From 5f806feebde5cef006dd781d59efeac0031406d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "azure-pipelines[bot]" <36771401+azure-pipelines[bot]> Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 18:52:30 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Updated strings from microsoft/vscode-loc-drop@62023f403f43cdc6dcf8f7e708903ce50b181b63 (#1649) Co-authored-by: vscode --- ...ode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json | 1 + .../translations/main.i18n.json | 55 ++++++++++-- ...ode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json | 1 + .../translations/main.i18n.json | 55 ++++++++++-- ...ode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json | 1 + .../translations/main.i18n.json | 55 ++++++++++-- ...ode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json | 1 + .../translations/main.i18n.json | 55 ++++++++++-- ...ode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json | 1 + .../translations/main.i18n.json | 87 +++++++++++++------ ...ode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json | 1 + .../translations/main.i18n.json | 87 +++++++++++++------ ...ode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json | 1 + .../translations/main.i18n.json | 55 ++++++++++-- ...ode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json | 1 + .../translations/main.i18n.json | 55 ++++++++++-- ...ode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json | 1 + .../translations/main.i18n.json | 55 ++++++++++-- ...ode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json | 1 + .../translations/main.i18n.json | 55 ++++++++++-- ...ode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json | 1 + .../translations/main.i18n.json | 55 ++++++++++-- ...ode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json | 1 + .../translations/main.i18n.json | 55 ++++++++++-- ...ode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json | 1 + .../translations/main.i18n.json | 55 ++++++++++-- ...ode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json | 1 + .../translations/main.i18n.json | 55 ++++++++++-- 28 files changed, 690 insertions(+), 158 deletions(-) diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 1078342117..84da9e2450 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -311,6 +311,7 @@ "typescript.tsc.autoDetect.on": "Vytvořit jak úlohy sestavení, tak úlohy sledování", "": "Vytvořit pouze úlohy kompilace a sledování", "typescript.tsdk.desc": "Určuje cestu ke složce pro soubory tsserver a lib*.d.ts v rámci instalace TypeScriptu, která se má používat pro technologii IntelliSense, například: ./node_modules/typescript/lib.\r\n\r\n- Pokud je zadáno jako uživatelské nastavení, verze TypeScriptu ze souboru typescript.tsdk automaticky nahradí integrovanou verzi TypeScriptu.\r\n- Pokud je zadáno jako nastavení pracovního prostoru, umožňuje vám soubor typescript.tsdk přepnout na používání verze TypeScriptu tohoto pracovního prostoru pro IntelliSense příkazem TypeScript: vybrat verzi TypeScriptu.r\r\n\r\nDalší informace o správě verzí TypeScriptu najdete v [dokumentaci k TypeScriptu](", + "typescript.tsserver.enableRegionDiagnostics": "Enables region-based diagnostics in TypeScript. Requires using TypeScript 5.6+ in the workspace.", "typescript.tsserver.enableTracing": "Umožňuje povolit sledování výkonu serveru TS do adresáře. Tyto sledovací soubory lze použít k diagnostikování problémů s výkonem serveru TS. Protokol může obsahovat cesty k souborům, zdrojový kód a další potenciálně citlivé informace z vašeho projektu.", "typescript.tsserver.log": "Umožňuje povolit protokolování serveru TS do souboru. Tento protokol lze použít k diagnostikování problémů se serverem TS. Protokol může obsahovat cesty k souborům, zdrojový kód a další potenciálně citlivé informace z vašeho projektu.", "typescript.tsserver.pluginPaths": "Další cesty ke zjišťování modulů plug-in služby jazyka TypeScript", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json index d392aaf31d..26efc264d4 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -1053,7 +1053,8 @@ "pasteAsProgress": "Spouští se obslužné rutiny vložení", "pasteIntoEditorProgress": "Running paste handlers. Click to cancel and do basic paste", "pasteWidgetVisible": "Určuje, jestli se zobrazuje widget pro vložení", - "postPasteWidgetTitle": "Zobrazit možnosti vložení..." + "postPasteWidgetTitle": "Zobrazit možnosti vložení...", + "resolveProcess": "Resolving paste edit. Click to cancel" }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/defaultProviders": { "defaultDropProvider.uriList.path": "Vložit cestu", @@ -1378,6 +1379,18 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Ikona pro zobrazení předchozí nápovědy k parametru", "previous": "Předchozí" }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/commands": { + "action.inlineEdits.accept": "Accept Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.hide": "Hide Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showNext": "Show Next Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showPrevious": "Show Previous Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.trigger": "Trigger Inline Edit", + "inlineEditsActions": "Accept Inline Edit" + }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/consts": { + "inlineEditsVisible": "Whether an inline edit is visible", + "isPinned": "Whether an inline edit is visible" + }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "": "Nahradit další hodnotou", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Nahradit předchozí hodnotou" @@ -1981,6 +1994,7 @@ "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "Marketplace není povolen.", "incompatible platform": "Rozšíření „{0}“ není k dispozici v {1} pro {2}.", + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "malicious extension": "Rozšíření nelze nainstalovat, protože bylo nahlášeno jako problematické.", "multipleDependentsError": "Rozšíření {0} není možné odinstalovat. Závisí na něm rozšíření {1}, {2} a jedno další.", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "Rozšíření {0} není možné odinstalovat. Vedlo by to i k odinstalaci rozšíření {1}, na němž závisí rozšíření {2}, {3} a některá další.", @@ -2052,6 +2066,8 @@ "invalidManifest": "Neplatný balíček VSIX: package.json není soubor JSON." }, "vs/platform/extensions/common/extensionValidator": { + "apiProposalMismatch": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has version {2}.", + "apiProposalMismatchNoVersion": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has no version defined.", "extensionDescription.activationEvents1": "Vlastnost {0} může být vynechána nebo musí být typu string[].", "extensionDescription.activationEvents2": "Vlastnost {0} by měla být vynechána, pokud rozšíření nemá vlastnost {1} nebo {2}.", "extensionDescription.browser1": "Vlastnost {0} může být vynechána nebo musí být typu string.", @@ -4411,9 +4427,10 @@ "workbench.editor.label.enabled": "Určuje, jestli se mají použít vlastní popisky editoru pracovní plochy.", "workbench.editor.label.extname": "${extname}: přípona souboru (například WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> txt)", "workbench.editor.label.filename": "${filename}: název souboru bez přípony souboru (např. WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> file).", - "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "${dirname(N)}: název n-té nadřazené složky, ve které je soubor umístěn (například N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER). Složky lze vybírat od začátku cesty pomocí záporných čísel (např. N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER). Pokud je __Item__ absolutní cesta vzoru, první složka (N=-1) se vztahuje k první složce v absolutní cestě, jinak odpovídá složce pracovního prostoru.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "`${dirname(N)}`: name of the nth parent folder in which the file is located (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). Folders can be picked from the start of the path by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). If the __Item__ is an absolute pattern path, the first folder (`N=-1`) refers to the first folder in the absolute path, otherwise it corresponds to the workspace folder.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthextname": "`${extname(N)}`: the nth extension of the file separated by '.' (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext1`). Extension can be picked from the start of the extension by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext2`).", "workbench.editor.label.patterns": "Řídí vykreslování popisku editoru. Každá položka __Item__ je vzor, který odpovídá cestě k souboru. Podporují se relativní i absolutní cesty k souborům. Relativní cesta musí obsahovat WORKSPACE_FOLDER (např. WORKSPACE_FOLDER/src/**.tsx nebo */src/**.tsx). Absolutní vzory musí začínat lomítkem (/). V případě, že odpovídá více vzorů, vybere se nejdelší odpovídající cesta. Každá hodnota __Value__ je šablona pro vykreslený editor, pokud odpovídá položka __Item__. Proměnné jsou nahrazeny na základě kontextu:", - "workbench.editor.label.template": "Šablona, která by se měla vykreslit, když vzor odpovídá. Může obsahovat proměnné ${dirname}, ${filename} a ${extname}.", + "workbench.editor.label.template": "The template which should be rendered when the pattern matches. May include the variables ${dirname}, ${filename} and ${extname}.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.default": "Umožňuje zobrazit název souboru. Pokud jsou povoleny karty a ve stejné skupině jsou dva soubory se stejným názvem, přidají se odlišující části cesty každého z těchto souborů. Pokud jsou karty zakázány, zobrazí se v případě, že je editor aktivní, cesta relativně ke složce pracovního prostoru.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.long": "Umožňuje zobrazit název souboru, za kterým následuje jeho absolutní cesta.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.medium": "Umožňuje zobrazit název souboru, za kterým bude následovat cesta k němu, a to relativně vzhledem ke složce pracovního prostoru.", @@ -4861,6 +4878,8 @@ "runningAsRoot": "Nedoporučuje se spouštět {0} jako uživatel root.", "runningTranslated": "Používáte emulovanou verzi {0}. Pro lepší výkon si stáhněte nativní verzi buildu {0} arm64 pro váš počítač.", "sharedProcessCrash": "Sdílený proces na pozadí byl neočekávaně ukončen. Obnovte ho prosím restartováním aplikace.", + "showArgvParseWarning": "The runtime arguments file 'argv.json' contains errors. Please correct them and restart.", + "showArgvParseWarningAction": "Open File", "shutdownErrorClose": "Okno se nepodařilo zavřít kvůli neočekávané chybě.", "shutdownErrorDetail": "Chyba: {0}", "shutdownErrorLoad": "Změna pracovního prostoru se zabránilo neočekávané chybě.", @@ -5006,6 +5025,7 @@ "verbosity.keybindingsEditor.description": "Poskytuje informace o tom, jak změnit klávesovou zkratku v editoru klávesových zkratek, když je zaměřený řádek.", "verbosity.notebook": "Zadejte informace o tom, jak zaměřit kontejner buněk nebo vnitřní editor, když je buňka poznámkového bloku zaměřená.", "verbosity.notification": "Zadejte informace o tom, jak otevřít oznámení v přístupném zobrazení.", + "verbosity.replInputHint": "Provide information about relevant actions For the Repl input.", "verbosity.terminal.description": "Zadejte informace o tom, jak přistupovat k nabídce nápovědy k funkcím terminálu, když je fokus na terminálu.", "voice.speechLanguage": "Jazyk, který by se měl používat pro převod textu na řeč a pro převod řeči na text Pokud je to možné, vyberte možnost Automaticky, pokud chcete použít nakonfigurovaný jazyk zobrazení. Upozorňujeme, že rozpoznávání řeči a řečové syntezátory nemusí podporovat všechny jazyky zobrazení.", "voice.speechTimeout": "Doba v milisekundách, po kterou zůstane rozpoznávání řeči po ukončení řeči aktivní. Například v relaci chatu se přepsaný text odešle automaticky po vypršení časového limitu. Pokud chcete tuto funkci zakázat, nastavte hodnotu 0." @@ -5343,6 +5363,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Chat", "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "Určuje, jestli se zobrazí zaškrtávací políčko, které uživateli umožní určit, který implicitní kontext je zahrnutý do výzvy účastníka chatu.", + "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Enables variables for editor chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "Enables variables for notebook chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "Enables variables for terminal chat.", "clear": "Zahájit nový chat", "file": "Zvolte soubor v pracovním prostoru", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Určuje rodinu písem v blocích kódu chatu.", @@ -5421,6 +5444,7 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "Celé jméno tohoto účastníka chatu, které se zobrazuje jako popisek pro odpovědi od tohoto účastníka. Pokud se nezadá, použije se {0}.", "chatParticipantId": "Jedinečné ID tohoto účastníka chatu", "chatParticipantName": "Jméno tohoto účastníka chatu, který uvidí uživatelé. Uživatel k vyvolání účastníka použije s tímto jménem znak @. Jméno nesmí obsahovat prázdné znaky.", + "chatParticipantWhen": "A condition which must be true to enable this participant.", "chatSampleRequest": "Když uživatel klikne na tohoto účastníka v zadání /help, odešle se tento text účastníkovi.", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Přidává účastníka chatu." }, @@ -5489,7 +5513,7 @@ "Language Models": "Jazykové modely", "languageModels": "Statistika využití jazykových modelů tohoto rozšíření" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/toolsContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts.", "toolDescription": "A description of this tool that may be passed to a language model.", "toolDisplayName": "A human-readable name for this tool that may be used to describe it in the UI.", @@ -6968,6 +6992,7 @@ "id required": "Je vyžadováno ID rozšíření.", "importKeyboardShortcutsFroms": "Migrovat klávesové zkratky z...", "install button": "Nainstalovat", + "install installAndDonotSync": "Install (Do not Sync)", "installButton": "&&Nainstalovat", "installExtensionFromLocation": "Nainstalovat rozšíření z umístění...", "installExtensionQuickAccessHelp": "Nainstalovat nebo hledat rozšíření", @@ -7981,7 +8006,7 @@ "change.1": "1 změna", "change.N": "Změny: {0}", "review": "Před pokračováním revidovat (přijmout nebo zahodit) všechny změny", - "review.1": "$(info) Accept or discard change", + "review.1": "Accept or Discard change", "review.N": "$(info) Přijmout nebo zahodit tento počet změn: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { @@ -8039,6 +8064,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactive.contribution": { "interactive.activeCodeBorder": "Barva ohraničení pro aktuální buňku interaktivního kódu, pokud má fokus editor", + "interactive.configExecute": "Configure input box behavior", "interactive.execute": "Spustit kód", "interactive.history.focus": "Historie fokusu", "": "Následující hodnota v historii", @@ -8051,11 +8077,13 @@ "interactiveScrollToTop": "Posunout na začátek", "interactiveWindow": "Interaktivní okno", "interactiveWindow.alwaysScrollOnNewCell": "Automaticky posouvá interaktivní okno tak, aby zobrazovalo výstup posledního provedeného příkazu. Pokud je tato hodnota nastavená na false, okno se posune jenom v případě, že už bylo na poslední buňku posunuté.", - "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "Spusťte vstupní pole interaktivního okna (REPL) pomocí kombinace kláves Shift+Enter, aby bylo možné pomocí klávesy Enter vytvořit nový řádek.", - "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "Zobrazí výzvu k uložení interaktivního okna, když je zavřené. Tato změna nastavení bude mít vliv pouze na nová interaktivní okna." + "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "Execute the Interactive Window (REPL) input box with shift+enter, so that enter can be used to create a newline.", + "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "Zobrazí výzvu k uložení interaktivního okna, když je zavřené. Tato změna nastavení bude mít vliv pouze na nová interaktivní okna.", + "interactiveWindow.showExecutionHint": "Display a hint in the Interactive Window (REPL) input box to indicate how to execute code." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactiveEditor": { - "interactiveInputPlaceHolder": "Zde zadejte kód {0} a spusťte stisknutím {1}" + "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/replInputHintContentWidget": { + "disableHint": " Toggle {0} in settings to disable this hint.", + "emptyHintText": "Press {0} to execute. " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactiveEditor/browser/interactiveEditorActions": { "accept": "Vytvořit žádost", @@ -9260,6 +9288,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookIcons": { "clearIcon": "Ikona pro vymazání výstupu buněk v editorech poznámkových bloků", "collapsedIcon": "Ikona pro poznámku sbaleného oddílu v editorech poznámkových bloků", + "configIcon": "Icon to configure in notebook editors.", "copyIcon": "Ikona pro zkopírování obsahu do schránky", "deleteCellIcon": "Ikona pro odstranění buňky v editorech poznámkových bloků", "editIcon": "Ikona pro úpravu buňky v editorech poznámkových bloků", @@ -10214,6 +10243,7 @@ "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.false": "Neignorovat úvodní a koncové prázdné znaky", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.inherit": "Zdědit z diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.true": "Ignorovat úvodní a koncové prázdné znaky", + "scm.experimental.showHistoryGraph": "Controls whether to show the history graph instead of incoming/outgoing changes in the Source Control view.", "scm.providerCountBadge": "Určuje odznáčky počtu v hlavičkách zprostředkovatele správy zdrojového kódu. Tyto hlavičky se zobrazují v zobrazení Správa zdrojového kódu, pokud existuje více než jeden zprostředkovatel nebo když je povoleno nastavení {0} a také v zobrazení Úložiště správy zdrojového kódu.", "": "Zobrazovat odznáček s počtem pro zprostředkovatele správy zdrojového kódu, pouze pokud je počet nenulový", "scm.providerCountBadge.hidden": "Skrýt odznáčky s počtem pro zprostředkovatele správy zdrojového kódu", @@ -11905,6 +11935,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollColorRegistry": { "terminalStickyScroll.background": "Barva pozadí překryvného prvku rychlého posouvání v terminálu", + "terminalStickyScroll.border": "The border of the sticky scroll overlay in the terminal.", "terminalStickyScrollHover.background": "Barva pozadí překryvného prvku rychlého posouvání v terminálu při najetí myší" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollOverlay": { @@ -13568,6 +13599,7 @@ "remote": "Vzdálené" }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/remoteExtensionManagementService": { + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "Rozšíření {0} nelze nainstalovat, protože není kompatibilní s aktuální verzí {1} (verze {2}).", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "Není možné nainstalovat vydanou verzi rozšíření {0}, protože nemá žádnou vydanou verzi." }, @@ -13604,6 +13636,9 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionHostManager": { "measureExtHostLatency": "Měřit latenci hostitele rozšíření" }, + "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsProposedApi": { + "enabledProposedAPIs": "API Proposals" + }, "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsRegistry": { "extensionKind": "Definujte typ rozšíření. Rozšíření typu „ui“ se instalují a spouštějí na místním počítači, zatímco rozšíření typu „workspace“ se spouštějí na vzdáleném počítači.", "extensionKind.empty": "Definujte rozšíření, které nelze spustit ve vzdáleném kontextu, a to ani na místním ani na vzdáleném počítači.", @@ -13615,6 +13650,7 @@ "ui": "Typ rozšíření uživatelského rozhraní. Ve vzdáleném okně jsou tato rozšíření povolena pouze v případě, že jsou k dispozici v místním počítači.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents": "Aktivační události pro rozšíření VS Code", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onAuthenticationRequest": "Událost aktivace, která se vygeneruje pokaždé, když se od zadaného poskytovatele ověřování požádá o relace.", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onChatParticipant": "An activation event emitted when the specified chat participant is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCommand": "Aktivační událost vyvolaná vždy, když je vyvolán zadaný příkaz", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCustomEditor": "Aktivační událost vyvolaná vždy, když se zobrazí zadaný vlastní editor", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onDebug": "Aktivační událost vyvolaná vždy, když se uživatel chystá spustit ladění nebo nastavit konfigurace ladění", @@ -13626,6 +13662,7 @@ "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onFileSystem": "Aktivační událost vyvolaná při každém přístupu k souboru nebo složce s daným schématem", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onIssueReporterOpened": "Aktivační událost vysílaná při otevření sestavy problémů", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguage": "Aktivační událost vyvolaná vždy, když se otevře soubor rozpoznaný jako soubor pro konkrétní jazyk", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguageModelTool": "An activation event emitted when the specified language model tool is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onNotebook": "Aktivační událost vygenerovaná vždy, když se otevře zadaný dokument poznámkového bloku", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onOpenExternalUri": "Událost aktivace vygenerovaná vždy, když se otevírá externí identifikátor URI (například odkaz HTTP nebo HTTPS).", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onRenderer": "Aktivační událost, která je vyvolána při každém použití rendereru výstupu poznámkového bloku.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 146f90bbd5..f54d91585b 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -311,6 +311,7 @@ "typescript.tsc.autoDetect.on": "Build- und Überwachungstasks erstellen", "": "Nur Kompilierungs- und Überwachungstasks erstellen.", "typescript.tsdk.desc": "Gibt den Ordnerpfad zu den tsserver- und lib*.d.ts-Dateien unter einer TypeScript-Installation zur Verwendung mit IntelliSense an, zum Beispiel: „./node_modules/typescript/lib“.\r\n\r\n– Sofern als Benutzereinstellung angegeben, ersetzt die TypeScript-Version aus „typescript.tsdk“ automatisch die integrierte TypeScript-Version.\r\n– Sofern als Arbeitsbereichseinstellung angegeben, erlaubt Ihnen „typescript.tsdk“ mit dem Befehl „TypeScript: Select TypeScript version“ zu dieser Arbeitsbereichsversion von TypeScript zu wechseln und sie für IntelliSense zu verwenden.\r\n\r\nWeitere Informationen zum Verwalten von TypeScript-Versionen finden Sie in der [Dokumentation zu TypeScript](", + "typescript.tsserver.enableRegionDiagnostics": "Enables region-based diagnostics in TypeScript. Requires using TypeScript 5.6+ in the workspace.", "typescript.tsserver.enableTracing": "Aktiviert die Ablaufverfolgung für die TS-Serverleistung in einem Verzeichnis. Mithilfe dieser Ablaufverfolgungsdateien lassen sich Probleme mit der TS-Serverleistung diagnostizieren. Das Protokoll kann Dateipfade, Quellcode und weitere potenziell vertrauliche Informationen aus Ihrem Projekt enthalten.", "typescript.tsserver.log": "Aktiviert die Protokollierung des TS-Servers in eine Datei. Mithilfe der Protokolldatei lassen sich Probleme beim TS-Server diagnostizieren. Die Protokolldatei kann Dateipfade, Quellcode und weitere potenziell sensible Informationen aus Ihrem Projekt enthalten.", "typescript.tsserver.pluginPaths": "Zusätzliche Pfade zum Ermitteln von TypeScript Language Service-Plug-Ins.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json index eb7f0c2852..da7fd0fb7a 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -1053,7 +1053,8 @@ "pasteAsProgress": "Einfügehandler werden ausgeführt", "pasteIntoEditorProgress": "Running paste handlers. Click to cancel and do basic paste", "pasteWidgetVisible": "Gibt an, ob das Einfügewidget angezeigt wird.", - "postPasteWidgetTitle": "Einfügeoptionen anzeigen..." + "postPasteWidgetTitle": "Einfügeoptionen anzeigen...", + "resolveProcess": "Resolving paste edit. Click to cancel" }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/defaultProviders": { "defaultDropProvider.uriList.path": "Pfad einfügen", @@ -1378,6 +1379,18 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Symbol für die Anzeige des vorherigen Parameterhinweises.", "previous": "Zurück" }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/commands": { + "action.inlineEdits.accept": "Accept Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.hide": "Hide Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showNext": "Show Next Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showPrevious": "Show Previous Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.trigger": "Trigger Inline Edit", + "inlineEditsActions": "Accept Inline Edit" + }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/consts": { + "inlineEditsVisible": "Whether an inline edit is visible", + "isPinned": "Whether an inline edit is visible" + }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "": "Durch nächsten Wert ersetzen", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Durch vorherigen Wert ersetzen" @@ -1981,6 +1994,7 @@ "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "Marketplace ist nicht aktiviert.", "incompatible platform": "Die Erweiterung „{0}“ ist in {1} nicht für {2} verfügbar.", + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "malicious extension": "Die Erweiterung „{0}“ kann nicht installiert werden, da sie als problematisch gemeldet wurde.", "multipleDependentsError": "Die Erweiterung \"{0}\" kann nicht deinstalliert werden. \"{1}\" und \"{2}\" sowie weitere Erweiterungen hängen von dieser Erweiterung ab.", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "Die Erweiterung \"{0}\" kann nicht deinstalliert werden. Beim Deinstallieren wird auch die Erweiterung \"{1}\" entfernt, und \"{2}\", \"{3}\" sowie weitere Erweiterungen hängen von dieser Erweiterung ab.", @@ -2052,6 +2066,8 @@ "invalidManifest": "VSIX ungültig: \"package.json\" ist keine JSON-Datei." }, "vs/platform/extensions/common/extensionValidator": { + "apiProposalMismatch": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has version {2}.", + "apiProposalMismatchNoVersion": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has no version defined.", "extensionDescription.activationEvents1": "Die Eigenschaft “{0}” kann ausgelassen werden oder muss vom Typ “string[]” sein.", "extensionDescription.activationEvents2": "Die Eigenschaft \"{0}\" sollte ausgelassen werden, wenn die Erweiterung keine Eigenschaft \"{1}\" oder \"{2}\" aufweist.", "extensionDescription.browser1": "Die Eigenschaft “{0}” kann ausgelassen werden oder muss vom Typ “string” sein.", @@ -4411,9 +4427,10 @@ "workbench.editor.label.enabled": "Steuert, ob die benutzerdefinierten Beschriftungen des Workbench-Editors angewendet werden sollen.", "workbench.editor.label.extname": "\"${extname}\": Die Dateierweiterung (z. B. \"WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> txt\").", "workbench.editor.label.filename": "\"${filename}\": Name der Datei ohne Dateierweiterung (z. B. \"WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> Datei\").", - "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "\"${dirname(N)}\": Name des n. übergeordneten Ordners, in dem sich die Datei befindet (z. B. \"N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER\"). Ordner können am Anfang des Pfads mit negativen Zahlen ausgewählt werden (z. B. \"N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER\"). Wenn __Item__ ein absoluter Musterpfad ist, verweist der erste Ordner (\"N=-1\") auf den ersten Ordner im absoluten Pfad, andernfalls entspricht er dem Arbeitsbereichsordner.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "`${dirname(N)}`: name of the nth parent folder in which the file is located (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). Folders can be picked from the start of the path by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). If the __Item__ is an absolute pattern path, the first folder (`N=-1`) refers to the first folder in the absolute path, otherwise it corresponds to the workspace folder.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthextname": "`${extname(N)}`: the nth extension of the file separated by '.' (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext1`). Extension can be picked from the start of the extension by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext2`).", "workbench.editor.label.patterns": "Steuert das Rendering der Editorbezeichnung. Jedes __Item__ ist ein Muster, das einem Dateipfad entspricht. Sowohl relative als auch absolute Dateipfade werden unterstützt. Der relative Pfad muss den WORKSPACE_FOLDER enthalten (z. B. \"WORKSPACE_FOLDER/src/**.tsx\" oder \"*/src/**.tsx\"). Absolute Muster müssen mit einem \"/\" beginnen. Wenn mehrere Muster übereinstimmen, wird der längste übereinstimmende Pfad ausgewählt. Jedes __Value__ ist die Vorlage für den gerenderten Editor, wenn das __Item__ übereinstimmt. Variablen werden je nach Kontext ersetzt:", - "workbench.editor.label.template": "Die Vorlage, die gerendert werden soll, wenn das Muster übereinstimmt. Kann die Variablen ${dirname}, ${filename} und ${extname} enthalten.", + "workbench.editor.label.template": "The template which should be rendered when the pattern matches. May include the variables ${dirname}, ${filename} and ${extname}.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.default": "Den Namen der Datei anzeigen. Wenn Registerkarten aktiviert sind und zwei Dateien in einer Gruppe den gleichen Namen haben, werden die unterscheidenden Elemente des Pfads jeder Datei hinzugefügt. Wenn Registerkarten deaktiviert sind, wird der relative Pfad zum Ordner des Arbeitsbereichs angezeigt, wenn der Editor aktiv ist.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.long": "Den Namen der Datei gefolgt vom absoluten Pfad anzeigen.