diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json index 5de4b60574..3ef5b2c1aa 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ }, "dist/githubServer": { "signingIn": "$(mark-github) Přihlašování ke github.com...", - "signingInEnterprise": "$(mark-github) – přihlašování ke {0}...", - "status.git.signIn.name": "Přihlášení do GitHubu" + "status.git.signIn.name": "Přihlášení do GitHubu", + "validUri": "Please enter a valid Uri from the GitHub login page." }, "package": { "description": "Zprostředkovatel ověřování GitHubu", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 667f38aa81..11fb31195d 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ "configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Konfiguruje vzory globů pro určení, kdy se má k připojení použít inteligentní režim #debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#. Parametr $KNOWN_TOOLS$ se nahradí seznamem názvů běžných spouštěčů testů a kódu. [Další informace najdete v dokumentaci pro VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/nodejs-debugging#_auto-attach-smart-patterns).", "configuration.autoExpandGetters": "Konfiguruje, jestli se budou automaticky rozbalovat metody getter vlastností. Pokud má hodnotu false, metoda getter se zobrazí jako get propertyName a bude vyhodnocena až při kliknutí na ni.", "configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "Při ladění vzdálené webové aplikace určuje, jestli se má automaticky vytvářet tunelové připojení mezi vzdáleným serverem a vaším místním počítačem.", - "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Určuje, jestli se má zastavit provádění, pokud podmíněné zarážky způsobí chybu. Poznámka: Pokud chcete použít toto nastavení, musíte zadat předponu pwa- pro typ (type) v souboru launch.json, například pwa-node.", + "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Možnosti použité při ladění otevřených odkazů, na které se kliklo z terminálu ladění JavaScriptu. Pokud chcete toto chování zakázat, můžete pro toto nastavení zadat hodnotu off (vypnuto). Hodnota always (vždy) povolí ladění na všech terminálech.", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Výchozí hodnota runtimeExecutable používaná pro spouštění konfigurací, pokud není zadaná. Toto možnost se dá použít ke konfiguraci vlastních cest k instalacím Node.js nebo prohlížeče.", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Kde chcete ve svých skriptech npm zobrazit informace CodeLens pro možnosti Run (Spustit) a Debug (Ladit). Možné hodnoty: all (všechny skripty), top (v horní části oddílu skriptů) nebo never (nikdy)", @@ -337,7 +337,6 @@ "configuration.suggestPrettyPrinting": "Určuje, jestli se má navrhnout přehledný výpis kódu JavaScriptu, který při krokování s vnořením vypadá jako minifikovaný.", "configuration.terminalOptions": "Výchozí možnosti spuštění pro terminál ladění JavaScriptu a skripty npm", "configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Konfiguruje, jestli se automaticky zruší mapování souboru sourcemapped v případech, kdy se původní soubor nedá přečíst. Pokud je tato hodnota false (výchozí), zobrazí se výzva.", - "configuration.usePreview": "Použít nový ladicí program JavaScriptu pro Node.js a Chrome ve verzi Preview", "createDiagnostics.label": "Diagnostikovat problémy zarážky", "customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Přizpůsobte si textový popis, který ladicí program zobrazí pro objekty (místní proměnné atd.). Příklady:\r\n 1. this.toString()// bude volat metodu toString pro tisk všech objektů.\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Použít metodu customDescription, pokud je k dispozici, jinak vrátit hodnotu defaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Použít metodu customDescription, pokud je k dispozici, jinak vrátit hodnotu defaultValue\r\n ", "customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Umožňuje přizpůsobit vlastnosti zobrazené pro objekt v ladicím programu (místní proměnné apod.). Příklady:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Přidat extraProperty 12345 ke všem objektům\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Použít metodu customProperties, pokud je k dispozici, v opačném případě použít vlastnosti v tomto zadání (výchozí vlastnosti)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Použít metodu customDescription, pokud je k dispozici, v opačném případě vrátit výchozí vlastnosti\r\n\r\n Zastaralé: Toto je dočasná implementace této funkce, než ji implementujeme způsobem popsaným tady: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/102181", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 0796e6db46..deb81ad33c 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ "typescript.findAllFileReferences": "Vyhledat odkazy na soubory", "typescript.format.enable": "Umožňuje povolit nebo zakázat výchozí formátovací modul TypeScriptu.", "typescript.implementationsCodeLens.enabled": "Umožňuje povolit nebo zakázat implementace CodeLens. Tato funkce CodeLens zobrazí implementátory rozhraní.", - "typescript.locale": "Nastaví národní prostředí použité k nahlášení chyb JavaScriptu a TypeScriptu. Výchozí hodnota null znamená používání národního prostředí VS Code.", + "typescript.locale": "Sets the locale used to report JavaScript and TypeScript errors. Defaults to use VS Code's locale.", "typescript.npm": "Určuje cestu ke spustitelnému souboru npm používanému pro [Automatické získávání typů] (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/working-with-javascript#_typings-and-automatic-type-acquisition).", "typescript.openTsServerLog.title": "Otevřít protokol serveru TS", "typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier": "Upřednostňovaný styl cesty pro automatické importy", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json index 645fcfe415..dd4442f231 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "autoClosingQuotes": "Určuje, jestli by měl editor k levým uvozovkám automaticky doplňovat pravé uvozovky, když uživatel přidá levé uvozovky.", "autoIndent": "Určuje, jestli by měl editor automaticky upravovat odsazení, když uživatel píše, vkládá, přesouvá nebo odsazuje řádky.", "autoSurround": "Určuje, jestli má editor automaticky ohraničit výběry při psaní uvozovek nebo závorek.", + "bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Controls whether bracket pair colorization is enabled or not.", "codeActions": "Povolí v editoru ikonu žárovky s nabídkou akcí kódu.", "codeLens": "Určuje, jestli editor zobrazí CodeLens.", "codeLensFontFamily": "Určuje rodinu písem pro CodeLens.", @@ -585,6 +586,12 @@ "deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "ID je zastaralé. Místo toho použijte nastavení editorLineNumber.activeForeground.", "editorActiveIndentGuide": "Barva vodítek odsazení aktivního editoru", "editorActiveLineNumber": "Barva čísla řádku aktivního editoru", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Foreground color of brackets (1).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Foreground color of brackets (2).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Foreground color of brackets (3).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Foreground color of brackets (4).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Foreground color of brackets (5).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Foreground color of brackets (6).", "editorBracketMatchBackground": "Barva pozadí za odpovídajícími hranatými závorkami", "editorBracketMatchBorder": "Barva polí odpovídajících hranatých závorek", "editorCodeLensForeground": "Barva popředí pro CodeLens v editoru", @@ -905,6 +912,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": { "acceptInlineSuggestion": "Přijmout", + "inlineSuggestionFollows": "Suggestion:", "showNextInlineSuggestion": "Další", "showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "Předchozí" }, @@ -1547,6 +1555,8 @@ "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.osx": "Výchozí profil používaný v systému macOS. Toto nastavení bude v této chvíli ignorováno, pokud je nastavena hodnota {0} nebo {1}.", "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.windows": "Výchozí profil používaný v systému Windows. Toto nastavení bude v této chvíli ignorováno, pokud je nastavena hodnota {0} nebo {1}.", "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": "Určuje, jestli mají nová prostředí dědit prostředí z nástroje VS Code, který může poskytnout prostředí pro přihlášení a zajistit inicializaci proměnné $PATH a dalších vývojových proměnných. Toto nemá žádný vliv na systém Windows.", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionExperimentalSerializer": "Whether to use a more efficient experimental approach for restoring the terminal's buffer. This setting requires a restart to take effect.", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionScrollback": "Controls the maximum amount of lines that will be restored when reconnecting to a persistent terminal session. Increasing this will restore more lines of scrollback at the cost of more memory and increase the time it takes to connect to terminals on start up. This setting requires a restart to take effect and should be set to a value less than or equal to `#terminal.integrated.scrollback#`.", "terminal.integrated.profile.linux": "Profily v Linuxu, které se mají nabídnout při vytváření nového terminálu pomocí rozevírací nabídky terminálu. Když se nastaví, přepíší se výchozí zjištěné profily. Skládají se z {0} a volitelných {1}.", "terminal.integrated.profile.osx": "Profily v macOS, které se mají nabídnout při vytváření nového terminálu pomocí rozevírací nabídky terminálu. Když se nastaví, přepíší se výchozí zjištěné profily. Skládají se z {0} a volitelných {1}.", "terminal.integrated.profiles.windows": "Profily ve Windows, které se mají nabídnout při vytváření nového terminálu pomocí rozevírací nabídky terminálu. Pokud je chcete vyloučit, nastavte hodnotu null, a pokud chcete použít výchozí zjištěnou konfiguraci, použijte vlastnost {0}. Nebo nastavte {1} a volitelné {2}.", @@ -2530,6 +2540,7 @@ "missing.command": "Položka nabídky odkazuje na příkaz {0}, který není definovaný v oddílu commands.", "missing.submenu": "Položka nabídky odkazuje na podnabídku {0}, která není definovaná v oddílu submenus.", "nonempty": "byla očekávána neprázdná hodnota.", + "notebook.cell.execute": "The contributed notebook cell execution menu", "notebook.cell.title": "Přidaná nabídka názvů buněk poznámkových bloků", "notebook.toolbar": "Přidaná nabídka panelu nástrojů poznámkových bloků", "opticon": "vlastnost icon může být vynechána, případně musí být buď řetězec nebo literál, například {dark, light}", @@ -2720,10 +2731,15 @@ "closeWorkspace": "Zavřít pracovní prostor", "duplicateWorkspace": "Duplikovat pracovní prostor", "duplicateWorkspaceInNewWindow": "Duplikovat jako pracovní prostor v novém okně", + "filesCategory": "File", "globalRemoveFolderFromWorkspace": "Odebrat složku z pracovního prostoru...", "miAddFolderToWorkspace": "&&Přidat složku do pracovního prostoru...", "miCloseFolder": "&&Zavřít složku", "miCloseWorkspace": "&&Zavřít pracovní prostor", + "miOpen": "&&Open...", + "miOpenFile": "&&Open File...", + "miOpenFolder": "Open &&Folder...", + "miOpenWorkspace": "Open Wor&&kspace...", "miSaveWorkspaceAs": "Uložit pracovní prostor jako...", "noWorkspaceOrFolderOpened": "V tuto chvíli není v této instanci otevřený žádný pracovní prostor ani složka, které by bylo možné zavřít.", "openFile": "Otevřít soubor...", @@ -2935,7 +2951,6 @@ "pinEditor": "Připnout editor", "previousChangeIcon": "Ikona pro akci předchozí změny v editoru rozdílů", "reopenWith": "Znovu otevřít editor pomocí...", - "run": "Spustit nebo ladit...", "showOpenedEditors": "Zobrazit otevřené editory", "showTrimWhitespace.label": "Zobrazovat rozdíly v prázdných znacích na začátku/konci", "sideBySideEditor": "Editor v režimu zobrazení vedle sebe", @@ -3063,6 +3078,15 @@ "groupLabel": "Skupina {0}", "ok": "OK" }, + "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorPlaceholder": { + "manageTrust": "Manage Workspace Trust", + "requiresFolderTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the folder.", + "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the workspace.", + "retry": "Try Open Again", + "trustRequiredEditor": "Workspace Trust Required", + "unavailableEditor": "Unavailable Editor", + "unavailableEditorText": "The editor could not be opened due to an error or an unavailable resource." + }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorQuickAccess": { "closeEditor": "Zavřít editor", "entryAriaLabelDirty": "{0}, neuložené změny", @@ -3080,7 +3104,6 @@ "configureModeSettings": "Konfigurovat nastavení na základě jazyka {0}...", "currentAssociation": "Aktuální přidružení", "currentProblem": "Aktuální problém", - "detectedLanguagesPicks": "zjištěné jazyky (identifikátor)", "disableColumnSelectionMode": "Zakázat režim výběru sloupce", "disableTabMode": "Zakázat režim usnadnění přístupu", "endOfLineCarriageReturnLineFeed": "CRLF", @@ -3092,7 +3115,6 @@ "indentView": "změnit zobrazení", "languageDescription": "({0}) – nakonfigurovaný jazyk", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", - "languageDescriptionCurrent": "({0}) – aktuální jazyk", "languagesPicks": "jazyky (identifikátor)", "multiSelection": "Výběry: {0}", "multiSelectionRange": "Výběry: {0} (vybrané znaky: {1})", @@ -3148,12 +3170,6 @@ "ariaLabelEditorActions": "Akce pro editor", "draggedEditorGroup": "{0} (+{1})" }, - "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/workspaceTrustRequiredEditor": { - "manageTrust": "Spravovat vztah důvěryhodnosti pracovního prostoru", - "requiresFolderTrustText": "Soubor není zobrazen v editoru, protože složce nebyl udělen vztah důvěryhodnosti.", - "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "Soubor není zobrazen v editoru, protože pracovnímu prostoru nebyl udělen vztah důvěryhodnosti.", - "trustRequiredEditor": "Je vyžadován vztah důvěryhodnosti pracovního prostoru." - }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/notifications/notificationsActions": { "clearAllIcon": "Ikona pro akci vymazání všeho v oznámeních", "clearIcon": "Ikona pro akci vymazání v oznámeních", @@ -4133,7 +4149,7 @@ "editBreakpoint": "Upravit {0}...", "editBreakpoints": "Upravit zarážky", "editInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "Upravit vloženou (inline) zarážku ve sloupci {0}", - "editLineBrekapoint": "Upravit zarážku řádku", + "editLineBreakpoint": "Edit Line Breakpoint", "enable": "Povolit", "enableBreakpoint": "Povolit {0}", "enableBreakpointOnLine": "Povolit zarážku řádku", @@ -4145,7 +4161,8 @@ "removeBreakpoints": "Odebrat zarážky", "removeInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "Odebrat vloženou (inline) zarážku ve sloupci {0}", "removeLineBreakpoint": "Odebrat zarážku řádku", - "removeLogPoint": "Odebrat {0}" + "removeLogPoint": "Odebrat {0}", + "runToLine": "Run to Line" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/breakpointWidget": { "breakpointType": "Typ zarážky", @@ -4240,6 +4257,7 @@ "copyAsExpression": "Kopírovat jako výraz", "copyStackTrace": "Kopírovat zásobník volání", "copyValue": "Kopírovat hodnotu", + "debug.console.