possono essere configurate eseguendo il comando Apri impostazioni accessibilità.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.verbositySettings.title": "Controllare il livello di dettaglio delle etichette aria", "gettingStarted.videoTutorial.description.interpolated": "Prima di una serie di brevi e pratiche esercitazioni video sulle funzionalità principali di VS Code.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.videoTutorial.title": "Guarda le esercitazioni video", @@ -13522,7 +13523,7 @@ "listSignalAnnouncements": "Elenca annunci segnale", "listSignalSounds": "Elenca suoni segnale", "openAccessibilityHelp": "Aprire guida all’accessibilità", - "openAccessibilitySettings": "Open Accessibility Settings", + "openAccessibilitySettings": "Apri impostazioni accessibilità", "openAccessibleView": "Apri visualizzazione accessibile", "openFolder": "Apri cartella", "openGoToSymbol": "Vai al simbolo", @@ -14096,7 +14097,7 @@ "cannot change enablement environment": "Non è possibile modificare l’abilitazione dell’estensione {0} perché è abilitata nell’ambiente", "cannot change enablement extension kind": "Non è possibile modificare l'abilitazione dell'estensione {0} a causa del relativo tipo di estensione", "cannot change enablement virtual workspace": "Non è possibile modificare l'abilitazione dell'estensione {0} perché non supporta le aree di lavoro virtuali", - "cannot change invalid extension enablement": "Cannot change enablement of {0} extension because of it is invalid", + "cannot change invalid extension enablement": "Non è possibile modificare l'abilitazione dell'estensione {0} perché non è valida", "cannot disable auth extension": "Non è possibile modificare l'abilitazione dell'estensione {0} perché da essa dipende Sincronizzazione impostazioni.", "cannot disable auth extension in workspace": "Non è possibile modificare l'abilitazione dell'estensione {0} nell'area di lavoro perché aggiunge come contributo i provider di autenticazione", "cannot disable language pack extension": "Non è possibile modificare l'abilitazione dell'estensione {0} perché aggiunge come contributo i Language Pack.", @@ -14136,7 +14137,7 @@ "install multiple extensions": "Installare e sincronizzare le estensioni tra i dispositivi?", "install single extension": "Installare e sincronizzare l'estensione '{0}' tra i dispositivi?", "limited support": "'{0}' presenta funzionalità limitate in {1}.", - "main.notFound": "Cannot activate because {0} not found", + "main.notFound": "Non è possibile eseguire l'attivazione perché non è stato possibile trovare {0}", "multipleDependentsError": "Non è possibile disinstallare l'estensione '{0}'. Alcune estensioni, tra cui '{1}' e '{2}' dipendono da tale estensione.", "non web extensions": "'{0}' contiene estensioni non supportate in {1}.", "non web extensions detail": "Contiene estensioni non supportate.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 28c4b43594..bb435137af 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.description": "'get' および 'set' アクセサーの生成", "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.title": "アクセサーを生成する", "codeActions.source.organizeImports.title": "インポートを整理", - "configuration.expandableHover": "(Experimental) Enable/disable expanding on hover.", + "configuration.expandableHover": "(試験段階) ホバー時の展開を有効または無効にします。", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.checkJs": "JavaScript ファイルのセマンティック チェックを有効または無効にします。既存の 'jsconfig.json' または 'tsconfig.json' ファイルによってこの設定がオーバーライドされます。", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.experimentalDecorators": "プロジェクト外の JavaScript ファイルの 'experimentalDecorators' を有効または無効にします。既存の 'jsconfig.json' または 'tsconfig.json' ファイルによってこの設定がオーバーライドされます。", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.module": "プログラムのモジュール システムを設定します。詳細は次をご覧ください: https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#module。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json index 609eb3d177..2a95d714bc 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ "editor.experimental.asyncTokenization": "Web ワーカーでトークン化を非同期的に行うかどうかを制御します。", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationLogging": "非同期トークン化をログに記録するかどうかを制御します。デバッグ用のみ。", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationVerification": "従来のバックグラウンド トークン化に対して非同期トークン化を検証するかどうかを制御します。トークン化が遅くなる可能性があります。デバッグ専用です。", - "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "Controls whether tree sitter parsing should be turned on for specific languages. This will take precedence over `editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry` for the specified languages.", + "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "特定の言語に対してツリー シッター解析を有効にするかどうかを制御します。これは、指定された言語の 'editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry' よりも優先されます。", "editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry": "ツリー シッターの解析を有効にし、テレメトリを収集するかどうかを制御します。特定の言語に対する 'editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter' の設定が優先されます。", "editorConfigurationTitle": "エディター", "hideUnchangedRegions.contextLineCount": "変更されていない領域を比較するときにコンテキストとして使用される行の数を制御します。", @@ -5387,7 +5387,7 @@ "chat.clear.label": "すべてのワークスペース チャットをクリア", "chat.history.label": "チャットの表示...", "chat.history.rename": "名前の変更", - "chatWith": "Chat with Extension", + "chatWith": "拡張機能を使用してチャットする", "currentChatLabel": "現在", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "入力履歴のクリア", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "Focus Chat Input", @@ -5573,7 +5573,7 @@ "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", "discard.file": "Discard", "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "推奨される編集", - "open.file": "Open File" + "open.file": "ファイルを開く" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "チャット エディター ラベルのアイコン。", @@ -8184,7 +8184,7 @@ "explorerSection": "エクスプローラー セクション: {0}", "refreshExplorer": "エクスプローラーを最新表示する", "refreshExplorerMetadata": "エクスプローラーの更新を強制します。", - "type to search files": "Type to search files" + "type to search files": "入力してファイルを検索する" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/views/explorerViewer": { "confirmMove": "'{0}' を '{1}' に移動しますか?", @@ -8304,7 +8304,7 @@ "moveToNextHunk": "次の変更箇所に移動", "moveToPreviousHunk": "前の変更箇所に移動", "rerun": "再実行", - "run": "エディター チャット", + "run": "Editor Inline Chat", "showChanges": "変更の切り替え", "startInlineChat": "エディター ツール バーからインライン チャットを生成するアイコン。", "unstash": "最後に閉じられたインライン チャットの再開", @@ -8356,6 +8356,7 @@ "inlineChatEditing": "ユーザーが現在インライン チャットでコードを編集しているか生成しているかどうか", "inlineChatEmpty": "対話型エディター入力が空であるかどうか", "inlineChatFocused": "対話型エディター入力がフォーカスされているかどうか", + "inlineChatHasPossible": "Whether a provider for inline chat exists and whether an editor for inline chat is open", "inlineChatHasProvider": "対話型エディターのプロバイダーが存在するかどうか", "inlineChatHasStashedSession": "対話型エディターがクイック復元のためにセッションを保持したかどうか", "inlineChatInnerCursorEnd": "対話型エディター入力のカーソルが最終行にあるかどうか", @@ -10640,7 +10641,7 @@ "inputMinLines": "入力の自動拡張元の行の最小数を制御します。", "manageWorkspaceTrustAction": "ワークスペースの信頼を管理", "miViewSCM": "ソース管理(&&C)", - "no history items": "The selected source control provider does not have any source control history items.", + "no history items": "選択したソース管理プロバイダーには、ソース管理履歴項目がありません。", "no open repo": "ソース管理プロバイダーが登録されていません。", "no open repo in an untrusted workspace": "制限モードで動作する登録済みのソース管理プロバイダーはありません。", "open in external terminal": "外部ターミナルで開く", @@ -13030,7 +13031,7 @@ "reset workspaces": "ワークスペース プロファイルの関連付けをリセットする" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfilesEditor": { - "activeProfile": "Active", + "activeProfile": "アクティブ", "addButton": "フォルダーの追加", "addFolder": "フォルダーの追加", "addFolderTitle": "追加するフォルダーの選択", @@ -13101,7 +13102,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfilesEditorModel": { "active": "現在のウィンドウでこのプロファイルを使用する", - "applyToAllProfiles": "Apply Extension to all Profiles", + "applyToAllProfiles": "すべてのプロファイルに拡張機能を適用する", "cancel": "キャンセル", "copy from": "{0} (コピー)", "copyFromProfile": "重複...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 42539b74dc..9be0e1d89c 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.description": "'get' 및 'set' 접근자 생성", "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.title": "접근자 생성", "codeActions.source.organizeImports.title": "가져오기 구성", - "configuration.expandableHover": "(Experimental) Enable/disable expanding on hover.", + "configuration.expandableHover": "(실험적) 마우스로 가리키면 확장 사용/사용 안 함을 설정할 수 있습니다.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.checkJs": "JavaScript 파일의 의미 체계 검사를 사용하거나 사용하지 않도록 설정합니다. 기존 `jsconfig.json` 또는 `tsconfig.json` 파일은 이 설정을 재정의합니다.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.experimentalDecorators": "프로젝트의 일부가 아닌 JavaScript 파일에서 'experimentalDecorators'를 사용하거나 사용하지 않도록 설정합니다. 기존 `jsconfig.json` 또는 `tsconfig.json` 파일은 이 설정을 재정의합니다.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.module": "프로그램의 모듈 시스템을 설정합니다. 자세한 내용은 https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#module을 참조하세요.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json index b91e9ca20d..0e6a8126d0 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ "vs/base/browser/ui/tree/abstractTree": { "close": "닫기", "filter": "필터", - "foundResults": "{0} results", + "foundResults": "{0}개 결과", "fuzzySearch": "유사 항목 일치", "not found": "No results found.", "replFindNoResults": "결과 없음", @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ "editor.experimental.asyncTokenization": "웹 작업자에서 토큰화가 비동기적으로 수행되어야 하는지 여부를 제어합니다.", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationLogging": "비동기 토큰화가 기록되어야 하는지 여부를 제어합니다. 디버깅 전용입니다.", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationVerification": "레거시 백그라운드 토큰화에 대해 비동기 토큰화를 확인해야 하는지 여부를 제어합니다. 토큰화 속도가 느려질 수 있습니다. 디버깅 전용입니다.", - "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "Controls whether tree sitter parsing should be turned on for specific languages. This will take precedence over `editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry` for the specified languages.", + "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "특정 언어에 대해 트리 시터 구문 분석을 설정해야 하는지 여부를 제어합니다. 지정된 언어에 대해 'editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry'보다 우선합니다.", "editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry": "트리 시터 구문 분석을 설정하고 원격 분석을 수집해야 하는지 여부를 제어합니다. 특정 언어에 대해 'editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter'를 설정하는 것이 우선적으로 적용됩니다.", "editorConfigurationTitle": "편집기", "hideUnchangedRegions.contextLineCount": "변경되지 않은 영역을 비교할 때 컨텍스트로 사용되는 줄 수를 제어합니다.", @@ -5387,7 +5387,7 @@ "chat.clear.label": "모든 작업 영역 채팅 지우기", "chat.history.label": "채팅 표시...", "chat.history.rename": "이름 바꾸기", - "chatWith": "Chat with Extension", + "chatWith": "확장과 채팅", "currentChatLabel": "현재", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "입력 기록 지우기", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "포커스 채팅 입력", @@ -5573,7 +5573,7 @@ "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", "discard.file": "Discard", "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Suggested Edits", - "open.file": "Open File" + "open.file": "파일 열기" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "채팅 편집기 레이블의 아이콘입니다.", @@ -8184,7 +8184,7 @@ "explorerSection": "탐색기 섹션: {0}", "refreshExplorer": "탐색기 새로 고침", "refreshExplorerMetadata": "탐색기를 강제로 새로 고칩니다.", - "type to search files": "Type to search files" + "type to search files": "입력하여 파일 검색" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/views/explorerViewer": { "confirmMove": "'{0}'을(를) '{1}'(으)로 옮기시겠습니까?", @@ -8304,7 +8304,7 @@ "moveToNextHunk": "다음 변경 내용으로 이동", "moveToPreviousHunk": "이전 변경 내용으로 이동", "rerun": "다시 실행", - "run": "Editor Chat", + "run": "Editor Inline Chat", "showChanges": "변경 내용 토글", "startInlineChat": "편집기 도구 모음에서 인라인 채팅을 생성하는 아이콘", "unstash": "마지막으로 해제된 인라인 채팅 다시 시작", @@ -8356,6 +8356,7 @@ "inlineChatEditing": "사용자가 현재 인라인 채팅에서 코드를 편집하거나 생성하고 있는지 여부", "inlineChatEmpty": "대화형 편집기 입력이 비어 있는지 여부", "inlineChatFocused": "대화형 편집기 입력의 포커스 여부", + "inlineChatHasPossible": "Whether a provider for inline chat exists and whether an editor for inline chat is open", "inlineChatHasProvider": "대화형 편집기에 대한 공급자가 있는지 여부", "inlineChatHasStashedSession": "대화형 편집기에서 빠른 복원을 위해 세션을 유지했는지 여부", "inlineChatInnerCursorEnd": "대화형 편집기 입력의 커서가 입력 끝에 있는지 여부", @@ -10980,7 +10981,7 @@ "search": "검색", "searchFileMatch": "{0}개 파일 찾음", "searchFileMatches": "{0}개 파일 찾음", - "searchFolderMatch.aiText.label": "{0} Results", + "searchFolderMatch.aiText.label": "{0}개 결과", "searchFolderMatch.other.label": "기타 파일", "searchFolderMatch.plainText.label": "텍스트 결과", "searchMatch": "일치하는 {0}개 항목을 찾음", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index ccdf756223..fda83e09a4 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "Allow": "Zezwól", "Always": "Zawsze", "An error occurred while renaming file": "Wystąpił błąd podczas zmiany nazwy pliku", - "Analyzing '{0}' and its dependencies": "Analyzing '{0}' and its dependencies", + "Analyzing '{0}' and its dependencies": "„{0}” — analizowanie i badanie zależności", "Checking for update of JS/TS imports": "Sprawdzanie aktualizacji importów JS/TS", "Configure Excludes": "Skonfiguruj wykluczenia", "Configure jsconfig": "Konfiguruj plik jsconfig", @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ "Go to Source Definition failed. Requires TypeScript 4.7+.": "Przejście do definicji źródła nie powiodło się. Wymagany jest język TypeScript 4.7 lub nowszy.", "Go to Source Definition failed. Unknown file type.": "Przejście do definicji źródła nie powiodło się. Nieznany typ pliku.", "Go to Source Definition failed. Unsupported file type.": "Przejście do definicji źródła nie powiodło się. Nieobsługiwany typ pliku.", - "Initializing project '{0}'": "Initializing project '{0}'", + "Initializing project '{0}'": "Inicjowanie projektu „{0}”", "JS/TS IntelliSense Status": "Stan funkcji IntelliSense języka JS/TS", "JSDoc comment": "Komentarz JSDoc", "Learn More": "Dowiedz się więcej", @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.description": "Generuj metody dostępu „get” i „set”.", "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.title": "Generuj metody dostępu", "codeActions.source.organizeImports.title": "Organizuj importy", - "configuration.expandableHover": "(Experimental) Enable/disable expanding on hover.", + "configuration.expandableHover": "(Eksperymentalne) Włącz/wyłącz rozwijanie po najechaniu kursorem.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.checkJs": "Włącz/wyłącz sprawdzanie semantyczne plików języka JavaScript. Istniejące pliki „jsconfig.json” lub „tsconfig.json” przesłaniają to ustawienie.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.experimentalDecorators": "Włącz/wyłącz parametr „experimentalDecorators” w plikach języka JavaScript, które nie są częścią projektu. Istniejące pliki „jsconfig.json” lub „tsconfig.json” przesłaniają to ustawienie.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.module": "Ustawia system modułów dla programu. Zobacz więcej: https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#module.