diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index cec88f0ccd..a2a675a27a 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ "commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Odebrat všechny vyloučené volající", "commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Zakázat krokování namapovaného zdroje", "commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Povolit krokování namapovaného zdroje", + "commands.networkClear.label": "Clear Network Log", + "commands.networkCopyURI.label": "Copy Request URL", + "commands.networkOpenBody.label": "Open Response Body", + "commands.networkOpenBodyInHexEditor.label": "Open Response Body in Hex Editor", + "commands.networkReplayXHR.label": "Replay Request", + "commands.networkViewRequest.label": "View Request as cURL", "configuration.autoAttachMode": "Konfiguruje, které procesy se mají automaticky připojovat a ladit, když je zapnuté nastavení #debug.node.autoAttach#. Proces uzlu spuštěný s příznakem --inspect bude bez ohledu na toto nastavení připojen vždy.", "configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Automaticky připojovat ke každému procesu Node.js spuštěnému v terminálu", "configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "Auto attach is disabled and not shown in status bar.", @@ -74,6 +80,7 @@ "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Určuje, jestli se má ukončit, když podmíněné zarážky způsobí chybu.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Možnosti použité při ladění otevřených odkazů, na které se kliklo z terminálu ladění JavaScriptu. Pokud chcete toto chování zakázat, můžete pro toto nastavení zadat hodnotu off (vypnuto). Hodnota always (vždy) povolí ladění na všech terminálech.", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Výchozí hodnota runtimeExecutable používaná pro spouštění konfigurací, pokud není zadaná. Toto možnost se dá použít ke konfiguraci vlastních cest k instalacím Node.js nebo prohlížeče.", + "configuration.enableNetworkView": "Enables the experimental network view for targets that support it.", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Where a \"Run\" and \"Debug\" code lens should be shown in your npm scripts. It may be on \"all\", scripts, on \"top\" of the script section, or \"never\".", "configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Výchozí možnosti používané při ladění procesu pomocí příkazu Ladit: připojit k procesu Node.js", "configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Možnosti požadavku, které se mají použít při načítání prostředků, třeba map zdrojů, v ladicím programu. Možná je bude nutné nakonfigurovat, pokud vaše mapy zdrojů například vyžadují ověření nebo používají certifikát podepsaný svým držitelem (self-signed certificate). Možnosti se používají při vytváření požadavku pomocí knihovny [`got`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/got).\r\n\r\nBěžný způsob, jak zakázat ověřování certifikátu, je předáním `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`.", @@ -137,6 +144,7 @@ "node.console.title": "Konzole ladění uzlů", "node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Nenastavujte zarážky do žádného souboru, dokud se pro daný soubor nenačte sourcemap.", "node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Konfiguruje, jestli se má pro zjišťování sourcemap použít nový a rychlejší mechanismus.", + "node.experimentalNetworking.description": "Enable experimental inspection in Node.js. When set to `auto` this is enabled for versions of Node.js that support it. It can be set to `on` or `off` to enable or disable it explicitly.", "node.killBehavior.description": "Konfiguruje, jak se mají ukončit procesy ladění při zastavení relace. Možnosti:\r\n\r\n- forceful (výchozí): Vynutí okamžité zrušení stromu procesu. Odešle příkaz SIGKILL v posixu nebo taskkill.exe /F ve Windows.\r\n- polite: Strom procesu se zruší řádně. Je možné, že procesy, které se nechovají správně, po vypnutí tímto způsobem nadále poběží. Odešle příkaz SIGTERM v posixu nebo taskkill.exe bez příznaku /F (force) ve Windows.\r\n- none: Nedojde k žádnému ukončení.", "node.label": "Node.js", "node.launch.args.description": "Argumenty příkazového řádku, které se předávají do programu.\r\n\r\nMůže to být pole řetězců nebo jeden řetězec. Když se program spustí v terminálu, nastavení této vlastnosti na jeden řetězec způsobí, že argumenty pro prostředí nebudou uvozeny.", @@ -265,6 +273,7 @@ "Closure ({0})": "Zavření ({0})", "Console profile started": "Profil konzoly se spustil", "Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "Nelze se připojit k žádnému kanálu webového zobrazení UPW. Ujistěte se, že je vaše webové zobrazení hostované v režimu ladění a že „pipeName“ v souboru „launch.json“ je správné.", + "Could not find a location for the variable": "Could not find a location for the variable", "Could not query the provided object": "Nepovedlo se zadat dotaz na zadaný objekt.", "Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "Nepovedlo se přečíst mapování zdroje pro {0}: {1}", "Could not read {0}: {1}": "Nelze přečíst {0}: {1}", @@ -311,6 +320,7 @@ "Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "Bylo ztraceno připojení k laděné součásti. Pokus o opětovné připojení bude proveden za {0} ms.\r\n", "Manual": "Ruční", "Module": "Modul", + "Networking not available.": "Networking not available.", "Never": "Nikdy", "No": "Ne", "No npm scripts found in your package.json": "Ve vašem souboru package.json nebyly nalezeny žádné skripty npm.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 3ac3afb556..cdc2a21f6f 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "javascript.format.enable": "Umožňuje povolit nebo zakázat výchozí formátovací modul JavaScriptu.", "javascript.goToProjectConfig.title": "Přejít na konfiguraci projektu (jsconfig / tsconfig)", "javascript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "V závislosti na typu vlastnosti vložte za názvy atributů ={} nebo =\"\" . Pokud chcete řídit typy uvozovek používaných u atributů řetězců, podívejte se na javascript.preferences.quoteStyle.", - "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "Upřesňující předvolby, které řídí způsob řazení importů Předvolby jsou k dispozici tady: #javascript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#", + "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.enabled": "Umožňuje povolit nebo zakázat odkazy CodeLens v souborech JavaScriptu.", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.showOnAllFunctions": "Umožňuje povolit nebo zakázat odkazy CodeLens pro všechny funkce v souborech JavaScriptu.", "javascript.suggestionActions.enabled": "Umožňuje povolit nebo zakázat diagnostiku návrhů pro soubory JavaScriptu v editoru.", @@ -288,20 +288,20 @@ "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "V závislosti na typu vlastnosti vložte za názvy atributů ={} nebo =\"\" . Pokud chcete řídit typy uvozovek používaných u atributů řetězců, podívejte se na typescript.preferences.quoteStyle.", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.braces": "Vložte „={}“ za názvy atributů.", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.none": "Vkládejte pouze názvy atributů.", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "Upřesňující předvolby, které řídí způsob řazení importů Předvolby jsou k dispozici tady: #typescript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "Při porovnávání vyhodnocovat znaky s diakritickými znaménky jako nerovnocenné se základním znakem", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "Určuje, jestli mají být velká písmena před malými. Platí jenom pro organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'.", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "Rozlišovat malá a velká písmena pro řazení importů", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "Řadit importy s rozlišováním malých a velkých písmen", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "Řadit importy s rozlišováním malých a velkých písmen", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "Přepíše národní prostředí používané pro kolaci. Pokud chcete použít národní prostředí uživatelského rozhraní, zadejte hodnotu auto. Platí jenom pro organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'.", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "Seřadit číselné řetězce podle celočíselné hodnoty", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "Zjišťovat, kde by se měly řadit pojmenované importy pouze s importem informací o typu", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "Pojmenované importy pouze s importem informací o typu jsou řazeny až na konec seznamu importů", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "Pojmenované importy se řadí pouze podle názvu", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "Pojmenované importy pouze s importem informací o typu jsou řazeny až na konec seznamu importů", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "Seřadí importy pomocí číselné hodnoty každého bodu kódu.", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "Řadit importy pomocí kolace kódu Unicode", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "Compare characters with diacritical marks as unequal to base character.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "Indicates whether upper-case comes before lower-case. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "Detect case-sensitivity for import sorting.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "Sort imports case-insensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "Sort imports case-sensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "Overrides the locale used for collation. Specify `auto` to use the UI locale. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "Sort numeric strings by integer value.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "Detect where type-only named imports should be sorted.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "Named imports are sorted by name only.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "Sort imports using the numeric value of each code point.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "Sort imports using the Unicode code collation.", "typescript.preferences.preferTypeOnlyAutoImports": "Pokud je to možné, zahrnout klíčové slovo type do automatických importů Vyžaduje v pracovním prostoru použití TypeScriptu 5.3+.", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle": "Upřednostňovaný styl uvozovek, který se má použít pro rychlé opravy.", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle.auto": "Odvodit typ uvozovek z existujícího kódu", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json index b79dc9315e..89ef5405fe 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -5344,7 +5344,7 @@ "inlineChat.toolbar": "Tabulátor slouží k dosažení podmíněných částí, jako jsou příkazy, stav, odpovědi na zprávy a další.", "workbench.action.chat.focus": "Pokud chcete přesunout fokus na seznam žádostí a odpovědí chatu, na který lze přecházet pomocí šipek nahoru a dolů, vyvolejte příkaz pro přesunutí fokusu na chat{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Pokud chcete přesunout fokus na vstupní pole pro žádosti o chat, vyvolejte příkaz pro přesunutí fokusu na vstup chatu{0}.", - "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "To create a new chat session, invoke the New Chat command{0}.", + "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "Pokud chcete vytvořit novou relaci chatu, vyvolejte příkaz Nový chat{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Pokud chcete v odpovědi přesunout fokus na další blok kódu, vyvolejte příkaz Chat: Další blok kódu{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "Pokud se chcete zaměřit na další strom souborů v rámci odpovědi, vyvolejte příkaz Chat: Další strom souborů{0}." }, @@ -5518,20 +5518,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "vybráno {0}", - "didNotFollowInstructions": "Didn't follow instructions", - "incompleteCode": "Incomplete code", - "incorrectCode": "Suggested incorrect code", - "missingContext": "Missing context", - "offensiveOrUnsafe": "Offensive or unsafe", - "other": "Other", - "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "Poorly written or formatted", - "refusedAValidRequest": "Refused a valid request", - "reportIssue": "Report an issue", + "didNotFollowInstructions": "Nedodrženy instrukce", + "incompleteCode": "Neúplný kód", + "incorrectCode": "Navrhován nesprávný kód", + "missingContext": "Chybějící kontext", + "offensiveOrUnsafe": "Urážlivá nebo nejistá", + "other": "Jiné", + "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "Špatně napsaná nebo naformátovaná", + "refusedAValidRequest": "Zamítnutí platného požadavku", + "reportIssue": "Nahlásit problém", "usedAgent": "[[(znovu spustit bez)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "použito: {0} [[(znovu spustit bez)]]" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { - "action.showExtension": "Show Extension", "chat.viewContainer.label": "Chat", "chatCommand": "Krátký název, na který se tento příkaz odkazuje v uživatelském rozhraní, např. `fix` nebo * `explain` pro příkazy, které opravují problém nebo vysvětlují kód. Název by měl být v rámci příkazů zadaných tímto účastníkem jedinečný.", "chatCommandDescription": "Popis tohoto příkazu", @@ -5555,6 +5554,7 @@ "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "Určuje, jestli tento účastník podporuje {0}.", "chatParticipantWhen": "Podmínka, která musí být pravdivá, aby bylo možné tohoto účastníka povolit.", "chatSampleRequest": "Když uživatel klikne na tohoto účastníka v zadání /help, odešle se tento text účastníkovi.", + "showExtension": "Show Extension", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Přidává účastníka chatu." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { @@ -5593,7 +5593,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "True, pokud se použily úpravy textu chatu.", - "chatIsEnabled": "True, když je povolený chat, protože je zaregistrovaný výchozí účastník chatu", + "chatExtensionInvalid": "True when the installed chat extension is invalid and needs to be updated.", + "chatIsEnabled": "True when chat is enabled because a default chat participant is activated with an implementation.", + "chatParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for the panel.", "chatRequest": "Položka chatu je žádost", "chatResponse": "Položka chatu je odpověď", "chatResponseErrored": "True, pokud odpověď chatu vedla k chybě.", @@ -6015,10 +6017,10 @@ "focusCommentsFilter": "Filtr komentářů intenzivní práce", "focusCommentsList": "Zobrazení Komentáře na intenzivní práci", "resolved": "Zobrazit vyřešené", - "sorting by file": "Soubor", + "sorting by position in file": "Position in File", "sorting by updated at": "Aktualizováno", "toggle resolved": "Zobrazit vyřešené", - "toggle sorting by resource": "Soubor", + "toggle sorting by resource": "Position in File", "toggle sorting by updated at": "Aktualizováno", "toggle unresolved": "Zobrazit nevyřešené", "unresolved": "Zobrazit nevyřešené" @@ -6678,7 +6680,7 @@ "debug.focusCallStack": "- Ladění: Příkaz Přepnout fokus na zobrazení zásobníku volání{0} přesune fokus na zobrazení zásobníku volání.", "debug.focusVariables": "- Příkaz Ladit: Přepnout fokus na zobrazení proměnných{0} přesune fokus na zobrazení proměnných.", "debug.focusWatch": "- Ladění: Příkaz Přepnout fokus na zobrazení kukátka{0} přesune fokus na zobrazení kukátka.", - "debug.help": "Access debug output and evaluate expressions in the debug console, which can be focused with{0}.", + "debug.help": "Přístup k výstupu ladění a vyhodnocení výrazů v konzole ladění, která se dá zaměřit pomocí{0}.", "debug.restartDebugging": "- Příkaz Ladění: Restartovat ladění{0} restartuje aktuální ladicí relaci.", "debug.showRunAndDebug": "Příkaz Zobrazit zobrazení Spuštění a ladění{0} otevře aktuální zobrazení.", "debug.startDebugging": "Příkaz Debug: Spustit ladění{0} spustí ladicí relaci.", @@ -8190,7 +8192,7 @@ "empty": "Žádné výsledky, upřesněte prosím svůj vstup a zkuste to znovu", "err.apply": "Nepovedlo se zavést změny.", "err.discard": "Změny se nepodařilo zahodit.", - "savehint": "Pokud chcete pokračovat v ukládání, přijměte nebo zahoďte změny.", + "savehint": "Accept or discard changes to continue saving.", "welcome.2": "Probíhá příprava..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { @@ -9149,7 +9151,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/multicursor/notebookMulticursor": { "addFindMatchToSelection": "Přidat nalezenou shodu k výběru", - "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "Delete Left", + "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "Odstranit nalevo", "exitMultiSelection": "Ukončit režim s více kurzory" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/navigation/arrow": { @@ -12487,6 +12489,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "Zavřít", "testOutputTitle": "Výstup testu", + "testing.collapsePeekStack": "Collapse Stack Frames", "testing.goToNextMessage": "Přejít na další selhání testu", "testing.goToNextMessage.description": "Zobrazí další zprávu o selhání ve vašem souboru.", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "Přejít na předchozí selhání testu", @@ -12523,8 +12526,8 @@ "run test": "Spustit test", "testing.cancelRun": "Zrušit testovací běh", "testing.debugLastRun": "Ladit testovací běh", - "testing.goToError": "Přejít ke zdroji", - "testing.goToFile": "Přejít ke zdroji", + "testing.goToError": "Go to Error", + "testing.goToTest": "Go to Test", "testing.reRunLastRun": "Znovu spustit testovací běh", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Zobrazit v Průzkumníkovi testů", "testing.showResultOutput": "Zobrazit výstup výsledku", @@ -12638,6 +12641,7 @@ "testing.isParentRunningContinuously": "Určuje, jestli je nadřazený prvek testu nepřetržitě spuštěný, a je nastavený v kontextu nabídky testovacích položek.", "testing.isRefreshing": "Určuje, zda některý kontroler testů aktuálně aktualizuje testy.", "testing.isTestCoverageOpen": "Udává, jestli je otevřená sestava pokrytí testu.", + "testing.peekHasStack": "Whether the message shown in a peek view has a stack trace", "testing.peekItemType": "Typ položky v zobrazení náhledu výstupu. Buď \"test\", \"zpráva\", \"úkol\" nebo \"výsledek\".", "testing.profile.context.group": "Typ nabídky, ve které existuje podnabídka konfigurace testovacího profilu: spuštění, ladění nebo pokrytí.", "testing.supportsContinuousRun": "Označuje, jestli je podporovaný průběžný testovací běh.", @@ -12917,7 +12921,7 @@ "userDataProfiles": "Profily" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfilesEditorModel": { - "active": "Použít pro aktuální okno", + "active": "Use this Profile for Current Window", "cancel": "Zrušit", "copy from": "{0} (kopie)", "copyFromProfile": "Duplikovat…", @@ -12935,8 +12939,7 @@ "preview": "Náhled", "profileExists": "Profil nastavení s názvem {0} už existuje.", "replace": "Nahradit", - "untitled": "Bez názvu", - "use as new window": "Použít pro nová okna" + "untitled": "Bez názvu" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataSync/browser/userDataSync": { "accept failed": "Při přijímání změn došlo k chybě. Další podrobnosti najdete v [protokolech]({0}).", @@ -13295,8 +13298,6 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.title": "Začínáme s VS Code", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.description": "Seznamte se s nástroji a klávesovými zkratkami, díky kterým je zajišťována přístupnost ve VS Code. Poznámka: Některé akce se nedají provést v kontextu podrobného návodu.", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.title": "Začínáme používat VS Code se čtečkou obrazovky", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.description": "Přizpůsobte si editor, naučte se základy a začněte kódovat.", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.title": "Další informace o používání VS Code se čtečkou obrazovky", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "Přizpůsobte si editor, naučte se základy a začněte kódovat.", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "Začínáme s VS Code pro web", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "Jakmile objevíte své oblíbené příkazy, vytvořte si vlastní klávesové zkratky pro okamžitý přístup.\r\n{0}", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 28d28ee446..cf93ab5852 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ "commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Alle ausgeschlossenen Aufrufer entfernen", "commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Source Mapped Stepping deaktivieren", "commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Source Mapped Stepping aktivieren", + "commands.networkClear.label": "Netzwerkprotokoll löschen", + "commands.networkCopyURI.label": "Anforderungs-ID kopieren", + "commands.networkOpenBody.label": "Antworttext öffnen", + "commands.networkOpenBodyInHexEditor.label": "Antworttext im Hexadezimal-Editor öffnen", + "commands.networkReplayXHR.label": "Wiedergabeanforderung", + "commands.networkViewRequest.label": "Anforderung als cURL anzeigen", "configuration.autoAttachMode": "Konfiguriert, welche Prozesse automatisch angefügt und gedebuggt werden, wenn \"#debug.node.autoAttach#\" aktiviert ist. Ein mit dem Flag \"--inspect\" gestarteter Node-Prozess wird unabhängig von dieser Einstellung immer angefügt.", "configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Hiermit wird automatisch an jeden Node.js-Prozess angefügt, der im Terminal gestartet wird.", "configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "Automatisches Anfügen ist deaktiviert und wird nicht in der Statusleiste angezeigt.", @@ -74,6 +80,7 @@ "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Gibt an, ob der Vorgang beendet werden soll, wenn bedingte Haltepunkte einen Fehler auslösen.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Optionen, die verwendet werden, wenn beim Debuggen innerhalb des Terminals auf geöffnete Links geklickt wird. Legen Sie diese Einstellung auf \"false\" fest, um dieses Verhalten zu deaktivieren.", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Der Standardwert für \"runtimeExecutable\", der für Startkonfigurationen verwendet wird, falls nicht angegeben. Dies kann zum Konfigurieren von benutzerdefinierten Pfaden für Node.js- oder Browserinstallationen verwendet werden.", + "configuration.enableNetworkView": "Aktiviert die experimentelle Netzwerkansicht für Ziele, die sie unterstützen.", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Wo in Ihren npm-Skripts \"Ausführen\" und \"Debuggen\" für CodeLens angezeigt werden soll. Mögliche Einstellungen sind \"Alle\" Skripts, \"Oben\" im Skriptabschnitt oder \"Keine\".", "configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Standardoptionen, die beim Debuggen eines Prozesses über den Befehl \"Debuggen: An Node.js-Prozess anfügen\" verwendet werden", "configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Anforderungsoptionen, die beim Laden von Ressourcen wie z. B. Quellzuordnungsdateien im Debugger verwendet werden sollen. Diese müssen möglicherweise konfiguriert werden, wenn Ihre Quellzuordnungsdateien eine Authentifizierung erfordern oder ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat verwenden. Optionen werden zum Erstellen einer Anforderung mithilfe der [„got“](https://github.com/sindresorhus/got)-Bibliothek verwendet.\r\n\r\nEin gängiger Fall ist beispielsweise das Deaktivieren der Zertifikatüberprüfung durch Übergabe von „{ „https\": { „rejectUnauthorized\": false } }“.", @@ -137,6 +144,7 @@ "node.console.title": "Node-Debugging-Konsole", "node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Hiermit werden Haltepunkte in einer beliebigen Datei erst festgelegt, wenn eine Sourcemap für diese Datei geladen wurde.", "node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Konfiguriert, ob ein neuer, schnellerer Mechanismus für die Sourcemap-Ermittlung verwendet werden soll", + "node.experimentalNetworking.description": "Experimentelle Inspektion in Node.js aktivieren. Bei der Einstellung `auto` ist dies für Versionen von Node.js aktiviert, die es unterstützen. Sie kann auf `on` oder `off` gesetzt werden, um sie explizit zu aktivieren oder zu deaktivieren.", "node.killBehavior.description": "Konfiguriert, wie Debugprozesse beim Sitzungsende beendet wird. Mögliche Optionen:\r\n\r\n– forceful (Standardeinstellung): Der Abbruch der Prozessstruktur wird erzwungen. Unter POSIX wird SIGKILL gesendet, unter Windows „taskkill.exe/F\".\r\n– polite: Die Prozessstruktur wird ordnungsgemäß beendet. Prozesse ohne Standardverhalten werden nach dem Herunterfahren möglicherweise weiterhin ausgeführt. Unter POSIX wird SIGTERM gesendet, unter Windows „taskkill.exe“ ohne „/F(force)-Flag“.\r\n– none: Es erfolgt keine Beendigung.", "node.label": "Node.js", "node.launch.args.description": "Befehlszeilenargumente, die an das Programm übergeben werden.\r\n\r\nKann ein Array aus Zeichenfolgen oder eine einzelne Zeichenfolge sein. Wenn das Programm in einem Terminal gestartet wird, führt das Festlegen dieser Eigenschaft auf eine einzelne Zeichenfolge dazu, dass die Argumente für die Shell nicht escaped werden.", @@ -265,6 +273,7 @@ "Closure ({0})": "Abschluss ({0})", "Console profile started": "Konsolenprofil wurde gestartet", "Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "Es konnte keine Verbindung mit einer Pipe der UWP-Webansicht hergestellt werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Webansicht im Debugmodus gehostet wird und dass „pipeName“ in Ihrer Datei „launch.json“ richtig ist.", + "Could not find a location for the variable": "Für die Variable wurde kein Speicherort gefunden.", "Could not query the provided object": "Das bereitgestellte Objekt konnte nicht abgefragt werden.", "Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "Die Quellzuordnung für \"{0}\" konnte nicht gelesen werden: {1}", "Could not read {0}: {1}": "Fehler beim Lesen von {0}: {1}", @@ -311,6 +320,7 @@ "Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "Die Verbindung mit der zu debuggenden Komponente wurde getrennt. Die Verbindung wird in {0} ms wiederhergestellt.\r\n", "Manual": "Manuell", "Module": "Modul", + "Networking not available.": "Netzwerk nicht verfügbar.", "Never": "Nie", "No": "Nein", "No npm scripts found in your package.json": "In Ihrer package.json-Datei wurden keine npm-Skripts gefunden.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index d4b6344031..bd0eebed5c 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "javascript.format.enable": "Standardmäßigen JavaScript-Formatierer aktivieren/deaktivieren.", "javascript.goToProjectConfig.title": "Zu Projektkonfiguration wechseln (jsconfig/tsconfig)", "javascript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "Fügen Sie `={}` oder `=\"\"` nach Attributnamen ein, die auf dem Eigenschaftentyp basieren. Informationen zum Steuern des Typs von Anführungszeichen, die für die Attribute in Zeichenfolgen verwendet werden, finden Sie unter „javascript.preferences.quoteStyle“.", - "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "Erweiterte Einstellungen, die steuern, wie Importe geordnet werden. Voreinstellungen sind unter \"#javascript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#\" verfügbar.", + "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.enabled": "Aktiviert oder deaktiviert CodeLens-Verweise in JavaScript-Dateien.", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.showOnAllFunctions": "Verweise auf CodeLens für alle Funktionen in JavaScript-Dateien aktivieren/deaktivieren", "javascript.suggestionActions.enabled": "Aktiviert oder deaktiviert Vorschlagsdiagnosen für JavaScript-Dateien im Editor.", @@ -288,20 +288,20 @@ "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "Fügen Sie `={}` oder `=\"\"` nach Attributnamen ein, die auf dem Eigenschaftentyp basieren. Informationen zum Steuern des Typs von Anführungszeichen, die für die Attribute in Zeichenfolgen verwendet werden, finden Sie unter „typescript.preferences.quoteStyle“.", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.braces": "Fügen Sie „={}“ nach Attributnamen ein.", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.none": "Fügen Sie nur Attributnamen ein.", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "Erweiterte Einstellungen, die steuern, wie Importe geordnet werden. Voreinstellungen sind unter \"#typescript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#\" verfügbar.", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "Zeichen mit diakritischen Markierungen als ungleich zu Basiszeichen vergleichen", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "Gibt an, ob Großbuchstaben vor Kleinbuchstaben liegen. Gilt nur für \"organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'\"", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "Groß-/Kleinbuchstaben für Importsortierung erkennen", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "Importe ohne Beachtung der Groß-/Kleinschreibung sortieren", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "Importe mit Beachtung der Groß-/Kleinschreibung sortieren", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "Überschreibt das Gebietsschema, das für die Sortierung verwendet wird. Geben Sie \"auto\" an, um das Gebietsschema der Benutzeroberfläche zu verwenden. Gilt nur für \"organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'\"", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "Numerische Zeichenfolgen nach ganzzahligem Wert sortieren", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "Ermitteln, wo nur typbezogene benannte Importe sortiert werden sollen", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "Nur benannte Importe vom Typ werden bis zum Ende der Importliste sortiert.", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "Benannte Importe werden nur nach Namen sortiert.", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "Nur benannte Importe vom Typ werden bis zum Ende der Importliste sortiert.", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "Importe anhand des numerischen Werts jedes Codepunkts sortieren", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "Importe mithilfe der Unicode-Codesortierung sortieren", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "Compare characters with diacritical marks as unequal to base character.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "Indicates whether upper-case comes before lower-case. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "Detect case-sensitivity for import sorting.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "Sort imports case-insensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "Sort imports case-sensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "Overrides the locale used for collation. Specify `auto` to use the UI locale. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "Sort numeric strings by integer value.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "Detect where type-only named imports should be sorted.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "Named imports are sorted by name only.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "Sort imports using the numeric value of each code point.