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on enter in the debug console. enter is also used to evaluate whatever is typed in the debug console.", "debug.console.closeOnEnd": "Určuje, jestli má být konzola ladění po skončení relace ladění automaticky zavřena.", "debug.console.collapseIdenticalLines": "Určuje, jestli má konzola ladění sbalit identické řádky a zobrazit počet výskytů odznáčkem.", "debug.console.fontFamily": "Určuje rodinu písem v konzole ladění.", @@ -4291,6 +4309,7 @@ "prompt": "Zobrazit výzvu uživateli", "removeWatchExpression": "Odebrat výraz", "restartFrame": "Restartovat rámec", + "run": "Run or Debug...", "run and debug": "Spustit a ladit", "setValue": "Nastavit hodnotu", "showBreakpointsInOverviewRuler": "Určuje, jestli mají být na přehledovém pravítku zobrazené zarážky.", @@ -4473,6 +4492,7 @@ "installAdditionalDebuggers": "Nainstalovat rozšíření {0}", "launchJsonDoesNotExist": "Pro předanou složku pracovního prostoru neexistuje soubor launch.json.", "multipleConfigurationNamesInWorkspace": "V pracovním prostoru existuje několik konfigurací spuštění {0}. K definování konfigurace použijte název složky.", + "multipleSession": "'{0}' is already running. Do you want to start another instance?", "nActiveSessions": "Aktivní relace: {0}", "noConfigurationNameInWorkspace": "V pracovním prostoru se nepovedlo najít konfiguraci spuštění {0}.", "noFolderWithName": "Nelze najít složku s názvem {0} pro konfiguraci {1} ve složené relaci {2}.", @@ -4518,11 +4538,9 @@ "startAdditionalSession": "Spustit další relaci" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/disassemblyView": { - "breakpointAllowed": "Může nastavit zarážku", - "breakpointIsSet": "Zarážka je nastavená.", "disassemblyView": "Zobrazení zpětného překladu", - "instructionAddress": "Adresa instrukce", - "instructionBytes": "Bajty instrukcí", + "instructionAddress": "Address", + "instructionBytes": "Bytes", "instructionText": "Instrukce" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/exceptionWidget": { @@ -4596,6 +4614,7 @@ "addWatchExpression": "Přidat výraz", "collapse": "Sbalit vše", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "Odebrat všechny výrazy", + "typeNewValue": "Type new value", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "Výrazy kukátka ladění", "watchExpressionAriaLabel": "{0}, hodnota {1}", "watchExpressionInputAriaLabel": "Zadejte výraz kukátka.", @@ -4630,6 +4649,7 @@ "callStackSessionIsAttach": "True, pokud je relace v zobrazení ZÁSOBNÍK VOLÁNÍ připojená, jinak false. Používá se interně pro vložené nabídky v zobrazení ZÁSOBNÍK VOLÁNÍ.", "debugConfigurationType": "Typ ladění vybrané konfigurace spuštění. Příklad: python", "debugProtocolVariableMenuContext": "Představuje kontext, který adaptér ladění nastaví pro proměnnou s fokusem v zobrazení PROMĚNNÉ.", + "debugSetExpressionSupported": "True when the focused session supports 'setExpression' request.", "debugSetVariableSupported": "True, když relace s fokusem podporuje požadavek setVariable", "debugState": "Stav, ve kterém je ladicí relace s fokusem. Je to jeden z těchto: inactive, initializing, stopped nebo running", "debugType": "Typ ladění aktivní ladicí relace. Příklad: python", @@ -4656,7 +4676,8 @@ "stepBackSupported": "True, když relace s fokusem podporuje požadavky stepBack", "stepIntoTargetsSupported": "True, když relace s fokusem podporuje požadavek stepIntoTargets", "terminateDebuggeeSupported": "Má hodnotu true, když relace s fokusem podporuje funkci ukončení laděného procesu.", - "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "True, když má proměnná s fokusem nastavené pole evalauteName", + "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "True when the focused variable has an 'evalauteName' field set.", + "variableIsReadonly": "True when the focused variable is readonly.", "variablesFocused": "True, když má zobrazení PROMĚNNÉ fokus, jinak false", "watchExpressionsExist": "True, když existuje alespoň jeden výraz kukátka, jinak false", "watchExpressionsFocused": "True, když má zobrazení KUKÁTKO fokus, jinak false", @@ -5516,16 +5537,11 @@ "cut": "Vyjmout", "deleteFile": "Trvale odstranit", "explorerOpenWith": "Otevřít pomocí...", - "file": "Soubor", "filesCategory": "Soubor", "miAutoSave": "A&&utomatické ukládání", "miCloseEditor": "&&Zavřít editor", "miGotoFile": "Přejít na &&soubor...", "miNewFile": "&&Nový soubor", - "miOpen": "&&Otevřít...", - "miOpenFile": "&&Otevřít soubor...", - "miOpenFolder": "Otevřít &&složku...", - "miOpenWorkspace": "Otevřít &&pracovní prostor...", "miRevert": "&&Obnovit soubor", "miSave": "&&Uložit", "miSaveAll": "Uložit &&vše", @@ -5538,8 +5554,7 @@ "revertLocalChanges": "Zahodit provedené změny a obnovit obsah souboru", "saveAll": "Uložit vše", "saveAllInGroup": "Uložit vše ve skupině", - "saveFiles": "Uložit všechny soubory", - "workspaces": "Pracovní prostory" + "saveFiles": "Uložit všechny soubory" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/fileCommands": { "discard": "Zahodit", @@ -5876,11 +5891,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/markers/browser/markersTreeViewer": { "collapsedIcon": "Ikona označující, že v zobrazení značek je sbaleno více řádků", "expandedIcon": "Ikona označující, že v zobrazení značek je zobrazeno více řádků", - "links.navigate.follow": "Přejít na odkaz", - "links.navigate.kb.alt": "alt + kliknutí", - "links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "option + kliknutí", - "links.navigate.kb.meta": "ctrl + kliknutí", - "links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "cmd + kliknutí", "multi line": "Zobrazit zprávu na více řádcích", "problemsView": "Zobrazení problémů", "single line": "Zobrazit zprávu na jednom řádku" @@ -5981,6 +5991,7 @@ "notebookActions.editCell": "Upravit buňku", "notebookActions.execute": "Provést buňku", "notebookActions.executeAbove": "Provést buňky výše", + "notebookActions.executeAndFocusContainer": "Execute Cell and Focus Container", "notebookActions.executeAndInsertBelow": "Provést buňku poznámkového bloku a vložit níže", "notebookActions.executeAndSelectBelow": "Provést buňku poznámkového bloku a vybrat níže", "notebookActions.executeBelow": "Provést buňku a buňky níže", @@ -5988,8 +5999,10 @@ "notebookActions.expandCellInput": "Rozbalit vstup buňky", "notebookActions.expandCellOutput": "Rozbalit výstup buňky", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAbove": "Vložit buňku kódu nad", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAboveAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Above and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAtTop": "Přidat buňku kódu nahoru", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelow": "Vložit buňku kódu pod", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Below and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAbove": "Vložit buňku Markdownu nad", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAtTop": "Přidat buňku Markdownu nahoru", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellBelow": "Vložit buňku Markdownu pod", @@ -6199,9 +6212,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookKernelActionViewItem": { "select": "Vybrat jádro" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookServiceImpl": { - "builtinProviderDisplayName": "Integrovaný" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/output/outputRenderer": { "empty": "Buňka nemá žádný výstup.", "noRenderer.1": "Nenašel se žádný renderer pro typ mimetype: {0}", @@ -6226,9 +6236,14 @@ "unavailableRenderInfo": "renderer není k dispozici" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/cellRenderer": { - "cellExpandButtonLabel": "Rozbalit", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Output (${0})", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell output ({0})", "notebook.moreRunActionsLabel": "Více..." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/codeCell": { + "cellExpandInputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Input ({0})", + "cellExpandInputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell input ({0})" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/common/notebookEditorModel": { "notebook.staleSaveError": "Obsah souboru se na disku změnil. Chcete otevřít aktualizovanou verzi nebo přepsat soubor vašimi změnami?", "notebook.staleSaveError.overwrite.": "Přepsat", @@ -6389,6 +6404,7 @@ "openGlobalSettings": "Otevřít uživatelská nastavení", "openRawDefaultSettings": "Otevřít výchozí nastavení (JSON)", "openRemoteSettings": "Otevřít vzdálená nastavení ({0})", + "openRemoteSettingsJSON": "Open Remote Settings (JSON) ({0})", "openSettings2": "Otevřít nastavení (uživatelské rozhraní)", "openSettingsJson": "Otevřít nastavení (JSON)", "openWorkspaceSettings": "Otevřít nastavení pracovního prostoru", @@ -7754,10 +7770,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalDecorationsProvider": { "label": "Terminál" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalEditor": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (výchozí)", - "terminal.new": "Nový terminál" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalIcons": { "configureTerminalProfileIcon": "Ikona pro vytvoření nového profilu terminálu", "killTerminalIcon": "Ikona pro ukončení instance terminálu", @@ -7790,10 +7802,12 @@ "yes": "Ano" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalMenus": { + "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (Default)", "miNewTerminal": "&&Nový terminál", "miRunActiveFile": "Spustit &&aktivní soubor", "miRunSelectedText": "Spustit &&vybraný text", "miSplitTerminal": "&&Rozdělit terminál", + "terminal.new": "New Terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.changeColor": "Změnit barvu...", "workbench.action.terminal.changeIcon": "Změnit ikonu...", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "Vymazat", @@ -7845,9 +7859,7 @@ "terminalInputAriaLabel": "Zadejte název terminálu. (Potvrdíte stisknutím klávesy Enter. Zrušíte klávesou Esc.)" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalView": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (výchozí)", "terminal.monospaceOnly": "Terminál podporuje pouze neproporcionální písma. Pokud se jedná o nově nainstalované písmo, nezapomeňte VS Code restartovat.", - "terminal.new": "Nový terminál", "terminal.useMonospace": "Použít neproporcionální (monospace)", "terminalConnectingLabel": "Spouštění...", "terminals": "Otevřít terminály" @@ -7856,12 +7868,13 @@ "terminalCategory": "Terminál", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal": "Přidává funkci terminálu.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles": "Definuje další profily terminálů, které uživatel může vytvořit.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.icon": "Codicon, který se má přidružit k tomuto profilu terminálu", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.id": "ID poskytovatele profilu terminálu", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.title": "Název pro tento profil terminálu", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types": "Definuje další typy terminálů, které uživatel může vytvořit.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.command": "Příkaz, který má být proveden, když uživatel vytvoří tento typ terminálu", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "Codicon, který se má přidružit k tomuto typu terminálu", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "A codicon, URI, or light and dark URIs to associate with this terminal type.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "Icon path when a dark theme is used", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "Icon path when a light theme is used", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.title": "Název pro tento typ terminálu" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { @@ -8038,14 +8051,14 @@ "configureProfile": "Vyberte profil, který chcete aktualizovat.", "debug test": "Ladit test", "debugAllTests": "Ladit všechny testy", - "debugSelectedTests": "Ladit vybrané testy", + "debugSelectedTests": "Debug Tests", "discoveringTests": "Zjišťují se testy.", "hideTest": "Skrýt test", "noDebugTestProvider": "V tomto pracovním prostoru se nenašly žádné laditelné testy. Možná bude nutné nainstalovat rozšíření poskytovatele testů.", "noTestProvider": "V tomto pracovním prostoru se nenašly žádné testy. Možná bude nutné nainstalovat rozšíření poskytovatele testů.", "run test": "Spustit test", "runAllTests": "Spustit všechny testy", - "runSelectedTests": "Spustit vybrané testy", + "runSelectedTests": "Run Tests", "testing.cancelRun": "Zrušit testovací běh", "testing.clearResults": "Vymazat všechny výsledky", "testing.collapseAll": "Sbalit všechny testy", @@ -8066,6 +8079,7 @@ "testing.showMostRecentOutput": "Zobrazit výstup", "testing.sortByLocation": "Seřadit podle umístění", "testing.sortByStatus": "Seřadit podle stavu", + "testing.toggleInlineTestOutput": "Toggle Inline Test Output", "testing.turnOffAutoRun": "Vypnout automatické spuštění", "testing.turnOnAutoRun": "Zapnout automatické spuštění", "testing.viewAsList": "Zobrazit jako seznam", @@ -8084,8 +8098,10 @@ "updateTestConfiguration": "Aktualizovat konfiguraci testu" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingDecorations": { + "actual.title": "Actual:", "debug all test": "Ladit všechny testy", "debug test": "Ladit test", + "expected.title": "Expected:", "peek failure": "Chyba náhledu", "peekTestOutout": "Náhled výstupu testu", "reveal test": "Zobrazit v Průzkumníkovi testů", @@ -8126,6 +8142,7 @@ "testing.goToFile": "Přejít na soubor", "testing.goToNextMessage": "Přejít na další selhání testu", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "Přejít na předchozí selhání testu", + "testing.openMessageInEditor": "Open in Editor", "testing.reRunLastRun": "Znovu spustit testovací běh", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Zobrazit v Průzkumníkovi testů", "testing.showResultOutput": "Zobrazit výstup výsledku", @@ -8159,12 +8176,8 @@ "testing.iconUnset": "Barva ikony nenastaveného testu v Průzkumníkovi testů", "testing.message.error.decorationForeground": "Barva textu chybových zpráv testu zobrazených jako vložené v editoru", "testing.message.error.marginBackground": "Barva okraje vedle chybových zpráv zobrazených jako vložené v editoru", - "testing.message.hint.decorationForeground": "Barva textu zpráv s nápovědou testu zobrazených jako vložené v editoru", - "testing.message.hint.marginBackground": "Barva okraje vedle zpráv s nápovědou zobrazených jako vložené v editoru", "testing.message.info.decorationForeground": "Barva textu informačních zpráv testu zobrazených jako vložené v editoru", "testing.message.info.marginBackground": "Barva okraje vedle informačních zpráv zobrazených jako vložené v editoru", - "testing.message.warning.decorationForeground": "Barva textu zprávy upozornění testu zobrazených jako vložené v editoru", - "testing.message.warning.marginBackground": "Barva okraje vedle zpráv upozornění zobrazených jako vložené v editoru", "testing.peekBorder": "Barva ohraničení a šipky zobrazení náhledu", "testing.runAction": "Barva pro ikony spustit v editoru" }, @@ -8177,12 +8190,14 @@ "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView": "Nakonfiguruje, kdy se automaticky otevře zobrazení náhledu chyby.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureAnywhere": "Otevřít automaticky bez ohledu na to, kde došlo k chybě", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureInVisibleDocument": "Otevřít automaticky, když ve viditelném dokumentu neproběhne úspěšně test", + "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.never": "Never automatically open.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekViewDuringAutoRun": "Určuje, jestli se má v režimu automatického spuštění automaticky otevřít zobrazení náhledu.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction": "Určuje akci, která se má provést při kliknutí levým tlačítkem myši na dekoraci testu na hřbetu.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.contextMenu": "Pokud chcete zobrazit další možnosti, otevřete místní nabídku.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.debug": "Spustit ladění testu", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.run": "Spustit test", - "testing.followRunningTest": "Určuje, zda má být spuštěný test zahájen v zobrazení Průzkumníka testů." + "testing.followRunningTest": "Určuje, zda má být spuštěný test zahájen v zobrazení Průzkumníka testů.", + "testing.gutterEnabled": "Controls whether test decorations are shown in the editor gutter." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/constants": { "testGroup.coverage": "Pokrytí", @@ -8561,7 +8576,6 @@ "recent": "Nedávné", "show more recents": "Zobrazit všechny nedávné složky {0}", "showAll": "Více...", - "showAllWalkthroughs": "Otevřít podrobný návod…", "start": "Spustit", "walkthroughs": "Návody", "welcome": "Vítejte", @@ -8571,8 +8585,6 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted.contribution": { "Welcome": "Vítejte", - "gettingStarted.goNext": "Další", - "gettingStarted.goPrev": "Předchozí", "help": "Nápověda", "pickWalkthroughs": "Otevřít podrobný návod...", "welcome": "Vítejte", @@ -8583,6 +8595,16 @@ "workbench.welcomePage.preferReducedMotion": "Pokud je tato možnost povolená, omezí se pohyb na úvodní stránce.", "workbench.welcomePage.walkthroughs.openOnInstall": "Pokud je tato možnost povolená, průvodce rozšířením se otevře při instalaci rozšíření." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedColors": { + "welcomePage.background": "Background color for the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonBackground": "Background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.progress.background": "Foreground color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.progress.foreground": "Background color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.tileBackground": "Background color for the tiles on the Get Started page.", + "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the tiles on the Get Started.", + "welcomePage.tileShadow": "Shadow color for the Welcome page walkthrough category buttons." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedExtensionPoint": { "pathDeprecated": "Zastaralé. Místo toho prosím použijte „image“ nebo „markdown“.", "removed": "Odebráno, použít místo toho nabídku => soubor nebo bod příspěvku nového souboru.", @@ -8734,74 +8756,6 @@ "welcomeOverlay.search": "Hledat v souborech", "welcomeOverlay.terminal": "Přepnout integrovaný terminál" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/vs_code_welcome_page": { - "welcomePage.colorTheme": "Barevný motiv", - "welcomePage.colorThemeDescription": "Upravte si vzhled editoru a kódu podle svých představ.", - "welcomePage.customize": "Přizpůsobit", - "welcomePage.editingEvolved": "Vylepšené úpravy", - "welcomePage.gitClone": "Naklonovat úložiště...", - "welcomePage.gitHubRepository": "Úložiště GitHubu", - "welcomePage.help": "Nápověda", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPacks": "Nástroje a jazyky", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPacksDescription": "Nainstalovat podporu pro: {0} a {1}", - "welcomePage.installKeymapDescription": "Nastavení a klávesové zkratky", - "welcomePage.installKeymapExtension": "Nainstalovat nastavení a klávesové zkratky: {0} a {1}", - "welcomePage.interactivePlayground": "Interaktivní testovací prostředí", - "welcomePage.interactivePlaygroundDescription": "Vyzkoušejte základní funkce editoru v krátkém návodu.", - "welcomePage.interfaceOverview": "Přehled rozhraní", - "welcomePage.interfaceOverviewDescription": "Zobrazení překryvné grafické vrstvy se zvýrazněnými hlavními součástmi uživatelského rozhraní", - "welcomePage.introductoryVideos": "Úvodní videa", - "welcomePage.keybindingsCheatsheet": "Přehled klávesových zkratek k vytištění", - "welcomePage.learn": "Další informace", - "welcomePage.moreExtensions": "další", - "welcomePage.moreRecent": "Více...", - "welcomePage.newFile": "Nový soubor", - "welcomePage.newsletterSignup": "Přihlaste se k odběru našeho bulletinu", - "welcomePage.noRecentFolders": "Žádné naposledy použité složky", - "welcomePage.openFolder": "Otevřít složku...", - "welcomePage.others": "jiné", - "welcomePage.productDocumentation": "Produktová dokumentace", - "welcomePage.recent": "Nedávné", - "welcomePage.showCommands": "Najít a spustit všechny příkazy", - "welcomePage.showCommandsDescription": "Rychlý přístup k příkazům z palety příkazů a jejich vyhledávání ({0})", - "welcomePage.showKeymapExtensions": "Zobrazit další rozšíření mapování kláves", - "welcomePage.showLanguageExtensions": "Zobrazit další rozšíření jazyka", - "welcomePage.showOnStartup": "Zobrazit úvodní stránku při spuštění", - "welcomePage.stackOverflow": "Přetečení zásobníku", - "welcomePage.start": "Spustit", - "welcomePage.tipsAndTricks": "Tipy a triky", - "welcomePage.vscode": "Visual Studio Code" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePage": { - "details": "Podrobnosti", - "ok": "OK", - "welcome.title": "Vítejte", - "welcomePage": "Vítejte", - "welcomePage.atom": "Atom", - "welcomePage.azure": "Azure", - "welcomePage.docker": "Docker", - "welcomePage.extensionListSeparator": ", ", - "welcomePage.extensionPackAlreadyInstalled": "Podpora pro {0} je už nainstalovaná.", - "welcomePage.extensionPackNotFound": "Nepovedlo se najít podporu pro {0} s ID {1}.", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPack": "Nainstalovat další podporu pro {0}", - "welcomePage.installKeymap": "Nainstalovat mapování kláves {0}", - "welcomePage.installedExtensionPack": "Podpora pro: {0} už je nainstalovaná.", - "welcomePage.installedKeymap": "Mapování kláves {0} už je nainstalované.", - "welcomePage.installingExtensionPack": "Instaluje se další podpora pro {0}...", - "welcomePage.installingKeymap": "Instalují se klávesové zkratky {0}...", - "welcomePage.java": "Java", - "welcomePage.javaScript": "JavaScript", - "welcomePage.keymapAlreadyInstalled": "Klávesové zkratky {0} jsou již nainstalovány.", - "welcomePage.keymapNotFound": "Nepovedlo se najít klávesové zkratky {0} s ID {1}.", - "welcomePage.openFolderWithPath": "Otevřít složku {0} s cestou {1}", - "welcomePage.php": "PHP", - "welcomePage.python": "Python", - "welcomePage.showAzureExtensions": "Zobrazit rozšíření Azure", - "welcomePage.sublime": "Sublime", - "welcomePage.vim": "Vim", - "welcomePage.willReloadAfterInstallingExtensionPack": "Po instalaci další podpory pro {0} se znovu načte okno.", - "welcomePage.willReloadAfterInstallingKeymap": "Po instalaci klávesových zkratek {0} se znovu načte okno." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePage.contribution": { "workbench.startupEditor": "Určuje, který editor se má zobrazit při spuštění, pokud není žádný obnoven z předchozí relace.", "workbench.startupEditor.newUntitledFile": "Umožňuje otevřít nový soubor bez názvu (platí pouze při otevírání prázdného okna).", @@ -8810,16 +8764,6 @@ "workbench.startupEditor.welcomePage": "Otevře úvodní stránku s obsahem, který má pomoci při seznámení s VS Code a rozšířeními.", "workbench.startupEditor.welcomePageInEmptyWorkbench": "Při otevření prázdné pracovní plochy otevřít úvodní stránku" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePageColors": { - "welcomePage.background": "Barva pozadí uvítací stránky", - "welcomePage.buttonBackground": "Barva pozadí tlačítek na uvítací stránce", - "welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "Barva pozadí tlačítek, když je na ně na uvítací stránce umístěn ukazatel myši", - "welcomePage.progress.background": "Barva popředí indikátorů průběhu uvítací stránky", - "welcomePage.progress.foreground": "Barva pozadí indikátorů průběhu uvítací stránky", - "welcomePage.tileBackground": "Barva pozadí dlaždic na stránce Začínáme", - "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "Barva pozadí na dlaždici Začínáme po najetí myší", - "welcomePage.tileShadow": "Barva stínu tlačítek kategorií pro Úvodní stránku návodu" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/telemetryOptOut/browser/telemetryOptOut": { "telemetryOptOut.OptIn": "Ano, rád(a) pomůžu", "telemetryOptOut.OptOut": "Ne, děkuji", @@ -8914,14 +8858,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/workspace/browser/workspaceTrustEditor": { "addButton": "Přidat složku", - "addFolderAriaLabel": "Přidat důvěryhodnou složku", "deleteTrustedUri": "Odstranit cestu", "dontTrustButton": "Nedůvěřovat", - "editTrustedUri": "Změnit cestu", + "editTrustedUri": "Edit Path", "hostColumnLabel": "Hostitel", "localAuthority": "Místní", "no untrustedSettings": "Nastavení pracovního prostoru vyžadující vztah důvěryhodnosti se nepoužívají.", + "noTrustedFoldersDescriptions": "You haven't trusted any folders or workspace files yet.", "pathColumnLabel": "Cesta", + "pickerTrustedUri": "Open File Picker", "root element label": "Spravovat vztah důvěryhodnosti pracovního prostoru", "selectTrustedUri": "Vybrat důvěryhodnou složku", "trustButton": "Důvěřovat", @@ -9882,6 +9827,9 @@ "saveElevatedSudo": "Zkusit znovu jako Sudo...", "staleSaveError": "Nepovedlo se uložit {0}: obsah souboru je novější. Chcete soubor přepsat vašimi změnami?" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants": "Saving '{0}'" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/electron-sandbox/workingCopyBackupTracker": { "backupBeforeShutdownDetail": "Kliknutím na tlačítko Storno ukončíte čekání a uložíte nebo vrátíte zpátky změny editorů s neuloženými změnami.", "backupBeforeShutdownMessage": "Zálohování editorů s neuloženými změnami trvá déle, než se čekalo...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json index 3a31748c2a..7adf07d3c0 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ }, "dist/githubServer": { "signingIn": "$(mark-github) Anmeldung bei github.com...", - "signingInEnterprise": "$(mark-github) Anmeldung bei {0}...", - "status.git.signIn.name": "GitHub-Anmeldung" + "status.git.signIn.name": "GitHub-Anmeldung", + "validUri": "Please enter a valid Uri from the GitHub login page." }, "package": { "description": "GitHub-Authentifizierungsanbieter", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 3d79dc11eb..11d1f5eb71 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ "configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Konfiguriert die Globmuster, mit denen ermittelt wird, wann im \"intelligenten\" #debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#-Modus angefügt werden soll. \"$KNOWN_TOOLS$\" wird durch eine Liste mit Namen von gängigen Test- und Coderunnern ersetzt. [Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Dokumentation zu VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/nodejs-debugging#_auto-attach-smart-patterns).", "configuration.autoExpandGetters": "Hiermit wird konfiguriert, ob Getter für Eigenschaften automatisch erweitert werden sollen. Bei einer Festlegung auf FALSE erscheint der Getter als \"get propertyName\" und wird nur ausgewertet, wenn Sie darauf klicken.", "configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "Beim Debuggen einer Remote-Web-App wird konfiguriert, ob der Remoteserver automatisch auf den lokalen Computer getunnelt werden soll.", - "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Gibt an, ob der Vorgang beendet wird, wenn bedingte Haltepunkte einen Fehler auslösen. Hinweis: Hierzu muss \"type\" in \"launch.json\" das Präfix \"pwa-\" vorangestellt werden, z. B. \"pwa-node\".", + "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Optionen, die verwendet werden, wenn beim Debuggen innerhalb des Terminals auf geöffnete Links geklickt wird. Legen Sie diese Einstellung auf \"false\" fest, um dieses Verhalten zu deaktivieren.", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Der Standardwert für \"runtimeExecutable\", der für Startkonfigurationen verwendet wird, falls nicht angegeben. Dies kann zum Konfigurieren von benutzerdefinierten Pfaden für Node.js- oder Browserinstallationen verwendet werden.", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Wo in Ihren npm-Skripts \"Ausführen\" und \"Debuggen\" für CodeLens angezeigt werden soll. Mögliche Einstellungen sind \"Alle\" Skripts, \"Oben\" im Skriptabschnitt oder \"Keine\".", @@ -337,7 +337,6 @@ "configuration.suggestPrettyPrinting": "Gibt an, ob JavaScript-Code, der bei Einzelschritten verkleinert aussieht, automatisch strukturiert und eingerückt werden soll.", "configuration.terminalOptions": "Standardstartoptionen für das JavaScript-Debug-Terminal und die npm-Skripts.", "configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Konfiguriert, ob die Zuordnung einer Sourcemapdatei, in der die ursprüngliche Datei nicht gelesen werden kann, automatisch aufgehoben wird. Wenn dieser Wert FALSE ist (Standard), wird eine Eingabeaufforderung angezeigt.", - "configuration.usePreview": "Verwenden Sie den neuen JavaScript-Debugger für Node.js und Chrome, der sich in der Vorschau befindet.", "createDiagnostics.label": "Haltepunktprobleme diagnostizieren", "customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Passen Sie die Textbeschreibung an, die der Debugger für Objekte (z. B. lokale Variablen) anzeigt. Beispiele:\r\n 1. this.toString() // Ruft \"toString\" auf, um alle Objekte zu drucken.\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Verwendet bei Verfügbarkeit die customDescription-Methode und gibt andernfalls den defaultValue-Wert zurück.\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Verwendet bei Verfügbarkeit die customDescription-Methode und gibt andernfalls den defaultValue-Wert zurück.\r\n ", "customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Passen Sie die Eigenschaften an, die für ein Objekt im Debugger angezeigt werden (lokale Variablen usw.). Beispiele:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Zusätzliche Eigenschaft \"12345\" zu allen Objekten hinzufügen.\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // customProperties-Methode (falls verfügbar) verwenden, andernfalls Verwendung der this-Eigenschaften (der Standardeigenschaften)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // customDescription-Methode verwenden (falls verfügbar), andernfalls Standardeigenschaften zurückgeben.\r\n\r\n Veraltet: Dies ist eine temporäre Implementierung des Features, bis wir die Zeit haben, sie wie hier beschrieben zu implementieren: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/102181", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json index ab7b2944bf..182713880a 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ "typescript.findAllFileReferences": "Dateiverweise suchen", "typescript.format.enable": "Standardmäßigen TypeScript-Formatierer aktivieren/deaktivieren.", "typescript.implementationsCodeLens.enabled": "Aktiviert oder deaktiviert CodeLens-Implementierungen. Dieses CodeLens-Element zeigt an, wer eine Schnittstelle implementiert hat.", - "typescript.locale": "Legt das zum Melden von JavaScript- und TypeScript-Fehlern verwendete Gebietsschema fest. Beim Standardwert NULL wird das Gebietsschema von VS Code verwendet.", + "typescript.locale": "Sets the locale used to report JavaScript and TypeScript errors. Defaults to use VS Code's locale.", "typescript.npm": "Gibt den Pfad zur ausführbaren Datei „npm\" für [Automatische Typerfassung] an (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/working-with-javascript#_typings-and-automatic-type-acquisition).", "typescript.openTsServerLog.title": "TS Server-Protokolldatei öffnen", "typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier": "Bevorzugter Pfadstil für automatische Importe.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json index de3df547a9..dabbc57b5c 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "autoClosingQuotes": "Steuert, ob der Editor Anführungszeichen automatisch schließen soll, nachdem der Benutzer ein öffnendes Anführungszeichen hinzugefügt hat.", "autoIndent": "Legt fest, ob der Editor den Einzug automatisch anpassen soll, wenn Benutzer Zeilen eingeben, einfügen, verschieben oder einrücken", "autoSurround": "Steuert, ob der Editor die Auswahl beim Eingeben von Anführungszeichen oder Klammern automatisch umschließt.", + "bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Controls whether bracket pair colorization is enabled or not.", "codeActions": "Aktiviert das Glühbirnensymbol für Codeaktionen im Editor.", "codeLens": "Steuert, ob der Editor CodeLens anzeigt.", "codeLensFontFamily": "Steuert die Schriftfamilie für CodeLens.", @@ -585,6 +586,12 @@ "deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "Die ID ist veraltet. Verwenden Sie stattdessen \"editorLineNumber.activeForeground\".", "editorActiveIndentGuide": "Farbe der Führungslinien für Einzüge im aktiven Editor.", "editorActiveLineNumber": "Zeilennummernfarbe der aktiven Editorzeile.", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Foreground color of brackets (1).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Foreground color of brackets (2).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Foreground color of brackets (3).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Foreground color of brackets (4).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Foreground color of brackets (5).