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.medium": "Den Namen der Datei gefolgt vom relativen Pfad zum Ordner des Arbeitsbereichs anzeigen.", @@ -4861,6 +4878,8 @@ "runningAsRoot": "Es wird nicht empfohlen, {0} als Root-Benutzer auszuführen.", "runningTranslated": "Sie führen eine emulierte Version von \"{0}\" aus. Laden Sie die native arm64-Version von {0}-Build für Ihren Computer herunter, um eine bessere Leistung zu erzielen.", "sharedProcessCrash": "Ein freigegebener Hintergrundprozess wurde unerwartet beendet. Starten Sie die Anwendung neu, um sie wiederherzustellen.", + "showArgvParseWarning": "The runtime arguments file 'argv.json' contains errors. Please correct them and restart.", + "showArgvParseWarningAction": "Open File", "shutdownErrorClose": "Ein unerwarteter Fehler hat das Schließen des Fensters verhindert.", "shutdownErrorDetail": "Fehler: {0}", "shutdownErrorLoad": "Unerwarteter Fehler beim Ändern des Arbeitsbereichs.", @@ -5006,6 +5025,7 @@ "verbosity.keybindingsEditor.description": "Gibt Informationen über das Ändern einer Tastenzuordnung im Editor für Tastenzuordnungen an, wenn der Fokus auf einer Zeile liegt.", "verbosity.notebook": "Geben Sie Informationen dazu an, wie Der Fokus auf den Zellencontainer oder den inneren Editor gelegt wird, wenn eine Notebookzelle fokussiert ist.", "verbosity.notification": "Geben Sie Informationen zum Öffnen der Benachrichtigung in einer barrierefreien Ansicht an.", + "verbosity.replInputHint": "Provide information about relevant actions For the Repl input.", "verbosity.terminal.description": "Gibt Informationen über den Zugriff auf das Hilfemenü für Barrierefreiheit im Terminal an, wenn das Terminal den Fokus aufweist.", "voice.speechLanguage": "Die Sprache, die von der Spracherkennung und Sprachsynthese verwendet werden soll. Wählen Sie „Auto“ aus, um nach Möglichkeit die konfigurierte Anzeigesprache zu verwenden. Beachten Sie, dass möglicherweise nicht alle Anzeigesprachen von der Spracherkennung und den Synthetisierern unterstützt werden.", "voice.speechTimeout": "Die Dauer in Millisekunden, die die Spracherkennung aktiv bleibt, nachdem Sie das Sprechen beendet haben. In einer Chatsitzung wird der transkribierte Text beispielsweise automatisch übermittelt, nachdem das Timeout erreicht wurde. Legen Sie diese Einstellung auf „0“ fest, um dieses Feature zu deaktivieren." @@ -5343,6 +5363,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Chat", "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "Steuert, ob ein Kontrollkästchen angezeigt wird, damit der Benutzer bestimmen kann, welcher implizite Kontext in der Aufforderung eines Chatteilnehmers enthalten ist.", + "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Enables variables for editor chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "Enables variables for notebook chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "Enables variables for terminal chat.", "clear": "Neuen Chat starten", "file": "Wählen Sie eine Datei im Arbeitsbereich aus", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Steuert die Schriftfamilie der Chatcodeblocks.", @@ -5421,6 +5444,7 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "Der vollständige Name dieses Chatteilnehmers, der als Bezeichnung für Antworten angezeigt wird, die von diesem Teilnehmer stammen. Sofern nicht angegeben, wird {0} verwendet.", "chatParticipantId": "Eine eindeutige ID für diesen Chatteilnehmer.", "chatParticipantName": "Benutzerseitiger Name für diesen Chatteilnehmer. Der Benutzer verwendet \"@\" mit diesem Namen, um den Teilnehmer aufzurufen. Der Name darf keine Leerzeichen enthalten.", + "chatParticipantWhen": "A condition which must be true to enable this participant.", "chatSampleRequest": "Wenn der Benutzer in \"/help\" auf diesen Teilnehmer klickt, wird dieser Text an den Teilnehmer übermittelt.", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Fügt einen Chatteilnehmer hinzu" }, @@ -5489,7 +5513,7 @@ "Language Models": "Sprachmodelle", "languageModels": "Statistik zur Verwendung von Sprachmodellen für diese Erweiterung." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/toolsContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts.", "toolDescription": "A description of this tool that may be passed to a language model.", "toolDisplayName": "A human-readable name for this tool that may be used to describe it in the UI.", @@ -6968,6 +6992,7 @@ "id required": "Erweiterungs-ID erforderlich.", "importKeyboardShortcutsFroms": "Tastenkombinationen migrieren von...", "install button": "Installieren", + "install installAndDonotSync": "Install (Do not Sync)", "installButton": "&&Installieren", "installExtensionFromLocation": "Erweiterung vom Speicherort installieren...", "installExtensionQuickAccessHelp": "Erweiterungen installieren oder suchen", @@ -7981,7 +8006,7 @@ "change.1": "1 Änderung", "change.N": "{0} Änderungen", "review": "Überprüfen (akzeptieren oder verwerfen) Sie alle Änderungen, bevor Sie fortfahren.", - "review.1": "$(info) Accept or discard change", + "review.1": "Accept or Discard change", "review.N": "$(info) {0} Änderungen annehmen oder verwerfen" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { @@ -8039,6 +8064,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactive.contribution": { "interactive.activeCodeBorder": "Die Rahmenfarbe für die aktuelle interaktive Codezelle, wenn der Editor im Fokus steht.", + "interactive.configExecute": "Configure input box behavior", "interactive.execute": "Code ausführen", "interactive.history.focus": "Fokusverlauf", "": "Nächster Wert im Verlauf", @@ -8051,11 +8077,13 @@ "interactiveScrollToTop": "Bildlauf nach oben", "interactiveWindow": "Interaktives Fenster", "interactiveWindow.alwaysScrollOnNewCell": "Scrollen Sie automatisch im interaktiven Fenster, um die Ausgabe der letzten ausgeführten Anweisung anzuzeigen. Wenn dieser Wert FALSE ist, führt das Fenster nur dann einen Bildlauf durch, wenn die letzte Zelle bereits die Zelle war, zu der ein Bildlauf durchgeführt wurde.", - "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "Führen Sie das Eingabefeld für das interaktive Fenster (REPL) mit UMSCH+EINGABETASTE aus, damit mit der EINGABETASTE ein Zeilenumbruch erstellt werden kann.", - "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "Aufforderung zum Speichern des interaktiven Fensters, wenn es geschlossen ist. Diese Einstellungsänderung wirkt sich nur auf neue interaktive Fenster aus." + "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "Execute the Interactive Window (REPL) input box with shift+enter, so that enter can be used to create a newline.", + "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "Aufforderung zum Speichern des interaktiven Fensters, wenn es geschlossen ist. Diese Einstellungsänderung wirkt sich nur auf neue interaktive Fenster aus.", + "interactiveWindow.showExecutionHint": "Display a hint in the Interactive Window (REPL) input box to indicate how to execute code." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactiveEditor": { - "interactiveInputPlaceHolder": "Geben Sie hier den Code „{0}“ ein, und drücken Sie auf „{1}“, um den Code auszuführen." + "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/replInputHintContentWidget": { + "disableHint": " Toggle {0} in settings to disable this hint.", + "emptyHintText": "Press {0} to execute. " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactiveEditor/browser/interactiveEditorActions": { "accept": "Anfrage stellen", @@ -9260,6 +9288,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookIcons": { "clearIcon": "Symbol zum Löschen von Zellausgaben in Notebook-Editoren.", "collapsedIcon": "Symbol zum Kommentieren eines zugeklappten Abschnitts in Notebook-Editoren.", + "configIcon": "Icon to configure in notebook editors.", "copyIcon": "Symbol zum Kopieren von Inhalt in die Zwischenablage", "deleteCellIcon": "Symbol zum Löschen einer Zelle in Notebook-Editoren.", "editIcon": "Symbol zum Bearbeiten einer Zelle in Notebook-Editoren.", @@ -10214,6 +10243,7 @@ "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.false": "Ignorieren Sie keine führenden und nachfolgenden Leerzeichen.", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.inherit": "Von „diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace“ erben.", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.true": "Ignorieren Sie führende und nachfolgende Leerzeichen.", + "scm.experimental.showHistoryGraph": "Controls whether to show the history graph instead of incoming/outgoing changes in the Source Control view.", "scm.providerCountBadge": "Steuert die Anzahlbadges in Headern von Quellcodeverwaltungsanbietern. Diese Header werden in der Ansicht \"Quellcodeverwaltung\" angezeigt, wenn mehrere Anbieter vorhanden sind oder wenn die Einstellung {0} aktiviert ist, und in der Ansicht \"Repositorys der Quellcodeverwaltung\".", "": "Hiermit wird der Anzahlbadge für Quellcodeverwaltungsanbieter nur angezeigt, wenn die Anzahl ungleich Null ist.", "scm.providerCountBadge.hidden": "Hiermit werden Badges für die Anzahl von Quellcodeverwaltungsanbietern ausgeblendet.", @@ -11905,6 +11935,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollColorRegistry": { "terminalStickyScroll.background": "Die Hintergrundfarbe der fixierten Bildlauf-Überlagerung im Terminal.", + "terminalStickyScroll.border": "The border of the sticky scroll overlay in the terminal.", "terminalStickyScrollHover.background": "Die Hintergrundfarbe der fixierten Bildlauf-Überlagerung im Terminal, wenn mit dem Mauszeiger darauf gezeigt wird." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollOverlay": { @@ -13568,6 +13599,7 @@ "remote": "Remote" }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/remoteExtensionManagementService": { + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "Die Erweiterung „{0}“ kann nicht installiert werden, weil sie nicht mit der aktuellen Version von {1} (Version {2}) kompatibel ist.", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "Die endgültige Version der Erweiterung „{0}“ kann nicht installiert werden, da sie keine endgültige Version aufweist." }, @@ -13604,6 +13636,9 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionHostManager": { "measureExtHostLatency": "Latenz des Hosts der Measureerweiterung" }, + "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsProposedApi": { + "enabledProposedAPIs": "API Proposals" + }, "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsRegistry": { "extensionKind": "Definieren Sie die Art der Erweiterung. \"ui\"-Erweiterungen werden auf dem lokalen Computer installiert und ausgeführt, während \"workspace\"-Erweiterungen auf dem Remotecomputer ausgeführt werden.", "extensionKind.empty": "Definieren Sie eine Erweiterung, die weder auf dem lokalen Computer noch auf dem Remotecomputer in einem Remotekontext ausgeführt werden kann.", @@ -13615,6 +13650,7 @@ "ui": "Art der Benutzeroberflächenerweiterung. In einem Remotefenster werden solche Erweiterungen nur aktiviert, wenn sie auf dem lokalen Rechner verfügbar sind.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents": "Aktivierungsereignisse für die VS Code-Erweiterung.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onAuthenticationRequest": "Ein Aktivierungsereignis, das immer dann ausgegeben wird, wenn Sitzungen vom angegebenen Authentifizierungsanbieter angefordert werden.", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onChatParticipant": "An activation event emitted when the specified chat participant is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCommand": "Ein Aktivierungsereignis wird beim Aufrufen des angegebenen Befehls ausgegeben.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCustomEditor": "Ein Aktivierungsereignis, das immer dann ausgelöst wird, wenn der angegebene benutzerdefinierte Editor sichtbar wird.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onDebug": "Ein Aktivierungsereignis wird ausgesandt, wenn ein Benutzer eine Debugging startet, oder eine Debug-Konfiguration erstellt.", @@ -13626,6 +13662,7 @@ "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onFileSystem": "Ein Aktivierungsereignis wird ausgegeben, wenn auf eine Datei oder einen Ordner mit dem angegebenen Schema zugegriffen wird.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onIssueReporterOpened": "Ein Aktivierungsereignis, das ausgegeben wird, wenn der Problembericht geöffnet wird.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguage": "Ein Aktivierungsereignis wird beim Öffnen einer Datei ausgegeben, die in die angegebene Sprache aufgelöst wird.", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguageModelTool": "An activation event emitted when the specified language model tool is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onNotebook": "Bei jedem Öffnen des angegebenen Notebookdokuments wird ein Aktivierungsereignis ausgegeben.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onOpenExternalUri": "Ein Aktivierungsereignis, das immer dann ausgegeben wird, wenn ein externer URI (z. B. ein HTTP- oder HTTPS-Link) geöffnet wird.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onRenderer": "Ein Aktivierungsereignis, das ausgegeben wird, wenn ein Renderer für Notizbuchausgaben verwendet wird.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index d8ae977dac..8dd7491bc4 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -311,6 +311,7 @@ "typescript.tsc.autoDetect.on": "Cree tanto tareas de compilación como de inspección.", "": "Cree únicamente tareas de compilación y de inspección.", "typescript.tsdk.desc": "Especificar la ruta de la carpeta de los archivos tsserver y `lib*.d.ts` bajo una instalación de TypeScript para usarla en IntelliSense, por ejemplo: `./node_modules/typescript/lib`.\r\n\r\n- Cuando se especifica como una configuración de usuario, la versión de TypeScript de `typescript.tsdk` reemplaza automáticamente la versión de TypeScript incorporada.\r\n- Cuando se especifica como una configuración del área de trabajo, `typescript.tsdk` le permite cambiar para usar esa versión de TypeScript del área de trabajo para IntelliSense con el comando `TypeScript: Select TypeScript version`.\r\n\r\nConsulte la [documentación de TypeScript]( para obtener más detalles sobre la administración de las versiones de TypeScript.", + "typescript.tsserver.enableRegionDiagnostics": "Enables region-based diagnostics in TypeScript. Requires using TypeScript 5.6+ in the workspace.", "typescript.tsserver.enableTracing": "Habilita el seguimiento del rendimiento del servidor TS en un directorio. Estos archivos de seguimiento se pueden usar para diagnosticar problemas de rendimiento del servidor TS. El registro puede contener rutas de acceso, código fuente e información potencialmente confidencial acerca del proyecto.", "typescript.tsserver.log": "Habilita los registros del servidor TS a un archivo. Este registro se puede utilizar para diagnosticar problemas en el servidor TS. Este registro puede contener rutas de acceso, código fuente y posiblemente otra información sensitiva acerca del proyecto.", "typescript.tsserver.pluginPaths": "Rutas de acceso adicionales para detectar complementos del servicio de lenguaje TypeScript.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json index 5285210c05..6a6590938c 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -1053,7 +1053,8 @@ "pasteAsProgress": "Ejecutando controladores de pegado", "pasteIntoEditorProgress": "Running paste handlers. Click to cancel and do basic paste", "pasteWidgetVisible": "Si se muestra el widget de pegado", - "postPasteWidgetTitle": "Mostrar opciones de pegado..." + "postPasteWidgetTitle": "Mostrar opciones de pegado...", + "resolveProcess": "Resolving paste edit. Click to cancel" }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/defaultProviders": { "defaultDropProvider.uriList.path": "Insertar ruta de acceso", @@ -1378,6 +1379,18 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Icono para mostrar la sugerencia de parámetro anterior.", "previous": "Anterior" }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/commands": { + "action.inlineEdits.accept": "Accept Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.hide": "Hide Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showNext": "Show Next Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showPrevious": "Show Previous Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.trigger": "Trigger Inline Edit", + "inlineEditsActions": "Accept Inline Edit" + }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/consts": { + "inlineEditsVisible": "Whether an inline edit is visible", + "isPinned": "Whether an inline edit is visible" + }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "": "Reemplazar con el valor siguiente", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Reemplazar con el valor anterior" @@ -1981,6 +1994,7 @@ "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "Marketplace no está habilitado", "incompatible platform": "La extensión \"{0}\" no está disponible en {1} para {2}.", + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "malicious extension": "No se puede instalar la extensión \"{0}\" ya que se informó de que era problemática.", "multipleDependentsError": "No se puede desinstalar la extensión \"{0}\". Las extensiones \"{1}\" y \"{2}\", entre otras, dependen de esta.", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "No se puede desinstalar la extensión \"{0}\". Incluye la desinstalación de la extensión \"{1}\" y las extensiones \"{2}\" y \"{3}\", entre otras, dependen de esta.", @@ -2052,6 +2066,8 @@ "invalidManifest": "VSIX no válido: package.json no es un archivo JSON." }, "vs/platform/extensions/common/extensionValidator": { + "apiProposalMismatch": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has version {2}.", + "apiProposalMismatchNoVersion": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has no version defined.", "extensionDescription.activationEvents1": "la propiedad `{0}` se puede omitir o debe ser de tipo `string[]`", "extensionDescription.activationEvents2": "la propiedad '{0}' debe omitirse si la extensión no tiene una propiedad '{1}' o '{2}'.", "extensionDescription.browser1": "la propiedad `{0}` se puede omitir o debe ser de tipo `string`", @@ -4411,9 +4427,10 @@ "workbench.editor.label.enabled": "Controla si se deben aplicar las etiquetas del editor de área de trabajo personalizadas.", "workbench.editor.label.extname": "`${extname}`: la extensión de archivo (por ejemplo, `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> txt`).", "workbench.editor.label.filename": "'${filename}': nombre del archivo sin la extensión de archivo (por ejemplo, `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> file`).", - "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "`${dirname(N)}`: nombre de la enésima carpeta primaria en la que se encuentra el archivo (por ejemplo, `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). Las carpetas se pueden seleccionar desde el principio de la ruta de acceso mediante números negativos (por ejemplo, `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). Si el __Item__ es una ruta de acceso de patrón absoluta, la primera carpeta ('N=-1') hace referencia a la primera carpeta de la ruta de acceso absoluta; de lo contrario, corresponde a la carpeta del área de trabajo.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "`${dirname(N)}`: name of the nth parent folder in which the file is located (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). Folders can be picked from the start of the path by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). If the __Item__ is an absolute pattern path, the first folder (`N=-1`) refers to the first folder in the absolute path, otherwise it corresponds to the workspace folder.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthextname": "`${extname(N)}`: the nth extension of the file separated by '.' (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext1`). Extension can be picked from the start of the extension by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext2`).", "workbench.editor.label.patterns": "Controla la representación de la etiqueta del editor. Cada __Item__ es un patrón que coincide con una ruta de acceso de archivo. Se admiten rutas de acceso de archivo relativas y absolutas. La ruta de acceso relativa debe incluir el WORKSPACE_FOLDER (por ejemplo, `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/src/**.tsx` o `*/src/**.tsx`). Los patrones absolutos deben comenzar con `/`. En caso de que coincidan varios patrones, se seleccionará la ruta de coincidencia más larga. Cada __Value__ es la plantilla del editor representado cuando el __Item__ coincide. Las variables se sustituyen en función del contexto:", - "workbench.editor.label.template": "Plantilla que se debe representar cuando el patrón coincide. Puede incluir las variables ${dirname}, ${filename} y ${extname}.", + "workbench.editor.label.template": "The template which should be rendered when the pattern matches. May include the variables ${dirname}, ${filename} and ${extname}.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.default": "Mostrar el nombre del archivo. Cuando las pestañas están habilitadas y dos archivos tienen el mismo nombre en un grupo, se agregan las secciones distintivas de la ruta de acceso de cada archivo. Cuando las pestañas están deshabilitadas, se muestra la carpeta del área de trabajo si el editor está activo.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.long": "Mostrar el nombre del archivo seguido de la ruta de acceso absoluta.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.medium": "Muestre el nombre del archivo seguido de su ruta de acceso relativa a la carpeta del área de trabajo.", @@ -4861,6 +4878,8 @@ "runningAsRoot": "No se recomienda ejecutar {0} como usuario raíz.", "runningTranslated": "Está ejecutando una versión emulada de {0}. Para obtener un mejor rendimiento, descargue la versión arm64 nativa de la compilación {0} para su máquina.", "sharedProcessCrash": "Un proceso en segundo plano compartido finalizó inesperadamente. Reinicie la aplicación para recuperarla.", + "showArgvParseWarning": "The runtime arguments file 'argv.json' contains errors. Please correct them and restart.", + "showArgvParseWarningAction": "Open File", "shutdownErrorClose": "Un error inesperado impidió que se cerrara la ventana", "shutdownErrorDetail": "Error: {0}", "shutdownErrorLoad": "Un error inesperado impidió cambiar el área de trabajo", @@ -5006,6 +5025,7 @@ "verbosity.keybindingsEditor.description": "Proporcionar información sobre cómo cambiar un enlace de teclado en el editor de enlaces de teclado cuando se centra una fila.", "verbosity.notebook": "Proporcione información sobre cómo enfocar el contenedor de celdas o el editor interno cuando se centra una celda del bloc de notas.", "verbosity.notification": "Proporcionar información sobre cómo abrir la notificación en una vista accesible.", + "verbosity.replInputHint": "Provide information about relevant actions For the Repl input.", "verbosity.terminal.description": "Proporcionar información sobre cómo acceder al menú de ayuda de accesibilidad del terminal cuando el terminal está centrado.", "voice.speechLanguage": "El idioma que deben usar la conversión de texto a voz y la conversión de voz en texto. Seleccione \"auto\" para usar el idioma de visualización configurado si es posible. Tenga en cuenta que no todos los idiomas de visualización pueden ser compatibles con el reconocimiento de voz y los sintetizadores.", "voice.speechTimeout": "La duración en milisegundos que el reconocimiento de voz de voz permanece activo después de dejar de hablar. Por ejemplo, en una sesión de chat, el texto transcrito se envía automáticamente cuando se acaba el tiempo de espera. Establézcalo en \"0\" para desactivar esta característica." @@ -5343,6 +5363,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Chat", "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "Controla si se muestra una casilla para permitir al usuario determinar qué contexto implícito se incluye con el mensaje de un participante del chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Enables variables for editor chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "Enables variables for notebook chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "Enables variables for terminal chat.", "clear": "Iniciar un nuevo chat", "file": "Elegir un archivo en el área de trabajo", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Controla la familia de las fuentes en los bloques de código de chat.", @@ -5421,6 +5444,7 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "Nombre completo de este participante del chat, que se muestra como la etiqueta para las respuestas procedentes de este participante. Si no se proporciona, se usa {0}.", "chatParticipantId": "Id. único de este participante del chat.", "chatParticipantName": "Nombre orientado al usuario para este participante del chat. El usuario empleará \"@\" con este nombre para invocar al participante. El nombre no debe contener espacios en blanco.", + "chatParticipantWhen": "A condition which must be true to enable this participant.", "chatSampleRequest": "Cuando el usuario hace clic en este participante en \"/help\", este texto se enviará al participante.", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Contribuye a un participante del chat" }, @@ -5489,7 +5513,7 @@ "Language Models": "Modelos de lenguaje", "languageModels": "El lenguaje modela las estadísticas de uso de esta extensión." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/toolsContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts.", "toolDescription": "A description of this tool that may be passed to a language model.", "toolDisplayName": "A human-readable name for this tool that may be used to describe it in the UI.", @@ -6968,6 +6992,7 @@ "id required": "Se requiere el identificador de extensión.", "importKeyboardShortcutsFroms": "Migrar métodos abreviados de teclado desde...", "install button": "Instalar", + "install installAndDonotSync": "Install (Do not Sync)", "installButton": "&&Instalar", "installExtensionFromLocation": "Instalar extensión desde la ubicación...", "installExtensionQuickAccessHelp": "Instalar o buscar extensiones", @@ -7981,7 +8006,7 @@ "change.1": "1 cambio", "change.N": "{0} cambios", "review": "Revisar (aceptar o descartar) todos los cambios antes de continuar", - "review.1": "$(info) Accept or discard change", + "review.1": "Accept or Discard change", "review.N": "$(info) Aceptar o descartar {0} cambios" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { @@ -8039,6 +8064,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactive.contribution": { "interactive.activeCodeBorder": "Color del borde de la celda de código interactivo actual cuando el editor tiene el foco.", + "interactive.configExecute": "Configure input box behavior", "interactive.execute": "Ejecutar código", "interactive.history.focus": "Historial de foco", "": "Siguiente valor en el historial", @@ -8051,11 +8077,13 @@ "interactiveScrollToTop": "Desplazar al principio", "interactiveWindow": "Ventana interactiva", "interactiveWindow.alwaysScrollOnNewCell": "Desplazar automáticamente la ventana interactiva para mostrar la salida de la última instrucción ejecutada. Si este valor es falso, la ventana solo se desplazará si la última celda era ya aquella a la que se había desplazado.", - "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "Ejecute el cuadro de entrada de la ventana interactiva (REPL) con Mayús+Entrar, para que se pueda usar Entrar para crear una nueva línea.", - "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "Preguntar si se guarda la ventana interactiva cuando se cierra. Solo las nuevas ventanas interactivas se verán afectadas por este cambio de configuración." + "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "Execute the Interactive Window (REPL) input box with shift+enter, so that enter can be used to create a newline.", + "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "Preguntar si se guarda la ventana interactiva cuando se cierra. Solo las nuevas ventanas interactivas se verán afectadas por este cambio de configuración.", + "interactiveWindow.showExecutionHint": "Display a hint in the Interactive Window (REPL) input box to indicate how to execute code." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactiveEditor": { - "interactiveInputPlaceHolder": "Escriba él código '{0}' aquí y presione {1} para ejecutar" + "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/replInputHintContentWidget": { + "disableHint": " Toggle {0} in settings to disable this hint.", + "emptyHintText": "Press {0} to execute. " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactiveEditor/browser/interactiveEditorActions": { "accept": "Crear solicitud", @@ -9260,6 +9288,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookIcons": { "clearIcon": "Icono para borrar las salidas de celda en los editores del bloc de notas.", "collapsedIcon": "Icono para anotar una sección contraída en los editores del bloc de notas.", + "configIcon": "Icon to configure in notebook editors.", "copyIcon": "Icono para copiar contenido en el Portapapeles", "deleteCellIcon": "Icono para eliminar una celda en los editores del bloc de notas.", "editIcon": "Icono para editar una celda en los editores del bloc de notas.", @@ -10214,6 +10243,7 @@ "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.false": "No omita los espacios en blanco iniciales y finales.", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.inherit": "Heredar de 'diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace'.", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.true": "Omita los espacios en blanco iniciales y finales.", + "scm.experimental.showHistoryGraph": "Controls whether to show the history graph instead of incoming/outgoing changes in the Source Control view.", "scm.providerCountBadge": "Controla los distintivos de recuento en los encabezados del proveedor de control de código fuente. Estos encabezados aparecen en la vista Control de código fuente cuando hay más de un proveedor o cuando la configuración de {0} está habilitada y en la vista Repositorios de control de código fuente.", "": "Muestre las insignias de recuento de proveedores de control de código fuente si hay cambios.", "scm.providerCountBadge.hidden": "Oculte las insignias de recuento de proveedores de control de código fuente.", @@ -11905,6 +11935,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollColorRegistry": { "terminalStickyScroll.background": "Color de fondo de la superposición del desplazamiento permanente en el terminal.", + "terminalStickyScroll.border": "The border of the sticky scroll overlay in the terminal.", "terminalStickyScrollHover.background": "Color de fondo de la superposición del desplazamiento permanente en el terminal cuando se pasa el ratón por encima." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollOverlay": { @@ -13568,6 +13599,7 @@ "remote": "Remoto" }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/remoteExtensionManagementService": { + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "No se puede instalar la extensión \"{0}\" porque no es compatible con la versión actual de {1} (versión {2}).", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "No se puede instalar la versión de lanzamiento de la extensión '{0}' porque no tiene ninguna versión de lanzamiento." }, @@ -13604,6 +13636,9 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionHostManager": { "measureExtHostLatency": "Medir la latencia del host de extensión" }, + "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsProposedApi": { + "enabledProposedAPIs": "API Proposals" + }, "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsRegistry": { "extensionKind": "Define el tipo de extensión. Las extensiones \"ui\" se instalan y ejecutan en la máquina local, mientras que las extensiones \"workspace\" se ejecutan en la remota.", "extensionKind.empty": "Defina una extensión que no se pueda ejecutar en un contexto remoto, ni en el equipo local o el remoto.", @@ -13615,6 +13650,7 @@ "ui": "Tipo de extensión de interfaz de usuario. En una ventana remota, estas extensiones solo están habilitadas cuando están disponibles en el equipo local.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents": "Eventos de activación de la extensión VS Code.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onAuthenticationRequest": "Evento de activación que se emite cada vez que se solicitan sesiones desde el proveedor de autenticación especificado.", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onChatParticipant": "An activation event emitted when the specified chat participant is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCommand": "Un evento de activación emitido cada vez que se invoca el comando especificado.