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json index 10ac7db9ee..814da83025 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ "editor.experimental.asyncTokenization": "Określa, czy tokenizacja ma być wykonywana asynchronicznie w internetowym procesie roboczym.", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationLogging": "Określa, czy tokenizacja asynchronicznych ma być rejestrowana. Tylko do debugowania.", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationVerification": "Określa, czy tokenizacja asynchroniczna ma być weryfikowana względem starszej tokenizacji w tle. Może to spowolnić tokenizację. Tylko na potrzeby debugowania.", - "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "Controls whether tree sitter parsing should be turned on for specific languages. This will take precedence over `editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry` for the specified languages.", + "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "Określa, czy analizowanie generatora tree sitter powinno być włączone dla określonych języków. Będzie to mieć pierwszeństwo przed elementem „editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry” dla określonych języków.", "editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry": "Określa, czy analizowanie generatora tree sitter powinno być włączone i zbierane pod kątem telemetrii. Ustawienie „editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter” dla określonych języków będzie miało pierwszeństwo.", "editorConfigurationTitle": "Edytor", "hideUnchangedRegions.contextLineCount": "Określa, ile wierszy jest używanych jako kontekst podczas porównywania niezmienionych regionów.", @@ -2974,7 +2974,7 @@ "pid": "PID" }, "vs/code/electron-utility/sharedProcess/sharedProcessMain": { - "sharedLog": "Shared" + "sharedLog": "Współdzielony" }, "vs/code/node/cliProcessMain": { "cli": "Interfejs wiersza polecenia" @@ -5387,7 +5387,7 @@ "chat.clear.label": "Wyczyść wszystkie czaty w obszarze roboczym", "chat.history.label": "Pokaż czaty...", "chat.history.rename": "Zmień nazwę", - "chatWith": "Chat with Extension", + "chatWith": "Czat z rozszerzeniem", "currentChatLabel": "bieżące", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "Wyczyść historię wprowadzania", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "Fokus — dane wejściowe czatu", @@ -5398,7 +5398,7 @@ "more": "More...", "newChatTitle": "Tytuł nowego czatu", "openChat": "Otwórz czat", - "title4": "Chat" + "title4": "Czat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { "chat.newChat.label": "Nowy czat" @@ -5420,10 +5420,10 @@ "chatContext.notebook.kernelVariable": "Kernel Variable...", "chatContext.notebook.selectkernelVariable": "Select and Insert Kernel Variable", "chatContext.symbol": "Symbol...", - "imageFromClipboard": "Image from Clipboard", - "pastedImage": "Pasted Image", + "imageFromClipboard": "Obraz ze schowka", + "pastedImage": "Wklejony obraz", "workbench.action.chat.attachContext.label": "Dołącz kontekst", - "workbench.action.chat.attachFile.label": "Add File to Chat", + "workbench.action.chat.attachFile.label": "Dodaj plik do czatu", "workbench.action.chat.attachSelection.label": "Dodaj zaznaczenie do czatu" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatCopyActions": { @@ -5466,7 +5466,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatTitleActions": { "chat.remove.label": "Usuń żądanie i odpowiedź", - "chat.retry.label": "Retry", + "chat.retry.label": "Ponów próbę", "interactive.helpful.label": "Przydatne", "interactive.insertIntoNotebook.label": "Wstaw do notesu", "interactive.reportIssueForBug.label": "Zgłoś problem", @@ -5488,7 +5488,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Czat", - "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Controls whether the command center shows a menu for chat actions (requires {0}).", + "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Określa, czy w centrum poleceń jest wyświetlane menu akcji czatu (wymagane: {0}).", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Włącza automatyczne wykrywanie uczestnika czatu na potrzeby czatu panelowego.", "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "Kontroluje, czy pole wyboru jest wyświetlane, aby umożliwić użytkownikowi określenie, który niejawny kontekst jest dołączony do polecenia uczestnika czatu.", "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Włącza zmienne dla czatu edytora.", @@ -5522,7 +5522,7 @@ "chat.attachment3": "Dołączony kontekst, {0}.", "chat.fileAttachment3": "Dołączono: {0}.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "Dołączono: {0}. Wiersz {1} do wiersza {2}.", - "chat.imageAttachment": "Attached image, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachment": "Dołączony obraz, {0}", "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "Pominięto: {0}.", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "Pominięto: {0}. Wiersz {1} do wiersza {2}.", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "Częściowo dołączone: {0}.", @@ -5561,19 +5561,19 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatDragAndDrop": { "attach as context": "Attach {0} as Context", "file": "File", - "image": "Image" + "image": "Obraz" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingService": { "accept.allFiles": "Accept All", - "accept.file": "Accept", + "accept.file": "Akceptuj", "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Open Diffs", "chatEditing.startSession": "Start Editing Session", "chatEditing.startingSession": "Generating edits...", "chatEditing.stopSession": "Stop Editing Session", - "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", - "discard.file": "Discard", + "discard.allFiles": "Odrzuć wszystko", + "discard.file": "Odrzuć", "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Suggested Edits", - "open.file": "Open File" + "open.file": "Otwórz plik" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "Ikona etykiety edytora czatu.", @@ -5587,7 +5587,7 @@ "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "When enabled, shows a getting started experiments in the chat panel." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatImagePaste": { - "pastedImage": "Pasted Image" + "pastedImage": "Wklejony obraz" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInlineAnchorWidget": { "actions.attach.label": "Add File to Chat", @@ -5601,10 +5601,10 @@ "chat.attachment": "Dołączony kontekst, {0}", "chat.fileAttachment": "Dołączony plik, {0}", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Dołączony plik, {0}, wiersz {1} do wiersza {2}", - "chat.imageAttachment": "Attached image, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachment": "Dołączony obraz, {0}", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Wyślij do @{0}", - "chatEditingSessionOverview": "{0} files changed", - "chatEditingSessionOverview.oneFileChanged": "1 file changed", + "chatEditingSessionOverview": "Liczba zmienionych plików: {0}", + "chatEditingSessionOverview.oneFileChanged": "Zmieniono 1 plik", "chatInput": "Dane wejściowe czatu", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Dane wejściowe czatu, wpisz tutaj kod i naciśnij klawisz Enter, aby uruchomić. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, użyj polecenia Pomoc ułatwień dostępu czatu.", "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Więcej...", @@ -5692,8 +5692,8 @@ "chatEditApplied": "Wartość True (Prawda) po zastosowaniu edycji tekstu czatu.", "chatExtensionInvalid": "Wartość True (Prawda), jeśli zainstalowane rozszerzenie czatu jest nieprawidłowe i wymaga aktualizacji.", "chatIsEnabled": "Wartość True (Prawda), gdy czat jest włączony, ponieważ domyślny uczestnik czatu jest aktywowany za pomocą implementacji.", - "chatItemId": "The id of the chat item.", - "chatLastItemId": "The id of the last chat item.", + "chatItemId": "Identyfikator elementu czatu.", + "chatLastItemId": "Identyfikator ostatniego elementu czatu.", "chatModelsAreUserSelectable": "True when the chat model can be selected manually by the user.", "chatParticipantRegistered": "Wartość True (Prawda),, gdy domyślny uczestnik czatu jest zarejestrowany w panelu.", "chatParticipantSupportsModelPicker": "True when the current chat participant supports picking the model manually.", @@ -5740,7 +5740,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { "canBeInvokedManually": "Określa, czy to narzędzie może być wywoływane ręcznie przez użytkownika za pomocą środowiska użytkownika czatu.", "condition": "Warunek, który musi mieć wartość true, aby włączyć to narzędzie. Pamiętaj, że narzędzie może być nadal wywoływane przez inne rozszerzenie, nawet jeśli jego warunek „when” ma wartość false.", - "contentTypes": "The list of content types that this tool can return. It's required that tools support `text/plain`, and that is assumed even if not specified here. Another example could be the contentType exported by the `@vscode/prompt-tsx` library.", + "contentTypes": "Lista typów zawartości, które może zwrócić to narzędzie. Wymagane jest, aby narzędzia obsługiwały element `text/plain`. To założenie obowiązuje, nawet jeśli nie zostało tu wyszczególnione. Innym przykładem może być element contentType wyeksportowany przez bibliotekę `@vscode/prompt-tsx`.", "icon": "Ikona reprezentująca to narzędzie. Ścieżka pliku, obiekt ze ścieżkami plików dla motywów ciemnych i jasnych lub odwołanie do ikony motywu, takie jak „\\$(zap)”", "icon.dark": "Ścieżka ikony, gdy jest używany motyw ciemny", "icon.light": "Ścieżka ikony, gdy jest używany motyw jasny", @@ -6084,8 +6084,8 @@ "comments.collapseAll": "Zwiń wszystkie komentarze", "comments.expandAll": "Rozwiń wszystkie komentarze", "comments.expandUnresolved": "Rozwiń nierozpoznane komentarze", - "comments.focusCommand.error": "The cursor must be on a line with a comment to focus the comment", - "comments.focusCommentOnCurrentLine": "Focus Comment on Current Line", + "comments.focusCommand.error": "Aby przenieść fokus na komentarz, kursor musi znajdować się w wierszu z komentarzem.", + "comments.focusCommentOnCurrentLine": "Ustaw fokus na komentarzu w bieżącym wierszu", "comments.nextCommentingRange": "Przejdź do następnego zakresu komentowania", "comments.previousCommentedRange": "Go to Previous Commented Range", "comments.previousCommentingRange": "Przejdź do poprzedniego zakresu komentowania", @@ -6169,7 +6169,7 @@ "commentThread": "Wartość kontekstu wątku komentarzy", "commentThreadIsEmpty": "Ustaw, gdy wątek komentarzy nie ma komentarzy", "editorHasCommentingRange": "Czy aktywny edytor zawiera zakres komentowania", - "hasComment": "Whether the position at the active cursor has a comment", + "hasComment": "Określa, czy pozycja przy aktywnym kursorze ma komentarz", "hasCommentingProvider": "Określa, czy otwarty obszar roboczy zawiera komentarze, czy zakresy komentarzy.", "hasCommentingRange": "Określa, czy pozycja przy aktywnym kursorze ma zakres komentowania" }, @@ -6681,7 +6681,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/debugStatus": { "debugTarget": "Debuguj: {0}", - "selectAndStartDebug": "Select and Start Debug Configuration", + "selectAndStartDebug": "Wybierz i rozpocznij konfigurację debugowania", "status.debug": "Debugowanie" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/debugTaskRunner": { @@ -7331,9 +7331,9 @@ "workbench.extensions.action.addToWorkspaceFolderRecommendations": "Dodaj rozszerzenie do rekomendacji dla folderu obszaru roboczego", "workbench.extensions.action.addToWorkspaceIgnoredRecommendations": "Dodaj rozszerzenie do ignorowanych rekomendacji dla obszaru roboczego", "workbench.extensions.action.addToWorkspaceRecommendations": "Dodaj rozszerzenie do rekomendacji dla obszaru roboczego", - "workbench.extensions.action.changeAccountPreference": "Account Preferences", - "workbench.extensions.action.configure": "Settings", - "workbench.extensions.action.configureKeybindings": "Keyboard Shortcuts", + "workbench.extensions.action.changeAccountPreference": "Preferencje dotyczące konta", + "workbench.extensions.action.configure": "Ustawienia", + "workbench.extensions.action.configureKeybindings": "Skróty klawiaturowe", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtension": "Kopiuj", "workbench.extensions.action.copyExtensionId": "Kopiuj identyfikator rozszerzenia", "workbench.extensions.action.ignoreRecommendation": "Ignoruj rekomendację", @@ -8184,7 +8184,7 @@ "explorerSection": "Sekcja eksploratora: {0}", "refreshExplorer": "Odśwież eksplorator", "refreshExplorerMetadata": "Wymusza odświeżenie Eksploratora.", - "type to search files": "Type to search files" + "type to search files": "Wpisz, aby wyszukać pliki" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/views/explorerViewer": { "confirmMove": "Czy na pewno chcesz przenieść element „{0}” do „{1}”?", @@ -8304,7 +8304,7 @@ "moveToNextHunk": "Przejdź do następnej zmiany", "moveToPreviousHunk": "Przejdź do poprzedniej zmiany", "rerun": "Uruchom ponownie", - "run": "Editor Chat", + "run": "Editor Inline Chat", "showChanges": "Przełącz zmiany", "startInlineChat": "Ikona, która duplikuje czat wbudowany z paska narzędzi edytora.", "unstash": "Wznowienie ostatniego odrzuconego czatu w tekście", @@ -8356,6 +8356,7 @@ "inlineChatEditing": "Określa, czy użytkownik obecnie edytuje lub generuje kod na czacie wbudowanym", "inlineChatEmpty": "Określa, czy dane wejściowe edytora interakcyjnego są puste", "inlineChatFocused": "Określa, czy dane wejściowe edytora interakcyjnego są w fokusie", + "inlineChatHasPossible": "Whether a provider for inline chat exists and whether an editor for inline chat is open", "inlineChatHasProvider": "Określa, czy istnieje dostawca dla edytorów interakcyjnych", "inlineChatHasStashedSession": "Czy interaktywny edytor zachował sesję do szybkiego przywrócenia", "inlineChatInnerCursorEnd": "Czy kursor danych wejściowych edytora interaktywnego znajduje się na końcu danych wejściowych", @@ -10569,18 +10570,18 @@ "tunnel.preview": "Tunele zdalne są obecnie dostępne w wersji zapoznawczej. Zgłoś wszelkie problemy przy użyciu polecenia „Pomoc: Zgłoś problem”." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/replNotebook/browser/repl.contribution": { - "repl.execute": "Execute REPL input" + "repl.execute": "Wykonaj dane wejściowe środowiska REPL" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/replNotebook/browser/replEditorAccessibilityHelp": { - "replEditor.cellNavigation": "The up and down arrows will also move focus between previously executed items.", - "replEditor.execute": "The Execute command{0} will evaluate the expression in the input box.", - "replEditor.focusHistory": "The Focus History command{0} will move focus to the list of previously executed items.", - "replEditor.focusInOutput": "The Focus Output command{0} will set focus on the output when focused on a previously executed item.", - "replEditor.focusReplInput": "The Focus Input Editor command{0} will move focus to the REPL input box.", - "replEditor.overview": "You are in a REPL Editor which contains in input box to evaluate expressions and a list of previously executed expressions and their output." + "replEditor.cellNavigation": "Strzałki w górę i w dół będą również przenosić fokus między poprzednio wykonanymi elementami.", + "replEditor.execute": "Polecenie Execute{0} obliczy wyrażenie w polu wejściowym.", + "replEditor.focusHistory": "Polecenie Historia fokusu{0} przeniesie fokus na listę poprzednio wykonanych elementów.", + "replEditor.focusInOutput": "Polecenie Focus danych wyjściowych{0} ustawi fokus na danych wyjściowych, gdy fokus znajdzie się na wcześniej wykonanym elemencie.", + "replEditor.focusReplInput": "Polecenie Edytor wprowadzania fokusu{0} przeniesie fokus na pole wprowadzania REPL.", + "replEditor.overview": "Znajdujesz się w edytorze REPL, który zawiera pole wejściowe umożliwiające ocenę wyrażeń oraz listę wcześniej wykonanych wyrażeń i ich danych wyjściowych." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/replNotebook/browser/replEditorInput": { - "replEditorLabelIcon": "Icon of the REPL editor label." + "replEditorLabelIcon": "Ikona etykiety edytora środowiska REPL." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/sash/browser/sash.contribution": { "sashHoverDelay": "Steruje opóźnieniem informacji zwrotnej po najechaniu kursorem w milisekundach dla obszaru przeciągania między widokami/edytorami.", @@ -10640,7 +10641,7 @@ "inputMinLines": "Określa maksymalną liczbę wierszy, z których dane wejściowe będą automatycznie narastać.", "manageWorkspaceTrustAction": "Zarządzaj zaufaniem obszaru roboczego", "miViewSCM": "&&Kontrola źródła", - "no history items": "The selected source control provider does not have any source control history items.", + "no history items": "Wybrany dostawca kontroli źródła nie ma żadnych elementów historii kontroli źródła.", "no open repo": "Brak zarejestrowanych dostawców kontroli źródła.", "no open repo in an untrusted workspace": "Żaden z zarejestrowanych dostawców kontroli źródła nie działa w trybie ograniczonym.", "open in external terminal": "Otwórz w terminalu zewnętrznym", @@ -10982,7 +10983,7 @@ "searchFileMatches": "Znaleziono pliki w liczbie {0}", "searchFolderMatch.aiText.label": "{0} Results", "searchFolderMatch.other.label": "Inne pliki", - "searchFolderMatch.plainText.label": "Text Results", + "searchFolderMatch.plainText.label": "Wyniki tekstowe", "searchMatch": "Znaleziono {0} dopasowanie", "searchMatches": "Znaleziono dopasowania w liczbie {0}", "searchResultAria": "„{0}” w kolumnie {1} znaleziono {2}" @@ -13030,12 +13031,12 @@ "reset workspaces": "Resetowanie skojarzeń profilów obszaru roboczego" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfilesEditor": { - "activeProfile": "Active", + "activeProfile": "Aktywny", "addButton": "Add Folder", "addFolder": "Add Folder", "addFolderTitle": "Select Folders To Add", - "change profile": "Change Profile", - "changeIcon": "Click to change icon", + "change profile": "Zmień profil", + "changeIcon": "Kliknij, aby zmienić ikonę", "contents": "Contents", "contents source description": "Skonfiguruj źródło zawartości dla tego profilu\r\n", "copy description": "Kopiuj", @@ -13050,8 +13051,8 @@ "default description": "Użyj zawartość {0} z profilu domyślnego", "default info": "— *Domyślne:* użyj zawartości z profilu domyślnego\r\n", "default profile contents description": "Browse contents of this profile\r\n", - "defaultProfileIcon": "Icon cannot be changed for the default profile", - "defaultProfileName": "Name cannot be changed for the default profile", + "defaultProfileIcon": "Nie można zmienić ikony dla profilu domyślnego", + "defaultProfileName": "Nie można zmienić nazwy profilu domyślnego", "editIcon": "Icon for the edit folder icon in the profiles editor.", "empty profile": "Brak", "enable for current window": "Użyj tego profilu dla bieżącego okna", @@ -13082,7 +13083,7 @@ "none": "Brak", "none description": "Utwórz pustą zawartość {0}", "none info": "- *Brak:* utwórz pustą zawartość\r\n", - "open": "Open in New Window", + "open": "Otwórz w nowym oknie", "options": "Źródło", "pathColumnLabel": "Path", "profileExists": "Profil o nazwie {0} już istnieje.", @@ -13101,7 +13102,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfilesEditorModel": { "active": "Użyj tego profilu dla bieżącego okna", - "applyToAllProfiles": "Apply Extension to all Profiles", + "applyToAllProfiles": "Zastosuj rozszerzenie do wszystkich profilów", "cancel": "Anuluj", "copy from": "{0} (Kopiuj)", "copyFromProfile": "Duplikuj...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 6132a8de6b..7ae0743963 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "Allow": "Permitir", "Always": "Sempre", "An error occurred while renaming file": "Ocorreu um erro ao renomear o arquivo", - "Analyzing '{0}' and its dependencies": "Analyzing '{0}' and its dependencies", + "Analyzing '{0}' and its dependencies": "Analisando \"{0}\" e suas dependências", "Checking for update of JS/TS imports": "Verificando a atualização das importações JS/TS", "Configure Excludes": "Configurar Exclusões", "Configure jsconfig": "Configurar jsconfig.json", @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ "Go to Source Definition failed. Requires TypeScript 4.7+.": "Falha ao Ir para a Definição de origem. Requer TypeScript 4.7+.", "Go to Source Definition failed. Unknown file type.": "Falha ao ir para Definição de Origem. Tipo de arquivo desconhecido.", "Go to Source Definition failed. Unsupported file type.": "Falha ao ir para Definição de Origem. Tipo de arquivo sem suporte.", - "Initializing project '{0}'": "Initializing project '{0}'", + "Initializing project '{0}'": "Inicializando o projeto \"{0}\"", "JS/TS IntelliSense Status": "Status do IntelliSense JS/TS", "JSDoc comment": "Comentário do JSDoc", "Learn More": "Saiba mais", @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.description": "Gerar acessadores 'get' e 'set'", "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.title": "Gerar acessadores", "codeActions.source.organizeImports.title": "Organizar as Importações", - "configuration.expandableHover": "(Experimental) Enable/disable expanding on hover.", + "configuration.expandableHover": "(Experimental) Habilitar/desabilitar a expansão ao focalizar.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.checkJs": "Habilitar/desabilitar a verificação semântica de arquivos JavaScript. Os arquivos `jsconfig.json` ou `tsconfig.json` existentes substituem esta configuração.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.experimentalDecorators": "Habilitar/desabilitar os `experimentalDecorators` em arquivos JavaScript que não fazem parte de um projeto. Os arquivos `jsconfig.json` ou `tsconfig.json` existentes substituem esta configuração.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.module": "Define o sistema do módulo do programa. Ver mais: https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#module.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json index 4bdd867ab0..bc052160ef 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ "editor.experimental.asyncTokenization": "Controla se a geração de tokens deve ocorrer de forma assíncrona em uma função de trabalho.", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationLogging": "Controla se a geração de tokens assíncronos deve ser registrada. Somente para depuração.", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationVerification": "Controla se a tokenização assíncrona deve ser verificada em relação à tokenização em segundo plano herdada. Pode desacelerar a tokenização. Apenas para depuração.", - "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "Controls whether tree sitter parsing should be turned on for specific languages. This will take precedence over `editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry` for the specified languages.", + "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "Controla se a análise Tree Sitter deve ser ativada para idiomas específicos. Isso terá precedência sobre editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry para os idiomas especificados.", "editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry": "Controla se a análise da árvore deve ser ativada e a telemetria coletada. A configuração de `editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter` para idiomas específicos terá precedência.", "editorConfigurationTitle": "Editor", "hideUnchangedRegions.contextLineCount": "Controla quantas linhas são usadas como contexto ao comparar regiões inalteradas.", @@ -5387,7 +5387,7 @@ "chat.clear.label": "Limpar Todos os Chats do Workspace", "chat.history.label": "Mostrar Chats...", "chat.history.rename": "Renomear", - "chatWith": "Chat with Extension", + "chatWith": "Conversa com Extensão", "currentChatLabel": "atual", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "Limpar Histórico de Entrada", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "Foco na Entrada do Chat", @@ -5573,7 +5573,7 @@ "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", "discard.file": "Discard", "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Suggested Edits", - "open.file": "Open File" + "open.file": "Abrir arquivo" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "Ícone do rótulo do editor de chat.", @@ -8304,7 +8304,7 @@ "moveToNextHunk": "Mover para a Próxima Alteração", "moveToPreviousHunk": "Mover para a Alteração Anterior", "rerun": "Reexecutar", - "run": "Editor Chat", + "run": "Editor Inline Chat", "showChanges": "Alternar Alterações", "startInlineChat": "Ícone que gera o bate-papo embutido da barra de ferramentas do editor.", "unstash": "Retomar o Último Chat Embutido Ignorado", @@ -8356,6 +8356,7 @@ "inlineChatEditing": "Se o usuário está atualmente editando ou gerando código no chat embutido", "inlineChatEmpty": "Se a entrada do editor interativo está vazia", "inlineChatFocused": "Se a entrada do editor interativo está focada", + "inlineChatHasPossible": "Whether a provider for inline chat exists and whether an editor for inline chat is open", "inlineChatHasProvider": "Se existe um provedor para editores interativos", "inlineChatHasStashedSession": "Se o editor interativo tiver mantido uma sessão para restauração rápida", "inlineChatInnerCursorEnd": "Se o cursor da entrada do editor iterativo está no final da entrada", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/main.i18n.json index 974f2cd6ff..88aada9420 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -8304,7 +8304,7 @@ "moveToNextHunk": "Møvë tø Ñëxt Çhæñgë", "moveToPreviousHunk": "Møvë tø Prëvïøµs Çhæñgë", "rerun": "Rërµñ", - "run": "Ëðïtør Çhæt", + "run": "Ëðïtør Ïñlïñë Çhæt", "showChanges": "Tøgglë Çhæñgës", "startInlineChat": "Ïçøñ whïçh spæwñs thë ïñlïñë çhæt frøm thë ëðïtør tøølþær.", "unstash": "Rësµmë £æst Ðïsmïssëð Ïñlïñë Çhæt", @@ -8356,6 +8356,7 @@ "inlineChatEditing": "Whëthër thë µsër ïs çµrrëñtlÿ ëðïtïñg ør gëñërætïñg çøðë ïñ thë ïñlïñë çhæt", "inlineChatEmpty": "Whëthër thë ïñtëræçtïvë ëðïtør ïñpµt ïs ëmptÿ", "inlineChatFocused": "Whëthër thë ïñtëræçtïvë ëðïtør ïñpµt ïs føçµsëð", + "inlineChatHasPossible": "Whëthër æ prøvïðër før ïñlïñë çhæt ëxïsts æñð whëthër æñ ëðïtør før ïñlïñë çhæt ïs øpëñ", "inlineChatHasProvider": "Whëthër æ prøvïðër før ïñtëræçtïvë ëðïtørs ëxïsts", "inlineChatHasStashedSession": "Whëthër ïñtëræçtïvë ëðïtør hæs këpt æ sëssïøñ før qµïçk rëstørë", "inlineChatInnerCursorEnd": "Whëthër thë çµrsør øf thë ïtëræçtïvë ëðïtør ïñpµt ïs øñ thë ëñð øf thë ïñpµt", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index f726d9ffba..30749d4eb9 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.description": "Создать методы доступа get и set", "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.title": "Создать методы доступа", "codeActions.source.organizeImports.title": "Упорядочение импорта", - "configuration.expandableHover": "(Experimental) Enable/disable expanding on hover.", + "configuration.expandableHover": "(Экспериментально) Включать или отключать расширение при наведении.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.checkJs": "Включение или отключение семантической проверки файлов JavaScript. Этот параметр переопределяется файлом \"jsconfig.json\" или \"tsconfig.json\".", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.experimentalDecorators": "Включение или отключение параметра \"experimentalDecorators\" в файлах JavaScript, которые не являются частью проекта. Этот параметр переопределяется файлом \"jsconfig.json\" или \"tsconfig.json\".", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.module": "Задает систему модуля для программы. Дополнительные сведения: https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#module.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json index 56f7282e57..ebaf138b78 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ "editor.experimental.asyncTokenization": "Определяет, должна ли разметка происходить асинхронно в рабочей роли.", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationLogging": "Определяет, следует ли регистрировать асинхронную разметку. Только для отладки.", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationVerification": "Определяет, должна ли асинхронная разметка проверяться по отношению к устаревшей фоновой разметке. Может замедлить разметку. Только для отладки.", - "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "Controls whether tree sitter parsing should be turned on for specific languages. This will take precedence over `editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry` for the specified languages.", + "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "Определяет, следует ли включить синтаксический анализ tree sitter для определенных языков. Этот параметр имеет приоритет над параметром \"editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry\" для указанных языков.", "editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry": "Определяет, следует ли включить синтаксический анализ tree sitter и собирать данные телеметрии. Параметр \"editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter\" для определенных языков обладает приоритетом.", "editorConfigurationTitle": "Редактор", "hideUnchangedRegions.contextLineCount": "Определяет, сколько строк используется в качестве контекста при сравнении неизмененных областей.", @@ -1399,17 +1399,17 @@ "action.inlineSuggest.acceptNextWord": "Принять следующее слово встроенного предложения", "action.inlineSuggest.alwaysShowToolbar": "Всегда отображать панель инструментов", "action.inlineSuggest.hide": "Скрыть встроенное предложение", - "action.inlineSuggest.jump": "Jump to next inline edit", + "action.inlineSuggest.jump": "Перейти к следующей встроенной правке", "action.inlineSuggest.showNext": "Показывать следующее встроенное предложение", "action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious": "Показать предыдущее встроенное предложение", "action.inlineSuggest.trigger": "Активировать встроенное предложение", - "jump": "Jump" + "jump": "Перейти" }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/browser/controller/inlineCompletionContextKeys": { - "cursorAtInlineEdit": "Whether the cursor is at an inline edit", - "cursorInIndentation": "Whether the cursor is in indentation", - "editor.hasSelection": "Whether the editor has a selection", - "inlineEditVisible": "Whether an inline edit is visible", + "cursorAtInlineEdit": "Находится ли курсор на встроенной правке", + "cursorInIndentation": "Находится ли курсор в отступе", + "editor.hasSelection": "Есть ли в редакторе выделенный фрагмент", + "inlineEditVisible": "Видно ли встроенную правку", "inlineSuggestionHasIndentation": "Начинается ли встроенное предложение с пробела", "inlineSuggestionHasIndentationLessThanTabSize": "Проверяет, не является ли пробел перед встроенной рекомендацией короче, чем текст, вставляемый клавишей TAB", "inlineSuggestionVisible": "Отображается ли встроенное предложение", @@ -5387,7 +5387,7 @@ "chat.clear.label": "Очистить все чаты рабочей области", "chat.history.label": "Показать чаты...", "chat.history.rename": "Переименовать", - "chatWith": "Chat with Extension", + "chatWith": "Общаться в чате с использованием расширений", "currentChatLabel": "текущий", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "Очистить журнал входных данных", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "Фокус на вводе текста чата", @@ -5573,7 +5573,7 @@ "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", "discard.file": "Discard", "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Suggested Edits", - "open.file": "Open File" + "open.file": "Открыть файл" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "Значок метки редактора чата.", @@ -8304,7 +8304,7 @@ "moveToNextHunk": "Перейти к следующему изменению", "moveToPreviousHunk": "Перейти к предыдущему изменению", "rerun": "Запустить повторно", - "run": "Чат Редактора", + "run": "Editor Inline Chat", "showChanges": "Переключить изменения", "startInlineChat": "Значок, вызывающий встроенный чат на панели инструментов редактора.", "unstash": "Возобновить последний отклоненный