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "Sort imports using the Unicode code collation.", "typescript.preferences.preferTypeOnlyAutoImports": "Schließen Sie das type-Schlüsselwort nach Möglichkeit in automatische Importe ein. Erfordert die Verwendung von TypeScript 5.3 und höher im Arbeitsbereich.", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle": "Bevorzugtes Anführungszeichenformat, das für schnelle Problembehebungen verwendet werden soll.", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle.auto": "Anführungszeichentyp aus vorhandenem Code ableiten", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json index bdcdf889e3..94886e5117 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -5344,7 +5344,7 @@ "inlineChat.toolbar": "Verwenden Sie die Registerkarte, um bedingte Teile wie Befehle, Status, Nachrichtenantworten und mehr zu erreichen.", "workbench.action.chat.focus": "Um den Fokus auf die Chatanforderungs-/Antwortliste zu legen, die mit den Pfeilen nach oben und unten navigiert werden kann, rufen Sie den Befehl „Chat konzentrieren“{0} auf.", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Um das Eingabefeld für Chatanfragen zu fokussieren, rufen Sie den Befehl „Chateingabe fokussieren“{0} auf.", - "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "To create a new chat session, invoke the New Chat command{0}.", + "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "Um eine neue Chatsitzung zu erstellen, rufen Sie den Befehl \"Neuer Chat\"{0} auf.", "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Um den nächsten Codeblock innerhalb einer Antwort zu fokussieren, rufen Sie den Befehl „Chat: Nächster Codeblock“{0} auf.", "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "Um den Fokus auf die nächste Dateistruktur innerhalb einer Antwort zu legen, rufen Sie den Befehl „Chat: Nächste Dateistruktur“{0} auf." }, @@ -5518,20 +5518,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "\"{0}\" ausgewählt", - "didNotFollowInstructions": "Didn't follow instructions", - "incompleteCode": "Incomplete code", - "incorrectCode": "Suggested incorrect code", - "missingContext": "Missing context", - "offensiveOrUnsafe": "Offensive or unsafe", - "other": "Other", - "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "Poorly written or formatted", - "refusedAValidRequest": "Refused a valid request", - "reportIssue": "Report an issue", + "didNotFollowInstructions": "Die Anweisungen wurden nicht befolgt", + "incompleteCode": "Unvollständiger Code", + "incorrectCode": "Falscher Code vorgeschlagen", + "missingContext": "Fehlender Kontext", + "offensiveOrUnsafe": "Anstößig oder unsicher", + "other": "Andere", + "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "Schlecht geschrieben oder formatiert", + "refusedAValidRequest": "Eine gültige Anforderung wurde abgelehnt", + "reportIssue": "Ein Problem melden", "usedAgent": "[[(erneut ausführen ohne)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "{0} verwendet [[(erneut ausführen ohne)]]" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { - "action.showExtension": "Show Extension", "chat.viewContainer.label": "Chat", "chatCommand": "Ein Kurzname, mit dem auf diesen Befehl in der Benutzeroberfläche verwiesen wird, z. B. `reparieren` oder * `erklären` für Befehle, die ein Problem beheben oder Code erklären. Der Name sollte unter den von diesem Teilnehmer bereitgestellten Befehlen eindeutig sein.", "chatCommandDescription": "Eine Beschreibung dieses Befehls.", @@ -5555,6 +5554,7 @@ "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "Gibt an, ob dieser Teilnehmer „{0}“ unterstützt.", "chatParticipantWhen": "Eine Bedingung, die erfüllt sein muss, um diesen Teilnehmer zu aktivieren.", "chatSampleRequest": "Wenn der Benutzer in \"/help\" auf diesen Teilnehmer klickt, wird dieser Text an den Teilnehmer übermittelt.", + "showExtension": "Show Extension", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Fügt einen Chatteilnehmer hinzu" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { @@ -5593,7 +5593,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "TRUE, wenn die Chattextbearbeitungen angewendet wurden.", - "chatIsEnabled": "\"Wahr\", wenn der Chat aktiviert ist, weil ein Standardchatteilnehmer registriert ist.", + "chatExtensionInvalid": "True when the installed chat extension is invalid and needs to be updated.", + "chatIsEnabled": "True when chat is enabled because a default chat participant is activated with an implementation.", + "chatParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for the panel.", "chatRequest": "Das Chatelement ist eine Anforderung.", "chatResponse": "Das Chatelement ist eine Antwort.", "chatResponseErrored": "TRUE, wenn die Chatantwort zu einem Fehler geführt hat.", @@ -6015,10 +6017,10 @@ "focusCommentsFilter": "Kommentarfilter fokussieren", "focusCommentsList": "Kommentaransicht fokussieren", "resolved": "Aufgelöst anzeigen", - "sorting by file": "Datei", + "sorting by position in file": "Position in File", "sorting by updated at": "Aktualisierungszeitpunkt", "toggle resolved": "Aufgelöst anzeigen", - "toggle sorting by resource": "Datei", + "toggle sorting by resource": "Position in File", "toggle sorting by updated at": "Aktualisierungszeitpunkt", "toggle unresolved": "Nicht aufgelöst anzeigen", "unresolved": "Nicht aufgelöst anzeigen" @@ -6678,7 +6680,7 @@ "debug.focusCallStack": "- Debuggen: Der Befehl „Aufruflistenansicht fokussieren“{0} fokussiert die Aufruflistenansicht.", "debug.focusVariables": "- Debuggen: Der Befehl „Variablenansicht fokussieren“{0} fokussiert die Variablenansicht.", "debug.focusWatch": "– Der Befehl „Debuggen: Überwachungsansicht fokussieren“{0} fokussieren die Überwachungsansicht.", - "debug.help": "Access debug output and evaluate expressions in the debug console, which can be focused with{0}.", + "debug.help": "Greifen Sie auf die Debugausgabe zu, und werten Sie Ausdrücke in der Debugkonsole aus, die mit {0} fokussiert werden kann.", "debug.restartDebugging": "– Debuggen: Der Befehl \"Debuggen neu starten\"{0} startet die aktuelle Debugsitzung neu.", "debug.showRunAndDebug": "Der Befehl „Ausführungs- und Debugansicht anzeigen“{0} öffnet die aktuelle Ansicht.", "debug.startDebugging": "Der Befehl „Debuggen: Debuggen starten“{0} startet eine Debugsitzung.", @@ -8190,7 +8192,7 @@ "empty": "Keine Ergebnisse, verfeinern Sie Ihre Eingabe und versuchen Sie es erneut.", "err.apply": "Fehler beim Anwenden von Änderungen.", "err.discard": "Fehler beim Verwerfen von Änderungen.", - "savehint": "Änderungen akzeptieren oder verwerfen, um mit dem Speichern fortzufahren", + "savehint": "Accept or discard changes to continue saving.", "welcome.2": "Wird vorbereitet..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { @@ -9149,7 +9151,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/multicursor/notebookMulticursor": { "addFindMatchToSelection": "\"Übereinstimmung suchen\" zur Auswahl hinzufügen", - "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "Delete Left", + "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "Links löschen", "exitMultiSelection": "Multicursormodus beenden" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/navigation/arrow": { @@ -12487,6 +12489,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "Schließen", "testOutputTitle": "Testausgabe", + "testing.collapsePeekStack": "Collapse Stack Frames", "testing.goToNextMessage": "Zum nächsten Testfehler wechseln", "testing.goToNextMessage.description": "Zeigt die nächste Fehlermeldung in Ihrer Datei an.", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "Zum vorherigen Testfehler wechseln", @@ -12523,8 +12526,8 @@ "run test": "Test ausführen", "testing.cancelRun": "Testlauf abbrechen", "testing.debugLastRun": "Testlauf debuggen", - "testing.goToError": "Zur Quelle wechseln", - "testing.goToFile": "Zur Quelle wechseln", + "testing.goToError": "Go to Error", + "testing.goToTest": "Go to Test", "testing.reRunLastRun": "Testlauf erneut ausführen", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Im Test-Explorer anzeigen", "testing.showResultOutput": "Ergebnisausgabe anzeigen", @@ -12638,6 +12641,7 @@ "testing.isParentRunningContinuously": "Gibt an, ob das übergeordnete Element eines Tests fortlaufend ausgeführt wird. Ist im Menükontext von Testelementen festgelegt.", "testing.isRefreshing": "Gibt an, ob ein Testcontroller derzeit Tests aktualisiert.", "testing.isTestCoverageOpen": "Gibt an, ob ein Bericht zur Testabdeckung geöffnet ist.", + "testing.peekHasStack": "Whether the message shown in a peek view has a stack trace", "testing.peekItemType": "Typ des Elements in der Ausgabevorschauansicht. Entweder ein \"Test\", eine \"Nachricht\", eine \"Aufgabe\" oder ein \"Ergebnis\".", "testing.profile.context.group": "Typ des Menüs, in dem das Untermenü zum Konfigurieren des Testprofils vorhanden ist. Entweder “Ausführen“, „Debuggen“ oder „Abdeckung“", "testing.supportsContinuousRun": "Gibt an, ob kontinuierliche Testläufe unterstützt werden.", @@ -12917,7 +12921,7 @@ "userDataProfiles": "Profile" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfilesEditorModel": { - "active": "Für aktuelles Fenster verwenden", + "active": "Use this Profile for Current Window", "cancel": "Abbrechen", "copy from": "{0} (Kopieren)", "copyFromProfile": "Duplizieren...", @@ -12935,8 +12939,7 @@ "preview": "Vorschau", "profileExists": "Das Profil mit dem Namen {0} ist bereits vorhanden.", "replace": "Ersetzen", - "untitled": "Unbenannt", - "use as new window": "Für neue Fenster verwenden" + "untitled": "Unbenannt" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataSync/browser/userDataSync": { "accept failed": "Fehler beim Annehmen von Änderungen. Überprüfen Sie die [Protokolle]({0}), um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.", @@ -13295,8 +13298,6 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.title": "VS Code Erste Schritte", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.description": "Erfahren Sie mehr über die Tools und Verknüpfungen, mit denen VS Code zugänglich sind. Beachten Sie, dass einige Aktionen innerhalb des Kontexts der exemplarischen Vorgehensweise nicht ausgeführt werden können.", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.title": "Los geht’s mit VS Code über eine Sprachausgabe", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.description": "Passen Sie Ihren Editor an, lernen Sie die Grundlagen kennen, und beginnen Sie mit dem Programmieren.", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.title": "Weitere Informationen zur Verwendung von VS Code mit einer Sprachausgabe", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "Passen Sie Ihren Editor an, lernen Sie die Grundlagen kennen, und beginnen Sie mit dem Programmieren.", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "Erste Schritte mit VS Code für das Web", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "Nachdem Sie Ihre bevorzugten Befehle entdeckt haben, erstellen Sie benutzerdefinierte Tastenkombinationen für den sofortigen Zugriff.\r\n{0}", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index d9f3e6a47a..05d08ea384 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ "commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Quitar todos los autores de la llamada excluidos", "commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Deshabilitar la ejecución paso a paso asignada de origen", "commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Habilitar la ejecución paso a paso asignada de origen", + "commands.networkClear.label": "Borrar registro de red", + "commands.networkCopyURI.label": "Copiar URL de solicitud", + "commands.networkOpenBody.label": "Abrir cuerpo de respuesta", + "commands.networkOpenBodyInHexEditor.label": "Abrir cuerpo de respuesta en el editor hexadecimal", + "commands.networkReplayXHR.label": "Solicitud de reproducción", + "commands.networkViewRequest.label": "Ver solicitud como cURL", "configuration.autoAttachMode": "Configura los procesos que se van a asociar y a depurar automáticamente cuando \"#debug.node.autoAttach#\" esté activado. Un proceso de Node iniciado con la marca \"--inspect\" se asociará siempre, independientemente de esta configuración.", "configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Asocia automáticamente a todos los procesos de Node.js iniciados en el terminal.", "configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "Conexión automática está desactivada y no se muestra en la barra de estado.", @@ -74,6 +80,7 @@ "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Controla si se debe detener cuando los puntos de interrupción condicionales producen un error.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Opciones utilizadas al depurar vínculos abiertos en los que se ha hecho clic desde dentro del terminal de depuración. Se puede establecer en \"false\" para deshabilitar este comportamiento.", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Valor predeterminado de \"runtimeExecutable\" que se usa para las configuraciones de inicio, si no se especifica un valor. Se puede usar para configurar rutas de acceso personalizadas a Node.js o a las instalaciones del explorador.", + "configuration.enableNetworkView": "Habilita la vista de red experimental para los destinos que la admiten.", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Lugar en que se debe mostrar una lente de código \"Ejecutar\" y \"Depurar\" en los scripts npm. Puede estar en todos, en scripts, sobre la sección del script o bien no mostrarse nunca.", "configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Opciones predeterminadas que se usan al depurar un proceso mediante el comando \"Debug: Attach to Node.js Process\"", "configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Opciones de solicitud que se van a usar al cargar los recursos (como los mapas de origen) en el depurador. Puede ser necesario configurar esto si los mapas de origen requieren autenticación o el uso de un certificado autofirmado, por ejemplo. Las opciones se usan para crear una solicitud con la biblioteca [\"got\"](https://github.com/sindresorhus/got).\r\n\r\nUn caso habitual para deshabilitar la comprobación de certificados puede realizarse si se pasa \"{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }\".", @@ -137,6 +144,7 @@ "node.console.title": "Consola de depuración de nodos", "node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "No establezca puntos de interrupción en ningún archivo hasta que se haya cargado un mapa de origen para el archivo.", "node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Configura si se va a usar un mecanismo nuevo y más rápido para la detección de mapas de origen", + "node.experimentalNetworking.description": "Habilite la inspección experimental en Node.js. Cuando se establece en \"auto\", se habilita para las versiones de Node.js que lo admiten. Se puede establecer en \"activado\" o \"desactivado\" para habilitarlo o deshabilitarlo explícitamente.", "node.killBehavior.description": "Configure el modo en que terminan los procesos de depuración al detener la sesión. Puede ser:\r\n\r\n- forceful (predeterminado): anula de manera forzosa el árbol de procesos. Envía SIGKILL en posix o \"taskkill.exe /F\" en Windows.\r\n- polite: anula correctamente el árbol de procesos. Es posible que los procesos con un comportamiento erróneo se sigan ejecutando después de apagar de esta forma. Envía SIGTERM en posix o \"taskkill.exe\" sin la marca \"/F\" (forzar) en Windows.\r\n- none: no se producirá ninguna terminación.", "node.label": "Node.js", "node.launch.args.description": "Argumentos de línea de comandos que se pasan al programa.\r\n\r\nPuede ser una matriz de cadenas o una sola cadena. Cuando el programa se inicia en un terminal, establecer esta propiedad en una sola cadena hará que los argumentos no se escapen para el shell.", @@ -265,6 +273,7 @@ "Closure ({0})": "Clausura ({0})", "Console profile started": "Perfil de consola iniciado", "Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "No se pudo conectar a ninguna canalización de vista web UWP. Asegúrese de que la vista web esté hospedada en modo de depuración y de que el valor de \"pipeName\" de \"launch.json\" sea correcto.", + "Could not find a location for the variable": "No se pudo encontrar una ubicación para la variable", "Could not query the provided object": "No se pudo consultar el objeto proporcionado.", "Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "No se pudo leer el mapa de origen de {0}: {1}", "Could not read {0}: {1}": "No se pudo leer {0}: {1}", @@ -311,6 +320,7 @@ "Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "Se perdió la conexión con el elemento que se va a depurar; se volverá a conectar en {0} ms\r\n", "Manual": "Manual", "Module": "Módulo", + "Networking not available.": "Redes no disponibles.", "Never": "Nunca", "No": "No", "No npm scripts found in your package.json": "No se han encontrado scripts npm en su package.json", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 7e1bd4e396..6a57214969 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "javascript.format.enable": "Habilita o deshabilita el formateador predeterminado de JavaScript.", "javascript.goToProjectConfig.title": "Ir a Configuración del proyecto (jsconfig / tsconfig)", "javascript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "Inserte `={}` o `=\"\"` después de los nombres de atributo según el tipo de propiedad. Consulte `javascript.preferences.quoteStyle` para controlar el tipo de comillas usadas para los atributos de cadena.", - "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "Preferencias avanzadas que controlan cómo se ordenan las importaciones. Los valores preestablecidos están disponibles en \"#javascript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#\"", + "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.enabled": "Habilitar/deshabilitar las referencias de CodeLens en los archivos de JavaScript.", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.showOnAllFunctions": "Habilitar o deshabilitar CodeLens de referencias en todas las funciones de los archivos de JavaScript.", "javascript.suggestionActions.enabled": "Habilita o deshabilita el diagnóstico de sugerencias para los archivos de JavaScript en el editor.", @@ -288,20 +288,20 @@ "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "Inserte `={}` o `=\"\"` después de los nombres de atributo según el tipo de propiedad. Consulte `typescript.preferences.quoteStyle` para controlar el tipo de comillas usadas para los atributos de cadena.", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.braces": "Inserta '={}' después de los nombres de atributo.", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.none": "Inserte solo nombres de atributo.", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "Preferencias avanzadas que controlan cómo se ordenan las importaciones. Los valores preestablecidos están disponibles en \"#typescript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#\"", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "Comparar caracteres con marcas diacríticas como distintos del carácter base", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "Indica si las mayúsculas van antes que las minúsculas. Solo se aplica a \"organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'\".", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "Detección de distinción entre mayúsculas y minúsculas para la ordenación de importación", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "Ordenar importa sin distinción entre mayúsculas y minúsculas", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "Ordenar importa con distinción entre mayúsculas y minúsculas", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "Invalida la configuración regional usada para la intercalación. Especifique \"auto\" para usar la configuración regional de la interfaz de usuario. Solo se aplica a \"organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'\".", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "Ordenar cadenas numéricas por valor entero", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "Detectar dónde deben ordenarse las importaciones con nombre solo de tipo", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "Las importaciones con nombre de tipo solo se ordenan al final de la lista de importación.", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "Las importaciones con nombre se ordenan solo por nombre", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "Las importaciones con nombre de tipo solo se ordenan al final de la lista de importación.", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "Ordenar importaciones con el valor numérico de cada punto de código", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "Ordenar importaciones mediante la intercalación de código Unicode", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "Compare characters with diacritical marks as unequal to base character.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "Indicates whether upper-case comes before lower-case. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "Detect case-sensitivity for import sorting.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "Sort imports case-insensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "Sort imports case-sensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "Overrides the locale used for collation. Specify `auto` to use the UI locale. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "Sort numeric strings by integer value.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "Detect where type-only named imports should be sorted.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "Named imports are sorted by name only.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "Sort imports using the numeric value of each code point.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "Sort imports using the Unicode code collation.", "typescript.preferences.preferTypeOnlyAutoImports": "Incluya la palabra clave \"type\" en las importaciones automáticas siempre que sea posible. Requiere el uso de TypeScript 5.3+ en el área de trabajo.", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle": "Estilo de comillas preferido para las correcciones rápidas.", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle.auto": "Inferir el tipo de comillas a partir del código existente", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json index 1926c0e3a0..efc2b55df4 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -5344,7 +5344,7 @@ "inlineChat.toolbar": "Utilice el tabulador para acceder a partes condicionales como comandos, estado, respuestas a mensajes y mucho más.", "workbench.action.chat.focus": "El comando Focus Chat{0} activa la lista de solicitudes y respuestas del chat, por la que se puede navegar con las flechas Arriba y Abajo.", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Si desea enfocar el cuadro de entrada para las solicitudes de chat, invoque el comando Focus Chat Input{0}.", - "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "To create a new chat session, invoke the New Chat command{0}.", + "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "Para crear una nueva sesión de chat, invoque el comando{0}Nuevo chat.", "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Para enfocar el siguiente bloque de código dentro de una respuesta, invoque el comando Chat: Next Code Block{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "Para enfocar el siguiente árbol de archivos dentro de una respuesta, invoque el comando Chat: Next File Tree command{0}." }, @@ -5518,20 +5518,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "seleccionado \"{0}\"", - "didNotFollowInstructions": "Didn't follow instructions", - "incompleteCode": "Incomplete code", - "incorrectCode": "Suggested incorrect code", - "missingContext": "Missing context", - "offensiveOrUnsafe": "Offensive or unsafe", - "other": "Other", - "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "Poorly written or formatted", - "refusedAValidRequest": "Refused a valid request", - "reportIssue": "Report an issue", + "didNotFollowInstructions": "No se han seguido las instrucciones", + "incompleteCode": "Código incompleto", + "incorrectCode": "Código incorrecto sugerido", + "missingContext": "Falta el contexto", + "offensiveOrUnsafe": "Ofensivo o no seguro", + "other": "Otros", + "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "Mal escrito o con formato incorrecto", + "refusedAValidRequest": "Se rechazó una solicitud válida", + "reportIssue": "Informar de un problema", "usedAgent": "[[(rerun without)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "se usó {0} [[(rerun without)]]" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { - "action.showExtension": "Show Extension", "chat.viewContainer.label": "Chat", "chatCommand": "Nombre corto con el que se hace referencia a este comando en la interfaz de usuario; por ejemplo, \"fix\" o * \"explain\" para comandos que corrigen un problema o código de explicación. El nombre debe ser único entre los comandos proporcionados por este participante.", "chatCommandDescription": "Descripción de este comando.", @@ -5555,6 +5554,7 @@ "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "Indica si este participante admite {0}.", "chatParticipantWhen": "Condición que debe ser verdadera para habilitar este participante.", "chatSampleRequest": "Cuando el usuario hace clic en este participante en \"/help\", este texto se enviará al participante.", + "showExtension": "Show Extension", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Contribuye a un participante del chat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { @@ -5593,7 +5593,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "True cuando se han aplicado las ediciones de texto del chat.", - "chatIsEnabled": "Es True cuando el chat está habilitado porque se ha registrado un participante de chat predeterminado.", + "chatExtensionInvalid": "True when the installed chat extension is invalid and needs to be updated.", + "chatIsEnabled": "True when chat is enabled because a default chat participant is activated with an implementation.", + "chatParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for the panel.", "chatRequest": "El elemento de chat es una solicitud", "chatResponse": "El elemento de chat es una respuesta.", "chatResponseErrored": "Es True cuando la respuesta del chat produjo un error.", @@ -6015,10 +6017,10 @@ "focusCommentsFilter": "Filtro Enfocar comentarios", "focusCommentsList": "Vista Enfocar comentarios", "resolved": "Mostrar resueltos", - "sorting by file": "Archivo", + "sorting by position in file": "Position in File", "sorting by updated at": "Hora de actualización", "toggle resolved": "Mostrar resueltos", - "toggle sorting by resource": "Archivo", + "toggle sorting by resource": "Position in File", "toggle sorting by updated at": "Hora de actualización", "toggle unresolved": "Mostrar sin resolver", "unresolved": "Mostrar sin resolver" @@ -6678,7 +6680,7 @@ "debug.focusCallStack": "- Depurar: el comando Vista de enfocar pila de llamadas{0} enfocará la vista de pila de llamadas.", "debug.focusVariables": "- Depurar: el comando Vista de enfocar variables{0} enfocará la vista de variables.", "debug.focusWatch": "- Depurar: el comando Vista de enfocar inspección{0} enfocará la vista de inspección.", - "debug.help": "Access debug output and evaluate expressions in the debug console, which can be focused with{0}.", + "debug.help": "Acceda a la salida de depuración y evalúe expresiones en la consola de depuración, la que se puede centrar con{0}.", "debug.restartDebugging": "- Depurar: el comando{0} Reiniciar depuración reiniciará la sesión de depuración actual.", "debug.showRunAndDebug": "El comando mostrar vista de Ejecutar y depurar{0} abrirá la vista actual.", "debug.startDebugging": "La depuración: el comando Iniciar depuración{0} iniciará una sesión de depuración.", @@ -8190,7 +8192,7 @@ "empty": "No hay resultados, refina la entrada e inténtalo de nuevo", "err.apply": "Error al aplicar los cambios.", "err.discard": "Error al descartar los cambios.", - "savehint": "Acepte o descarte los cambios para continuar guardando", + "savehint": "Accept or discard changes to continue saving.", "welcome.2": "En preparación..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { @@ -9149,7 +9151,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/multicursor/notebookMulticursor": { "addFindMatchToSelection": "Agregar coincidencia de búsqueda a la selección", - "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "Delete Left", + "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "Eliminar izquierda", "exitMultiSelection": "Salir del modo de cursor múltiple" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/navigation/arrow": { @@ -12487,6 +12489,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "Cerrar", "testOutputTitle": "Salida de prueba", + "testing.collapsePeekStack": "Collapse Stack Frames", "testing.goToNextMessage": "Ir al siguiente error de prueba", "testing.goToNextMessage.description": "Muestra el siguiente mensaje de error en el archivo", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "Ir al error anterior de la prueba", @@ -12523,8 +12526,8 @@ "run test": "Ejecutar prueba", "testing.cancelRun": "Cancelar serie de pruebas", "testing.debugLastRun": "Ejecución de la prueba de depuración", - "testing.goToError": "Ir a origen", - "testing.goToFile": "Ir a origen", + "testing.goToError": "Go to Error", + "testing.goToTest": "Go to Test", "testing.reRunLastRun": "Volver a ejecutar la prueba", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Mostrar en el Explorador de pruebas", "testing.showResultOutput": "Mostrar salida de resultado", @@ -12638,6 +12641,7 @@ "testing.isParentRunningContinuously": "Indica si el elemento primario de una prueba se está ejecutando continuamente, establecido en el contexto de menú de los elementos de prueba", "testing.isRefreshing": "Indica si algún controlador de pruebas está actualizando las pruebas actualmente.", "testing.isTestCoverageOpen": "Indica si un informe de cobertura de pruebas está abierto", + "testing.peekHasStack": "Whether the message shown in a peek view has a stack trace", "testing.peekItemType": "Tipo de elemento en la vista de salida. Puede ser una \"prueba\", un \"mensaje\", una \"tarea\" o un \"resultado\".", "testing.profile.context.group": "Tipo de menú en el que existe el submenú Configurar perfil de pruebas. \"run\", \"debug\" o \"coverage\"", "testing.supportsContinuousRun": "Indica si se admite la ejecución continua de prueba", @@ -12917,7 +12921,7 @@ "userDataProfiles": "Perfiles" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfilesEditorModel": { - "active": "Usar para la ventana actual", + "active": "Use this Profile for Current Window", "cancel": "Cancelar", "copy from": "{0} (copiar)", "copyFromProfile": "Duplicar...", @@ -12935,8 +12939,7 @@ "preview": "Vista previa", "profileExists": "Ya existe un perfil con el nombre {0}.", "replace": "Reemplazar", - "untitled": "Sin título", - "use as new window": "Usar para nuevas ventanas" + "untitled": "Sin título" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataSync/browser/userDataSync": { "accept failed": "Error al aceptar los cambios. Consulte [los registros] ({0}) para obtener más detalles.", @@ -13295,8 +13298,6 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.title": "Introducción a VS Code", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.description": "Obtenga información sobre las herramientas y los accesos directos que hacen que VS Code sean accesibles. Tenga en cuenta que algunas acciones no se pueden accionar desde el contexto del tutorial.", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.title": "Introducción a VS Code con un lector de pantalla", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.description": "Personalice el editor, conozca los conceptos básicos y empiece a codificar", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.title": "Más información acerca del uso de VS Code con un lector de pantalla", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "Personalice el editor, conozca los conceptos básicos y empiece a codificar", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "Introducción a VS Code para la Web", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "Una vez que haya descubierto sus comandos favoritos, cree métodos abreviados de teclado personalizados para obtener acceso instantáneo.\r\n{0}", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 7356ac7cf4..78a4388210 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ "commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Supprimer tous les appelants exclus", "commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Désactiver l’exécution pas à pas mappé source", "commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Activer l’exécution pas à pas mappé source", + "commands.networkClear.label": "Effacer le journal réseau", + "commands.networkCopyURI.label": "Copier l’URL de requête", + "commands.networkOpenBody.label": "Ouvrir le corps de réponse", + "commands.networkOpenBodyInHexEditor.label": "Ouvrir le corps de réponse dans l’Éditeur hexadécimal", + "commands.networkReplayXHR.label": "Relire la requête", + "commands.networkViewRequest.label": "Afficher la requête en tant que cURL", "configuration.autoAttachMode": "Configure les processus à attacher et déboguer automatiquement quand '#debug.node.autoAttach#' est activé. Un processus Node lancé avec l'indicateur '--inspect' est toujours attaché, quel que soit ce paramètre.", "configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Effectue l'attachement automatique à chaque processus Node.js lancé dans le terminal.", "configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "L'attachement automatique est désactivé et n'est pas affiché dans la barre d’état.", @@ -74,6 +80,7 @@ "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Indique s’il faut arrêter lorsque les points d’arrêt conditionnels génèrent une erreur.