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Foreground color of brackets (6).", "editorBracketMatchBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe für zusammengehörige Klammern", "editorBracketMatchBorder": "Farbe für zusammengehörige Klammern", "editorCodeLensForeground": "Vordergrundfarbe der CodeLens-Links im Editor", @@ -905,6 +912,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": { "acceptInlineSuggestion": "Annehmen", + "inlineSuggestionFollows": "Suggestion:", "showNextInlineSuggestion": "Weiter", "showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "Zurück" }, @@ -1547,6 +1555,8 @@ "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.osx": "Das unter macOS verwendete Standardprofil. Diese Einstellung wird derzeit ignoriert, wenn entweder {0} oder {1} festgelegt sind.", "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.windows": "Das unter Windows verwendete Standardprofil. Diese Einstellung wird derzeit ignoriert, wenn entweder {0} oder {1} festgelegt sind.", "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": "Gibt an, ob neue Shells ihre Umgebung von VS Code erben sollen, die möglicherweise eine Anmeldeshell erstellen, um sicherzustellen, dass $PATH und andere Entwicklungsvariablen initialisiert werden. Dies hat keine Auswirkungen auf Windows.", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionExperimentalSerializer": "Whether to use a more efficient experimental approach for restoring the terminal's buffer. This setting requires a restart to take effect.", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionScrollback": "Controls the maximum amount of lines that will be restored when reconnecting to a persistent terminal session. Increasing this will restore more lines of scrollback at the cost of more memory and increase the time it takes to connect to terminals on start up. This setting requires a restart to take effect and should be set to a value less than or equal to `#terminal.integrated.scrollback#`.", "terminal.integrated.profile.linux": "Die Linux-Profile, die beim Erstellen eines neuen Terminals über die Dropdownliste \"Terminal\" angezeigt werden. Wenn sie festgelegt sind, setzen sie die erkannten Standardprofile außer Kraft. Sie bestehen aus den Einstellungen \"{0}\" und optional \"{1}\".", "terminal.integrated.profile.osx": "Die macOS-Profile, die beim Erstellen eines neuen Terminals über die Dropdownliste \"Terminal\" angezeigt werden. Wenn sie festgelegt sind, setzen sie die erkannten Standardprofile außer Kraft. Sie bestehen aus den Einstellungen \"{0}\" und optional \"{1}\".", "terminal.integrated.profiles.windows": "Die Windows-Profile, die beim Erstellen eines neuen Terminals über die Dropdownliste \"Terminal\" angezeigt werden. Legen Sie sie Auf NULL fest, um sie auszuschließen, verwenden Sie die Eigenschaft \"{0}\", um die standardmäßig erkannte Konfiguration zu verwenden, oder legen Sie \"{1}\" und optional \"{2}\" fest.", @@ -2530,6 +2540,7 @@ "missing.command": "Das Menüelement verweist auf einen Befehl \"{0}\", der im Abschnitt \"commands\" nicht definiert ist.", "missing.submenu": "Das Menüelement verweist auf ein Untermenü \"{0}\", das im Abschnitt \"submenus\" nicht definiert ist.", "nonempty": "Es wurde ein nicht leerer Wert erwartet.", + "notebook.cell.execute": "The contributed notebook cell execution menu", "notebook.cell.title": "Das Zelltitelmenü des hinzugefügten Notebooks", "notebook.toolbar": "Das Symbolleistenmenü des hinzugefügten Notebooks", "opticon": "Die Eigenschaft \"icon\" kann ausgelassen werden oder muss eine Zeichenfolge oder ein Literal wie \"{dark, light}\" sein.", @@ -2720,10 +2731,15 @@ "closeWorkspace": "Arbeitsbereich schließen", "duplicateWorkspace": "Doppelter Arbeitsbereich", "duplicateWorkspaceInNewWindow": "Als Arbeitsbereich in neuem Fenster duplizieren", + "filesCategory": "File", "globalRemoveFolderFromWorkspace": "Ordner aus dem Arbeitsbereich entfernen...", "miAddFolderToWorkspace": "O&&rdner zu Arbeitsbereich hinzufügen...", "miCloseFolder": "&&Ordner schließen", "miCloseWorkspace": "Arbeitsbereich &&schließen", + "miOpen": "&&Open...", + "miOpenFile": "&&Open File...", + "miOpenFolder": "Open &&Folder...", + "miOpenWorkspace": "Open Wor&&kspace...", "miSaveWorkspaceAs": "Arbeitsbereich speichern unter...", "noWorkspaceOrFolderOpened": "Zurzeit ist kein Arbeitsbereich oder Ordner in dieser Instanz geöffnet, der geschlossen werden kann.", "openFile": "Datei öffnen...", @@ -2935,7 +2951,6 @@ "pinEditor": "Editor anheften", "previousChangeIcon": "Symbol für Aktion \"Vorherige Änderung\" im Diff-Editor", "reopenWith": "Editor erneut öffnen mit...", - "run": "Ausführen oder Debuggen...", "showOpenedEditors": "Geöffnete Editoren anzeigen", "showTrimWhitespace.label": "Unterschiede zwischen vorangestellten/nachfolgenden Leerzeichen anzeigen", "sideBySideEditor": "Editor mit Ansicht \"Nebeneinander\"", @@ -3063,6 +3078,15 @@ "groupLabel": "Gruppe {0}", "ok": "OK" }, + "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorPlaceholder": { + "manageTrust": "Manage Workspace Trust", + "requiresFolderTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the folder.", + "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the workspace.", + "retry": "Try Open Again", + "trustRequiredEditor": "Workspace Trust Required", + "unavailableEditor": "Unavailable Editor", + "unavailableEditorText": "The editor could not be opened due to an error or an unavailable resource." + }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorQuickAccess": { "closeEditor": "Editor schließen", "entryAriaLabelDirty": "{0}, geändert", @@ -3080,7 +3104,6 @@ "configureModeSettings": "\"{0}\" sprachbasierte Einstellungen konfigurieren...", "currentAssociation": "Aktuelle Zuordnung", "currentProblem": "Aktuelles Problem", - "detectedLanguagesPicks": "Erkannte Sprachen (Bezeichner)", "disableColumnSelectionMode": "Spaltenauswahlmodus deaktivieren", "disableTabMode": "Barrierefreiheitsmodus deaktivieren", "endOfLineCarriageReturnLineFeed": "CRLF", @@ -3092,7 +3115,6 @@ "indentView": "Ansicht wechseln", "languageDescription": "({0}): konfigurierte Sprache", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", - "languageDescriptionCurrent": "({0}) – aktuelle Sprache", "languagesPicks": "Sprachen (Bezeichner)", "multiSelection": "{0} Auswahlen", "multiSelectionRange": "{0} Auswahlen ({1} Zeichen ausgewählt)", @@ -3148,12 +3170,6 @@ "ariaLabelEditorActions": "Editoraktionen", "draggedEditorGroup": "{0} (+{1})" }, - "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/workspaceTrustRequiredEditor": { - "manageTrust": "Arbeitsbereichsvertrauensstellung verwalten", - "requiresFolderTrustText": "Die Datei wird nicht im Editor angezeigt, da dem Ordner keine Vertrauenswürdigkeit gewährt wurde.", - "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "Die Datei wird nicht im Editor angezeigt, da dem Arbeitsbereich keine Vertrauenswürdigkeit gewährt wurde.", - "trustRequiredEditor": "Arbeitsbereichsvertrauensstellung erforderlich" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/notifications/notificationsActions": { "clearAllIcon": "Symbol für die Aktion \"Alles löschen\" in Benachrichtigungen.", "clearIcon": "Symbol für die Aktion \"Löschen\" in Benachrichtigungen.", @@ -4133,7 +4149,7 @@ "editBreakpoint": "\"{0}\" bearbeiten...", "editBreakpoints": "Haltepunkte bearbeiten", "editInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "Inlinehaltepunkt in Spalte {0} bearbeiten", - "editLineBrekapoint": "Zeilenhaltepunkt bearbeiten", + "editLineBreakpoint": "Edit Line Breakpoint", "enable": "Aktivieren", "enableBreakpoint": "{0} aktivieren", "enableBreakpointOnLine": "Zeilenhaltepunkt aktivieren", @@ -4145,7 +4161,8 @@ "removeBreakpoints": "Haltepunkte entfernen", "removeInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "Inlinehaltepunkt in Spalte {0} entfernen", "removeLineBreakpoint": "Zeilenhaltepunkt entfernen", - "removeLogPoint": "\"{0}\" entfernen" + "removeLogPoint": "\"{0}\" entfernen", + "runToLine": "Run to Line" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/breakpointWidget": { "breakpointType": "Art des Breakpoints", @@ -4240,6 +4257,7 @@ "copyAsExpression": "Als Ausdruck kopieren", "copyStackTrace": "Aufrufliste kopieren", "copyValue": "Wert kopieren", + "debug.console.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on enter in the debug console. enter is also used to evaluate whatever is typed in the debug console.", "debug.console.closeOnEnd": "Steuert, ob die Debugging-Konsole automatisch geschlossen werden soll, wenn die Debugsitzung endet.", "debug.console.collapseIdenticalLines": "Steuert, ob die Debugging-Konsole identische Zeilen zuklappen und eine Anzahl von Vorkommen mit einem Badge anzeigen soll.", "debug.console.fontFamily": "Legt die Schriftfamilie der Debugging-Konsole fest.", @@ -4291,6 +4309,7 @@ "prompt": "Benutzer auffordern", "removeWatchExpression": "Ausdruck entfernen", "restartFrame": "Frame neu starten", + "run": "Run or Debug...", "run and debug": "Ausführen und debuggen", "setValue": "Wert festlegen", "showBreakpointsInOverviewRuler": "Legt fest, ob Breakpoints im Übersichtslineal angezeigt werden sollen.", @@ -4473,6 +4492,7 @@ "installAdditionalDebuggers": "Erweiterung \"{0}\" installieren", "launchJsonDoesNotExist": "\"launch.json\" ist für den übergebenen Arbeitsbereichsordner nicht vorhanden.", "multipleConfigurationNamesInWorkspace": "Im Arbeitsbereich sind mehrere Startkonfigurationen \"{0}\" vorhanden. Verwenden Sie den Ordnernamen, um die Konfiguration zu qualifizieren.", + "multipleSession": "'{0}' is already running. Do you want to start another instance?", "nActiveSessions": "{0} aktive Sitzungen", "noConfigurationNameInWorkspace": "Die Startkonfiguration \"{0}\" wurde im Arbeitsbereich nicht gefunden.", "noFolderWithName": "Der Ordner mit dem Namen \"{0}\" für die Konfiguration \"{1}\" wurde im Verbund \"{2}\" nicht gefunden.", @@ -4518,11 +4538,9 @@ "startAdditionalSession": "Zusätzliche Sitzung starten" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/disassemblyView": { - "breakpointAllowed": "Bruchstelle festlegen", - "breakpointIsSet": "Die Bruchstelle wurde festgelegt", "disassemblyView": "Disassemblyansicht", - "instructionAddress": "Anweisungsadresse", - "instructionBytes": "Anweisungsbytes", + "instructionAddress": "Address", + "instructionBytes": "Bytes", "instructionText": "Anweisung" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/exceptionWidget": { @@ -4596,6 +4614,7 @@ "addWatchExpression": "Ausdruck hinzufügen", "collapse": "Alle zuklappen", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "Alle Ausdrücke entfernen", + "typeNewValue": "Type new value", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "Überwachungsausdrücke debuggen", "watchExpressionAriaLabel": "{0}, Wert \"{1}\"", "watchExpressionInputAriaLabel": "Geben Sie den Überwachungsausdruck ein.", @@ -4630,6 +4649,7 @@ "callStackSessionIsAttach": "TRUE, wenn die Sitzung in der CALL STACK-Ansicht vom Typ \"Anfügen\" ist, andernfalls FALSE. Wird intern für Inlinemenüs in der CALL STACK-Ansicht verwendet.", "debugConfigurationType": "Der Debugtyp der ausgewählten Startkonfiguration. Beispiel: python.", "debugProtocolVariableMenuContext": "Stellt den Kontext dar, der vom Debugadapter für die Variable festgelegt wird, die in der Ansicht VARIABLES den Fokus besitzt.", + "debugSetExpressionSupported": "True when the focused session supports 'setExpression' request.", "debugSetVariableSupported": "TRUE, wenn die Sitzung mit dem Fokus die Anforderung \"setVariable\" unterstützt.", "debugState": "Zustand, in dem sich die Debugsitzung mit dem Fokus befindet. Mögliche Werte: \"inactive\", \"initializing\", \"stopped\" und \"running\".", "debugType": "Der Debugtyp der aktiven Debugsitzung. Beispiel: python.", @@ -4656,7 +4676,8 @@ "stepBackSupported": "TRUE, wenn die Sitzung mit dem Fokus stepBack-Anforderungen unterstützt.", "stepIntoTargetsSupported": "TRUE, wenn die Sitzung mit dem Fokus die Anforderung \"stepIntoTargets\" unterstützt.", "terminateDebuggeeSupported": "„True“, wenn die fokussierte Sitzung die Funktion zum Beenden der zu debuggende Komponente unterstützt.", - "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "TRUE, wenn für die Variable mit dem Fokus ein Feld \"evaluateName\" festgelegt wurde.", + "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "True when the focused variable has an 'evalauteName' field set.", + "variableIsReadonly": "True when the focused variable is readonly.", "variablesFocused": "TRUE, wenn der Fokus auf den Ansichten VARIABLES liegt, andernfalls FALSE.", "watchExpressionsExist": "TRUE, wenn mindestens ein Überwachungsausdruck vorhanden ist, andernfalls FALSE.", "watchExpressionsFocused": "TRUE, wenn der Fokus auf der Ansicht WATCH liegt, andernfalls FALSE.", @@ -5516,16 +5537,11 @@ "cut": "Ausschneiden", "deleteFile": "Endgültig löschen", "explorerOpenWith": "Öffnen mit...", - "file": "Datei", "filesCategory": "Datei", "miAutoSave": "A&&utomatisch speichern", "miCloseEditor": "Editor s&&chließen", "miGotoFile": "Gehe zu &&Datei...", "miNewFile": "&&Neue Datei", - "miOpen": "&&Öffnen...", - "miOpenFile": "&&Datei öffnen...", - "miOpenFolder": "&&Ordner öffnen...", - "miOpenWorkspace": "Arbeitsbereich ö&&ffnen...", "miRevert": "D&&atei wiederherstellen", "miSave": "&&Speichern", "miSaveAll": "A&&lles speichern", @@ -5538,8 +5554,7 @@ "revertLocalChanges": "Änderungen verwerfen und zu Dateiinhalten zurückkehren", "saveAll": "Alle speichern", "saveAllInGroup": "Alle in Gruppe speichern", - "saveFiles": "Alle Dateien speichern", - "workspaces": "Arbeitsbereiche" + "saveFiles": "Alle Dateien speichern" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/fileCommands": { "discard": "Verwerfen", @@ -5876,11 +5891,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/markers/browser/markersTreeViewer": { "collapsedIcon": "Symbol, das angibt, dass in der Markeransicht mehrere Zeilen nicht angezeigt werden.", "expandedIcon": "Symbol, das angibt, dass in der Markeransicht mehrere Zeilen angezeigt werden.", - "links.navigate.follow": "Link folgen", - "links.navigate.kb.alt": "alt + klicken", - "links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "OPTION + Klicken", - "links.navigate.kb.meta": "STRG + Klicken", - "links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "BEFEHL + Klicken", "multi line": "Nachricht in mehreren Zeilen anzeigen", "problemsView": "Problemansicht", "single line": "Meldung in einer Zeile anzeigen" @@ -5981,6 +5991,7 @@ "notebookActions.editCell": "Zelle bearbeiten", "notebookActions.execute": "Zelle ausführen", "notebookActions.executeAbove": "Obere Zellen ausführen", + "notebookActions.executeAndFocusContainer": "Execute Cell and Focus Container", "notebookActions.executeAndInsertBelow": "Notebook-Zelle ausführen und unten einfügen", "notebookActions.executeAndSelectBelow": "Notebook-Zelle ausführen und unten auswählen", "notebookActions.executeBelow": "\"Zelle ausführen\" und \"Unterhalb\"", @@ -5988,8 +5999,10 @@ "notebookActions.expandCellInput": "Zelleneingabe erweitern", "notebookActions.expandCellOutput": "Zellenausgabe aufklappen", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAbove": "Codezelle oben einfügen", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAboveAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Above and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAtTop": "Codezelle oben hinzufügen", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelow": "Codezelle unten einfügen", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Below and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAbove": "Markdownzelle oben einfügen", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAtTop": "Markdownzelle oben hinzufügen", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellBelow": "Markdownzelle unten einfügen", @@ -6199,9 +6212,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookKernelActionViewItem": { "select": "Kernel auswählen" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookServiceImpl": { - "builtinProviderDisplayName": "Integriert" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/output/outputRenderer": { "empty": "Die Zelle hat keine Ausgabe", "noRenderer.1": "Für den MIME-Typ wurde kein Renderer gefunden: {0}", @@ -6226,9 +6236,14 @@ "unavailableRenderInfo": "Renderer nicht verfügbar" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/cellRenderer": { - "cellExpandButtonLabel": "Erweitern", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Output (${0})", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell output ({0})", "notebook.moreRunActionsLabel": "Weitere..." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/codeCell": { + "cellExpandInputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Input ({0})", + "cellExpandInputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell input ({0})" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/common/notebookEditorModel": { "notebook.staleSaveError": "Der Inhalt der Datei wurde auf dem Datenträger geändert. Möchten Sie die aktualisierte Version öffnen oder die Datei mit Ihren Änderungen überschreiben?", "notebook.staleSaveError.overwrite.": "Überschreiben", @@ -6389,6 +6404,7 @@ "openGlobalSettings": "Benutzereinstellungen öffnen", "openRawDefaultSettings": "Standardeinstellungen öffnen (JSON)", "openRemoteSettings": "Remoteeinstellungen öffnen ({0})", + "openRemoteSettingsJSON": "Open Remote Settings (JSON) ({0})", "openSettings2": "Einstellungen öffnen (Benutzeroberfläche)", "openSettingsJson": "Einstellungen öffnen (JSON)", "openWorkspaceSettings": "Arbeitsbereichseinstellungen öffnen", @@ -7754,10 +7770,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalDecorationsProvider": { "label": "Terminal" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalEditor": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (Standard)", - "terminal.new": "Neues Terminal" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalIcons": { "configureTerminalProfileIcon": "Symbol zum Erstellen eines neuen Terminalprofils.", "killTerminalIcon": "Symbol für das Beenden einer Terminalinstanz.", @@ -7790,10 +7802,12 @@ "yes": "Ja" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalMenus": { + "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (Default)", "miNewTerminal": "&&Neues Terminal", "miRunActiveFile": "&&Aktive Datei ausführen", "miRunSelectedText": "&&Ausgewählten Text ausführen", "miSplitTerminal": "&&Geteiltes Terminal", + "terminal.new": "New Terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.changeColor": "Farbe ändern...", "workbench.action.terminal.changeIcon": "Symbol ändern", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "Löschen", @@ -7845,9 +7859,7 @@ "terminalInputAriaLabel": "Geben Sie den Terminalnamen ein. Drücken Sie zur Bestätigung die EINGABETASTE oder ESC, um den Vorgang abzubrechen." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalView": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (Standard)", "terminal.monospaceOnly": "Das Terminal unterstützt nur Festbreitenschriftarten. Stellen Sie sicher, dass VS Code neu gestartet wird, wenn es sich um eine neu installierte Schriftart handelt.", - "terminal.new": "Neues Terminal", "terminal.useMonospace": "\"monospace\" verwenden", "terminalConnectingLabel": "Wird gestartet...", "terminals": "Öffnet die Terminals." @@ -7856,12 +7868,13 @@ "terminalCategory": "Terminal", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal": "Trägt Terminalfunktionalität bei.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles": "Definiert zusätzliche Terminalprofile, die der Benutzer erstellen kann.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.icon": "Ein Codicon, der diesem Terminalprofil zugeordnet werden soll.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.id": "Die ID des Terminalprofil-Anbieters.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.title": "Titel für dieses Terminalprofil.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types": "Definiert zusätzliche Terminaltypen, die der Benutzer erstellen kann.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.command": "Befehl, der ausgeführt werden soll, wenn der Benutzer diesen Terminaltyp erstellt.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "Ein Codicon, der diesem Terminaltyp zugeordnet werden soll.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "A codicon, URI, or light and dark URIs to associate with this terminal type.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "Icon path when a dark theme is used", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "Icon path when a light theme is used", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.title": "Titel für diesen Terminaltyp." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { @@ -8038,14 +8051,14 @@ "configureProfile": "Wählen Sie ein zu aktualisierendes Profil aus", "debug test": "Test debuggen", "debugAllTests": "Alle Tests debuggen", - "debugSelectedTests": "Ausgewählte Tests debuggen", + "debugSelectedTests": "Debug Tests", "discoveringTests": "Tests werden ermittelt.", "hideTest": "Test ausblenden", "noDebugTestProvider": "In diesem Arbeitsbereich wurden keine debugfähigen Tests gefunden. Möglicherweise müssen Sie eine Erweiterung des Testanbieters installieren.", "noTestProvider": "In diesem Arbeitsbereich wurden keine Tests gefunden. Möglicherweise müssen Sie eine Erweiterung des Testanbieters installieren.", "run test": "Test ausführen", "runAllTests": "Alle Tests ausführen", - "runSelectedTests": "Ausgewählte Tests ausführen", + "runSelectedTests": "Run Tests", "testing.cancelRun": "Testlauf abbrechen", "testing.clearResults": "Alle Ergebnisse löschen", "testing.collapseAll": "Alle Tests reduzieren", @@ -8066,6 +8079,7 @@ "testing.showMostRecentOutput": "Ausgabe anzeigen", "testing.sortByLocation": "Nach Speicherort sortieren", "testing.sortByStatus": "Nach Status sortieren", + "testing.toggleInlineTestOutput": "Toggle Inline Test Output", "testing.turnOffAutoRun": "Automatische Ausführung deaktivieren", "testing.turnOnAutoRun": "Automatische Ausführung aktivieren", "testing.viewAsList": "Als Liste anzeigen", @@ -8084,8 +8098,10 @@ "updateTestConfiguration": "Testkonfiguration aktualisieren" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingDecorations": { + "actual.title": "Actual:", "debug all test": "Alle Tests debuggen", "debug test": "Test debuggen", + "expected.title": "Expected:", "peek failure": "Vorschau für Fehler", "peekTestOutout": "Testausgabe einsehen", "reveal test": "Im Test-Explorer anzeigen", @@ -8126,6 +8142,7 @@ "testing.goToFile": "Zu Datei wechseln", "testing.goToNextMessage": "Zum nächsten Testfehler wechseln", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "Zum vorherigen Testfehler wechseln", + "testing.openMessageInEditor": "Open in Editor", "testing.reRunLastRun": "Testlauf erneut ausführen", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Im Test-Explorer anzeigen", "testing.showResultOutput": "Ergebnisausgabe anzeigen", @@ -8159,12 +8176,8 @@ "testing.iconUnset": "Farbe für das Symbol \"Nicht festgelegt\" im Test-Explorer.", "testing.message.error.decorationForeground": "Die Textfarbe von Testfehlermeldungen, die inline im Editor angezeigt werden.", "testing.message.error.marginBackground": "Die Randfarbe neben Testfehlermeldungen, die inline im Editor angezeigt werden.", - "testing.message.hint.decorationForeground": "Die Textfarbe von Testhinweismeldungen, die inline im Editor angezeigt werden.", - "testing.message.hint.marginBackground": "Die Randfarbe neben Testhinweismeldungen, die inline im Editor angezeigt werden.", "testing.message.info.decorationForeground": "Die Textfarbe von Testinfomeldungen, die inline im Editor angezeigt werden.", "testing.message.info.marginBackground": "Die Randfarbe neben Testinfomeldungen, die inline im Editor angezeigt werden.", - "testing.message.warning.decorationForeground": "Die Textfarbe von Testwarnungsmeldungen, die inline im Editor angezeigt werden.", - "testing.message.warning.marginBackground": "Die Randfarbe neben Testwarnungsmeldungen, die inline im Editor angezeigt werden.", "testing.peekBorder": "Farbe der Peek-Ansichtsränder und des Pfeils.", "testing.runAction": "Farbe für das Symbol \"Ausführen\" im Editor" }, @@ -8177,12 +8190,14 @@ "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView": "Konfiguriert, wann die Vorschauansicht für Fehler automatisch geöffnet wird.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureAnywhere": "Unabhängig vom Bereich des Fehlers automatisch öffnen.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureInVisibleDocument": "Automatisch öffnen, wenn ein Testfehler in einem sichtbaren Dokument auftritt.", + "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.never": "Never automatically open.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekViewDuringAutoRun": "Steuert, ob die Vorschauansicht im Modus \"AutoAusführen\" automatisch geöffnet wird.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction": "Steuert die Aktion, die beim Linksklick auf eine Testdekoration im Bundsteg ausgeführt wird.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.contextMenu": "Öffnen Sie das Kontextmenü, um weitere Optionen anzuzeigen.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.debug": "Debuggen Sie den Test.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.run": "Führen Sie den Test aus.", - "testing.followRunningTest": "Steuert, ob der ausgeführte Test in der Test-Explorer-Ansicht befolgt werden soll" + "testing.followRunningTest": "Steuert, ob der ausgeführte Test in der Test-Explorer-Ansicht befolgt werden soll", + "testing.gutterEnabled": "Controls whether test decorations are shown in the editor gutter." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/constants": { "testGroup.coverage": "Abdeckung", @@ -8561,7 +8576,6 @@ "recent": "Zuletzt verwendet", "show more recents": "Alle zuletzt geöffneten Ordner anzeigen {0}", "showAll": "Weitere...", - "showAllWalkthroughs": "Exemplarische Vorgehensweise öffnen...", "start": "Start", "walkthroughs": "Exemplarische Vorgehensweisen", "welcome": "Willkommen", @@ -8571,8 +8585,6 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted.contribution": { "Welcome": "Willkommen", - "gettingStarted.goNext": "Weiter", - "gettingStarted.goPrev": "Zurück", "help": "Hilfe", "pickWalkthroughs": "Exemplarische Vorgehensweise öffnen...", "welcome": "Willkommen", @@ -8583,6 +8595,16 @@ "workbench.welcomePage.preferReducedMotion": "Verringern Sie die Bewegung auf der Willkommensseite, wenn diese Option aktiviert ist.", "workbench.welcomePage.walkthroughs.openOnInstall": "Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, wird die exemplarische Vorgehensweise einer Erweiterung bei der Installation der Erweiterung geöffnet." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedColors": { + "welcomePage.background": "Background color for the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonBackground": "Background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.progress.background": "Foreground color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.progress.foreground": "Background color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.tileBackground": "Background color for the tiles on the Get Started page.", + "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the tiles on the Get Started.", + "welcomePage.tileShadow": "Shadow color for the Welcome page walkthrough category buttons." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedExtensionPoint": { "pathDeprecated": "Veraltet. Verwenden Sie stattdessen \"Image\" oder \"Markdown\".", "removed": "Entfernt, verwenden Sie stattdessen die Menüs => Datei/neueDatei-Beitragspunkt", @@ -8734,74 +8756,6 @@ "welcomeOverlay.search": "Dateiübergreifend suchen", "welcomeOverlay.terminal": "Integriertes Terminal umschalten" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/vs_code_welcome_page": { - "welcomePage.colorTheme": "Farbdesign", - "welcomePage.colorThemeDescription": "Passen Sie das Aussehen von Editor und Code an Ihre Wünsche an.", - "welcomePage.customize": "Anpassen", - "welcomePage.editingEvolved": "Fortschrittliche Bearbeitung", - "welcomePage.gitClone": "Repository klonen...", - "welcomePage.gitHubRepository": "GitHub-Repository", - "welcomePage.help": "Hilfe", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPacks": "Tools und Sprachen", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPacksDescription": "Unterstützung für {0} und {1} installieren", - "welcomePage.installKeymapDescription": "Einstellungen und Tastenzuordnungen", - "welcomePage.installKeymapExtension": "Installieren Sie die Einstellungen und Tastenkombinationen von {0} und {1}.", - "welcomePage.interactivePlayground": "Interaktiver Playground", - "welcomePage.interactivePlaygroundDescription": "In einer exemplarischen Vorgehensweise können Sie die Hauptfeatures des Editors ausprobieren.", - "welcomePage.interfaceOverview": "Überblick über die Benutzeroberfläche", - "welcomePage.interfaceOverviewDescription": "Erhalten Sie eine visuelle Überlagerung, die die wichtigsten Komponenten der Benutzeroberfläche hervorhebt.", - "welcomePage.introductoryVideos": "Einführungsvideos", - "welcomePage.keybindingsCheatsheet": "Druckbare Tastaturübersicht", - "welcomePage.learn": "Lernen", - "welcomePage.moreExtensions": "mehr", - "welcomePage.moreRecent": "Weitere...", - "welcomePage.newFile": "Neue Datei", - "welcomePage.newsletterSignup": "Abonnieren Sie unseren Newsletter", - "welcomePage.noRecentFolders": "Keine kürzlich verwendeten Ordner", - "welcomePage.openFolder": "Ordner öffnen...", - "welcomePage.others": "Andere", - "welcomePage.productDocumentation": "Produktdokumentation", - "welcomePage.recent": "Zuletzt verwendet", - "welcomePage.showCommands": "Alle Befehle suchen und ausführen", - "welcomePage.showCommandsDescription": "Über die Befehlspalette ({0}) können Sie schnell auf Befehle zugreifen und nach Befehlen suchen.", - "welcomePage.showKeymapExtensions": "Andere Erweiterungen für Tastenzuordnungen anzeigen", - "welcomePage.showLanguageExtensions": "Weitere Spracherweiterungen anzeigen", - "welcomePage.showOnStartup": "Willkommensseite beim Start anzeigen", - "welcomePage.stackOverflow": "Stack Overflow", - "welcomePage.start": "Start", - "welcomePage.tipsAndTricks": "Tipps und Tricks", - "welcomePage.vscode": "Visual Studio Code" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePage": { - "details": "Details", - "ok": "OK", - "welcome.title": "Willkommen", - "welcomePage": "Willkommen", - "welcomePage.atom": "Atom", - "welcomePage.azure": "Azure", - "welcomePage.docker": "Docker", - "welcomePage.extensionListSeparator": ", ", - "welcomePage.extensionPackAlreadyInstalled": "Unterstützung für {0} ist bereits installiert.", - "welcomePage.extensionPackNotFound": "Unterstützung für {0} mit der ID {1} wurde nicht gefunden.", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPack": "Zusätzliche Unterstützung für {0} installieren", - "welcomePage.installKeymap": "Tastenzuordnung {0} öffnen", - "welcomePage.installedExtensionPack": "Unterstützung für {0} ist bereits installiert.", - "welcomePage.installedKeymap": "Die Tastaturzuordnung {0} ist bereits installiert.", - "welcomePage.installingExtensionPack": "Zusätzliche Unterstützung für {0} wird installiert...", - "welcomePage.installingKeymap": "Die {0}-Tastenkombinationen werden installiert...", - "welcomePage.java": "Java", - "welcomePage.javaScript": "JavaScript", - "welcomePage.keymapAlreadyInstalled": "Die {0} Tastenkombinationen sind bereits installiert.", - "welcomePage.keymapNotFound": "Die {0} Tastenkombinationen mit der ID {1} wurden nicht gefunden.", - "welcomePage.openFolderWithPath": "Ordner {0} mit Pfad {1} öffnen", - "welcomePage.php": "PHP", - "welcomePage.python": "Python", - "welcomePage.showAzureExtensions": "Azure-Erweiterungen anzeigen", - "welcomePage.sublime": "Sublime", - "welcomePage.vim": "Vim", - "welcomePage.willReloadAfterInstallingExtensionPack": "Nach dem Installieren zusätzlicher Unterstützung für {0} wird das Fenster neu geladen.", - "welcomePage.willReloadAfterInstallingKeymap": "Das Fenster wird nach der Installation der {0}-Tastaturbefehle neu geladen." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePage.contribution": { "workbench.startupEditor": "Steuert, welcher Editor beim Start angezeigt wird, wenn keiner aus der vorherigen Sitzung wiederhergestellt wird.", "workbench.startupEditor.newUntitledFile": "Öffnen Sie eine neue unbenannte Datei (gilt nur beim Öffnen eines neuen Fensters).", @@ -8810,16 +8764,6 @@ "workbench.startupEditor.welcomePage": "Öffnen Sie die neue Willkommensseite mit Inhalten, die Sie beim Einstieg in VS Code und Erweiterungen unterstützen.", "workbench.startupEditor.welcomePageInEmptyWorkbench": "Willkommensseite öffnen, wenn eine leere Workbench geöffnet wird." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePageColors": { - "welcomePage.background": "Hintergrundfarbe für die Startseite.", - "welcomePage.buttonBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe für die Schaltflächen auf der Willkommensseite.", - "welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "Hoverhintergrundfarbe für die Schaltflächen auf der Willkommensseite.", - "welcomePage.progress.background": "Vordergrundfarbe für die Statusleisten der Willkommensseite.", - "welcomePage.progress.foreground": "Hintergrundfarbe für die Statusleisten der Willkommensseite.", - "welcomePage.tileBackground": "Hintergrundfarbe für die Kacheln auf der Seite \"Erste Schritte\".", - "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "Hoverhintergrundfarbe für die Kacheln auf der Seite \"Erste Schritte\".", - "welcomePage.tileShadow": "Die Schattenfarbe für Kategorieschaltflächen exemplarischer Vorgehensweisen auf der Willkommensseite." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/telemetryOptOut/browser/telemetryOptOut": { "telemetryOptOut.OptIn": "Ja, ich möchte helfen.", "telemetryOptOut.OptOut": "Nein, danke.", @@ -8914,14 +8858,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/workspace/browser/workspaceTrustEditor": { "addButton": "Ordner hinzufügen", - "addFolderAriaLabel": "Einen vertrauenswürdigen Ordner hinzufügen", "deleteTrustedUri": "Pfad löschen", "dontTrustButton": "Nicht vertrauen", - "editTrustedUri": "Pfad ändern", + "editTrustedUri": "Edit Path", "hostColumnLabel": "Host", "localAuthority": "Lokal", "no untrustedSettings": "Arbeitsbereichseinstellungen, für die Vertrauen erforderlich sind, werden nicht angewendet.", + "noTrustedFoldersDescriptions": "You haven't trusted any folders or workspace files yet.", "pathColumnLabel": "Pfad", + "pickerTrustedUri": "Open File Picker", "root element label": "Arbeitsbereichsvertrauensstellung verwalten", "selectTrustedUri": "Vertrauenswürdigen Ordner auswählen", "trustButton": "Vertrauen", @@ -9882,6 +9827,9 @@ "saveElevatedSudo": "Als Sudo wiederholen...", "staleSaveError": "Fehler beim Speichern von „{0}“: Der Inhalt der Datei ist neuer. Möchten Sie die Datei mit Ihren Änderungen überschreiben?" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants": "Saving '{0}'" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/electron-sandbox/workingCopyBackupTracker": { "backupBeforeShutdownDetail": "Klicken Sie auf „Abbrechen“, um das Warten zu beenden und geänderte Editoren zu speichern oder zurückzusetzen.", "backupBeforeShutdownMessage": "Das Sichern der geänderten Editoren dauert länger als erwartet...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json index ddec45543c..13246068f5 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ }, "dist/githubServer": { "signingIn": "$(mark-github) Iniciando sesión en github.com...", - "signingInEnterprise": "$(mark-github) Iniciando sesión en {0}...", - "status.git.signIn.name": "Inicio de sesión en GitHub" + "status.git.signIn.name": "Inicio de sesión en GitHub", + "validUri": "Please enter a valid Uri from the GitHub login page." }, "package": { "description": "Proveedor de autenticación de GitHub", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 12af91e532..0c01911684 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ "configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Configura patrones globales para determinar cuándo asociar en modo \"smart\" \"#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#\". \"$KNOWN _TOOLS $\" se reemplaza por una lista de nombres de ejecutores de pruebas y código comunes. [Más información en la documentación de VS Code] (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/nodejs-debugging#_auto-attach-smart-patterns).", "configuration.autoExpandGetters": "Configura si los captadores de propiedad se expandirán automáticamente. Si es false, el captador aparecerá como \"get propertyName\" y solo se evaluará al hacer clic en él.", "configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "Al depurar una aplicación web remota, se establece si se debe hacer un túnel automático del servidor remoto al equipo local.", - "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Indica si debe detenerse cuando los puntos de interrupción condicionales producen un error. Nota: El elemento \"type\" de launch.json debe tener el prefijo \"pwa-\" para usarlo, por ejemplo, \"pwa-node\".", + "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Opciones utilizadas al depurar vínculos abiertos en los que se ha hecho clic desde dentro del terminal de depuración. Se puede establecer en \"false\" para deshabilitar este comportamiento.", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Valor predeterminado de \"runtimeExecutable\" que se usa para las configuraciones de inicio, si no se especifica un valor. Se puede usar para configurar rutas de acceso personalizadas a Node.js o a las instalaciones del explorador.", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Lugar en que se debe mostrar una lente de código \"Ejecutar\" y \"Depurar\" en los scripts npm. Puede estar en todos, en scripts, sobre la sección del script o bien no mostrarse nunca.", @@ -337,7 +337,6 @@ "configuration.suggestPrettyPrinting": "Si se sugiere bastante imprimir código JavaScript que se ve minimizado cuando se entra en él.", "configuration.terminalOptions": "Opciones de inicio predeterminadas para el terminal de depuración de JavaScript y los scripts npm.", "configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Configura si el archivo sin mapa de origen donde no se puede leer el archivo original se desasignará automáticamente. Si es false (predeterminado), se muestra un mensaje.", - "configuration.usePreview": "Utilice el nuevo depurador de JavaScript en versión preliminar para Node.js y Chrome.", "createDiagnostics.label": "Diagnosticar problemas de punto de interrupción", "customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Personaliza la descripción de texto que el depurador muestra para los objetos (variables locales, etc...). Ejemplos:\r\n 1. this.toString() // Llama a toString para imprimir todos los objetos\r\n. 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Usa el método customDescription si está disponible, si no devuelve defaultValue.\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Usa el método customDescription si está disponible, si no devuelve defaultValue.\r\n ", "customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Personalice las propiedades que se muestran para un objeto en el depurador (variables locales, etc.). Ejemplos:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Agregue una propiedad extraproperty 12345 a todos los objetos.\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Use el método customProperties, si está disponible; en caso contrario, use las propiedades de este (las propiedades predeterminadas).\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Use el método customDescription, si está disponible; en caso contrario, se devuelven las propiedades predeterminadas.\r\n\r\n En desuso: esta es una implementación temporal de esta característica hasta que tengamos tiempo para implementarla de la forma aquí descrita: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/102181", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json index c77dd1562b..a0756662e5 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ "typescript.findAllFileReferences": "Buscar referencias de archivo", "typescript.format.enable": "Habilita o deshabilita el formateador predeterminado de TypeScript.", "typescript.implementationsCodeLens.enabled": "Habilite o deshabilite las implementaciones de CodeLens. Esta instancia de CodeLens muestra los implementadores de una interfaz.", - "typescript.locale": "Establece la configuración regional que se usa para notificar errores de JavaScript y TypeScript. Con el valor predeterminado \"null\", se usa la configuración regional de VS Code.", + "typescript.locale": "Sets the locale used to report JavaScript and TypeScript errors. Defaults to use VS Code's locale.", "typescript.npm": "Especifica la ruta del ejecutable npm utilizado para la [Adquisición automática de tipos] (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/working-with-javascript#_typings-and-automatic-type-acquisition).", "typescript.openTsServerLog.title": "Abrir registro del servidor de TS", "typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier": "Estilo de ruta de acceso preferido para las importaciones automáticas.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json index 48be0cbf36..10f61d9939 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "autoClosingQuotes": "Controla si el editor debe cerrar automáticamente las comillas después de que el usuario agrega uma comilla de apertura.", "autoIndent": "Controla si el editor debe ajustar automáticamente la sangría mientras los usuarios escriben, pegan, mueven o sangran líneas.", "autoSurround": "Controla si el editor debe rodear automáticamente las selecciones al escribir comillas o corchetes.", + "bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Controls whether bracket pair colorization is enabled or not.", "codeActions": "Habilita la bombilla de acción de código en el editor.", "codeLens": "Controla si el editor muestra CodeLens.", "codeLensFontFamily": "Controla la familia de fuentes para CodeLens.", @@ -585,6 +586,12 @@ "deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "ID es obsoleto. Usar en lugar 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground'. ", "editorActiveIndentGuide": "Color de las guías de sangría activas del editor.", "editorActiveLineNumber": "Color del número de línea activa en el editor", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Foreground color of brackets (1).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Foreground color of brackets (2).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Foreground color of brackets (3).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Foreground color of brackets (4).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Foreground color of brackets (5).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Foreground color of brackets (6).", "editorBracketMatchBackground": "Color de fondo tras corchetes coincidentes", "editorBracketMatchBorder": "Color de bloques con corchetes coincidentes", "editorCodeLensForeground": "Color principal de lentes de código en el editor", @@ -905,6 +912,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": { "acceptInlineSuggestion": "Aceptar", + "inlineSuggestionFollows": "Suggestion:", "showNextInlineSuggestion": "Siguiente", "showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "Anterior" }, @@ -1547,6 +1555,8 @@ "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.osx": "El perfil predeterminado utilizado en macOS. Esta configuración se ignorará si se establecen {0} o {1}.", "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.windows": "El perfil predeterminado utilizado en Windows. Esta configuración se ignorará si se establecen {0} o {1}.", "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": "Si los nuevos shells deben heredar su entorno de VS Code, lo que puede generar un shell de inicio de sesión para asegurarse de que se inicializan $PATH y otras variables de desarrollo. Esto no tiene ningún efecto en Windows.", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionExperimentalSerializer": "Whether to use a more efficient experimental approach for restoring the terminal's buffer. This setting requires a restart to take effect.", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionScrollback": "Controls the maximum amount of lines that will be restored when reconnecting to a persistent terminal session. Increasing this will restore more lines of scrollback at the cost of more memory and increase the time it takes to connect to terminals on start up. This setting requires a restart to take effect and should be set to a value less than or equal to `#terminal.integrated.scrollback#`.", "terminal.integrated.profile.linux": "Perfiles de Linux para presentar cuando se crea un terminal a través de la lista desplegable del terminal. Si se establece, se invalidarán los perfiles detectados predeterminados. Se componen de un valor de {0} y {1} opcional.", "terminal.integrated.profile.osx": "Perfiles de macOS para presentar cuando se crea un terminal a través de la lista desplegable del terminal. Si se establece, se invalidarán los perfiles detectados predeterminados. Se componen de un valor de {0} y {1} opcional.", "terminal.integrated.profiles.windows": "Perfiles de Windows para presentar cuando se crea un terminal a través de la lista desplegable del terminal. Establézcalo en NULL para excluirlos, use la propiedad {0} para utilizar la configuración detectada predeterminada. También puede establecer los valores de {1} y {2} opcional.", @@ -2530,6 +2540,7 @@ "missing.command": "El elemento de menú hace referencia a un comando `{0}` que no está definido en la sección 'commands'.", "missing.submenu": "El elemento de menú hace referencia a un submenú \"{0}\" que no está definido en la sección \"submenus\".", "nonempty": "se esperaba un valor no vacío.", + "notebook.cell.execute": "The contributed notebook cell execution menu", "notebook.cell.title": "El menú de título de la celda del cuaderno aportado", "notebook.toolbar": "El menú de la barra de herramientas del cuaderno aportado", "opticon": "la propiedad \"icon\" puede omitirse o debe ser una cadena o un literal como \"{dark, light}\"", @@ -2720,10 +2731,15 @@ "closeWorkspace": "Cerrar área de trabajo", "duplicateWorkspace": "Área de trabajo duplicada", "duplicateWorkspaceInNewWindow": "Duplicar como área de trabajo en una ventana nueva", + "filesCategory": "File", "globalRemoveFolderFromWorkspace": "Quitar carpeta del Área de trabajo...", "miAddFolderToWorkspace": "A&&gregar carpeta al área de trabajo...", "miCloseFolder": "Cerrar &&carpeta", "miCloseWorkspace": "Cerrar &&área de trabajo", + "miOpen": "&&Open...", + "miOpenFile": "&&Open File...", + "miOpenFolder": "Open &&Folder...", + "miOpenWorkspace": "Open Wor&&kspace...", "miSaveWorkspaceAs": "Guardar área de trabajo como...", "noWorkspaceOrFolderOpened": "No hay ninguna carpeta ni área de trabajo abierta en esta instancia para cerrarla.", "openFile": "Abrir archivo...", @@ -2935,7 +2951,6 @@ "pinEditor": "Anclar editor", "previousChangeIcon": "Icono de la acción de cambio anterior en el editor de diferencias.", "reopenWith": "Volver a abrir el editor con...", - "run": "Ejecutar o depurar...", "showOpenedEditors": "Mostrar editores abiertos", "showTrimWhitespace.label": "Mostrar las diferencias de espacios en blanco iniciales/finales", "sideBySideEditor": "Editor de lado a lado", @@ -3063,6 +3078,15 @@ "groupLabel": "Grupo {0}", "ok": "Aceptar" }, + "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorPlaceholder": { + "manageTrust": "Manage Workspace Trust", + "requiresFolderTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the folder.", + "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the workspace.", + "retry": "Try Open Again", + "trustRequiredEditor": "Workspace Trust Required", + "unavailableEditor": "Unavailable Editor", + "unavailableEditorText": "The editor could not be opened due to an error or an unavailable resource." + }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorQuickAccess": { "closeEditor": "Cerrar editor", "entryAriaLabelDirty": "{0}, con modificaciones", @@ -3080,7 +3104,6 @@ "configureModeSettings": "Configurar los parámetros basados en el lenguaje \"{0}\"...", "currentAssociation": "Asociación actual", "currentProblem": "Problema actual", - "detectedLanguagesPicks": "idiomas detectados (identificador)", "disableColumnSelectionMode": "Desactivar el modo de selección de columnas", "disableTabMode": "Deshabilitar modo de accesibilidad", "endOfLineCarriageReturnLineFeed": "CRLF", @@ -3092,7 +3115,6 @@ "indentView": "cambiar vista", "languageDescription": "({0}): lenguaje configurado", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", - "languageDescriptionCurrent": "({0}): lenguaje actual", "languagesPicks": "lenguajes (identificador)", "multiSelection": "{0} selecciones", "multiSelectionRange": "{0} selecciones ({1} caracteres seleccionados)", @@ -3148,12 +3170,6 @@ "ariaLabelEditorActions": "Acciones de editor", "draggedEditorGroup": "{0} (+ {1})" }, - "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/workspaceTrustRequiredEditor": { - "manageTrust": "Administrar la confianza del área de trabajo", - "requiresFolderTrustText": "El archivo no se muestra en el editor porque no se ha concedido confianza a la carpeta.", - "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "El archivo no se muestra en el editor porque no se ha concedido confianza al área de trabajo.", - "trustRequiredEditor": "Se requiere confianza del área de trabajo" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/notifications/notificationsActions": { "clearAllIcon": "Icono de la acción de borrar todo en las notificaciones.", "clearIcon": "Icono de la acción de borrado en las notificaciones.", @@ -4133,7 +4149,7 @@ "editBreakpoint": "Editar {0}...", "editBreakpoints": "Editar puntos de interrupción", "editInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "Editar el punto de interrupción insertado en la columna {0}", - "editLineBrekapoint": "Editar punto de interrupción de línea", + "editLineBreakpoint": "Edit Line Breakpoint", "enable": "Habilitar", "enableBreakpoint": "Activar {0}", "enableBreakpointOnLine": "Habilitar punto de interrupción de línea", @@ -4145,7 +4161,8 @@ "removeBreakpoints": "Quitar puntos de interrupción", "removeInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "Quitar el punto de interrupción insertado en la columna {0}", "removeLineBreakpoint": "Quitar punto de interrupción de línea", - "removeLogPoint": "Quitar {0}" + "removeLogPoint": "Quitar {0}", + "runToLine": "Run to Line" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/breakpointWidget": { "breakpointType": "Tipo de punto de interrupción", @@ -4240,6 +4257,7 @@ "copyAsExpression": "Copiar como expresión", "copyStackTrace": "Copiar pila de llamadas", "copyValue": "Copiar valor", + "debug.console.