встроенный чат", @@ -8356,6 +8356,7 @@ "inlineChatEditing": "Редактирует ли сейчас пользователь код или создает его во встроенном чате", "inlineChatEmpty": "Пусты ли входные данные интерактивного редактора", "inlineChatFocused": "Находятся ли входные данные интерактивного редактора в фокусе", + "inlineChatHasPossible": "Whether a provider for inline chat exists and whether an editor for inline chat is open", "inlineChatHasProvider": "Существует ли поставщик для интерактивных редакторов", "inlineChatHasStashedSession": "Сохранил ли интерактивный редактор сеанс для быстрого восстановления", "inlineChatInnerCursorEnd": "Находится ли курсор ввода интерактивного редактора в конце ввода", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index c3b32349dc..cfede70159 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "Allow": "İzin Ver", "Always": "Her zaman", "An error occurred while renaming file": "Dosya yeniden adlandırılırken bir hata oluştu", - "Analyzing '{0}' and its dependencies": "Analyzing '{0}' and its dependencies", + "Analyzing '{0}' and its dependencies": "'{0}' ve bağımlılıkları analiz ediliyor", "Checking for update of JS/TS imports": "JS/TS içeri aktarmalarının güncelleştirmesi denetleniyor", "Configure Excludes": "Dışlamaları Yapılandır", "Configure jsconfig": "jsconfig dosyasını yapılandır", @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ "Go to Source Definition failed. Requires TypeScript 4.7+.": "Kaynak Tanımına gitme işlemi başarısız oldu. TypeScript 4.7+ gerektiriyor.", "Go to Source Definition failed. Unknown file type.": "Kaynak Tanımına gitme işlemi başarısız oldu. Bilinmeyen dosya türü.", "Go to Source Definition failed. Unsupported file type.": "Kaynak Tanımına gitme işlemi başarısız oldu. Desteklenmeyen dosya türü.", - "Initializing project '{0}'": "Initializing project '{0}'", + "Initializing project '{0}'": "'{0}' projesi başlatılıyor", "JS/TS IntelliSense Status": "JS/TS IntelliSense Status", "JSDoc comment": "JSDoc yorumu", "Learn More": "Daha Fazla Bilgi", @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.description": "'get' ve 'set' erişimcilerini oluşturun", "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.title": "Erişimci üretme", "codeActions.source.organizeImports.title": "İçeri Aktarmaları Düzenle", - "configuration.expandableHover": "(Experimental) Enable/disable expanding on hover.", + "configuration.expandableHover": "(Deneysel) Üzerine gelindiğinde genişletmeyi etkinleştir/devre dışı bırak.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.checkJs": "JavaScript dosyalarının anlamsal denetimini etkinleştirin/devre dışı bırakın. Mevcut `jsconfig.json` veya `tsconfig.json` dosyaları bu ayarı geçersiz kılar.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.experimentalDecorators": "Bir projenin parçası olmayan JavaScript dosyalarında `experimentalDecorators` seçeneğini etkinleştirin/devre dışı bırakın. Mevcut `jsconfig.json` veya `tsconfig.json` dosyaları bu ayarı geçersiz kılar.", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.module": "Programın modül sistemini ayarlar. Daha fazla bilgi: https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#module.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json index 12f0c04743..172c8b6144 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ "vs/base/browser/ui/tree/abstractTree": { "close": "Kapat", "filter": "Filtre", - "foundResults": "{0} results", + "foundResults": "{0} sonuç", "fuzzySearch": "Benzer Öğe Eşleşmesi", "not found": "No results found.", "replFindNoResults": "Sonuç yok", @@ -192,13 +192,13 @@ "editor": "editor" }, "vs/editor/browser/controller/editContext/screenReaderUtils": { - "accessibilityModeOff": "The editor is not accessible at this time.", - "accessibilityOffAriaLabel": "{0} To enable screen reader optimized mode, use {1}", - "accessibilityOffAriaLabelNoKb": "{0} To enable screen reader optimized mode, open the quick pick with {1} and run the command Toggle Screen Reader Accessibility Mode, which is currently not triggerable via keyboard.", - "accessibilityOffAriaLabelNoKbs": "{0} Please assign a keybinding for the command Toggle Screen Reader Accessibility Mode by accessing the keybindings editor with {1} and run it." + "accessibilityModeOff": "Düzenleyiciye şu anda erişilemiyor.", + "accessibilityOffAriaLabel": "{0} Ekran okuyucu için iyileştirilmiş modu etkinleştirmek için şunu kullanın{1}", + "accessibilityOffAriaLabelNoKb": "{0} Ekran okuyucu için iyileştirilmiş modu etkinleştirmek için {1} ile hızlı seçimi açın ve şu anda klavye aracılığıyla tetiklenemeyen Ekran Okuyucusu Erişilebilirlik Modunu Aç/Kapat komutunu çalıştırın.", + "accessibilityOffAriaLabelNoKbs": "{0} Lütfen tuş bağlamaları düzenleyicisine erişerek Ekran Okuyucusu Erişilebilirlik Modunu Aç/Kapat komutu için bir tuş bağlaması atayın {1} ve çalıştırın." }, "vs/editor/browser/controller/editContext/textArea/textAreaEditContext": { - "editor": "editor" + "editor": "düzenleyici" }, "vs/editor/browser/coreCommands": { "removedCursor": "İkincil imleçler kaldırıldı", @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ "undo": "Geri Al" }, "vs/editor/browser/gpu/viewGpuContext": { - "editor.dom.render": "Use DOM-based rendering" + "editor.dom.render": "DOM tabanlı işleme kullan" }, "vs/editor/browser/services/hoverService/hoverWidget": { "hoverhint": "Fareyle üzerine gelmek için {0} tuşunu basılı tutun" @@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ "multiDiffEditor.headerBackground": "Fark düzenleyicisinin üst bilgi arka plan rengi" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/multiDiffEditor/multiDiffEditorWidgetImpl": { - "loading": "Loading...", + "loading": "Yükleniyor...", "noChangedFiles": "Değiştirilen Dosya Yok" }, "vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": { @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ "editor.experimental.asyncTokenization": "Belirteçlere ayırmanın bir çalışanda asenkron olarak gerçekleşip gerçekleşmeyeceğini kontrol eder.", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationLogging": "Zaman uyumsuz belirteç ayırma işleminin günlüğe kaydedilip kaydedilmemesi gerektiğini denetler. Yalnızca hata ayıklama için kullanılır.", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationVerification": "Zaman uyumsuz belirteçlere ayırmanın eski arka plan belirteçlere ayırmaya göre doğrulanıp doğrulanmayacağını denetler. Belirteçlere ayırmayı yavaşlatabilir. Yalnızca hata ayıklama içindir.", - "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "Controls whether tree sitter parsing should be turned on for specific languages. This will take precedence over `editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry` for the specified languages.", + "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "Tree sitter ayrıştırma özelliğinin belirli diller için açılmasının gerekip gerekmediğini denetler. Bu, belirtilen diller için `editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry` öğesine göre öncelik kazanır.", "editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry": "Ağaç görüntüleyicisi ayrıştırma özelliğinin açılmasının ve telemetri toplanmasının gerekip gerekmediğini denetler. Belirli dillerde `editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter` ayarı önceliklidir.", "editorConfigurationTitle": "Düzenleyici", "hideUnchangedRegions.contextLineCount": "Değiştirilmemiş bölgeler karşılaştırılırken bağlam olarak kaç satırın kullanıldığını kontrol eder.", @@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ "editorViewAccessibleLabel": "Düzenleyici içeriği", "emptySelectionClipboard": "Seçmeden kopyalamanın geçerli satırı mı kopyalayacağını denetler.", "enabled": "Düzenleyicide Code Action ampulünü etkinleştirir.", - "experimentalEditContextEnabled": "Sets whether the new experimental edit context should be used instead of the text area.", + "experimentalEditContextEnabled": "Metin kutusu yerine yeni deneysel düzenleme bağlamının kullanılması gerekip gerekmediğini belirler.", "experimentalWhitespaceRendering": "Boşluğun yeni, deneysel metotla işlenip işlenmeyeceğini belirler.", "experimentalWhitespaceRendering.font": "Yazı tipi karakterlerini içeren yeni işleme yöntemini kullanın.", "experimentalWhitespaceRendering.off": "Kararlı işleme yöntemini kullanın.", @@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ "inlayHints.enable": "Düzenleyicideki dolgu ipuçlarını etkinleştirir.", "inlayHints.fontFamily": "Düzenleyicideki dolgu ipuçlarının yazı tipi boyutunu denetler. Boş olarak ayarlandığında {0} değeri kullanılır.", "inlayHints.fontSize": "Düzenleyicideki yerleşik ipuçlarının yazı tipi boyutunu denetler. Ayarlanan değer{1} rakamından küçük veya düzenleyici yazı tipi boyutundan büyükse, varsayılan olarak {0} kullanılır.", - "inlayHints.maximumLength": "Maximum overall length of inlay hints, for a single line, before they get truncated by the editor. Set to `0` to never truncate", + "inlayHints.maximumLength": "Düzenleyici tarafından kesilmeden önce tek bir satır için toplam inlay ipucu uzunluğu üst sınırı. Hiçbir zaman kesilmemesi için '0' olarak ayarla", "inlayHints.padding": "Düzenleyicideki yerleşik ipuçları çevresindeki doldurmayı etkinleştirir.", "inline": "Hızlı öneriler hayalet metin olarak görünür", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "Bir satır içi tamamlama gösterildiğinde ekran okuyucu kullanıcılarına erişilebilirlik ipucunun sağlanmasının gerekip gerek olmadığını kontrol eder.", @@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ "inlineSuggest.showToolbar.never": "Satır içi öneri araç çubuğunu hiçbir zaman gösterme.", "inlineSuggest.showToolbar.onHover": "Bir satır içi önerinin üzerine gelindiğinde satır içi öneri araç çubuğunu göster.", "inlineSuggest.suppressSuggestions": "Satır içi önerilerin öneri pencere öğesiyle nasıl etkileşim kurduğunu denetler. Etkinleştirilirse, satır içi öneriler kullanılabilir olduğunda öneri pencere öğesi otomatik olarak gösterilmez.", - "inlineSuggest.syntaxHighlightingEnabled": "Controls whether to show syntax highlighting for inline suggestions in the editor.", + "inlineSuggest.syntaxHighlightingEnabled": "Satır içi öneriler için söz dizimi vurgulamanın düzenleyicide gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini denetler.", "letterSpacing": "Piksel cinsinden harf aralığını denetler.", "lineHeight": "Satır yüksekliğini kontrol eder. \r\n - Satır yüksekliğini yazı tipi boyutundan otomatik olarak hesaplamak için 0 değerini kullanın.\r\n - 0 ile 8 arasındaki değerler, yazı tipi boyutuyla çarpan olarak kullanılır.\r\n - 8 ve daha büyük değerler etkin değerler olarak kullanılır.", "lineNumbers": "Satır numaralarının görüntülenmesini denetler.", @@ -2101,11 +2101,11 @@ "errorDeleting": "'{1}' uzantısı yüklenirken mevcut '{0}' klasörü silinemiyor. Lütfen klasörü el ile silip yeniden deneyin", "incompatible": "VS Code '{1}' ile uyumlu olmadığından '{0}' uzantısı yüklenemiyor.", "invalidManifest": "Market ile bildirim uyumsuzluğu nedeniyle '{0}' uzantısı yüklenemiyor", - "not signed": "Extension is not signed.", + "not signed": "Uzantı imzalanmadı.", "removeError": "{0} uzantısı kaldırılırken hata oluştu. Yeniden denemeden önce lütfen VS Code'u kapatıp tekrar başlatın.", "restartCode": "{0} öğesini yeniden yüklemeden önce lütfen VS Code'u yeniden başlatın.", - "signature verification failed": "Signature verification failed with '{0}' error.", - "signature verification not executed": "Signature verification was not executed." + "signature verification failed": "İmza doğrulaması '{0}' hatasıyla başarısız oldu.", + "signature verification not executed": "İmza doğrulaması yürütülmedi." }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/node/extensionManagementUtil": { "invalidManifest": "VSIX geçersiz: package.json bir JSON dosyası değil." @@ -2974,7 +2974,7 @@ "pid": "PID" }, "vs/code/electron-utility/sharedProcess/sharedProcessMain": { - "sharedLog": "Shared" + "sharedLog": "Paylaşılan" }, "vs/code/node/cliProcessMain": { "cli": "CLI" @@ -3289,7 +3289,7 @@ "workspace": "Çalışma Alanı" }, "vs/workbench/browser/actions/helpActions": { - "getStartedWithAccessibilityFeatures": "Get Started with Accessibility Features", + "getStartedWithAccessibilityFeatures": "Erişilebilirlik Özelliklerini Kullanmaya Başlayın", "keybindingsReference": "Klavye Kısayolları Başvurusu", "miDocumentation": "&&Belgeler", "miKeyboardShortcuts": "&&Klavye Kısayolları Başvurusu", @@ -4428,7 +4428,7 @@ "openFoldersInNewWindow": "Controls whether folders should open in a new window or replace the last active window.\r\nNote that there can still be cases where this setting is ignored (e.g. when using the `--new-window` or `--reuse-window` command line option).", "panelDefaultLocation": "Yeni bir çalışma alanında panelin varsayılan konumunu (Terminal, Hata Ayıklama Konsolu, Çıktı, Sorunlar) kontrol eder. Düzenleyici alanının altında, üstünde, sağında veya solunda gösterilebilir.", "panelOpensMaximized": "Panelin ekranı kaplayacak şekilde açılıp açılmayacağını denetler. Ekranı kaplamış olarak açabilir, hiçbir zaman ekranı kaplayacak şekilde açılmayabilir veya kapatılmadan önceki son durumunda açılabilir.", - "panelShowLabel": "Controls whether activity items in the panel title are shown as label or icon.", + "panelShowLabel": "Panel başlığındaki etkinlik öğelerinin etiket veya simge olarak gösterilip gösterilmediğini denetler.", "perEditorGroup": "Açık düzenleyici sayısı üst sınırının düzenleyici grubu başına veya tüm düzenleyici gruplarına uygulanıp uygulanmayacağını denetler.", "pinnedTabSizing": "Sabitlenmiş düzenleyici sekmelerinin yüksekliğini denetler. Sabitlenmiş sekmeler tüm açık sekmelerin başında sıralanmıştır ve genellikle sabitlemeleri kaldırılana kadar kapanmaz. {0}, {1} olarak ayarlanmadığında bu değer yok sayılır.", "preserveInput": "Komut paletine son yazılan girişin, paletin bir sonraki açılışında geri yüklenip yüklenmeyeceğini denetler.", @@ -5387,7 +5387,7 @@ "chat.clear.label": "Tüm Çalışma Alanı Sohbetlerini Temizle", "chat.history.label": "Sohbetleri Göster...", "chat.history.rename": "Yeniden adlandır", - "chatWith": "Chat with Extension", + "chatWith": "Uzantı ile Sohbet Et", "currentChatLabel": "geçerli", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "Giriş Geçmişini Temizle", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "Odak Sohbet Girişi", @@ -5398,7 +5398,7 @@ "more": "More...", "newChatTitle": "Yeni sohbet başlığı", "openChat": "Sohbeti Aç", - "title4": "Chat" + "title4": "Sohbet" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatClearActions": { "chat.newChat.label": "Yeni Sohbet" @@ -5420,10 +5420,10 @@ "chatContext.notebook.kernelVariable": "Kernel Variable...", "chatContext.notebook.selectkernelVariable": "Select and Insert Kernel Variable", "chatContext.symbol": "Sembol...", - "imageFromClipboard": "Image from Clipboard", - "pastedImage": "Pasted Image", + "imageFromClipboard": "Panodan Resim", + "pastedImage": "Yapıştırılan Resim", "workbench.action.chat.attachContext.label": "Bağlam Ekle", - "workbench.action.chat.attachFile.label": "Add File to Chat", + "workbench.action.chat.attachFile.label": "Dosyayı Sohbete Ekle", "workbench.action.chat.attachSelection.label": "Seçimi Sohbete Ekle" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatCopyActions": { @@ -5466,7 +5466,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatTitleActions": { "chat.remove.label": "İsteği Kaldır ve Yanıtla", - "chat.retry.label": "Retry", + "chat.retry.label": "Yeniden dene", "interactive.helpful.label": "Yardımcı oldu", "interactive.insertIntoNotebook.label": "Not Defterine Ekle", "interactive.reportIssueForBug.label": "Sorun Raporla", @@ -5488,7 +5488,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Sohbet", - "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Controls whether the command center shows a menu for chat actions (requires {0}).", + "chat.commandCenter.enabled": "Komuta merkezinin sohbet eylemleri için bir menü gösterip göstermediğini kontrol eder ({0} gerekli).", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Panel sohbeti için sohbet katılımcısını otomatik algılamayı etkinleştirir.", "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "Kullanıcının, sohbet katılımcısının istemine hangi örtülü bağlamın dahil edildiğini belirlemesine olanak tanıyan bir onay kutusunun gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini kontrol eder.", "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Düzenleyici sohbeti değişkenlerini sağlar.", @@ -5522,7 +5522,7 @@ "chat.attachment3": "Eklenen bağlam: {0}.", "chat.fileAttachment3": "Eklendi: {0}.