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Options utilisées pendant le débogage de liens ouverts sur lesquels l'utilisateur a cliqué à partir du terminal de débogage. Peut être défini sur \"false\" pour désactiver ce comportement.", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Il s'agit du 'runtimeExecutable' par défaut utilisé pour les configurations de lancement, en l'absence d'indications. Vous pouvez l'utiliser pour configurer des chemins personnalisés vers Node.js ou des installations de navigateur.", + "configuration.enableNetworkView": "Active la vue de réseau expérimentale pour les cibles qui la prennent en charge.", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Indique où CodeLens doit être affiché pour \"Exécuter\" et \"Déboguer\" dans vos scripts npm. Les options sont : \"tous\" les scripts, \"en haut\" de la section de script ou \"jamais\".", "configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Options par défaut utilisées pour le débogage d'un processus via la commande Déboguer : attacher au processus Node.js", "configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Options de requête à utiliser durant le chargement des ressources, telles que les mappages de sources, dans le débogueur. Vous devrez peut-être configurer ce paramètre si vos mappages de sources nécessitent une authentification ou s’ils utilisent un certificat autosigné. Les options sont utilisées pour créer une requête à l’aide de la bibliothèque [`got`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/got).\r\n\r\nUn moyen courant de désactiver la vérification de certificat est de passer `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`.", @@ -137,6 +144,7 @@ "node.console.title": "Console de débogage de nœud", "node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Ne définissez pas de points d'arrêt dans un fichier tant qu'un mappage de source n'a pas été chargé pour ce fichier.", "node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Configure s’il faut utiliser un nouveau mécanisme plus rapide pour la découverte de mappage de source", + "node.experimentalNetworking.description": "Activez l’inspection expérimentale dans Node.js. Quand la valeur est `auto` est activée pour les versions de Node.js qui la prennent en charge. Elle peut être définie sur « activé » ou « désactivé » pour l’activer ou la désactiver explicitement.", "node.killBehavior.description": "Configure la façon dont le processus de débogage est tué à l’arrêt de la session. Valeurs possibles : \r\n\r\n- forceful (par défaut) : détruit de force l’arborescence des processus. Envoie SIGKILL sur POSIX, ou `taskkill.exe /F` sur Windows.\r\n- polite : détruit élégamment l’arborescence des processus. Il est possible que des processus au comportement anormal continuent de s’exécuter après ce type d’arrêt. Envoie SIGTERM sur POSIX ou `taskkill.exe` sans l’indicateur `/F` (force) sur Windows.\r\n- none : aucun arrêt n’est effectué.", "node.label": "Node.js", "node.launch.args.description": "Arguments de ligne de commande passés au programme.\r\n\r\nPeut être un tableau de chaînes ou une chaîne unique. Lorsque le programme est lancé dans un terminal, la définition de cette propriété sur une seule chaîne empêche l’échappement des arguments pour l’interpréteur de commandes.", @@ -265,6 +273,7 @@ "Closure ({0})": "Fermeture ({0})", "Console profile started": "Profil de console démarré", "Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "Impossible de se connecter à un canal Webview UWP. Vérifiez que votre webview est hébergé en mode débogage et que le « pipeName » indiqué dans votre fichier « launch.json » est correct.", + "Could not find a location for the variable": "Désolé... Nous n’avons pas pu trouver un emplacement pour la variable", "Could not query the provided object": "Impossible d'interroger l'objet fourni", "Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "Impossible de lire le mappage de source pour {0} : {1}", "Could not read {0}: {1}": "Impossible de lire {0} : {1}", @@ -311,6 +320,7 @@ "Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "Perte de la connexion à l'élément débogué. Reconnexion dans {0} ms\r\n", "Manual": "Manuelle", "Module": "Module", + "Networking not available.": "La mise en réseau n’est pas disponible.", "Never": "Jamais", "No": "Non", "No npm scripts found in your package.json": "Aucun script npm dans votre package.json", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 79dd664561..abe2ee63af 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "javascript.format.enable": "Activez/désactivez le formateur JavaScript par défaut.", "javascript.goToProjectConfig.title": "Accéder à la configuration du projet (jsconfig / tsconfig)", "javascript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "Insérez « ={} » ou « =\"\" » après les noms d’attributs en fonction du type d’accessoire. Consultez « javascript.preferences.quoteStyle » pour contrôler le type de guillemets utilisé pour les attributs de chaîne.", - "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "Préférences avancées qui contrôlent la façon dont les importations sont triées. Les présélections sont disponibles dans « #javascript.preferences.organizeImports.presets# »", + "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.enabled": "Activez/désactivez les références CodeLens dans les fichiers JavaScript.", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.showOnAllFunctions": "Activez/désactivez les références CodeLens sur toutes les fonctions des fichiers JavaScript.", "javascript.suggestionActions.enabled": "Active/désactive les diagnostics de suggestion pour les fichiers JavaScript dans l'éditeur.", @@ -288,20 +288,20 @@ "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "Insérez « ={} » ou « =\"\" » après les noms d’attributs en fonction du type d’accessoire. Consultez « typescript.preferences.quoteStyle » pour contrôler le type de guillemets utilisé pour les attributs de chaîne.", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.braces": "Insérez '={}' après les noms d’attributs.", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.none": "Insérez uniquement des noms d’attributs.", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "Préférences avancées qui contrôlent la façon dont les importations sont triées. Les présélections sont disponibles dans « #typescript.preferences.organizeImports.presets# »", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "Comparer des caractères avec des signes diacritiques comme étant différents des caractères de base", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "Indique si les majuscules sont placées avant les minuscules. S’applique uniquement à « organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode' »", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "Détecter le respect de la casse pour le tri d’importation", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "Trier des importations sans respect de la casse", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "Trier des importations avec respect de la casse", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "Remplace les paramètres régionaux utilisés pour le classement. Spécifiez « auto » pour utiliser les paramètres régionaux de l’interface utilisateur. S’applique uniquement à « organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode' »", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "Trier des chaînes numériques par valeur entière", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "Détecter l’emplacement où les importations nommées de type uniquement doivent être triées", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "Les importations nommées de type uniquement sont triées à la fin de la liste d’importation", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "Les importations nommées sont uniquement triées par nom", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "Les importations nommées de type uniquement sont triées à la fin de la liste d’importation", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "Trier des importations en tirant parti de la valeur numérique de chaque code de caractère", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "Trier des importations en utilisant le classement de code Unicode", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "Compare characters with diacritical marks as unequal to base character.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "Indicates whether upper-case comes before lower-case. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "Detect case-sensitivity for import sorting.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "Sort imports case-insensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "Sort imports case-sensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "Overrides the locale used for collation. Specify `auto` to use the UI locale. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "Sort numeric strings by integer value.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "Detect where type-only named imports should be sorted.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "Named imports are sorted by name only.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "Sort imports using the numeric value of each code point.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "Sort imports using the Unicode code collation.", "typescript.preferences.preferTypeOnlyAutoImports": "Incluez le mot clé 'type' dans les importations automatiques dès que possible. Nécessite l'utilisation de TypeScript 5.3+ dans l'espace de travail.", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle": "Style de devis préféré à utiliser pour les correctifs rapides.", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle.auto": "Déduire le type de guillemet à partir du code existant", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json index 6f1258712a..92f2d3bd90 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -5344,7 +5344,7 @@ "inlineChat.toolbar": "Utilisez l’onglet pour accéder aux parties conditionnelles telles que les commandes, l’état, les réponses aux messages, etc.", "workbench.action.chat.focus": "Pour cibler la liste de demandes/réponses de conversation, qui peut être parcourue avec les flèches vers le haut et vers le bas, appelez la commande Focus Chat{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Pour mettre l’accent sur la zone de saisie des demandes de conversation, appelez la commande Focus Chat Input{0}.", - "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "To create a new chat session, invoke the New Chat command{0}.", + "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "Pour créer une nouvelle session de discussion, appelez la commande Nouvelle discussion{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Pour mettre l’accent sur le bloc de code suivant dans une réponse, invoquez la commande Chat: Next Code Block{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "Pour cibler l’arborescence de fichiers suivante dans une réponse, appelez la commande Chat : Next File Tree{0}." }, @@ -5518,20 +5518,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "« {0} » sélectionné", - "didNotFollowInstructions": "Didn't follow instructions", - "incompleteCode": "Incomplete code", - "incorrectCode": "Suggested incorrect code", - "missingContext": "Missing context", - "offensiveOrUnsafe": "Offensive or unsafe", - "other": "Other", - "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "Poorly written or formatted", - "refusedAValidRequest": "Refused a valid request", - "reportIssue": "Report an issue", + "didNotFollowInstructions": "Je n'ai pas suivi les instructions", + "incompleteCode": "Code incomplet", + "incorrectCode": "Code incorrect suggéré", + "missingContext": "Contexte manquant", + "offensiveOrUnsafe": "Offensant ou dangereux", + "other": "Autre", + "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "Mal écrit ou mis en forme", + "refusedAValidRequest": "Refus d'une demande valide", + "reportIssue": "Signaler un problème", "usedAgent": "[[(réexécuter sans)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "utilisé {0} [[(réexécuter sans)]]" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { - "action.showExtension": "Show Extension", "chat.viewContainer.label": "Conversation", "chatCommand": "Nom court auquel cette commande fait référence dans l’interface utilisateur, par exemple `fix` ou * `explain` pour les commandes qui corrigent un problème ou expliquent du code. Le nom doit être unique parmi les commandes fournies par ce participant.", "chatCommandDescription": "Description de cette commande.", @@ -5555,6 +5554,7 @@ "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "Indique si ce(tte) participan(e)t prend en charge {0}.", "chatParticipantWhen": "Condition qui doit avoir la valeur true pour activer ce(tte) participant(e).", "chatSampleRequest": "Lorsque l’utilisateur clique sur ce participant dans « /help », ce texte est envoyé au participant.", + "showExtension": "Show Extension", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Contribue à un participant à la conversation" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { @@ -5593,7 +5593,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "La valeur est true lorsque les modifications apportées au texte de la conversation sont appliquées.", - "chatIsEnabled": "Valeur true quand une conversation est activée, car un participant à la conversation par défaut est inscrit.", + "chatExtensionInvalid": "True when the installed chat extension is invalid and needs to be updated.", + "chatIsEnabled": "True when chat is enabled because a default chat participant is activated with an implementation.", + "chatParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for the panel.", "chatRequest": "L’élément de conversation est une requête.", "chatResponse": "L’élément de conversation est une réponse.", "chatResponseErrored": "Vrai lorsque la réponse de conversation a généré une erreur.", @@ -6015,10 +6017,10 @@ "focusCommentsFilter": "Filtre de commentaires sur le focus", "focusCommentsList": "Focus sur l’affichage des commentaires", "resolved": "Afficher les éléments résolus", - "sorting by file": "Fichier", + "sorting by position in file": "Position in File", "sorting by updated at": "Heure de mise à jour", "toggle resolved": "Afficher les éléments résolus", - "toggle sorting by resource": "Fichier", + "toggle sorting by resource": "Position in File", "toggle sorting by updated at": "Heure de mise à jour", "toggle unresolved": "Afficher les éléments non résolus", "unresolved": "Afficher les éléments non résolus" @@ -6678,7 +6680,7 @@ "debug.focusCallStack": "- Débogage : la commande Focus sur l’affichage de la pile des appels{0} concentrera l’affichage de la pile des appels.", "debug.focusVariables": "- Débogage : la commande Focus sur l’affichage des variables{0} met le focus sur la vue des variables.", "debug.focusWatch": "- Débogage : la commande Focus Watch View{0} a pour objectif de mettre l’affichage espion au pointage.", - "debug.help": "Access debug output and evaluate expressions in the debug console, which can be focused with{0}.", + "debug.help": "Accédez à la sortie de débogage et évaluez les expressions dans la console de débogage, qui peuvent être focalisées avec{0}.", "debug.restartDebugging": "– Débogage : la commande Redémarrer le débogage{0} redémarre la session de débogage active.", "debug.showRunAndDebug": "La commande Afficher l’affichage d’exécution et de débogage{0} ouvre la vue actuelle.", "debug.startDebugging": "La commande Debug : Start Debugging{0} démarrera une session de débogage.", @@ -8190,7 +8192,7 @@ "empty": "Aucun résultat, affinez votre entrée et réessayez", "err.apply": "Nous n’avons pas pu appliquer les modifications.", "err.discard": "Nous n’avons pas pu ignorer les modifications.", - "savehint": "Accepter ou ignorer les modifications pour continuer l’enregistrement", + "savehint": "Accept or discard changes to continue saving.", "welcome.2": "Préparation en cours... Merci de patienter." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { @@ -9149,7 +9151,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/multicursor/notebookMulticursor": { "addFindMatchToSelection": "Ajouter la recherche de correspondance à la sélection", - "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "Delete Left", + "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "Supprimer à gauche", "exitMultiSelection": "Quitter le mode multi-curseur" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/navigation/arrow": { @@ -12487,6 +12489,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "Fermer", "testOutputTitle": "Sortie de test", + "testing.collapsePeekStack": "Collapse Stack Frames", "testing.goToNextMessage": "Accéder à la défaillance du test suivant", "testing.goToNextMessage.description": "Affiche le message d’échec suivant dans votre fichier", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "Accéder à la défaillance du test précédent", @@ -12523,8 +12526,8 @@ "run test": "Exécuter des tests", "testing.cancelRun": "Annuler la série de tests", "testing.debugLastRun": "Déboguer la série de tests", - "testing.goToError": "Accéder à la source", - "testing.goToFile": "Accéder à la source", + "testing.goToError": "Go to Error", + "testing.goToTest": "Go to Test", "testing.reRunLastRun": "Réexécuter la série de tests", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Révéler dans l'Explorateur de tests", "testing.showResultOutput": "Afficher la sortie des résultats", @@ -12638,6 +12641,7 @@ "testing.isParentRunningContinuously": "Indique si le parent d’un test est en cours d’exécution continue, défini dans le contexte de menu des éléments de test", "testing.isRefreshing": "Indique si un contrôleur de test actualise actuellement les tests.", "testing.isTestCoverageOpen": "Indique si un rapport de couverture de test est ouvert", + "testing.peekHasStack": "Whether the message shown in a peek view has a stack trace", "testing.peekItemType": "Type de l’élément dans l’affichage Aperçu de la sortie. La valeur peut être « test », « message », « tâche » ou « résultat ».", "testing.profile.context.group": "Type de menu dans lequel le sous-menu configurer le profil de test existe. « Exécuter », « déboguer » ou « couverture »", "testing.supportsContinuousRun": "Indique si l’exécution continue des tests est prise en charge", @@ -12917,7 +12921,7 @@ "userDataProfiles": "Profils" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfilesEditorModel": { - "active": "Utiliser pour la fenêtre active", + "active": "Use this Profile for Current Window", "cancel": "Annuler", "copy from": "{0} (Copier)", "copyFromProfile": "Dupliquer...", @@ -12935,8 +12939,7 @@ "preview": "Afficher un aperçu", "profileExists": "Il existe déjà un profil intitulé {0}.", "replace": "Remplacer", - "untitled": "Sans titre", - "use as new window": "Utiliser pour les nouvelles fenêtres" + "untitled": "Sans titre" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataSync/browser/userDataSync": { "accept failed": "Erreur au moment de l'acceptation des changements. Pour plus d'informations, consultez les [journaux]({0}).", @@ -13295,8 +13298,6 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.title": "Prise en main de VS Code", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.description": "Découvrez les outils et les raccourcis qui rendent VS Code accessibles. Notez que certaines actions ne sont pas actionnables à partir du contexte de la procédure pas à pas.", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.title": "Démarrer avec VS Code à l’aide d’un lecteur d’écran", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.description": "Personnalisez votre éditeur, apprenez les bases et commencez à coder", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.title": "En savoir plus sur l’utilisation de VS Code avec un lecteur d’écran", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "Personnalisez votre éditeur, apprenez les bases et commencez à coder", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "Démarrer avec VS Code pour le web", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "Une fois que vous avez découvert vos commandes favorites, créez des raccourcis clavier personnalisés pour un accès instantané.\r\n{0}", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index ac266beaab..96dfac3c08 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ "commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Rimuovi tutti i chiamanti esclusi", "commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Disabilitare istruzione mappata all’origine", "commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Abilitare istruzione mappata all'origine", + "commands.networkClear.label": "Cancella log di rete", + "commands.networkCopyURI.label": "Copia URL richiesta", + "commands.networkOpenBody.label": "Apri corpo risposta", + "commands.networkOpenBodyInHexEditor.label": "Aprire il corpo della risposta nell'editor esadecimale", + "commands.networkReplayXHR.label": "Richiesta di riproduzione", + "commands.networkViewRequest.label": "Visualizzare la richiesta come cURL", "configuration.autoAttachMode": "Consente di configurare i processi da collegare e di cui eseguire automaticamente il debug quando `#debug.node.autoAttach#` è impostato su on. Un processo Node avviato con il flag `--inspect` verrà sempre collegato indipendentemente da questa impostazione.", "configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Collega automaticamente a ogni processo Node.js avviato nel terminale.", "configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "La funzionalità di collegamento automatico è disabilitata e non visualizzata nella barra di stato.", @@ -74,6 +80,7 @@ "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Indica se arrestare l'esecuzione quando i punti di interruzione condizionali generano un errore.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Opzioni usate durante il debug di collegamenti aperto su cui viene fatto clic all'interno del terminale di debug. Impostare su \"false\" per disabilitare questo comportamento.", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Valore predefinito `runtimeExecutable` usato per le configurazioni di avvio, se non specificato. Può essere usato per configurare percorsi personalizzati per installazioni di Node.js o browser.", + "configuration.enableNetworkView": "Abilita la visualizzazione di rete sperimentale per le destinazioni che la supportano.", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Indica se visualizzare una finestra di CodeLens \"Esegui\" ed \"Esegui debug\" negli script npm. Può trovarsi in \"all\", negli script, in \"top\" della sezione script o in \"never\".", "configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Opzioni predefinite usate durante il debug di un processo tramite il comando `Debug: Collega al processo di terminale Node.js`", "configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Opzioni della richiesta da usare durante il caricamento delle risorse, ad esempio i mapping di origine, nel debugger. Può essere necessario configurare questa impostazione se, ad esempio, i mapping di origine richiedono l'autenticazione oppure usano un certificato autofirmato. Le opzioni vengono usate per creare una richiesta tramite la libreria [`got`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/got).\r\n\r\nPer eseguire un'azione comune, quale disabilitare la verifica dei certificati, è possibile passare `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`.", @@ -137,6 +144,7 @@ "node.console.title": "Console di debug nodo", "node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Non imposta punti di interruzione in un file finché non viene caricato un mapping di origine per tale file.", "node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Configura se usare un nuovo meccanismo più veloce per l'individuazione del mapping di origine", + "node.experimentalNetworking.description": "Abilitare l'ispezione sperimentale in Node.js. Se impostata su 'auto', questa opzione è abilitata per le versioni di Node.js che la supportano. Può essere impostata su 'on' o 'off' per abilitarla o disabilitarla in modo esplicito.", "node.killBehavior.description": "Consente di configurare la modalità di terminazione dei processi di debug all'arresto della sessione. Può essere:\r\n\r\n- forceful (impostazione predefinita): arresta forzatamente l'albero processi. Invia SIGKILL in posix oppure `taskkill.exe /F` in Windows.\r\n- polite: arresta normalmente l'albero processi. È possibile che l'esecuzione dei processi con comportamento anomalo prosegua dopo che vengono arrestati in questo modo. Invia SIGTERM in posix oppure `taskkill.exe` senza flag `/F` (force) in Windows.\r\n- none: i processi non vengono terminati.", "node.label": "Node.js", "node.launch.args.description": "Argomenti della riga di comando passati al programma.\r\n\r\nPuò trattarsi di una matrice di stringhe o di una singola stringa. Quando il programma viene avviato in un terminale, se si imposta questa proprietà su una singola stringa, gli argomenti non verranno preceduti da un carattere di escape per la shell.", @@ -265,6 +273,7 @@ "Closure ({0})": "Chiusura ({0})", "Console profile started": "Profilo console avviato", "Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "Impossibile connettersi ad alcuna pipe webview UWP. Assicurarsi che la visualizzazione Web sia ospitata in modalità di debug e che 'pipeName' in 'launch.json' sia corretto.", + "Could not find a location for the variable": "Non è stato trovato alcun percorso per la variabile", "Could not query the provided object": "Non è stato possibile eseguire una query sull'oggetto specificato", "Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "Non è stato possibile leggere il source map per {0}: {1}", "Could not read {0}: {1}": "Non è stato possibile leggere {0}: {1}", @@ -311,6 +320,7 @@ "Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "Connessione persa all'oggetto del debug. Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo di connessione tra {0} ms\r\n", "Manual": "Manuale", "Module": "Modulo", + "Networking not available.": "Rete non disponibile.", "Never": "Mai", "No": "No", "No npm scripts found in your package.json": "Nel file package.json non sono stati trovati script npm", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 47e1c1bca6..91ee7b8acf 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "javascript.format.enable": "Abilita/Disabilita il formattatore JavaScript predefinito.", "javascript.goToProjectConfig.title": "Vai a Configurazione progetto (jsconfig/tsconfig)", "javascript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "Inserire '={}' o '=\"\"' dopo i nomi di attributo in base al tipo di proprietà. Vedere 'javascript.preferences.quoteStyle' per controllare il tipo di virgolette usate per gli attributi stringa.", - "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "Preferenze avanzate che consentono di controllare l'ordinamento delle importazioni. I set di impostazioni sono disponibili in `#javascript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#`", + "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.enabled": "Abilita/disabilita riferimenti CodeLens nei file JavaScript.", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.showOnAllFunctions": "Abilita/disabilita le finestre CodeLens per i riferimenti in tutte le funzioni nei file JavaScript.", "javascript.suggestionActions.enabled": "Abilita/Disabilita la diagnostica dei suggerimenti per i file JavaScript nell'editor.", @@ -288,20 +288,20 @@ "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "Inserire '={}' o '=\"\"' dopo i nomi di attributo in base al tipo di proprietà. Vedere 'typescript.preferences.quoteStyle' per controllare il tipo di virgolette usate per gli attributi stringa.", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.braces": "Inserire “={}” dopo i nomi di attributo.", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.none": "Inserire solo nomi di attributo.", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "Preferenze avanzate che consentono di controllare l'ordinamento delle importazioni. I set di impostazioni sono disponibili in `#typescript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#`", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "Confronta i caratteri con segni diacritici diversi dal carattere di base", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "Indica se le maiuscole precedono le minuscole. Si applica solo a `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "Distinzione tra maiuscole e minuscole per l'ordinamento delle importazioni", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "Ordinare le importazioni senza distinzione tra maiuscole e minuscole", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "Ordinare le importazioni con distinzione tra maiuscole e minuscole", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "Escludere le impostazioni locali utilizzate per le regole di confronto. Specificare `auto` per usare le impostazioni locali dell'interfaccia utente. Si applica solo a `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "Ordinare le stringhe numeriche per valore del numero intero", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "Rileva dove ordinare le importazioni denominate solo per il tipo", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "Le importazioni denominate solo per il tipo vengono ordinate fino alla fine dell'elenco delle importazioni", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "Le importazioni denominate vengono ordinate solo per nome", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "Le importazioni denominate solo per il tipo vengono ordinate fino alla fine dell'elenco delle importazioni", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "Ordinare le importazioni usando il valore numerico di ogni punto di codice", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "Ordinare le importazioni utilizzando le regole di confronto del codice Unicode", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "Compare characters with diacritical marks as unequal to base character.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "Indicates whether upper-case comes before lower-case. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "Detect case-sensitivity for import sorting.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "Sort imports case-insensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "Sort imports case-sensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "Overrides the locale used for collation. Specify `auto` to use the UI locale. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "Sort numeric strings by integer value.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "Detect where type-only named imports should be sorted.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "Named imports are sorted by name only.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "Sort imports using the numeric value of each code point.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "Sort imports using the Unicode code collation.", "typescript.preferences.preferTypeOnlyAutoImports": "Includere la parola chiave 'type' nelle importazioni automatiche quando possibile. Richiede l'uso di TypeScript 5.3+ nell'area di lavoro.", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle": "Stile virgolette preferito da usare per le correzioni rapide.", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle.auto": "Dedurre il tipo di virgolette dal codice esistente", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json index a90797e73d..2c1314a343 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -5344,7 +5344,7 @@ "inlineChat.toolbar": "Usare TAB per raggiungere parti condizionali come comandi, stato, risposte ai messaggi e altro ancora.", "workbench.action.chat.focus": "Per spostare lo stato attivo sull'elenco di richieste/risposte della chat, che può essere esplorato con FRECCIA SU e FRECCIA GIÙ, richiamare il comando Focus Chat{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Per spostare lo stato attivo sulla casella di input per le richieste della chat, richiamare il comando Focus Chat Input{0}.", - "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "To create a new chat session, invoke the New Chat command{0}.", + "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "Per creare una nuova sessione di chat, richiamare il comando Nuova chat{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Per spostare lo stato attivo sul blocco di codice successivo all'interno di una risposta, richiamare il comando Chat: Next Code Block{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "Per spostare lo stato attivo sull'albero dei file successivo all'interno di una risposta, richiamare il comando Chat: Albero file successivo{0}." }, @@ -5518,20 +5518,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "\"{0}\" selezionato", - "didNotFollowInstructions": "Didn't follow instructions", - "incompleteCode": "Incomplete code", - "incorrectCode": "Suggested incorrect code", - "missingContext": "Missing context", - "offensiveOrUnsafe": "Offensive or unsafe", - "other": "Other", - "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "Poorly written or formatted", - "refusedAValidRequest": "Refused a valid request", - "reportIssue": "Report an issue", + "didNotFollowInstructions": "Istruzioni non seguite", + "incompleteCode": "Codice non completo", + "incorrectCode": "Codice suggerito non corretto", + "missingContext": "Contesto mancante", + "offensiveOrUnsafe": "Offensiva o non sicura", + "other": "Altro", + "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "Scritta o formattata male", + "refusedAValidRequest": "Richiesta valida rifiutata", + "reportIssue": "Segnala un problema", "usedAgent": "[[(riesegui senza)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "è stato usato {0} [[(riesegui senza)]]" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { - "action.showExtension": "Show Extension", "chat.viewContainer.label": "Chat", "chatCommand": "Un nome breve a cui fa riferimento questo comando nell'interfaccia utente, ad es. 