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on enter in the debug console. enter is also used to evaluate whatever is typed in the debug console.", "debug.console.closeOnEnd": "Controla si la consola de depuración debe cerrarse automáticamente cuando finaliza la sesión de depuración.", "debug.console.collapseIdenticalLines": "Controla si la consola de depuración debe contraer las líneas idénticas y mostrar un número de repeticiones con un distintivo.", "debug.console.fontFamily": "Controla la familia de fuentes en la consola de depuración.", @@ -4291,6 +4309,7 @@ "prompt": "Preguntar al usuario.", "removeWatchExpression": "Quitar expresión", "restartFrame": "Reiniciar marco", + "run": "Run or Debug...", "run and debug": "Ejecución y depuración", "setValue": "Establecer valor", "showBreakpointsInOverviewRuler": "Controla si los puntos de interrupción deben mostrarse en la regla de información general.", @@ -4473,6 +4492,7 @@ "installAdditionalDebuggers": "Instalar la extensión {0}", "launchJsonDoesNotExist": "No existe \"launch.json\" para la carpeta del área de trabajo que se ha pasado.", "multipleConfigurationNamesInWorkspace": "Hay varias configuraciones de inicio \"{0}\" en el área de trabajo. Use el nombre de la carpeta para calificar la configuración.", + "multipleSession": "'{0}' is already running. Do you want to start another instance?", "nActiveSessions": "{0} sesiones activas", "noConfigurationNameInWorkspace": "No se pudo encontrar la configuración de inicio ' {0} ' en el área de trabajo.", "noFolderWithName": "No se puede encontrar la carpeta con el nombre ' {0} ' para la configuración ' {1} ' en el compuesto ' {2} '.", @@ -4518,11 +4538,9 @@ "startAdditionalSession": "Iniciar otra sesión" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/disassemblyView": { - "breakpointAllowed": "Establecer punto de interrupción", - "breakpointIsSet": "Punto de interrupción establecido", "disassemblyView": "Vista de desensamblado", - "instructionAddress": "Dirección de instrucción", - "instructionBytes": "Bytes de instrucción", + "instructionAddress": "Address", + "instructionBytes": "Bytes", "instructionText": "Instrucción" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/exceptionWidget": { @@ -4596,6 +4614,7 @@ "addWatchExpression": "Agregar expresión", "collapse": "Contraer todo", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "Quitar todas las expresiones", + "typeNewValue": "Type new value", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "Expresiones de inspección de la depuración", "watchExpressionAriaLabel": "{0}, valor {1}", "watchExpressionInputAriaLabel": "Escribir expresión de inspección", @@ -4630,6 +4649,7 @@ "callStackSessionIsAttach": "Es true si se asocia la sesión de la vista PILA DE LLAMADAS; de lo contrario, es false. Se usa internamente para los menús insertados en la vista PILA DE LLAMADAS.", "debugConfigurationType": "Tipo de depuración de la configuración de inicio seleccionada. Por ejemplo, \"python\".", "debugProtocolVariableMenuContext": "Representa el contexto que el adaptador de depuración establece en la variable con foco en la vista de VARIABLES.", + "debugSetExpressionSupported": "True when the focused session supports 'setExpression' request.", "debugSetVariableSupported": "Es true cuando la sesión con foco admite la solicitud \"setVariable\".", "debugState": "Estado en el que se encuentra la sesión de depuración con foco. Es uno de los siguientes: \"inactiva\", \"inicializando\", \"detenida\" o \"en ejecución\".", "debugType": "Tipo de depuración de la sesión de depuración activa. Por ejemplo, \"python\".", @@ -4656,7 +4676,8 @@ "stepBackSupported": "Es true cuando la sesión con foco admite solicitudes \"stepBack\".", "stepIntoTargetsSupported": "Es true cuando la sesión con foco admite la solicitud \"stepIntoTargets\".", "terminateDebuggeeSupported": "Es true cuando la sesión que tiene el foco admite la capacidad de finalizar el depurador.", - "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "Es true cuando la variable con foco tiene un conjunto de campos \"evaluateName\".", + "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "True when the focused variable has an 'evalauteName' field set.", + "variableIsReadonly": "True when the focused variable is readonly.", "variablesFocused": "Es true cuando las vistas de VARIABLES tienen el foco; de lo contrario, es false.", "watchExpressionsExist": "Es true cuando existe al menos una expresión de inspección; de lo contrario, es false.", "watchExpressionsFocused": "Es true cuando la vista de INSPECCIÓN tiene el foco; de lo contrario, es false.", @@ -5516,16 +5537,11 @@ "cut": "Cortar", "deleteFile": "Eliminar permanentemente", "explorerOpenWith": "Abrir con...", - "file": "archivo", "filesCategory": "Archivo", "miAutoSave": "A&&utoguardado", "miCloseEditor": "&&Cerrar editor", "miGotoFile": "Ir a &&archivo...", "miNewFile": "&&Nuevo archivo", - "miOpen": "&&Abrir...", - "miOpenFile": "&&Abrir archivo...", - "miOpenFolder": "Abrir &&carpeta...", - "miOpenWorkspace": "Abrir el E&&spacio de trabajo...", "miRevert": "Revertir a&&rchivo", "miSave": "&&Guardar", "miSaveAll": "Guardar t&&odo", @@ -5538,8 +5554,7 @@ "revertLocalChanges": "Descarta los cambios y revierte al contenido del archivo", "saveAll": "Guardar todo", "saveAllInGroup": "Guardar todo en el grupo", - "saveFiles": "Guardar todos los archivos", - "workspaces": "Áreas de trabajo" + "saveFiles": "Guardar todos los archivos" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/fileCommands": { "discard": "Descartar", @@ -5876,11 +5891,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/markers/browser/markersTreeViewer": { "collapsedIcon": "Icono que indica que hay varias líneas contraídas en la vista de marcadores.", "expandedIcon": "Icono que indica que se muestran varias líneas en la vista de marcadores.", - "links.navigate.follow": "Seguir vínculo", - "links.navigate.kb.alt": "alt + clic", - "links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "opción + clic", - "links.navigate.kb.meta": "ctrl + clic", - "links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "cmd + clic", "multi line": "Mostrar mensaje en varias líneas", "problemsView": "Vista Problemas", "single line": "Mostrar mensaje en línea" @@ -5981,6 +5991,7 @@ "notebookActions.editCell": "Editar celda", "notebookActions.execute": "Ejecutar la celda", "notebookActions.executeAbove": "Ejecutar las celdas de arriba", + "notebookActions.executeAndFocusContainer": "Execute Cell and Focus Container", "notebookActions.executeAndInsertBelow": "Ejecutar celda del Bloc de notas e insertar a continuación", "notebookActions.executeAndSelectBelow": "Ejecutar celda del Bloc de notas y seleccionar a continuación", "notebookActions.executeBelow": "Ejecutar la celda y abajo", @@ -5988,8 +5999,10 @@ "notebookActions.expandCellInput": "Expandir entrada de celda", "notebookActions.expandCellOutput": "Expandir los resultados de la celda", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAbove": "Insertar celda de código arriba", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAboveAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Above and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAtTop": "Agregar una celda de código en la parte superior", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelow": "Insertar celda de código abajo", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Below and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAbove": "Insertar celda de Markdown arriba", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAtTop": "Agregar una celda de Markdown en la parte superior", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellBelow": "Insertar celda de Markdown abajo", @@ -6199,9 +6212,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookKernelActionViewItem": { "select": "Seleccionar el kernel" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookServiceImpl": { - "builtinProviderDisplayName": "Integrado" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/output/outputRenderer": { "empty": "La celda no tiene resultados", "noRenderer.1": "No se ha encontrado ningún representador para el tipo MIME: {0}", @@ -6226,9 +6236,14 @@ "unavailableRenderInfo": "Representador no disponible" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/cellRenderer": { - "cellExpandButtonLabel": "Expandir", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Output (${0})", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell output ({0})", "notebook.moreRunActionsLabel": "Más..." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/codeCell": { + "cellExpandInputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Input ({0})", + "cellExpandInputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell input ({0})" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/common/notebookEditorModel": { "notebook.staleSaveError": "El contenido del archivo ha cambiado en el disco. ¿Quiere abrir la versión actualizada o sobrescribir el archivo con los cambios?", "notebook.staleSaveError.overwrite.": "Sobrescribir", @@ -6389,6 +6404,7 @@ "openGlobalSettings": "Abrir configuración de usuario", "openRawDefaultSettings": "Abrir la configuración predeterminada (JSON)", "openRemoteSettings": "Abrir configuración remota ({0})", + "openRemoteSettingsJSON": "Open Remote Settings (JSON) ({0})", "openSettings2": "Abrir configuración (IU)", "openSettingsJson": "Abrir Configuración (JSON)", "openWorkspaceSettings": "Abrir configuración del área de trabajo", @@ -7754,10 +7770,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalDecorationsProvider": { "label": "Terminal" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalEditor": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (valor predeterminado)", - "terminal.new": "Nuevo terminal" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalIcons": { "configureTerminalProfileIcon": "Icono para crear un perfil de terminal.", "killTerminalIcon": "Icono para terminar una instancia de terminal.", @@ -7790,10 +7802,12 @@ "yes": "Sí" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalMenus": { + "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (Default)", "miNewTerminal": "&&Nuevo terminal", "miRunActiveFile": "Ejecutar &&archivo activo", "miRunSelectedText": "Ejecutar &&texto seleccionado", "miSplitTerminal": "&&Dividir terminal", + "terminal.new": "New Terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.changeColor": "Cambiar color...", "workbench.action.terminal.changeIcon": "Cambiar icono...", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "Borrar", @@ -7845,9 +7859,7 @@ "terminalInputAriaLabel": "Escriba el nombre del terminal. Presione Entrar para confirmar o Esc para cancelar." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalView": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (valor predeterminado)", "terminal.monospaceOnly": "El terminal solo admite fuentes monoespaciales. Reinicie VS Code si se trata de una fuente recién instalada.", - "terminal.new": "Nuevo terminal", "terminal.useMonospace": "Use \"monospace\"", "terminalConnectingLabel": "Iniciando...", "terminals": "Abrir terminales." @@ -7856,12 +7868,13 @@ "terminalCategory": "Terminal", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal": "Aporta funcionalidad de terminal.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles": "Define los otros perfiles de terminal que puede crear el usuario.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.icon": "Codicon que se va a asociar a este perfil de terminal.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.id": "El identificador del proveedor de perfiles de terminal.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.title": "Título de este perfil de terminal.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types": "Define los tipos de terminal adicionales que el usuario puede crear.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.command": "Comando que se va a ejecutar cuando el usuario cree este tipo de terminal.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "Codicon que se va a asociar con este tipo de terminal.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "A codicon, URI, or light and dark URIs to associate with this terminal type.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "Icon path when a dark theme is used", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "Icon path when a light theme is used", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.title": "Título para este tipo de terminal." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { @@ -8038,14 +8051,14 @@ "configureProfile": "Seleccionar un perfil para actualizar", "debug test": "Depurar prueba", "debugAllTests": "Depurar todas las pruebas", - "debugSelectedTests": "Depurar pruebas seleccionadas", + "debugSelectedTests": "Debug Tests", "discoveringTests": "Detectando pruebas", "hideTest": "Ocultar prueba", "noDebugTestProvider": "No se encontró ninguna prueba depurable en esta área de trabajo. Puede que tenga que instalar una extensión del proveedor de pruebas", "noTestProvider": "No se encontró ninguna prueba en esta área de trabajo. Puede que tenga que instalar una extensión del proveedor de pruebas", "run test": "Ejecutar prueba", "runAllTests": "Ejecutar todas las pruebas", - "runSelectedTests": "Ejecutar pruebas seleccionadas", + "runSelectedTests": "Run Tests", "testing.cancelRun": "Cancelar serie de pruebas", "testing.clearResults": "Borrar todos los resultados", "testing.collapseAll": "Contraer todas las pruebas", @@ -8066,6 +8079,7 @@ "testing.showMostRecentOutput": "Mostrar salida", "testing.sortByLocation": "Ordenar por ubicación", "testing.sortByStatus": "Ordenar por estado", + "testing.toggleInlineTestOutput": "Toggle Inline Test Output", "testing.turnOffAutoRun": "Desactivar la ejecución automática", "testing.turnOnAutoRun": "Activar la ejecución automática", "testing.viewAsList": "Ver como lista", @@ -8084,8 +8098,10 @@ "updateTestConfiguration": "Actualizar la configuración de prueba" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingDecorations": { + "actual.title": "Actual:", "debug all test": "Depurar todas las pruebas", "debug test": "Depurar prueba", + "expected.title": "Expected:", "peek failure": "Error de inspección", "peekTestOutout": "Ver el código sin salir de la salida de prueba", "reveal test": "Mostrar en el Explorador de pruebas", @@ -8126,6 +8142,7 @@ "testing.goToFile": "Ir al archivo", "testing.goToNextMessage": "Ir al siguiente error de prueba", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "Ir al error anterior de la prueba", + "testing.openMessageInEditor": "Open in Editor", "testing.reRunLastRun": "Volver a ejecutar la prueba", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Mostrar en el Explorador de pruebas", "testing.showResultOutput": "Mostrar salida de resultado", @@ -8159,12 +8176,8 @@ "testing.iconUnset": "Color del icono que indica \"sin establecer\" en el explorador de pruebas.", "testing.message.error.decorationForeground": "Color del texto de los mensajes de error de las pruebas que se muestran insertados en el editor.", "testing.message.error.marginBackground": "Color del margen junto a los mensajes de error que se muestran insertados en el editor.", - "testing.message.hint.decorationForeground": "Color del texto de los mensajes de sugerencia de las pruebas que se muestran insertados en el editor.", - "testing.message.hint.marginBackground": "Color del margen junto a los mensajes de sugerencias que se muestran insertados en el editor.", "testing.message.info.decorationForeground": "Color del texto de los mensajes de información de las pruebas que se muestran insertados en el editor.", "testing.message.info.marginBackground": "Color del margen junto a los mensajes de información que se muestran insertados en el editor.", - "testing.message.warning.decorationForeground": "Color del texto de los mensajes de advertencia de las pruebas que se muestran insertados en el editor.", - "testing.message.warning.marginBackground": "Color del margen junto a los mensajes de advertencia que se muestran insertados en el editor.", "testing.peekBorder": "Color de los bordes y la flecha de la vista de inspección.", "testing.runAction": "Color de los iconos para \"ejecutar\" en el editor." }, @@ -8177,12 +8190,14 @@ "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView": "Configura cuándo se abre la vista de inspección de errores de forma automática.