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "Eklendi: {0}, satır {1} - satır {2}.", - "chat.imageAttachment": "Attached image, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachment": "Eklenen resim, {0}", "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "Atlandı: {0}.", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "Atlandı: {0}, satır {1}- satır {2}.", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "Kısmen eklendi: {0}.", @@ -5561,19 +5561,19 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatDragAndDrop": { "attach as context": "Attach {0} as Context", "file": "File", - "image": "Image" + "image": "Görüntü" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingService": { "accept.allFiles": "Accept All", - "accept.file": "Accept", + "accept.file": "Kabul Et", "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Open Diffs", "chatEditing.startSession": "Start Editing Session", "chatEditing.startingSession": "Generating edits...", "chatEditing.stopSession": "Stop Editing Session", - "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", - "discard.file": "Discard", + "discard.allFiles": "Tümünü At", + "discard.file": "At", "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Suggested Edits", - "open.file": "Open File" + "open.file": "Dosyayı Aç" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "Sohbet düzenleyicisi etiketinin simgesi.", @@ -5587,7 +5587,7 @@ "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "When enabled, shows a getting started experiments in the chat panel." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatImagePaste": { - "pastedImage": "Pasted Image" + "pastedImage": "Yapıştırılan Resim" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInlineAnchorWidget": { "actions.attach.label": "Add File to Chat", @@ -5601,10 +5601,10 @@ "chat.attachment": "Ekli bağlam, {0}", "chat.fileAttachment": "Ekli dosya, {0}", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Ekli dosya, {0}, satır {1} - satır {2}", - "chat.imageAttachment": "Attached image, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachment": "Eklenen resim, {0}", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "@{0} kullanıcısına gönder", - "chatEditingSessionOverview": "{0} files changed", - "chatEditingSessionOverview.oneFileChanged": "1 file changed", + "chatEditingSessionOverview": "{0} dosya değiştirildi", + "chatEditingSessionOverview.oneFileChanged": "1 dosya değiştirildi", "chatInput": "Sohbet Girişi", "chatInput.accessibilityHelpNoKb": "Sohbet Girişi, Kodu buraya yazın ve çalıştırmak için Enter tuşuna basın. Daha fazla bilgi için Sohbet Erişilebilirlik Yardımı komutunu kullanın.", "notebook.moreExecuteActionsLabel": "Diğer...", @@ -5692,8 +5692,8 @@ "chatEditApplied": "Sohbet metni düzenlemeleri uygulandığında true olur.", "chatExtensionInvalid": "Yüklü sohbet uzantısı geçersiz olduğunda ve güncelleştirilmesi gerektiğinde true.", "chatIsEnabled": "Bir uygulama ile varsayılan bir sohbet katılımcısı etkinleştirildiği için sohbet etkinleştirildiğinde true.", - "chatItemId": "The id of the chat item.", - "chatLastItemId": "The id of the last chat item.", + "chatItemId": "Sohbet öğesinin kimliği.", + "chatLastItemId": "Son sohbet öğesinin kimliği.", "chatModelsAreUserSelectable": "True when the chat model can be selected manually by the user.", "chatParticipantRegistered": "Panel için varsayılan bir sohbet katılımcısı kaydedildiğinde true.", "chatParticipantSupportsModelPicker": "True when the current chat participant supports picking the model manually.", @@ -5740,7 +5740,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { "canBeInvokedManually": "Bu aracın kullanıcı tarafından sohbet UX'i aracılığıyla el ile çağrılıp çağrılamayacağı.", "condition": "Bu aracın etkinleştirilmesi için true olması gereken koşul. Bir aracın `when` koşulu yanlış olsa bile başka bir uzantı tarafından çağrılabileceğini unutmayın.", - "contentTypes": "The list of content types that this tool can return. It's required that tools support `text/plain`, and that is assumed even if not specified here. Another example could be the contentType exported by the `@vscode/prompt-tsx` library.", + "contentTypes": "Bu aracın döndürebileceği içerik türlerinin listesi. Araçların `text/plain`i desteklemesi gerekir ve burada belirtilmese bile bu varsayılır. Başka bir örnek, `@vscode/prompt-tsx` kitaplığı tarafından dışa aktarılan contentType olabilir.", "icon": "Bu aracı temsil eden bir simge. Ya bir dosya yolu, koyu ve açık temalar için dosya yollarına sahip bir nesne ya da `\\$(zap)` gibi bir tema simgesi başvurusu", "icon.dark": "Koyu bir tema kullanıldığında simge yolu", "icon.light": "Açık bir tema kullanıldığında simge yolu", @@ -6084,8 +6084,8 @@ "comments.collapseAll": "Tüm Açıklamaları Daralt", "comments.expandAll": "Tüm Açıklamaları Genişlet", "comments.expandUnresolved": "Çözülmemiş Açıklamaları Genişlet", - "comments.focusCommand.error": "The cursor must be on a line with a comment to focus the comment", - "comments.focusCommentOnCurrentLine": "Focus Comment on Current Line", + "comments.focusCommand.error": "İmleç, yoruma odaklanmak için yorum içeren bir satırda olmalıdır", + "comments.focusCommentOnCurrentLine": "Geçerli Satırda Yoruma Odaklan", "comments.nextCommentingRange": "Sonraki Açıklama Aralığına Git", "comments.previousCommentedRange": "Go to Previous Commented Range", "comments.previousCommentingRange": "Önceki Yorum Aralığına Git", @@ -6169,7 +6169,7 @@ "commentThread": "Açıklama yazışmasının bağlam değeri", "commentThreadIsEmpty": "Açıklama yazışması açıklamaya sahip değilken ayarla", "editorHasCommentingRange": "Aktif düzenleyicinin yorum yapma aralığının olup olmadığı", - "hasComment": "Whether the position at the active cursor has a comment", + "hasComment": "Etkin imleç konumunda yorum olup olmadığını belirtir", "hasCommentingProvider": "Açık çalışma alanında açıklamalar veya açıklama aralıkları olup olmadığını belirtir.", "hasCommentingRange": "Etkin imleç konumunda yorum aralığı olup olmamasını belirtir" }, @@ -8184,7 +8184,7 @@ "explorerSection": "Gezgin Bölümü: {0}", "refreshExplorer": "Gezgini Yenile", "refreshExplorerMetadata": "Gezgin'in yenilenmesini zorlar.", - "type to search files": "Type to search files" + "type to search files": "Dosyaları aramak için yazın" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/views/explorerViewer": { "confirmMove": "'{0}' öğesini '{1}' içine taşımak istediğinizden emin misiniz?", @@ -8304,7 +8304,7 @@ "moveToNextHunk": "Sonraki Değişikliğe Taşı", "moveToPreviousHunk": "Önceki Değişikliğe Taşı", "rerun": "Yeniden çalıştır", - "run": "Editor Chat", + "run": "Editor Inline Chat", "showChanges": "Değişiklikleri Aç/Kapat", "startInlineChat": "Düzenleyici araç çubuğundan satır içi sohbeti başlatan simge.", "unstash": "Son Kapatılan Satır İçi Sohbeti Sürdür", @@ -8356,6 +8356,7 @@ "inlineChatEditing": "Kullanıcının şu anda satır içi sohbette kodu düzenlediğini mi yoksa kod oluşturduğunu mu belirtir", "inlineChatEmpty": "Etkileşimli düzenleyici girişinin boş olup olmadığı", "inlineChatFocused": "Etkileşimli düzenleyici girişinin odaklanıp odaklanmadığı", + "inlineChatHasPossible": "Whether a provider for inline chat exists and whether an editor for inline chat is open", "inlineChatHasProvider": "Etkileşimli düzenleyiciler için bir sağlayıcı olup olmadığı", "inlineChatHasStashedSession": "Etkileşimli düzenleyicinin bir oturumu hızlı geri yükleme için tutup tutmadığı", "inlineChatInnerCursorEnd": "Yinelemeli düzenleyici girişinin imlecinin girişin sonunda olup olmadığı", @@ -10569,18 +10570,18 @@ "tunnel.preview": "Uzak Tüneller şu anda önizleme aşamasındadır. Lütfen herhangi bir sorunu \"Yardım: Sorun Bildir\" komutunu kullanarak bildirin." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/replNotebook/browser/repl.contribution": { - "repl.execute": "Execute REPL input" + "repl.execute": "REPL girişini yürüt" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/replNotebook/browser/replEditorAccessibilityHelp": { - "replEditor.cellNavigation": "The up and down arrows will also move focus between previously executed items.", - "replEditor.execute": "The Execute command{0} will evaluate the expression in the input box.", - "replEditor.focusHistory": "The Focus History command{0} will move focus to the list of previously executed items.", - "replEditor.focusInOutput": "The Focus Output command{0} will set focus on the output when focused on a previously executed item.", - "replEditor.focusReplInput": "The Focus Input Editor command{0} will move focus to the REPL input box.", - "replEditor.overview": "You are in a REPL Editor which contains in input box to evaluate expressions and a list of previously executed expressions and their output." + "replEditor.cellNavigation": "Yukarı ve aşağı oklar, odağı daha önce yürütülen öğeler arasında da kaydırır.", + "replEditor.execute": "Yürüt komutu{0} giriş kutusundaki ifadeyi değerlendirir.", + "replEditor.focusHistory": "Geçmişe Odaklan komutu{0}, odağı önceden yürütülen öğeler listesine taşır.", + "replEditor.focusInOutput": "Çıkışa Odaklan komutu{0} daha önce yürütülen bir öğeye odaklanıldığında odağı çıkışa ayarlar.", + "replEditor.focusReplInput": "Giriş Düzenleyicisine Odaklan komutu{0}, odağı REPL giriş kutusuna taşır.", + "replEditor.overview": "İfadeleri değerlendirmek için bir giriş kutusunun yanı sıra önceden yürütülen ifadelerin ve bunların çıkışlarının listesini içeren bir REPL Düzenleyicisi'ndesiniz." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/replNotebook/browser/replEditorInput": { - "replEditorLabelIcon": "Icon of the REPL editor label." + "replEditorLabelIcon": "REPL düzenleyicisi etiketinin simgesi." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/sash/browser/sash.contribution": { "sashHoverDelay": "Görünümler/düzenleyiciler arasındaki sürükleme alanının üzerine gelme geri bildirimi gecikmesini milisaniye cinsinden denetler.", @@ -13296,8 +13297,8 @@ "dialogClose": "İletişim Kutusunu Kapat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted": { - "acessibleViewHint": "Inspect this in the accessible view ({0}).\r\n", - "acessibleViewHintNoKbOpen": "Inspect this in the accessible view via the command Open Accessible View which is currently not triggerable via keybinding.\r\n", + "acessibleViewHint": "Bunu erişilebilir görünümde inceleyin ({0}).\r\n", + "acessibleViewHintNoKbOpen": "Şu anda tuş bağlama ile tetiklenemeyen Erişilebilir Görünümü Aç komutu aracılığıyla bu öğeyi erişilebilir görünümde inceleyin.\r\n", "allDone": "Tamamlandı Olarak İşaretle", "checkboxTitle": "İşaretlendiğinde, bu sayfa başlangıçta gösterilir.", "close": "Gizle", @@ -13307,7 +13308,7 @@ "gettingStarted.editingEvolved": "Düzenleme gelişti", "gettingStarted.keyboardTip": "İpucu: Klavye kısayolunu kullanın", "gettingStarted.someStepsComplete": "{0} / {1} adım tamamlandı", - "goBack": "Go Back", + "goBack": "Geri Dön", "imageShowing": "{0} gösteren görüntü", "new": "Yeni", "newItems": "Güncelleştirildi", @@ -13350,9 +13351,9 @@ "workspacePlatform": "Uzak veya sunucusuz bağlamlardaki UI platformundan farklı olabilecek geçerli çalışma alanının platformu" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedAccessibleView": { - "gettingStarted.description": "Description: {0}", - "gettingStarted.step": "Step {0}: {1}\r\nDescription: {2}", - "gettingStarted.title": "Title: {0}" + "gettingStarted.description": "Açıklama: {0}", + "gettingStarted.step": "Adım {0}: {1}\r\nAçıklama: {2}", + "gettingStarted.title": "Başlık: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedColors": { "walkthrough.stepTitle.foreground": "Her kılavuz adımı başlığının ön plan rengi", @@ -13429,12 +13430,12 @@ "getting-started-setup-icon": "Giriş sayfasının kurulum kategorisi için kullanılan simge", "gettingStarted.accessibilityHelp.description.interpolated": "Erişilebilirlik yardım iletişim kutusu, bir özellikten nelerin bekleneceği ve bunları çalıştırmak için gereken komutlar/anahtar bağları hakkında bilgi sağlar.\r\n Odak bir düzenleyicide, terminalde, not defterinde, sohbet yanıtında, yorumda veya hata ayıklama konsolundayken, ilgili iletişim kutusu Erişilebilirlik Yardımını Aç komutuyla açılabilir.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.accessibilityHelp.title": "Özellikler hakkında bilgi edinmek için erişilebilirlik yardım iletişim kutusunu kullanın", - "gettingStarted.accessibilitySettings.description.interpolated": "Accessibility settings can be configured by running the Open Accessibility Settings command.\r\n{0}", - "gettingStarted.accessibilitySettings.title": "Configure accessibility settings", + "gettingStarted.accessibilitySettings.description.interpolated": "Erişilebilirlik ayarları, Erişilebilirlik Ayarlarını Aç komutu çalıştırılarak yapılandırılabilir.\r\n{0}", + "gettingStarted.accessibilitySettings.title": "Erişilebilirlik ayarlarını yapılandırın", "gettingStarted.accessibilitySignals.description.interpolated": "Erişilebilirlik sesleri ve duyurular farklı olaylar için çalışma ekranı etrafında oynatılır.\r\n Bunlar Sinyal Seslerini Listele ve Sinyal Duyurularını Listele komutları kullanılarak bulunabilir ve yapılandırılabilir.\r\n{0}\r\n{1}", "gettingStarted.accessibilitySignals.title": "Ses veya braille cihazı aracılığıyla almak istediğiniz erişilebilirlik sinyalleri için hassas ayarlamaları yapın", "gettingStarted.accessibleView.description.interpolated": "Erişilebilir görünüm terminal, üzerine gelmeler, bildirimler, yorumlar, not defteri çıktısı, sohbet yanıtları, satır içi tamamlamalar ve hata ayıklama konsolu çıktısı için kullanılabilir.\r\n Odak bu özelliklerden herhangi birindeyken, Erişilebilir Görünümü Aç komutuyla açılabilir.\r\n{0}", - "gettingStarted.accessibleView.title": "Screen reader users can inspect content line by line, character by character in the accessible view.", + "gettingStarted.accessibleView.title": "Ekran okuyucu kullanıcıları, erişilebilir görünümde içeriği satır satır, karakter karakter inceleyebilir.", "gettingStarted.beginner.description": "En temel özelliklere ilişkin genel bakış edinin", "gettingStarted.beginner.title": "Temelleri Öğrenin", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.description.interpolated": "Katlamayı Aç/Kapat komutuyla bir kod bölümünü katlayabilir veya o kod bölümünün katlamasını açabilirsiniz.\r\n{0}\r\n Katlamayı Aç/Kapat Komutuyla özyinelemeli katlama veya katlama açma gerçekleştirin\r\n{1}\r\n", @@ -13490,8 +13491,8 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.OpenFolderWeb.description.interpolated": "Kodlamaya başlamaya hazırsınız. Dosyalarınızı VS Code’a almak için yerel bir proje veya uzak bir depo açabilirsiniz.