'fix' o * 'explain' per i comandi che consentono di risolvere un problema o di spiegare il codice. Il nome deve essere univoco tra i comandi forniti da questo partecipante.", "chatCommandDescription": "Una descrizione di questo comando.", @@ -5555,6 +5554,7 @@ "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "Indica se questo partecipante supporta {0}.", "chatParticipantWhen": "Una condizione che deve essere True per abilitare questo partecipante.", "chatSampleRequest": "Quando l'utente fa clic su questo partecipante in '/help', il testo viene inviato al partecipante.", + "showExtension": "Show Extension", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Fornisce un partecipante alla chat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { @@ -5593,7 +5593,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "True quando le modifiche sono state applicate al testo della chat.", - "chatIsEnabled": "È True quando la chat è abilitata perché è registrato un partecipante alla chat predefinito.", + "chatExtensionInvalid": "True when the installed chat extension is invalid and needs to be updated.", + "chatIsEnabled": "True when chat is enabled because a default chat participant is activated with an implementation.", + "chatParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for the panel.", "chatRequest": "L'elemento della chat è una richiesta", "chatResponse": "L'elemento della chat è una risposta.", "chatResponseErrored": "True quando la risposta della chat ha restituito un errore.", @@ -6015,10 +6017,10 @@ "focusCommentsFilter": "Filtro commenti con stato attivo", "focusCommentsList": "Visualizzazione commenti con stato attivo", "resolved": "Mostrare risolti", - "sorting by file": "File", + "sorting by position in file": "Position in File", "sorting by updated at": "Ora dell'aggiornamento", "toggle resolved": "Mostrare risolti", - "toggle sorting by resource": "File", + "toggle sorting by resource": "Position in File", "toggle sorting by updated at": "Ora dell'aggiornamento", "toggle unresolved": "Mostrare non risolti", "unresolved": "Mostrare non risolti" @@ -6678,7 +6680,7 @@ "debug.focusCallStack": "- Il comando Debug: Evidenzia la visualizzazione dello stack di chiamate {0} evidenzia la visualizzazione dello stack di chiamate.", "debug.focusVariables": "- Il comando Debug: Evidenzia visualizzazione delle variabili {0} evidenzia la visualizzazione delle variabili.", "debug.focusWatch": "- Il comando Debug: Evidenzia visualizzazione di controllo {0} evidenzia la visualizzazione di controllo.", - "debug.help": "Access debug output and evaluate expressions in the debug console, which can be focused with{0}.", + "debug.help": "Accedere all'output di debug e valutare le espressioni nella console di debug, che può essere evidenziata con {0}.", "debug.restartDebugging": "- Il comando Debug: Restart Debugging{0} riavvierà la sessione di debug corrente.", "debug.showRunAndDebug": "Il comando Mostra visualizzazione di esecuzione e debug {0} apre la visualizzazione corrente.", "debug.startDebugging": "Il comando Debug: Avvia debug {0} avvia una sessione di debug.", @@ -8190,7 +8192,7 @@ "empty": "Nessun risultato. Affinare l'input e riprovare.", "err.apply": "Non è stato possibile applicare le modifiche.", "err.discard": "Non è stato possibile rimuovere le modifiche.", - "savehint": "Accetta o ignora le modifiche per continuare il salvataggio", + "savehint": "Accept or discard changes to continue saving.", "welcome.2": "Preparazione..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { @@ -9149,7 +9151,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/multicursor/notebookMulticursor": { "addFindMatchToSelection": "Aggiungere trova corrispondenza alla selezione", - "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "Delete Left", + "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "Elimina a sinistra", "exitMultiSelection": "Uscire dalla modalità multi-cursore" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/navigation/arrow": { @@ -12487,6 +12489,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "Chiudi", "testOutputTitle": "Output del test", + "testing.collapsePeekStack": "Collapse Stack Frames", "testing.goToNextMessage": "Passa al test non riuscito successivo", "testing.goToNextMessage.description": "Mostra il messaggio di errore successivo nel file", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "Passa al test non riuscito precedente", @@ -12523,8 +12526,8 @@ "run test": "Esegui test", "testing.cancelRun": "Annulla esecuzione test", "testing.debugLastRun": "Esecuzione test di debug", - "testing.goToError": "Vai all'origine", - "testing.goToFile": "Vai all'origine", + "testing.goToError": "Go to Error", + "testing.goToTest": "Go to Test", "testing.reRunLastRun": "Esegui di nuovo il test", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Visualizza in Esplora test", "testing.showResultOutput": "Mostra output risultati", @@ -12638,6 +12641,7 @@ "testing.isParentRunningContinuously": "Indica se l'elemento padre di un test viene eseguito continuamente, impostato nel menu di scelta rapida degli elementi del test", "testing.isRefreshing": "Indica se un test controller sta aggiornando i test.", "testing.isTestCoverageOpen": "Indica se un report di copertura del test è aperto", + "testing.peekHasStack": "Whether the message shown in a peek view has a stack trace", "testing.peekItemType": "Tipo dell'elemento nella visualizzazione dell'output in anteprima, \"test\", \"messaggio\", \"attività\" o \"risultato\".", "testing.profile.context.group": "Tipo di menu in cui è presente il sottomenu Configura profilo di test. \"esecuzione\", \"debug\" o \"copertura\"", "testing.supportsContinuousRun": "Indica se l'esecuzione continua di test è supportata", @@ -12917,7 +12921,7 @@ "userDataProfiles": "Profili" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfilesEditorModel": { - "active": "Usa per la finestra corrente", + "active": "Use this Profile for Current Window", "cancel": "Annulla", "copy from": "{0} (Copia)", "copyFromProfile": "Duplicare...", @@ -12935,8 +12939,7 @@ "preview": "Anteprima", "profileExists": "Il profilo con nome {0} esiste già.", "replace": "Sostituisci", - "untitled": "Senza titolo", - "use as new window": "Usa per nuove finestre" + "untitled": "Senza titolo" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataSync/browser/userDataSync": { "accept failed": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'accettazione delle modifiche. Per altri dettagli, vedere i [log]({0}).", @@ -13295,8 +13298,6 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.title": "Introduzione a VS Code", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.description": "Informazioni sugli strumenti e i collegamenti che rendono accessibile VS Code. Si noti che alcune azioni non sono utilizzabili nel contesto della procedura dettagliata.", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.title": "Introduzione all'uso di VS Code con un'utilità per la lettura dello schermo", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.description": "Personalizza l'editor, scopri le nozioni di base e inizia a scrivere codice", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.title": "Altre informazioni sull’uso di VS Code con un’utilità per la lettura dello schermo", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "Personalizza l'editor, scopri le nozioni di base e inizia a scrivere codice", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "Introduzione a VS Code per il Web", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "Una volta individuati i comandi preferiti, è possibile creare scelte rapide da tastiera personalizzate per l'accesso immediato.\r\n{0}", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 7b34b2d107..53cf7a6a52 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ "commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "除外されたすべての呼び出し元を削除する", "commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "ソース マップ ステッピングを無効にする", "commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "ソース マップ ステッピングを有効にする", + "commands.networkClear.label": "ネットワーク ログをクリアします", + "commands.networkCopyURI.label": "要求 ID をコピーします", + "commands.networkOpenBody.label": "応答本文を開きます", + "commands.networkOpenBodyInHexEditor.label": "応答本文を 16 進数エディターで開きます", + "commands.networkReplayXHR.label": "要求を再生します", + "commands.networkViewRequest.label": "要求を cURL として表示します", "configuration.autoAttachMode": "'#debug.node.autoAttach#' がオンの場合に、自動的にアタッチしてデバッグするプロセスを構成します。'--inspect' フラグで起動されるノード プロセスは、この設定に関係なく、常にアタッチされます。", "configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "ターミナルで起動されるすべての Node.js プロセスに自動アタッチします。", "configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "オート アタッチが無効で、ステータス バーに表示されません。", @@ -74,6 +80,7 @@ "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "条件付きブレークポイントでエラーが発生したときに停止するかどうかを指定します。", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "デバッグ時に使用したオプションによって、デバッグ ターミナル内からクリックしたリンクが開きます。\"false\" に設定にすると、この動作を無効にできます。", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "指定されていない場合に起動構成に使用される、既定の 'runtimeExecutable'。これは、Node.js またはブラウザーのインストールのカスタム パスを構成するために使用できます。", + "configuration.enableNetworkView": "それをサポートするターゲットの試験的なネットワーク ビューを有効にします。", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "npm スクリプトで \"実行\" と \"デバッグ\" のコード レンズが表示される場所。\"すべて\" のスクリプトまたはスクリプト セクションの \"上\" に表示するか、\"表示しない\" を指定できます。", "configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "'デバッグ: Node.js のプロセスにアタッチ' コマンドでプロセスをデバッグするときに使用する既定のオプション", "configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "デバッガーでソース マップなどのリソースを読み込むときに使用する要求オプションです。ソースマップで認証が必要な場合または自己署名証明書を使用する場合などに、これを構成する必要がある可能性があります。オプションは、[`got`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/got) ライブラリを使用して要求を作成するために使用されます。\r\n\r\n通常、証明書の検証を無効にするためには、`{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }` をパスします。", @@ -137,6 +144,7 @@ "node.console.title": "Node デバッグ コンソール", "node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "どのファイルについても、そのファイルのソースマップが読み込まれるまではブレークポイントを設定しないでください。", "node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "ソースマップ検出に新しい高速メカニズムを使用するかどうかを構成します", + "node.experimentalNetworking.description": "Node.js で試験的な検査を有効にします。`自動` に設定すると、これをサポートするバージョンの Node.js に対して有効になります。明示的に有効または無効にするには、`オン` または `オフ` に設定できます。", "node.killBehavior.description": "セッションの停止時にデバッグ プロセスを中止する方法を構成します。以下を指定できます:\r\n\r\n- forceful (既定): プロセス ツリーを強制的に停止します。posix 上では SIGKILL を、Windows 上では 'taskkill.exe /F' を 送信します。\r\n- polite: プロセス ツリーを正常に終了します。この方法でシャットダウンした後、不適切なプロセスが引き続き実行される可能性があります。posix 上では SIGTERM を、Windows 上では '/F' (force) フラグなしの taskkill.exe を送信します。\r\n-none: 終了は発生しません。", "node.label": "Node.js", "node.launch.args.description": "プログラムに渡されるコマンド ライン引数。\r\n\r\n文字列の配列または 1 つの文字列を指定できます。プログラムがターミナルで起動される場合、このプロパティを単一の文字列に設定すると、シェルの引数がエスケープされません。", @@ -265,6 +273,7 @@ "Closure ({0})": "クロージャ ({0})", "Console profile started": "コンソール プロファイルが開始されました", "Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "UWP Web ビュー パイプに接続できませんでした。Web ビューがデバッグ モードでホストされていること、および 'launch.json' の 'pipeName' が正しいことを確認してください。", + "Could not find a location for the variable": "変数の場所が見つかりませんでした", "Could not query the provided object": "指定されたオブジェクトを照会できませんでした", "Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "{0} のソース マップを読み取れませんでした: {1}", "Could not read {0}: {1}": "{0} を読み取ることができませんでした: {1}", @@ -311,6 +320,7 @@ "Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "デバッグ対象への接続が失われました。{0} ミリ秒以内に再接続します\r\n", "Manual": "手動", "Module": "モジュール", + "Networking not available.": "ネットワークを利用できません。", "Never": "なし", "No": "いいえ", "No npm scripts found in your package.json": "package.json に npm スクリプトがありません", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 3fef0c0ea5..bbe10f0680 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "javascript.format.enable": "既定の JavaScript フォーマッタを有効/無効にします。", "javascript.goToProjectConfig.title": "プロジェクト構成 (jsconfig / tsconfig) に移動", "javascript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "プロパティの種類に基づいて属性名の後に '={}' または '=\"\"' を挿入します。文字列属性に使用される引用符の種類を制御するには、`javascript.preferences.quoteStyle` を参照してください。", - "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "インポートの順序を制御する高度な設定。プリセットは `#javascript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#` で使用できます", + "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.enabled": "JavaScript ファイル内で CodeLens の参照を有効/無効にします。", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.showOnAllFunctions": "JavaScript ファイル内のすべての関数で CodeLens への参照を有効または無効にします。", "javascript.suggestionActions.enabled": "エディター内で JavaScript ファイルの診断の提案を有効または無効にします。", @@ -288,20 +288,20 @@ "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "プロパティの種類に基づいて属性名の後に '={}' または '=\"\"' を挿入します。文字列属性に使用される引用符の種類を制御するには、`typescript.preferences.quoteStyle` を参照してください。", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.braces": "属性名の後に `={}` を挿入します。", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.none": "属性名の挿入のみ。", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "インポートの順序を制御する高度な設定。プリセットは `#typescript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#` で使用できます", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "分音記号付きの文字を基本文字と等しくない文字と比較する", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "大文字が小文字の前に来るかどうかを示します。`organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'` にのみ適用されます", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "インポートの並べ替えの大文字と小文字の区別を検出する", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "インポートを大文字と小文字を区別せずに並べ替える", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "インポートを大文字と小文字を区別して並べ替える", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "照合順序に使用されるロケールをオーバーライドします。UI ロケールを使用するには、`auto` を指定します。`organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'` にのみ適用されます", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "数値文字列を整数値で並べ替える", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "型専用の名前付きインポートを並べ替える場所を検出する", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "型の名前付きインポートのみがインポート リストの末尾に並べ替えられます", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "名前付きインポートは名前のみで並べ替えられます", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "型の名前付きインポートのみがインポート リストの末尾に並べ替えられます", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "各コード ポイントの数値を使用してインポートを並べ替える", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "Unicode コード照合順序を使用してインポートを並べ替える", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "Compare characters with diacritical marks as unequal to base character.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "Indicates whether upper-case comes before lower-case. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "Detect case-sensitivity for import sorting.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "Sort imports case-insensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "Sort imports case-sensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "Overrides the locale used for collation. Specify `auto` to use the UI locale. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "Sort numeric strings by integer value.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "Detect where type-only named imports should be sorted.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "Named imports are sorted by name only.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "Sort imports using the numeric value of each code point.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "Sort imports using the Unicode code collation.", "typescript.preferences.preferTypeOnlyAutoImports": "可能な場合は、`type` キーワードを自動インポートに含めます。ワークスペースで TypeScript 5.3 以降を使用する必要があります。", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle": "迅速な修正の使用で優先される引用符のスタイル。", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle.auto": "既存のコードから引用符の種類を推測する", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json index d77f14a6d7..bccc51c8ca 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -5344,7 +5344,7 @@ "inlineChat.toolbar": "タブを使用して、コマンド、ステータス、メッセージ応答などの条件付き部分にアクセスします。", "workbench.action.chat.focus": "上矢印と下矢印で移動できるチャット要求/応答リストにフォーカスするには、Focus Chat コマンドを呼び出します{0}。", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "チャット要求の入力ボックスをフォーカスするには、Focus Chat Input コマンドを呼び出します{0}。", - "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "To create a new chat session, invoke the New Chat command{0}.", + "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "新しいチャット セッションを作成するには、[新しいチャット] コマンド{0}を呼び出します。", "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "応答内の次のコード ブロックにフォーカスするには、Chat: Next Code Block コマンドを呼び出します{0}。", "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "応答内の次のファイル ツリーにフォーカスを合わせるには、Chat: Next File Tree コマンドを呼び出します{0}。" }, @@ -5518,20 +5518,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "選択した \"{0}\"", - "didNotFollowInstructions": "Didn't follow instructions", - "incompleteCode": "Incomplete code", - "incorrectCode": "Suggested incorrect code", - "missingContext": "Missing context", - "offensiveOrUnsafe": "Offensive or unsafe", - "other": "Other", - "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "Poorly written or formatted", - "refusedAValidRequest": "Refused a valid request", - "reportIssue": "Report an issue", + "didNotFollowInstructions": "指示に従わなかった", + "incompleteCode": "不完全なコード", + "incorrectCode": "正しくないコードが提案された", + "missingContext": "コンテキストが欠落している", + "offensiveOrUnsafe": "不快感を与える、または安全でない", + "other": "その他", + "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "不適切な書き込みまたは書式設定", + "refusedAValidRequest": "有効な要求を拒否した", + "reportIssue": "問題の報告", "usedAgent": "[[(rerun without)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "{0} を使用 [[(なしで再実行)]]" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { - "action.showExtension": "Show Extension", "chat.viewContainer.label": "チャット", "chatCommand": "このコマンドが UI で参照されるときの短い名前。たとえば、問題を修正するコマンドやコードを説明するコマンドの場合は、'fix' や * 'explain' などです。この名前は、参加者が提供するコマンドの中で一意である必要があります。", "chatCommandDescription": "このコマンドの説明。", @@ -5555,6 +5554,7 @@ "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "この参加者が {0} をサポートするかどうか。", "chatParticipantWhen": "この参加者を有効にするには TRUE にする必要がある条件。", "chatSampleRequest": "ユーザーが '/help' でこの参加者をクリックすると、このテキストがこの参加者に送信されます。", + "showExtension": "Show Extension", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "チャット参加者を投稿する" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { @@ -5593,7 +5593,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "チャット テキストの編集が適用されている場合は true。", - "chatIsEnabled": "既定のチャット参加者が登録されているためにチャットが有効になっている場合は true です。", + "chatExtensionInvalid": "True when the installed chat extension is invalid and needs to be updated.", + "chatIsEnabled": "True when chat is enabled because a default chat participant is activated with an implementation.", + "chatParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for the panel.", "chatRequest": "チャット アイテムは要求です", "chatResponse": "チャット アイテムは応答です。", "chatResponseErrored": "チャット応答でエラーが発生した場合は True。", @@ -6015,10 +6017,10 @@ "focusCommentsFilter": "コメント フィルターにフォーカス", "focusCommentsList": "コメント ビューにフォーカス", "resolved": "解決済みの内容を表示する", - "sorting by file": "ファイル", + "sorting by position in file": "Position in File", "sorting by updated at": "更新時刻", "toggle resolved": "解決済みの内容を表示する", - "toggle sorting by resource": "ファイル", + "toggle sorting by resource": "Position in File", "toggle sorting by updated at": "更新時刻", "toggle unresolved": "未解決の内容を表示する", "unresolved": "未解決の内容を表示する" @@ -6678,7 +6680,7 @@ "debug.focusCallStack": "- デバッグ: コール スタック ビューにフォーカスするコマンド{0} は、フォーカスをコール スタック ビューに移します。", "debug.focusVariables": "- デバッグ: 変数ビューにフォーカスするコマンド{0} は、フォーカスを変数ビューに移します。", "debug.focusWatch": "- デバッグ: ウォッチ ビューにフォーカスするコマンド{0} は、フォーカスをウォッチ ビューに移します。", - "debug.help": "Access debug output and evaluate expressions in the debug console, which can be focused with{0}.", + "debug.help": "デバッグ コンソールでデバッグ出力にアクセスし、式を評価します。デバッグ コンソールは {0} でフォーカスできます。", "debug.restartDebugging": "- [デバッグ: デバッグの再開] コマンド{0}は、現在のデバッグ セッションを再開します。", "debug.showRunAndDebug": "実行とデバッグ ビューの表示コマンド{0} は、現在のビューを開きます。", "debug.startDebugging": "デバッグ: デバッグの開始コマンド{0} はデバッグ セッションを開始します。", @@ -8190,7 +8192,7 @@ "empty": "結果なし。入力を絞り込んで、もう一度お試しください。", "err.apply": "変更を適用できませんでした。", "err.discard": "変更を破棄できませんでした。", - "savehint": "保存を続行するには、変更を承認または破棄します", + "savehint": "Accept or discard changes to continue saving.", "welcome.2": "準備しています..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { @@ -9149,7 +9151,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/multicursor/notebookMulticursor": { "addFindMatchToSelection": "検索の一致を選択範囲に追加する", - "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "Delete Left", + "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "左を削除", "exitMultiSelection": "マルチ カーソル モードを終了する" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/navigation/arrow": { @@ -12487,6 +12489,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "閉じる", "testOutputTitle": "テスト出力", + "testing.collapsePeekStack": "Collapse Stack Frames", "testing.goToNextMessage": "次のテスト エラーに移動", "testing.goToNextMessage.description": "ファイル内の次のエラー メッセージを表示します", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "前のテスト エラーに移動", @@ -12523,8 +12526,8 @@ "run test": "テストの実行", "testing.cancelRun": "テストの実行をキャンセル", "testing.debugLastRun": "テスト実行のデバッグ", - "testing.goToError": "ソースに移動", - "testing.goToFile": "ソースに移動", + "testing.goToError": "Go to Error", + "testing.goToTest": "Go to Test", "testing.reRunLastRun": "テスト実行の再実行", "testing.revealInExplorer": "テスト エクスプローラーで表示", "testing.showResultOutput": "結果出力の表示", @@ -12638,6 +12641,7 @@ "testing.isParentRunningContinuously": "テスト項目のメニュー コンテキストで設定された、テストの親が継続的に実行されているかどうかを示します", "testing.isRefreshing": "現在、任意のテスト コントローラーでテストを更新しているかどうかを示します。", "testing.isTestCoverageOpen": "テスト カバレッジ レポートが開かれているかどうかを示します", + "testing.peekHasStack": "Whether the message shown in a peek view has a stack trace", "testing.peekItemType": "出力クイック表示の項目の種類。\"Test\"、\"message\"、\"task\"、または \"result\" のいずれかです。", "testing.profile.context.group": "テスト プロファイルの構成サブメニューが存在するメニューの種類。\"run\"、\"debug\"、または \"coverage\" のいずれか", "testing.supportsContinuousRun": "連続テストの実行がサポートされているかどうかを示します", @@ -12917,7 +12921,7 @@ "userDataProfiles": "プロファイル" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfilesEditorModel": { - "active": "現在のウィンドウに使用", + "active": "Use this Profile for Current Window", "cancel": "キャンセル", "copy from": "{0} (コピー)", "copyFromProfile": "重複...", @@ -12935,8 +12939,7 @@ "preview": "プレビュー", "profileExists": "{0} という名前のプロファイルは既に存在します。", "replace": "置換", - "untitled": "無題", - "use as new window": "新しい Windows に使用する" + "untitled": "無題" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataSync/browser/userDataSync": { "accept failed": "変更を受け入れているときにエラーが発生しました。詳細については、[ログ]({0})を確認してください。", @@ -13295,8 +13298,6 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.title": "VS Code を開始する", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.description": "VS Code をより使いやすくするツールとショートカットについて説明します。チュートリアルのコンテキスト内では実行できないアクションもありますのでご注意ください。", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.title": "スクリーン リーダーを使用してVS Code を開始する", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.description": "エディターをカスタマイズし、基礎を学び、コーディングを開始する", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.title": "スクリーン リーダーでの VS Code の使用に関する詳細情報", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "エディターをカスタマイズし、基礎を学び、コーディングを開始する", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "Web 用の VS Code を開始する", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "お気に入りのコマンドを見つけたら、すぐにアクセスするためのカスタム キーボード ショートカットを作成します。\r\n{0}", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 3aacb08631..0d5487f3f2 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ "commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "제외된 모든 호출자 제거", "commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "원본 매핑된 단계별 실행 사용 안 함", "commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "원본 매핑된 단계별 실행 사용", + "commands.networkClear.label": "네트워크 로그 지우기", + "commands.networkCopyURI.label": "요청 URL 복사", + "commands.networkOpenBody.label": "응답 본문 열기", + "commands.networkOpenBodyInHexEditor.label": "16진수 편집기에서 응답 본문 열기", + "commands.networkReplayXHR.label": "재생 요청", + "commands.networkViewRequest.label": "요청을 cURL로 보기", "configuration.autoAttachMode": "`#debug.node.autoAttach#`이 설정되어 있는 경우 자동으로 연결 및 디버그할 프로세스를 구성합니다. 이 설정과 관계없이 `--inspect` 플래그로 시작한 노드 프로세스가 항상 연결됩니다.", "configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "터미널에서 시작되는 모든 Node.js 프로세스에 자동으로 연결합니다.", "configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "자동 연결이 사용하지 않도록 설정되어 있고 상태 표시줄에 표시되지 않습니다.", @@ -74,6 +80,7 @@ "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "조건부 중단점에서 오류가 발생하면 중지할지 여부입니다.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "디버그 터미널 내부에서 클릭한 열린 링크를 디버깅할 때 사용되는 옵션입니다. 이 동작을 사용하지 않도록 설정하려면 \"false\"로 설정할 수 있습니다.", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "지정되지 않은 경우 시작 구성에 사용되는 기본 `runtimeExecutable`입니다. 이 설정을 사용하여 Node.js 또는 브라우저 설치의 사용자 지정 경로를 구성할 수 있습니다.", + "configuration.enableNetworkView": "실험적 네트워크 보기를 지원하는 대상에 대해 실험적 네트워크 보기를 활성화합니다.", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "npm 스크립트에 \"실행\" 및 \"디버그\" 코드 렌즈가 표시되어야 하는 위치입니다. \"all\", 스크립트, 스크립트 섹션의 \"top\" 또는 \"never\"일 수 있습니다.", "configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "'디버그: Node.js 프로세스에 연결' 명령을 통해 프로세스를 디버그할 때 사용되는 기본 옵션입니다.", "configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "디버거에서 소스 맵과 같은 리소스를 로드할 때 사용할 요청 옵션입니다. 예를 들어 sourcemap에서 인증을 요구하거나 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 경우 이 옵션을 구성해야 할 수 있습니다. 옵션은 [`got`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/got) 라이브러리를 사용하여 요청을 만드는 데 사용됩니다.\r\n\r\n일반적으로 `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`를 전달하여 인증서 확인을 사용하지 않도록 설정할 수 있습니다.", @@ -137,6 +144,7 @@ "node.console.title": "노드 디버그 콘솔", "node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "해당 파일에 대한 sourcemap이 로드될 때까지 파일에서 중단점을 설정하지 마세요.", "node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "소스맵 검색을 위해 새롭고 더 빠른 메커니즘을 사용할지 여부를 구성합니다.", + "node.experimentalNetworking.description": "Node.js에서 실험적 검사를 활성화합니다. '자동'으로 설정하면 이를 지원하는 Node.js 버전에서 이 기능이 활성화됩니다. '켜기' 또는 '끄기'로 설정하여 명시적으로 활성화 또는 비활성화할 수 있습니다.", "node.killBehavior.description": "세션을 중지할 때 디버그 프로세스가 종료되는 방식을 구성합니다. 이 방식은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다.\r\n\r\n- forceful(기본값): 프로세스 트리를 강제로 삭제합니다. posix에서는 SIGKILL을 보내고, Windows에서는 `taskkill.exe /F`를 보냅니다.\r\n- polite: 프로세스 트리를 정상적으로 삭제합니다. 잘못 동작하는 프로세스는 이 방식으로 종료된 후 계속 실행될 수 있습니다. posix에서는 SIGTERM을 보내고, Windows에서는 `/F`(force) 플래그 없이 `taskkill.exe`를 보냅니다.\r\n- none: 종료가 수행되지 않습니다.", "node.label": "Node.js", "node.launch.args.description": "프로그램에 전달되는 명령줄 인수입니다.\r\n\r\n문자열 배열 또는 단일 문자열일 수 있습니다. 프로그램이 터미널에서 시작될 때 이 속성을 단일 문자열로 설정하면 셸에 대해 인수가 이스케이프되지 않습니다.", @@ -265,6 +273,7 @@ "Closure ({0})": "닫기({0})", "Console profile started": "콘솔 프로필 시작됨", "Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "UWP Webview 파이프에 연결할 수 없습니다. webview가 디버그 모드에서 호스팅되고 `launch.json`의 `pipeName`이 올바른지 확인하세요.", + "Could not find a location for the variable": "변수의 위치를 찾을 수 없습니다.", "Could not query the provided object": "제공된 개체를 쿼리할 수 없습니다.", "Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "{0}의 소스 맵을 읽을 수 없음: {1}", "Could not read {0}: {1}": "{0}을(를) 읽을 수 없습니다. {1}", @@ -311,6 +320,7 @@ "Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "디버기에 대한 연결이 끊김, {0}ms 후에 다시 연결함\r\n", "Manual": "수동", "Module": "모듈", + "Networking not available.": "네트워킹을 사용할 수 없습니다.", "Never": "안 함", "No": "아니요", "No npm scripts found in your package.json": "package.json에서 npm 스크립트를 찾을 수 없습니다.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 51774663ef..e52c34525e 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "javascript.format.enable": "기본 JavaScript 포맷터를 사용하거나 사용하지 않습니다.", "javascript.goToProjectConfig.title": "프로젝트 구성(jsconfig/tsconfig)으로 이동합니다.", "javascript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "prop 형식에 따라 특성 이름 뒤에 `={}` 또는 `=\"\"`를 삽입합니다. 문자열 특성에 사용되는 따옴표 형식을 제어하려면 `javascript.preferences.quoteStyle`을 참조하세요.", - "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "가져오기 순서 지정 방법을 제어하는 고급 기본 설정입니다. `#javascript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#`에서 사전 설정을 확인할 수 있습니다.", + "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.enabled": "JavaScript 파일에서 CodeLense 참조를 사용/사용 안 함으로 설정합니다.", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.showOnAllFunctions": "JavaScript 파일의 모든 기능에 대한 참조 CodeLens를 사용/사용하지 않도록 설정합니다.", "javascript.suggestionActions.enabled": "편집기에서 JavaScript 파일에 대한 제안 진단을 사용하거나 사용하지 않도록 설정합니다.", @@ -288,20 +288,20 @@ "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "prop 형식에 따라 특성 이름 뒤에 `={}` 또는 `=\"\"`를 삽입합니다. 문자열 특성에 사용되는 따옴표 형식을 제어하려면 `typescript.preferences.quoteStyle`을 참조하세요.", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.braces": "속성 이름 뒤에 `={}`를 삽입하세요.", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.none": "특성 이름만 삽입하세요.", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "가져오기 순서 지정 방법을 제어하는 고급 기본 설정입니다. `#typescript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#`에서 사전 설정을 확인할 수 있습니다.", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "분음 부호가 있는 문자를 기본 문자와 같지 않은 것으로 비교", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "대문자가 소문자 앞에 오는지 여부를 나타냅니다. `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`에만 적용됩니다.", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "가져오기 정렬 시 대/소문자 구분 감지", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "대/소문자를 구분하지 않고 가져오기 정렬", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "대/소문자를 구분하여 가져오기 정렬", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "데이터 정렬에 사용되는 로캘을 재정의합니다. UI 로캘을 사용하려면 `auto`로 지정하세요. `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`에만 적용됩니다.", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "정수 값으로 숫자 문자열 정렬", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "형식 전용 명명된 가져오기를 정렬해야 하는 위치 감지", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "형식 전용 명명된 가져오기를 가져오기 목록의 끝에 정렬", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "명명된 가져오기를 이름별로만 정렬", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "형식 전용 명명된 가져오기를 가져오기 목록의 끝에 정렬", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "각 코드 포인트의 숫자 값을 사용하여 가져오기 정렬", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "유니코드 코드 데이터 정렬을 사용하여 가져오기 정렬", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "Compare characters with diacritical marks as unequal to base character.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "Indicates whether upper-case comes before lower-case. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "Detect case-sensitivity for import sorting.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "Sort imports case-insensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "Sort imports case-sensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "Overrides the locale used for collation. Specify `auto` to use the UI locale. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "Sort numeric strings by integer value.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "Detect where type-only named imports should be sorted.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "Named imports are sorted by name only.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "Sort imports using the numeric value of each code point.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "Sort imports using the Unicode code collation.", "typescript.preferences.preferTypeOnlyAutoImports": "가능한 경우 항상 자동 가져오기에 `type` 키워드를 포함합니다. 