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCustomEditor": "Un evento de activación emitido cada vez que el editor personalizado especificado se vuelve visible.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onDebug": "Un evento de activación emitido cada vez que un usuario está a punto de iniciar la depuración o cada vez que está a punto de configurar las opciones de depuración.", @@ -13626,6 +13662,7 @@ "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onFileSystem": "Un evento de activación emitido cada vez que se accede a un archivo o carpeta con el esquema dado.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onIssueReporterOpened": "Evento de activación emitido cuando se abre el informador del problema.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguage": "Un evento de activación emitido cada vez que se abre un archivo que se resuelve en el idioma especificado.", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguageModelTool": "An activation event emitted when the specified language model tool is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onNotebook": "Un evento de activación emitido cada vez que se abre el documento de bloc de notas especificado.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onOpenExternalUri": "Se emite un evento de activación siempre que se abra un URI externo (como un vínculo http o https).", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onRenderer": "Un evento de activación que se emite cada vez que se usa un representador de salida del bloc de notas.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 4bd73f8a91..ff3d38f735 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -311,6 +311,7 @@ "typescript.tsc.autoDetect.on": "Créer les tâches build et watch.", "": "Créer uniquement des tâches compile et watch.", "typescript.tsdk.desc": "Indique le chemin de dossier des fichiers tsserver et `lib*.d.ts` dans une installation de TypeScript à utiliser pour IntelliSense. Exemple : `./node_modules/typescript/lib`.\r\n\r\n- Si elle est spécifiée sous forme de paramètre utilisateur, la version de TypeScript dans `typescript.tsdk` remplace automatiquement la version de TypeScript intégrée.\r\n- Si elle est spécifiée sous forme de paramètre d’espace de travail, `typescript.tsdk` vous permet d’utiliser cette version d’espace de travail de TypeScript pour IntelliSense avec la commande `TypeScript: Select TypeScript version`.\r\n\r\nConsultez la [documentation de TypeScript]( pour plus d’informations sur la gestion des versions de TypeScript.", + "typescript.tsserver.enableRegionDiagnostics": "Enables region-based diagnostics in TypeScript. Requires using TypeScript 5.6+ in the workspace.", "typescript.tsserver.enableTracing": "Active le traçage des performances du serveur TS dans un répertoire. Ces fichiers de trace permettent de diagnostiquer les problèmes de performances du serveur TS. Le journal peut contenir des chemins de fichiers, du code source et d'autres informations potentiellement sensibles de votre projet.", "typescript.tsserver.log": "Active la journalisation du serveur TS dans un fichier. Ce journal peut être utilisé pour diagnostiquer les problèmes du serveur TS. Il peut contenir des chemins de fichier, du code source et d'autres informations potentiellement sensibles de votre projet.", "typescript.tsserver.pluginPaths": "Chemins supplémentaires pour découvrir les plug-ins Service de langage Typescript.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json index 5022220047..eec1069697 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -1053,7 +1053,8 @@ "pasteAsProgress": "Exécution des gestionnaires de collage", "pasteIntoEditorProgress": "Running paste handlers. Click to cancel and do basic paste", "pasteWidgetVisible": "Si le widget de collage est affiché", - "postPasteWidgetTitle": "Afficher les options de collage..." + "postPasteWidgetTitle": "Afficher les options de collage...", + "resolveProcess": "Resolving paste edit. Click to cancel" }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/defaultProviders": { "defaultDropProvider.uriList.path": "Insérer un chemin d’accès", @@ -1378,6 +1379,18 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Icône d'affichage du précédent conseil de paramètre.", "previous": "Précédent" }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/commands": { + "action.inlineEdits.accept": "Accept Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.hide": "Hide Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showNext": "Show Next Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showPrevious": "Show Previous Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.trigger": "Trigger Inline Edit", + "inlineEditsActions": "Accept Inline Edit" + }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/consts": { + "inlineEditsVisible": "Whether an inline edit is visible", + "isPinned": "Whether an inline edit is visible" + }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "": "Remplacer par la valeur suivante", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Remplacer par la valeur précédente" @@ -1981,6 +1994,7 @@ "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "La Place de marché n’est pas activée", "incompatible platform": "L’extension «{0}» n’est pas disponible dans {1} pour {2}.", + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "malicious extension": "Impossible d’installer l'extension '{0}' car elle a été signalée comme problématique.", "multipleDependentsError": "Impossible de désinstaller l'extension '{0}'. '{1}', '{2}' et d'autres extensions en dépendent.", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "Impossible de désinstaller l'extension '{0}'. Cela inclut la désinstallation de l'extension '{1}' mais '{2}', '{3}' et d'autres extensions en dépendent.", @@ -2052,6 +2066,8 @@ "invalidManifest": "VSIX non valide : package.json n'est pas un fichier JSON." }, "vs/platform/extensions/common/extensionValidator": { + "apiProposalMismatch": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has version {2}.", + "apiProposalMismatchNoVersion": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has no version defined.", "extensionDescription.activationEvents1": "la propriété '{0}' peut être omise ou doit être de type 'string[]'", "extensionDescription.activationEvents2": "la propriété '{0}' doit être omise si l’extension n’a pas de propriété '{1}' ou '{2}'.", "extensionDescription.browser1": "La propriété '{0}' peut être omise ou doit être de type 'string'", @@ -4411,9 +4427,10 @@ "workbench.editor.label.enabled": "Contrôle si les étiquettes d’éditeur workbench personnalisées doivent être appliquées.", "workbench.editor.label.extname": "`${extname}`: extension de fichier (par exemple, `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> txt`).", "workbench.editor.label.filename": "'`${filename}`: nom du fichier sans l’extension de fichier (par exemple, `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> file`).", - "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "`${dirname(N)}`: nom du nième dossier parent dans lequel se trouve le fichier (par exemple, `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). Les dossiers peuvent être sélectionnés à partir du début du chemin d’accès à l’aide de nombres négatifs (par exemple, `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). Si __Item__ est un chemin de modèle absolu, le premier dossier (`N=-1`) fait référence au premier dossier dans le chemin d’accès absolu, sinon il correspond au dossier de l’espace de travail.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "`${dirname(N)}`: name of the nth parent folder in which the file is located (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). Folders can be picked from the start of the path by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). If the __Item__ is an absolute pattern path, the first folder (`N=-1`) refers to the first folder in the absolute path, otherwise it corresponds to the workspace folder.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthextname": "`${extname(N)}`: the nth extension of the file separated by '.' (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext1`). Extension can be picked from the start of the extension by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext2`).", "workbench.editor.label.patterns": "Contrôle le rendu de l’étiquette de l’éditeur. Chaque __Item__ est un modèle qui correspond à un chemin d’accès de fichier. Les chemins d’accès relatifs et absolus sont pris en charge. Le chemin d’accès relatif doit inclure le WORKSPACE_FOLDER (par exemple, `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/src/**.tsx` ou `*/src/**.tsx`). Les modèles absolus doivent commencer par un '/'. Si plusieurs modèles correspondent, le chemin d’accès correspondant le plus long est sélectionné. Chaque __Value__ est le modèle de l’éditeur rendu lorsque le __Item__ correspond. Les variables sont remplacées en fonction du contexte :", - "workbench.editor.label.template": "Modèle qui doit être rendu lorsque le modèle correspond. Peut inclure les variables ${dirname}, ${filename} et ${extname}.", + "workbench.editor.label.template": "The template which should be rendered when the pattern matches. May include the variables ${dirname}, ${filename} and ${extname}.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.default": "Afficher le nom du fichier. Lorsque les onglets sont activés et que deux fichiers portent le même nom dans un groupe, les sections distinctes du chemin de chaque fichier sont ajoutées. Lorsque les onglets sont désactivés, le chemin d’accès relatif au dossier de l'espace de travail est affiché si l’éditeur est actif.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.long": "Afficher le nom du fichier suivi de son chemin d’accès absolu.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.medium": "Afficher le nom du fichier suivi de son chemin d’accès relatif au dossier de l'espace de travail.", @@ -4861,6 +4878,8 @@ "runningAsRoot": "Il est déconseillé d’exécuter {0} en tant qu’utilisateur root.", "runningTranslated": "Vous exécutez une version émulée de {0}. Pour de meilleures performances, téléchargez la version arm64 native de {0} build pour votre machine.", "sharedProcessCrash": "Un processus en arrière-plan partagé s’est arrêté de manière inattendue. Redémarrez l’application pour récupérer.", + "showArgvParseWarning": "The runtime arguments file 'argv.json' contains errors. Please correct them and restart.", + "showArgvParseWarningAction": "Open File", "shutdownErrorClose": "Une erreur inattendue a empêché la fermeture de la fenêtre.", "shutdownErrorDetail": "Erreur : {0}", "shutdownErrorLoad": "Une erreur inattendue a empêché de modifier l’espace de travail.", @@ -5006,6 +5025,7 @@ "verbosity.keybindingsEditor.description": "Fournissez des informations sur la façon de modifier une combinaison de touches dans l'éditeur de combinaisons de touches lorsqu'une ligne est sélectionnée.", "verbosity.notebook": "Fournissez des informations sur le focus sur le conteneur de cellule ou l’éditeur interne lorsqu’une cellule de notebook a le focus.", "verbosity.notification": "Indiquez des informations sur l’ouverture de la notification dans une vue accessible.", + "verbosity.replInputHint": "Provide information about relevant actions For the Repl input.", "verbosity.terminal.description": "Fournissez des informations sur la façon d’accéder au menu d’aide à l’accessibilité du terminal lorsque le terminal est activé.", "voice.speechLanguage": "Langue que la synthèse vocale et la reconnaissance vocale doivent utiliser. Sélectionnez `auto` pour utiliser la langue d’affichage configurée si possible. Notez que toutes les langues d’affichage ne sont peut-être pas prises en charge par la reconnaissance vocale et les synthétiseurs.", "voice.speechTimeout": "Durée en millisecondes pendant laquelle la reconnaissance vocale reste active une fois que vous avez cessé de parler. Par exemple, dans une session de conversation, le texte transcrit est envoyé automatiquement une fois le délai d’expiration atteint. Définissez sur « 0 » pour désactiver cette fonctionnalité." @@ -5343,6 +5363,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Conversation", "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "Contrôle si une case à cocher s’affiche pour permettre à l’utilisateur de déterminer le contexte implicite inclus dans l’invite d’un participant à la conversation.", + "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Enables variables for editor chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "Enables variables for notebook chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "Enables variables for terminal chat.", "clear": "Démarrer une nouvelle conversation", "file": "Choisir un fichier dans l’espace de travail", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Contrôle l’la famille de police dans les codeblocks de la conversation.", @@ -5421,6 +5444,7 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "Nom complet de ce participant à la conversation, qui est affiché comme étiquette pour les réponses provenant de ce participant. S’il n’est pas fourni, {0} est utilisé.", "chatParticipantId": "ID unique de ce participant à la conversation.", "chatParticipantName": "Nom d’utilisateur pour ce participant à la conversation. L’utilisateur utilisera « @ » avec ce nom pour appeler le participant. Le nom ne doit pas contenir d’espace blanc.", + "chatParticipantWhen": "A condition which must be true to enable this participant.", "chatSampleRequest": "Lorsque l’utilisateur clique sur ce participant dans « /help », ce texte est envoyé au participant.", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Contribue à un participant à la conversation" }, @@ -5489,7 +5513,7 @@ "Language Models": "Modèles de langage", "languageModels": "Statistiques d’utilisation des modèles de langage de cette extension." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/toolsContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts.", "toolDescription": "A description of this tool that may be passed to a language model.", "toolDisplayName": "A human-readable name for this tool that may be used to describe it in the UI.", @@ -6968,6 +6992,7 @@ "id required": "ID d'extension obligatoire.", "importKeyboardShortcutsFroms": "Migrer les raccourcis clavier à partir de...", "install button": "Installer", + "install installAndDonotSync": "Install (Do not Sync)", "installButton": "&&Installer", "installExtensionFromLocation": "Installer l’extension à partir de l’emplacement...", "installExtensionQuickAccessHelp": "Installer ou rechercher des extensions", @@ -7981,7 +8006,7 @@ "change.1": "1 changement", "change.N": "{0} modifications", "review": "Examiner (accepter ou ignorer) toutes les modifications avant de continuer", - "review.1": "$(info) Accept or discard change", + "review.1": "Accept or Discard change", "review.N": "$(info) Accepter ou ignorer {0} modifications" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { @@ -8039,6 +8064,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactive.contribution": { "interactive.activeCodeBorder": "La couleur de bordure de la cellule de code interactive actuelle lorsque l’éditeur a le focus.", + "interactive.configExecute": "Configure input box behavior", "interactive.execute": "Exécuter le code", "interactive.history.focus": "Historique du focus", "": "Valeur suivante dans l’historique", @@ -8051,11 +8077,13 @@ "interactiveScrollToTop": "Faire défiler jusqu'en haut", "interactiveWindow": "Fenêtre interactive", "interactiveWindow.alwaysScrollOnNewCell": "Faites défiler automatiquement la fenêtre interactive pour afficher la sortie de la dernière instruction exécutée. Si cette valeur est false, la fenêtre défile uniquement si la dernière cellule était déjà celle vers laquelle l’utilisateur a fait défiler.", - "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "Exécutez la zone d’entrée de la fenêtre interactive (REPL) avec maj+entrée, afin que l’entrée puisse être utilisée pour créer une nouvelle ligne.", - "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "Invite à enregistrer la fenêtre interactive lorsqu’elle est fermée. Seules les nouvelles fenêtres interactives seront affectées par ce changement de paramètre." + "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "Execute the Interactive Window (REPL) input box with shift+enter, so that enter can be used to create a newline.", + "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "Invite à enregistrer la fenêtre interactive lorsqu’elle est fermée. Seules les nouvelles fenêtres interactives seront affectées par ce changement de paramètre.", + "interactiveWindow.showExecutionHint": "Display a hint in the Interactive Window (REPL) input box to indicate how to execute code." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactiveEditor": { - "interactiveInputPlaceHolder": "Tapez le code «{0}» ici et appuyez sur {1} pour l’exécuter" + "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/replInputHintContentWidget": { + "disableHint": " Toggle {0} in settings to disable this hint.", + "emptyHintText": "Press {0} to execute. " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactiveEditor/browser/interactiveEditorActions": { "accept": "Créer une demande", @@ -9260,6 +9288,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookIcons": { "clearIcon": "Icône permettant d'effacer les sorties de cellule dans les éditeurs de notebook.", "collapsedIcon": "Icône permettant d'annoter une section réduite dans les éditeurs de notebooks.", + "configIcon": "Icon to configure in notebook editors.", "copyIcon": "Icône de copie du contenu dans le Presse-papiers", "deleteCellIcon": "Icône permettant de supprimer une cellule dans les éditeurs de notebook.", "editIcon": "Icône permettant de modifier une cellule dans les éditeurs de notebook.", @@ -10214,6 +10243,7 @@ "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.false": "Ne pas ignorer les espaces de début et de fin", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.inherit": "Inherit from `diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace`.", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.true": "Ignorer les espaces de début et de fin.", + "scm.experimental.showHistoryGraph": "Controls whether to show the history graph instead of incoming/outgoing changes in the Source Control view.", "scm.providerCountBadge": "Contrôle le nombre de badges sur les en-têtes du fournisseur de contrôle de code source. Ces en-têtes apparaissent dans la vue Contrôle de code source lorsqu’il existe plusieurs fournisseurs ou lorsque le paramètre {0} est activé, et dans la vue Référentiels de contrôle de code source.", "": "Affichez uniquement le badge de comptage de fournisseurs de contrôle de code source lorsque la valeur est différente de zéro.", "scm.providerCountBadge.hidden": "Masquez les badges de comptage de fournisseurs de contrôle de code source.", @@ -11905,6 +11935,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollColorRegistry": { "terminalStickyScroll.background": "Couleur d’arrière-plan de la superposition de défilement rémanent dans le terminal.", + "terminalStickyScroll.border": "The border of the sticky scroll overlay in the terminal.", "terminalStickyScrollHover.background": "Couleur d’arrière-plan de la superposition de défilement rémanent dans le terminal lorsqu’elle est survolée." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollOverlay": { @@ -13568,6 +13599,7 @@ "remote": "Distant" }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/remoteExtensionManagementService": { + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "Impossible d'installer l'extension '{0}' car elle n'est pas compatible avec la version actuelle de {1} (version {2}).", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "Impossible d’installer la version de mise en production de '{0}' extension, car elle n’a pas de version de mise en production." }, @@ -13604,6 +13636,9 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionHostManager": { "measureExtHostLatency": "Mesurer la latence de l'hôte d'extension" }, + "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsProposedApi": { + "enabledProposedAPIs": "API Proposals" + }, "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsRegistry": { "extensionKind": "Définissez le type d'une extension. Les extensions 'ui' sont installées et exécutées sur la machine locale tandis que les extensions 'workspace' s'exécutent sur la machine distante.", "extensionKind.empty": "Définissez une extension qui ne peut pas s'exécuter dans un contexte distant, ni sur la machine locale, ni sur la machine distante.", @@ -13615,6 +13650,7 @@ "ui": "Extension de type interface utilisateur. Dans une fenêtre distante, ce type d'extension est activé seulement s'il est disponible sur la machine locale.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents": "Événements d'activation pour l'extension VS Code.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onAuthenticationRequest": "Événement d'activation émis chaque fois que des sessions sont demandées au fournisseur d'authentification spécifié.", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onChatParticipant": "An activation event emitted when the specified chat participant is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCommand": "Événement d'activation envoyé quand la commande spécifiée est appelée.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCustomEditor": "Événement d'activation émis chaque fois que l'éditeur personnalisé spécifié devient visible.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onDebug": "Un événement d’activation émis chaque fois qu’un utilisateur est sur le point de démarrer le débogage ou sur le point de la déboguer des configurations.", @@ -13626,6 +13662,7 @@ "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onFileSystem": "Un événement d’activation est émis chaque fois qu'un fichier ou un dossier fait l'objet d'un accès avec le schéma donné.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onIssueReporterOpened": "Un événement d'activation émis lors de l'ouverture du rapporteur de problèmes.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguage": "Événement d'activation envoyé quand un fichier résolu dans le langage spécifié est ouvert.", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguageModelTool": "An activation event emitted when the specified language model tool is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onNotebook": "Événement d'activation émis chaque fois que le document notebook spécifié est ouvert.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onOpenExternalUri": "Événement d'activation émis chaque fois qu'un URI externe (par exemple un lien HTTP ou HTTPS) est ouvert.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onRenderer": "Événement d’activation émis chaque fois qu’un convertisseur de sortie de bloc-notes est utilisé.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 094df7f345..150cd70bcd 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -311,6 +311,7 @@ "typescript.tsc.autoDetect.on": "Crea attività di compilazione e di controllo.", "": "Crea solo attività di compilazione e di controllo.", "typescript.tsdk.desc": "Specifica il percorso della cartella dei file tsserver e `lib*.d.ts` in un'installazione di TypeScript da usare per IntelliSense, ad esempio: `./node_modules/typescript/lib`.\r\n\r\n- Quando viene specificata come impostazione utente, la versione di TypeScript di `typescript.tsdk` sostituisce automaticamente la versione predefinita di TypeScript.\r\n- Quando viene specificata come impostazione dell'area di lavoro, `typescript.tsdk` consente di passare alla versione area di lavoro di TypeScript per IntelliSense con il comando `TypeScript: selezionare la versione di TypeScript`.\r\n\r\nPer altri dettagli sulla gestione delle versioni di TypeScript, vedere la [documentazione di TypeScript](", + "typescript.tsserver.enableRegionDiagnostics": "Enables region-based diagnostics in TypeScript. Requires using TypeScript 5.6+ in the workspace.", "typescript.tsserver.enableTracing": "Abilita la traccia delle prestazioni del server TypeScript in una directory. Questi file di traccia possono essere usati per diagnosticare problemi di prestazioni del server TypeScript. Il log può contenere percorsi di file, codice sorgente e altre informazioni del progetto potenzialmente riservate.", "typescript.tsserver.log": "Abilita la registrazione del server TypeScript in un file. Questo log può essere usato per diagnosticare problemi del server TypeScript. Il log può contenere percorsi di file, codice sorgente e altre informazioni del progetto potenzialmente riservate.", "typescript.tsserver.pluginPaths": "Percorsi aggiuntivi per individuare plug-in del servizio di linguaggio TypeScript.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json index 91ae2511f2..4369ed659c 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -1053,7 +1053,8 @@ "pasteAsProgress": "Esecuzione dei gestori Incolla in corso", "pasteIntoEditorProgress": "Running paste handlers. Click to cancel and do basic paste", "pasteWidgetVisible": "Indica se il widget dell'operazione Incolla viene visualizzato", - "postPasteWidgetTitle": "Mostra opzioni operazione Incolla..." + "postPasteWidgetTitle": "Mostra opzioni operazione Incolla...", + "resolveProcess": "Resolving paste edit. Click to cancel" }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/defaultProviders": { "defaultDropProvider.uriList.path": "Inserire percorso", @@ -1378,6 +1379,18 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Icona per visualizzare il suggerimento del parametro precedente.", "previous": "Indietro" }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/commands": { + "action.inlineEdits.accept": "Accept Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.hide": "Hide Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showNext": "Show Next Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showPrevious": "Show Previous Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.trigger": "Trigger Inline Edit", + "inlineEditsActions": "Accept Inline Edit" + }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/consts": { + "inlineEditsVisible": "Whether an inline edit is visible", + "isPinned": "Whether an inline edit is visible" + }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "": "Sostituisci con il valore successivo", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Sostituisci con il valore precedente" @@ -1981,6 +1994,7 @@ "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "Il Marketplace non è abilitato", "incompatible platform": "L'estensione '{0}' non è disponibile in {1} per {2}.", + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "malicious extension": "Non è possibile installare l'estensione '{0}' poiché è stata segnalata come problematica.", "multipleDependentsError": "Non è possibile disinstallare l'estensione '{0}'. Altre estensioni, tra cui '{1}' e '{2}', dipendono da tale estensione.", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "Non è possibile disinstallare l'estensione '{0}'. Include la disinstallazione dell'estensione '{1}' e altre estensioni, tra cui '{2}' e '{3}', dipendono da tale estensione.", @@ -2052,6 +2066,8 @@ "invalidManifest": "VSIX non valido: package.json non è un file JSON." }, "vs/platform/extensions/common/extensionValidator": { + "apiProposalMismatch": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has version {2}.", + "apiProposalMismatchNoVersion": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has no version defined.", "extensionDescription.activationEvents1": "la proprietà `{0}` può essere omessa o deve essere di tipo `string[]`", "extensionDescription.activationEvents2": "la proprietà '{0}' deve essere omessa se l'estensione non contiene una proprietà '{1}' o '{2}'.", "extensionDescription.browser1": "la proprietà `{0}` può essere omessa o deve essere di tipo `string`", @@ -2829,6 +2845,22 @@ "workspaceOpenedDetail": "L'area di lavoro è già aperta in un'altra finestra. Chiudere tale finestra prima di riprovare.", "workspaceOpenedMessage": "Non è possibile salvare l'area di lavoro '{0}'" }, + "win32/i18n/messages": { + "AddContextMenuFiles": "Aggiungi azione \"Apri con %1\" al menu di scelta rapida file di Esplora risorse", + "AddContextMenuFolders": "Aggiungi azione \"Apri con %1\" al menu di scelta rapida directory di Esplora risorse", + "AddToPath": "Aggiungi a PATH (richiede il riavvio della Shell)", + "AdditionalIcons": "Icone aggiuntive:", + "AssociateWithFiles": "Registra %1 come editor per i tipi di file supportati", + "ConfirmUninstall": "Rimuovere completamente %1 e tutti i relativi componenti?", + "CreateDesktopIcon": "Crea un'icona &desktop", + "CreateQuickLaunchIcon": "Crea un'icona &Avvio veloce", + "FinishedLabel": "Il programma di installazione ha completato l'installazione di [name] nel computer. Per avviare l'applicazione, è possibile selezionare i collegamenti installati.", + "OpenWithCodeContextMenu": "Apr&i con %1", + "Other": "Altro:", + "RunAfter": "Esegui %1 dopo l'installazione", + "SourceFile": "File di origine %1", + "UpdatingVisualStudioCode": "Aggiornamento Visual Studio Code in corso..." + }, "vs/server/node/remoteExtensionHostAgentCli": { "remotecli": "Interfaccia della riga di comando remota" }, @@ -2850,22 +2882,6 @@ "vs/server/node/serverServices": { "remoteExtensionLog": "Server" }, - "win32/i18n/messages": { - "AddContextMenuFiles": "Aggiungi azione \"Apri con %1\" al menu di scelta rapida file di Esplora risorse", - "AddContextMenuFolders": "Aggiungi azione \"Apri con %1\" al menu di scelta rapida directory di Esplora risorse", - "AddToPath": "Aggiungi a PATH (richiede il riavvio della Shell)", - "AdditionalIcons": "Icone aggiuntive:", - "AssociateWithFiles": "Registra %1 come editor per i tipi di file supportati", - "ConfirmUninstall": "Rimuovere completamente %1 e tutti i relativi componenti?", - "CreateDesktopIcon": "Crea un'icona &desktop", - "CreateQuickLaunchIcon": "Crea un'icona &Avvio veloce", - "FinishedLabel": "Il programma di installazione ha completato l'installazione di [name] nel computer. Per avviare l'applicazione, è possibile selezionare i collegamenti installati.", - "OpenWithCodeContextMenu": "Apr&i con %1", - "Other": "Altro:", - "RunAfter": "Esegui %1 dopo l'installazione", - "SourceFile": "File di origine %1", - "UpdatingVisualStudioCode": "Aggiornamento Visual Studio Code in corso..." - }, "vs/code/electron-main/app": { "cancel": "&&No", "confirmOpenDetail": "Se questa richiesta non è stata avviata, potrebbe rappresentare un tentativo di attacco nel sistema. Se non è stata intrapresa un'azione esplicita per avviare questa richiesta, è consigliabile fare clic su 'No'", @@ -4411,9 +4427,10 @@ "workbench.editor.label.enabled": "Controlla se devono essere applicate le etichette dell'editor del workbench personalizzato.", "workbench.editor.label.extname": "'${extname}': estensione di file, ad esempio 'WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> txt'.", "workbench.editor.label.filename": "'${filename}': nome del file senza l'estensione file, ad esempio 'WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> file'.", - "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "'${dirname(N)}': nome della cartella padre in modalità ordinale in cui si trova il file, ad esempio 'N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER'. È possibile selezionare le cartelle dall'inizio del percorso usando numeri negativi, ad esempio 'N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/cartella/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER'. Se __Item__ è un percorso del modello assoluto, la prima cartella ('N=-1') fa riferimento alla prima cartella del percorso assoluto, in caso contrario corrisponde alla cartella dell'area di lavoro.