\r\n{0}\r\n{1}", "gettingStarted.setup.description": "Düzenleyicinizi özelleştirin, temel bilgileri öğrenin ve kodlamaya başlayın", "gettingStarted.setup.title": "VS Code Kullanmaya Başlayın", - "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.description": "Learn the tools and shortcuts that make VS Code accessible. Note that some actions are not actionable from within the context of the walkthrough.", - "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.title": "Get Started with Accessibility Features", + "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.description": "VS Code uygulamasını erişilebilir kılan araçları ve kısa yolları öğrenin. Bazı eylemlerin kılavuz bağlamından gerçekleştirilemeyeceğini unutmayın.", + "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.title": "Erişilebilirlik Özelliklerini Kullanmaya Başlayın", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "Düzenleyicinizi özelleştirin, temel bilgileri öğrenin ve kodlamaya başlayın", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "Web için VS Code Kullanmaya Başlayın", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "Sık kullandığınız komutları keşfettikten sonra, anında erişim için özel klavye kısayolları oluşturun.\r\n{0}", @@ -13510,7 +13511,7 @@ "gettingStarted.topLevelRemoteOpen.title": "Bağlan...", "gettingStarted.topLevelShowWalkthroughs.description": "Düzenleyicide veya bir uzantıda bir kılavuz görüntüleyin", "gettingStarted.topLevelShowWalkthroughs.title": "Bir Kılavuz Açın...", - "gettingStarted.verbositySettings.description.interpolated": "Screen reader verbosity settings exist for features around the workbench so that once a user is familiar with a feature, they can avoid hearing hints about how to operate it. For example, features for which an accessibility help dialog exists will indicate how to open the dialog until the verbosity setting for that feature has been disabled.\r\n These and other accessibility settings can be configured by running the Open Accessibility Settings command.\r\n{0}", + "gettingStarted.verbositySettings.description.interpolated": "Kullanıcı bir özelliği kullanmayı öğrendikçe özelliğin kullanımıyla ilgili ipuçlarını almaması için çalışma alanının etrafındaki özellikler için ekran okuyucu ayrıntı düzeyi ayarları bulunur. Örneğin, erişilebilirlik yardımı için iletişim kutusu bulunan özelliklerde, bu özelliğin ayrıntı düzeyi ayarı devre dışı bırakılıncaya kadar iletişim kutusunun nasıl açılacağına dair ipuçları görüntülenir.\r\n Bu ayarlar ve diğer erişilebilirlik ayarları, Erişilebilirlik Ayarlarını Aç komutu çalıştırılarak yapılandırılabilir.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.verbositySettings.title": "Aria etiketlerinin ayrıntı düzeyini kontrol edin", "gettingStarted.videoTutorial.description.interpolated": "VS Code'un önemli özelliklerine yönelik kısa ve pratik video öğreticileri serisinden ilkini izleyin.\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.videoTutorial.title": "Video öğreticilerini izleyin", @@ -13522,7 +13523,7 @@ "listSignalAnnouncements": "Sinyal Duyurularını Listele", "listSignalSounds": "Sinyal Seslerini Listele", "openAccessibilityHelp": "Erişilebilirlik Yardımını Açın", - "openAccessibilitySettings": "Open Accessibility Settings", + "openAccessibilitySettings": "Erişilebilirlik Ayarlarını Aç", "openAccessibleView": "Erişilebilir Görünümü Aç", "openFolder": "Klasörü Aç", "openGoToSymbol": "Sembole Git", @@ -14918,7 +14919,7 @@ "reload button": "&&Yeniden Yükle", "reload message": "Profil değiştirmek için VS Code yeniden yüklenmelidir.", "reload message when removed": "Geçerli profil kaldırıldı. Varsayılan profile geri geçmek için lütfen yeniden yükleyin.", - "reload message when switched": "The current workspace has been removed from the current profile. Please reload to switch back to the updated profile", + "reload message when switched": "Geçerli çalışma alanı geçerli profilden kaldırıldı. Lütfen güncelleştirilmiş profile geri dönmek için yeniden yükleyin", "reload message when updated": "Geçerli profil güncelleştirildi. Güncelleştirilen profile geri geçmek için lütfen yeniden yükleyin.", "switch profile": "Profile geçiliyor." }, diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json index 2eebe1aeba..c3355231c7 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.git.i18n.json @@ -354,9 +354,9 @@ "command.branchFrom": "从现有来源创建新的分支...", "command.checkout": "签出到...", "command.checkoutDetached": "签出到(已分离)…", - "command.checkoutRefDetached": "Checkout (Detached)", + "command.checkoutRefDetached": "签出(已分离)", "command.cherryPick": "挑拣…", - "command.cherryPickRef": "Cherry Pick", + "command.cherryPickRef": "挑拣", "command.clean": "放弃更改", "command.cleanAll": "放弃所有更改", "command.cleanAllTracked": "放弃所有跟踪的更改", @@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ "command.commitStagedSignedNoVerify": "提交已暂存内容(已签收,不验证)", "command.continueInLocalClone": "在本地克隆存储库并在桌面上打开...", "command.continueInLocalClone.qualifiedName": "继续在新的本地克隆中工作", - "command.createTag": "Create Tag...", + "command.createTag": "创建标记...", "command.deleteBranch": "删除分支...", "command.deleteRemoteTag": "删除远程标记...", "command.deleteTag": "删除标签...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index f5522fb4bc..d9c0d81376 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "Allow": "允许", "Always": "始终", "An error occurred while renaming file": "重命名文件时出错", - "Analyzing '{0}' and its dependencies": "Analyzing '{0}' and its dependencies", + "Analyzing '{0}' and its dependencies": "正在分析“{0}”及其依赖项", "Checking for update of JS/TS imports": "正在检查 JS/TS import 语句的更新", "Configure Excludes": "配置排除", "Configure jsconfig": "配置 jsconfig", @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ "Go to Source Definition failed. Requires TypeScript 4.7+.": "转到源定义失败。需要 TypeScript 4.7 以上版本。", "Go to Source Definition failed. Unknown file type.": "转到源定义失败。未知文件类型。", "Go to Source Definition failed. Unsupported file type.": "转到源定义失败。不支持的文件类型。", - "Initializing project '{0}'": "Initializing project '{0}'", + "Initializing project '{0}'": "正在初始化项目“{0}”", "JS/TS IntelliSense Status": "JS/TS IntelliSense 状态", "JSDoc comment": "JSDoc 注释", "Learn More": "了解详细信息", @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.description": "生成 \"get\" 和 \"set\" 访问器", "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.title": "生成访问器", "codeActions.source.organizeImports.title": "整理 import 语句", - "configuration.expandableHover": "(Experimental) Enable/disable expanding on hover.", + "configuration.expandableHover": "(实验性)悬停时启用/禁用展开。", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.checkJs": "启用或禁用 JavaScript 文件的语义检查。现有 `jsconfig.json` 或 `tsconfig.json` 文件将覆盖此设置。", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.experimentalDecorators": "在不属于任何工程的 JavaScript 文件中启用或禁用 `experimentalDecorators`。现有 `jsconfig.json` 或 `tsconfig.json` 文件将覆盖此设置。", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.module": "设置程序的模块系统。查看详细信息: https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#module。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json index c770edbcf7..21f1e9c557 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -192,13 +192,13 @@ "editor": "editor" }, "vs/editor/browser/controller/editContext/screenReaderUtils": { - "accessibilityModeOff": "The editor is not accessible at this time.", - "accessibilityOffAriaLabel": "{0} To enable screen reader optimized mode, use {1}", - "accessibilityOffAriaLabelNoKb": "{0} To enable screen reader optimized mode, open the quick pick with {1} and run the command Toggle Screen Reader Accessibility Mode, which is currently not triggerable via keyboard.", - "accessibilityOffAriaLabelNoKbs": "{0} Please assign a keybinding for the command Toggle Screen Reader Accessibility Mode by accessing the keybindings editor with {1} and run it." + "accessibilityModeOff": "现在无法访问编辑器。", + "accessibilityOffAriaLabel": "{0} 若要启用屏幕阅读器优化模式,请使用 {1}", + "accessibilityOffAriaLabelNoKb": "{0} 若要启用屏幕阅读器优化模式,请使用 {1} 打开快速选取,然后运行“切换屏幕阅读器辅助功能模式”命令;当前无法通过键盘触发此命令。", + "accessibilityOffAriaLabelNoKbs": "{0} 请通过使用 {1} 访问键绑定编辑器并运行它,为“切换屏幕阅读器辅助功能模式”命令分配键绑定。" }, "vs/editor/browser/controller/editContext/textArea/textAreaEditContext": { - "editor": "editor" + "editor": "编辑器" }, "vs/editor/browser/coreCommands": { "removedCursor": "已删除辅助游标", @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ "undo": "撤消" }, "vs/editor/browser/gpu/viewGpuContext": { - "editor.dom.render": "Use DOM-based rendering" + "editor.dom.render": "使用基于 DOM 的呈现" }, "vs/editor/browser/services/hoverService/hoverWidget": { "hoverhint": "按住 {0} 键将鼠标悬停" @@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ "multiDiffEditor.headerBackground": "差异编辑器标题的背景色" }, "vs/editor/browser/widget/multiDiffEditor/multiDiffEditorWidgetImpl": { - "loading": "Loading...", + "loading": "正在加载...", "noChangedFiles": "没有已更改的文件" }, "vs/editor/common/config/editorConfigurationSchema": { @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ "editor.experimental.asyncTokenization": "控制是否应在 Web 辅助进程上异步进行标记化。", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationLogging": "控制是否应记录异步词汇切分。仅用于调试。", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationVerification": "控制是否应对旧版后台令牌化验证异步令牌化。可能会减慢令牌化速度。仅用于调试。", - "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "Controls whether tree sitter parsing should be turned on for specific languages. This will take precedence over `editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry` for the specified languages.", + "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "控制是否应为特定语言启用树坐标分析。对于指定的语言,此操作将优先于 `editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry`。", "editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry": "控制是否应启用树坐标分析和收集遥测数据。将“editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter”设置为特定语言将优先。", "editorConfigurationTitle": "编辑器", "hideUnchangedRegions.contextLineCount": "控制在比较未改变的区域时使用多少行作为上下文。", @@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ "editorViewAccessibleLabel": "编辑器内容", "emptySelectionClipboard": "控制在没有选择内容时进行复制是否复制当前行。", "enabled": "在编辑器中启用代码操作小灯泡提示。", - "experimentalEditContextEnabled": "Sets whether the new experimental edit context should be used instead of the text area.", + "experimentalEditContextEnabled": "设置是否应使用新的实验性编辑上下文而不是文本输入区。", "experimentalWhitespaceRendering": "控制是否使用新的实验性方法呈现空格。", "experimentalWhitespaceRendering.font": "使用包含字体字符的新呈现方法。", "experimentalWhitespaceRendering.off": "使用稳定呈现方法。", @@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ "inlayHints.enable": "在编辑器中启用内联提示。", "inlayHints.fontFamily": "控制编辑器中嵌入提示的字体系列。设置为空时,将使用 {0}。", "inlayHints.fontSize": "控制编辑器中嵌入提示的字号。默认情况下,当配置的值小于 {1} 或大于编辑器字号时,将使用 {0}。", - "inlayHints.maximumLength": "Maximum overall length of inlay hints, for a single line, before they get truncated by the editor. Set to `0` to never truncate", + "inlayHints.maximumLength": "单行内嵌提示在被编辑器截断前的最大总长度。设置为“0”以永不截断", "inlayHints.padding": "在编辑器中启用叠加提示周围的填充。", "inline": "快速建议显示为虚影文本", "inlineCompletionsAccessibilityVerbose": "控制在显示内联完成时是否应向屏幕阅读器用户提供辅助功能提示。", @@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ "inlineSuggest.showToolbar.never": "从不显示内联建议工具栏。", "inlineSuggest.showToolbar.onHover": "将鼠标悬停在内联建议上时显示内联建议工具栏。", "inlineSuggest.suppressSuggestions": "控制内联建议如何与建议小组件交互。如果启用,当内联建议可用时,不会自动显示建议小组件。", - "inlineSuggest.syntaxHighlightingEnabled": "Controls whether to show syntax highlighting for inline suggestions in the editor.", + "inlineSuggest.syntaxHighlightingEnabled": "控制是否在编辑器中显示内联建议的语法突出显示。", "letterSpacing": "控制字母间距(像素)。", "lineHeight": "控制行高。\r\n - 使用 0 根据字号自动计算行高。\r\n - 介于 0 和 8 之间的值将用作字号的乘数。\r\n - 大于或等于 8 的值将用作有效值。", "lineNumbers": "控制行号的显示。", @@ -2101,11 +2101,11 @@ "errorDeleting": "安装扩展“{1}”时无法删除现有文件夹“{0}”。请手动删除此文件夹,然后重试", "incompatible": "无法安装扩展“{0}”,因为它与 VS Code“{1}”不兼容。", "invalidManifest": "无法安装“{0}”扩展,因为清单与市场不匹配", - "not signed": "Extension is not signed.", + "not signed": "扩展未签名。", "removeError": "删除扩展时出错: {0}。请重启 VS Code,然后重试。", "restartCode": "请在重新安装{0}之前重新启动 VS Code。", - "signature verification failed": "Signature verification failed with '{0}' error.", - "signature verification not executed": "Signature verification was not executed." + "signature verification failed": "签名验证失败,出现“{0}”错误。", + "signature verification not executed": "签名验证未执行。" }, "vs/platform/extensionManagement/node/extensionManagementUtil": { "invalidManifest": "VSIX 无效: package.json 不是 JSON 文件。" @@ -5387,7 +5387,7 @@ "chat.clear.label": "清除所有工作区聊天", "chat.history.label": "显示聊天...", "chat.history.rename": "重命名", - "chatWith": "Chat with Extension", + "chatWith": "使用扩展聊天", "currentChatLabel": "当前", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "清除输入历史记录", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "焦点聊天输入", @@ -5573,7 +5573,7 @@ "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", "discard.file": "Discard", "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Suggested Edits", - "open.file": "Open File" + "open.file": "打开文件" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "聊天编辑器标签的图标。", @@ -6681,7 +6681,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/debugStatus": { "debugTarget": "调试: {0}", - "selectAndStartDebug": "Select and Start Debug Configuration", + "selectAndStartDebug": "选择并启动调试配置", "status.debug": "调试" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/debugTaskRunner": { @@ -8304,7 +8304,7 @@ "moveToNextHunk": "移动到下一个更改", "moveToPreviousHunk": "移动到上一个更改", "rerun": "重新运行", - "run": "Editor Chat", + "run": "Editor Inline Chat", "showChanges": "切换更改", "startInlineChat": "从编辑器工具栏生成内联聊天的图标。", "unstash": "继续上次关闭的内联聊天", @@ -8356,6 +8356,7 @@ "inlineChatEditing": "用户当前在内联聊天中是编辑代码还是生成代码", "inlineChatEmpty": "交互式编辑器输入是否为空", "inlineChatFocused": "是否聚焦交互式编辑器输入", + "inlineChatHasPossible": "Whether a provider for inline chat exists and whether an editor for inline chat is open", "inlineChatHasProvider": "交互式编辑器的提供程序是否存在", "inlineChatHasStashedSession": "交互式编辑器是否已保留会话以进行快速还原", "inlineChatInnerCursorEnd": "迭代活动编辑器输入的光标是否位于输入末尾", @@ -9276,7 +9277,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/multicursor/notebookMulticursor": { "addFindMatchToSelection": "将查找匹配项添加到所选内容", "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "向左删除", - "deleteRightMultiSelection": "Delete Right", + "deleteRightMultiSelection": "删除权利", "exitMultiSelection": "退出多光标模式" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/navigation/arrow": { @@ -9309,7 +9310,7 @@ "notebookVariableAriaLabel": "变量 {0},值 {1}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/notebookVariables/notebookVariablesView": { - "notebook.ReplVariables": "REPL Variables", + "notebook.ReplVariables": "REPL 变量", "notebook.notebookVariables": "笔记本变量" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/outline/notebookOutline": { @@ -9364,9 +9365,9 @@ "focusNextChatWidget": "聚焦到下一个单元格聊天小组件", "focusNotebookChat": "聚焦聊天", "focusPreviousCell": "聚焦上一个单元格", - "notebook.apply1": "Accept and Run", - "notebook.apply2": "Accept & Run", - "notebook.apply3": "Accept the changes and run the cell", + "notebook.apply1": "接受并运行", + "notebook.apply2": "接受并运行", + "notebook.apply3": "接受更改并运行单元格", "notebook.cell.chat.accept": "发出请求", "notebook.cell.chat.close": "关闭聊天", "notebook.cell.chat.nextFromHistory": "历史记录中的下一个", @@ -9379,7 +9380,7 @@ "notebookActions.restoreCellprompt": "生成" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/controller/chat/notebook.chat.contribution": { - "pickKernelVariableLabel": "Pick a variable from the kernel" + "pickKernelVariableLabel": "从内核中选取变量" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/controller/chat/notebookChatContext": { "notebookCellChatFocused": "单元格聊天编辑器是否为焦点", @@ -9523,11 +9524,11 @@ "notebook.diff.cell.revertMetadata": "还原元数据", "notebook.diff.cell.revertOutputs": "还原输出", "notebook.diff.cell.switchOutputRenderingStyleToText": "切换输出呈现", - "notebook.diff.cell.toggleCollapseUnchangedRegions": "Toggle Collapse Unchanged Regions", + "notebook.diff.cell.toggleCollapseUnchangedRegions": "切换折叠未更改的区域", "notebook.diff.ignoreMetadata": "隐藏元数据差异", "notebook.diff.ignoreOutputs": "隐藏输出差异", - "notebook.diff.openFile": "Open File", - "notebook.diff.revertMetadata": "Revert Notebook Metadata", + "notebook.diff.openFile": "打开文件", + "notebook.diff.revertMetadata": "还原笔记本元数据", "notebook.diff.showMetadata": "显示元数据差异", "notebook.diff.showOutputs": "显示输出差异", "notebook.diff.switchToText": "打开文本差异编辑器", @@ -9585,7 +9586,7 @@ "notebook.markdown.lineHeight": "控制笔记本中 Markdown 单元格的行高(以像素为单位)。