작업 영역에서 TypeScript 5.3 이상을 사용해야 합니다.", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle": "빠른 수정에 사용할 기본 견적 스타일입니다.", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle.auto": "기존 코드에서 따옴표 형식 유추", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json index 9c6fbcafc4..c7e29a873b 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -5344,7 +5344,7 @@ "inlineChat.toolbar": "탭을 사용하여 명령, 상태, 메시지 응답 등과 같은 조건부 부분에 연결할 수 있습니다.", "workbench.action.chat.focus": "위쪽 및 아래쪽 화살표로 탐색할 수 있는 채팅 요청/응답 목록에 포커스를 지정하려면 포커스 채팅 명령({0})을 호출합니다.", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "채팅 요청에 대한 입력 상자에 초점을 맞추려면 포커스 채팅 입력 명령({0})을 호출합니다.", - "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "To create a new chat session, invoke the New Chat command{0}.", + "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "새 채팅 세션을 만들려면 새 채팅 명령{0}을(를) 호출합니다.", "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "응답 내에서 다음 코드 블록에 초점을 맞추려면 채팅: 다음 코드 블록 명령({0})을 호출합니다.", "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "응답 내에서 다음 파일 트리에 포커스를 지정하려면 채팅: 다음 파일 트리 명령({0})을 호출합니다." }, @@ -5518,20 +5518,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "\"{0}\" 선택됨", - "didNotFollowInstructions": "Didn't follow instructions", - "incompleteCode": "Incomplete code", - "incorrectCode": "Suggested incorrect code", - "missingContext": "Missing context", - "offensiveOrUnsafe": "Offensive or unsafe", - "other": "Other", - "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "Poorly written or formatted", - "refusedAValidRequest": "Refused a valid request", - "reportIssue": "Report an issue", + "didNotFollowInstructions": "지침을 따르지 않음", + "incompleteCode": "불완전한 코드", + "incorrectCode": "제안된 잘못된 코드", + "missingContext": "누락된 컨텍스트", + "offensiveOrUnsafe": "불쾌감을 주거나 안전하지 않음", + "other": "기타", + "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "잘못 작성되거나 형식이 잘못 지정됨", + "refusedAValidRequest": "유효한 요청을 거부했습니다.", + "reportIssue": "문제 신고", "usedAgent": "[[(rerun without)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "{0} 사용됨 [[(없이 다시 실행)]]" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { - "action.showExtension": "Show Extension", "chat.viewContainer.label": "채팅", "chatCommand": "이 명령이 UI에서 참조되는 짧은 이름(예: 문제를 해결하거나 코드를 설명하는 명령에 대한 'fix' 또는 * 'explain')입니다. 이름은 이 참가자가 제공한 명령 중에서 고유해야 합니다.", "chatCommandDescription": "이 명령에 대한 설명.", @@ -5555,6 +5554,7 @@ "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "이 참가자가 {0}을(를) 지원하는지 여부입니다.", "chatParticipantWhen": "이 참가자를 활성화하기 위해 true여야 하는 조건입니다.", "chatSampleRequest": "사용자가 `/help`에서 이 참가자를 클릭하면 이 텍스트가 해당 참가자에게 제출됩니다.", + "showExtension": "Show Extension", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "채팅 참가자 기여" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { @@ -5593,7 +5593,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "채팅 텍스트 편집이 적용된 경우 True입니다.", - "chatIsEnabled": "기본 채팅 참가자가 등록되어 있기 때문에 채팅이 활성화된 경우 True입니다.", + "chatExtensionInvalid": "True when the installed chat extension is invalid and needs to be updated.", + "chatIsEnabled": "True when chat is enabled because a default chat participant is activated with an implementation.", + "chatParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for the panel.", "chatRequest": "채팅 항목이 요청입니다.", "chatResponse": "채팅 항목이 응답입니다.", "chatResponseErrored": "채팅 응답에서 오류가 발생한 경우 True입니다.", @@ -6015,10 +6017,10 @@ "focusCommentsFilter": "주석 필터에 포커스", "focusCommentsList": "주석 뷰에 포커스", "resolved": "해결된 항목 표시", - "sorting by file": "파일", + "sorting by position in file": "Position in File", "sorting by updated at": "업데이트된 시간", "toggle resolved": "해결된 항목 표시", - "toggle sorting by resource": "파일", + "toggle sorting by resource": "Position in File", "toggle sorting by updated at": "업데이트된 시간", "toggle unresolved": "해결되지 않은 항목 표시", "unresolved": "해결되지 않은 항목 표시" @@ -6678,7 +6680,7 @@ "debug.focusCallStack": "- Debug: Focus Call Stack View 명령{0}을 사용하면 호출 스택 뷰에 포커스를 둡니다.", "debug.focusVariables": "- Debug: Focus Variables View 명령{0}을 사용하면 변수 뷰에 포커스를 둡니다.", "debug.focusWatch": "- Debug: Focus Watch View 명령{0}을 사용하면 조사식 뷰에 포커스를 둡니다.", - "debug.help": "Access debug output and evaluate expressions in the debug console, which can be focused with{0}.", + "debug.help": "디버그 콘솔에서 디버그 출력에 액세스하고 식을 평가합니다. 이 식은 {0}에 초점을 맞출 수 있습니다.", "debug.restartDebugging": "- 디버그: 디버깅 다시 시작 명령{0}을 사용하면 현재 디버그 세션이 다시 시작됩니다.", "debug.showRunAndDebug": "Show Run and Debug View 명령{0}을 사용하면 현재 뷰가 열립니다.", "debug.startDebugging": "Debug: Start Debugging 명령{0}을 사용하면 디버그 세션이 시작됩니다.", @@ -8190,7 +8192,7 @@ "empty": "결과가 없습니다. 입력을 구체화하고 다시 시도하세요.", "err.apply": "변경 사항을 적용하지 못했습니다.", "err.discard": "변경 내용을 취소하지 못했습니다.", - "savehint": "계속 저장하려면 변경 내용을 적용하거나 취소합니다.", + "savehint": "Accept or discard changes to continue saving.", "welcome.2": "준비 중..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { @@ -9149,7 +9151,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/multicursor/notebookMulticursor": { "addFindMatchToSelection": "선택 영역에 찾기 일치 항목 추가", - "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "Delete Left", + "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "왼쪽 삭제", "exitMultiSelection": "다중 커서 모드 종료" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/navigation/arrow": { @@ -12487,6 +12489,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "닫기", "testOutputTitle": "테스트 출력", + "testing.collapsePeekStack": "Collapse Stack Frames", "testing.goToNextMessage": "다음 테스트 실패로 이동", "testing.goToNextMessage.description": "파일의 다음 실패 메시지를 표시합니다.", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "이전 테스트 실패로 이동", @@ -12523,8 +12526,8 @@ "run test": "테스트 실행", "testing.cancelRun": "테스트 실행 취소", "testing.debugLastRun": "디버그 테스트 실행", - "testing.goToError": "원본으로 이동", - "testing.goToFile": "원본으로 이동", + "testing.goToError": "Go to Error", + "testing.goToTest": "Go to Test", "testing.reRunLastRun": "테스트 실행 다시 실행", "testing.revealInExplorer": "테스트 탐색기에 표시", "testing.showResultOutput": "결과 출력 표시", @@ -12638,6 +12641,7 @@ "testing.isParentRunningContinuously": "테스트의 부모 항목이 연속 실행 중인지 여부를 나타냅니다(테스트 항목의 메뉴 컨텍스트에서 설정됨).", "testing.isRefreshing": "테스트 컨트롤러가 현재 테스트를 새로 고치는 중인지를 나타냅니다.", "testing.isTestCoverageOpen": "테스트 적용 범위 보고서가 열려 있는지 여부를 나타냅니다.", + "testing.peekHasStack": "Whether the message shown in a peek view has a stack trace", "testing.peekItemType": "출력 피킹(peeking) 뷰의 항목 유형입니다. \"테스트\", \"메시지\", \"작업\" 또는 \"결과\"입니다.", "testing.profile.context.group": "테스트 프로필 구성 하위 메뉴가 있는 메뉴의 유형입니다. \"run\", \"debug\" 또는 \"coverage\"", "testing.supportsContinuousRun": "연속 테스트 실행의 지원 여부를 나타냅니다.", @@ -12917,7 +12921,7 @@ "userDataProfiles": "프로필" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfilesEditorModel": { - "active": "현재 창에 사용", + "active": "Use this Profile for Current Window", "cancel": "취소", "copy from": "{0}(복사)", "copyFromProfile": "복제...", @@ -12935,8 +12939,7 @@ "preview": "미리 보기", "profileExists": "이름이 {0}인 프로필이 이미 있습니다.", "replace": "바꾸기", - "untitled": "제목 없음", - "use as new window": "새 Windows에 사용" + "untitled": "제목 없음" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataSync/browser/userDataSync": { "accept failed": "변경 내용을 수락하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 자세한 내용은 [로그]({0})를 확인하세요.", @@ -13295,8 +13298,6 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.title": "VS Code 시작", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.description": "VS Code에 액세스할 수 있는 도구와 바로 가기를 알아봅니다. 일부 작업은 연습 컨텍스트 내에서 수행할 수 없습니다.", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.title": "화면 읽기 프로그램을 사용하여 VS Code 시작", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.description": "편집기 사용자 지정, 기본 사항 알아보기 및 코딩 시작", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.title": "화면 읽기 프로그램에서 VS Code 사용하는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보기", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "편집기 사용자 지정, 기본 사항 알아보기 및 코딩 시작", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "웹용 VS Code 시작", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "즐겨 찾는 명령을 검색한 후에는 즉시 액세스할 수 있는 사용자 지정 바로 가기 키를 만드세요.\r\n{0}", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 7c751ea84b..1a315f485f 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ "commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Usuń wszystkie wykluczone funkcje wywołujące", "commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Wyłącz krokowe mapowanie źródła", "commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Włącz krokowe mapowanie źródła", + "commands.networkClear.label": "Wyczyść dziennik sieci", + "commands.networkCopyURI.label": "Kopiuj adres URL żądania", + "commands.networkOpenBody.label": "Otwórz treść odpowiedzi", + "commands.networkOpenBodyInHexEditor.label": "Otwórz treść odpowiedzi w edytorze szesnastkowym", + "commands.networkReplayXHR.label": "Powtórz żądanie", + "commands.networkViewRequest.label": "Wyświetl żądanie jako adres cURL", "configuration.autoAttachMode": "Konfiguruje procesy, które mają być automatycznie dołączane i debugowane, gdy element „#debug.node.autoAttach#” jest włączony. Proces węzła uruchomiony przy użyciu flagi „--inspect” zawsze będzie dołączany niezależnie od tego ustawienia.", "configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Automatycznie dołączaj do każdego procesu Node.js uruchomionego w terminalu.", "configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "Auto attach is disabled and not shown in status bar.", @@ -74,6 +80,7 @@ "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Określa, czy zatrzymać, gdy warunkowe punkty przerwania zgłaszają błąd.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Opcje używane przy debugowaniu otwartych linków, które zostały kliknięte w obrębie terminalu debugowania języka JavaScript. Można wybrać opcję „off”, aby wyłączyć to zachowanie, lub „always”, aby włączyć debugowanie we wszystkich terminalach.", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Domyślny element `runtimeExecutable` używany na potrzeby konfiguracji uruchamiania, jeśli nie określono. Za jego pomocą można konfigurować ścieżki niestandardowe do instalacji przeglądarki lub platformy Node.js.", + "configuration.enableNetworkView": "Włącza widok sieci eksperymentalnej dla obiektów docelowych, które go obsługują.", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Where a \"Run\" and \"Debug\" code lens should be shown in your npm scripts. It may be on \"all\", scripts, on \"top\" of the script section, or \"never\".", "configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Opcje domyślne używane podczas debugowania procesu za pomocą polecenia „Debuguj: dołącz do procesu Node.js”", "configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Opcje żądania do użycia podczas ładowania zasobów, takich jak ładowania map źródeł i ładowania w debugerze. Ich skonfigurowanie może być konieczne na przykład wtedy, gdy mapy źródeł wymagają uwierzytelniania lub używają certyfikatu z podpisem własnym. Opcje służą do tworzenia żądania przy użyciu biblioteki [\"got\"](https://github.com/sindresorhus/got).\r\n\r\nTypowy przypadek wyłączenia weryfikacji certyfikatu może być wykonany poprzez przekazanie \"{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`.", @@ -137,6 +144,7 @@ "node.console.title": "Konsola debugowania węzła", "node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Nie ustawiaj punktów przerwania w żadnym pliku, dopóki nie zostanie załadowana mapa źródła dla danego pliku.", "node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Konfiguruje, czy używać nowego, szybszego mechanizmu odnajdywania mapy źródła", + "node.experimentalNetworking.description": "Włącz inspekcję eksperymentalną w Node.js. W przypadku ustawienia opcji „auto” jest to włączone dla wersji Node.js, które to obsługują. Można ustawić wartość „on” (wł.) lub „off” (wył.), aby włączyć lub wyłączyć to w sposób wyraźny.", "node.killBehavior.description": "Konfiguruje sposób zabijania procesów debugowania podczas zatrzymywania sesji. Dostępne opcje:\r\n\r\n— forceful (domyślnie): wymusza zamknięcie drzewa procesów. Powoduje wysyłanie polecenia SIGKILL w interfejsie POSIX lub \"taskkill.exe /F\" w systemie Windows.\r\n— polite: bezpiecznie zamyka drzewo procesów. Po zamknięciu w ten sposób nieprawidłowo działające procesy mogą pozostać uruchomione. Powoduje wysyłanie polecenia SIGTERM w interfejsie POSIX lub \"taskkill.exe\" bez flagi `/F` (force) w systemie Windows.\r\n— none: zakończenie nie nastąpi.", "node.label": "Node.js", "node.launch.args.description": "Argumenty wiersza polecenia przekazane do programu.\r\n\r\nMoże być tablicą ciągów lub pojedynczym ciągiem. Po uruchomieniu programu w terminalu ustawienie tej właściwości na jeden ciąg spowoduje, że argumenty nie zostaną zmienione dla powłoki.", @@ -265,6 +273,7 @@ "Closure ({0})": "Zamknięcie ({0})", "Console profile started": "Uruchomiono profil konsoli", "Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "Nie można nawiązać połączenia z żadnym potokiem widoku internetowego platformy UWP. Upewnij się, że widok internetowy jest hostowany w trybie debugowania i że element „pipeName” w pliku „launch.json” jest poprawny.", + "Could not find a location for the variable": "Nie można znaleźć lokalizacji dla zmiennej", "Could not query the provided object": "Nie można wykonać zapytania dotyczącego podanego obiektu", "Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "Nie można odczytać mapy źródła dla elementu {0}: {1}", "Could not read {0}: {1}": "Nie można było odczytać elementu {0}: {1}", @@ -311,6 +320,7 @@ "Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "Utracono połączenie z obiektem debugowanym; ponowne nawiązywanie połączenia za {0} ms\r\n", "Manual": "Ręcznie", "Module": "Moduł", + "Networking not available.": "Obsługa sieci jest niedostępna.", "Never": "Nigdy", "No": "Nie", "No npm scripts found in your package.json": "Nie znaleziono skryptów menedżera npm w pliku package.json", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 0eff66639d..54d9966ec2 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "javascript.format.enable": "Włącz/wyłącz domyślny program formatujący języka JavaScript.", "javascript.goToProjectConfig.title": "Przejdź do konfiguracji projektu (jsconfig/tsconfig)", "javascript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "Wstaw „={}” lub „=\"\"” po nazwach atrybutów na podstawie typu prop. Zobacz „javascript.preferences.quoteStyle”, aby kontrolować typ cudzysłowów używanych dla atrybutów ciągu.", - "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "Zaawansowane preferencje kontrolujące sposób uporządkowania importów. Ustawienia wstępne są dostępne w pliku „#javascript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#”", + "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.enabled": "Włącz/wyłącz funkcję CodeLens dla odwołań w plikach języka JavaScript.", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.showOnAllFunctions": "Włącz/wyłącz funkcję CodeLens dla odwołań wszystkich funkcji w plikach języka JavaScript.", "javascript.suggestionActions.enabled": "Włącz/wyłącz diagnostykę sugestii dla plików języka JavaScript w edytorze.", @@ -288,20 +288,20 @@ "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "Wstaw znak „={}” lub „=\"\"” po nazwach atrybutów na podstawie typu właściwości. Zobacz element „typescript.preferences.quoteStyle”, aby kontrolować typ cudzysłowów używanych dla atrybutów ciągu.", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.braces": "Wstaw element `={}` po nazwach atrybutów.", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.none": "Wstaw tylko nazwy atrybutów.", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "Zaawansowane preferencje kontrolujące sposób uporządkowania importów. Ustawienia wstępne są dostępne w pliku „#typescript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#”", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "Porównaj znaki ze znakami diakrytycznymi jako różne od znaku podstawowego", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "Wskazuje, czy wielkie litery występują przed małymi literami. Dotyczy tylko elementu „organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'”", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "Wykrywaj uwzględnianie wielkości liter na potrzeby sortowania importu", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "Sortuj importy z uwzględnieniem wielkości liter", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "Sortuj importy z uwzględnieniem wielkości liter", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "Zastępuje ustawienia regionalne używane do sortowania. Określ wartość „auto”, aby używać ustawień regionalnych interfejsu użytkownika. Dotyczy tylko elementu „organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'”", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "Sortuj ciągi liczbowe według wartości liczby całkowitej", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "Wykrywaj, gdzie powinny być sortowane tylko nazwane importy typu", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "Tylko nazwane importy typu są sortowane na końcu listy importu", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "Nazwane importy są sortowane tylko według nazwy", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "Tylko nazwane importy typu są sortowane na końcu listy importu", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "Sortuj importy przy użyciu wartości liczbowej każdego punktu kodu", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "Sortuj importy przy użyciu sortowania kodu Unicode", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "Compare characters with diacritical marks as unequal to base character.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "Indicates whether upper-case comes before lower-case. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "Detect case-sensitivity for import sorting.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "Sort imports case-insensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "Sort imports case-sensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "Overrides the locale used for collation. Specify `auto` to use the UI locale. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "Sort numeric strings by integer value.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "Detect where type-only named imports should be sorted.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "Named imports are sorted by name only.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "Sort imports using the numeric value of each code point.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "Sort imports using the Unicode code collation.", "typescript.preferences.preferTypeOnlyAutoImports": "Uwzględnij słowo kluczowe „type” w automatycznych importach, gdy tylko jest to możliwe. Wymaga użycia języka TypeScript w wersji 5.3 lub nowszej w obszarze roboczym.", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle": "Preferowany styl cudzysłowu do użycia na potrzeby szybkich poprawek.", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle.auto": "Wywnioskuj typ cudzysłowu na podstawie istniejącego kodu", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json index 91609919af..0c94c1443f 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -5344,7 +5344,7 @@ "inlineChat.toolbar": "Użyj zakładki, aby uzyskać dostęp do części warunkowych, takich jak polecenia, status, odpowiedzi na wiadomości i inne.", "workbench.action.chat.focus": "Aby ustawić fokus na liście żądań/odpowiedzi czatu, po której można poruszać się za pomocą strzałek w górę i w dół, należy wywołać polecenie Focus Chat{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Aby przenieść fokus na pole danych wejściowych dla żądań czatu, wywołaj polecenie Focus Chat Input{0}.", - "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "To create a new chat session, invoke the New Chat command{0}.", + "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "Aby utworzyć nową sesję czatu, wywołaj polecenie Nowy czat{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Aby ustawić fokus na następnym bloku kodu w ramach odpowiedzi, wywołaj polecenie Chat: Next Code Block{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "Aby ustawić fokus na następnym drzewie plików w ramach odpowiedzi, wywołaj polecenie Chat: Next File Tree command{0}." }, @@ -5518,20 +5518,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "zaznaczono „{0}”", - "didNotFollowInstructions": "Didn't follow instructions", - "incompleteCode": "Incomplete code", - "incorrectCode": "Suggested incorrect code", - "missingContext": "Missing context", - "offensiveOrUnsafe": "Offensive or unsafe", - "other": "Other", - "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "Poorly written or formatted", - "refusedAValidRequest": "Refused a valid request", - "reportIssue": "Report an issue", + "didNotFollowInstructions": "Nie wykonano instrukcji", + "incompleteCode": "Niekompletny kod", + "incorrectCode": "Sugerowany niepoprawny kod", + "missingContext": "Brak kontekstu", + "offensiveOrUnsafe": "Obraźliwe lub niebezpieczne", + "other": "Inne", + "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "Źle napisane lub sformatowane", + "refusedAValidRequest": "Odrzucono prawidłowe żądanie", + "reportIssue": "Zgłoś problem", "usedAgent": "[[(rerun without)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "użyto {0} [[(rerun without)]]" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { - "action.showExtension": "Show Extension", "chat.viewContainer.label": "Czat", "chatCommand": "Krótka nazwa, pod którą to polecenie jest określane w interfejsie użytkownika, np. `fix` lub * `explain` dla poleceń, które naprawiają błąd lub wyjaśniają kod. Nazwa powinna być unikatowa wśród poleceń dostarczonych przez tego uczestnika.", "chatCommandDescription": "Opis tego polecenia.", @@ -5555,6 +5554,7 @@ "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "Określa, czy ten uczestnik obsługuje {0}.", "chatParticipantWhen": "Warunek, który musi mieć wartość Prawda, aby włączyć tego uczestnika.", "chatSampleRequest": "Gdy użytkownik kliknie tego uczestnika w `/help`, tekst ten zostanie przesłany do uczestnika.", + "showExtension": "Show Extension", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Współtworzy uczestnika czatu" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { @@ -5593,7 +5593,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "Wartość True (Prawda) po zastosowaniu edycji tekstu czatu.", - "chatIsEnabled": "Wartość True (Prawda), gdy czat jest włączony, ponieważ jest zarejestrowany domyślny uczestnik czatu.", + "chatExtensionInvalid": "True when the installed chat extension is invalid and needs to be updated.", + "chatIsEnabled": "True when chat is enabled because a default chat participant is activated with an implementation.", + "chatParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for the panel.", "chatRequest": "Element czatu jest żądaniem", "chatResponse": "Element czatu jest odpowiedzią.", "chatResponseErrored": "Wartość true, gdy odpowiedź czatu spowodowała wystąpienie błędu.", @@ -6015,10 +6017,10 @@ "focusCommentsFilter": "Filtr komentarzy fokusu", "focusCommentsList": "Widok komentarzy fokusu", "resolved": "Pokaż rozwiązane", - "sorting by file": "Plik", + "sorting by position in file": "Position in File", "sorting by updated at": "Czas aktualizacji", "toggle resolved": "Pokaż rozpoznane", - "toggle sorting by resource": "Plik", + "toggle sorting by resource": "Position in File", "toggle sorting by updated at": "Czas aktualizacji", "toggle unresolved": "Pokaż nierozpoznane", "unresolved": "Pokaż nierozpoznane" @@ -6678,7 +6680,7 @@ "debug.focusCallStack": "— Polecenie Debugowanie: widok stosu wywołań fokusu{0} skoncentruje się na widoku stosu wywołań.", "debug.focusVariables": "— Polecenie Debugowanie: widok zmiennych fokusu{0} skoncentruje się na widoku zmiennych.", "debug.focusWatch": "— Polecenie Debugowanie: widok śledzenia fokusu{0} skoncentruje się na widoku śledzenia.", - "debug.help": "Access debug output and evaluate expressions in the debug console, which can be focused with{0}.", + "debug.help": "Dostęp do danych wyjściowych debugowania i oceny wyrażeń w konsoli debugowania, którą można sfokusować za pomocą{0}.", "debug.restartDebugging": "— Debuguj: Polecenie Uruchom ponownie debugowanie{0} spowoduje ponowne uruchomienie bieżącej sesji debugowania.", "debug.showRunAndDebug": "Polecenie Pokaż widok przebiegu i debugowania{0} otworzy bieżący widok.", "debug.startDebugging": "Polecenie Debugowanie: uruchom debugowanie{0} uruchomi sesję debugowania.", @@ -8190,7 +8192,7 @@ "empty": "Brak wyników. Uściślij swoje dane wejściowe i spróbuj ponownie.", "err.apply": "Nie udało się zastosować zmian.", "err.discard": "Nie można odrzucić zmian.", - "savehint": "Akceptowanie lub odrzucanie zmian, aby kontynuować zapisywanie", + "savehint": "Accept or discard changes to continue saving.", "welcome.2": "Trwa przygotowywanie..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { @@ -9149,7 +9151,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/multicursor/notebookMulticursor": { "addFindMatchToSelection": "Dodaj opcję Znajdź dopasowanie do Zaznaczenia", - "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "Delete Left", + "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "Usuń z lewej", "exitMultiSelection": "Zakończ tryb wielu kursorów" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/navigation/arrow": { @@ -12487,6 +12489,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "Zamknij", "testOutputTitle": "Dane wyjściowe testu", + "testing.collapsePeekStack": "Collapse Stack Frames", "testing.goToNextMessage": "Przejdź do następnego niepowodzenia testu", "testing.goToNextMessage.description": "Pokazuje następny komunikat o błędzie w pliku", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "Przejdź do poprzedniego niepowodzenia testu", @@ -12523,8 +12526,8 @@ "run test": "Wykonaj test", "testing.cancelRun": "Anuluj przebieg testu", "testing.debugLastRun": "Przebieg testu debugowania", - "testing.goToError": "Przejdź do źródła", - "testing.goToFile": "Przejdź do źródła", + "testing.goToError": "Go to Error", + "testing.goToTest": "Go to Test", "testing.reRunLastRun": "Ponownie uruchom przebieg testu", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Odsłoń w Eksploratorze testów", "testing.showResultOutput": "Pokaż dane wyjściowe wyników", @@ -12638,6 +12641,7 @@ "testing.isParentRunningContinuously": "Wskazuje, czy element nadrzędny testu jest ciągle uruchomiony i ustawiony w kontekście menu elementów testowych", "testing.isRefreshing": "Wskazuje, czy którykolwiek kontroler testów aktualnie odświeża testy.", "testing.isTestCoverageOpen": "Wskazuje, czy raport pokrycia testów jest otwarty", + "testing.peekHasStack": "Whether the message shown in a peek view has a stack trace", "testing.peekItemType": "Typ elementu w widoku wglądu do danych wyjściowych. Wartość „test”, „komunikat”, „zadanie” lub „wynik”.", "testing.profile.context.group": "Typ menu, w którym istnieje podmenu konfigurowania profilu testowania. Albo „run”, „debug” albo „coverage”", "testing.supportsContinuousRun": "Wskazuje, czy jest obsługiwany ciągły test", @@ -12917,7 +12921,7 @@ "userDataProfiles": "Profile" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfilesEditorModel": { - "active": "Użyj dla bieżącego okna", + "active": "Use this Profile for Current Window", "cancel": "Anuluj", "copy from": "{0} (Kopiuj)", "copyFromProfile": "Duplikuj...", @@ -12935,8 +12939,7 @@ "preview": "Podgląd", "profileExists": "Profil o nazwie {0} już istnieje.", "replace": "Zamiana", - "untitled": "Bez tytułu", - "use as new window": "Użyj dla nowego systemu Windows" + "untitled": "Bez tytułu" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataSync/browser/userDataSync": { "accept failed": "Wystąpił błąd podczas akceptowania zmian. Zobacz [dzienniki]({0}), aby uzyskać więcej szczegółów.", @@ -13295,8 +13298,6 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.title": "Rozpoczynanie pracy za pomocą programu VS Code", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.description": "Zapoznaj się z narzędziami i skrótami, które ułatwiają dostęp do VS Code. Pamiętaj, że niektórych akcji nie można wykonać z poziomu kontekstu przewodnika.", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.title": "Rozpocznij z VS Code za pomocą czytnika zawartości ekranu", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.description": "Dostosuj edytor, poznaj podstawy i rozpocznij kodowanie", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.title": "Dowiedz się więcej o korzystaniu z programu VS Code za pomocą czytnika zawartości ekranu", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "Dostosuj edytor, poznaj podstawy i rozpocznij kodowanie", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "Wprowadzenie do programu VS Code dla sieci Web", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "Po odnalezieniu swoich ulubionych poleceń możesz utworzyć niestandardowe skróty klawiaturowe w celu uzyskania błyskawicznego dostępu.\r\n{0}", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 1b4a5ed1c4..ed99b1fd9e 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ "commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Remover todos os chamadores excluídos", "commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Desabilitar Etapa Mapeada de Origem", "commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Habilitar Etapa Mapeada de Origem", + "commands.networkClear.label": "Limpar Log de Rede", + "commands.networkCopyURI.label": "Copiar a URL da Solicitação", + "commands.networkOpenBody.label": "Abrir Corpo da Resposta", + "commands.networkOpenBodyInHexEditor.label": "Abrir o Corpo da Resposta no Editor Hexadecimal", + "commands.networkReplayXHR.label": "Solicitação de Reprodução", + "commands.networkViewRequest.label": "Exibir a Solicitação como cURL", "configuration.autoAttachMode": "Configura quais processos serão anexados e depurados automaticamente quando `#debug.node.autoAttach#` estiver ativado. Um processo do Node iniciado com o sinalizador `--inspect` sempre receberá um anexo, independentemente desta configuração.", "configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Anexar automaticamente a cada processo do Node.js iniciado no terminal.", "configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "A anexação automática está desativada e não é mostrada na barra de status. ", @@ -74,6 +80,7 @@ "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Se deve parar quando os pontos de interrupção condicionais lançam um erro.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Options used when debugging open links clicked from inside the debug terminal. Can be set to \"false\" to disable this behavior.", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Se não for especificada, esta opção será o `runtimeExecutable` padrão usado para configurações de inicialização. Ela pode ser usada para configurar caminhos personalizados para o Node.js ou para as instalações do navegador.", + "configuration.enableNetworkView": "Habilita a exibição de rede experimental para destinos compatíveis.", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Onde uma lente de código \"Executar\" e \"Depurar\" deve ser mostrada nos seus scripts npm. Pode estar em \"todos\" os scripts, na \"parte superior\" da seção de scripts ou \"nunca\".", "configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Opções padrão usadas durante a depuração de um processo usando o comando `Debug: Attach to Node.js Process`", "configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Opções de solicitação a serem usadas ao carregar recursos, como source maps, no depurador. Talvez seja necessário configurá-las se os sourcemaps exigem autenticação ou usam um certificado autoassinado, por exemplo. As opções são usadas para criar uma solicitação com a biblioteca [`got`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/got) library.\r\n\r\nUm caso comum para desabilitar a verificação de certificado pode ser feito passando `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }`.", @@ -137,6 +144,7 @@ "node.console.title": "Console de Depuração do Node", "node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Não defina pontos de interrupção em nenhum arquivo até que um sourcemap seja carregado nesse arquivo.", "node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Configura se um mecanismo novo e mais rápido deve ser usado para a descoberta de sourcemap", + "node.experimentalNetworking.description": "Habilite a inspeção experimental do Node.js. Quando definido como `auto`, ela é habilitada em versões do Node.js compatíveis. Ela pode ser definida como `on` ou `off` para ser habilitada ou desabilitada explicitamente.", "node.killBehavior.description": "Configura como os processos de depuração são encerrado quando a sessão é interrompida. Pode ser:\r\n\r\n– forceful (padrão): divide a árvore de processos de maneira forçada. Envia SIGKILL no posix ou `taskkill.exe /F` no Windows.\r\n– polite: divide normalmente a árvore de processos. É possível que a execução de processos de comportamento inadequado continue após esse tipo de desligamento. Envia SIGTERM no posix ou `taskkill.exe` sem nenhum sinalizador `/F` (forçar) no Windows.