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "`${dirname(N)}`: name of the nth parent folder in which the file is located (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). Folders can be picked from the start of the path by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). If the __Item__ is an absolute pattern path, the first folder (`N=-1`) refers to the first folder in the absolute path, otherwise it corresponds to the workspace folder.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthextname": "`${extname(N)}`: the nth extension of the file separated by '.' (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext1`). Extension can be picked from the start of the extension by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext2`).", "workbench.editor.label.patterns": "Controlla il rendering dell'etichetta dell'editor. Ogni __Item__ è un motivo che corrisponde a un percorso file. Sono supportati sia i percorsi di file relativi che assoluti. Il percorso relativo deve includere WORKSPACE_FOLDER, ad esempio 'WORKSPACE_FOLDER/src/**.tsx' o '*/src/**.tsx'. I criteri assoluti devono iniziare con '/'. Se più criteri corrispondono, verrà selezionato il percorso corrispondente più lungo. Ogni __Value__ è il modello per l'editor di cui è stato eseguito il rendering quando l' __Item__ corrisponde. Le variabili vengono sostituite in base al contesto:", - "workbench.editor.label.template": "Modello di cui eseguire il rendering quando il motivo corrisponde. Può includere le variabili ${dirname}, ${filename} e ${extname}.", + "workbench.editor.label.template": "The template which should be rendered when the pattern matches. May include the variables ${dirname}, ${filename} and ${extname}.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.default": "Visualizza il nome del file. Quando le schede sono abilitate e due file presentano lo stesso nome in un unico gruppo, vengono aggiunte le sezioni distintive del percorso di ciascun file. Quando le schede sono disabilitate, viene visualizzato il percorso relativo alla cartella dell'area di lavoro se l'editor è attivo.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.long": "Visualizza il nome del file seguito dal relativo percorso assoluto.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.medium": "Visualizza il nome del file seguito dal percorso corrispondente relativo alla cartella dell'area di lavoro.", @@ -4861,6 +4878,8 @@ "runningAsRoot": "Non è consigliabile eseguire {0} come utente root.", "runningTranslated": "È in esecuzione una versione emulata di {0}. Per prestazioni migliori, scaricare la versione arm64 nativa di {0} build per il computer.", "sharedProcessCrash": "Un processo in background condiviso è stato terminato in modo imprevisto. Riavviare l'applicazione per eseguire il ripristino.", + "showArgvParseWarning": "The runtime arguments file 'argv.json' contains errors. Please correct them and restart.", + "showArgvParseWarningAction": "Open File", "shutdownErrorClose": "Un errore imprevisto ha impedito la chiusura della finestra", "shutdownErrorDetail": "Errore: {0}", "shutdownErrorLoad": "Un errore imprevisto ha impedito di modificare l'area di lavoro", @@ -5006,6 +5025,7 @@ "verbosity.keybindingsEditor.description": "Fornire informazioni su come modificare un tasto di scelta rapida nell'editor dei tasti di scelta rapida quando una riga è evidenziata.", "verbosity.notebook": "Fornire informazioni su come spostare lo stato attivo sul contenitore di celle o l'editor interno quando una cella del notebook è in stato attivo.", "verbosity.notification": "Fornire informazioni su come aprire la notifica in una visualizzazione accessibile.", + "verbosity.replInputHint": "Provide information about relevant actions For the Repl input.", "verbosity.terminal.description": "Fornire informazioni su come accedere al menu della Guida sull'accessibilità del terminale quando il terminale è attivo.", "voice.speechLanguage": "Lingua che deve essere usata per la sintesi vocale e la conversione della voce in testo scritto. Selezionare 'auto' per usare la lingua di visualizzazione configurata, se possibile. Non tutte le lingue di visualizzazione potrebbero essere supportate dal riconoscimento vocale e dai sintetizzatori.", "voice.speechTimeout": "Durata in millisecondi in cui il riconoscimento vocale rimane attivo dopo aver smesso di parlare. Ad esempio, in una sessione di chat il testo trascritto viene inviato automaticamente dopo il timeout. Impostare su '0' per disabilitare questa funzionalità." @@ -5343,6 +5363,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Chat", "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "Controlla se viene visualizzata una casella di controllo per consentire all'utente di stabilire il contesto implicito incluso nella richiesta di un partecipante alla chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Enables variables for editor chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "Enables variables for notebook chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "Enables variables for terminal chat.", "clear": "Avvia una nuova chat", "file": "Scegli un file nell'area di lavoro", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Controlla la famiglia di caratteri nei blocchi di codice della chat.", @@ -5421,6 +5444,7 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "Nome completo di questo partecipante alla chat, che viene visualizzato come etichetta per le risposte provenienti da questo partecipante. Se non viene specificato, viene usato {0}.", "chatParticipantId": "Un ID univoco per questo partecipante alla chat.", "chatParticipantName": "Nome rivolto all'utente per questo partecipante alla chat. L'utente userà '@' con questo nome per richiamare il partecipante. Il nome non deve contenere spazi vuoti.", + "chatParticipantWhen": "A condition which must be true to enable this participant.", "chatSampleRequest": "Quando l'utente fa clic su questo partecipante in '/help', il testo viene inviato al partecipante.", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Fornisce un partecipante alla chat" }, @@ -5489,7 +5513,7 @@ "Language Models": "Modelli linguistici", "languageModels": "Statistiche di utilizzo dei modelli linguistici di questa estensione." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/toolsContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts.", "toolDescription": "A description of this tool that may be passed to a language model.", "toolDisplayName": "A human-readable name for this tool that may be used to describe it in the UI.", @@ -6968,6 +6992,7 @@ "id required": "ID estensione obbligatorio.", "importKeyboardShortcutsFroms": "Esegui migrazione dei tasti di scelta rapida da...", "install button": "Installa", + "install installAndDonotSync": "Install (Do not Sync)", "installButton": "&&Installa", "installExtensionFromLocation": "Installare estensione dal percorso...", "installExtensionQuickAccessHelp": "Installa o cerca estensioni", @@ -7981,7 +8006,7 @@ "change.1": "1 modifica", "change.N": "{0} modifiche", "review": "Verifica (accetta o rimuovi) tutte le modifiche prima di continuare", - "review.1": "$(info) Accept or discard change", + "review.1": "Accept or Discard change", "review.N": "$(info) Accetta o rimuovi {0} modifiche" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { @@ -8039,6 +8064,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactive.contribution": { "interactive.activeCodeBorder": "Colore bordo per la cella di codice interattiva corrente quando l'editor ha lo stato attivo.", + "interactive.configExecute": "Configure input box behavior", "interactive.execute": "Eseguire codice", "interactive.history.focus": "Cronologia dello stato attivo", "": "Valore successivo nella cronologia", @@ -8051,11 +8077,13 @@ "interactiveScrollToTop": "Scorri all'inizio", "interactiveWindow": "Finestra interattiva", "interactiveWindow.alwaysScrollOnNewCell": "Scorri automaticamente la finestra interattiva per visualizzare l'output dell'ultima istruzione eseguita. Se questo valore è false, la finestra scorrerà solo se l'ultima cella era già quella in cui è stata eseguito lo scorrimento.", - "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "Eseguire la casella di input della finestra interattiva (REPL) con MAIUSC+INVIO, in modo che sia possibile usare INVIO per creare una nuova riga.", - "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "Richiedi di salvare quando viene chiusa la finestra interattiva. Questa modifica dell'impostazione influirà solo sulle nuove finestre interattive." + "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "Execute the Interactive Window (REPL) input box with shift+enter, so that enter can be used to create a newline.", + "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "Richiedi di salvare quando viene chiusa la finestra interattiva. Questa modifica dell'impostazione influirà solo sulle nuove finestre interattive.", + "interactiveWindow.showExecutionHint": "Display a hint in the Interactive Window (REPL) input box to indicate how to execute code." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactiveEditor": { - "interactiveInputPlaceHolder": "Digitare qui il codice '{0}' e premere {1} per eseguire" + "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/replInputHintContentWidget": { + "disableHint": " Toggle {0} in settings to disable this hint.", + "emptyHintText": "Press {0} to execute. " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactiveEditor/browser/interactiveEditorActions": { "accept": "Effettua richiesta", @@ -9260,6 +9288,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookIcons": { "clearIcon": "Icona per cancellare l'output delle celle negli editor di notebook.", "collapsedIcon": "Icona per annotare una sezione compressa negli editor di notebook.", + "configIcon": "Icon to configure in notebook editors.", "copyIcon": "Icona per copiare il contenuto negli Appunti", "deleteCellIcon": "Icona per eliminare una cella negli editor di notebook.", "editIcon": "Icona per modificare una cella negli editor di notebook.", @@ -10214,6 +10243,7 @@ "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.false": "Non ignora gli spazi vuoti iniziali e finali.", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.inherit": "Eredita da 'diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace'.", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.true": "Ignora gli spazi vuoti iniziali e finali.", + "scm.experimental.showHistoryGraph": "Controls whether to show the history graph instead of incoming/outgoing changes in the Source Control view.", "scm.providerCountBadge": "Controlla le notifiche di conteggio nelle intestazioni del provider del controllo del codice sorgente. Queste intestazioni vengono visualizzate nella visualizzazione Controllo del codice sorgente quando è presente più di un provider o quando l'impostazione {0} è abilitata e nella visualizzazione Repository del controllo del codice sorgente.", "": "Mostra la notifica di conteggio per Provider di controllo del codice sorgente solo quando è diversa da zero.", "scm.providerCountBadge.hidden": "Nasconde le notifiche di conteggio di Provider di controllo del codice sorgente.", @@ -11905,6 +11935,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollColorRegistry": { "terminalStickyScroll.background": "Colore di sfondo della sovrapposizione di scorrimento permanente nel terminale.", + "terminalStickyScroll.border": "The border of the sticky scroll overlay in the terminal.", "terminalStickyScrollHover.background": "Colore di sfondo della sovrapposizione di scorrimento permanente nel terminale al passaggio del mouse." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollOverlay": { @@ -13568,6 +13599,7 @@ "remote": "Remoto" }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/remoteExtensionManagementService": { + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "Non è possibile installare l'estensione '{0}' perché non è compatibile con la versione corrente di {1} (versione {2}).", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "Non è possibile installare la versione finale dell'estensione '{0}' perché non ha una versione finale." }, @@ -13604,6 +13636,9 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionHostManager": { "measureExtHostLatency": "Misura latenza host dell'estensione" }, + "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsProposedApi": { + "enabledProposedAPIs": "API Proposals" + }, "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsRegistry": { "extensionKind": "Definisce il tipo di un'estensione. Le estensioni `ui` vengono installate ed eseguite nel computer locale, mentre quelle `workspace` vengono eseguite nel computer remoto.", "extensionKind.empty": "Definire un'estensione che non può essere eseguita in un contesto remoto, né in locale, né nel computer remoto.", @@ -13615,6 +13650,7 @@ "ui": "Tipo di estensione UI. In una finestra remota tali estensioni sono abilitate solo se disponibili nel computer locale.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents": "Eventi di attivazione per l'estensione Visual Studio Code.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onAuthenticationRequest": "Evento di attivazione creato ogni volta che il provider di autenticazione specificato richiede sessioni.", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onChatParticipant": "An activation event emitted when the specified chat participant is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCommand": "Un evento di attivazione emesso ogni volta che viene invocato il comando specificato.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCustomEditor": "Evento di attivazione generato ogni volta che l'editor personalizzato specificato diventa visibile.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onDebug": "Un evento di attivazione emesso ogni volta che un utente sta per avviare il debug o sta per impostare le configurazioni di debug.", @@ -13626,6 +13662,7 @@ "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onFileSystem": "Un evento di attivazione emesso ogni volta che si accede a un file o a una cartella con lo schema specificato.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onIssueReporterOpened": "Evento di attivazione generato all'apertura del reporter problemi.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguage": "Un evento di attivazione emesso ogni volta che viene aperto un file che risolve nella lingua specificata.", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguageModelTool": "An activation event emitted when the specified language model tool is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onNotebook": "Evento di attivazione generato ogni volta che viene aperto il documento del notebook specificato.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onOpenExternalUri": "Evento di attivazione creato ogni volta che si apre un URI esterno, ad esempio un collegamento http o https.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onRenderer": "Evento di attivazione emesso ogni volta che viene usato un renderer di output per notebook.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index fa66d6b863..f1bce59739 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -311,6 +311,7 @@ "typescript.tsc.autoDetect.on": "ビルドとウォッチ、両方のタスクを作成します。", "": "コンパイルタスクとウォッチタスクのみを作成します。", "typescript.tsdk.desc": "IntelliSense に使用する、TypeScript インストールの下にある tsserver および lib*.d.ts ファイルのフォルダー パスを指定します。例: './node_modules/typescript/lib'。\r\n\r\n- ユーザー設定として指定した場合は、'typescript.tsdk' からの TypeScript バージョンによって組み込みの TypeScript バージョンが自動的に置き換えられます。\r\n- ワークスペース設定として指定した場合は、'typescript.tsdk' で 'TypeScript: Select TypeScript version' コマンドを使用することによって、IntelliSense のためにそのワークスペース バージョンの TypeScript を使用するように切り替えることができます。\r\n\r\nTypeScript バージョンの管理について詳しくは、[TypeScript のドキュメント]( をご覧ください。", + "typescript.tsserver.enableRegionDiagnostics": "Enables region-based diagnostics in TypeScript. Requires using TypeScript 5.6+ in the workspace.", "typescript.tsserver.enableTracing": "ディレクトリへの TS サーバーのパフォーマンスのトレースを有効にします。これらのトレース ファイルは TS サーバーのパフォーマンスの問題を診断するために使用できます。ログには、プロジェクトのファイル パス、ソース コード、その他の潜在的に機密性の高い情報が含まれている場合があります。", "typescript.tsserver.log": "ファイルへの TS サーバーのログを有効にします。このログは TS サーバーの問題を診断するために使用できます。ログには、プロジェクトのファイルパス、ソースコード、その他の潜在的に機密性の高い情報が含まれている場合があります。", "typescript.tsserver.pluginPaths": "TypeScript 言語サービス プラグインを検出する追加のパス。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json index 657f8908e7..e0b148d6c9 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -1053,7 +1053,8 @@ "pasteAsProgress": "貼り付けハンドラーを実行しています...", "pasteIntoEditorProgress": "Running paste handlers. Click to cancel and do basic paste", "pasteWidgetVisible": "貼り付けウィジェットが表示されているかどうか", - "postPasteWidgetTitle": "貼り付けオプションを表示..." + "postPasteWidgetTitle": "貼り付けオプションを表示...", + "resolveProcess": "Resolving paste edit. Click to cancel" }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/defaultProviders": { "defaultDropProvider.uriList.path": "パスの挿入", @@ -1378,6 +1379,18 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "前のパラメーター ヒントを表示するためのアイコン。", "previous": "前へ" }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/commands": { + "action.inlineEdits.accept": "Accept Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.hide": "Hide Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showNext": "Show Next Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showPrevious": "Show Previous Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.trigger": "Trigger Inline Edit", + "inlineEditsActions": "Accept Inline Edit" + }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/consts": { + "inlineEditsVisible": "Whether an inline edit is visible", + "isPinned": "Whether an inline edit is visible" + }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "": "次の値に置換", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "前の値に置換" @@ -1981,6 +1994,7 @@ "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "Marketplace が有効になっていません", "incompatible platform": "'{0}' 拡張機能は {2} の {1} では使用できません。", + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "malicious extension": "問題が報告されたので、'{0}' 拡張機能をインストールできません。", "multipleDependentsError": "'{0}' 拡張機能をアンインストールできません。'{1}'、'{2}' および他の拡張機能がこれに依存しています。", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "'{0}' 拡張機能をアンインストールできません。これには '{1}' 拡張機能のアンインストールが含まれていますが、'{2}'、'{3}' および他の拡張機能がこれに依存しています。", @@ -2052,6 +2066,8 @@ "invalidManifest": "VSIX が無効です: package.json は JSON ファイルではありません。" }, "vs/platform/extensions/common/extensionValidator": { + "apiProposalMismatch": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has version {2}.", + "apiProposalMismatchNoVersion": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has no version defined.", "extensionDescription.activationEvents1": "プロパティ `{0}` は省略するか、型 `string[]` にする必要があります", "extensionDescription.activationEvents2": "プロパティ '{0}' は、拡張機能に '{1}' または '{2}' プロパティがない場合は省略する必要があります。", "extensionDescription.browser1": "プロパティ `{0}` は省略するか、`string` 型にする必要があります", @@ -2829,22 +2845,6 @@ "workspaceOpenedDetail": "ワークスペースは既に別のウィンドウで開いています。最初にそのウィンドウを閉じててから、もう一度やり直してください。", "workspaceOpenedMessage": "ワークスペース '{0}' を保存できません" }, - "win32/i18n/messages": { - "AddContextMenuFiles": "エクスプローラーのファイル コンテキスト メニューに [%1 で開く] アクションを追加する", - "AddContextMenuFolders": "エクスプローラーのディレクトリ コンテキスト メニューに [%1 で開く] アクションを追加する", - "AddToPath": "PATH に追加 (シェルの再起動が必要)", - "AdditionalIcons": "追加アイコン:", - "AssociateWithFiles": "サポートされているファイルの種類のエディターとして、%1 を登録する", - "ConfirmUninstall": "%1 とそのすべてのコンポーネントを完全に削除しますか?", - "CreateDesktopIcon": "デスクトップ アイコンの作成(&D)", - "CreateQuickLaunchIcon": "サイド リンク バー アイコンの作成(&Q)", - "FinishedLabel": "セットアップにより、コンピューターで [name] のインストールが終了しました。インストールされたショートカットを選択すると、アプリケーションを起動できる場合があります。", - "OpenWithCodeContextMenu": "%1 で開く(&I)", - "Other": "その他:", - "RunAfter": "インストール後に %1 を実行する", - "SourceFile": "%1 ソース ファイル", - "UpdatingVisualStudioCode": "Visual Studio Code を更新しています..." - }, "vs/server/node/remoteExtensionHostAgentCli": { "remotecli": "リモート CLI" }, @@ -2866,6 +2866,22 @@ "vs/server/node/serverServices": { "remoteExtensionLog": "サーバー" }, + "win32/i18n/messages": { + "AddContextMenuFiles": "エクスプローラーのファイル コンテキスト メニューに [%1 で開く] アクションを追加する", + "AddContextMenuFolders": "エクスプローラーのディレクトリ コンテキスト メニューに [%1 で開く] アクションを追加する", + "AddToPath": "PATH に追加 (シェルの再起動が必要)", + "AdditionalIcons": "追加アイコン:", + "AssociateWithFiles": "サポートされているファイルの種類のエディターとして、%1 を登録する", + "ConfirmUninstall": "%1 とそのすべてのコンポーネントを完全に削除しますか?", + "CreateDesktopIcon": "デスクトップ アイコンの作成(&D)", + "CreateQuickLaunchIcon": "サイド リンク バー アイコンの作成(&Q)", + "FinishedLabel": "セットアップにより、コンピューターで [name] のインストールが終了しました。インストールされたショートカットを選択すると、アプリケーションを起動できる場合があります。", + "OpenWithCodeContextMenu": "%1 で開く(&I)", + "Other": "その他:", + "RunAfter": "インストール後に %1 を実行する", + "SourceFile": "%1 ソース ファイル", + "UpdatingVisualStudioCode": "Visual Studio Code を更新しています..." + }, "vs/code/electron-main/app": { "cancel": "いいえ(&&N)", "confirmOpenDetail": "ご自身でこの要求を開始しなかった場合は、システムに対して攻撃が試行されている可能性があります。この要求を明示的に開始していない場合は、[いいえ] をクリックしてください", @@ -4411,9 +4427,10 @@ "workbench.editor.label.enabled": "カスタム ワークベンチ エディターのラベルを適用する必要があるかどうかを制御します。", "workbench.editor.label.extname": "'${extname}': ファイル拡張子 (例: `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> txt`)。", "workbench.editor.label.filename": "'${filename}': ファイル拡張子のないファイル名 (例: `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> file`)。", - "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "`${dirname(N)}`: ファイルが配置されている n 番目の親フォルダー名 (例: `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`)。負の数を使用すると、パスの先頭からフォルダーを選択できます (例: `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`)。__Item__ が絶対パターン パスの場合、最初のフォルダー (`N=-1`) は絶対パスの最初のフォルダーを参照し、それ以外の場合はワークスペース フォルダーに対応します。", + "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "`${dirname(N)}`: name of the nth parent folder in which the file is located (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). Folders can be picked from the start of the path by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). If the __Item__ is an absolute pattern path, the first folder (`N=-1`) refers to the first folder in the absolute path, otherwise it corresponds to the workspace folder.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthextname": "`${extname(N)}`: the nth extension of the file separated by '.' (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext1`). Extension can be picked from the start of the extension by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext2`).", "workbench.editor.label.patterns": "エディター ラベルのレンダリングを制御します。各 __Item__ は、ファイル パスに一致するパターンです。相対ファイル パスと絶対ファイル パスの両方がサポートされています。相対パスには WORKSPACE_FOLDER を含める必要があります (例: 'WORKSPACE_FOLDER/src/**.tsx' または '*/src/**.tsx')。絶対パターンの先頭は `/` にする必要があります。複数のパターンが一致する場合は、最長一致のあるパスが選択されます。各 __Value__ は、__Item__ が一致する場合にレンダリングされるエディターのテンプレートです。変数は、コンテキストに基づいて置き換えられます。", - "workbench.editor.label.template": "パターン一致時にレンダリングする必要があるテンプレート。変数 ${dirname}、${filename}、${extname} を含めることができます。", + "workbench.editor.label.template": "The template which should be rendered when the pattern matches. May include the variables ${dirname}, ${filename} and ${extname}.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.default": "ファイルの名前を表示します。タブが有効かつ 1 つのグループ内の 2 つの同名ファイルに各ファイルのパスの区切り記号が追加されます。タブを無効にすると、エディターがアクティブな時にワークスペース フォルダーの相対パスが表示されます。", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.long": "絶対パスに続けてファイル名を表示します。", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.medium": "ワークスペース フォルダーからの相対パスに続けてファイル名を表示します。", @@ -4861,6 +4878,8 @@ "runningAsRoot": "{0} をルート ユーザーとして実行しないことを推奨します。", "runningTranslated": "{0} のエミュレートバージョンを実行しています。パフォーマンスを向上させるには、マシン向けにビルドされた {0} のネイティブ Arm64 バージョンをダウンロードしてください。", "sharedProcessCrash": "共有バックグラウンド プロセスが予期せず終了しました。回復するには、アプリケーションを再起動してください。", + "showArgvParseWarning": "The runtime arguments file 'argv.json' contains errors. Please correct them and restart.", + "showArgvParseWarningAction": "Open File", "shutdownErrorClose": "予期しないエラーが発生したため、ウィンドウを閉じることができませんでした。", "shutdownErrorDetail": "エラー: {0}", "shutdownErrorLoad": "予期しないエラーが発生したため、ワークスペースを変更できませんでした", @@ -5006,6 +5025,7 @@ "verbosity.keybindingsEditor.description": "行がフォーカスされているときにキー バインド エディターでキー バインドを変更する方法に関する情報を提供します。", "verbosity.notebook": "ノートブック セルがフォーカスされているときにセル コンテナーまたは内部エディターにフォーカスを移動する方法に関する情報を提供します。", "verbosity.notification": "ユーザー補助対応のビューで通知を開く方法に関する情報を提供します。", + "verbosity.replInputHint": "Provide information about relevant actions For the Repl input.", "verbosity.terminal.description": "ターミナルにフォーカスがある場合に、ターミナルのアクセシビリティ ヘルプ メニューにアクセスする方法について説明します。", "voice.speechLanguage": "テキスト読み上げと音声テキスト変換で使用する必要がある言語。可能な場合は、設定された表示言語を使用するために [自動] を選択します。音声認識とシンセサイザーでサポートされていない可能性がある表示言語があることにご注意ください。", "voice.speechTimeout": "発話を停止した後、音声認識がアクティブな状態を維持する期間 (ミリ秒) です。たとえば、チャット セッションでは、タイムアウトが満たされた後に文字起こしされたテキストが自動的に送信されます。この機能を無効にするには、`0` に設定します。" @@ -5343,6 +5363,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "チャット", "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "ユーザーがチャット参加者のプロンプトに含まれる暗黙的なコンテキストを決定できるように、チェックボックスを表示するかどうかを制御します。", + "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Enables variables for editor chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "Enables variables for notebook chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "Enables variables for terminal chat.", "clear": "新しいチャットの開始", "file": "ワークスペースでファイルを選択する", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "チャット コード ブロック内のフォント ファミリを制御します。", @@ -5421,6 +5444,7 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "このチャット参加者の完全な名前。この参加者からの応答のラベルとして表示されます。指定しない場合は、{0} が使用されます。", "chatParticipantId": "このチャット参加者の一意の ID。", "chatParticipantName": "このチャット参加者のユーザー向けの名前。ユーザーはこの名前と一緒に '@' を使用して参加者を呼び出します。名前には空白を含めないでください。", + "chatParticipantWhen": "A condition which must be true to enable this participant.", "chatSampleRequest": "ユーザーが '/help' でこの参加者をクリックすると、このテキストがこの参加者に送信されます。", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "チャット参加者を投稿する" }, @@ -5489,7 +5513,7 @@ "Language Models": "言語モデル", "languageModels": "この拡張機能の言語モデルの使用状況の統計情報。" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/toolsContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts.", "toolDescription": "A description of this tool that may be passed to a language model.", "toolDisplayName": "A human-readable name for this tool that may be used to describe it in the UI.", @@ -6968,6 +6992,7 @@ "id required": "拡張機能 Id が必要です。", "importKeyboardShortcutsFroms": "キーボード ショートカットを移行する...", "install button": "インストール", + "install installAndDonotSync": "Install (Do not Sync)", "installButton": "インストール(&&I)", "installExtensionFromLocation": "場所から拡張機能をインストール...", "installExtensionQuickAccessHelp": "拡張機能のインストールまたは検索", @@ -7981,7 +8006,7 @@ "change.1": "1 件の変更", "change.N": "{0} 件の変更", "review": "続行する前に、すべての変更を確認 (承諾または破棄) します", - "review.1": "$(info) Accept or discard change", + "review.1": "Accept or Discard change", "review.N": "$(info) {0} 件の変更を承諾または破棄します" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { @@ -8039,6 +8064,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactive.contribution": { "interactive.activeCodeBorder": "エディターにフォーカスがある場合の、現在の対話型コード セルの境界線の色。", + "interactive.configExecute": "Configure input box behavior", "interactive.execute": "コードの実行", "interactive.history.focus": "履歴のフォーカス", "": "履歴内の次の値", @@ -8051,11 +8077,13 @@ "interactiveScrollToTop": "一番上にスクロール", "interactiveWindow": "対話型ウィンドウ", "interactiveWindow.alwaysScrollOnNewCell": "対話型ウィンドウを自動的にスクロールして、最後に実行されたステートメントの出力を表示します。この値が false の場合、最後のセルが既にスクロール先の場合にのみウィンドウがスクロールされます。", - "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "shift+enter を使用して対話型ウィンドウ (REPL) 入力ボックスを実行し、改行の作成に使用できるようにします。", - "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "インタラクティブ ウィンドウを閉じたときに保存するように求めるメッセージを表示します。この設定の変更の影響を受けるのは、新しいインタラクティブ ウィンドウのみです。" + "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "Execute the Interactive Window (REPL) input box with shift+enter, so that enter can be used to create a newline.", + "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "インタラクティブ ウィンドウを閉じたときに保存するように求めるメッセージを表示します。この設定の変更の影響を受けるのは、新しいインタラクティブ ウィンドウのみです。", + "interactiveWindow.showExecutionHint": "Display a hint in the Interactive Window (REPL) input box to indicate how to execute code." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactiveEditor": { - "interactiveInputPlaceHolder": "こちらに '{0}' コードを入力し、{1} を押して実行してください" + "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/replInputHintContentWidget": { + "disableHint": " Toggle {0} in settings to disable this hint.", + "emptyHintText": "Press {0} to execute. " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactiveEditor/browser/interactiveEditorActions": { "accept": "要求する", @@ -9260,6 +9288,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookIcons": { "clearIcon": "ノートブック エディターでセル出力をクリアするためのアイコン。", "collapsedIcon": "ノートブック エディターで折りたたまれたセクションに注釈を付けるためのアイコン。", + "configIcon": "Icon to configure in notebook editors.", "copyIcon": "コンテンツをクリップボードにコピーするためのアイコン", "deleteCellIcon": "ノートブック エディターでセルを削除するためのアイコン。", "editIcon": "ノートブック エディターでセルを編集するためのアイコン。", @@ -10214,6 +10243,7 @@ "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.false": "先頭と末尾の空白を無視しないでください。", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.inherit": "'diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace' から継承します。", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.true": "先頭と末尾の空白を無視します。", + "scm.experimental.showHistoryGraph": "Controls whether to show the history graph instead of incoming/outgoing changes in the Source Control view.", "scm.providerCountBadge": "ソース管理プロバイダー ヘッダーのカウント バッジを制御します。これらのヘッダーは、複数のプロバイダーがある場合、または {0} 設定が有効になっている場合に、[ソース管理] ビューと、[ソース管理リポジトリ] ビューに表示されます。", "": "0 以外の場合にのみ、ソース管理プロバイダーのカウント バッジを表示します。", "scm.providerCountBadge.hidden": "ソース管理プロバイダーのカウント バッジを非表示にします。", @@ -11905,6 +11935,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollColorRegistry": { "terminalStickyScroll.background": "ターミナルに表示される固定スクロール オーバーレイの背景色。", + "terminalStickyScroll.border": "The border of the sticky scroll overlay in the terminal.", "terminalStickyScrollHover.background": "マウスが置かれているときにターミナルに表示される固定スクロール オーバーレイの背景色。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollOverlay": { @@ -13568,6 +13599,7 @@ "remote": "リモート" }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/remoteExtensionManagementService": { + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "{1} の現在のバージョン (バージョン {2}) と互換性がないため、\"{0}\" 拡張機能はインストールできません。", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "'{0}' 拡張機能のリリース バージョンがないため、リリース バージョンをインストールできません。" }, @@ -13604,6 +13636,9 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionHostManager": { "measureExtHostLatency": "拡張機能ホストの待ち時間を測定" }, + "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsProposedApi": { + "enabledProposedAPIs": "API Proposals" + }, "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsRegistry": { "extensionKind": "拡張機能の種類を定義します。'ui' 拡張機能はローカル マシンにインストールされて実行されますが、'workspace' 拡張機能はリモート上で実行されます。", "extensionKind.empty": "ローカルとリモート マシンのいずれのリモート コンテキストでも実行できない拡張機能を定義します。", @@ -13615,6 +13650,7 @@ "ui": "UI 拡張機能の種類。リモート ウィンドウでは、これらの拡張機能はローカル マシンで使用可能な場合にのみ有効になります。