设置为 {0} 时,将会使用 {1}", "notebook.markup.fontSize": "控制笔记本中呈现的标记的字号(以像素为单位)。设置为 {0} 时,将使用 120% 的 {1}。", "notebook.minimalErrorRendering": "控制是否以最小样式呈现错误输出。", - "notebook.multiCursor.enabled": "Experimental. Enables a limited set of multi cursor controls across multiple cells in the notebook editor. Currently supported are core editor actions (typing/cut/copy/paste/composition) and a limited subset of editor commands.", + "notebook.multiCursor.enabled": "实验性。在笔记本编辑器的多个单元格中启用一组有限的多光标控件。当前支持核心编辑器操作(键入/剪切/复制/粘贴/合成)和编辑器命令的有限子集。", "notebook.outputFontFamily": "笔记本单元格内输出文本的字体系列。设置为空时,使用 {0}。", "notebook.outputFontSize": "笔记本单元格内输出文本的字号。设置为 0 时,使用 {0}。", "notebook.outputLineHeight": "笔记本单元格内输出文本的行高。\r\n - 设置为 0 时,使用编辑器行高。\r\n - 介于 0 和 8 之间的值将用作字号的乘数。\r\n - 大于或等于 8 的值将用作有效值。", @@ -9627,9 +9628,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookAccessibilityProvider": { "notebookTreeAriaLabel": "笔记本", - "notebookTreeAriaLabelHelp": "{0}\r\nUse {1} for accessibility help", - "notebookTreeAriaLabelHelpNoKb": "{0}\r\nRun the Open Accessibility Help command for more information", - "replHistoryTreeAriaLabel": "REPL Editor History" + "notebookTreeAriaLabelHelp": "{0}\r\n使用 {1} 获取辅助功能帮助", + "notebookTreeAriaLabelHelpNoKb": "{0}\r\n有关详细信息,请运行“打开辅助功能帮助”命令", + "replHistoryTreeAriaLabel": "REPL 编辑器历史记录" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookEditor": { "fail.noEditor": "无法打开笔记本编辑器类型为“{0}”的资源,请检查是否已安装并启用正确的扩展。", @@ -10676,11 +10677,11 @@ "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.false": "不要忽略前导空格和尾随空格。", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.inherit": "继承自 `diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace`。", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.true": "忽略前导空格和尾随空格。", - "scm.graph.badges": "Controls which badges are shown in the Source Control Graph view. The badges are shown on the right side of the graph indicating the names of history item groups.", - "scm.graph.badges.all": "Show badges of all history item groups in the Source Control Graph view.", - "scm.graph.badges.filter": "Show only the badges of history item groups used as a filter in the Source Control Graph view.", - "scm.graph.pageOnScroll": "Controls whether the Source Control Graph view will load the next page of items when you scroll to the end of the list.", - "scm.graph.pageSize": "The number of items to show in the Source Control Graph view by default and when loading more items.", + "scm.graph.badges": "控制“源代码管理图”视图中显示的徽章。这些徽章显示在图右侧,指示历史记录项组的名称。", + "scm.graph.badges.all": "在“源代码管理图”视图中显示所有历史记录项组的徽章。", + "scm.graph.badges.filter": "在“源代码管理图”视图中仅显示用作筛选器的历史记录项组的徽章。", + "scm.graph.pageOnScroll": "控制在滚动到列表结尾时,“源代码管理图”视图是否将加载下一页的项。", + "scm.graph.pageSize": "“源代码管理图”视图在默认情况下以及在加载更多项时要显示的项数。", "scm.providerCountBadge": "控制源代码管理提供程序标头上的计数锁屏提醒。当存在多个提供程序或启用 {0} 设置时,以及在“源代码管理存储库”视图中,这些标头将显示在“源代码管理”视图中。", "scm.providerCountBadge.auto": "仅显示非零时源代码管理提供程序的计数锁屏提醒。", "scm.providerCountBadge.hidden": "隐藏源代码管理提供程序计数锁屏提醒。", @@ -10701,46 +10702,46 @@ "sourceControlViewIcon": "查看“源代码管理”视图的图标。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/scm/browser/scmHistory": { - "scmGraph.HistoryItemHoverAdditionsForeground": "History item hover additions foreground color.", - "scmGraph.HistoryItemHoverDeletionsForeground": "History item hover deletions foreground color.", + "scmGraph.HistoryItemHoverAdditionsForeground": "历史记录项悬停添加项前景色。", + "scmGraph.HistoryItemHoverDeletionsForeground": "历史记录项悬停删除项前景色。", "scmGraphForeground1": "源代码管理图前景色(1)。", "scmGraphForeground2": "源代码管理图前景色(2)。", "scmGraphForeground3": "源代码管理图前景色(3)。", - "scmGraphForeground4": "Source control graph foreground color (4).", - "scmGraphForeground5": "Source control graph foreground color (5).", - "scmGraphHistoryItemBaseRefColor": "History item base reference color.", - "scmGraphHistoryItemHoverDefaultLabelBackground": "History item hover default label background color.", - "scmGraphHistoryItemHoverDefaultLabelForeground": "History item hover default label foreground color.", + "scmGraphForeground4": "源代码管理图前景色(4)。", + "scmGraphForeground5": "源代码管理图前景色(5)。", + "scmGraphHistoryItemBaseRefColor": "历史记录项基本引用颜色。", + "scmGraphHistoryItemHoverDefaultLabelBackground": "历史记录项悬停默认标签背景色。", + "scmGraphHistoryItemHoverDefaultLabelForeground": "历史记录项悬停默认标签前景色。", "scmGraphHistoryItemHoverLabelForeground": "历史记录项组悬停标签前景色。", - "scmGraphHistoryItemRefColor": "History item reference color.", - "scmGraphHistoryItemRemoteRefColor": "History item remote reference color." + "scmGraphHistoryItemRefColor": "历史记录项引用颜色。", + "scmGraphHistoryItemRemoteRefColor": "历史记录项远程引用颜色。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/scm/browser/scmHistoryViewPane": { - "activeRepository": "Show the source control graph for the active repository", - "all": "All", - "allHistoryItemRefs": "All history item references", - "auto": "Auto", - "currentHistoryItemRef": "Current history item reference(s)", + "activeRepository": "显示活动存储库的源代码管理图", + "all": "全部", + "allHistoryItemRefs": "所有历史记录项引用", + "auto": "自动", + "currentHistoryItemRef": "当前历史记录项引用", "deletion": "{0} 个删除{1}", "deletions": "{0} 个删除{1}", "fileChanged": "已更改 {0} 个文件", "filesChanged": "已更改 {0} 个文件", - "goToCurrentHistoryItem": "Go to Current History Item", - "historyItemChangesEditorTitle": "All Changes ({0} ↔ {1})", - "historyItemMessage": "Message", + "goToCurrentHistoryItem": "转到当前历史记录项", + "historyItemChangesEditorTitle": "所有更改({0} ↔ {1})", + "historyItemMessage": "消息", "insertion": "{0} 个插入{1}", "insertions": "{0} 个插入{1}", - "items": "{0} Items", + "items": "{0} 项", "loadMore": "{0} 加载更多...", - "referencePicker": "History Item Reference Picker", + "referencePicker": "历史记录项引用选取器", "refreshGraph": "刷新", - "repositoryPicker": "Repository Picker", + "repositoryPicker": "存储库选取器", "scm history": "源代码管理历史记录", - "scmGraphHistoryItemRef": "Select one/more history item references to view, type to filter", - "scmGraphRepository": "Select the repository to view, type to filter all repositories", - "scmGraphViewOutdated": "Please refresh the graph using the refresh action ($(refresh)).", - "scmGraphViewRevealCurrentHistoryItem": "The current history item is not present in the source control graph. Please use the history item references picker to expand the set of history items in the graph.", - "viewChanges": "View Changes" + "scmGraphHistoryItemRef": "选择要查看的一个/多个历史记录项引用,键入以进行筛选", + "scmGraphRepository": "选择要查看的存储库,键入以筛选所有存储库", + "scmGraphViewOutdated": "请使用刷新操作($(refresh))刷新图形。", + "scmGraphViewRevealCurrentHistoryItem": "源代码管理图中不存在当前历史记录项。请使用历史记录项引用选取器展开图中的历史记录项集。", + "viewChanges": "查看更改" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/scm/browser/scmRepositoriesViewPane": { "scm": "源代码管理存储库" @@ -10982,7 +10983,7 @@ "searchFileMatches": "已找到 {0} 个文件", "searchFolderMatch.aiText.label": "{0} Results", "searchFolderMatch.other.label": "其他文件", - "searchFolderMatch.plainText.label": "Text Results", + "searchFolderMatch.plainText.label": "文本结果", "searchMatch": "已找到 {0} 个匹配项", "searchMatches": "已找到 {0} 个匹配项", "searchResultAria": "{1} 列的 {0} 找到了 {2}" @@ -13031,9 +13032,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfilesEditor": { "activeProfile": "Active", - "addButton": "Add Folder", - "addFolder": "Add Folder", - "addFolderTitle": "Select Folders To Add", + "addButton": "添加文件夹", + "addFolder": "添加文件夹", + "addFolderTitle": "选择要添加的文件夹", "change profile": "Change Profile", "changeIcon": "Click to change icon", "contents": "Contents", @@ -13049,20 +13050,20 @@ "default": "默认", "default description": "使用默认配置文件中的 {0}", "default info": "- *默认:* 使用默认配置文件中的内容\r\n", - "default profile contents description": "Browse contents of this profile\r\n", + "default profile contents description": "浏览此配置文件的内容\r\n", "defaultProfileIcon": "Icon cannot be changed for the default profile", "defaultProfileName": "Name cannot be changed for the default profile", - "editIcon": "Icon for the edit folder icon in the profiles editor.", + "editIcon": "配置文件编辑器中的“编辑文件夹”图标。", "empty profile": "无", "enable for current window": "将此配置文件用于当前窗口", "enable for new windows": "将此配置文件用作新窗口的默认设置", "extensions": "扩展", - "folders_workspaces": "Folders & Workspaces", - "folders_workspaces_description": "Following folders and workspaces are using this profile", + "folders_workspaces": "文件夹和工作区", + "folders_workspaces_description": "以下文件夹和工作区正在使用此配置文件", "from existing profiles": "现有配置文件", "from template": "来自模板", "from templates": "配置文件模板", - "hostColumnLabel": "Host", + "hostColumnLabel": "主机", "icon": "配置文件图标", "icon-description": "要显示在活动栏中的配置文件图标", "icon-label": "图标", @@ -13073,18 +13074,18 @@ "import profile quick pick title": "从配置文件模板导入...", "importProfile": "导入配置文件...", "keybindings": "键盘快捷方式", - "localAuthority": "Local", + "localAuthority": "本地", "name": "名称", "name required": "配置文件名称是必需的,并且必须为非空值。", "new from template": "根据模板新建配置文件", "newProfile": "新建配置文件", - "no_folder_description": "No folders or workspaces are using this profile", + "no_folder_description": "没有文件夹或工作区在使用此配置文件", "none": "无", "none description": "创建空的 {0}", "none info": "- *无:* 创建空内容\r\n", "open": "Open in New Window", "options": "源", - "pathColumnLabel": "Path", + "pathColumnLabel": "路径", "profileExists": "具有名称 {0} 的配置文件已经存在。", "profileName": "配置文件名称", "profiles": "配置文件", @@ -13092,9 +13093,9 @@ "settings": "设置", "snippets": "片段", "tasks": "任务", - "trustedFolderAriaLabel": "{0}, trusted", - "trustedFolderWithHostAriaLabel": "{0} on {1}, trusted", - "trustedFoldersAndWorkspaces": "Trusted Folders & Workspaces", + "trustedFolderAriaLabel": "{0},受信任", + "trustedFolderWithHostAriaLabel": "{1} 上的 {0},受信任", + "trustedFoldersAndWorkspaces": "受信任的文件夹和工作区", "use for curren window": "用于当前窗口", "use for new windows": "用于新 Windows", "userDataProfiles": "配置文件" @@ -13296,8 +13297,8 @@ "dialogClose": "关闭对话框" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted": { - "acessibleViewHint": "Inspect this in the accessible view ({0}).\r\n", - "acessibleViewHintNoKbOpen": "Inspect this in the accessible view via the command Open Accessible View which is currently not triggerable via keybinding.\r\n", + "acessibleViewHint": "在无障碍视图中检查此项({0})。\r\n", + "acessibleViewHintNoKbOpen": "通过命令“打开无障碍视图”在无障碍视图中检查此项,该命令当前无法通过键绑定触发。\r\n", "allDone": "标记为完成", "checkboxTitle": "选中后,此页面将在启动时显示。", "close": "隐藏", @@ -13307,7 +13308,7 @@ "gettingStarted.editingEvolved": "编辑进化", "gettingStarted.keyboardTip": "提示: 使用键盘快捷方式 ", "gettingStarted.someStepsComplete": "已完成 {0} 个步骤,共 {1} 个步骤", - "goBack": "Go Back", + "goBack": "返回", "imageShowing": "显示 {0} 的图像", "new": "新建", "newItems": "已更新", @@ -13350,9 +13351,9 @@ "workspacePlatform": "当前工作区的平台,在远程或无服务器上下文中可能不同于 UI 的平台" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedAccessibleView": { - "gettingStarted.description": "Description: {0}", - "gettingStarted.step": "Step {0}: {1}\r\nDescription: {2}", - "gettingStarted.title": "Title: {0}" + "gettingStarted.description": "描述: {0}", + "gettingStarted.step": "第 {0} 步: {1}\r\n描述: {2}", + "gettingStarted.title": "标题: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcomeGettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedColors": { "walkthrough.stepTitle.foreground": "每个演练步骤标题的前景色", @@ -13429,12 +13430,12 @@ "getting-started-setup-icon": "用于欢迎页面的设置类别的图标", "gettingStarted.accessibilityHelp.description.interpolated": "辅助功能帮助对话框提供有关功能内容以及用于操作功能的命令/键绑定的信息。\r\n 由于焦点位于编辑器、终端、笔记本、聊天响应、注释或调试控制台上,可使用“打开辅助功能帮助”命令打开相关对话框。\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.accessibilityHelp.title": "使用辅助功能帮助对话框了解功能", - "gettingStarted.accessibilitySettings.description.interpolated": "Accessibility settings can be configured by running the Open Accessibility Settings command.\r\n{0}", - "gettingStarted.accessibilitySettings.title": "Configure accessibility settings", + "gettingStarted.accessibilitySettings.description.interpolated": "通过运行“打开辅助功能设置”命令可配置辅助功能设置。\r\n{0}", + "gettingStarted.accessibilitySettings.title": "配置辅助功能设置", "gettingStarted.accessibilitySignals.description.interpolated": "辅助功能声音和公告会在各种事件的工作台周围播放。\r\n 可以使用“列出信号声音和列出信号公告”命令来发现和配置这些功能。\r\n{0}\r\n{1}", "gettingStarted.accessibilitySignals.title": "微调要通过音频或盲文设备接收的辅助功能信号", "gettingStarted.accessibleView.description.interpolated": "辅助视图可用于终端、悬停、通知、批注、笔记本输出、聊天响应、内联完成和调试控制台输出。\r\n 如果焦点位于这些功能上,则可以使用“打开辅助视图”命令打开它。\r\n{0}", - "gettingStarted.accessibleView.title": "Screen reader users can inspect content line by line, character by character in the accessible view.", + "gettingStarted.accessibleView.title": "屏幕阅读器用户可以在无障碍视图中逐行、逐字检查内容。", "gettingStarted.beginner.description": "获取最基本功能的概述", "gettingStarted.beginner.title": "了解基础知识", "gettingStarted.codeFolding.description.interpolated": "使用“切换折叠”命令折叠或展开代码部分。\r\n{0}\r\n 使用“切换折叠递归”命令以递归方式折叠或展开\r\n{1}\r\n", @@ -13490,8 +13491,8 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.OpenFolderWeb.description.interpolated": "你已准备好开始编码。可以打开本地项目或远程仓库,以将文件置于 VS Code。\r\n{0}\r\n{1}", "gettingStarted.setup.description": "自定义编辑器、了解基础知识并开始编码", "gettingStarted.setup.title": "开始使用 VS Code", - "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.description": "Learn the tools and shortcuts that make VS Code accessible. Note that some actions are not actionable from within the context of the walkthrough.", - "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.title": "Get Started with Accessibility Features", + "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.description": "了解可用于访问 VS Code 的工具和快捷方式。请注意,某些操作在演练的上下文中不可操作。", + "gettingStarted.setupAccessibility.title": "辅助功能入门", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "自定义编辑器、了解基础知识并开始编码", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "面向 Web 的 VS Code 入门", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "发现喜欢的命令后,创建自定义键盘快捷方式以进行即时访问。\r\n{0}", @@ -13510,7 +13511,7 @@ "gettingStarted.topLevelRemoteOpen.title": "连接到...", "gettingStarted.topLevelShowWalkthroughs.description": "查看编辑器或扩展的演练", "gettingStarted.topLevelShowWalkthroughs.title": "打开演练...", - "gettingStarted.verbositySettings.description.interpolated": "Screen reader verbosity settings exist for features around the workbench so that once a user is familiar with a feature, they can avoid hearing hints about how to operate it. For example, features for which an accessibility help dialog exists will indicate how to open the dialog until the verbosity setting for that feature has been disabled.\r\n These and other accessibility settings can be configured by running the Open Accessibility Settings command.\r\n{0}", + "gettingStarted.verbositySettings.description.interpolated": "工作台周围存在功能对应的屏幕阅读器详细程度设置,以便用户熟悉某项功能后,避免听到有关如何操作该功能的提示。例如,存在辅助功能帮助对话框的功能将指示如何打开对话框,直到该功能的详细程度设置被禁用。\r\n 可通过运行“打开辅助功能设置”命令来配置这些和其他辅助功能设置。\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.verbositySettings.title": "控制 aria 标签的详细程度", "gettingStarted.videoTutorial.description.interpolated": "请观看系列简短实用视频教程中的第一课,了解 VS Code 的主要功能。