\r\n– none: não ocorrerá nenhum encerramento.", "node.label": "Node.js", "node.launch.args.description": "Argumentos da linha de comando passados para o programa.\r\n\r\nNão é possível ser uma matriz de cadeias de caracteres ou uma única cadeia de caracteres. Quando o programa é iniciado em um terminal, definir essa propriedade como uma única cadeia de caracteres fará com que os argumentos não sejam escapados para o shell.", @@ -265,6 +273,7 @@ "Closure ({0})": "Fechamento ({0})", "Console profile started": "Perfil do console iniciado", "Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "Não foi possível conectar a nenhum pipe UWP Webview. Certifique-se de que sua visualização da web esteja hospedada no modo de depuração e que o `pipeName` em seu `launch.json` esteja correto.", + "Could not find a location for the variable": "Não foi possível encontrar um local para a variável", "Could not query the provided object": "Não foi possível consultar o objeto fornecido", "Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "Não foi possível ler o source map para {0}: {1}", "Could not read {0}: {1}": "Não foi possível ler {0}: {1}", @@ -311,6 +320,7 @@ "Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "Conexão com o depurador perdida, reconectando-se em {0}ms\r\n", "Manual": "Manual", "Module": "Módulo", + "Networking not available.": "Rede não disponível.", "Never": "Nunca", "No": "Não", "No npm scripts found in your package.json": "Nenhum script npm encontrado no seu package.json", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 471c1f483a..f290bcf896 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "javascript.format.enable": "Habilitar/desabilitar o formatador padrão do JavaScript.", "javascript.goToProjectConfig.title": "Vá para Configuração do Projeto (jsconfig / tsconfig)", "javascript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "Insira `={}` ou `=\"\"` após os nomes dos atributos com base no tipo de prop. Consulte `javascript.preferences.quoteStyle` para controlar o tipo de aspas usado para atributos de cadeia de caracteres.", - "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "Preferências avançadas que controlam como as importações são ordenadas. As predefinições estão disponíveis em `#javascript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#`", + "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.enabled": "Habilitar/desabilitar CodeLens de referências em arquivos JavaScript.", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.showOnAllFunctions": "Habilitar/desabilitar CodeLens de referências em todas as funções em arquivos JavaScript.", "javascript.suggestionActions.enabled": "Habilitar/desabilitar o diagnóstico de sugestão para arquivos JavaScript no editor.", @@ -288,20 +288,20 @@ "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "Insira `={}` ou `=\"\"` após os nomes dos atributos com base no tipo de prop. Consulte `typescript.preferences.quoteStyle` para controlar o tipo de aspas usado para atributos de cadeia de caracteres.", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.braces": "Insira `= {} `após os nomes dos atributos.", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.none": "Insira apenas nomes de atributos.", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "Preferências avançadas que controlam como as importações são ordenadas. As predefinições estão disponíveis em `#typescript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#`", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "Comparar caracteres com sinais diacríticos como sendo diferentes do caractere base", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "Indica se as letras maiúsculas vêm antes das minúsculas. Aplica-se somente a `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "Detectar distinção entre maiúsculas e minúsculas para classificação de importações", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "Classificar importações sem distinção de maiúsculas e minúsculas", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "Classificar importações com distinção entre maiúsculas e minúsculas", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "Substitui a localidade usada para agrupamento. Especifique `auto` para usar a localidade da interface do usuário. Aplica-se somente a `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "Classificar cadeias numéricas por valor inteiro", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "Detectar onde as importações nomeadas somente por tipo devem ser classificadas", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "As importações nomeadas somente por tipo são classificadas no final da lista de importações", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "As importações nomeadas são classificadas apenas pelo nome", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "As importações nomeadas somente por tipo são classificadas no final da lista de importações", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "Classifica as importações usando o valor numérico de cada ponto de código", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "Classificar importações usando o agrupamento de código Unicode", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "Compare characters with diacritical marks as unequal to base character.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "Indicates whether upper-case comes before lower-case. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "Detect case-sensitivity for import sorting.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "Sort imports case-insensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "Sort imports case-sensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "Overrides the locale used for collation. Specify `auto` to use the UI locale. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "Sort numeric strings by integer value.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "Detect where type-only named imports should be sorted.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "Named imports are sorted by name only.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "Sort imports using the numeric value of each code point.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "Sort imports using the Unicode code collation.", "typescript.preferences.preferTypeOnlyAutoImports": "Inclua a palavra-chave \"type\" em importações automáticas sempre que possível. Requer o uso de TypeScript 5.3+ no espaço de trabalho.", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle": "Estilo de citação preferencial a ser usado para Correções Rápidas.", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle.auto": "Inferir o tipo de cotação do código existente", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json index 2da4f65eec..017fe725af 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -5344,7 +5344,7 @@ "inlineChat.toolbar": "Use a guia para acessar partes condicionais, como comandos, status, respostas de mensagens e muito mais.", "workbench.action.chat.focus": "Para focar a lista de solicitação/resposta do chat, que pode ser navegada com as setas para cima e para baixo, invoque o comando Foco no Chat{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Para focar a caixa de entrada para solicitações de chat, invoque o comando Entrada do Foco no Chat{0}.", - "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "To create a new chat session, invoke the New Chat command{0}.", + "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "Para criar outra sessão de chat, invoque o comando Novo chat{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Para focar o próximo bloco de código em uma resposta, invoque o comando Chat: Próximo Bloco de código{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "Para focar a próxima árvore de arquivo em uma resposta, invoque o comando Chat: Próxima Árvore de arquivo{0}." }, @@ -5518,20 +5518,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "selecionado “{0}”", - "didNotFollowInstructions": "Didn't follow instructions", - "incompleteCode": "Incomplete code", - "incorrectCode": "Suggested incorrect code", - "missingContext": "Missing context", - "offensiveOrUnsafe": "Offensive or unsafe", - "other": "Other", - "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "Poorly written or formatted", - "refusedAValidRequest": "Refused a valid request", - "reportIssue": "Report an issue", + "didNotFollowInstructions": "Não seguiu as instruções", + "incompleteCode": "Código incompleto", + "incorrectCode": "Código incorreto sugerido", + "missingContext": "Ausência de contexto", + "offensiveOrUnsafe": "Ofensivo ou inseguro", + "other": "Outro", + "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "Mal escrito ou formatado", + "refusedAValidRequest": "Recusou uma solicitação válida", + "reportIssue": "Relatar um problema", "usedAgent": "[[(executar novamente sem)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "usado {0} [[(executar novamente sem)]]" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { - "action.showExtension": "Show Extension", "chat.viewContainer.label": "Chat", "chatCommand": "Um nome curto pelo qual este comando é referenciado na interface do usuário, por exemplo, `fix` ou * `explain` para comandos que corrigem um problema ou um código de explicação. O nome deve ser exclusivo entre os comandos fornecidos por este participante.", "chatCommandDescription": "Uma descrição deste comando.", @@ -5555,6 +5554,7 @@ "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "Se este participante dá suporte a {0}.", "chatParticipantWhen": "Uma condição que deve ser verdadeira para habilitar esse participante.", "chatSampleRequest": "Quando o usuário clicar nesse participante em `/help`, esse texto será enviado ao participante.", + "showExtension": "Show Extension", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Contribui com um participante do chat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { @@ -5593,7 +5593,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "Verdadeiro quando as edições de texto do chat foram aplicadas.", - "chatIsEnabled": "Verdadeiro quando o chat está habilitado porque um participante de chat padrão está registrado.", + "chatExtensionInvalid": "True when the installed chat extension is invalid and needs to be updated.", + "chatIsEnabled": "True when chat is enabled because a default chat participant is activated with an implementation.", + "chatParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for the panel.", "chatRequest": "O item de chat é uma solicitação", "chatResponse": "O item de chat é uma resposta.", "chatResponseErrored": "Verdadeiro quando a resposta do chat resultou em um erro.", @@ -6015,10 +6017,10 @@ "focusCommentsFilter": "Filtro de comentários de foco", "focusCommentsList": "Exibição Comentários de Foco", "resolved": "Mostrar Resolvidos", - "sorting by file": "Arquivo", + "sorting by position in file": "Position in File", "sorting by updated at": "Hora da Atualização", "toggle resolved": "Mostrar Resolvidos", - "toggle sorting by resource": "Arquivo", + "toggle sorting by resource": "Position in File", "toggle sorting by updated at": "Hora da Atualização", "toggle unresolved": "Mostrar Não Resolvidos", "unresolved": "Mostrar Não Resolvido" @@ -6678,7 +6680,7 @@ "debug.focusCallStack": "- O comando Depurar: Focar Exibição da Pilha de Chamadas{0} concentrará a exibição da pilha de chamadas.", "debug.focusVariables": "- O comando Depurar: Focar Exibição de Variáveis{0} concentrará a exibição de variáveis.", "debug.focusWatch": "- O comando Depurar: Focar Modo de Exibição de Inspeção{0} concentrará o modo de exibição de inspeção.", - "debug.help": "Access debug output and evaluate expressions in the debug console, which can be focused with{0}.", + "debug.help": "Acesse a saída de depuração e avalie expressões no console de depuração, que podem ser focadas com{0}.", "debug.restartDebugging": "- Depurar: O comando Restart Debugging{0} reiniciará a sessão de depuração atual.", "debug.showRunAndDebug": "O comando Mostrar a exibição de Executar e Depurar{0} abrirá a exibição atual.", "debug.startDebugging": "O comando Depurar: Iniciar Depuração{0} iniciará uma sessão de depuração.", @@ -8190,7 +8192,7 @@ "empty": "Sem resultados, refine sua entrada e tente novamente", "err.apply": "Falha ao aplicar as alterações.", "err.discard": "Falha ao descartar alterações.", - "savehint": "Aceitar ou descartar alterações para continuar salvando", + "savehint": "Accept or discard changes to continue saving.", "welcome.2": "Preparando..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { @@ -9149,7 +9151,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/multicursor/notebookMulticursor": { "addFindMatchToSelection": "Adicionar Encontrar Correspondência à Seleção", - "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "Delete Left", + "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "Excluir à Esquerda", "exitMultiSelection": "Sair do modo de vários cursores" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/navigation/arrow": { @@ -12487,6 +12489,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "Fechar", "testOutputTitle": "Saída de Teste", + "testing.collapsePeekStack": "Collapse Stack Frames", "testing.goToNextMessage": "Acessar Falha do Próximo Teste", "testing.goToNextMessage.description": "Mostra a próxima mensagem de falha no arquivo", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "Acessar Falha do Teste Anterior", @@ -12523,8 +12526,8 @@ "run test": "Executar o Teste", "testing.cancelRun": "Cancelar Execução de Teste", "testing.debugLastRun": "Executar o Teste de Depuração", - "testing.goToError": "Ir para a Origem", - "testing.goToFile": "Ir para a Origem", + "testing.goToError": "Go to Error", + "testing.goToTest": "Go to Test", "testing.reRunLastRun": "Executar o Teste de Repetição", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Fazer a revelação no Gerenciador de Testes", "testing.showResultOutput": "Mostrar Saída do Resultado", @@ -12638,6 +12641,7 @@ "testing.isParentRunningContinuously": "Indica se o pai de um teste está em execução contínua, definido no contexto do menu dos itens de teste", "testing.isRefreshing": "Indica se algum controlador de teste está atualizando testes no momento.", "testing.isTestCoverageOpen": "Indica se um relatório de cobertura de teste está aberto", + "testing.peekHasStack": "Whether the message shown in a peek view has a stack trace", "testing.peekItemType": "Tipo do item na visualização de saída. Um \"teste\", \"mensagem\", \"tarefa\" ou \"resultado\".", "testing.profile.context.group": "Tipo de menu em que existe o submenu Configurar perfil de teste. \"executar\", \"depurar\" ou \"cobertura\"", "testing.supportsContinuousRun": "Indica se há suporte para a execução de teste contínuo", @@ -12917,7 +12921,7 @@ "userDataProfiles": "Perfis" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfilesEditorModel": { - "active": "Usar para a Janela Atual", + "active": "Use this Profile for Current Window", "cancel": "Cancelar", "copy from": "{0} (Copiar)", "copyFromProfile": "Duplicar...", @@ -12935,8 +12939,7 @@ "preview": "Visualização", "profileExists": "O perfil com nome o {0} já existe.", "replace": "Substituir", - "untitled": "Sem título", - "use as new window": "Usar para Novas Janelas" + "untitled": "Sem título" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataSync/browser/userDataSync": { "accept failed": "Erro ao aceitar as alterações. Verifique os [logs]({0}) para obter mais detalhes.", @@ -13295,8 +13298,6 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.title": "Começar a trabalhar com VS Code", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.description": "Conheça as ferramentas e os atalhos que tornam o VS Code acessível. Observe que algumas ações não são acionáveis no contexto do passo a passo.", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.title": "Introdução ao VS Code usando um Leitor de Tela", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.description": "Personalize seu editor, aprenda o básico e comece a codificar", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.title": "Saiba mais sobre como usar o VS Code com um Leitor de Tela", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "Personalize seu editor, aprenda o básico e comece a codificar", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "Introdução ao VS Code para a Web", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "Depois de descobrir seus comandos favoritos, crie atalhos de teclado personalizados para acesso instantâneo.\r\n{0}", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 3543241eec..5a5072b632 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ "commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Rëmøvë æll ëxçlµðëð çællërs", "commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Ðïsæþlë §øµrçë Mæppëð §tëppïñg", "commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Ëñæþlë §øµrçë Mæppëð §tëppïñg", + "commands.networkClear.label": "Çlëær Ñëtwørk £øg", + "commands.networkCopyURI.label": "Çøpÿ Rëqµëst ÜR£", + "commands.networkOpenBody.label": "Øpëñ Rëspøñsë ßøðÿ", + "commands.networkOpenBodyInHexEditor.label": "Øpëñ Rëspøñsë ßøðÿ ïñ Hëx Ëðïtør", + "commands.networkReplayXHR.label": "Rëplæÿ Rëqµëst", + "commands.networkViewRequest.label": "Vïëw Rëqµëst æs çÜR£", "configuration.autoAttachMode": "Çøñfïgµrës whïçh prøçëssës tø æµtømætïçællÿ ættæçh æñð ðëþµg whëñ `#ðëþµg.ñøðë.æµtøÆttæçh#` ïs øñ. Æ Ñøðë prøçëss læµñçhëð wïth thë `--ïñspëçt` flæg wïll ælwæÿs þë ættæçhëð tø, rëgærðlëss øf thïs sëttïñg.", "configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Ƶtø ættæçh tø ëvërÿ Ñøðë.js prøçëss læµñçhëð ïñ thë tërmïñæl.", "configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "Ƶtø ættæçh ïs ðïsæþlëð æñð ñøt shøwñ ïñ stætµs þær.", @@ -74,6 +80,7 @@ "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whëthër tø støp whëñ çøñðïtïøñæl þrëækpøïñts thrøw æñ ërrør.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Øptïøñs µsëð whëñ ðëþµggïñg øpëñ lïñks çlïçkëð frøm ïñsïðë thë Jævæ§çrïpt Ðëþµg Tërmïñæl. Çæñ þë sët tø \"øff\" tø ðïsæþlë thïs þëhævïør, ør \"ælwæÿs\" tø ëñæþlë ðëþµggïñg ïñ æll tërmïñæls.", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Thë ðëfæµlt `rµñtïmëËxëçµtæþlë` µsëð før læµñçh çøñfïgµrætïøñs, ïf µñspëçïfïëð. Thïs çæñ þë µsëð tø çøñfïg çµstøm pæths tø Ñøðë.js ør þrøwsër ïñstællætïøñs.", + "configuration.enableNetworkView": "Ëñæþlës thë ëxpërïmëñtæl ñëtwørk vïëw før tærgëts thæt sµppørt ït.", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Whërë æ \"Rµñ\" æñð \"Ðëþµg\" çøðë lëñs shøµlð þë shøwñ ïñ ÿøµr ñpm sçrïpts. Ït mæÿ þë øñ \"æll\", sçrïpts, øñ \"tøp\" øf thë sçrïpt sëçtïøñ, ør \"ñëvër\".", "configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Ðëfæµlt øptïøñs µsëð whëñ ðëþµggïñg æ prøçëss thrøµgh thë `Ðëþµg: Ættæçh tø Ñøðë.js Prøçëss` çømmæñð", "configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Rëqµëst øptïøñs tø µsë whëñ løæðïñg rësøµrçës, sµçh æs søµrçë mæps, ïñ thë ðëþµggër. Ýøµ mæÿ ñëëð tø çøñfïgµrë thïs ïf ÿøµr søµrçëmæps rëqµïrë æµthëñtïçætïøñ ør µsë æ sëlf-sïgñëð çërtïfïçætë, før ïñstæñçë. Øptïøñs ærë µsëð tø çrëætë æ rëqµëst µsïñg thë [`gøt`](https://gïthµþ.çøm/sïñðrësørhµs/gøt) lïþrærÿ.\r\n\r\nÆ çømmøñ çæsë tø ðïsæþlë çërtïfïçætë vërïfïçætïøñ çæñ þë ðøñë þÿ pæssïñg `{ \"https\": { \"rëjëçtÜñæµthørïzëð\": fælsë } }`.", @@ -137,6 +144,7 @@ "node.console.title": "Ñøðë Ðëþµg Çøñsølë", "node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Ðøñ't sët þrëækpøïñts ïñ æñÿ fïlë µñtïl æ søµrçëmæp hæs þëëñ løæðëð før thæt fïlë.", "node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Çøñfïgµrës whëthër tø µsë æ ñëw, fæstër mëçhæñïsm før søµrçëmæp ðïsçøvërÿ", + "node.experimentalNetworking.description": "Ëñæþlë ëxpërïmëñtæl ïñspëçtïøñ ïñ Ñøðë.js. Whëñ sët tø `æµtø` thïs ïs ëñæþlëð før vërsïøñs øf Ñøðë.js thæt sµppørt ït. Ït çæñ þë sët tø `øñ` ør `øff` tø ëñæþlë ør ðïsæþlë ït ëxplïçïtlÿ.", "node.killBehavior.description": "Çøñfïgµrës høw ðëþµg prøçëssës ærë kïllëð whëñ støppïñg thë sëssïøñ. 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Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "Çøµlð ñøt çøññëçt tø æñÿ ÜWP Wëþvïëw pïpë. 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Thë ñæmë shøµlð þë µñïqµë æmøñg thë çømmæñðs prøvïðëð þÿ thïs pærtïçïpæñt.", "chatCommandDescription": "Æ ðësçrïptïøñ øf thïs çømmæñð.", @@ -5555,6 +5554,7 @@ "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "Whëthër thïs pærtïçïpæñt sµppørts {0}.", "chatParticipantWhen": "Æ çøñðïtïøñ whïçh mµst þë trµë tø ëñæþlë thïs pærtïçïpæñt.", "chatSampleRequest": "Whëñ thë µsër çlïçks thïs pærtïçïpæñt ïñ `/hëlp`, thïs tëxt wïll þë sµþmïttëð tø thë pærtïçïpæñt.", + "showExtension": "§høw Ëxtëñsïøñ", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Çøñtrïþµtës æ çhæt pærtïçïpæñt" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { @@ -5593,7 +5593,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "Trµë whëñ thë çhæt tëxt ëðïts hævë þëëñ æpplïëð.", - "chatIsEnabled": "Trµë whëñ çhæt ïs ëñæþlëð þëçæµsë æ ðëfæµlt çhæt pærtïçïpæñt ïs rëgïstërëð.", + "chatExtensionInvalid": "Trµë whëñ thë ïñstællëð çhæt ëxtëñsïøñ ïs ïñvælïð æñð ñëëðs tø þë µpðætëð.", + "chatIsEnabled": "Trµë whëñ çhæt ïs ëñæþlëð þëçæµsë æ ðëfæµlt çhæt pærtïçïpæñt ïs æçtïvætëð wïth æñ ïmplëmëñtætïøñ.", + "chatParticipantRegistered": "Trµë whëñ æ ðëfæµlt çhæt pærtïçïpæñt ïs rëgïstërëð før thë pæñël.", "chatRequest": "Thë çhæt ïtëm ïs æ rëqµëst", "chatResponse": "Thë çhæt ïtëm ïs æ rëspøñsë.", "chatResponseErrored": "Trµë whëñ thë çhæt rëspøñsë rësµltëð ïñ æñ ërrør.", @@ -6015,10 +6017,10 @@ "focusCommentsFilter": "Føçµs çømmëñts fïltër", "focusCommentsList": "Føçµs Çømmëñts vïëw", "resolved": "§høw Rësølvëð", - "sorting by file": "Fïlë", + "sorting by position in file": "Pøsïtïøñ ïñ Fïlë", "sorting by updated at": "Üpðætëð Tïmë", "toggle resolved": "§høw Rësølvëð", - "toggle sorting by resource": "Fïlë", + "toggle sorting by resource": "Pøsïtïøñ ïñ Fïlë", "toggle sorting by updated at": "Üpðætëð Tïmë", "toggle unresolved": "§høw Üñrësølvëð", "unresolved": "§høw Üñrësølvëð" @@ -8190,7 +8192,7 @@ "empty": "Ñø rësµlts, plëæsë rëfïñë ÿøµr ïñpµt æñð trÿ ægæïñ", "err.apply": "Fæïlëð tø æpplÿ çhæñgës.", "err.discard": "Fæïlëð tø ðïsçærð çhæñgës.", - "savehint": "Æççëpt ør ðïsçærð çhæñgës tø çøñtïñµë sævïñg", + "savehint": "Æççëpt ør ðïsçærð çhæñgës tø çøñtïñµë sævïñg.", "welcome.2": "Gëttïñg rëæðÿ..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { @@ -12487,6 +12489,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "Çløsë", "testOutputTitle": "Tëst صtpµt", + "testing.collapsePeekStack": "Çøllæpsë §tæçk Fræmës", "testing.goToNextMessage": "Gø tø Ñëxt Tëst Fæïlµrë", "testing.goToNextMessage.description": "§høws thë ñëxt fæïlµrë mëssægë ïñ ÿøµr fïlë", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "Gø tø Prëvïøµs Tëst Fæïlµrë", @@ -12523,8 +12526,8 @@ "run test": "Rµñ Tëst", "testing.cancelRun": "Çæñçël Tëst Rµñ", "testing.debugLastRun": "Ðëþµg Tëst Rµñ", - "testing.goToError": "Gø tø §øµrçë", - "testing.goToFile": "Gø tø §øµrçë", + "testing.goToError": "Gø tø Ërrør", + "testing.goToTest": "Gø tø Tëst", "testing.reRunLastRun": "Rërµñ Tëst Rµñ", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Rëvëæl ïñ Tëst Ëxplørër", "testing.showResultOutput": "§høw Rësµlt صtpµt", @@ -12638,6 +12641,7 @@ "testing.isParentRunningContinuously": "Ïñðïçætës whëthër thë pærëñt øf æ tëst ïs çøñtïñµøµslÿ rµññïñg, sët ïñ thë mëñµ çøñtëxt øf tëst ïtëms", "testing.isRefreshing": "Ïñðïçætës whëthër æñÿ tëst çøñtrøllër ïs çµrrëñtlÿ rëfrëshïñg tësts.", "testing.isTestCoverageOpen": "Ïñðïçætës whëthër æ tëst çøvërægë rëpørt ïs øpëñ", + "testing.peekHasStack": "Whëthër thë mëssægë shøwñ ïñ æ pëëk vïëw hæs æ stæçk træçë", "testing.peekItemType": "Tÿpë øf thë ïtëm ïñ thë øµtpµt pëëk vïëw. Ëïthër æ \"tëst\", \"mëssægë\", \"tæsk\", ør \"rësµlt\".", "testing.profile.context.group": "Tÿpë øf mëñµ whërë thë çøñfïgµrë tëstïñg prøfïlë sµþmëñµ ëxïsts. Ëïthër \"rµñ\", \"ðëþµg\", ør \"çøvërægë\"", "testing.supportsContinuousRun": "Ïñðïçætës whëthër çøñtïñøµs tëst rµññïñg ïs sµppørtëð", @@ -12917,7 +12921,7 @@ "userDataProfiles": "Prøfïlës" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfilesEditorModel": { - "active": "Üsë før ǵrrëñt Wïñðøw", + "active": "Üsë thïs Prøfïlë før ǵrrëñt Wïñðøw", "cancel": "Çæñçël", "copy from": "{0} (Çøpÿ)", "copyFromProfile": "еplïçætë...", @@ -12935,8 +12939,7 @@ "preview": "Prëvïëw", "profileExists": "Prøfïlë wïth ñæmë {0} ælrëæðÿ ëxïsts.", "replace": "Rëplæçë", - "untitled": "Üñtïtlëð", - "use as new window": "Üsë før Ñëw Wïñðøws" + "untitled": "Üñtïtlëð" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataSync/browser/userDataSync": { "accept failed": "Ërrør whïlë æççëptïñg çhæñgës. Plëæsë çhëçk [løgs]({0}) før mørë ðëtæïls.", @@ -13295,8 +13298,6 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.title": "Gët §tærtëð wïth V§ Çøðë", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.description": "£ëærñ thë tøøls æñð shørtçµts thæt mækë V§ Çøðë æççëssïþlë. Ñøtë thæt sømë æçtïøñs ærë ñøt æçtïøñæþlë frøm wïthïñ thë çøñtëxt øf thë wælkthrøµgh.", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.title": "Gët §tærtëð wïth V§ Çøðë µsïñg æ §çrëëñ Rëæðër", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.description": "ǵstømïzë ÿøµr ëðïtør, lëærñ thë þæsïçs, æñð stært çøðïñg", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.title": "£ëærñ mørë æþøµt µsïñg V§ Çøðë wïth æ §çrëëñ Rëæðër", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "ǵstømïzë ÿøµr ëðïtør, lëærñ thë þæsïçs, æñð stært çøðïñg", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "Gët §tærtëð wïth V§ Çøðë før thë Wëþ", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "Øñçë ÿøµ hævë ðïsçøvërëð ÿøµr fævørïtë çømmæñðs, çrëætë çµstøm këÿþøærð shørtçµts før ïñstæñt æççëss.\r\n{0}", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index ba73780017..fec0e366a0 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ "commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Удалить всех исключенных вызывающих", "commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Отключить пошаговое сопоставление источника", "commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Включить пошаговое сопоставление источника", + "commands.networkClear.label": "Очистить сетевой журнал", + "commands.networkCopyURI.label": "Копировать URL-адрес запроса", + "commands.networkOpenBody.label": "Открыть текст ответа", + "commands.networkOpenBodyInHexEditor.label": "Открыть текст ответа в шестнадцатеричном редакторе", + "commands.networkReplayXHR.label": "Запрос на воспроизведение", + "commands.networkViewRequest.label": "Просмотреть запрос как cURL", "configuration.autoAttachMode": "Определяет, к каким процессам необходимо автоматически присоединяться для отладки, если установлен параметр \"#debug.node.autoAttach#\". Присоединение к процессам Node, запущенным с флагом \"--inspect\", будет осуществляться всегда, независимо от значения этого параметра.", "configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Автоматически присоединяться к каждому процессу Node.js, запущенному в терминале.", "configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "Автоматическое подключение отключено и не отображается в строке состояния.", @@ -74,6 +80,7 @@ "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Следует ли останавливать выполнение, если в условной точке останова возникла ошибка.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Параметры, используемые при отладке открытых ссылок, выбранных изнутри терминала отладки. Можно задать значение \"false\", чтобы отключить это поведение.", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Значение \"runtimeExecutable\" по умолчанию, используемое для конфигураций запуска, если значение не указано. Оно может использоваться для настройки пользовательских путей для Node.js или установок браузера.", + "configuration.enableNetworkView": "Включает экспериментальное представление сети для целевых объектов, поддерживающих его.", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Где требуется отобразить группы связанных элементов кода \"Run\" и \"Debug\" в ваших скриптах npm. Можно использовать значение \"all\" — во всех скриптах, \"top\" — сверху раздела скриптов или \"never\" — нигде.", "configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "Параметры по умолчанию, используемые при отладке процесса с помощью команды \"Отладка: присоединить к процессу Node.js\"", "configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Параметры запроса, используемые при загрузке ресурсов в отладчике, таких как сопоставители с исходным кодом. Этот параметр может потребоваться задать в том случае, если для сопоставителей с исходным кодом требуется проверка подлинности или самозаверяющий сертификат. Параметры используются для создания запроса с помощью библиотеки [\"got\"](https://github.com/sindresorhus/got).\r\n\r\nВ общем случае для отключения проверки сертификата можно передать параметр \"{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }\".", @@ -137,6 +144,7 @@ "node.console.title": "Узел консоли отладки", "node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "Не устанавливайте точки останова в любом файле, пока для него не будет загружен сопоставитель с исходным кодом.", "node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Определяет, следует ли использовать новый, более быстрый механизм для обнаружения сопоставителя с исходным кодом", + "node.experimentalNetworking.description": "Включить экспериментальную проверку в Node.js. Если настроено значение \"auto\", этот параметр включен для версий Node.js, поддерживающих его. Для явного включения или отключения этого параметра можно настроить значение \"on\" или \"off\".", "node.killBehavior.description": "Определяет, как будут завершаться процессы отладки при остановке сеанса. Возможные значения:\r\n\r\n– forceful (по умолчанию): принудительное уничтожение дерева процессов. Отправляет SIGKILL в posix или \"taskkill.exe /F\" в Windows.\r\n– polite: корректное уничтожение дерева процессов. После завершения работы с применением этого параметра процессы, которые ведут себя неправильно, могут продолжить выполнение. Отправляет SIGTERM в posix или \"taskkill.exe\" без флага \"/F\" (принудительно) в Windows.\r\n– none: прекращение работы не выполняется.", "node.label": "Node.js", "node.launch.args.description": "Аргументы командной строки, переданные в программу.