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents": "VS Code 拡張機能のアクティブ化イベント。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onAuthenticationRequest": "指定された認証プロバイダーからセッションが要求されるたびに生成されるアクティブ化イベントです。", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onChatParticipant": "An activation event emitted when the specified chat participant is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCommand": "指定したコマンドが呼び出されるたびにアクティブ化イベントが発行されます。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCustomEditor": "指定したカスタム エディターが表示されるたびに生成されるアクティブ化イベント。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onDebug": "デバッグの開始またはデバッグ構成がセットアップされるたびにアクティブ化イベントが発行されます。", @@ -13626,6 +13662,7 @@ "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onFileSystem": "指定されたスキーマにファイルかフォルダーが関連付けられるたびにアクティブ化イベントが発行されます。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onIssueReporterOpened": "イシュー レポーターが開かれたときに生成されるアクティブ化イベント。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguage": "指定された言語を解決するファイルが開かれるたびにアクティブ化イベントが発行されます。", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguageModelTool": "An activation event emitted when the specified language model tool is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onNotebook": "指定したノートブック ドキュメントが開かれるたびにアクティブ化イベントが発行されます。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onOpenExternalUri": "外部 URI (http や https リンクなど) が開かれるときに生成されるアクティブ化イベント。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onRenderer": "ノートブック出力レンダラーが使用されるたびに発生するアクティブ化イベント。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 5b664969de..9ff6fc4b07 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -311,6 +311,7 @@ "typescript.tsc.autoDetect.on": "빌드 및 조사식 작업을 모두 만듭니다.", "": "컴파일 및 조사식 작업만 만듭니다.", "typescript.tsdk.desc": "IntelliSense에 사용할 TypeScript 설치에서 tsserver 및 `lib*.d.ts` 파일의 폴더 경로를 지정합니다. 예: `./node_modules/typescript/lib`.\r\n\r\n- 사용자 설정으로 지정한 경우 'typescript.tsdk'의 TypeScript 버전이 자동으로 기본 제공 TypeScript 버전을 바꿉니다.\r\n- 작업 영역 설정으로 지정한 경우 'typescript.tsdk'를 사용하여 'TypeScript: TypeScript 버전 선택' 명령으로 IntelliSense용 TypeScript의 해당 작업 영역 버전을 사용하도록 전환할 수 있습니다.\r\n\r\nTypeScript 버전 관리에 대한 자세한 내용은 [TypeScript 설명서](를 참조하세요.", + "typescript.tsserver.enableRegionDiagnostics": "Enables region-based diagnostics in TypeScript. Requires using TypeScript 5.6+ in the workspace.", "typescript.tsserver.enableTracing": "디렉터리에 대해 TS 서버 성능 추적을 사용하도록 설정합니다. 이 추적 파일은 TS 서버 성능 문제를 진단하는 데 사용될 수 있습니다. 로그에는 파일 경로, 소스 코드 및 프로젝트에서 잠재적으로 중요한 기타 정보가 포함될 수 있습니다.", "typescript.tsserver.log": "파일에 대해 TS 서버 로깅을 사용하도록 설정합니다. 이 로그는 TS 서버 문제를 진단하는 데 사용될 수 있습니다. 로그에는 파일 경로, 소스 코드 및 프로젝트에서 잠재적으로 중요한 기타 정보가 포함될 수 있습니다.", "typescript.tsserver.pluginPaths": "TypeScript 언어 서비스 플러그 인을 검색할 추가 경로입니다.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json index f4b06851db..99a55ee041 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -1053,7 +1053,8 @@ "pasteAsProgress": "붙여넣기 처리기를 실행하는 중", "pasteIntoEditorProgress": "Running paste handlers. Click to cancel and do basic paste", "pasteWidgetVisible": "붙여넣기 위젯이 표시되는지 여부", - "postPasteWidgetTitle": "붙여넣기 옵션 표시..." + "postPasteWidgetTitle": "붙여넣기 옵션 표시...", + "resolveProcess": "Resolving paste edit. Click to cancel" }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/defaultProviders": { "defaultDropProvider.uriList.path": "경로 삽입", @@ -1378,6 +1379,18 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "이전 매개 변수 힌트 표시의 아이콘입니다.", "previous": "이전" }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/commands": { + "action.inlineEdits.accept": "Accept Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.hide": "Hide Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showNext": "Show Next Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showPrevious": "Show Previous Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.trigger": "Trigger Inline Edit", + "inlineEditsActions": "Accept Inline Edit" + }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/consts": { + "inlineEditsVisible": "Whether an inline edit is visible", + "isPinned": "Whether an inline edit is visible" + }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "": "다음 값으로 바꾸기", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "이전 값으로 바꾸기" @@ -1981,6 +1994,7 @@ "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "Marketplace를 사용할 수 없습니다.", "incompatible platform": "'{0}' 확장자는 {2}에 대해 {1}에서 사용할 수 없습니다.", + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "malicious extension": "문제가 있다고 보고되었으므로 '{0}' 확장을 설치할 수 없습니다.", "multipleDependentsError": "'{0}' 확장을 제거할 수 없습니다. '{1}', '{2}' 및 기타 확장이 이 확장에 종속됩니다.", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "'{0}' 확장을 제거할 수 없습니다. '{1}' 확장 제거를 포함하며 '{2}', '{3}' 및 기타 확장이 이 확장에 종속됩니다.", @@ -2052,6 +2066,8 @@ "invalidManifest": "잘못된 VSIX: package.json이 JSON 파일이 아닙니다." }, "vs/platform/extensions/common/extensionValidator": { + "apiProposalMismatch": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has version {2}.", + "apiProposalMismatchNoVersion": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has no version defined.", "extensionDescription.activationEvents1": "속성 `{0}`은(는) 생략할 수 있으며 `string[]` 형식이어야 합니다.", "extensionDescription.activationEvents2": "확장에 '{1}' 또는 '{2}' 속성이 없는 경우 '{0}' 속성을 생략해야 합니다.", "extensionDescription.browser1": "속성 '{0}'은(는) 생략할 수 있으며 'string' 형식이어야 합니다.", @@ -4411,9 +4427,10 @@ "workbench.editor.label.enabled": "사용자 지정 워크벤치 편집기 레이블을 적용할지 여부를 제어합니다.", "workbench.editor.label.extname": "`${extname}`: 파일 확장명입니다(예: `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> txt`).", "workbench.editor.label.filename": "`${filename}`: 파일 확장명을 제외한 파일의 이름입니다(예: `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> file`).", - "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "`${dirname(N)}`: 파일이 있는 n번째 상위 폴더의 이름입니다(예: `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). 음수를 사용하여 경로의 시작 부분에서 폴더를 선택할 수 있습니다(예: `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). __Item__이 절대 패턴 경로인 경우 첫 번째 폴더(`N=-1`)는 절대 경로의 첫 번째 폴더를 가리키고, 그렇지 않으면 작업 영역 폴더에 해당합니다.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "`${dirname(N)}`: name of the nth parent folder in which the file is located (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). Folders can be picked from the start of the path by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). If the __Item__ is an absolute pattern path, the first folder (`N=-1`) refers to the first folder in the absolute path, otherwise it corresponds to the workspace folder.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthextname": "`${extname(N)}`: the nth extension of the file separated by '.' (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext1`). Extension can be picked from the start of the extension by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext2`).", "workbench.editor.label.patterns": "편집기 레이블의 렌더링을 제어합니다. 각 __Item__은 파일 경로와 일치하는 패턴입니다. 상대 및 절대 파일 경로가 모두 지원됩니다. 상대 경로에는 WORKSPACE_FOLDER가 포함되어야 합니다(예: `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/src/**.tsx` or `*/src/**.tsx`). 절대 패턴은 `/`로 시작해야 합니다. 여러 패턴이 일치하는 경우 최대 길이 일치 경로가 선택됩니다. 각 __Value__는 __Item__이 일치할 때 렌더링된 편집기의 템플릿입니다. 변수는 컨텍스트에 따라 대체됩니다.", - "workbench.editor.label.template": "패턴이 mtches될 때 렌더링해야 하는 템플릿입니다. ${dirname}, ${filename} 및 ${extname} 변수를 포함할 수 있습니다.", + "workbench.editor.label.template": "The template which should be rendered when the pattern matches. May include the variables ${dirname}, ${filename} and ${extname}.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.default": "파일 이름을 표시합니다. 탭이 사용하도록 설정되어 있고 하나의 그룹에서 파일 2개의 이름이 동일하면, 각 파일 경로의 고유한 섹션이 추가됩니다. 탭이 사용하도록 설정되어 있지 않으면, 작업 영역 폴더에 대한 경로는 편집기가 활성 상태일 때 표시됩니다.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.long": "파일 이름과 절대 경로를 차례로 표시합니다.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.medium": "파일 이름과 작업 영역 폴더에 상대적인 파일 경로를 차례로 표시합니다.", @@ -4861,6 +4878,8 @@ "runningAsRoot": "{0}을(를) 루트 사용자로 실행하지 않는 것이 좋습니다.", "runningTranslated": "에뮬레이트된 버전의 {0}을(를) 실행 중입니다. 성능을 향상하려면 머신에 대한 네이티브 arm64 버전의 {0} 빌드를 다운로드하세요.", "sharedProcessCrash": "공유 백그라운드 프로세스가 예기치 않게 종료되었습니다. 복구하려면 애플리케이션을 다시 시작하세요.", + "showArgvParseWarning": "The runtime arguments file 'argv.json' contains errors. Please correct them and restart.", + "showArgvParseWarningAction": "Open File", "shutdownErrorClose": "예기치 않은 오류로 인해 창이 닫히지 않았습니다.", "shutdownErrorDetail": "오류: {0}", "shutdownErrorLoad": "작업 영역을 변경하는 데 예상치 못한 오류가 발생했습니다.", @@ -5006,6 +5025,7 @@ "verbosity.keybindingsEditor.description": "행에 포커스가 있을 때 키 바인딩 편집기에서 키 바인딩을 변경하는 방법에 대한 정보를 제공합니다.", "verbosity.notebook": "Notebook 셀에 포커스가 있을 때 셀 컨테이너 또는 내부 편집기에 포커스를 두는 방법에 대한 정보를 제공합니다.", "verbosity.notification": "접근성 보기에서 알림을 여는 방법에 대한 정보를 제공합니다.", + "verbosity.replInputHint": "Provide information about relevant actions For the Repl input.", "verbosity.terminal.description": "터미널이 포커스 상태일 때 터미널 접근성 도움말 메뉴에 액세스하는 방법에 대한 정보를 제공합니다.", "voice.speechLanguage": "텍스트 음성 변환 및 음성 텍스트 변환에서 사용할 언어입니다. 가능한 경우 `auto`(자동)를 선택하여 구성된 표시 언어를 사용하세요. 일부 표시 언어는 음성 인식 및 신시사이저에서 지원되지 않을 수 있습니다.", "voice.speechTimeout": "말하기를 중지한 후 음성 인식이 활성 상태로 유지되는 기간(밀리초)입니다. 예를 들어 채팅 세션에서 기록된 텍스트는 시간 초과가 충족된 후 자동으로 제출됩니다. 이 기능을 사용하지 않으려면 `0`으로 설정합니다." @@ -5343,6 +5363,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "채팅", "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "사용자가 채팅 참가자의 프롬프트에 포함되는 암시적 컨텍스트를 확인할 수 있도록 확인란이 표시되는지 여부를 제어합니다.", + "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Enables variables for editor chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "Enables variables for notebook chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "Enables variables for terminal chat.", "clear": "새 채팅 시작", "file": "작업 영역에서 파일 선택", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "채팅 코드 블록에서 글꼴 모음을 제어합니다.", @@ -5421,6 +5444,7 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "이 참가자가 보낸 응답의 레이블로 표시되는 이 채팅 참가자의 전체 이름입니다. 제공하지 않으면 {0}이(가) 사용됩니다.", "chatParticipantId": "이 채팅 참가자의 고유 ID입니다.", "chatParticipantName": "사용자에게 표시되는 이 채팅 참가자의 이름입니다. 사용자는 '@'를 이 이름과 함께 사용하여 참가자를 호출할 수 있습니다. 이름에는 공백이 포함되지 않아야 합니다.", + "chatParticipantWhen": "A condition which must be true to enable this participant.", "chatSampleRequest": "사용자가 `/help`에서 이 참가자를 클릭하면 이 텍스트가 해당 참가자에게 제출됩니다.", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "채팅 참가자 기여" }, @@ -5489,7 +5513,7 @@ "Language Models": "언어 모델", "languageModels": "이 확장 기능의 언어 모델 사용 통계입니다." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/toolsContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts.", "toolDescription": "A description of this tool that may be passed to a language model.", "toolDisplayName": "A human-readable name for this tool that may be used to describe it in the UI.", @@ -6968,6 +6992,7 @@ "id required": "확장 ID가 필요합니다.", "importKeyboardShortcutsFroms": "다음에서 바로 가기 키 마이그레이션...", "install button": "설치", + "install installAndDonotSync": "Install (Do not Sync)", "installButton": "설치(&&I)", "installExtensionFromLocation": "위치에서 확장 설치...", "installExtensionQuickAccessHelp": "확장 설치 또는 검색", @@ -7981,7 +8006,7 @@ "change.1": "1개 변경 내용", "change.N": "{0}개 변경 내용", "review": "계속하기 전에 모든 변경 내용을 검토(수락 또는 취소)하세요.", - "review.1": "$(info) Accept or discard change", + "review.1": "Accept or Discard change", "review.N": "$(info) 변경 내용 {0}개 적용 또는 취소" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { @@ -8039,6 +8064,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactive.contribution": { "interactive.activeCodeBorder": "편집기에 포커스가 있을 때 현재 대화형 코드 셀의 테두리 색입니다.", + "interactive.configExecute": "Configure input box behavior", "interactive.execute": "코드 실행", "interactive.history.focus": "포커스 기록", "": "기록의 다음 값", @@ -8051,11 +8077,13 @@ "interactiveScrollToTop": "맨 위로 스크롤", "interactiveWindow": "대화형 창", "interactiveWindow.alwaysScrollOnNewCell": "대화형 창을 자동으로 스크롤하여 실행된 마지막 문의 출력을 표시합니다. 이 값이 false이면 마지막 셀이 이미 스크롤된 셀인 경우에만 창이 스크롤됩니다.", - "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "Shift+Enter를 사용하여 대화형 창(REPL) 입력 상자를 실행하면 Enter를 사용하여 줄 바꿈을 할 수 있습니다.", - "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "대화형 창이 닫혀 있을 때 저장하라는 메시지가 표시됩니다. 새 대화형 창만 이 설정 변경의 영향을 받습니다." + "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "Execute the Interactive Window (REPL) input box with shift+enter, so that enter can be used to create a newline.", + "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "대화형 창이 닫혀 있을 때 저장하라는 메시지가 표시됩니다. 새 대화형 창만 이 설정 변경의 영향을 받습니다.", + "interactiveWindow.showExecutionHint": "Display a hint in the Interactive Window (REPL) input box to indicate how to execute code." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactiveEditor": { - "interactiveInputPlaceHolder": "여기에 '{0}' 코드를 입력하고 '{1}'을(를) 눌러 실행합니다." + "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/replInputHintContentWidget": { + "disableHint": " Toggle {0} in settings to disable this hint.", + "emptyHintText": "Press {0} to execute. " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactiveEditor/browser/interactiveEditorActions": { "accept": "요청", @@ -9260,6 +9288,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookIcons": { "clearIcon": "Notebook 편집기에서 셀 출력을 지우는 아이콘입니다.", "collapsedIcon": "Notebook 편집기에서 축소된 섹션에 주석을 다는 아이콘입니다.", + "configIcon": "Icon to configure in notebook editors.", "copyIcon": "콘텐츠를 클립보드에 복사하는 아이콘", "deleteCellIcon": "Notebook 편집기에서 셀을 삭제하는 아이콘입니다.", "editIcon": "Notebook 편집기에서 셀을 편집하는 아이콘입니다.", @@ -10214,6 +10243,7 @@ "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.false": "선행 및 후행 공백을 무시하지 마세요.", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.inherit": "`diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace`에서 상속합니다.", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.true": "선행 및 후행 공백을 무시합니다.", + "scm.experimental.showHistoryGraph": "Controls whether to show the history graph instead of incoming/outgoing changes in the Source Control view.", "scm.providerCountBadge": "소스 제어 공급자 헤더의 개수 배지를 제어합니다. 이러한 헤더는 둘 이상의 공급자가 있거나 {0} 설정이 사용하도록 설정된 경우 소스 제어 뷰 및 소스 제어 리포지토리 뷰에 표시됩니다.", "": "소스 제어 공급자 개수가 0이 아닌 경우에만 소스 제어 공급자 개수 배지를 표시합니다.", "scm.providerCountBadge.hidden": "소스 제어 공급자 개수 배지를 숨깁니다.", @@ -11905,6 +11935,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollColorRegistry": { "terminalStickyScroll.background": "터미널에 있는 고정 스크롤 오버레이의 배경색입니다.", + "terminalStickyScroll.border": "The border of the sticky scroll overlay in the terminal.", "terminalStickyScrollHover.background": "마우스로 가리킬 때 터미널에서 고정 스크롤 오버레이의 배경색입니다." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollOverlay": { @@ -13568,6 +13599,7 @@ "remote": "원격" }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/remoteExtensionManagementService": { + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "'{0}' 확장은 현재 버전의 {1}(버전 {2})와 호환되지 않기 때문에 설치할 수 없습니다.", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "릴리스 버전이 없으므로 '{0}' 확장의 릴리스 버전을 설치할 수 없습니다." }, @@ -13604,6 +13636,9 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionHostManager": { "measureExtHostLatency": "확장 호스트 대기 시간 측정" }, + "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsProposedApi": { + "enabledProposedAPIs": "API Proposals" + }, "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsRegistry": { "extensionKind": "확장의 종류를 정의합니다. 'ui' 확장은 로컬 컴퓨터에서 설치되고 실행되며 '작업 영역' 확장은 원격에서 실행됩니다.", "extensionKind.empty": "원격 컨텍스트에서(로컬 및 원격 머신에서 모두) 실행할 수 없는 확장을 정의합니다.", @@ -13615,6 +13650,7 @@ "ui": "UI 확장 종류입니다. 원격 창에서, 이러한 확장은 로컬 머신에서 사용 가능한 경우에만 사용할 수 있습니다.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents": "VS Code 확장에 대한 활성화 이벤트입니다.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onAuthenticationRequest": "지정된 인증 공급자에서 세션을 요청할 때마다 내보내는 활성화 이벤트입니다.", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onChatParticipant": "An activation event emitted when the specified chat participant is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCommand": "지정된 명령을 호출할 때마다 활성화 이벤트가 발송됩니다.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCustomEditor": "지정된 사용자 지정 편집기가 표시될 때마다 활성화 이벤트를 내보냅니다.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onDebug": "사용자가 디버깅을 시작하거나 디버그 구성을 설정하려고 할 때마다 활성화 이벤트를 내보냅니다.", @@ -13626,6 +13662,7 @@ "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onFileSystem": "지정된 구성표로 파일 또는 폴더에 액세스할 때마다 활성화 이벤트를 내보냅니다.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onIssueReporterOpened": "이슈 보고자가 열릴 때 내보내지는 활성화 이벤트입니다.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguage": "지정된 언어로 확인되는 파일을 열 때마다 활성화 이벤트가 발송됩니다.", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguageModelTool": "An activation event emitted when the specified language model tool is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onNotebook": "지정된 Notebook 문서가 열릴 때마다 활성화 이벤트를 내보냅니다.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onOpenExternalUri": "외부 URI(예: http 또는 https 링크)를 열 때마다 내보내는 활성화 이벤트입니다.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onRenderer": "Notebook 출력 렌더러가 사용될 때마다 발생하는 활성화 이벤트입니다.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index ccf2ffe860..e06a9ecebf 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -311,6 +311,7 @@ "typescript.tsc.autoDetect.on": "Utwórz zarówno zadania kompilowania i monitorowania.", "": "Twórz tylko zadania kompilacji i monitorowania.", "typescript.tsdk.desc": "Określa ścieżkę folderu do plików tsserver i \"lib*.d.ts\" w ramach instalacji języka TypeScript, które mają być używane na potrzeby funkcji IntelliSense, na przykład: \"./node_modules/typescript/lib\".\r\n\r\n- Wersja języka TypeScript z pliku \"typescript.tsdk\", po określeniu jako ustawienie użytkownika, automatycznie zastępuje wbudowaną wersję języka TypeScript.\r\n- Po określeniu pliku \"typescript.tsdk\" jako ustawienia obszaru roboczego umożliwia on przełączenie do używania tej wersji obszaru roboczego języka TypeScript na potrzeby funkcji IntelliSense przy użyciu polecenia \"TypeScript: Select TypeScript version\".\r\n\r\nZobacz [TypeScript documentation](, aby uzyskać więcej szczegółów na temat zarządzania wersjami języka TypeScript.", + "typescript.tsserver.enableRegionDiagnostics": "Enables region-based diagnostics in TypeScript. Requires using TypeScript 5.6+ in the workspace.", "typescript.tsserver.enableTracing": "Umożliwia śledzenie wydajności serwera TS w katalogu. Te pliki dziennika mogą służyć do diagnozowania problemów z wydajnością serwera TS. Dziennik może zawierać ścieżki plików, kod źródłowy i inne potencjalnie poufne informacje z projektu.", "typescript.tsserver.log": "Umożliwia rejestrowanie serwera języka TS do pliku. Ten dziennik może służyć do diagnozowania problemów z serwerem języka TS. Dziennik może zawierać ścieżki plików, kod źródłowy i inne potencjalnie poufne informacje z projektu.", "typescript.tsserver.pluginPaths": "Dodatkowe ścieżki do odnajdywania wtyczek usługi języka TypeScript.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json index 07a6094429..2c838368d8 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -1053,7 +1053,8 @@ "pasteAsProgress": "Trwa uruchamianie procedur obsługi wklejania", "pasteIntoEditorProgress": "Running paste handlers. Click to cancel and do basic paste", "pasteWidgetVisible": "Czy jest wyświetlany widżet wklejania", - "postPasteWidgetTitle": "Pokaż opcje wklejania..." + "postPasteWidgetTitle": "Pokaż opcje wklejania...", + "resolveProcess": "Resolving paste edit. Click to cancel" }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/defaultProviders": { "defaultDropProvider.uriList.path": "Wstaw ścieżkę", @@ -1378,6 +1379,18 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Ikona do pokazywania poprzedniej wskazówki dotyczącej parametru.", "previous": "Poprzednie" }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/commands": { + "action.inlineEdits.accept": "Accept Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.hide": "Hide Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showNext": "Show Next Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showPrevious": "Show Previous Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.trigger": "Trigger Inline Edit", + "inlineEditsActions": "Accept Inline Edit" + }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/consts": { + "inlineEditsVisible": "Whether an inline edit is visible", + "isPinned": "Whether an inline edit is visible" + }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "": "Zamień na następną wartość", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Zamień na poprzednią wartość" @@ -1981,6 +1994,7 @@ "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "Platforma handlowa nie jest włączona", "incompatible platform": "Rozszerzenie \"{0}\" nie jest dostępne w {1} dla {2}", + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "malicious extension": "Nie można zainstalować rozszerzenia \"{0}\", ponieważ zostało zgłoszone jako problematyczne.", "multipleDependentsError": "Nie można odinstalować rozszerzenia „{0}”. Rozszerzenia „{1}”, „{2}” i inne zależą od niego.", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "Nie można odinstalować rozszerzenia „{0}”. Obejmuje to odinstalowanie rozszerzenia „{1}”, a rozszerzenia „{2}”, „{3}” i inne zależą od tego rozszerzenia.", @@ -2052,6 +2066,8 @@ "invalidManifest": "Nieprawidłowy pakiet VSIX: plik package.json nie jest plikiem JSON." }, "vs/platform/extensions/common/extensionValidator": { + "apiProposalMismatch": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has version {2}.", + "apiProposalMismatchNoVersion": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has no version defined.", "extensionDescription.activationEvents1": "właściwość „{0}” może zostać pominięta lub musi być typu „string[]”", "extensionDescription.activationEvents2": "Właściwość `{0}` powinna zostać pominięta, jeśli rozszerzenie nie ma właściwości `{1}` lub `{2}`.", "extensionDescription.browser1": "właściwość „{0}” może zostać pominięta lub musi być typu „string”", @@ -4411,9 +4427,10 @@ "workbench.editor.label.enabled": "Określa, czy mają być stosowane niestandardowe etykiety edytora środowiska roboczego.", "workbench.editor.label.extname": "`${extname}`: rozszerzenie pliku (np. `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/plik.txt -> txt`).", "workbench.editor.label.filename": "`${filename}`: nazwa pliku bez rozszerzenia (np. `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/plik.txt -> plik`).", - "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "`${dirname(N)}`: nazwa n-tego folderu nadrzędnego, w którym znajduje się plik (np. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/plik.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). Foldery mogą być wybierane od początku ścieżki przy użyciu liczb ujemnych (np. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/plik.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). Jeśli __Item__ jest bezwzględną ścieżką wzorca, pierwszy folder (`N=-1`) odnosi się do pierwszego folderu w bezwzględnej ścieżce, w przeciwnym razie odpowiada folderowi obszaru roboczego.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "`${dirname(N)}`: name of the nth parent folder in which the file is located (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). Folders can be picked from the start of the path by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). If the __Item__ is an absolute pattern path, the first folder (`N=-1`) refers to the first folder in the absolute path, otherwise it corresponds to the workspace folder.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthextname": "`${extname(N)}`: the nth extension of the file separated by '.' (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext1`). Extension can be picked from the start of the extension by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext2`).", "workbench.editor.label.patterns": "Kontroluje renderowanie etykiety edytora. Każda ścieżka __Item__ jest wzorcem zgodnym ze ścieżką pliku. Obsługiwane są zarówno względne, jak i bezwzględne ścieżki plików. Ścieżka względna musi zawierać folder WORKSPACE_FOLDER (np. `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/src/**.tsx` lub `*/src/**.tsx`). Bezwzględne wzorce muszą zaczynać się od `/`. W przypadku dopasowania wielu wzorców zostanie wybrana najdłuższa zgodna ścieżka. Każda ścieżka __Value__ jest szablonem renderowanego edytora, gdy ścieżka __Item__ jest zgodna. Zmienne są zastępowane na podstawie kontekstu:", - "workbench.editor.label.template": "Szablon, który ma być renderowany, gdy wzorzec będzie zgodny. Może zawierać zmienne ${dirname}, ${filename} i ${extname}.", + "workbench.editor.label.template": "The template which should be rendered when the pattern matches. May include the variables ${dirname}, ${filename} and ${extname}.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.default": "Pokaż nazwę pliku. Gdy karty są włączone, a dwa pliki mają taką samą nazwę w jednej grupie, dodawane są wyróżniające sekcje ścieżki każdego pliku. Gdy karty są wyłączone, ścieżka względem folderu obszaru roboczego jest wyświetlana, jeśli edytor jest aktywny.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.long": "Pokaż nazwę pliku, po której następuje jego ścieżka bezwzględna.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.medium": "Pokaż nazwę pliku, po której następuje jego ścieżka względem folderu obszaru roboczego.", @@ -4861,6 +4878,8 @@ "runningAsRoot": "Nie zaleca się uruchamiania {0} jako użytkownik główny.", "runningTranslated": "Używasz emulowanej wersji programu {0}. Aby uzyskać lepszą wydajność, pobierz natywną wersję kompilacji {0} arm64 dla swojej maszyny.", "sharedProcessCrash": "Udostępniony proces w tle został nieoczekiwanie zakończony. Uruchom ponownie aplikację, aby odzyskać.", + "showArgvParseWarning": "The runtime arguments file 'argv.json' contains errors. Please correct them and restart.", + "showArgvParseWarningAction": "Open File", "shutdownErrorClose": "Nieoczekiwany błąd uniemożliwił zamknięcie okna", "shutdownErrorDetail": "Błąd: {0}", "shutdownErrorLoad": "Nieoczekiwany błąd uniemożliwił zmianę obszaru roboczego", @@ -5006,6 +5025,7 @@ "verbosity.keybindingsEditor.description": "Zapewnia informacje o tym, jak zmienić powiązanie klawiszy w edytorze powiązań klawiszy, gdy wiersz jest skoncentrowany.", "verbosity.notebook": "Podaj informacje o tym, jak ustawić focus kontenera komórki lub wewnętrznego edytora, gdy komórka notatnika jest priorytetowa.", "verbosity.notification": "Podaj informacje, jak otworzyć powiadomienie w widoku z ułatwieniami dostępu.", + "verbosity.replInputHint": "Provide information about relevant actions For the Repl input.", "verbosity.terminal.description": "Podaj informacje o tym, jak uzyskać dostęp do menu pomocy dotyczącej ułatwień dostępu terminalu, gdy terminal jest skoncentrowany.", "voice.speechLanguage": "Język używany przez zamianę tekstu na mowę i zamianę mowy na tekst. Wybierz opcję `auto`, aby użyć skonfigurowanego języka wyświetlania, jeśli to możliwe. Pamiętaj, że nie wszystkie języki wyświetlania mogą być obsługiwane przez rozpoznawanie mowy i syntezatory.", "voice.speechTimeout": "Określ czas w milisekundach, przez jaki funkcja rozpoznawania mowy pozostaje aktywna, gdy przestajesz mówić. Na przykład w sesji czatu transkrybowany tekst jest przesyłany automatycznie po przekroczeniu limitu czasu. Ustaw wartość `0`, aby wyłączyć tę funkcję." @@ -5343,6 +5363,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Czat", "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "Kontroluje, czy pole wyboru jest wyświetlane, aby umożliwić użytkownikowi określenie, który niejawny kontekst jest dołączony do polecenia uczestnika czatu.", + "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Enables variables for editor chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "Enables variables for notebook chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "Enables variables for terminal chat.", "clear": "Rozpocznij nowy czat", "file": "Wybierz plik w obszarze roboczym", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Określa rodzinę czcionek w blokach kodu czatu.", @@ -5421,6 +5444,7 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "Pełna nazwa tego uczestnika czatu, która jest wyświetlana jako etykieta odpowiedzi pochodzących od tego uczestnika. Jeśli nie zostanie podana, {0} zostanie użyta.", "chatParticipantId": "Unikatowy identyfikator tego uczestnika czatu.", "chatParticipantName": "Nazwa użytkownika dla tego uczestnika czatu. Użytkownik użyje znaku „@” z tą nazwą, aby wywołać uczestnika. Nazwa nie może zawierać odstępów.", + "chatParticipantWhen": "A condition which must be true to enable this participant.", "chatSampleRequest": "Gdy użytkownik kliknie tego uczestnika w `/help`, tekst ten zostanie przesłany do uczestnika.", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Współtworzy uczestnika czatu" }, @@ -5489,7 +5513,7 @@ "Language Models": "Modele językowe", "languageModels": "Statystyki użycia modeli językowych tego rozszerzenia." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/toolsContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts.", "toolDescription": "A description of this tool that may be passed to a language model.", "toolDisplayName": "A human-readable name for this tool that may be used to describe it in the UI.", @@ -6968,6 +6992,7 @@ "id required": "Identyfikator rozszerzenia jest wymagany.", "importKeyboardShortcutsFroms": "Migruj skróty klawiaturowe z...", "install button": "Zainstaluj", + "install installAndDonotSync": "Install (Do not Sync)", "installButton": "&&Zainstaluj", "installExtensionFromLocation": "Zainstaluj rozszerzenie z lokalizacji...", "installExtensionQuickAccessHelp": "Zainstaluj lub wyszukaj rozszerzenia", @@ -7981,7 +8006,7 @@ "change.1": "1 zmiana", "change.N": "Zmiany: {0}", "review": "Przejrzyj (zaakceptuj lub odrzuć) wszystkie zmiany przed kontynuowaniem", - "review.1": "$(info) Accept or discard change", + "review.1": "Accept or Discard change", "review.N": "$(info) Zaakceptuj lub odrzuć {0} zmiany" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { @@ -8039,6 +8064,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactive.contribution": { "interactive.activeCodeBorder": "Kolor obramowania bieżącej interakcyjnej komórki kodu, gdy edytor ma fokus.", + "interactive.configExecute": "Configure input box behavior", "interactive.execute": "Wykonaj kod", "interactive.history.focus": "Historia fokusu", "": "Następna wartość w historii", @@ -8051,11 +8077,13 @@ "interactiveScrollToTop": "Przewiń do góry", "interactiveWindow": "Okno Interactive", "interactiveWindow.alwaysScrollOnNewCell": "Automatycznie przewiń okno interakcyjne, aby wyświetlić dane wyjściowe ostatniej wykonanej instrukcji. Jeśli ta wartość ma wartość False, okno będzie przewijane tylko wtedy, gdy ostatnia komórka była już tą, do której przewinięto.", - "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "Wykonaj pole wprowadzania okna interactive (REPL) z kombinacją klawiszy Shift+Enter, aby można było użyć klawisza Enter do utworzenia nowego wiersza.", - "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "Monituj o zapisanie okna interaktywnego po jego zamknięciu. Ta zmiana ustawienia będzie miała wpływ tylko na nowe okna interakcyjne." + "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "Execute the Interactive Window (REPL) input box with shift+enter, so that enter can be used to create a newline.", + "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "Monituj o zapisanie okna interaktywnego po jego zamknięciu. Ta zmiana ustawienia będzie miała wpływ tylko na nowe okna interakcyjne.", + "interactiveWindow.showExecutionHint": "Display a hint in the Interactive Window (REPL) input box to indicate how to execute code." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactiveEditor": { - "interactiveInputPlaceHolder": "Wpisz tutaj kod „{0}” i naciśnij {1}, aby uruchomić" + "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/replInputHintContentWidget": { + "disableHint": " Toggle {0} in settings to disable this hint.", + "emptyHintText": "Press {0} to execute. " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactiveEditor/browser/interactiveEditorActions": { "accept": "Wykonuj żądanie", @@ -9260,6 +9288,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookIcons": { "clearIcon": "Ikona umożliwiająca wyczyszczenie danych wyjściowych komórek w edytorach notesów.", "collapsedIcon": "Ikona umożliwiająca dodanie adnotacji do zwiniętej sekcji w edytorach notesów.", + "configIcon": "Icon to configure in notebook editors.", "copyIcon": "Ikona kopiowania zawartości do schowka", "deleteCellIcon": "Ikona umożliwiająca usunięcie komórki w edytorach notesów.", "editIcon": "Ikona umożliwiająca edytowanie komórki w edytorach notesów.", @@ -10214,6 +10243,7 @@ "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.false": "Nie ignoruj wiodących i końcowych odstępów.", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.inherit": "Dziedzicz z „diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace”.", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.true": "Ignoruj wiodące i końcowe odstępy.", + "scm.experimental.showHistoryGraph": "Controls whether to show the history graph instead of incoming/outgoing changes in the Source Control view.", "scm.providerCountBadge": "Steruje wskaźnikami liczby w nagłówkach dostawcy kontroli źródła. Te nagłówki są wyświetlane w widoku kontroli źródła, gdy istnieje więcej niż jeden dostawca lub gdy ustawienie {0} jest włączone, oraz w widoku Repozytoria kontroli źródła.", "": "Pokazuj wskaźnik licznika dla dostawcy kontroli źródła tylko w przypadku wartości niezerowej.", "scm.providerCountBadge.hidden": "Ukryj wskaźniki liczników dla dostawcy kontroli źródła.", @@ -11905,6 +11935,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollColorRegistry": { "terminalStickyScroll.background": "Kolor tła nakładki przewijania z blokowaniem zakresu w terminalu.", + "terminalStickyScroll.border": "The border of the sticky scroll overlay in the terminal.", "terminalStickyScrollHover.background": "Kolor tła nakładki przewijania z blokowaniem zakresu w terminalu po zatrzymaniu na nim wskaźnika myszy." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollOverlay": { @@ -13568,6 +13599,7 @@ "remote": "Zdalne" }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/remoteExtensionManagementService": { + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "Nie można zainstalować rozszerzenia „{0}”, ponieważ nie jest ono zgodne z bieżącą wersją {1} (wersja {2}).", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "Nie można zainstalować wersji wydania rozszerzenia „{0}”, ponieważ nie ma ono wersji wydania." }, @@ -13604,6 +13636,9 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionHostManager": { "measureExtHostLatency": "Mierz opóźnienia hosta rozszerzenia" }, + "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsProposedApi": { + "enabledProposedAPIs": "API Proposals" + }, "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsRegistry": { "extensionKind": "Zdefiniuj rodzaj rozszerzenia. Rozszerzenia interfejsu użytkownika są instalowane i uruchamiane na maszynie lokalnej, a rozszerzenia obszaru roboczego są uruchamiane na komputerze zdalnym.", "extensionKind.empty": "Zdefiniuj rozszerzenie, którego nie można uruchomić w kontekście zdalnym ani na maszynie lokalnej, ani zdalnej.", @@ -13615,6 +13650,7 @@ "ui": "Rodzaj rozszerzenia interfejsu użytkownika. W oknie zdalnym takie rozszerzenia są włączone tylko wtedy, gdy są dostępne na maszynie lokalnej.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents": "Zdarzenia aktywacji dla rozszerzenia programu VS Code.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onAuthenticationRequest": "Zdarzenie aktywacji emitowane przy każdym żądaniu sesji z określonego dostawcy uwierzytelniania.", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onChatParticipant": "An activation event emitted when the specified chat participant is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCommand": "Zdarzenie aktywacji emitowane za każdym razem, gdy zostanie wywołane określone polecenie.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCustomEditor": "Zdarzenie aktywacji emitowane za każdym razem, gdy określony edytor niestandardowy stanie się widoczny.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onDebug": "Zdarzenie aktywacji emitowane za każdym razem, gdy użytkownik rozpoczyna debugowanie lub definiuje konfiguracje debugowania.", @@ -13626,6 +13662,7 @@ "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onFileSystem": "Zdarzenie aktywacji emitowane za każdym razem, gdy dostęp do pliku lub folderu jest uzyskiwany przy użyciu danego schematu.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onIssueReporterOpened": "Zdarzenie aktywacji emitowane, gdy jest otwarty reporter problemu.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguage": "Zdarzenie aktywacji emitowane za każdym razem, gdy plik rozpoznany jako należący do określonego języka jest otwierany.", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguageModelTool": "An activation event emitted when the specified language model tool is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onNotebook": "Zdarzenie aktywacji emitowane za każdym razem, gdy określony dokument notesu jest otwierany.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onOpenExternalUri": "Zdarzenie aktywacji emitowane za każdym razem, gdy jest otwierany zewnętrzny identyfikator URI (np. link HTTP lub HTTPS).", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onRenderer": "Zdarzenie aktywacji emitowane za każdym razem, gdy jest używany program renderujący danych wyjściowych notesu.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index acf6d2cfb8..124b8a0fec 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -311,6 +311,7 @@ "typescript.tsc.autoDetect.on": "Criar tarefas de build e de inspeção.", "": "Criar apenas tarefas de compilação e inspeção.", "typescript.tsdk.desc": "Especifica o caminho da pasta para os arquivos tsserver e `lib*.d.ts` em uma instalação do TypeScript a ser usada para IntelliSense, por exemplo: `./node_modules/typescript/lib`.\r\n\r\n– Quando especificado como uma configuração de usuário, a versão do TypeScript de `typescript.tsdk` substitui automaticamente a versão interna do TypeScript.\r\n– Quando especificado como uma configuração de workspace, `typescript.tsdk` permite mudar para o uso da versão do workspace do TypeScript para IntelliSense com o comando `TypeScript: Select TypeScript version`.\r\n\r\nConfira a [documentação do TypeScript]( para obter mais detalhes sobre o gerenciamento de versões do TypeScript.", + "typescript.tsserver.enableRegionDiagnostics": "Enables region-based diagnostics in TypeScript. Requires using TypeScript 5.6+ in the workspace.", "typescript.tsserver.enableTracing": "Habilita o rastreamento do desempenho do servidor TS em um diretório. Esses arquivos de rastreamento podem ser usados para diagnosticar problemas de desempenho do Servidor TS. O log pode conter caminhos de arquivo, código-fonte e outras informações possivelmente confidenciais do projeto.", "typescript.tsserver.log": "Habilita o registro em log do TS Server em um arquivo. Esse log pode ser usado para diagnosticar problemas do TS Server. O log pode conter caminhos de arquivo, código-fonte e outras informações potencialmente confidenciais do seu projeto.", "typescript.tsserver.pluginPaths": "Caminhos adicionais para descobrir os plugins do Serviço de Linguagem TypeScript.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json index 5200fa8e5f..a89c8d3240 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -1053,7 +1053,8 @@ "pasteAsProgress": "Manipuladores de pasta em execução", "pasteIntoEditorProgress": "Running paste handlers. Click to cancel and do basic paste", "pasteWidgetVisible": "Se o widget de colagem está sendo exibido", - "postPasteWidgetTitle": "Mostrar opções de colagem..." + "postPasteWidgetTitle": "Mostrar opções de colagem...", + "resolveProcess": "Resolving paste edit. Click to cancel" }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/defaultProviders": { "defaultDropProvider.uriList.path": "Inserir Caminho", @@ -1378,6 +1379,18 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Ícone para mostrar a dica de parâmetro anterior.", "previous": "Anterior" }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/commands": { + "action.inlineEdits.accept": "Accept Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.hide": "Hide Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showNext": "Show Next Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showPrevious": "Show Previous Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.trigger": "Trigger Inline Edit", + "inlineEditsActions": "Accept Inline Edit" + }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/consts": { + "inlineEditsVisible": "Whether an inline edit is visible", + "isPinned": "Whether an inline edit is visible" + }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "": "Substituir pelo Próximo Valor", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Substituir pelo Valor Anterior" @@ -1981,6 +1994,7 @@ "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "O Marketplace não está habilitado", "incompatible platform": "A extensão '{0}' não está disponível no {1} para {2}.", + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "malicious extension": "Não é possível instalar a extensão '{0}' porque foi relatado como problemático.", "multipleDependentsError": "Não foi possível desinstalar a extensão '{0}'. As extensões '{1}' e '{2}' e outras dependem dela.", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "Não é possível desinstalar a extensão '{0}'. Isso inclui a desinstalação da extensão '{1}' e as extensões '{2}', '{3}' e outras dependem dela.", @@ -2052,6 +2066,8 @@ "invalidManifest": "VSIX inválido: package.json não é um arquivo JSON." }, "vs/platform/extensions/common/extensionValidator": { + "apiProposalMismatch": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has version {2}.", + "apiProposalMismatchNoVersion": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has no version defined.", "extensionDescription.activationEvents1": "a propriedade `{0}` pode ser omitida ou precisa ser do tipo `string[]`", "extensionDescription.activationEvents2": "propriedade `{0}` deve ser omitida se a extensão não tiver uma propriedade `{1}` ou `{2}`.", "extensionDescription.browser1": "a propriedade `{0}` pode ser omitida ou deve ser do tipo `string`", @@ -4411,9 +4427,10 @@ "workbench.editor.label.enabled": "Controla se os rótulos personalizados do editor do workbench devem ser aplicados.", "workbench.editor.label.extname": "`${extname}`: a extensão do arquivo (por exemplo, `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> txt`).", "workbench.editor.label.filename": "`${filename}`: nome do arquivo sem a extensão do arquivo (por exemplo, `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> file`).", - "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "`${dirname(N)}`: nome da enésima pasta pai na qual o arquivo está localizado (por exemplo, `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). As pastas podem ser selecionadas desde o início do caminho usando números negativos (por exemplo, `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). Se o __Item__ for um caminho de padrão absoluto, a primeira pasta (`N=-1`) se referirá à primeira pasta no caminho absoluto; caso contrário, corresponderá à pasta do espaço de trabalho.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "`${dirname(N)}`: name of the nth parent folder in which the file is located (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). Folders can be picked from the start of the path by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). If the __Item__ is an absolute pattern path, the first folder (`N=-1`) refers to the first folder in the absolute path, otherwise it corresponds to the workspace folder.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthextname": "`${extname(N)}`: the nth extension of the file separated by '.' (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext1`). Extension can be picked from the start of the extension by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext2`).", "workbench.editor.label.patterns": "Controla a renderização do rótulo do editor. Cada __Item__ é um padrão que corresponde a um caminho de arquivo. Há suporte para caminhos de arquivo relativos e absolutos. O caminho relativo deve incluir o WORKSPACE_FOLDER (por exemplo, `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/src/**.tsx` ou `*/src/**.tsx`). Os padrões absolutos devem começar com `/`. Caso haja correspondência entre vários padrões, será escolhido o caminho de correspondência mais longo. Cada __Value__ é o modelo para o editor renderizado quando o __Item__ corresponde. As variáveis são substituídas com base no contexto:", - "workbench.editor.label.template": "O modelo que deve ser renderizado quando o padrão trava. Pode incluir as variáveis ${dirname}, ${filename} e ${extname}.", + "workbench.editor.label.template": "The template which should be rendered when the pattern matches. May include the variables ${dirname}, ${filename} and ${extname}.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.default": "Mostrar o nome do arquivo. Quando as guias estão habilitadas e dois arquivos têm o mesmo nome em um grupo, as seções de diferenciação de cada caminho de arquivo são adicionadas. Quando as guias estiverem desabilitadas, o caminho relativo à pasta do workspace será mostrado se o editor estiver ativo.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.long": "Mostrar o nome do arquivo seguido pelo caminho absoluto.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.medium": "Mostrar o nome do arquivo seguido pelo caminho relativo à pasta do workspace.", @@ -4861,6 +4878,8 @@ "runningAsRoot": "Não é recomendado executar {0} como usuário root.", "runningTranslated": "Você está executando uma versão emulada de {0}. Para obter um melhor desempenho, baixe a versão arm64 nativa do build {0} para seu computador.", "sharedProcessCrash": "Um processo compartilhado em segundo plano foi encerrado inesperadamente. Reinicie o aplicativo para recuperá-lo.", + "showArgvParseWarning": "The runtime arguments file 'argv.json' contains errors. Please correct them and restart.", + "showArgvParseWarningAction": "Open File", "shutdownErrorClose": "Um erro inesperado impediu o fechamento da janela.", "shutdownErrorDetail": "Erro: {0}", "shutdownErrorLoad": "Um erro inesperado impediu a alteração do espaço de trabalho", @@ -5006,6 +5025,7 @@ "verbosity.keybindingsEditor.description": "Forneça informações sobre como alterar uma associação de teclas no editor de associações de teclas quando uma linha estiver destacada.", "verbosity.notebook": "Forneça informações sobre como focar o contêiner de célula ou o editor interno quando uma célula do bloco de anotações estiver em foco.", "verbosity.notification": "Forneça informações sobre como abrir a notificação na Exibição Acessível.", + "verbosity.replInputHint": "Provide information about relevant actions For the Repl input.", "verbosity.terminal.description": "Fornece informações sobre como acessar o menu de ajuda de acessibilidade do terminal quando o terminal estiver destacado.", "voice.speechLanguage": "O idioma que a conversão de texto em fala e a conversão de fala em texto devem usar. Selecione `auto` para usar o idioma de exibição configurado, se possível. Observe que nem todos os idiomas de exibição podem ser compatíveis com o reconhecimento de fala e com os sintetizadores.", "voice.speechTimeout": "A duração em milissegundos em que o reconhecimento de voz permanece ativo depois que você para de falar. Por exemplo, em uma sessão de chat, o texto transcrito é enviado automaticamente depois que o tempo limite é atingido. Defina como `0` para desabilitar esse recurso." @@ -5343,6 +5363,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Chat", "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "Controla se uma caixa de seleção é mostrada para permitir que o usuário determine qual contexto implícito está incluído no prompt de um participante do chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Enables variables for editor chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "Enables variables for notebook chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "Enables variables for terminal chat.", "clear": "Iniciar um novo chat", "file": "Escolha um arquivo no espaço de trabalho", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Controla a família de fontes nos blocos de código do chat.", @@ -5421,6 +5444,7 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "O nome completo do participante do chat, que é mostrado como o rótulo das respostas provenientes desse participante. Se não for fornecido, será usado {0}.", "chatParticipantId": "Uma ID exclusiva para este participante do chat.", "chatParticipantName": "Nome voltado para o usuário para esse participante do chat. O usuário usará \"@\" com esse nome para invocar o participante. O nome não deve conter espaços em branco.", + "chatParticipantWhen": "A condition which must be true to enable this participant.", "chatSampleRequest": "Quando o usuário clicar nesse participante em `/help`, esse texto será enviado ao participante.", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Contribui com um participante do chat" }, @@ -5489,7 +5513,7 @@ "Language Models": "Modelos de Linguagem", "languageModels": "Estatísticas de uso de modelos de linguagem desta extensão." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/toolsContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts.", "toolDescription": "A description of this tool that may be passed to a language model.", "toolDisplayName": "A human-readable name for this tool that may be used to describe it in the UI.", @@ -6968,6 +6992,7 @@ "id required": "ID de extensão necessária.", "importKeyboardShortcutsFroms": "Migrar os atalhos de teclado de...", "install button": "Instalar", + "install installAndDonotSync": "Install (Do not Sync)", "installButton": "&&Instalar", "installExtensionFromLocation": "Instalar Extensão do Local...", "installExtensionQuickAccessHelp": "Instalar ou Pesquisar Extensões", @@ -7981,7 +8006,7 @@ "change.1": "1 alteração", "change.N": "{0} alterações", "review": "Revisar (aceitar ou descartar) todas as alterações antes de continuar", - "review.1": "$(info) Accept or discard change", + "review.1": "Accept or Discard change", "review.N": "$(info) Aceitar ou descartar {0} alterações" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { @@ -8039,6 +8064,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactive.contribution": { "interactive.activeCodeBorder": "A cor da borda da célula de código interativo atual quando o editor está em foco.", + "interactive.configExecute": "Configure input box behavior", "interactive.execute": "Executar a Célula", "interactive.history.focus": "Histórico de Foco", "": "Próximo valor no histórico", @@ -8051,11 +8077,13 @@ "interactiveScrollToTop": "Rolar para Cima", "interactiveWindow": "Janela Interativa", "interactiveWindow.alwaysScrollOnNewCell": "Role automaticamente a janela interativa para mostrar a saída da última instrução executada. Se esse valor for falso, a janela só rolará se a última célula já tiver sido rolada.", - "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "Execute a caixa de entrada da janela interativa (REPL) com shift+enter, de modo que enter possa ser usado para criar uma linha.", - "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "Solicitar para salvar a janela interativa quando for fechada. Somente novas janelas interativas serão afetadas por essa alteração de configuração." + "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "Execute the Interactive Window (REPL) input box with shift+enter, so that enter can be used to create a newline.", + "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "Solicitar para salvar a janela interativa quando for fechada. Somente novas janelas interativas serão afetadas por essa alteração de configuração.", + "interactiveWindow.showExecutionHint": "Display a hint in the Interactive Window (REPL) input box to indicate how to execute code." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactiveEditor": { - "interactiveInputPlaceHolder": "Digite o código {0} aqui e pressione {1} para executar" + "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/replInputHintContentWidget": { + "disableHint": " Toggle {0} in settings to disable this hint.", + "emptyHintText": "Press {0} to execute. " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactiveEditor/browser/interactiveEditorActions": { "accept": "Fazer Solicitação", @@ -9260,6 +9288,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookIcons": { "clearIcon": "Ícone para limpar as saídas de célula nos editores de notebook.", "collapsedIcon": "Ícone para anotar uma seção recolhida nos editores de notebook.", + "configIcon": "Icon to configure in notebook editors.", "copyIcon": "Ícone para copiar o conteúdo para a área de transferência", "deleteCellIcon": "Ícone para excluir uma célula nos editores de notebook.", "editIcon": "Ícone para editar uma célula nos editores de notebook.", @@ -10214,6 +10243,7 @@ "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.false": "Não ignore o espaço em branco à esquerda e à direita.", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.inherit": "Herdar de `diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace`.", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.true": "Ignore o espaço em branco à esquerda e à direita.", + "scm.experimental.showHistoryGraph": "Controls whether to show the history graph instead of incoming/outgoing changes in the Source Control view.", "scm.providerCountBadge": "Controla as notificações de contagem nos cabeçalhos do Provedor de Controle do Código-Fonte. Esses cabeçalhos aparecem na exibição Controle do Código-Fonte quando há mais de um provedor ou quando a configuração {0} está habilitada e na exibição Repositórios de Controle do Código-Fonte.", "": "Somente mostrar a notificação de contagem para o Provedor de Controle do Código-fonte quando diferente de zero.", "scm.providerCountBadge.hidden": "Ocultar notificações de contagem do Provedor de Controle do Código-fonte.", @@ -11905,6 +11935,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollColorRegistry": { "terminalStickyScroll.background": "A cor da tela de fundo da sobreposição de rolagem autoadesiva no terminal.", + "terminalStickyScroll.border": "The border of the sticky scroll overlay in the terminal.", "terminalStickyScrollHover.background": "A cor da tela de fundo da sobreposição de rolagem autoadesiva no terminal quando focalizada." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollOverlay": { @@ -13568,6 +13599,7 @@ "remote": "Remoto" }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/remoteExtensionManagementService": { + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "Não é possível instalar a extensão '{0}' porque não é compatível com a versão atual do {1} (versão {2}).", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "Não é possível instalar a versão de lançamento da extensão '{0}' porque ela não tem nenhuma versão de lançamento." }, @@ -13604,6 +13636,9 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionHostManager": { "measureExtHostLatency": "Mediar Latência de Host da Extensão" }, + "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsProposedApi": { + "enabledProposedAPIs": "API Proposals" + }, "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsRegistry": { "extensionKind": "Definir o tipo de uma extensão. As extensões `ui` são instaladas e executadas no computador local enquanto as extensões `workspace` são executadas no repositório remoto.", "extensionKind.empty": "Defina uma extensão que não pode ser executada em um contexto remoto, nem no local nem no computador remoto.", @@ -13615,6 +13650,7 @@ "ui": "Tipo de extensão da interface do usuário. 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Thë løg mæÿ çøñtæïñ fïlë pæths, søµrçë çøðë, æñð øthër pøtëñtïællÿ sëñsïtïvë ïñførmætïøñ frøm ÿøµr prøjëçt.", "typescript.tsserver.pluginPaths": "Æððïtïøñæl pæths tø ðïsçøvër Tÿpë§çrïpt £æñgµægë §ërvïçë plµgïñs.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/main.i18n.json index 926933af05..bbd67d3599 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -1053,7 +1053,8 @@ "pasteAsProgress": "Rµññïñg pæstë hæñðlërs", "pasteIntoEditorProgress": "Rµññïñg pæstë hæñðlërs. Çlïçk tø çæñçël æñð ðø þæsïç pæstë", "pasteWidgetVisible": "Whëthër thë pæstë wïðgët ïs shøwïñg", - "postPasteWidgetTitle": "§høw pæstë øptïøñs..." + "postPasteWidgetTitle": "§høw pæstë øptïøñs...", + "resolveProcess": "Rësølvïñg pæstë ëðït. 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Følðërs çæñ þë pïçkëð frøm thë stært øf thë pæth þÿ µsïñg ñëgætïvë ñµmþërs (ë.g. `Ñ=-1: WØRK§PÆÇË_FØ£ÐËR/følðër/fïlë.txt -> WØRK§PÆÇË_FØ£ÐËR`). Ïf thë __Ïtëm__ ïs æñ æþsølµtë pættërñ pæth, thë fïrst følðër (`Ñ=-1`) rëfërs tø thë fïrst følðër ïñ thë æþsøµltë pæth, øthërwïsë ït çørrëspøñðs tø thë wørkspæçë følðër.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "`${ðïrñæmë(Ñ)}`: ñæmë øf thë ñth pærëñt følðër ïñ whïçh thë fïlë ïs løçætëð (ë.g. `Ñ=2: WØRK§PÆÇË_FØ£ÐËR/stætïç/følðër/fïlë.txt -> WØRK§PÆÇË_FØ£ÐËR`). Følðërs çæñ þë pïçkëð frøm thë stært øf thë pæth þÿ µsïñg ñëgætïvë ñµmþërs (ë.g. `Ñ=-1: WØRK§PÆÇË_FØ£ÐËR/følðër/fïlë.txt -> WØRK§PÆÇË_FØ£ÐËR`). Ïf thë __Ïtëm__ ïs æñ æþsølµtë pættërñ pæth, thë fïrst følðër (`Ñ=-1`) rëfërs tø thë fïrst følðër ïñ thë æþsølµtë pæth, øthërwïsë ït çørrëspøñðs tø thë wørkspæçë følðër.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthextname": "`${ëxtñæmë(Ñ)}`: thë ñth ëxtëñsïøñ øf thë fïlë sëpærætëð þÿ '.' (ë.g. `Ñ=2: WØRK§PÆÇË_FØ£ÐËR/følðër/fïlë.ëxt1.ëxt2.ëxt3 -> ëxt1`). Ëxtëñsïøñ çæñ þë pïçkëð frøm thë stært øf thë ëxtëñsïøñ þÿ µsïñg ñëgætïvë ñµmþërs (ë.g. `Ñ=-1: WØRK§PÆÇË_FØ£ÐËR/følðër/fïlë.ëxt1.ëxt2.ëxt3 -> ëxt2`).", "workbench.editor.label.patterns": "Çøñtrøls thë rëñðërïñg øf thë ëðïtør læþël. Ëæçh __Ïtëm__ ïs æ pættërñ thæt mætçhës æ fïlë pæth. ßøth rëlætïvë æñð æþsølµtë fïlë pæths ærë sµppørtëð. Thë rëlætïvë pæth mµst ïñçlµðë thë WØRK§PÆÇË_FØ£ÐËR (ë.g `WØRK§PÆÇË_FØ£ÐËR/srç/**.tsx` ør `*/srç/**.tsx`). Æþsølµtë pættërñs mµst stært wïth æ `/`. Ïñ çæsë mµltïplë pættërñs mætçh, thë løñgëst mætçhïñg pæth wïll þë pïçkëð. Ëæçh __Vælµë__ ïs thë tëmplætë før thë rëñðërëð ëðïtør whëñ thë __Ïtëm__ mætçhës. Værïæþlës ærë sµþstïtµtëð þæsëð øñ thë çøñtëxt:", - "workbench.editor.label.template": "Thë tëmplætë whïçh shøµlð þë rëñðërëð whëñ thë pættërñ mtçhës. Mæÿ ïñçlµðë thë værïæþlës ${ðïrñæmë}, ${fïlëñæmë} æñð ${ëxtñæmë}.", + "workbench.editor.label.template": "Thë tëmplætë whïçh shøµlð þë rëñðërëð whëñ thë pættërñ mætçhës. 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Plëæsë rëstært thë æpplïçætïøñ tø rëçøvër.", + "showArgvParseWarning": "Thë rµñtïmë ærgµmëñts fïlë 'ærgv.jsøñ' çøñtæïñs ërrørs. 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Ñøtë thæt ñøt æll ðïsplæÿ læñgµægës mæÿþë sµppørtëð þÿ spëëçh rëçøgñïtïøñ æñð sÿñthësïzërs.", "voice.speechTimeout": "Thë ðµrætïøñ ïñ mïllïsëçøñðs thæt vøïçë spëëçh rëçøgñïtïøñ rëmæïñs æçtïvë æftër ÿøµ støp spëækïñg. 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Requires using TypeScript 5.6+ in the workspace.", "typescript.tsserver.enableTracing": "Включает трассировку производительности сервера TS в каталог. Эти файлы трассировки можно использовать для диагностики проблем с производительностью сервера TS. В журнале могут содержаться пути к файлам, исходный код и другие сведения из вашего проекта, в том числе носящие конфиденциальный характер.", "typescript.tsserver.log": "Включает ведение журнала для сервера TS. Этот журнал можно использовать для диагностики проблем сервера TS. В журнале могут содержаться пути к файлам, исходный код и другие сведения из вашего проекта, в том числе носящие конфиденциальный характер.", "typescript.tsserver.pluginPaths": "Дополнительные пути для обнаружения подключаемых модулей языковой службы TypeScript.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json index 908f2d2073..df584ec1c1 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -1053,7 +1053,8 @@ "pasteAsProgress": "Запуск обработчиков вставки", "pasteIntoEditorProgress": "Running paste handlers. Click to cancel and do basic paste", "pasteWidgetVisible": "Отображается ли мини-приложение вставки", - "postPasteWidgetTitle": "Показать параметры вставки..." + "postPasteWidgetTitle": "Показать параметры вставки...", + "resolveProcess": "Resolving paste edit. Click to cancel" }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/defaultProviders": { "defaultDropProvider.uriList.path": "Вставить путь", @@ -1378,6 +1379,18 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Значок для отображения подсказки предыдущего параметра.", "previous": "Назад" }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/commands": { + "action.inlineEdits.accept": "Accept Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.hide": "Hide Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showNext": "Show Next Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showPrevious": "Show Previous Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.trigger": "Trigger Inline Edit", + "inlineEditsActions": "Accept Inline Edit" + }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/consts": { + "inlineEditsVisible": "Whether an inline edit is visible", + "isPinned": "Whether an inline edit is visible" + }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "": "Заменить следующим значением", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Заменить предыдущим значением" @@ -1981,6 +1994,7 @@ "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "Marketplace не включен", "incompatible platform": "Расширение \"{0}\" недоступно в {1} для {2}.", + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "malicious extension": "Не удается установить расширение «{0}», так как оно помечено как проблемное.", "multipleDependentsError": "Не удается удалить расширение \"{0}\". От него зависят расширения \"{1}\", \"{2}\" и другие расширения.", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "Не удается удалить расширение \"{0}\". Для его удаления необходимо удалить расширения \"{1}\", \"{2}\", \"{3}\" и другие расширения, которые зависят от него.", @@ -2052,6 +2066,8 @@ "invalidManifest": "Недопустимый VSIX: файл package.json не является файлом JSON." }, "vs/platform/extensions/common/extensionValidator": { + "apiProposalMismatch": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has version {2}.", + "apiProposalMismatchNoVersion": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has no version defined.", "extensionDescription.activationEvents1": "свойство `{0}` может быть опущено или должно быть типа `string []`", "extensionDescription.activationEvents2": "свойство \"{0}\" должно быть опущено, если у расширения нет свойства \"{1}\" или \"{2}\".", "extensionDescription.browser1": "свойство `{0}` может быть опущено или должно иметь тип `string`", @@ -4411,9 +4427,10 @@ "workbench.editor.label.enabled": "Определяет, следует ли применять пользовательские метки редактора в рабочем интерфейсе.", "workbench.editor.label.extname": "\"${extname}\": расширение файла (например, \"WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> txt\").", "workbench.editor.label.filename": "\"${filename}\": имя файла без расширения (например, \"WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> file\").", - "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "\"${dirname(N)}\": имя n-й родительской папки, в которой находится файл (например, \"N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER\"). Папки можно выбирать с начала пути, используя отрицательные числа (например, \"N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER\"). Если __элемент__ является абсолютным путем к шаблону, первая папка (\"N=-1\") относится к первой папке в абсолютном пути, в противном случае она соответствует папке рабочей области.