\r\n{0}", "gettingStarted.videoTutorial.title": "观看视频教程", @@ -13522,7 +13523,7 @@ "listSignalAnnouncements": "列出信号公告", "listSignalSounds": "列出信号声音", "openAccessibilityHelp": "打开辅助功能帮助", - "openAccessibilitySettings": "Open Accessibility Settings", + "openAccessibilitySettings": "打开辅助功能设置", "openAccessibleView": "打开辅助视图", "openFolder": "打开文件夹", "openGoToSymbol": "转到“符号”", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 9f5a12c0fa..e40cd2477e 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.description": "產生 'get' 與 'set' 存取子", "codeActions.refactor.rewrite.property.generateAccessors.title": "產生存取子", "codeActions.source.organizeImports.title": "組織匯入", - "configuration.expandableHover": "(Experimental) Enable/disable expanding on hover.", + "configuration.expandableHover": "(實驗性) 啟用/停用暫留時展開。", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.checkJs": "啟用/停用 JavaScript 檔案的語意檢查。現有的 `jsconfig.json` 或 `tsconfig.json` 檔案會覆寫此設定。", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.experimentalDecorators": "在不屬於專案的 JavaScript 檔案中,啟用/停用 `experimentalDecorators`。現有的 `jsconfig.json` 或 `tsconfig.json` 檔案會覆寫此設定。", "configuration.implicitProjectConfig.module": "設定程式的模組系統。查看更多: https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#module。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json index 1ebffbacd9..414d028a4a 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ "editor.experimental.asyncTokenization": "控制權杖化是否應該在 Web 工作者上非同步進行。", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationLogging": "控制是否應該記錄非同步權杖化。僅適用偵錯。", "editor.experimental.asyncTokenizationVerification": "控制是否應使用舊版背景 Token 化來驗證非同步 Token 化。可能會減慢 Token 化的速度。僅用於偵錯。", - "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "Controls whether tree sitter parsing should be turned on for specific languages. This will take precedence over `editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry` for the specified languages.", + "editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter": "控制是否應該開啟特定語言的樹狀座標剖析。對於指定語言,這將優先於 `editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry`。", "editor.experimental.treeSitterTelemetry": "控制是否應該開啟樹狀座標剖析並收集遙測。設定特定語言的 'editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter' 會優先。", "editorConfigurationTitle": "編輯器", "hideUnchangedRegions.contextLineCount": "控制比較未變更的區域時,要使用多少行作為內容。", @@ -5387,7 +5387,7 @@ "chat.clear.label": "清除所有工作區聊天", "chat.history.label": "顯示聊天...", "chat.history.rename": "重新命名", - "chatWith": "Chat with Extension", + "chatWith": "使用延伸模組聊天", "currentChatLabel": "目前", "interactiveSession.clearHistory.label": "清除輸入歷程記錄", "interactiveSession.focusInput.label": "聚焦聊天輸入", @@ -5404,7 +5404,7 @@ "chat.newChat.label": "新增聊天" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatCodeblockActions": { - "chat.applyAll.label": "Apply All Edits", + "chat.applyAll.label": "套用所有編輯", "interactive.applyInEditor.label": "在編輯器中套用", "interactive.compare.apply": "套用編輯", "interactive.compare.discard": "捨棄編輯", @@ -5417,8 +5417,8 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatContextActions": { "chatContext.attach.placeholder": "搜尋附件", - "chatContext.notebook.kernelVariable": "Kernel Variable...", - "chatContext.notebook.selectkernelVariable": "Select and Insert Kernel Variable", + "chatContext.notebook.kernelVariable": "核心變數...", + "chatContext.notebook.selectkernelVariable": "選取並插入核心變數", "chatContext.symbol": "符號...", "imageFromClipboard": "Image from Clipboard", "pastedImage": "Pasted Image", @@ -5436,7 +5436,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatExecuteActions": { "actions.chat.submitSecondaryAgent": "提交給次要代理程式", "chat.newChat.label": "傳送至新聊天", - "chat.pickModel.label": "Pick Model", + "chat.pickModel.label": "挑選模型", "interactive.cancel.label": "取消", "interactive.submit.label": "傳送" }, @@ -5473,15 +5473,15 @@ "interactive.unhelpful.label": "無益" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/codeBlockOperations": { - "applyCodeBlock.error": "Failed to apply code block: {0}", - "applyCodeBlock.noActiveEditor": "To apply this code block, open a code or notebook editor.", - "applyCodeBlock.progress": "Applying code block using {0}...", - "applyCodeBlock.readonly": "Cannot apply code block to read-only file.", - "applyCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "Cannot apply code block to read-only notebook editor.", - "insertCodeBlock.noActiveEditor": "To insert the code block, open a code editor or notebook editor and set the cursor at the location where to insert the code block.", - "insertCodeBlock.readonly": "Cannot insert the code block to read-only code editor.", - "insertCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "Cannot insert the code block to read-only notebook editor.", - "overlap": "Another code change is being previewed. Please apply or discard the pending changes first." + "applyCodeBlock.error": "無法套用程式碼區塊:{0}", + "applyCodeBlock.noActiveEditor": "若要套用此程式碼區塊,請開啟程式碼或筆記本編輯器。", + "applyCodeBlock.progress": "正在使用 {0} 套用程式碼區塊...", + "applyCodeBlock.readonly": "無法將程式碼區塊套用至唯讀檔。", + "applyCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "無法將程式碼區塊套用至唯讀筆記本編輯器。", + "insertCodeBlock.noActiveEditor": "若要插入程式碼區塊,請開啟程式碼編輯器或筆記本編輯器,並在插入程式碼區塊的位置設定游標。", + "insertCodeBlock.readonly": "無法將程式碼區塊插入唯讀程式碼編輯器。", + "insertCodeBlock.readonlyNotebook": "無法將程式碼區塊插入唯讀筆記本編輯器。", + "overlap": "正在預覽另一個程式碼變更。請先套用或捨棄擱置中的變更。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat": { "generating": "正在產生" @@ -5540,7 +5540,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatContentParts/chatReferencesContentPart": { "chatCollapsibleList": "可摺疊的聊天清單", - "copyReference": "Copy", + "copyReference": "複製", "setting.hover": "開啟設定 '{0}'", "usedReferencesCollapsed": "{0},已摺疊", "usedReferencesExpanded": "{0},已展開", @@ -5560,11 +5560,11 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatDragAndDrop": { "attach as context": "Attach {0} as Context", - "file": "File", + "file": "檔案", "image": "Image" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditingService": { - "accept.allFiles": "Accept All", + "accept.allFiles": "全部接受", "accept.file": "Accept", "chatEditing.openDiffs": "Open Diffs", "chatEditing.startSession": "Start Editing Session", @@ -5572,8 +5572,8 @@ "chatEditing.stopSession": "Stop Editing Session", "discard.allFiles": "Discard All", "discard.file": "Discard", - "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "Suggested Edits", - "open.file": "Open File" + "multiDiffEditorInput.name": "建議的編輯", + "open.file": "開啟檔案" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatEditorInput": { "chatEditorLabelIcon": "聊天編輯器標籤的圖示。", @@ -5583,18 +5583,18 @@ "followUpAriaLabel": "後續追蹤問題: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatGettingStarted": { - "chat.openPanel": "Open Chat Panel", - "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "When enabled, shows a getting started experiments in the chat panel." + "chat.openPanel": "開啟聊天面板", + "workbench.panel.chat.view.showGettingStarted": "啟用時,會在聊天面板中顯示快速入門實驗。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatImagePaste": { "pastedImage": "Pasted Image" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInlineAnchorWidget": { "actions.attach.label": "Add File to Chat", - "actions.goToDecl.label": "Go to Definition", - "goToReferences.label": "Go to References", - "miGotoDefinition": "Go to &&Definition", - "miGotoReference": "Go to &&References" + "actions.goToDecl.label": "移至 [定義]", + "goToReferences.label": "移至 [參考]", + "miGotoDefinition": "移至 [定義](&&D)", + "miGotoReference": "移至 [參考](&&R)" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatInputPart": { "actions.chat.accessibiltyHelp": "聊天輸入,輸入以提出問題或輸入以取得主題,按 Enter 以送出要求。使用 {0} 以取得聊天協助工具說明。", @@ -5628,7 +5628,7 @@ "chat.viewContainer.label": "聊天", "chatCommand": "在 UI 中參考此命令的簡短名稱,例如,針對可修正問題或說明程式碼的命令使用 `fix` 或 * `explain`。名稱在此參與者提供的命令中應該是唯一的。", "chatCommandDescription": "此命令的描述。", - "chatCommandDisambiguation": "Metadata to help with automatically routing user questions to this chat command.", + "chatCommandDisambiguation": "中繼資料,可協助將使用者問題自動路由傳送至此聊天命令。", "chatCommandDisambiguationCategory": "此類別的詳細名稱,例如 `workspace_questions` 或 `web_questions`。", "chatCommandDisambiguationDescription": "適合此聊天命令的問題類型的詳細描述。", "chatCommandDisambiguationExamples": "適合此聊天命令的代表性範例問題的清單。", @@ -5638,7 +5638,7 @@ "chatCommandsDescription": "可供此聊天參與者使用的命令,使用者可以使用 `/` 來叫用。", "chatFailErrorMessage": "無法載入聊天,因為安裝的 {0} 延伸模組版本與此版本的 {1} 不相容。請確保 GitHub Copilot 聊天延伸模組是最新的。", "chatParticipantDescription": "此聊天參與者的描述,顯示在 UI 中。", - "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "Metadata to help with automatically routing user questions to this chat participant.", + "chatParticipantDisambiguation": "中繼資料,可協助將使用者問題自動路由傳送至此聊天參與者。", "chatParticipantDisambiguationCategory": "此類別的詳細名稱,例如 `workspace_questions` 或 `web_questions`。", "chatParticipantDisambiguationDescription": "適合此聊天參與者的問題類型的詳細描述。", "chatParticipantDisambiguationExamples": "適合此聊天參與者的代表性範例問題的清單。", @@ -5694,9 +5694,9 @@ "chatIsEnabled": "啟用聊天時為 True,因為預設聊天參與者已使用實作來啟用。", "chatItemId": "The id of the chat item.", "chatLastItemId": "The id of the last chat item.", - "chatModelsAreUserSelectable": "True when the chat model can be selected manually by the user.", + "chatModelsAreUserSelectable": "當使用者可手動選取聊天模型時為 True。", "chatParticipantRegistered": "當預設聊天參與者註冊面板時為 True。", - "chatParticipantSupportsModelPicker": "True when the current chat participant supports picking the model manually.", + "chatParticipantSupportsModelPicker": "當目前的聊天參與者支援手動挑選模型時為 True。", "chatRequest": "聊天項目是要求", "chatResponse": "聊天項目是回應。", "chatResponseErrored": "當聊天回應導致錯誤時為 True。", @@ -8304,7 +8304,7 @@ "moveToNextHunk": "移至下一個變更", "moveToPreviousHunk": "移至上一個變更", "rerun": "重新執行", - "run": "編輯器聊天", + "run": "Editor Inline Chat", "showChanges": "切換變更", "startInlineChat": "從編輯器工具列繁衍內嵌聊天的圖示。", "unstash": "繼續上次關閉的內嵌聊天", @@ -8356,6 +8356,7 @@ "inlineChatEditing": "使用者目前正在內嵌聊天中編輯或產生程式碼", "inlineChatEmpty": "互動式編輯器輸入是否空白", "inlineChatFocused": "互動式編輯器輸入是否聚焦", + "inlineChatHasPossible": "Whether a provider for inline chat exists and whether an editor for inline chat is open", "inlineChatHasProvider": "互動式編輯器的提供者是否存在", "inlineChatHasStashedSession": "互動式編輯器是否已保留工作階段以快速還原", "inlineChatInnerCursorEnd": "互動式編輯器輸入的游標是否位於輸入的結尾", @@ -10676,11 +10677,11 @@ "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.false": "請勿忽略開頭和尾端空白字元。", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.inherit": "繼承自 `diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace`。", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.true": "忽略開頭和尾端空白字元。", - "scm.graph.badges": "Controls which badges are shown in the Source Control Graph view. The badges are shown on the right side of the graph indicating the names of history item groups.", - "scm.graph.badges.all": "Show badges of all history item groups in the Source Control Graph view.", - "scm.graph.badges.filter": "Show only the badges of history item groups used as a filter in the Source Control Graph view.", - "scm.graph.pageOnScroll": "Controls whether the Source Control Graph view will load the next page of items when you scroll to the end of the list.", - "scm.graph.pageSize": "The number of items to show in the Source Control Graph view by default and when loading more items.", + "scm.graph.badges": "控制哪些徽章會在 [原始檔控制圖表] 檢視中顯示。徽章會顯示在圖表的右側,指出歷程記錄項目群組的名稱。", + "scm.graph.badges.all": "在 [原始檔控制圖表] 檢視中,顯示所有歷程記錄項目群組的徽章。", + "scm.graph.badges.filter": "在 [原始檔控制圖表] 檢視中,只顯示作為篩選的歷程記錄項目群組徽章。", + "scm.graph.pageOnScroll": "控制 [原始檔控制圖表] 檢視是否會在您捲動到清單結尾時,載入下一頁的項目。", + "scm.graph.pageSize": "預設要在 [原始檔控制圖表] 檢視中顯示的項目數,以及載入更多項目時顯示的項目數。", "scm.providerCountBadge": "控制原始檔控制提供者標頭上的計數徽章。當存在多個提供者或啟用了 {0} 設定時,這些標頭將顯示在 [原始檔控制] 檢視中,以及 [原始檔控制存放庫] 檢視中。", "scm.providerCountBadge.auto": "當不為零時,僅顯示原始檔控制提供者的計數徽章。", "scm.providerCountBadge.hidden": "隱藏原始檔控制提供者計數徽章。", @@ -10701,46 +10702,46 @@ "sourceControlViewIcon": "[原始檔控制] 檢視的檢視圖示。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/scm/browser/scmHistory": { - "scmGraph.HistoryItemHoverAdditionsForeground": "History item hover additions foreground color.", - "scmGraph.HistoryItemHoverDeletionsForeground": "History item hover deletions foreground color.", + "scmGraph.HistoryItemHoverAdditionsForeground": "歷程記錄項目暫留新增前景色彩。", + "scmGraph.HistoryItemHoverDeletionsForeground": "歷程記錄項目暫留刪除前景色彩。", "scmGraphForeground1": "原始檔控制圖形前景色彩 (1)。", "scmGraphForeground2": "原始檔控制圖形前景色彩 (2)。", "scmGraphForeground3": "原始檔控制圖形前景色彩 (3)。", - "scmGraphForeground4": "Source control graph foreground color (4).", - "scmGraphForeground5": "Source control graph foreground color (5).", - "scmGraphHistoryItemBaseRefColor": "History item base reference color.", - "scmGraphHistoryItemHoverDefaultLabelBackground": "History item hover default label background color.", - "scmGraphHistoryItemHoverDefaultLabelForeground": "History item hover default label foreground color.", + "scmGraphForeground4": "[原始檔控制圖表] 前景色彩 (4)。", + "scmGraphForeground5": "[原始檔控制圖表] 前景色彩 (5)。", + "scmGraphHistoryItemBaseRefColor": "歷程記錄項目基本參考色彩。", + "scmGraphHistoryItemHoverDefaultLabelBackground": "歷程記錄項目暫留預設標籤背景色彩。", + "scmGraphHistoryItemHoverDefaultLabelForeground": "歷程記錄項目暫留預設標籤前景色彩。", "scmGraphHistoryItemHoverLabelForeground": "歷程記錄項目暫留標籤前景色彩。", - "scmGraphHistoryItemRefColor": "History item reference color.", - "scmGraphHistoryItemRemoteRefColor": "History item remote reference color." + "scmGraphHistoryItemRefColor": "歷程記錄項目參考色彩。", + "scmGraphHistoryItemRemoteRefColor": "歷程記錄項目遠端參照色彩。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/scm/browser/scmHistoryViewPane": { - "activeRepository": "Show the source control graph for the active repository", - "all": "All", - "allHistoryItemRefs": "All history item references", - "auto": "Auto", - "currentHistoryItemRef": "Current history item reference(s)", + "activeRepository": "顯示使用中存放庫的 [原始檔控制圖表]", + "all": "全部", + "allHistoryItemRefs": "所有歷程記錄項目參考", + "auto": "自動", + "currentHistoryItemRef": "目前的歷程記錄項目參考", "deletion": "{0} 個刪除{1}", "deletions": "{0} 個刪除{1}", "fileChanged": "{0} 個檔案已變更", "filesChanged": "{0} 個檔案已變更", - "goToCurrentHistoryItem": "Go to Current History Item", - "historyItemChangesEditorTitle": "All Changes ({0} ↔ {1})", - "historyItemMessage": "Message", + "goToCurrentHistoryItem": "移至目前的歷程記錄項目", + "historyItemChangesEditorTitle": "所有變更 ({0} ↔ {1})", + "historyItemMessage": "訊息", "insertion": "{0} 個插入{1}", "insertions": "{0} 個插入{1}", - "items": "{0} Items", + "items": "{0} 個項目", "loadMore": "{0}載入更多...", - "referencePicker": "History Item Reference Picker", + "referencePicker": "歷程記錄項目參考選擇器", "refreshGraph": "重新整理", - "repositoryPicker": "Repository Picker", + "repositoryPicker": "存放庫選擇器", "scm history": "原始檔控制歷程記錄", - "scmGraphHistoryItemRef": "Select one/more history item references to view, type to filter", - "scmGraphRepository": "Select the repository to view, type to filter all repositories", - "scmGraphViewOutdated": "Please refresh the graph using the refresh action ($(refresh)).", - "scmGraphViewRevealCurrentHistoryItem": "The current history item is not present in the source control graph. Please use the history item references picker to expand the set of history items in the graph.", - "viewChanges": "View Changes" + "scmGraphHistoryItemRef": "選取一個/多個要檢視的歷程記錄項目參考,輸入以進行篩選", + "scmGraphRepository": "選取要檢視的存放庫,輸入以篩選所有存放庫", + "scmGraphViewOutdated": "請使用重新整理動作 ($(refresh)) 重新整理圖表。", + "scmGraphViewRevealCurrentHistoryItem": "目前的歷程記錄項目不存在於 [原始檔控制圖表] 中。請使用歷程記錄項目參考選擇器,展開圖表中的歷程記錄項目集。", + "viewChanges": "檢視變更" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/scm/browser/scmRepositoriesViewPane": { "scm": "原始檔控制存放庫" @@ -14854,7 +14855,7 @@ "window.systemColorTheme.light": "使用淺色原生小工具色彩。" }, "vs/workbench/services/userDataProfile/browser/extensionsResource": { - "all profiles and disabled": "All Profiles", + "all profiles and disabled": "所有設定檔", "exclude": "選取 {0} 延伸模組", "extensions": "延伸模組", "installingExtension": "正在安裝延伸模組 {0}..."