\r\n\r\nМожет быть массивом строк или одной строкой. При запуске программы в терминале настройка этого свойства на использование одной строки приведет к отсутствию экранирования аргументов для оболочки.", @@ -265,6 +273,7 @@ "Closure ({0})": "Замыкание ({0})", "Console profile started": "Профиль консоли запущен", "Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "Не удалось подключиться ни к одному каналу веб-представления UWP. Убедитесь, что ваше веб-представление размещено в режиме отладки и что указано правильное имя \"pipeName\" в файле \"launch.json\".", + "Could not find a location for the variable": "Не удалось найти расположение для переменной", "Could not query the provided object": "Не удалось отправить запрос к указанному объекту.", "Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "Не удалось считать сопоставление источника для {0}: {1}", "Could not read {0}: {1}": "Не удалось считать {0}: {1}", @@ -311,6 +320,7 @@ "Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "Потеряно подключение к отлаживаемому компоненту, повторное подключение через {0} мс\r\n", "Manual": "Вручную", "Module": "Модуль", + "Networking not available.": "Сеть недоступна.", "Never": "Никогда", "No": "Нет", "No npm scripts found in your package.json": "Скрипты npm в вашем package.json не найдены", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 01e3227681..ee1607a473 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "javascript.format.enable": "Включение или отключение модуля форматирования JavaScript по умолчанию.", "javascript.goToProjectConfig.title": "Перейти к конфигурации проекта (jsconfig / tsconfig)", "javascript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "Вставить `={}` или `=\"\"` после имен атрибутов на основе типа свойства. Сведения об управлении типов кавычек для строковых атрибутов см. в `javascript.preferences.quoteStyle`.", - "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "Дополнительные параметры, управляющие порядком импорта. Предустановки доступны в \"#javascript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#\"", + "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.enabled": "Включить/отключить ссылки CodeLens для файлов JavaScript.", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.showOnAllFunctions": "Включить/отключить ссылки CodeLens для всех функций в файлах JavaScript.", "javascript.suggestionActions.enabled": "Включить или отключить предложения диагностики для файлов JavaScript в редакторе.", @@ -288,20 +288,20 @@ "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "Вставить `={}` или `=\"\"` после имен атрибутов на основе типа свойства. Сведения об управлении типов кавычек для строковых атрибутов см. в `typescript.preferences.quoteStyle`.", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.braces": "Вставить \"={}\" после имен атрибутов.", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.none": "Вставлять только имена атрибутов.", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "Дополнительные параметры, управляющие порядком импорта. Предустановки доступны в \"#typescript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#\"", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "Сравнивать символы с диакритическими знаками как неравные базовым символам", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "Указывает, размещается ли верхний регистр перед нижним регистром. Применяется только к \"organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'\".", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "Обнаруживать учет регистра для сортировки импорта", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "Сортировка импортов без учета регистра", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "Сортировка импортов с учетом регистра", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "Переопределяет языковой стандарт, используемый для параметров сортировки. Укажите \"auto\", чтобы использовать языковой стандарт пользовательского интерфейса. Применяется только к \"organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'\".", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "Сортировать числовые строки по целочисленным значениям", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "Определить, где должны сортироваться импорты, именованные только по типу", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "Импорты, именованные только по типу, сортируются до конца списка импорта", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "Именованные импорты сортируются только по имени", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "Импорты, именованные только по типу, сортируются до конца списка импорта", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "Сортировка импортов с использованием числового значения каждой кодовой точки", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "Сортировать импорты с использованием параметров сортировки кода Юникода", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "Compare characters with diacritical marks as unequal to base character.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "Indicates whether upper-case comes before lower-case. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "Detect case-sensitivity for import sorting.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "Sort imports case-insensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "Sort imports case-sensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "Overrides the locale used for collation. Specify `auto` to use the UI locale. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "Sort numeric strings by integer value.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "Detect where type-only named imports should be sorted.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "Named imports are sorted by name only.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "Sort imports using the numeric value of each code point.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "Sort imports using the Unicode code collation.", "typescript.preferences.preferTypeOnlyAutoImports": "По возможности включать ключевое слово \"type\" в автоматический импорт. Требуется использование TypeScript 5.3+ в рабочей области.", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle": "Предпочитаемый стиль кавычек для быстрых исправлений.", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle.auto": "Вывести тип кавычек из существующего кода", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json index 011d60bd7a..74d62e1e27 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -5344,7 +5344,7 @@ "inlineChat.toolbar": "Используйте вкладку для доступа к условным частям, например командам, состоянию, ответам на сообщения и т. д.", "workbench.action.chat.focus": "Чтобы перевести фокус на список запросов/ответов чата, по которому можно переходить с помощью клавиш СТРЕЛКА ВВЕРХ и СТРЕЛКА ВНИЗ, выполните команду \"Фокус на чате\"{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Чтобы перевести фокус на поле ввода для запросов чата, выполните команду \"Фокус на поле ввода чата\"{0}.", - "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "To create a new chat session, invoke the New Chat command{0}.", + "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "Чтобы создать новый сеанс чата, выполните команду \"Создать чат\"{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Чтобы перевести фокус на следующий блок кода в ответе, выполните команду \"Чат: следующий блок кода\"{0}.", "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "Чтобы перевести фокус на следующее дерево файлов в ответе, выполните команду \"Чат: следующее дерево файлов\"{0}." }, @@ -5518,20 +5518,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "выбрано \"{0}\"", - "didNotFollowInstructions": "Didn't follow instructions", - "incompleteCode": "Incomplete code", - "incorrectCode": "Suggested incorrect code", - "missingContext": "Missing context", - "offensiveOrUnsafe": "Offensive or unsafe", - "other": "Other", - "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "Poorly written or formatted", - "refusedAValidRequest": "Refused a valid request", - "reportIssue": "Report an issue", + "didNotFollowInstructions": "Не выполнены инструкции", + "incompleteCode": "Неполный код", + "incorrectCode": "Предложенный неправильный код", + "missingContext": "Отсутствует контекст", + "offensiveOrUnsafe": "Оскорбительно или небезопасно", + "other": "Другое", + "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "Плохо написано или отформатировано", + "refusedAValidRequest": "Отклонен допустимый запрос", + "reportIssue": "Сообщить о проблеме", "usedAgent": "[[(перезапуск без)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "используется {0} [[(перезапуск без)]]" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { - "action.showExtension": "Show Extension", "chat.viewContainer.label": "Чат", "chatCommand": "Короткое имя, под которым эта команда указывается в пользовательском интерфейсе, например \"исправить\" или * \"объяснить\" для команд, которые исправляют проблему или объясняют код. Имя должно быть уникальным среди команд, предоставленных этим участником.", "chatCommandDescription": "Описание этой команды.", @@ -5555,6 +5554,7 @@ "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "Поддерживает ли этот участник {0}.", "chatParticipantWhen": "Условие, которое должно иметь значение true, чтобы включить этого участника.", "chatSampleRequest": "Когда пользователь щелкает этого участника в \"/help\", этот текст отправляется участнику.", + "showExtension": "Show Extension", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Добавляет участника чата" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { @@ -5593,7 +5593,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "ИСТИНА, если применены изменения текста чата.", - "chatIsEnabled": "Значение true, если чат включен, так как зарегистрирован участник чата по умолчанию.", + "chatExtensionInvalid": "True when the installed chat extension is invalid and needs to be updated.", + "chatIsEnabled": "True when chat is enabled because a default chat participant is activated with an implementation.", + "chatParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for the panel.", "chatRequest": "Элемент чата является запросом", "chatResponse": "Элемент чата является ответом.", "chatResponseErrored": "Значение true, если ответ чата привел к ошибке.", @@ -6015,10 +6017,10 @@ "focusCommentsFilter": "Фокус на фильтре комментариев", "focusCommentsList": "Фокус на представлении комментариев", "resolved": "Показать разрешенные", - "sorting by file": "Файл", + "sorting by position in file": "Position in File", "sorting by updated at": "Время обновления", "toggle resolved": "Показать разрешенные", - "toggle sorting by resource": "Файл", + "toggle sorting by resource": "Position in File", "toggle sorting by updated at": "Время обновления", "toggle unresolved": "Показать неразрешенные", "unresolved": "Показать неразрешенные" @@ -6678,7 +6680,7 @@ "debug.focusCallStack": "Команда \"Отладка: фокусировать представление стека\"{0} выполнит фокусировку на представление стека вызовов.", "debug.focusVariables": "Команда \"Отладка: фокусировать представление переменных\"{0} выполнит фокусировку на представлении переменных.", "debug.focusWatch": "Команда \"Отладка: фокусировать представление просмотра\"{0} выполнит фокусировку на представлении просмотра.", - "debug.help": "Access debug output and evaluate expressions in the debug console, which can be focused with{0}.", + "debug.help": "Доступ к выходным данным отладки и вычисление выражений в консоли отладки, на которую можно поместить фокус с помощью{0}.", "debug.restartDebugging": "- Отладка: команда \"Перезапустить отладку\"{0} перезапустит текущий сеанс отладки.", "debug.showRunAndDebug": "Команда \"Показать представление \"Запуск и отладка\"{0} откроет текущее представление.", "debug.startDebugging": "Команда \"Отладка: начать отладку\"{0} запустит сеанс отладки.", @@ -8190,7 +8192,7 @@ "empty": "Нет результатов. Уточните входные данные и повторите попытку", "err.apply": "Не удалось применить изменения.", "err.discard": "Не удалось отменить изменения.", - "savehint": "Чтобы продолжить сохранение, примите или отмените изменения", + "savehint": "Accept or discard changes to continue saving.", "welcome.2": "Идет подготовка…" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { @@ -9149,7 +9151,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/multicursor/notebookMulticursor": { "addFindMatchToSelection": "Добавить поиск совпадения к выбору", - "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "Delete Left", + "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "Удалить слева", "exitMultiSelection": "Выйти из режима нескольких курсоров" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/navigation/arrow": { @@ -12487,6 +12489,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "Закрыть", "testOutputTitle": "Выходные данные теста", + "testing.collapsePeekStack": "Collapse Stack Frames", "testing.goToNextMessage": "Перейти к следующей ошибке теста", "testing.goToNextMessage.description": "Отображает следующее сообщение о сбое в файле", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "Перейти к предыдущему сбою теста", @@ -12523,8 +12526,8 @@ "run test": "Запуск теста", "testing.cancelRun": "Отменить тестовый запуск", "testing.debugLastRun": "Отладка тестового запуска", - "testing.goToError": "Перейти к источнику", - "testing.goToFile": "Перейти к источнику", + "testing.goToError": "Go to Error", + "testing.goToTest": "Go to Test", "testing.reRunLastRun": "Повторно выполнить тестовый запуск", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Открыть в Обозревателе тестов", "testing.showResultOutput": "Показать выходные данные результатов", @@ -12638,6 +12641,7 @@ "testing.isParentRunningContinuously": "Указывает, выполняется ли родительский элемент теста постоянно, задается в контексте меню тестовых элементов", "testing.isRefreshing": "Указывает, выполняет ли сейчас какой-либо контроллер тестирование обновления.", "testing.isTestCoverageOpen": "Указывает, открыт ли отчет об охвате тестов", + "testing.peekHasStack": "Whether the message shown in a peek view has a stack trace", "testing.peekItemType": "Тип элемента в представлении просмотра вывода. Либо \"тест\", \"сообщение\", \"задача\" или \"результат\".", "testing.profile.context.group": "Тип меню, в котором существует подменю настройки профиля тестирования. Варианты: \"run\", \"debug\" или \"coverage\"", "testing.supportsContinuousRun": "Указывает, поддерживается ли непрерывный тестовый запуск", @@ -12917,7 +12921,7 @@ "userDataProfiles": "Профили" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfilesEditorModel": { - "active": "Использовать для текущего окна", + "active": "Use this Profile for Current Window", "cancel": "Отмена", "copy from": "{0} (копировать)", "copyFromProfile": "Дублировать...", @@ -12935,8 +12939,7 @@ "preview": "Предварительный просмотр", "profileExists": "Профиль с именем {0} уже существует.", "replace": "Заменить", - "untitled": "Без имени", - "use as new window": "Использовать для новых окон" + "untitled": "Без имени" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataSync/browser/userDataSync": { "accept failed": "Ошибка при принятии изменений. Дополнительные сведения см. в [журналах]({0}).", @@ -13295,8 +13298,6 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.title": "Начало работы с VS Code", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.description": "Узнайте об инструментах и сочетаниях клавиш для поддержки специальных возможностей в VS Code. Обратите внимание, что некоторые действия невозможно выполнить в контексте пошагового руководства.", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.title": "Начните работу с VS Code с помощью средства чтения с экрана", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.description": "Настройте свой редактор, изучите основы и начните программировать", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.title": "Подробнее об использовании VS Code с помощью программы чтения с экрана", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "Настройте свой редактор, изучите основы и начните программировать", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "Начало работы с VS Code в Интернете", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "Обнаружив свои любимые команды, создайте настраиваемые сочетания клавиш для быстрого доступа.\r\n{0}", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index e510d4be43..e1ed666b9b 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ "commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "Dışlanan tüm çağıranları kaldır", "commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "Kaynak Eşlenmiş Adımlama'yı Kapat", "commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "Kaynak Eşlenmiş Adımlama'yı Etkinleştir", + "commands.networkClear.label": "Ağ Günlüğünü Temizle", + "commands.networkCopyURI.label": "İstek URL’sini kopyala", + "commands.networkOpenBody.label": "Yanıt Gövdesini Aç", + "commands.networkOpenBodyInHexEditor.label": "Yanıt Gövdesini Onaltılık Düzenleyicide Aç", + "commands.networkReplayXHR.label": "İsteği Yeniden Oynat", + "commands.networkViewRequest.label": "İsteği cURL olarak görüntüle", "configuration.autoAttachMode": "`#debug.node.autoAttach#` açık olduğunda hangi işlemlerin otomatik olarak ekleneceğini veya hatalarının ayıklanacağını yapılandırır. `--inspect` bayrağıyla başlatılan düğüm işlemi bu ayardan bağımsız olarak her zaman eklenir.", "configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "Terminalde başlatılan her Node.js işlemine otomatik olarak ekleyin.", "configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "Auto attach is disabled and not shown in status bar.", @@ -74,6 +80,7 @@ "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Koşullu kesme noktaları hata oluşturduğunda durdurulup durdurulmayacağını belirtir.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Options used when debugging open links clicked from inside the debug terminal. Can be set to \"false\" to disable this behavior.", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Belirtilmemişse, başlatma yapılandırmaları için varsayılan `runtimeExecutable` kullanılır. Bu, Node.js veya tarayıcı yüklemelerine özel yolları yapılandırmada kullanılabilir.", + "configuration.enableNetworkView": "Bunu destekleyen hedefler için deneysel ağ görünümünü etkinleştirir.", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "“Çalıştırma” ve “Hata Ayıklama” CodeLens’in NPM betiklerinizde gösterilmesi gereken yer. “Tümünde”, betiklerde, betik bölümünün “üstünde” veya “hiçbir zaman” olabilir.", "configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "`Debug: Attach to Node.js Process` komutu aracılığıyla bir işlemde hata ayıklarken kullanılan varsayılan seçenekler", "configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "Hata ayıklayıcıda kaynak eşlemeleri gibi kaynaklar yüklenirken kullanılacak istek seçenekleri. Örneğin, kaynak eşlemeleriniz kimlik doğrulaması gerektiriyorsa veya otomatik olarak imzalanan sertifika kullanıyorsanız bunu yapılandırmanız gerekebilir. [`got`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/got) kütüphanesi kullanılarak istek oluşturmak için bu seçenekler kullanılır.\r\n\r\n`{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }` geçirerek sertifika doğrulamasını devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz.", @@ -137,6 +144,7 @@ "node.console.title": "Düğüm Hata Ayıklama Konsolu", "node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "İlgili dosya için bir kaynak eşlemesi yüklenene kadar hiçbir dosyada kesme noktası ayarlamayın.", "node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "Kaynak eşlemesi keşfi için yeni, daha hızlı bir mekanizmanın kullanılıp kullanılmayacağını yapılandırır", + "node.experimentalNetworking.description": "Node.js'de deneysel incelemeyi etkinleştirin. 'Otomatik' olarak ayarlandığında bu, destekleyen Node.js sürümleri için etkinleştirilir. Açıkça etkinleştirmek veya devre dışı bırakmak için 'açık' veya 'kapalı' olarak ayarlanmalıdır.", "node.killBehavior.description": "Oturum durdurulurken hata ayıklama işlemlerinin nasıl sonlandırılacağını yapılandırır. Şunlardan biri olabilir:\r\n\r\n- zorla (varsayılan): işlem ağacını zorla sonlandırır. Posix üzerinde SIGKILL veya Windows'da `taskkill.exe /F` gönderir.\r\n- zorlama: işlem ağacını dikkatlice kapatır. Yanlış davranan işlemlerin bu şekilde kapatıldıktan sonra çalışmaya devam etmesi olasıdır. Posix üzerinde SIGTERM gönderir veya Windows üzerinde `/F` (zorla) bayrağı olmadan `taskkill.exe` gönderir.\r\n- yok: sonlandırma gerçekleşmez.", "node.label": "Node.js", "node.launch.args.description": "Programa geçirilen komut satırı bağımsız değişkenleri.\r\n\r\nBir dizi veya tek bir dize olabilir. Program bir terminalde başlatıldığında bu özelliğin tek bir dize olarak ayarlanması bağımsız değişkenlerin kabuk için kaçamamasına neden olur.", @@ -265,6 +273,7 @@ "Closure ({0})": "Kapatma ({0})", "Console profile started": "Konsol profili başlatıldı", "Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "Hiçbir UWP Web görünümü kanalına bağlanılamadı. Web görünümünüzün hata ayıklama modunda barındırıldığından ve `launch.json` dosyanızdaki `pipeName` değerinin doğru olduğundan emin olun.", + "Could not find a location for the variable": "Değişken için konum bulunamadı", "Could not query the provided object": "Sağlanan nesne sorgulanamadı", "Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "{0} için kaynak eşlemesi okunamadı: {1}", "Could not read {0}: {1}": "{0} okunamadı: {1}", @@ -311,6 +320,7 @@ "Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "Hata ayıklanacak bağlantı kesildi, {0}ms içinde yeniden bağlanılıyor\r\n", "Manual": "El ile", "Module": "Modül", + "Networking not available.": "Ağ kullanılamıyor.", "Never": "Hiçbir zaman", "No": "Hayır", "No npm scripts found in your package.json": "package.json dosyanızda npm betiği bulunamadı", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 6baa10d249..0e853c32b3 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "javascript.format.enable": "Varsayılan JavaScript biçimlendiricisini etkinleştirin/devre dışı bırakın.", "javascript.goToProjectConfig.title": "Proje Yapılandırmasına Git (jsconfig / tsconfig)", "javascript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "Özellik türüne göre öznitelik adlarından sonra `={}` veya `=\"\"` ekleyin. Dize öznitelikleri için kullanılan tırnakların türünü denetlemek için bkz. `javascript.preferences.quoteStyle`.", - "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "İçeri aktarmaların nasıl sıralanacağını denetleyen gelişmiş tercihler. Ön ayarlar `#javascript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#` içinde sağlanır", + "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.enabled": "JavaScript dosyalarında CodeLens başvurularını etkinleştirin/devre dışı bırakın.", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.showOnAllFunctions": "JavaScript dosyalarındaki tüm işlevlerde CodeLens başvurularını etkinleştirin/devre dışı bırakın.", "javascript.suggestionActions.enabled": "Düzenleyicideki JavaScript dosyaları için öneri tanılamayı etkinleştirin/devre dışı bırakın.", @@ -288,20 +288,20 @@ "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "Özellik türüne göre öznitelik adlarından sonra `={}` veya `=\"\"` ekleyin. Dize öznitelikleri için kullanılan tırnakların türünü denetlemek için bkz. `typescript.preferences.quoteStyle`.", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.braces": "Öznitelik adlarına '={}' ekleyin.", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.none": "Yalnızca öznitelik adları ekleyin.", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "İçeri aktarmaların nasıl sıralanacağını denetleyen gelişmiş tercihler. Ön ayarlar `#typescript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#` içinde sağlanır", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "Aksanlı karakterleri taban karakterle eşit olmayacak şekilde karşılaştır", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "Büyük harflerin küçük harflerden önce gelip gelmeyeceğini gösterir. Yalnızca `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'` için geçerlidir", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "İçeri aktarma sıralaması için büyük/küçük harf duyarlılığını algıla", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "İçeri aktarmaları büyük/küçük harfe duyarsız olarak sırala", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "İçeri aktarmaları büyük/küçük harfe duyarlı olarak sırala", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "Harmanlama için kullanılan yerel ayarı geçersiz kılar. UI yerel ayarlarını kullanmak için 'auto' değerini belirtin. Yalnızca `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'` için geçerlidir", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "Sayısal dizeleri tamsayı değerine göre sırala", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "Yalnızca türü adlandırılmış içeri aktarmaların nerede sıralanacağı algıla", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "Yalnızca türü adlandırılmış içeri aktarmalar, içeri aktarma listesinin sonuna sıralanır", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "Adlandırılmış içeri aktarmalar yalnızca ada göre sıralanır", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "Yalnızca türü adlandırılmış içeri aktarmalar, içeri aktarma listesinin sonuna sıralanır", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "İçeri aktarmaları her kod noktasının sayısal değerini kullanarak sırala", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "İçeri aktarmaları Unicode kod harmanlaması kullanarak sırala", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "Compare characters with diacritical marks as unequal to base character.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "Indicates whether upper-case comes before lower-case. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "Detect case-sensitivity for import sorting.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "Sort imports case-insensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "Sort imports case-sensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "Overrides the locale used for collation. Specify `auto` to use the UI locale. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "Sort numeric strings by integer value.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "Detect where type-only named imports should be sorted.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "Named imports are sorted by name only.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "Sort imports using the numeric value of each code point.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "Sort imports using the Unicode code collation.", "typescript.preferences.preferTypeOnlyAutoImports": "Mümkün olduğunda otomatik içeri aktarmalara 'type' anahtar sözcüğünü ekleyin. Çalışma alanında TypeScript 5.3+ kullanmayı gerektirir.", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle": "Hızlı Düzeltmeler için tercih edilen alıntı stili.", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle.auto": "Mevcut koddan tırnak işareti türünü çıkarsa", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json index 47feb1e263..0e81d1f99e 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -2885,6 +2885,22 @@ "workspaceOpenedDetail": "Çalışma alanı başka bir pencerede zaten açık. Lütfen önce bu pencereyi kapatın ve yeniden deneyin.", "workspaceOpenedMessage": "'{0}' çalışma alanı kaydedilemiyor" }, + "win32/i18n/messages": { + "AddContextMenuFiles": "Windows Gezgini dosya bağlam menüsüne \"%1 ile aç\" eylemi ekle", + "AddContextMenuFolders": "Windows Gezgini dizin bağlam menüsüne \"%1 ile aç\" eylemi ekle", + "AddToPath": "PATH değişkenine ekle (kabuğu yeniden başlatmayı gerektirir)", + "AdditionalIcons": "Ek simgeler:", + "AssociateWithFiles": "Desteklenen dosya türleri için %1 uygulamasını düzenleyici olarak kaydet", + "ConfirmUninstall": "%1 ve tüm bileşenlerini tamamen kaldırmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?", + "CreateDesktopIcon": "&Masaüstü simgesi oluştur", + "CreateQuickLaunchIcon": "&Hızlı Başlatma simgesi oluştur", + "FinishedLabel": "Kurulum, bilgisayarınıza [name] yükleme işlemini tamamlandı. Uygulama, yüklü kısayollar seçilerek başlatılabilir.", + "OpenWithCodeContextMenu": "%1 &ile aç", + "Other": "Diğer:", + "RunAfter": "Yüklemeden sonra %1 çalıştır", + "SourceFile": "%1 Kaynak Dosyası", + "UpdatingVisualStudioCode": "Visual Studio Code güncelleştiriliyor..." + }, "vs/server/node/remoteExtensionHostAgentCli": { "remotecli": "Uzak CLI" }, @@ -2906,22 +2922,6 @@ "vs/server/node/serverServices": { "remoteExtensionLog": "Sunucu" }, - "win32/i18n/messages": { - "AddContextMenuFiles": "Windows Gezgini dosya bağlam menüsüne \"%1 ile aç\" eylemi ekle", - "AddContextMenuFolders": "Windows Gezgini dizin bağlam menüsüne \"%1 ile aç\" eylemi ekle", - "AddToPath": "PATH değişkenine ekle (kabuğu yeniden başlatmayı gerektirir)", - "AdditionalIcons": "Ek simgeler:", - "AssociateWithFiles": "Desteklenen dosya türleri için %1 uygulamasını düzenleyici olarak kaydet", - "ConfirmUninstall": "%1 ve tüm bileşenlerini tamamen kaldırmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?", - "CreateDesktopIcon": "&Masaüstü simgesi oluştur", - "CreateQuickLaunchIcon": "&Hızlı Başlatma simgesi oluştur", - "FinishedLabel": "Kurulum, bilgisayarınıza [name] yükleme işlemini tamamlandı. Uygulama, yüklü kısayollar seçilerek başlatılabilir.", - "OpenWithCodeContextMenu": "%1 &ile aç", - "Other": "Diğer:", - "RunAfter": "Yüklemeden sonra %1 çalıştır", - "SourceFile": "%1 Kaynak Dosyası", - "UpdatingVisualStudioCode": "Visual Studio Code güncelleştiriliyor..." - }, "vs/code/electron-main/app": { "cancel": "&&Hayır", "confirmOpenDetail": "Bu isteği siz başlatmadıysanız, bu istek sisteminizde denenen bir saldırıyı gösteriyor olabilir. Bu isteği başlatmak için açık bir eylem gerçekleştirmedikçe 'Hayır' seçeneğine basmalısınız", @@ -5344,7 +5344,7 @@ "inlineChat.toolbar": "Komutlar, durum ve ileti yanıtları gibi koşullu bölümlere ulaşmak için sekmeyi kullanın.", "workbench.action.chat.focus": "Yukarı ve aşağı ok tuşları ile gezinilebilen sohbet isteği/yanıt listesine odaklanmak için Sohbete Odaklan komutunu{0} çağırın.", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "Sohbet isteklerinde giriş kutusuna odaklanmak için Sohbet Girişine Odaklan komutunu{0} çağırın.", - "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "To create a new chat session, invoke the New Chat command{0}.", + "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "Yeni bir sohbet oturumu oluşturmak için Yeni Sohbet komutunu ({0}) çağırın.", "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "Bir yanıt içinde sonraki kod bloğuna odaklanmak için Sohbet: Sonraki Kod Bloğu komutunu{0} çağırın.", "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "Yanıtta sonraki dosya ağacına odaklanmak için Sohbet: Sonraki Dosya Ağacı komutunu{0} çağırın." }, @@ -5518,20 +5518,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "\"{0}\" seçildi", - "didNotFollowInstructions": "Didn't follow instructions", - "incompleteCode": "Incomplete code", - "incorrectCode": "Suggested incorrect code", - "missingContext": "Missing context", - "offensiveOrUnsafe": "Offensive or unsafe", - "other": "Other", - "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "Poorly written or formatted", - "refusedAValidRequest": "Refused a valid request", - "reportIssue": "Report an issue", + "didNotFollowInstructions": "Yönergeler izlenmedi", + "incompleteCode": "Eksik kod", + "incorrectCode": "Yanlış kod önerildi", + "missingContext": "Eksik bağlam", + "offensiveOrUnsafe": "Rahatsız edici veya güvenli değil", + "other": "Diğer", + "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "Kötü yazılmış veya biçimlendirilmiş", + "refusedAValidRequest": "Geçerli bir istek reddedildi", + "reportIssue": "Bir sorun bildirin", "usedAgent": "[[(olmadan yeniden çalıştır)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "kullanılan {0} [[(olmadan yeniden çalıştır)]]" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { - "action.showExtension": "Show Extension", "chat.viewContainer.label": "Sohbet", "chatCommand": "Kullanıcı arayüzünde bu komuta atıfta bulunulan kısa ad, ör. Bir sorunu düzelten veya kodu açıklayan komutlar için `fix` veya * `explain`. Adın bu katılımcı tarafından sağlanan komutlar arasında benzersiz olması gerekir.", "chatCommandDescription": "Bu komutun açıklaması.", @@ -5555,6 +5554,7 @@ "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "Bu katılımcının şunu destekleyip desteklemediği: {0}.", "chatParticipantWhen": "Bu katılımcıyı etkinleştirmek için doğru olması gereken bir koşul.", "chatSampleRequest": "Kullanıcı `/help`'te bu katılımcıya tıkladığında bu metin katılımcıya gönderilir.", + "showExtension": "Show Extension", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Bir sohbet katılımcısına katkıda bulunur" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { @@ -5593,7 +5593,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "Sohbet metni düzenlemeleri uygulandığında true olur.", - "chatIsEnabled": "Varsayılan bir sohbet katılımcısı kayıtlı olduğundan sohbet etkinleştirildiğinde doğrudur.", + "chatExtensionInvalid": "True when the installed chat extension is invalid and needs to be updated.", + "chatIsEnabled": "True when chat is enabled because a default chat participant is activated with an implementation.", + "chatParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for the panel.", "chatRequest": "Sohbet öğesi bir istek.", "chatResponse": "Sohbet öğesi bir yanıt.", "chatResponseErrored": "Sohbet yanıtı bir hatayla sonuçlandığında true olur.", @@ -6015,10 +6017,10 @@ "focusCommentsFilter": "Açıklama filtresini odakla", "focusCommentsList": "Açıklamalar görünümüne odaklan", "resolved": "Çözümlenenleri Göster", - "sorting by file": "Dosya", + "sorting by position in file": "Position in File", "sorting by updated at": "Güncelleştirme Zamanı", "toggle resolved": "Çözümlenenleri Göster", - "toggle sorting by resource": "Dosya", + "toggle sorting by resource": "Position in File", "toggle sorting by updated at": "Güncelleştirme Zamanı", "toggle unresolved": "Çözümlenmeyenleri Göster", "unresolved": "Çözümlenmeyenleri Göster" @@ -6678,7 +6680,7 @@ "debug.focusCallStack": "- Hata Ayıklama: Çağrı Yığını Görünümüne Odaklan komutu{0} çağrı yığını görünümüne odaklanır.", "debug.focusVariables": "- Hata Ayıklama: Değişkenler Görünümüne Odaklan komutu{0} değişkenler görünümüne odaklanır.", "debug.focusWatch": "- Hata Ayıklama: İzleme Görünümüne Odaklan komutu{0} izleme görünümüne odaklanır.", - "debug.help": "Access debug output and evaluate expressions in the debug console, which can be focused with{0}.", + "debug.help": "Hata ayıklama çıkışına erişin ve hata ayıklama konsolundaki ifadeleri değerlendirin. Buna şununla odaklanılabilir:{0}.", "debug.restartDebugging": "- Hata Ayıklama: Hata Ayıklama komutu{0} geçerli hata ayıklama oturumunu yeniden başlatır.", "debug.showRunAndDebug": "Çalıştır ve Hata Ayıklama görünümünü göster komutu{0} geçerli görünümü açar.", "debug.startDebugging": "Hata Ayıklama: Hata Ayıklamayı Başlat komutu{0} hata ayıklama oturumu başlatır.", @@ -8190,7 +8192,7 @@ "empty": "Sonuç yok, lütfen girdinizi daraltın ve tekrar deneyin.", "err.apply": "Değişiklikler uygulanamadı.", "err.discard": "Değişiklikler atılamadı.", - "savehint": "Kaydetmeye devam etmek için değişiklikleri kabul edin veya atın", + "savehint": "Accept or discard changes to continue saving.", "welcome.2": "Hazırlanıyor..