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "`${dirname(N)}`: name of the nth parent folder in which the file is located (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). Folders can be picked from the start of the path by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). If the __Item__ is an absolute pattern path, the first folder (`N=-1`) refers to the first folder in the absolute path, otherwise it corresponds to the workspace folder.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthextname": "`${extname(N)}`: the nth extension of the file separated by '.' (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext1`). Extension can be picked from the start of the extension by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext2`).", "workbench.editor.label.patterns": "Управляет отрисовкой метки редактора. Каждый __элемент__ является шаблоном, который соответствует пути к файлу. Поддерживаются как относительные, так и абсолютные пути к файлам. Относительный путь должен включать папку WORKSPACE_FOLDER (например, \"WORKSPACE_FOLDER/src/**.tsx\" или \"*/src/**.tsx\"). Абсолютные шаблоны должны начинаться с \"/\". При совпадении нескольких шаблонов будет выбран путь с самым длинным совпадением. Каждое __значение__ является шаблоном для отрисованного редактора, если __элемент__ совпадает. Переменные заменяются на основе контекста:", - "workbench.editor.label.template": "Шаблон, который должен отображаться при совпадении закономерностей. Может включать переменные ${dirname}, ${filename} и ${extname}.", + "workbench.editor.label.template": "The template which should be rendered when the pattern matches. May include the variables ${dirname}, ${filename} and ${extname}.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.default": "Отображать имя файла. Если вкладки включены и в одной группе есть два файла с одинаковыми именами, будут добавлены различающиеся части пути к каждому из этих файлов. Если вкладки отключены, то для активного редактора отображается путь по отношению к корневому каталогу рабочей области.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.long": "Отображать имя файла и абсолютный путь.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.medium": "Отображать имя файла и путь к файлу относительно папки рабочей области.", @@ -4861,6 +4878,8 @@ "runningAsRoot": "Не рекомендуется запускать {0} с правами привилегированного пользователя.", "runningTranslated": "Вы используете эмулированную версию {0}. Для повышения производительности скачайте собственную версию arm64 сборки {0} для вашего компьютера.", "sharedProcessCrash": "Общий фоновый процесс неожиданно завершился. Перезапустите приложение, чтобы восстановить его.", + "showArgvParseWarning": "The runtime arguments file 'argv.json' contains errors. Please correct them and restart.", + "showArgvParseWarningAction": "Open File", "shutdownErrorClose": "Не удалось закрыть окно из-за непредвиденной ошибки", "shutdownErrorDetail": "Ошибка: {0}", "shutdownErrorLoad": "Не удалось изменить рабочую область из-за непредвиденной ошибки", @@ -5006,6 +5025,7 @@ "verbosity.keybindingsEditor.description": "Предоставить сведения о способах изменения привязки клавиш в редакторе привязок клавиш при находящейся в фокусе строке.", "verbosity.notebook": "Укажите сведения о том, как перевести фокус на контейнер ячейки или внутренний редактор, если в фокусе находится ячейка записной книжки.", "verbosity.notification": "Укажите сведения о том, как открыть уведомление в представлении с поддержкой специальных возможностей.", + "verbosity.replInputHint": "Provide information about relevant actions For the Repl input.", "verbosity.terminal.description": "Укажите сведения о том, как получить доступ к меню справки по специальным возможностям терминала, когда он находится в фокусе.", "voice.speechLanguage": "Язык, который должен использоваться при преобразовании текста в речь и преобразовании речи в текст. Если возможно, выберите \"автоматически\", чтобы использовать настроенный язык отображения. Обратите внимание, что не все языки отображения могут поддерживаться функцией распознавания речи и синтезаторами.", "voice.speechTimeout": "Длительность в миллисекундах, в течение которой распознавание речи остается активным после того, как вы перестаете говорить. Например, в сеансе чата расшифрованный текст отправляется автоматически по истечении времени ожидания. Установите значение \"0\", чтобы отключить эту функцию." @@ -5343,6 +5363,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Чат", "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "Управляет тем, отображается ли флажок, позволяющий пользователю определить, какой неявный контекст включен в запрос участника чата.", + "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Enables variables for editor chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "Enables variables for notebook chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "Enables variables for terminal chat.", "clear": "Начать новый чат", "file": "Выберите файл в рабочей области", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Определяет семейство шрифтов в блоках кода чата.", @@ -5421,6 +5444,7 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "Полное имя участника чата, отображаемое в качестве метки для ответов, поступающих от этого участника. Если не предоставлено, используется {0}.", "chatParticipantId": "Уникальный идентификатор этого участника чата.", "chatParticipantName": "Имя этого участника чата, демонстрируемое пользователю. Пользователь будет использовать \"@\" с этим именем для вызова участника. Имя не должно содержать пробелы.", + "chatParticipantWhen": "A condition which must be true to enable this participant.", "chatSampleRequest": "Когда пользователь щелкает этого участника в \"/help\", этот текст отправляется участнику.", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Добавляет участника чата" }, @@ -5489,7 +5513,7 @@ "Language Models": "Языковые модели", "languageModels": "Статистика использования языковых моделей этого расширения." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/toolsContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts.", "toolDescription": "A description of this tool that may be passed to a language model.", "toolDisplayName": "A human-readable name for this tool that may be used to describe it in the UI.", @@ -6968,6 +6992,7 @@ "id required": "Требуется идентификатор расширения.", "importKeyboardShortcutsFroms": "Перенести сочетания клавиш из...", "install button": "Установить", + "install installAndDonotSync": "Install (Do not Sync)", "installButton": "&&Установить", "installExtensionFromLocation": "Установить расширение из расположения...", "installExtensionQuickAccessHelp": "Установить или искать расширения", @@ -7981,7 +8006,7 @@ "change.1": "1 изменение", "change.N": "Изменений: {0}", "review": "Прежде чем продолжить, проверьте (и примите или отклоните) все изменения", - "review.1": "$(info) Accept or discard change", + "review.1": "Accept or Discard change", "review.N": "$(info) Принять или отклонить изменения: {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { @@ -8039,6 +8064,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactive.contribution": { "interactive.activeCodeBorder": "Цвет границы для текущей интерактивной ячейки кода, когда редактор находится в фокусе.", + "interactive.configExecute": "Configure input box behavior", "interactive.execute": "Выполнить код", "interactive.history.focus": "Журнал фокусировки", "": "Следующее значение в журнале", @@ -8051,11 +8077,13 @@ "interactiveScrollToTop": "Прокрутить до верхней границы", "interactiveWindow": "Интерактивное окно", "interactiveWindow.alwaysScrollOnNewCell": "Автоматически прокрутите интерактивное окно, чтобы показать выходные данные последнего выполненного оператора. Если это значение равно false, окно будет прокручиваться только в том случае, если оно уже прокручивалось до последней ячейки.", - "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "Выполните поле ввода интерактивного окна (REPL) с помощью SHIFT+ВВОД, чтобы можно было использовать ВВОД для создания новой строки.", - "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "Предлагать сохранить интерактивное окно при его закрытии. Изменение этого параметра повлияет только на новые интерактивные окна." + "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "Execute the Interactive Window (REPL) input box with shift+enter, so that enter can be used to create a newline.", + "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "Предлагать сохранить интерактивное окно при его закрытии. Изменение этого параметра повлияет только на новые интерактивные окна.", + "interactiveWindow.showExecutionHint": "Display a hint in the Interactive Window (REPL) input box to indicate how to execute code." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactiveEditor": { - "interactiveInputPlaceHolder": "Введите код \"{0}\" и здесь нажмите \"{1}\" для выполнения" + "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/replInputHintContentWidget": { + "disableHint": " Toggle {0} in settings to disable this hint.", + "emptyHintText": "Press {0} to execute. " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactiveEditor/browser/interactiveEditorActions": { "accept": "Выполнить запрос", @@ -9260,6 +9288,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookIcons": { "clearIcon": "Значок очистки выходных данных ячейки в редакторах записных книжек.", "collapsedIcon": "Значок аннотирования свернутого раздела в редакторах записных книжек.", + "configIcon": "Icon to configure in notebook editors.", "copyIcon": "Значок для копирования содержимого в буфер обмена", "deleteCellIcon": "Значок удаления ячейки в редакторах записных книжек.", "editIcon": "Значок изменения ячейки в редакторах записных книжек.", @@ -10214,6 +10243,7 @@ "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.false": "Не игнорировать начальные и конечные пробелы.", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.inherit": "Наследовать от diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace.", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.true": "Игнорировать начальные и конечные пробелы.", + "scm.experimental.showHistoryGraph": "Controls whether to show the history graph instead of incoming/outgoing changes in the Source Control view.", "scm.providerCountBadge": "Управляет индикаторами событий счетчика в заголовках поставщика системы управления версиями. Эти заголовки отображаются в представлении при наличии нескольких поставщиков, или если включен параметр {0}, и в представлении \"Репозитории системы управления версиями\".", "": "Отображение счетчика для поставщика системы управления версиями только при ненулевом значении.", "scm.providerCountBadge.hidden": "Скрытие счетчиков для поставщиков систем управления версиями.", @@ -11905,6 +11935,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollColorRegistry": { "terminalStickyScroll.background": "Цвет фона наложения залипания прокрутки в терминале.", + "terminalStickyScroll.border": "The border of the sticky scroll overlay in the terminal.", "terminalStickyScrollHover.background": "Цвет фона наложения залипания прокрутки в терминале при наведении курсора." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollOverlay": { @@ -13568,6 +13599,7 @@ "remote": "Удаленный" }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/remoteExtensionManagementService": { + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "Невозможно установить расширение \"{0}\" из-за несовместимости с текущей версией {1} (версия {2}).", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "Не удается установить версию выпуска расширения \"{0}\", так как отсутствует версия выпуска." }, @@ -13604,6 +13636,9 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionHostManager": { "measureExtHostLatency": "Измерить задержку хост-процесса для расширений" }, + "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsProposedApi": { + "enabledProposedAPIs": "API Proposals" + }, "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsRegistry": { "extensionKind": "Определите тип расширения. Расширения \"ui\" устанавливаются и запускаются на локальном компьютере, а расширения \"workspace\" — на удаленном компьютере.", "extensionKind.empty": "Определите расширение, которое не может выполняться в удаленном контексте ни на локальном, ни на удаленном компьютере.", @@ -13615,6 +13650,7 @@ "ui": "Тип расширения пользовательского интерфейса. В удаленном окне такие расширения включены, только если они доступны на локальном компьютере.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents": "События активации для расширения кода VS Code.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onAuthenticationRequest": "Событие активации, выдаваемое каждый раз при запросе сеансов от указанного поставщика проверки подлинности.", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onChatParticipant": "An activation event emitted when the specified chat participant is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCommand": "Событие активации выдается каждый раз при вызове указанной команды.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCustomEditor": "Событие активации, возникающее каждый раз, когда указанный специализированный редактор становится видимым.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onDebug": "Событие активации выдается каждый раз, когда пользователь запускает отладку или собирается установить конфигурацию отладки.", @@ -13626,6 +13662,7 @@ "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onFileSystem": "Событие активации выдается каждый раз при доступе к файлу или папке по заданной схеме.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onIssueReporterOpened": "Событие активации, создаваемое при открытии средства сообщения о проблемах.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguage": "Событие активации выдается каждый раз, когда открывается файл, который разрешается к указанному языку.", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguageModelTool": "An activation event emitted when the specified language model tool is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onNotebook": "Событие активации выдается каждый раз при открытии указанного документа записной книжки.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onOpenExternalUri": "Событие активации, выдаваемое при открытии внешнего URI (например, ссылки HTTP или HTTPS).", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onRenderer": "Событие активации, создаваемое при каждом использовании отрисовщика выходных данных записной книжки.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 0b36095848..08a70fa381 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -311,6 +311,7 @@ "typescript.tsc.autoDetect.on": "Hem derleme hem de izleme görevlerini oluşturun.", "": "Yalnızca derleme ve izleme görevleri oluşturun.", "typescript.tsdk.desc": "IntelliSense için kullanmak üzere bir TypeScript yüklemesi altındaki tsserver ve `lib*.d.ts` dosyalarına yönelik klasör yolunu belirtir, örneğin: `./node_modules/typescript/lib`.\r\n\r\n- Kullanıcı ayarı olarak belirtildiğinde, `typescript.tsdk` dosyasındaki TypeScript sürümü, otomatik olarak yerleşik TypeScript sürümünün yerini alır.\r\n- Çalışma alanı ayarı olarak belirtildiğinde, `typescript.tsdk`, `TypeScript: Select TypeScript version` komutuyla IntelliSense için TypeScript'in ilgili çalışma alanı sürümünü kullanmanızı sağlar.\r\n\r\nTypeScript sürümlerini yönetme hakkında daha fazla bilgi için [TypeScript belgelerine]( bakın.", + "typescript.tsserver.enableRegionDiagnostics": "Enables region-based diagnostics in TypeScript. Requires using TypeScript 5.6+ in the workspace.", "typescript.tsserver.enableTracing": "TS sunucusu performansını dizinde izlemeyi etkinleştirir. Bu izleme dosyaları, TS Sunucusu sorunlarını tanılamak için kullanılabilir. Günlükte, projenizdeki dosya yolları, kaynak kodu ve diğer olası hassas bilgiler bulunabilir.", "typescript.tsserver.log": "TS sunucusu günlüğünün bir dosyaya yazılmasını etkinleştirir. Bu günlük, TS Sunucusu sorunlarını tanılamak için kullanılabilir. Günlükte, projenizden dosya yolları, kaynak kodu ve diğer olası hassas bilgiler bulunabilir.", "typescript.tsserver.pluginPaths": "TypeScript Dil Hizmeti eklentilerini keşfetmenin diğer yolları.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json index 0a09d429e6..9523759ba8 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -1053,7 +1053,8 @@ "pasteAsProgress": "Yapıştırma işleyicileri çalıştırılıyor", "pasteIntoEditorProgress": "Running paste handlers. Click to cancel and do basic paste", "pasteWidgetVisible": "Yapıştırma pencere öğesinin gösterilip gösterilmediğini belirtir", - "postPasteWidgetTitle": "Yapıştırma seçeneklerini göster..." + "postPasteWidgetTitle": "Yapıştırma seçeneklerini göster...", + "resolveProcess": "Resolving paste edit. Click to cancel" }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/defaultProviders": { "defaultDropProvider.uriList.path": "Yol Ekle", @@ -1378,6 +1379,18 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "Önceki parametre ipucunu göster simgesi.", "previous": "Önceki" }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/commands": { + "action.inlineEdits.accept": "Accept Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.hide": "Hide Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showNext": "Show Next Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showPrevious": "Show Previous Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.trigger": "Trigger Inline Edit", + "inlineEditsActions": "Accept Inline Edit" + }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/consts": { + "inlineEditsVisible": "Whether an inline edit is visible", + "isPinned": "Whether an inline edit is visible" + }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "": "Sonraki Değerle Değiştir", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "Önceki Değerle Değiştir" @@ -1981,6 +1994,7 @@ "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "Market etkin değil", "incompatible platform": "'{0}' uzantısı {1} tarayıcısında {2} için kullanılamıyor", + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "malicious extension": "Sorunlu olduğu bildirildiğinden '{0}' uzantısı yüklenemiyor.", "multipleDependentsError": "'{0}' uzantısı kaldırılamıyor. '{1}' ve '{2}' uzantıları ve başka uzantılar bu uzantıya bağımlı.", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "'{0}' uzantısı kaldırılamıyor. '{1}' uzantısının kaldırılmasını içeriyor ancak '{2}', '{3}' ve diğer uzantılar buna bağlı.", @@ -2052,6 +2066,8 @@ "invalidManifest": "VSIX geçersiz: package.json bir JSON dosyası değil." }, "vs/platform/extensions/common/extensionValidator": { + "apiProposalMismatch": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has version {2}.", + "apiProposalMismatchNoVersion": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has no version defined.", "extensionDescription.activationEvents1": "`{0}` özelliği atlanamaz veya `string[]` türünde olmalıdır", "extensionDescription.activationEvents2": "Uzantıda `{1}` veya `{2}` özelliği yoksa `{0}` özelliği atlanmalıdır.", "extensionDescription.browser1": "`{0}` özelliği atlanabilir veya `string` türünde olması gerekir", @@ -4411,9 +4427,10 @@ "workbench.editor.label.enabled": "Özel çalışma ekranı düzenleyici etiketlerinin uygulanıp uygulanmayacağını denetler.", "workbench.editor.label.extname": "`${extname}`: dosya uzantısı (ör. `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> txt`).", "workbench.editor.label.filename": "'${filename}': dosya uzantısı olmadan dosyanın adı (ör. `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> file`).", - "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "`${dirname(N)}`: dosyanın bulunduğu n. ana klasörün adı (ör. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). Negatif sayılar kullanılarak klasörler yolun başından itibaren seçilebilir (örneğin, `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). __Item__ mutlak bir desen yolu ise, ilk klasör (`N=-1`) mutlak yoldaki ilk klasöre başvurur, aksi takdirde çalışma alanı klasörüne karşılık gelir.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "`${dirname(N)}`: name of the nth parent folder in which the file is located (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). Folders can be picked from the start of the path by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). If the __Item__ is an absolute pattern path, the first folder (`N=-1`) refers to the first folder in the absolute path, otherwise it corresponds to the workspace folder.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthextname": "`${extname(N)}`: the nth extension of the file separated by '.' (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext1`). Extension can be picked from the start of the extension by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext2`).", "workbench.editor.label.patterns": "Düzenleyici etiketinin işlenmesini denetler. Her __Öğe__, bir dosya yolu ile eşleşen bir desendir. Hem göreli hem de mutlak dosya yolları desteklenir. Göreli yol, WORKSPACE_FOLDER (ör. `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/src/**.tsx` veya `*/src/**.tsx`) içermelidir. Mutlak desenler '/' ile başlamalıdır. Birden çok desen eşleşirse, eşleşen en uzun yol seçilir. Her __Değer__, __Öğe__ eşleştiğinde işlenen düzenleyicinin şablonudur. Değişkenler, bağlama göre değiştirilir:", - "workbench.editor.label.template": "Desen eşleştiğinde işlenmesi gereken şablon. ${dirname}, ${filename} ve ${extname} değişkenlerini içerebilir.", + "workbench.editor.label.template": "The template which should be rendered when the pattern matches. May include the variables ${dirname}, ${filename} and ${extname}.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.default": "Dosyanın adını gösterin. Sekmeler etkinleştirildiğinde ve iki dosya bir grupta aynı ada sahip olduğunda, her dosyanın yolunun ayırt edici bölümleri eklenir. Sekmeler devre dışı bırakıldığında, düzenleyici etkinse çalışma alanı klasörüne göreli yol gösterilir.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.long": "Dosyanın adını ve ardından gelen mutlak yolunu gösterin.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.medium": "Dosyanın adını ve ardından çalışma alanı klasörüne göreli yolunu gösterin.", @@ -4861,6 +4878,8 @@ "runningAsRoot": "{0} uygulamasının kök kullanıcı olarak çalıştırılması önerilmez.", "runningTranslated": "{0} öykünülen sürümünü çalıştırıyorsunuz. Daha iyi performans için makinenize {0} derlemesinin yerel arm64 sürümünü indirin.", "sharedProcessCrash": "Paylaşılan bir arka plan işlemi beklenmedik şekilde sonlandırıldı. Kurtarmak için lütfen uygulamayı yeniden başlatın.", + "showArgvParseWarning": "The runtime arguments file 'argv.json' contains errors. Please correct them and restart.", + "showArgvParseWarningAction": "Open File", "shutdownErrorClose": "Beklenmeyen bir hata pencerenin kapatılmasını engelledi", "shutdownErrorDetail": "Hata: {0}", "shutdownErrorLoad": "Beklenmeyen bir hata çalışma alanının değiştirilmesini engelledi", @@ -5006,6 +5025,7 @@ "verbosity.keybindingsEditor.description": "Satıra odaklanıldığında tuş bağlaması düzenleyicisinde tuş bağlamasını değiştirme hakkında bilgi sağla.", "verbosity.notebook": "Not defteri hücresine odaklanıldığında hücre kapsayıcısına veya iç düzenleyiciye nasıl odaklanılacağı hakkında bilgi sağlayın.", "verbosity.notification": "Bildirimin Erişilebilir Görünümde nasıl açılacağı hakkında bilgi sağla.", + "verbosity.replInputHint": "Provide information about relevant actions For the Repl input.", "verbosity.terminal.description": "Terminale odaklanıldığında terminal erişilebilirlik yardım menüsüne erişme hakkında bilgi sağla.", "voice.speechLanguage": "Metin okuma ve konuşmayı metne dönüştürmenin kullanacağı dil. Mümkünse yapılandırılmış görüntüleme dilini kullanmak için 'otomatik' seçeneğini belirtin. Tüm görüntüleme dillerinin konuşma tanıma ve birleştiriciler tarafından desteklenmeyebileceğini unutmayın.", "voice.speechTimeout": "Siz konuşmayı bırakıldıktan sonra ses konuşma tanımanın etkin kalacağı milisaniye cinsinden süre. Örneğin, bir sohbet oturumunda, zaman aşımına gelindikten sonra dönüştürülmüş metni otomatik olarak gönderilir. Bu özelliği devre dışı bırakmak için '0' olarak ayarlayın." @@ -5343,6 +5363,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "Sohbet", "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "Kullanıcının, sohbet katılımcısının istemine hangi örtülü bağlamın dahil edildiğini belirlemesine olanak tanıyan bir onay kutusunun gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini kontrol eder.", + "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Enables variables for editor chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "Enables variables for notebook chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "Enables variables for terminal chat.", "clear": "Yeni sohbet başlat", "file": "Çalışma alanında bir dosya seçin", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Sohbet kod bloklarındaki yazı tipi ailesini kontrol eder.", @@ -5421,6 +5444,7 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "Bu sohbet katılımcısının, yanıtlarının etiketi olarak gösterilen tam adı. Belirtilmemişse, {0} kullanılır.", "chatParticipantId": "Bu sohbet katılımcısı için benzersiz bir kimlik.", "chatParticipantName": "Bu sohbet katılımcısının kullanıcıya görünen adı. Kullanıcı, katılımcıyı çağırmak için bu adla '@' karakterini kullanır. Ad boşluk içermemelidir.", + "chatParticipantWhen": "A condition which must be true to enable this participant.", "chatSampleRequest": "Kullanıcı `/help`'te bu katılımcıya tıkladığında bu metin katılımcıya gönderilir.", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "Bir sohbet katılımcısına katkıda bulunur" }, @@ -5489,7 +5513,7 @@ "Language Models": "Dil Modelleri", "languageModels": "Bu uzantının dil modelleri kullanım istatistikleri." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/toolsContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts.", "toolDescription": "A description of this tool that may be passed to a language model.", "toolDisplayName": "A human-readable name for this tool that may be used to describe it in the UI.", @@ -6968,6 +6992,7 @@ "id required": "Uzantı kimliği gerekiyor.", "importKeyboardShortcutsFroms": "Klavye Kısayollarını şu öğeden geçir...", "install button": "Yükle", + "install installAndDonotSync": "Install (Do not Sync)", "installButton": "&&Yükle", "installExtensionFromLocation": "Uzantıyı Konumdan Yükle...", "installExtensionQuickAccessHelp": "Uzantıları Yükle veya Ara", @@ -7981,7 +8006,7 @@ "change.1": "1 değişiklik", "change.N": "{0} değişiklik", "review": "Devam etmeden önce tüm değişiklikleri gözden geçirin (kabul edin veya atın)", - "review.1": "$(info) Accept or discard change", + "review.1": "Accept or Discard change", "review.N": "$(info) {0} değişikliği Kabul Et veya At" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { @@ -8039,6 +8064,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactive.contribution": { "interactive.activeCodeBorder": "Düzenleyicinin odağı olduğunda geçerli etkileşimli kod hücresinin kenarlık rengi.", + "interactive.configExecute": "Configure input box behavior", "interactive.execute": "Kodu Yürüt", "interactive.history.focus": "Odak Geçmişi", "": "Geçmişteki sonraki değer", @@ -8051,11 +8077,13 @@ "interactiveScrollToTop": "En Üste Kaydır", "interactiveWindow": "Etkileşimli Pencere", "interactiveWindow.alwaysScrollOnNewCell": "Yürütülen son deyimin çıkışını göstermek için etkileşimli pencereyi otomatik olarak kaydırın. Bu değer false ise, pencere yalnızca son hücreye zaten kaydırılması durumunda kaydırılır.", - "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "Enter'ın yeni satır oluşturmak için kullanılabilmesi için etkileşimli pencere (REPL) giriş kutusunu shift+enter ile çalıştırın.", - "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "Etkileşimli pencere kapatıldığında kaydetme isteminde bulun. Bu ayar değişikliği yalnızca yeni etkileşimli pencerelerden etkilenir." + "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "Execute the Interactive Window (REPL) input box with shift+enter, so that enter can be used to create a newline.", + "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "Etkileşimli pencere kapatıldığında kaydetme isteminde bulun. Bu ayar değişikliği yalnızca yeni etkileşimli pencerelerden etkilenir.", + "interactiveWindow.showExecutionHint": "Display a hint in the Interactive Window (REPL) input box to indicate how to execute code." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactiveEditor": { - "interactiveInputPlaceHolder": "'{0}' kodunu buraya yazın ve çalıştırmak için {1} tuşuna basın" + "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/replInputHintContentWidget": { + "disableHint": " Toggle {0} in settings to disable this hint.", + "emptyHintText": "Press {0} to execute. " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactiveEditor/browser/interactiveEditorActions": { "accept": "Yapma İsteği", @@ -9260,6 +9288,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookIcons": { "clearIcon": "Not defteri düzenleyicilerindeki hücre çıkışlarını temizleme simgesi.", "collapsedIcon": "Not defteri düzenleyicilerindeki daraltılmış bölümü belirten simge.", + "configIcon": "Icon to configure in notebook editors.", "copyIcon": "İçeriği panoya kopyalama simgesi", "deleteCellIcon": "Not defteri düzenleyicilerindeki hücre silme simgesi.", "editIcon": "Not defteri düzenleyicilerindeki hücre düzenleme simgesi.", @@ -10214,6 +10243,7 @@ "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.false": "Öndeki ve sondaki boşlukların hiçbirini yok sayma.", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.inherit": "'diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace' öğesinden devral.", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.true": "Tüm öndeki ve sondaki boşlukları yok say.", + "scm.experimental.showHistoryGraph": "Controls whether to show the history graph instead of incoming/outgoing changes in the Source Control view.", "scm.providerCountBadge": "Kaynak Denetim Sağlayıcısı üst bilgilerinde sayı rozetlerini kontrol eder. Bu üst bilgiler, birden fazla sağlayıcı olduğunda veya{0} ayarı etkinleştirildiğinde ve Kaynak Denetimi Depoları görünümünde, Kaynak Denetimi görünümlerinde görünür.", "": "Kaynak Denetim Sağlayıcısı için sayım rozetini yalnızca sıfır olmadığında göster.", "scm.providerCountBadge.hidden": "Kaynak Denetim Sağlayıcısı sayım rozetlerini gizle.", @@ -11905,6 +11935,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollColorRegistry": { "terminalStickyScroll.background": "Terminaldeki yapışkan kaydırma katmanının arka plan rengi.", + "terminalStickyScroll.border": "The border of the sticky scroll overlay in the terminal.", "terminalStickyScrollHover.background": "Üzerine gelindiğinde terminaldeki yapışkan kaydırma katmanının arka plan rengi." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollOverlay": { @@ -13568,6 +13599,7 @@ "remote": "Uzak" }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/remoteExtensionManagementService": { + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "'{0}' uzantısı, geçerli {1} sürümü (sürüm {2}) ile uyumlu olmadığından yüklenemiyor.", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "Yayın sürümü olmadığından, '{0}' yayın sürümü uzantısı yüklenemiyor." }, @@ -13604,6 +13636,9 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionHostManager": { "measureExtHostLatency": "Uzantı Konak Gecikme Süresini Ölç" }, + "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsProposedApi": { + "enabledProposedAPIs": "API Proposals" + }, "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsRegistry": { "extensionKind": "Bir uzantının türünü tanımlayın. `workspace` uzantıları uzak makinede çalıştırılırken `ui` uzantıları yerel makineye yüklenip çalıştırılır.", "extensionKind.empty": "Ne yerel ne de uzak makinede uzak bir bağlamda çalıştırılamayan bir uzantı tanımlayın.", @@ -13615,6 +13650,7 @@ "ui": "Kullanıcı arabirimi uzantı türü. Uzak bir pencerede bu tür uzantılar yalnızca yerel makinede kullanılabildiğinde etkindir.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents": "VS Code uzantısı için etkinleştirme olayları.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onAuthenticationRequest": "Belirtilen kimlik doğrulaması sağlayıcısından her oturum istendiğinde oluşturulan etkinleştirme olayı.", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onChatParticipant": "An activation event emitted when the specified chat participant is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCommand": "Belirtilen komut çağrıldığında yayınlanan bir etkinleştirme olayı.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCustomEditor": "Belirtilen özel düzenleyici görünür olduğunda yayınlanan bir etkinleştirme olayı.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onDebug": "Bir kullanıcı hata ayıklamaya başlamak ya da hata ayıklama yapılandırmaları ayarlamak üzere olduğunda yayınlanan bir etkinleştirme olayı.", @@ -13626,6 +13662,7 @@ "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onFileSystem": "Verilen şemaya sahip bir dosya veya klasöre her erişildiğinde yayınlanan bir etkinleştirme olayı.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onIssueReporterOpened": "Sorun raporlayıcısı açıldığında yayılan bir etkinleştirme olayı.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguage": "Belirtilen dile çözümlenen bir dosya açıldığında yayınlanan bir etkinleştirme olayı.", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguageModelTool": "An activation event emitted when the specified language model tool is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onNotebook": "Belirtilen not defteri belgesi her açıldığında yayınlanan etkinleştirme olayı.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onOpenExternalUri": "Dış URI (http veya https bağlantısı gibi) her açıldığında bir etkinleştirme olayı yayımlanır.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onRenderer": "Bir not defteri çıktısı işleyicisi her kullanıldığında, bir etkinleştirme olayı yayınlanır.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 8a277558b7..9217e8240d 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -311,6 +311,7 @@ "typescript.tsc.autoDetect.on": "同时创建生成和监视任务。", "": "仅创建编译和监视任务。", "typescript.tsdk.desc": "指定 TypeScript 安装下用于 IntelliSense 的 tsserver 和 `lib*.d.ts` 文件的文件夹路径,例如: `./node_modules/typescript/lib`。\r\n\r\n- 当指定为用户设置时,`typescript.tsdk` 中的 TypeScript 版本会自动替换内置的 TypeScript 版本。\r\n- 当指定为工作区设置时,`typescript.tsdk` 允许通过 `TypeScript: Select TypeScript version` 命令切换为对 IntelliSense 使用 TypeScript 的该工作区版本。\r\n\r\n有关管理 TypeScript 版本的更多详细信息,请参阅 [TypeScript文档](。", + "typescript.tsserver.enableRegionDiagnostics": "Enables region-based diagnostics in TypeScript. Requires using TypeScript 5.6+ in the workspace.", "typescript.tsserver.enableTracing": "允许将 TS 服务器性能跟踪保持到目录。这些跟踪文件可用于诊断 TS 服务器性能问题。日志可能包含你的项目中的文件路径、源代码和其他可能敏感的信息。", "typescript.tsserver.log": "将 TS 服务器的日志保存到一个文件。此日志可用于诊断 TS 服务器问题。日志可能包含你的项目中的文件路径、源代码和其他可能敏感的信息。", "typescript.tsserver.pluginPaths": "其他用于搜索 TypeScript 语言服务插件的路径。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json index 82e1f92a9b..adb176b8a5 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -1053,7 +1053,8 @@ "pasteAsProgress": "正在运行粘贴处理程序", "pasteIntoEditorProgress": "Running paste handlers. Click to cancel and do basic paste", "pasteWidgetVisible": "是否显示粘贴小组件", - "postPasteWidgetTitle": "显示粘贴选项..." + "postPasteWidgetTitle": "显示粘贴选项...", + "resolveProcess": "Resolving paste edit. Click to cancel" }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/defaultProviders": { "defaultDropProvider.uriList.path": "插入路径", @@ -1378,6 +1379,18 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "“显示上一个参数”提示的图标。", "previous": "上一个" }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/commands": { + "action.inlineEdits.accept": "Accept Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.hide": "Hide Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showNext": "Show Next Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showPrevious": "Show Previous Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.trigger": "Trigger Inline Edit", + "inlineEditsActions": "Accept Inline Edit" + }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/consts": { + "inlineEditsVisible": "Whether an inline edit is visible", + "isPinned": "Whether an inline edit is visible" + }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "": "替换为下一个值", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "替换为上一个值" @@ -1981,6 +1994,7 @@ "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "市场未启用", "incompatible platform": "'{0}' 扩展在 {1} 中对于 {2} 不可用。", + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "malicious extension": "无法安装 '{0}' 扩展,因为其被报告为存在问题。", "multipleDependentsError": "无法卸载扩展“{0}”。“{1}”、“{2}”以及其他扩展都依赖于它。", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "无法卸载扩展“{0}”。该操作会一并卸载依赖于它的扩展“{1}”、“{2}”、“{3}”和其他扩展。", @@ -2052,6 +2066,8 @@ "invalidManifest": "VSIX 无效: package.json 不是 JSON 文件。" }, "vs/platform/extensions/common/extensionValidator": { + "apiProposalMismatch": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has version {2}.", + "apiProposalMismatchNoVersion": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has no version defined.", "extensionDescription.activationEvents1": "属性“{0}”可以省略,否则其类型必须是 `string[]`", "extensionDescription.activationEvents2": "如果扩展没有“{1}”或“{2}”属性,则应省略属性“{0}”。", "extensionDescription.browser1": "属性“{0}”可以省略,否则其类型必须是 `string`", @@ -4411,9 +4427,10 @@ "workbench.editor.label.enabled": "控制是否应应用自定义工作台编辑器标签。", "workbench.editor.label.extname": "`${extname}`: 文件扩展名(例如 `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> txt`)。", "workbench.editor.label.filename": "`${filename}`: 没有文件扩展名的文件的名称(例如 `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> file`)。", - "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "“${dirname(N)}”: 文件所在的第 n 个父文件夹的名称(例如 `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`)。可以使用负数从路径开头选取文件夹(例如 `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`)。如果 __Item__ 是绝对模式路径,则第一个文件夹(`N=-1`)将引用绝对路径中的第一个文件夹,否则它对应于工作区文件夹。", + "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "`${dirname(N)}`: name of the nth parent folder in which the file is located (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). Folders can be picked from the start of the path by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). If the __Item__ is an absolute pattern path, the first folder (`N=-1`) refers to the first folder in the absolute path, otherwise it corresponds to the workspace folder.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthextname": "`${extname(N)}`: the nth extension of the file separated by '.' (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext1`). Extension can be picked from the start of the extension by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext2`).", "workbench.editor.label.patterns": "控制编辑器标签的呈现。每个 __Item__ 都是与文件路径匹配的模式。同时支持相对文件路径和绝对文件路径。相对路径必须包含 WORKSPACE_FOLDER (例如 `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/src/**.tsx` or `*/src/**.tsx`)。绝对模式必须以 `/` 开头。如果多个模式匹配,则将选取最长匹配路径。每个 __Value__ 都是 __Item__ 匹配时呈现的编辑器的模板。根据上下文替换变量:", - "workbench.editor.label.template": "模式匹配时应呈现的模板。可能包括变量 ${dirname}、${filename} 和 ${extname}。", + "workbench.editor.label.template": "The template which should be rendered when the pattern matches. May include the variables ${dirname}, ${filename} and ${extname}.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.default": "显示文件名。当启用选项卡且在同一组内有两个相同名称的文件时,将添加每个文件路径中可以用于区分的部分。在选项卡被禁用且编辑器活动时,将显示相对于工作区文件夹的路径。", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.long": "显示文件名后跟其绝对路径。", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.medium": "显示文件名及其相对于工作区文件夹的路径。", @@ -4861,6 +4878,8 @@ "runningAsRoot": "不建议以 root 用户身份运行 {0}。", "runningTranslated": "你正在运行 {0} 的仿真版本。为了获得更好的性能,请下载适用于计算机的本机 arm64 版本的 {0} 内部版本。", "sharedProcessCrash": "共享后台进程意外终止。请重新启动应用程序以进行恢复。", + "showArgvParseWarning": "The runtime arguments file 'argv.json' contains errors. Please correct them and restart.", + "showArgvParseWarningAction": "Open File", "shutdownErrorClose": "意外错误导致无法关闭窗口", "shutdownErrorDetail": "错误: {0}", "shutdownErrorLoad": "意外错误导致无法更改工作区", @@ -5006,6 +5025,7 @@ "verbosity.keybindingsEditor.description": "提供有关如何在聚焦行时在键绑定编辑器中更改键绑定的信息。", "verbosity.notebook": "提供有关在笔记本单元格聚焦时如何聚焦单元格容器或内部编辑器的信息。", "verbosity.notification": "提供有关如何在辅助视图中打开通知的信息。", + "verbosity.replInputHint": "Provide information about relevant actions For the Repl input.", "verbosity.terminal.description": "提供有关如何在聚焦终端时访问终端辅助功能帮助菜单的信息。", "voice.speechLanguage": "文本转语音和语音转文本应使用的语言。如果可能,请选择 `auto` 以使用所配置的显示语言。请注意,语音识别与合成器并不支持所有显示语言。", "voice.speechTimeout": "停止说话后语音识别保持活动状态的持续时间(以毫秒为单位)。例如,在聊天会话中,超时后自动提交听录文本。设置为“0”以禁用此功能。" @@ -5343,6 +5363,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "聊天", "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "控制是否显示复选框以允许用户确定聊天参与者提示中包含哪些隐式上下文。", + "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Enables variables for editor chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "Enables variables for notebook chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "Enables variables for terminal chat.", "clear": "启动新聊天", "file": "选择工作区中的文件", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "控制聊天代码块中的字体系列。", @@ -5421,6 +5444,7 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "此聊天参与者的全名,显示为来自此参与者的响应的标签。如果未提供,则使用 {0}。", "chatParticipantId": "此聊天参与者的唯一 ID。", "chatParticipantName": "此聊天参与者面向用户的名称。用户将使用 \"@\" 与此名称来调用参与者。名词不能包含空格。", + "chatParticipantWhen": "A condition which must be true to enable this participant.", "chatSampleRequest": "当用户在 `/help` 中单击此参与者时,此文本将提交给参与者。", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "提供聊天参与者" }, @@ -5489,7 +5513,7 @@ "Language Models": "语言模型", "languageModels": "此扩展的语言模型使用情况统计信息。" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/toolsContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts.", "toolDescription": "A description of this tool that may be passed to a language model.", "toolDisplayName": "A human-readable name for this tool that may be used to describe it in the UI.", @@ -6968,6 +6992,7 @@ "id required": "扩展 ID 是必需的。", "importKeyboardShortcutsFroms": "从 - 中迁移键盘快捷方式...", "install button": "安装", + "install installAndDonotSync": "Install (Do not Sync)", "installButton": "安装(&&I)", "installExtensionFromLocation": "从位置安装扩展...", "installExtensionQuickAccessHelp": "安装或搜索扩展", @@ -7981,7 +8006,7 @@ "change.1": "1 项更改", "change.N": "{0} 项更改", "review": "在继续之前,请查看(接受或放弃)所有更改", - "review.1": "$(info) Accept or discard change", + "review.1": "Accept or Discard change", "review.N": "$(info) 接受或放弃 {0} 项更改" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { @@ -8039,6 +8064,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactive.contribution": { "interactive.activeCodeBorder": "当编辑器具有焦点时,当前交互式代码单元格的边框颜色。", + "interactive.configExecute": "Configure input box behavior", "interactive.execute": "执行代码", "interactive.history.focus": "焦点历史记录", "": "历史记录中的下一个值", @@ -8051,11 +8077,13 @@ "interactiveScrollToTop": "滚动到顶部", "interactiveWindow": "交互窗口", "interactiveWindow.alwaysScrollOnNewCell": "自动滚动交互窗口以显示执行的最后一条语句的输出。如果此值为 false,仅当最后一个单元格已滚动到此单元格时,窗口才会滚动。", - "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "使用 Shift+Enter 执行交互窗口(REPL)输入框,以便 Enter 可用于创建换行符。", - "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "关闭交互窗口时提示保存该窗口。此设置更改仅影响新的交互窗口。" + "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "Execute the Interactive Window (REPL) input box with shift+enter, so that enter can be used to create a newline.", + "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "关闭交互窗口时提示保存该窗口。此设置更改仅影响新的交互窗口。", + "interactiveWindow.showExecutionHint": "Display a hint in the Interactive Window (REPL) input box to indicate how to execute code." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactiveEditor": { - "interactiveInputPlaceHolder": "在此处键入 '{0}' 代码并按 {1} 运行" + "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/replInputHintContentWidget": { + "disableHint": " Toggle {0} in settings to disable this hint.", + "emptyHintText": "Press {0} to execute. " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactiveEditor/browser/interactiveEditorActions": { "accept": "发出请求", @@ -9260,6 +9288,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookIcons": { "clearIcon": "用于在笔记本编辑器中清除单元格输出的图标。", "collapsedIcon": "用于在笔记本编辑器中批注已折叠部分的图标。", + "configIcon": "Icon to configure in notebook editors.", "copyIcon": "将内容复制到剪贴板的图标", "deleteCellIcon": "用于在笔记本编辑器中删除单元格的图标。", "editIcon": "用于在笔记本编辑器中编辑单元格的图标。", @@ -10214,6 +10243,7 @@ "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.false": "不要忽略前导空格和尾随空格。", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.inherit": "继承自 `diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace`。", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.true": "忽略前导空格和尾随空格。", + "scm.experimental.showHistoryGraph": "Controls whether to show the history graph instead of incoming/outgoing changes in the Source Control view.", "scm.providerCountBadge": "控制源代码管理提供程序标头上的计数锁屏提醒。当存在多个提供程序或启用 {0} 设置时,以及在“源代码管理存储库”视图中,这些标头将显示在“源代码管理”视图中。", "": "仅显示非零时源代码管理提供程序的计数锁屏提醒。", "scm.providerCountBadge.hidden": "隐藏源代码管理提供程序计数锁屏提醒。", @@ -11905,6 +11935,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollColorRegistry": { "terminalStickyScroll.background": "终端中粘滞滚动覆盖的背景色。", + "terminalStickyScroll.border": "The border of the sticky scroll overlay in the terminal.", "terminalStickyScrollHover.background": "悬停时终端中粘滞滚动覆盖的背景色。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollOverlay": { @@ -13568,6 +13599,7 @@ "remote": "远程" }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/remoteExtensionManagementService": { + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "无法安装“{0}”扩展,因为它与当前 {1} 版本不兼容(版本 {2})。", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "由于 '{0}' 扩展没有发布版本,因此无法安装。" }, @@ -13604,6 +13636,9 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionHostManager": { "measureExtHostLatency": "测量扩展主机延迟" }, + "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsProposedApi": { + "enabledProposedAPIs": "API Proposals" + }, "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsRegistry": { "extensionKind": "定义扩展的类型。\"ui\"扩展在本地计算机上安装和运行,而 \"工作区\" 扩展则在远程计算机上运行。", "extensionKind.empty": "定义一个无法在远程上下文中运行的扩展,既不能在本地上,也不能在远程计算机上运行。", @@ -13615,6 +13650,7 @@ "ui": "UI 扩展类型。在远程窗口中, 仅本地计算机可用时启用此类扩展。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents": "VS Code 扩展的激活事件。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onAuthenticationRequest": "每次从指定的身份验证提供程序请求会话时发出的激活事件。", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onChatParticipant": "An activation event emitted when the specified chat participant is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCommand": "在调用指定命令时发出的激活事件。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCustomEditor": "每当指定的自定义编辑器变为可见时,都会发出激活事件。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onDebug": "在用户准备调试或准备设置调试配置时发出的激活事件。", @@ -13626,6 +13662,7 @@ "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onFileSystem": "在使用给定协议打开文件或文件夹时发出的激活事件。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onIssueReporterOpened": "问题报告器打开时发出的激活事件。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguage": "在打开被解析为指定语言的文件时发出的激活事件。", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguageModelTool": "An activation event emitted when the specified language model tool is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onNotebook": "在指定的笔记本文档被打开时发出的激活事件。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onOpenExternalUri": "每当打开一个外部 uri (例如 http 或 https 链接)时发出的激活事件。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onRenderer": "每当使用笔记本输出呈现器时发出激活事件。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json index c1585e0fdf..04bdee9b96 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/vscode.typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -311,6 +311,7 @@ "typescript.tsc.autoDetect.on": "同時建立建置及監看工作。", "": "僅建立編譯及監看工作。", "typescript.tsdk.desc": "指定 TypeScript 安裝下要用於 IntelliSense 的 tsserver 與 `lib*.d.ts` 檔案資料夾路徑,例如: `./node_modules/typescript/lib`。\r\n\r\n- 若指定為使用者設定,來自 `typescript.tsdk` 的 TypeScript 版本會自動取代內建的 TypeScript 版本。\r\n- 若指定為工作區設定,則 `typescript.tsdk` 可讓您以 `TypeScript: Select TypeScript version` 命令,改為對 IntelliSense 使用該工作區版本的 TypeScript。\r\n\r\n如需如何管理 TypeScript 版本的詳細資料,請參閱 [TypeScript 文件](。", + "typescript.tsserver.enableRegionDiagnostics": "Enables region-based diagnostics in TypeScript. Requires using TypeScript 5.6+ in the workspace.", "typescript.tsserver.enableTracing": "允許追蹤 TS 伺服器效能到目錄。這些追蹤檔案可用於診斷 TS 伺服器效能問題。記錄可能包含檔案路徑、原始程式碼及您專案中可能具有敏感性的其他資訊。", "typescript.tsserver.log": "允許 TS 伺服器記錄到檔案。此記錄可用來診斷 TS 伺服器問題。記錄可能包含檔案路徑、原始程式碼及您專案中可能具有敏感性的其他資訊。", "typescript.tsserver.pluginPaths": "探索 TypeScript 語言服務外掛程式的其他路徑。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json index 8766e5d2a2..625c7b34ea 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -1053,7 +1053,8 @@ "pasteAsProgress": "執行貼上處理常式", "pasteIntoEditorProgress": "Running paste handlers. Click to cancel and do basic paste", "pasteWidgetVisible": "是否顯示貼上小工具", - "postPasteWidgetTitle": "顯示貼上選項..." + "postPasteWidgetTitle": "顯示貼上選項...", + "resolveProcess": "Resolving paste edit. Click to cancel" }, "vs/editor/contrib/dropOrPasteInto/browser/defaultProviders": { "defaultDropProvider.uriList.path": "插入路徑", @@ -1378,6 +1379,18 @@ "parameterHintsPreviousIcon": "[顯示上一個參數提示] 的圖示。", "previous": "上一步" }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/commands": { + "action.inlineEdits.accept": "Accept Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.hide": "Hide Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showNext": "Show Next Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.showPrevious": "Show Previous Inline Edit", + "action.inlineEdits.trigger": "Trigger Inline Edit", + "inlineEditsActions": "Accept Inline Edit" + }, + "vs/editor/contrib/inlineEdits/browser/consts": { + "inlineEditsVisible": "Whether an inline edit is visible", + "isPinned": "Whether an inline edit is visible" + }, "vs/editor/contrib/inPlaceReplace/browser/inPlaceReplace": { "": "以下一個值取代", "InPlaceReplaceAction.previous.label": "以上一個值取代" @@ -1981,6 +1994,7 @@ "vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/abstractExtensionManagementService": { "MarketPlaceDisabled": "未啟用市集", "incompatible platform": "{1} 中無法針對 {2} 使用 {0}' 延伸模組。", + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "malicious extension": "因為有使用者回報 '{0}' 延伸模組有問題,所以無法安裝。", "multipleDependentsError": "無法將 '{0}' 延伸模組解除安裝。其為 '{1}'、'{2}' 與其他延伸模組的相依對象。", "multipleIndirectDependentsError": "無法將 '{0}' 延伸模組解除安裝。這麼做會將與其相依的 '{1}' 延伸模組及 '{2}'、'{3}' 和其他延伸模組解除安裝。", @@ -2052,6 +2066,8 @@ "invalidManifest": "VSIX 無效: package.json 不是 JSON 檔案。" }, "vs/platform/extensions/common/extensionValidator": { + "apiProposalMismatch": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has version {2}.", + "apiProposalMismatchNoVersion": "Extension is not compatible with API proposal {0}. Extension requires version {1} but product has no version defined.", "extensionDescription.activationEvents1": "屬性 `{0}` 可以省略或必須屬於 `string[]` 類型", "extensionDescription.activationEvents2": "如果延伸模組沒有 `{1}` 或 `{2}` 屬性,則應該省略屬性 `{0}`。", "extensionDescription.browser1": "屬性 `{0}` 可以省略或必須屬於 `string` 類型", @@ -4411,9 +4427,10 @@ "workbench.editor.label.enabled": "控制是否應套用自訂工作台編輯器標籤。", "workbench.editor.label.extname": "`${extname}`: 副檔名 (例如 `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> txt`)。", "workbench.editor.label.filename": "`${filename}`: 檔案的名稱,不含副檔名 (例如 `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> file`)。", - "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "`${dirname(N)}`: 檔案所在的第 n 個父資料夾名稱 (例如 `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`)。可以使用負數 (例如 `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`) 從路徑的開頭挑選資料夾。如果 __Item__ 是絕對模式路徑,則第一個資料夾 (`N=-1`) 會參考絕對路徑中的第一個資料夾,否則會對應到工作區資料夾。", + "workbench.editor.label.nthdirname": "`${dirname(N)}`: name of the nth parent folder in which the file is located (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/static/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). Folders can be picked from the start of the path by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.txt -> WORKSPACE_FOLDER`). If the __Item__ is an absolute pattern path, the first folder (`N=-1`) refers to the first folder in the absolute path, otherwise it corresponds to the workspace folder.", + "workbench.editor.label.nthextname": "`${extname(N)}`: the nth extension of the file separated by '.' (e.g. `N=2: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext1`). Extension can be picked from the start of the extension by using negative numbers (e.g. `N=-1: WORKSPACE_FOLDER/folder/file.ext1.ext2.ext3 -> ext2`).", "workbench.editor.label.patterns": "控制編輯器標籤的轉譯。每個 __Item__ 都是符合檔案路徑的模式。同時支援相對和絕對檔案路徑。相對路徑必須包含 WORKSPACE_FOLDER (例如 `WORKSPACE_FOLDER/src/**.tsx` 或 `*/src/**.tsx`)。絕對模式開頭必須為 `/`。如果有多個模式相符,將會挑選最長的相符路徑。當 __Item__ 相符時,每個 __Value__ 都是所轉譯編輯器的範本。變數會根據內容來替代:", - "workbench.editor.label.template": "模式相符時應呈現的範本。可以包含變數 ${dirname}、${filename} 和 ${extname}。", + "workbench.editor.label.template": "The template which should be rendered when the pattern matches. May include the variables ${dirname}, ${filename} and ${extname}.", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.default": "顯示檔案的名稱。當索引標籤已啟用,且兩個檔案在一個群組內具有相同名稱時,會在各檔案的路徑新增區別部分。當索引標籤停用時,會在使用編輯器時顯示與工作區資料夾相關的路徑。", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.long": "顯示檔案的名稱,後面接著其絕對路徑。", "workbench.editor.labelFormat.medium": "顯示檔案的名稱,後面接著其對工作區資料夾相關的路徑。", @@ -4861,6 +4878,8 @@ "runningAsRoot": "不建議以 root 身分執行 {0}。", "runningTranslated": "您執行的是 {0} 的模擬版本。為提升效能,請為您的機器下載 {0} 組建的原生 arm64 版本。", "sharedProcessCrash": "共用背景程序意外終止。請重新啟動應用程式以復原。", + "showArgvParseWarning": "The runtime arguments file 'argv.json' contains errors. Please correct them and restart.", + "showArgvParseWarningAction": "Open File", "shutdownErrorClose": "因為發生非預期的錯誤,所以無法關閉視窗。", "shutdownErrorDetail": "錯誤: {0}", "shutdownErrorLoad": "發生意外的錯誤,無法變更工作區", @@ -5006,6 +5025,7 @@ "verbosity.keybindingsEditor.description": "提供聚焦於資料列時,如何在按鍵繫結關係編輯器中變更按鍵繫結關係的相關資訊。", "verbosity.notebook": "提供當筆記本儲存格成為焦點時,如何聚焦於儲存格容器或內部編輯器的資訊。", "verbosity.notification": "提供如何在可存取檢視中開啟通知的資訊。", + "verbosity.replInputHint": "Provide information about relevant actions For the Repl input.", "verbosity.terminal.description": "提供聚焦於終端時,如何存取終端協助工具說明功能表的相關資訊。", "voice.speechLanguage": "文字轉換語音和語音轉換文字應該使用的語言。如果可能的話,選取 [自動] 以使用設定的顯示語言。請注意,並非所有顯示語言都可能受語音辨識和合成器的支援。", "voice.speechTimeout": "在您停止說話之後,語音辨識保持作用中的持續時間 (以毫秒為單位)。例如,在聊天工作階段中,達到逾時之後,即會自動提交轉錄的文字。設為 `0` 以停用此功能。" @@ -5343,6 +5363,9 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chat.contribution": { "chat": "聊天", "chat.experimental.implicitContext": "控制是否顯示核取方塊,讓使用者判斷要隨著聊天參與者的提示包含的隱含內容。", + "chat.experimental.variables.editor": "Enables variables for editor chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.notebook": "Enables variables for notebook chat.", + "chat.experimental.variables.terminal": "Enables variables for terminal chat.", "clear": "開始新的聊天", "file": "選擇工作區中的檔案", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "控制聊天程式碼區塊中的字型家族。", @@ -5421,6 +5444,7 @@ "chatParticipantFullName": "此聊天參與者的全名,顯示為來自此參與者的回應標籤。如果未提供,則會使用 {0}。", "chatParticipantId": "此聊天參與者的唯一識別碼。", "chatParticipantName": "此聊天參與者的使用者對向名稱。使用者將使用 '@' 搭配此名稱來叫用參與者。名稱不能包含空格。", + "chatParticipantWhen": "A condition which must be true to enable this participant.", "chatSampleRequest": "當使用者在 `/help` 中按一下此參與者時,此文字會提交給參與者。", "vscode.extension.contributes.chatParticipant": "參與聊天參與者" }, @@ -5489,7 +5513,7 @@ "Language Models": "語言模型", "languageModels": "此延伸模組的語言模型使用統計資料。" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/toolsContributions": { + "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/common/tools/languageModelToolsContribution": { "parametersSchema": "A JSON schema for the parameters this tool accepts.", "toolDescription": "A description of this tool that may be passed to a language model.", "toolDisplayName": "A human-readable name for this tool that may be used to describe it in the UI.", @@ -6968,6 +6992,7 @@ "id required": "延伸模組識別碼為必要項。", "importKeyboardShortcutsFroms": "從下列來源移轉鍵盤快速鍵...", "install button": "安裝", + "install installAndDonotSync": "Install (Do not Sync)", "installButton": "安裝(&&I)", "installExtensionFromLocation": "從位置安裝延伸模組...", "installExtensionQuickAccessHelp": "安裝或搜尋延伸模組", @@ -7981,7 +8006,7 @@ "change.1": "1 個變更", "change.N": "{0} 個變更", "review": "檢閱 (接受或捨棄) 所有變更後再繼續", - "review.1": "$(info) Accept or discard change", + "review.1": "Accept or Discard change", "review.N": "$(info) 接受或捨棄 {0} 個變更" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/inlineChatWidget": { @@ -8039,6 +8064,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactive.contribution": { "interactive.activeCodeBorder": "當編輯器有焦點時,目前互動式程式碼資料格的框線色彩。", + "interactive.configExecute": "Configure input box behavior", "interactive.execute": "執行程式碼", "interactive.history.focus": "焦點歷程記錄", "": "歷程記錄中的下一個值", @@ -8051,11 +8077,13 @@ "interactiveScrollToTop": "捲動至頂端", "interactiveWindow": "互動視窗", "interactiveWindow.alwaysScrollOnNewCell": "自動捲動互動視窗,以顯示上次執行陳述式的輸出。如果此值為 false,則只有在最後一個儲存格已經是捲動到的儲存格時,視窗才會捲動。", - "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "使用 Shift+Enter 來執行互動式視窗 (REPL) 輸入方塊,使得 Enter 可以用來建立換行符號。", - "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "關閉互動式視窗時提示儲存。只有新的互動式視窗會受到此設定變更的影響。" + "interactiveWindow.executeWithShiftEnter": "Execute the Interactive Window (REPL) input box with shift+enter, so that enter can be used to create a newline.", + "interactiveWindow.promptToSaveOnClose": "關閉互動式視窗時提示儲存。只有新的互動式視窗會受到此設定變更的影響。", + "interactiveWindow.showExecutionHint": "Display a hint in the Interactive Window (REPL) input box to indicate how to execute code." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/interactiveEditor": { - "interactiveInputPlaceHolder": "在此輸入 {0} 代碼,然後按 {1} 即可執行" + "vs/workbench/contrib/interactive/browser/replInputHintContentWidget": { + "disableHint": " Toggle {0} in settings to disable this hint.", + "emptyHintText": "Press {0} to execute. " }, "vs/workbench/contrib/interactiveEditor/browser/interactiveEditorActions": { "accept": "提出要求", @@ -9260,6 +9288,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookIcons": { "clearIcon": "用於在筆記本編輯器中清除儲存格輸出的圖示。", "collapsedIcon": "用於在筆記本編輯器中標註摺疊區段的圖示。", + "configIcon": "Icon to configure in notebook editors.", "copyIcon": "要將內容複寫到剪貼簿的圖示", "deleteCellIcon": "用於在筆記本編輯器中刪除儲存格的圖示。", "editIcon": "用於在筆記本編輯器中編輯儲存格的圖示。", @@ -10214,6 +10243,7 @@ "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.false": "請勿忽略開頭和尾端空白字元。", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.inherit": "繼承自 `diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace`。", "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace.true": "忽略開頭和尾端空白字元。", + "scm.experimental.showHistoryGraph": "Controls whether to show the history graph instead of incoming/outgoing changes in the Source Control view.", "scm.providerCountBadge": "控制原始檔控制提供者標頭上的計數徽章。當存在多個提供者或啟用了 {0} 設定時,這些標頭將顯示在 [原始檔控制] 檢視中,以及 [原始檔控制存放庫] 檢視中。", "": "當不為零時,僅顯示原始檔控制提供者的計數徽章。", "scm.providerCountBadge.hidden": "隱藏原始檔控制提供者計數徽章。", @@ -11905,6 +11935,7 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollColorRegistry": { "terminalStickyScroll.background": "終端機中自黏捲動重疊的背景色彩。", + "terminalStickyScroll.border": "The border of the sticky scroll overlay in the terminal.", "terminalStickyScrollHover.background": "游標暫留時,終端機中自黏捲動重疊的背景色彩。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminalContrib/stickyScroll/browser/terminalStickyScrollOverlay": { @@ -13568,6 +13599,7 @@ "remote": "遠端" }, "vs/workbench/services/extensionManagement/electron-sandbox/remoteExtensionManagementService": { + "incompatibleAPI": "Can't install '{0}' extension. {1}", "notFoundCompatibleDependency": "因為 '{0}' 延伸模組與目前的 {1} 版本 ({2} 版) 不相容,所以無法安裝。", "notFoundReleaseExtension": "無法安裝 '{0}' 擴充功能的發行版本,因為它沒有發行版本。" }, @@ -13604,6 +13636,9 @@ "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionHostManager": { "measureExtHostLatency": "測量延伸主機延遲" }, + "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsProposedApi": { + "enabledProposedAPIs": "API Proposals" + }, "vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsRegistry": { "extensionKind": "定義延伸模組的種類。`ui` 延伸模組會於本機電腦安裝並執行,而 `workspace` 延伸模組則會在遠端執行。", "extensionKind.empty": "定義無法在遠端內容中執行的延伸模組 (既不在本機,也不在遠端電腦上)。", @@ -13615,6 +13650,7 @@ "ui": "UI 延伸模組類型。在遠端視窗中,這類延伸模組只有在可於本機電腦上使用時才會啟用。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents": "VS Code 延伸模組的啟用事件。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onAuthenticationRequest": "每當向指定的驗證提供者要求工作階段時,即發出啟用事件。", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onChatParticipant": "An activation event emitted when the specified chat participant is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCommand": "只要叫用了指定的命令時,就會發出啟動事件。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onCustomEditor": "只要出現指定的自訂編輯器,就會發出啟用事件。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onDebug": "只要當使用者將啟動偵錯或是要設定偵錯組態時,就會發出啟動事件。", @@ -13626,6 +13662,7 @@ "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onFileSystem": "在每次透過指定的配置存取檔案或資料夾時,所發出的啟用事件。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onIssueReporterOpened": "當問題報告程式開啟時,會發出啟用事件。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguage": "只要開啟了可解析為指定語言的檔案時,就會發出啟動事件。", + "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onLanguageModelTool": "An activation event emitted when the specified language model tool is invoked.", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onNotebook": "當指定的筆記本文件開啟時,就會發出啟用事件。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onOpenExternalUri": "每當外部 URI (例如 HTTP 或 HTTPS 連結) 開啟時,就會發出啟用事件。", "vscode.extension.activationEvents.onRenderer": "每當使用筆記本輸出轉譯器時,就會發出啟用事件。",