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { @@ -9149,7 +9151,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/multicursor/notebookMulticursor": { "addFindMatchToSelection": "Seçime Eşleşme Bul Ekle", - "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "Delete Left", + "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "Solu Sil", "exitMultiSelection": "Çoklu İmleç Modundan Çık" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/navigation/arrow": { @@ -12487,6 +12489,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "Kapat", "testOutputTitle": "Test Çıktısı", + "testing.collapsePeekStack": "Collapse Stack Frames", "testing.goToNextMessage": "Sonraki Test Hatasına Git", "testing.goToNextMessage.description": "Dosyanızda bir sonraki hata iletisini gösterir", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "Önceki Test Hatasına Git", @@ -12523,8 +12526,8 @@ "run test": "Testi Çalıştır", "testing.cancelRun": "Test Çalıştırmasını İptal Et", "testing.debugLastRun": "Test Çalıştırmasındaki hataları ayıkla", - "testing.goToError": "Kaynağa Git", - "testing.goToFile": "Kaynağa Git", + "testing.goToError": "Go to Error", + "testing.goToTest": "Go to Test", "testing.reRunLastRun": "Test Çalıştırmasını yeniden çalıştır", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Test Gezgini'nde Göster", "testing.showResultOutput": "Sonuç Çıkışını Göster", @@ -12638,6 +12641,7 @@ "testing.isParentRunningContinuously": "Bir testin üst öğesinin sürekli olarak çalışıp çalışmadığını gösterir, test öğelerinin menü bağlamında ayarlanır", "testing.isRefreshing": "Herhangi bir test denetleyicisinin şu anda testleri yenileyip yenilemediğini belirtir.", "testing.isTestCoverageOpen": "Test kapsamı raporunun açık olup olmadığını belirtir", + "testing.peekHasStack": "Whether the message shown in a peek view has a stack trace", "testing.peekItemType": "Çıktı özeti görünümündeki öğenin türü. \"Test\", \"ileti\", \"görev\" veya \"sonuç\".", "testing.profile.context.group": "Yapılandırma testi profili alt menüsünün bulunduğu menü türü. \"Çalıştır\", \"hata ayıkla\" veya \"kapsam\"", "testing.supportsContinuousRun": "Sürekli test çalıştırmanın desteklenip desteklenmediğini gösterir", @@ -12917,7 +12921,7 @@ "userDataProfiles": "Profiller" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfilesEditorModel": { - "active": "Geçerli Pencere için Kullan", + "active": "Use this Profile for Current Window", "cancel": "İptal", "copy from": "{0} (Kopyala)", "copyFromProfile": "Çoğalt...", @@ -12935,8 +12939,7 @@ "preview": "Önizleme", "profileExists": "{0} adlı Profil zaten var.", "replace": "Değiştir", - "untitled": "Adsız", - "use as new window": "Yeni Pencereler için Kullan" + "untitled": "Adsız" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataSync/browser/userDataSync": { "accept failed": "Değişiklikler kabul edilirken hata oluştu. Daha fazla ayrıntı için lütfen [günlükleri]({0}) kontrol edin.", @@ -13295,8 +13298,6 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.title": "VS Code Kullanmaya Başlayın", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.description": "VS Code uygulamasını erişilebilir kılan araçları ve kısa yolları öğrenin. Bazı eylemlerin kılavuz bağlamından gerçekleştirilemeyeceğini unutmayın.", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.title": "Ekran Okuyucuyu kullanarak VS Code’u kullanmaya başlayın", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.description": "Düzenleyicinizi özelleştirin, temel bilgileri öğrenin ve kodlamaya başlayın", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.title": "Ekran Okuyucu ile VS Code’u kullanmak hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "Düzenleyicinizi özelleştirin, temel bilgileri öğrenin ve kodlamaya başlayın", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "Web için VS Code Kullanmaya Başlayın", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "Sık kullandığınız komutları keşfettikten sonra, anında erişim için özel klavye kısayolları oluşturun.\r\n{0}", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 14fdd57a01..2b9f0313de 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ "commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "删除所有排除的调用方", "commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "禁用源映射单步执行", "commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "启用源映射单步执行", + "commands.networkClear.label": "清除网络日志", + "commands.networkCopyURI.label": "复制请求 URL", + "commands.networkOpenBody.label": "打开响应正文", + "commands.networkOpenBodyInHexEditor.label": "在十六进制编辑器中打开响应正文", + "commands.networkReplayXHR.label": "重播请求", + "commands.networkViewRequest.label": "以 cURL 形式查看请求", "configuration.autoAttachMode": "配置在 \"#debug.node.autoAttach#\" 处于启用状态时自动附加和调试的进程。无论此设置如何,都始终附加到启动的带有 \"--inspect\" 标志的节点进程。", "configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "自动附加到终端中启动的每个 Node.js 进程。", "configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "自动附加被禁用,且不在状态栏中显示。", @@ -74,6 +80,7 @@ "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "在条件断点引发错误时是否停止。", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "调试时从调试终端内部单击链接使用的选项。可设置为\"false\"以禁用此行为。", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "用于启动配置的默认 \"runtimeExecutable\" (如果未指定)。这可用于配置 Node.js 或浏览器安装项的自定义路径。", + "configuration.enableNetworkView": "为支持它的目标启用实验性网络视图。", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "在 npm 脚本中应显示“运行”和“调试”代码的位置。 它可以在脚本部分的“全部”、脚本、脚本部分的“顶部”或“从不”上面。", "configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "通过 `Debug: Attach to Node.js Process` 命令调试进程时使用的默认选项", "configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "在调试器中加载资源(如源映射)时可使用的请求选项。例如,如果你的源映射需要身份验证或使用自签名证书,则可能需要配置此设置。选项用于创建使用 [`got`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/got) 库的请求。\r\n\r\n可通过传递 `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }` 来实现禁用证书验证的常见情况。", @@ -137,6 +144,7 @@ "node.console.title": "Node 调试控制台", "node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "请勿在任何文件中设置断点,除非该文件已加载源映射。", "node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "配置是否使用速度更快的全新源映射发现机制", + "node.experimentalNetworking.description": "在 Node.js 中启用实验性检查。如果设置为 `自动`,则会为支持它的 Node.js 版本启用此功能。可以将其设置为 `开` 或 `关` 以显式启用或禁用它。", "node.killBehavior.description": "配置在停止会话时如何终止调试进程。可以是:\r\n\r\n- forceful (default): 强制关闭进程树。在 posix 上发送 SIGKILL,在 Windows 上发送 \"taskkill.exe /F\"。\r\n- polite: 正常关闭进程树。可能出现按此方式关闭后继续运行行为出错的进程的情况。在 posix 上发送 SIGTERM,在 Windows 上发送 \"taskkill.exe\" 但不带 \"/F\" (强制)标志。\r\n- 无: 将不终止。", "node.label": "Node.js", "node.launch.args.description": "传递给程序的命令行参数。\r\n\r\n可以是字符串数组或单个字符串。在终端中启动程序时,将此属性设置为单个字符串将导致 shell 的参数无法转义。", @@ -265,6 +273,7 @@ "Closure ({0})": "闭包({0})", "Console profile started": "已启动控制台配置文件", "Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "无法连接到任何 UWP Webview 管道。确保在调试模式下托管 Web 视图,并且 `launch.json` 中的 `pipeName` 正确无误。", + "Could not find a location for the variable": "找不到变量的位置", "Could not query the provided object": "无法查询提供的对象", "Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "无法读取 {0} 的源映射: {1}", "Could not read {0}: {1}": "无法读取 {0}: {1}", @@ -311,6 +320,7 @@ "Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "已断开与调试对象的连接,将在 {0} 毫秒后重新连接\r\n", "Manual": "手动", "Module": "模块", + "Networking not available.": "网络不可用。", "Never": "从不", "No": "否", "No npm scripts found in your package.json": "在 package.json 中找不到 npm 脚本", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index cbb2436e52..638b590df2 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "javascript.format.enable": "启用/禁用 JavaScript 格式化程序。", "javascript.goToProjectConfig.title": "转到项目配置(jsconfig/tsconfig)", "javascript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "根据属性类型,在属性名称后插入 `={}` or `=\"\"`。请参见 `javascript.preferences.quoteStyle`,控制用于字符串属性的引号样式。", - "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "控制导入顺序的高级首选项。`#javascript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#` 中提供了预设", + "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.enabled": "启用/禁用在 JavaScript 文件中引用 CodeLens。", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.showOnAllFunctions": "启用/禁用在 JavaScript 文件中对所有函数的 CodeLens 引用。", "javascript.suggestionActions.enabled": "启用或禁用编辑器中 JavaScript 文件的建议诊断。", @@ -288,20 +288,20 @@ "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "根据属性类型,在属性名称后插入 `={}` or `=\"\"`。请参见 `typescript.preferences.quoteStyle`,控制用于字符串属性的引号样式。", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.braces": "在属性名称后插入 `={}`。", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.none": "仅插入属性名称。", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "控制导入顺序的高级首选项。`#typescript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#` 中提供了预设", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "将带变音符的字符与基本字符比较,将二者视为不相等", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "指示大写是否在小写前面。仅适用于 `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "检测导入排序是否区分大小写", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "对导入进行排序,不区分大小写", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "对导入进行排序并区分大小写", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "重写用于排序规则的区域设置。指定 `auto` 以使用 UI 区域设置。仅适用于 `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "按整数值对数值字符串进行排序", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "检测仅类型命名导入应排到哪个位置", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "仅类型命名导入排到导入列表末尾", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "命名导入仅按名称排序", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "仅类型命名导入排到导入列表末尾", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "使用每个码位元素的数值对导入进行排序", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "使用 Unicode 代码排序规则对导入进行排序", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "Compare characters with diacritical marks as unequal to base character.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "Indicates whether upper-case comes before lower-case. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "Detect case-sensitivity for import sorting.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "Sort imports case-insensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "Sort imports case-sensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "Overrides the locale used for collation. Specify `auto` to use the UI locale. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "Sort numeric strings by integer value.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "Detect where type-only named imports should be sorted.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "Named imports are sorted by name only.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "Sort imports using the numeric value of each code point.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "Sort imports using the Unicode code collation.", "typescript.preferences.preferTypeOnlyAutoImports": "尽可能在自动导入中包含 `type` 关键字。要求在工作区中使用 TypeScript 5.3+。", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle": "用于快速修复的首选引文样式。", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle.auto": "从现有代码推断引号类型", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json index d765d7120f..f63eac2fa5 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -5344,7 +5344,7 @@ "inlineChat.toolbar": "使用选项卡访问命令、状态、消息响应等条件部分。", "workbench.action.chat.focus": "如果要将焦点放在聊天请求/响应列表上(可使用向上和向下箭头进行导航),请调用“将焦点放在聊天上”命令 ({0})。", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "若要将焦点放在聊天请求的输入框上,请调用“将焦点放在聊天输入上”命令 ({0})。", - "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "To create a new chat session, invoke the New Chat command{0}.", + "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "若要创建新的聊天会话,请调用“新建聊天”命令{0}。", "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "若要将焦点放在响应中的下一个代码块上,请调用“聊天: 下一个代码块”命令 ({0})。", "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "如果要将焦点放在响应中的下一个文件树上,请调用“聊天: 下一个文件树”命令 ({0})。" }, @@ -5518,20 +5518,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "已选择“{0}”", - "didNotFollowInstructions": "Didn't follow instructions", - "incompleteCode": "Incomplete code", - "incorrectCode": "Suggested incorrect code", - "missingContext": "Missing context", - "offensiveOrUnsafe": "Offensive or unsafe", - "other": "Other", - "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "Poorly written or formatted", - "refusedAValidRequest": "Refused a valid request", - "reportIssue": "Report an issue", + "didNotFollowInstructions": "未按照说明操作", + "incompleteCode": "代码不完整", + "incorrectCode": "建议的代码不正确", + "missingContext": "缺少上下文", + "offensiveOrUnsafe": "冒犯性或不安全", + "other": "其他", + "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "写作或格式不佳", + "refusedAValidRequest": "已拒绝有效请求", + "reportIssue": "报告问题", "usedAgent": "[[(重新运行而不使用)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "已使用 {0} [[(重新运行而不使用)]]" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { - "action.showExtension": "Show Extension", "chat.viewContainer.label": "聊天", "chatCommand": "在 UI 中引用此命令时使用的段名称,例如 `fix` 或 * `explain` (用于解决问题或解释代码的命令)。名称在此参与者提供的命令中应是唯一的。", "chatCommandDescription": "此命令的说明。", @@ -5555,6 +5554,7 @@ "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "此参与者是否支持 {0}。", "chatParticipantWhen": "启用此参与者时必须为 true 的条件。", "chatSampleRequest": "当用户在 `/help` 中单击此参与者时,此文本将提交给参与者。", + "showExtension": "Show Extension", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "提供聊天参与者" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { @@ -5593,7 +5593,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "应用聊天文本编辑后为 True。", - "chatIsEnabled": "如果由于注册了默认聊天参与者而启用聊天,则为 True。", + "chatExtensionInvalid": "True when the installed chat extension is invalid and needs to be updated.", + "chatIsEnabled": "True when chat is enabled because a default chat participant is activated with an implementation.", + "chatParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for the panel.", "chatRequest": "聊天项是一个请求", "chatResponse": "聊天项是一个响应。", "chatResponseErrored": "当聊天响应导致错误时为 True。", @@ -6015,10 +6017,10 @@ "focusCommentsFilter": "焦点注释筛选器", "focusCommentsList": "焦点注释视图", "resolved": "显示已解决", - "sorting by file": "文件", + "sorting by position in file": "Position in File", "sorting by updated at": "更新时间", "toggle resolved": "显示已解决", - "toggle sorting by resource": "文件", + "toggle sorting by resource": "Position in File", "toggle sorting by updated at": "更新时间", "toggle unresolved": "显示未解决", "unresolved": "显示未解决" @@ -6678,7 +6680,7 @@ "debug.focusCallStack": "-“调试:聚焦调用堆栈视图”命令{0}将聚焦调用堆栈视图。", "debug.focusVariables": "-“调试:聚焦变量视图”命令{0}会聚焦变量视图。", "debug.focusWatch": "-“调试:聚焦监视视图”命令{0}将聚焦监视视图。", - "debug.help": "Access debug output and evaluate expressions in the debug console, which can be focused with{0}.", + "debug.help": "在调试控制台中访问调试输出并计算表达式,调试控制台可以通过{0}进行聚焦。", "debug.restartDebugging": "-“调试:重新启动调试”命令{0}将重新启动当前调试会话。", "debug.showRunAndDebug": "“显示运行和调试”视图命令{0}将打开当前视图。", "debug.startDebugging": "“调试:启动调试”命令{0}将启动调试会话。", @@ -8190,7 +8192,7 @@ "empty": "无结果,请优化输入并重试", "err.apply": "无法应用更改。", "err.discard": "无法放弃更改。", - "savehint": "接受或放弃更改以继续保存", + "savehint": "Accept or discard changes to continue saving.", "welcome.2": "正在准备..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { @@ -9149,7 +9151,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/multicursor/notebookMulticursor": { "addFindMatchToSelection": "将查找匹配项添加到所选内容", - "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "Delete Left", + "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "向左删除", "exitMultiSelection": "退出多光标模式" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/navigation/arrow": { @@ -12487,6 +12489,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "关闭", "testOutputTitle": "测试输出", + "testing.collapsePeekStack": "Collapse Stack Frames", "testing.goToNextMessage": "转到“下一个测试失败”", "testing.goToNextMessage.description": "显示文件中的下一条失败消息", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "转到“上一个测试失败”", @@ -12523,8 +12526,8 @@ "run test": "运行测试", "testing.cancelRun": "取消测试运行", "testing.debugLastRun": "调试测试运行", - "testing.goToError": "转到源", - "testing.goToFile": "转到源", + "testing.goToError": "Go to Error", + "testing.goToTest": "Go to Test", "testing.reRunLastRun": "重新运行测试", "testing.revealInExplorer": "在测试资源管理器中显示", "testing.showResultOutput": "显示结果输出", @@ -12638,6 +12641,7 @@ "testing.isParentRunningContinuously": "指示测试的父级是否持续运行,在测试项的菜单上下文中设置", "testing.isRefreshing": "指示当前是否有任何测试控制器正在刷新测试。", "testing.isTestCoverageOpen": "指示测试覆盖率报表是否已打开", + "testing.peekHasStack": "Whether the message shown in a peek view has a stack trace", "testing.peekItemType": "输出速览视图中项的类型。类型为“测试”、“消息”、“任务”或“结果”。", "testing.profile.context.group": "存在配置测试配置文件子菜单的菜单类型。\"run\"、\"debug\" 或 \"coverage\"", "testing.supportsContinuousRun": "指示是否支持连续测试运行", @@ -12917,7 +12921,7 @@ "userDataProfiles": "配置文件" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfilesEditorModel": { - "active": "用于当前窗口", + "active": "Use this Profile for Current Window", "cancel": "取消", "copy from": "{0} (复制)", "copyFromProfile": "复制...", @@ -12935,8 +12939,7 @@ "preview": "预览", "profileExists": "具有名称 {0} 的配置文件已经存在。", "replace": "替换", - "untitled": "无标题", - "use as new window": "用于新 Windows" + "untitled": "无标题" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataSync/browser/userDataSync": { "accept failed": "接受更改时出错。有关更多详细信息,请查看[日志]({0})。", @@ -13295,8 +13298,6 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.title": "开始使用 VS Code", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.description": "了解可用于访问 VS Code 的工具和快捷方式。请注意,某些操作在演练的上下文中不可操作。", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.title": "开始通过屏幕阅读器使用 VS Code", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.description": "自定义编辑器、了解基础知识并开始编码", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.title": "详细了解如何将 VS Code 与屏幕阅读器配合使用", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "自定义编辑器、了解基础知识并开始编码", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "面向 Web 的 VS Code 入门", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "发现喜欢的命令后,创建自定义键盘快捷方式以进行即时访问。\r\n{0}", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index e2223374eb..65c264b5a1 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ "commands.callersRemoveAll.label": "移除所有排除的呼叫者", "commands.disableSourceMapStepping.label": "停用來源對應逐步執行", "commands.enableSourceMapStepping.label": "啟用來源對應逐步執行", + "commands.networkClear.label": "清除網路記錄", + "commands.networkCopyURI.label": "複製要求 URL", + "commands.networkOpenBody.label": "開啟回應本文", + "commands.networkOpenBodyInHexEditor.label": "在十六進位編輯器中開啟回應本文", + "commands.networkReplayXHR.label": "重新執行要求", + "commands.networkViewRequest.label": "以 cURL 形式檢視要求", "configuration.autoAttachMode": "設定當 `#debug.node.autoAttach#` 為 on 時,會自動連結及偵錯哪一項處理序。無論此設定為何,使用 `--inspect` 旗標啟動的節點處理序一律會加以連結。", "configuration.autoAttachMode.always": "自動附加至在終端機中啟動的每個 Node.js 處理序。", "configuration.autoAttachMode.disabled": "自動附加已停用且不顯示於狀態列。", @@ -74,6 +80,7 @@ "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "條件式中斷點擲回錯誤時是否停止。", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "在偵錯終端機內按一下偵錯開啟連結時所使用的選項。可設為 \"false\",停用此行為。", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "用於啟動設定的預設 `runtimeExecutable` (若未指定)。其可用於對 Node.js 或瀏覽器安裝,設定自訂路徑。", + "configuration.enableNetworkView": "為支援其目標啟用實驗性網路檢視。", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "\"Run\" 與 \"Debug\" 程式碼濾鏡應在您 npm 指令碼中顯示的位置。可以是「全部」、指令碼、指令碼區段的「頂端」或「永不」。", "configuration.pickAndAttachOptions": "透過 `Debug: Attach to Node.js Process` 命令偵錯處理序時所用的預設選項", "configuration.resourceRequestOptions": "在偵錯工具中載入資源 (例如來源對應) 時所使用的要求選項。舉例來說,若您的來源對應需要驗證或使用自我簽署憑證,就可能需要設定此項。選項可用於使用 [`got`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/got) 程式庫來建立要求。\r\n\r\n停用憑證驗證是一種常見案例,可透過傳遞 `{ \"https\": { \"rejectUnauthorized\": false } }` 來完成。", @@ -137,6 +144,7 @@ "node.console.title": "節點偵錯主控台", "node.disableOptimisticBPs.description": "在為該檔案載入 sourcemap 之前,請勿在任何檔案中設定中斷點。", "node.enableTurboSourcemaps.description": "設定是否要針對來源對應探索使用更快速的新機制", + "node.experimentalNetworking.description": "在 Node.js 中啟用實驗性檢查。當設定為 [自動] 時,支援它的 Node.js 版本將啟用此功能。它可以設定為 [開啟] 或 [關閉],以明確啟用或停用它。", "node.killBehavior.description": "設定當工作階段停止時,如何終止偵錯處理序。可設定為:\r\n\r\n- 強制 (預設): 強制卸除處理序樹狀結構。在 posix 上請傳送 SIGKILL,在 Windows 上請傳送 `taskkill.exe /F`。\r\n- 正常: 適當地卸除處理序樹狀結構。以此方式關機之後,行為不當的處理序有可能仍會持續執行。在 posix 上請傳送 SIGTERM,在 Windows 上則請傳送不指定 `/F` (強制) 旗標的 `taskkill.exe`。\r\n- 無: 不發生任何終止。", "node.label": "Node.js", "node.launch.args.description": "傳遞至程式的命令列引數。\r\n\r\n可以是字串陣列或單一字串。當程式在終端機中啟動時,將此屬性設定為單一字串將導致命令介面的引數不會逸出。", @@ -265,6 +273,7 @@ "Closure ({0})": "關閉 ({0})", "Console profile started": "主機設定檔已啟動", "Could not connect to any UWP Webview pipe. Make sure your webview is hosted in debug mode, and that the `pipeName` in your `launch.json` is correct.": "無法連線到任何 UWP Web 檢視管道。請確定您的 Web 檢視是以偵錯模式託管,且 'launch.json' 中的 'pipeName' 正確無誤。", + "Could not find a location for the variable": "找不到變數的位置", "Could not query the provided object": "無法查詢提供的物件", "Could not read source map for {0}: {1}": "無法讀取 {0} 的原始檔對應: {1}", "Could not read {0}: {1}": "無法讀取 {0}: {1}", @@ -311,6 +320,7 @@ "Lost connection to debugee, reconnecting in {0}ms\r\n": "與偵錯項目的連線已中斷。將於 {0} 毫秒內重新連線\r\n", "Manual": "手動", "Module": "模組", + "Networking not available.": "網路功能無法使用。", "Never": "永不", "No": "否", "No npm scripts found in your package.json": "未在您的 package.json 找到 npm 指令碼", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 36dc9af5a3..d34940c013 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ "javascript.format.enable": "啟用/停用預設 JavaScript 格式器。", "javascript.goToProjectConfig.title": "前往專案設定 (jsconfig / tsconfig)", "javascript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "根據屬性類型,在屬性名稱後插入 `={}` or `=\"\"`。請參閲 `javascript.preferences.quoteStyle`,控制用於字串屬性的引號樣式。", - "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "控制匯入順序的進階喜好設定。在 `#javascript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#` 中可使用預設", + "javascript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.enabled": "在 JavaScript 檔案啟用/停用參考 CodeLens。", "javascript.referencesCodeLens.showOnAllFunctions": "啟用/停用 JavaScript 檔案中所有函式的參考 CodeLens。", "javascript.suggestionActions.enabled": "在編輯器中為 JavaScript 檔案啟用/停用建議診斷。", @@ -288,20 +288,20 @@ "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.auto": "根據屬性類型,在屬性名稱後插入 `={}` or `=\"\"`。請參閲 `typescript.preferences.quoteStyle`,控制用於字串屬性的引號樣式。", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.braces": "在屬性名稱後面插入 `={}`。", "typescript.preferences.jsxAttributeCompletionStyle.none": "僅插入屬性名稱。", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "控制匯入順序的進階喜好設定。在 '#typescript.preferences.organizeImports.presets#' 中可使用預設", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "將具有變音符號的字元比較為與基底字元不相等的字元", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "指出大寫是否在小寫之前。僅適用於 `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "偵測匯入排序的區分大小寫", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "排序匯入時不區分大小寫", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "排序匯入時區分大小寫", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "覆寫用於定序的地區設定。指定 `auto` 以使用 UI 地區設定。僅適用於 `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "依整數值排序數值字串", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "偵測應在何處排序僅限類型的具名匯入", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "只有具名匯入的類型會排序至匯入清單的結尾", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "具名匯入僅依名稱排序", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "只有具名匯入的類型會排序至匯入清單的結尾", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "使用每個程式碼項目的數值排序匯入", - "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "使用 Unicode 程式碼定序排序匯入", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports": "Advanced preferences that control how imports are ordered.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.accentCollation": "Compare characters with diacritical marks as unequal to base character.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseFirst": "Indicates whether upper-case comes before lower-case. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.auto": "Detect case-sensitivity for import sorting.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.insensitive": "Sort imports case-insensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.caseSensitivity.sensitive": "Sort imports case-sensitively.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.locale": "Overrides the locale used for collation. Specify `auto` to use the UI locale. Only applies to `organizeImportsCollation: 'unicode'`.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.numericCollation": "Sort numeric strings by integer value.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.auto": "Detect where type-only named imports should be sorted.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.first": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.inline": "Named imports are sorted by name only.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.typeOrder.last": "Type only named imports are sorted to the end of the import list.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.ordinal": "Sort imports using the numeric value of each code point.", + "typescript.preferences.organizeImports.unicodeCollation.unicode": "Sort imports using the Unicode code collation.", "typescript.preferences.preferTypeOnlyAutoImports": "盡可能在自動匯入中包括 `type` 關鍵字。需要在工作區中使用 TypeScript 5.3+。", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle": "用於快速修正的慣用引號樣式。", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle.auto": "從現有代碼推斷引號類型", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json index 1932cef08b..6e328e5272 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -5344,7 +5344,7 @@ "inlineChat.toolbar": "使用索引標籤連線到像是命令、狀態、訊息回應等條件式部分。", "workbench.action.chat.focus": "若要聚焦於聊天要求/回應清單 (可使用向上/向下鍵瀏覽),請叫用 Focus Chat 命令{0}。", "workbench.action.chat.focusInput": "若要聚焦於聊天要求的輸入方塊,請叫用 Focus Chat Input 命令{0}。", - "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "To create a new chat session, invoke the New Chat command{0}.", + "workbench.action.chat.newChat": "若要建立新的聊天工作階段,請叫用 [新增聊天] 命令{0}。", "workbench.action.chat.nextCodeBlock": "若要聚焦於回應内的下一個程式碼區塊,請叫用 Chat: Next Code Block 命令{0}。", "workbench.action.chat.nextFileTree": "若要聚焦於回應内的下一個檔案樹狀結構,請叫用 Chat: Next File Tree 命令{0}。" }, @@ -5518,20 +5518,19 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatListRenderer": { "chatConfirmationAction": "已選取 \"{0}\"", - "didNotFollowInstructions": "Didn't follow instructions", - "incompleteCode": "Incomplete code", - "incorrectCode": "Suggested incorrect code", - "missingContext": "Missing context", - "offensiveOrUnsafe": "Offensive or unsafe", - "other": "Other", - "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "Poorly written or formatted", - "refusedAValidRequest": "Refused a valid request", - "reportIssue": "Report an issue", + "didNotFollowInstructions": "未遵循指示", + "incompleteCode": "未完成的程式碼", + "incorrectCode": "建議的不正確代碼", + "missingContext": "遺失內容", + "offensiveOrUnsafe": "冒犯性或不安全", + "other": "其他", + "poorlyWrittenOrFormatted": "寫入或格式不正確", + "refusedAValidRequest": "已拒絕有效的要求", + "reportIssue": "回報問題", "usedAgent": "[[(未重新執行)]]", "usedAgentSlashCommand": "已使用 {0} [[(未重新執行)]]" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatParticipantContributions": { - "action.showExtension": "Show Extension", "chat.viewContainer.label": "聊天", "chatCommand": "在 UI 中參考此命令的簡短名稱,例如,針對可修正問題或說明程式碼的命令使用 `fix` 或 * `explain`。名稱在此參與者提供的命令中應該是唯一的。", "chatCommandDescription": "此命令的描述。", @@ -5555,6 +5554,7 @@ "chatParticipantSupportsToolReferences": "此參與者是否支援 {0}。", "chatParticipantWhen": "必須為 True 才能啟用此參與者的條件。", "chatSampleRequest": "當使用者在 `/help` 中按一下此參與者時,此文字會提交給參與者。", + "showExtension": "Show Extension", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "參與聊天參與者" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/codeBlockPart": { @@ -5593,7 +5593,9 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/chatContextKeys": { "chatEditApplied": "已套用聊天文字編輯時為 True。", - "chatIsEnabled": "啟用聊天時為 True,因為已註冊預設的聊天參與者。", + "chatExtensionInvalid": "True when the installed chat extension is invalid and needs to be updated.", + "chatIsEnabled": "True when chat is enabled because a default chat participant is activated with an implementation.", + "chatParticipantRegistered": "True when a default chat participant is registered for the panel.", "chatRequest": "聊天項目是要求", "chatResponse": "聊天項目是回應。", "chatResponseErrored": "當聊天回應導致錯誤時為 True。", @@ -6015,10 +6017,10 @@ "focusCommentsFilter": "焦點註解篩選", "focusCommentsList": "焦點註解檢視", "resolved": "顯示已解決", - "sorting by file": "檔案", + "sorting by position in file": "Position in File", "sorting by updated at": "更新時間", "toggle resolved": "顯示已解決", - "toggle sorting by resource": "檔案", + "toggle sorting by resource": "Position in File", "toggle sorting by updated at": "更新時間", "toggle unresolved": "顯示未解決", "unresolved": "顯示未解決" @@ -6678,7 +6680,7 @@ "debug.focusCallStack": "- [Debug: Focus Call Stack View] 命令{0} 會將焦點放在呼叫堆疊檢視。", "debug.focusVariables": "- [Debug: Focus Variables View] 命令{0} 會將焦點放在變數檢視。", "debug.focusWatch": "- [Debug: Focus Watch View] 命令{0} 會將焦點放在監看檢視。", - "debug.help": "Access debug output and evaluate expressions in the debug console, which can be focused with{0}.", + "debug.help": "存取偵錯輸出,並評估偵錯主控台中的運算式,可以用 {0} 對焦。", "debug.restartDebugging": "- 偵錯: [重新啟動偵錯] 命令{0}會重新啟動目前的偵錯工作階段。", "debug.showRunAndDebug": "[Show Run and Debug view] 命令{0} 將開啟 目前的檢視。", "debug.startDebugging": "[Debug: Start Debugging] 命令{0} 將啟動偵錯工作階段。", @@ -8190,7 +8192,7 @@ "empty": "沒有結果,請精簡您的輸入,然後再試一次", "err.apply": "無法套用變更。", "err.discard": "無法捨棄變更。", - "savehint": "接受或捨棄變更以繼續儲存", + "savehint": "Accept or discard changes to continue saving.", "welcome.2": "即將就緒..." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatCurrentLine": { @@ -9149,7 +9151,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/multicursor/notebookMulticursor": { "addFindMatchToSelection": "將尋找相符項目新增至選取範圍", - "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "Delete Left", + "deleteLeftMultiSelection": "向左刪除", "exitMultiSelection": "結束多指標模式" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/contrib/navigation/arrow": { @@ -12487,6 +12489,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingOutputPeek": { "close": "關閉", "testOutputTitle": "測試輸出", + "testing.collapsePeekStack": "Collapse Stack Frames", "testing.goToNextMessage": "移至下一個測試失敗", "testing.goToNextMessage.description": "顯示檔案中的下一個失敗訊息", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "移至上一個測試失敗", @@ -12523,8 +12526,8 @@ "run test": "執行測試", "testing.cancelRun": "取消測試執行", "testing.debugLastRun": "偵錯測試回合", - "testing.goToError": "移至來源", - "testing.goToFile": "移至來源", + "testing.goToError": "Go to Error", + "testing.goToTest": "Go to Test", "testing.reRunLastRun": "重新執行測試回合", "testing.revealInExplorer": "在測試總管中顯示", "testing.showResultOutput": "顯示結果輸出", @@ -12638,6 +12641,7 @@ "testing.isParentRunningContinuously": "指出測試的父系是否持續執行,在測試項目的功能表內容中設定", "testing.isRefreshing": "指出是否有任何測試控制器正在重新整理測試。", "testing.isTestCoverageOpen": "指出是否已開啟測試涵蓋範圍報告", + "testing.peekHasStack": "Whether the message shown in a peek view has a stack trace", "testing.peekItemType": "輸出預覽檢視中的項目類型。\"test\"、\"message\"、\"task\" 或 \"result\"。", "testing.profile.context.group": "設定測試設定檔子功能表存在的功能表類型。“run”、“debug” 或 “coverage”", "testing.supportsContinuousRun": "指出是否支援持續測試執行", @@ -12917,7 +12921,7 @@ "userDataProfiles": "設定檔" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataProfile/browser/userDataProfilesEditorModel": { - "active": "用於目前視窗", + "active": "Use this Profile for Current Window", "cancel": "取消", "copy from": "{0} (複製)", "copyFromProfile": "複製...", @@ -12935,8 +12939,7 @@ "preview": "預覽", "profileExists": "名稱為 {0} 的設定檔已經存在。", "replace": "取代", - "untitled": "無標題", - "use as new window": "用於新 Windows" + "untitled": "無標題" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/userDataSync/browser/userDataSync": { "accept failed": "接受變更時發生錯誤。如需詳細資料,請查看[記錄]({0})。", @@ -13295,8 +13298,6 @@ "gettingStarted.setup.title": "開始使用 VS Code", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.description": "了解讓 VS Code 可存取的工具和快速鍵。請注意,有些動作無法從逐步解說內容中執行。", "gettingStarted.setupScreenReader.title": "使用螢幕助讀程式開始使用 VS Code", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.description": "自訂您的編輯器、了解基本知識,並開始編寫程式碼", - "gettingStarted.setupScreenReaderExtended.title": "深入了解使用 VS Code 搭配螢幕助讀程式", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.description": "自訂您的編輯器、了解基本知識,並開始編寫程式碼", "gettingStarted.setupWeb.title": "開始使用 VS Code 網頁版", "gettingStarted.shortcuts.description.interpolated": "一旦找到您最愛的命令,請建立自訂鍵盤快速鍵以立即存取。\r\n{0}",