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureAnywhere": "Abrir automáticamente, sin importar dónde se produce el error.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureInVisibleDocument": "Abrir automáticamente cuando una prueba genera error en un documento visible.", + "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.never": "Never automatically open.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekViewDuringAutoRun": "Controla si la vista de inspección debe abrirse de forma automática durante el modo de ejecución automática.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction": "Controla la acción que se realiza cuando se hace clic con el botón izquierdo en una decoración de prueba en el medianil.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.contextMenu": "Abra el menú contextual para ver más opciones.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.debug": "Depure la prueba.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.run": "Ejecute la prueba.", - "testing.followRunningTest": "Controla si la prueba en ejecución debe ser seguida en la vista del explorador de pruebas" + "testing.followRunningTest": "Controla si la prueba en ejecución debe ser seguida en la vista del explorador de pruebas", + "testing.gutterEnabled": "Controls whether test decorations are shown in the editor gutter." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/constants": { "testGroup.coverage": "Cobertura", @@ -8561,7 +8576,6 @@ "recent": "Reciente", "show more recents": "Mostrar todas las carpetas recientes {0}", "showAll": "Más...", - "showAllWalkthroughs": "Abrir un tutorial", "start": "Inicio", "walkthroughs": "Tutoriales", "welcome": "Bienvenido", @@ -8571,8 +8585,6 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted.contribution": { "Welcome": "Bienvenido", - "gettingStarted.goNext": "Siguiente", - "gettingStarted.goPrev": "Anterior", "help": "Ayuda", "pickWalkthroughs": "Abrir tutorial...", "welcome": "Bienvenido", @@ -8583,6 +8595,16 @@ "workbench.welcomePage.preferReducedMotion": "Cuando está habilitado, reduce el movimiento en la página principal.", "workbench.welcomePage.walkthroughs.openOnInstall": "Cuando se habilita, el tutorial de una extensión se abrirá al instalar la extensión." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedColors": { + "welcomePage.background": "Background color for the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonBackground": "Background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.progress.background": "Foreground color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.progress.foreground": "Background color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.tileBackground": "Background color for the tiles on the Get Started page.", + "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the tiles on the Get Started.", + "welcomePage.tileShadow": "Shadow color for the Welcome page walkthrough category buttons." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedExtensionPoint": { "pathDeprecated": "En desuso. En su lugar, use `image` o `markdown`", "removed": "Quitado. En su lugar, use menús => archivo/nuevoArchivo y punto de contribución", @@ -8734,74 +8756,6 @@ "welcomeOverlay.search": "Buscar en todos los archivos", "welcomeOverlay.terminal": "Alternar terminal integrado" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/vs_code_welcome_page": { - "welcomePage.colorTheme": "Tema de color", - "welcomePage.colorThemeDescription": "Modifique a su gusto la apariencia del editor y el código", - "welcomePage.customize": "Personalizar", - "welcomePage.editingEvolved": "Edición mejorada", - "welcomePage.gitClone": "clonar repositorio...", - "welcomePage.gitHubRepository": "Repositorio de GitHub", - "welcomePage.help": "Ayuda", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPacks": "Herramientas y lenguajes", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPacksDescription": "Instalar soporte para {0} y {1}", - "welcomePage.installKeymapDescription": "Configuración y enlaces de teclado", - "welcomePage.installKeymapExtension": "Instalar la configuración y los métodos abreviados de teclado de {0} y {1}", - "welcomePage.interactivePlayground": "Área de juegos interactiva", - "welcomePage.interactivePlaygroundDescription": "Pruebe las características esenciales del editor con un breve tutorial", - "welcomePage.interfaceOverview": "Introducción a la interfaz", - "welcomePage.interfaceOverviewDescription": "Obtenga una superposición que resalta los componentes principales de la interfaz de usuario", - "welcomePage.introductoryVideos": "Vídeos de introducción", - "welcomePage.keybindingsCheatsheet": "Hoja imprimible con ayudas de teclado", - "welcomePage.learn": "Más información", - "welcomePage.moreExtensions": "más", - "welcomePage.moreRecent": "Más...", - "welcomePage.newFile": "Nuevo archivo", - "welcomePage.newsletterSignup": "Únase a nuestro boletín informativo", - "welcomePage.noRecentFolders": "No hay ninguna carpeta reciente", - "welcomePage.openFolder": "Abrir carpeta...", - "welcomePage.others": "otros", - "welcomePage.productDocumentation": "Documentación del producto", - "welcomePage.recent": "Reciente", - "welcomePage.showCommands": "Encontrar y ejecutar todos los comandos", - "welcomePage.showCommandsDescription": "Acceda rápidamente a los comandos y búsquelos desde la paleta de comandos ({0})", - "welcomePage.showKeymapExtensions": "Mostrar otras extensiones de distribución de teclado", - "welcomePage.showLanguageExtensions": "Mostrar más extensiones del lenguaje", - "welcomePage.showOnStartup": "Mostrar página principal al inicio", - "welcomePage.stackOverflow": "Stack Overflow", - "welcomePage.start": "Inicio", - "welcomePage.tipsAndTricks": "Sugerencias y trucos", - "welcomePage.vscode": "Visual Studio Code" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePage": { - "details": "Detalles", - "ok": "Aceptar", - "welcome.title": "Bienvenido", - "welcomePage": "Bienvenido", - "welcomePage.atom": "Atom", - "welcomePage.azure": "Azure", - "welcomePage.docker": "Docker", - "welcomePage.extensionListSeparator": ", ", - "welcomePage.extensionPackAlreadyInstalled": "El soporte para '{0}' ya está instalado.", - "welcomePage.extensionPackNotFound": "No se pudo encontrar el soporte para {0} con id {1}.", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPack": "Instalar compatibilidad adicional con {0}", - "welcomePage.installKeymap": "Instalar mapa de teclas de {0}", - "welcomePage.installedExtensionPack": "La compatibilidad con {0} ya está instalada", - "welcomePage.installedKeymap": "El mapa de teclas de {0} ya está instalado", - "welcomePage.installingExtensionPack": "Instalando compatibilidad adicional con {0}...", - "welcomePage.installingKeymap": "Instalando los métodos abreviados de teclado de {0}...", - "welcomePage.java": "Java", - "welcomePage.javaScript": "JavaScript", - "welcomePage.keymapAlreadyInstalled": "Los métodos abreviados de teclado {0} ya están instalados.", - "welcomePage.keymapNotFound": "No se pudieron encontrar los métodos abreviados de teclado {0} con el identificador {1}.", - "welcomePage.openFolderWithPath": "Abrir la carpeta {0} con la ruta de acceso {1}", - "welcomePage.php": "PHP", - "welcomePage.python": "Python", - "welcomePage.showAzureExtensions": "Mostrar extensiones de Azure", - "welcomePage.sublime": "Sublime", - "welcomePage.vim": "Vim", - "welcomePage.willReloadAfterInstallingExtensionPack": "La ventana se volverá a cargar después de instalar compatibilidad adicional con {0}.", - "welcomePage.willReloadAfterInstallingKeymap": "La ventana se volverá a cargar después de instalar los métodos abreviados de teclado {0}." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePage.contribution": { "workbench.startupEditor": "Controla qué editor se muestra al inicio, si no se restaura ninguno de la sesión anterior.", "workbench.startupEditor.newUntitledFile": "Abra un archivo nuevo sin título (solo se aplica al abrir una ventana vacía).", @@ -8810,16 +8764,6 @@ "workbench.startupEditor.welcomePage": "Abre la página principal, con contenido de ayuda para empezar a usar VS Code y las extensiones.", "workbench.startupEditor.welcomePageInEmptyWorkbench": "Abrir la página principal cuando se abra un área de trabajo vacía." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePageColors": { - "welcomePage.background": "Color de fondo para la página de bienvenida.", - "welcomePage.buttonBackground": "Color de fondo de los botones en la página principal.", - "welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "Color de fondo al mantener el mouse en los botones de la página principal.", - "welcomePage.progress.background": "Color de primer plano de las barras de progreso de la página principal.", - "welcomePage.progress.foreground": "Color de fondo de las barras de progreso de la página principal.", - "welcomePage.tileBackground": "Color de fondo de los iconos de la página de introducción.", - "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "Color de fondo del puntero para los iconos en la introducción.", - "welcomePage.tileShadow": "Color de sombra de los botones de categoría del tutorial en la página principal." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/telemetryOptOut/browser/telemetryOptOut": { "telemetryOptOut.OptIn": "Sí, encantado de ayudarles", "telemetryOptOut.OptOut": "No, gracias", @@ -8914,14 +8858,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/workspace/browser/workspaceTrustEditor": { "addButton": "Agregar carpeta", - "addFolderAriaLabel": "Agregar una carpeta de confianza", "deleteTrustedUri": "Eliminar ruta de acceso", "dontTrustButton": "No confiar", - "editTrustedUri": "Cambiar ruta", + "editTrustedUri": "Edit Path", "hostColumnLabel": "Host", "localAuthority": "Local", "no untrustedSettings": "La configuración del área de trabajo que requiere confianza no se aplica", + "noTrustedFoldersDescriptions": "You haven't trusted any folders or workspace files yet.", "pathColumnLabel": "Ruta de acceso", + "pickerTrustedUri": "Open File Picker", "root element label": "Administrar confianza del área de trabajo", "selectTrustedUri": "Seleccione la carpeta de confianza", "trustButton": "Confiar", @@ -9882,6 +9827,9 @@ "saveElevatedSudo": "Reintentar como Sudo...", "staleSaveError": "Error al guardar \"{0}\": El contenido del archivo es más nuevo. ¿Desea sobrescribir el archivo con sus cambios?" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants": "Saving '{0}'" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/electron-sandbox/workingCopyBackupTracker": { "backupBeforeShutdownDetail": "Haga clic en \"Cancelar\" para dejar de esperar y guardar o revertir los editores sucios.", "backupBeforeShutdownMessage": "La copia de seguridad de los editores desfasados está tardando más de lo esperado...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json index a9d439e8d7..046c4adda7 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ }, "dist/githubServer": { "signingIn": "$(mark-github) Connexion à github.com...", - "signingInEnterprise": "$(mark-github) Connexion à {0} en cours...", - "status.git.signIn.name": "Connexion à GitHub" + "status.git.signIn.name": "Connexion à GitHub", + "validUri": "Please enter a valid Uri from the GitHub login page." }, "package": { "description": "Fournisseur d'authentification GitHub", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index a52292da36..c3eea55243 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ "configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Configure des modèles Glob qui permettent de déterminer quand effectuer l'attachement en mode '#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#' \"intelligent\". '$KNOWN_TOOLS$' est remplacé par une liste de noms d'exécuteurs de tests et de codes courants. [Pour plus d'informations, lisez la documentation de VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/nodejs-debugging#_auto-attach-smart-patterns).", "configuration.autoExpandGetters": "Configure le développement automatique ou non des getters de propriété. Si la valeur est false, le getter apparaît en tant que 'get propertyName' et est évalué uniquement quand vous cliquez dessus.", "configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "Quand vous déboguez une application web à distance, configure s'il faut automatiquement \"tunneler\" le serveur distant vers votre machine locale.", - "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Indique si un arrêt doit être effectué quand des points d'arrêt conditionnels génèrent une erreur. Remarque : Dans launch.json, 'type' doit être précédé de 'pwa-', par exemple 'pwa-node'.", + "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Options utilisées pendant le débogage de liens ouverts sur lesquels l'utilisateur a cliqué à partir du terminal de débogage. Peut être défini sur \"false\" pour désactiver ce comportement.", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Il s'agit du 'runtimeExecutable' par défaut utilisé pour les configurations de lancement, en l'absence d'indications. Vous pouvez l'utiliser pour configurer des chemins personnalisés vers Node.js ou des installations de navigateur.", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Indique où CodeLens doit être affiché pour \"Exécuter\" et \"Déboguer\" dans vos scripts npm. Les options sont : \"tous\" les scripts, \"en haut\" de la section de script ou \"jamais\".", @@ -337,7 +337,6 @@ "configuration.suggestPrettyPrinting": "Indique s'il faut suggérer l'impression en mode Pretty du code JavaScript qui semble minifié lors d'un pas à pas détaillé.", "configuration.terminalOptions": "Options de lancement par défaut pour le terminal de débogage JavaScript et les scripts npm.", "configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Configure le démappage automatique ou non du fichier faisant l'objet d'un mappage de source quand le fichier d'origine ne peut pas être lu. Si la valeur est false (par défaut), une invite s'affiche.", - "configuration.usePreview": "Utilisez le nouveau débogueur JavaScript en préversion pour Node.js et Chrome.", "createDiagnostics.label": "Diagnostiquer les problèmes aux points d’arrêt", "customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Personnalisez la description textuelle que le débogueur affiche pour les objets (variables locales, etc.). Exemples :\r\n 1. this.toString() // Appelle toString pour afficher tous les objets\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Utilise la méthode customDescription si elle est disponible. Sinon, renvoie defaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Utilise la méthode customDescription si elle est disponible. Sinon, renvoie defaultValue\r\n ", "customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Personnaliser les propriétés affichées pour un objet dans le débogueur (variables locales, etc.). Exemples :\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Ajoute une propriété extraProperty avec la valeur 12345 à tous les objets\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Utilise la méthode customProperties si elle est disponible. Sinon, utilise les propriétés de this (propriétés par défaut)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Utilise la méthode customDescription si elle est disponible. Sinon, renvoie les propriétés par défaut\r\n\r\n Déprécié : Il s’agit d’une implémentation temporaire de cette fonctionnalité disponible jusqu’à son implémentation prochaine ainsi qu’elle est décrite ici : https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/102181", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 789b923e87..66e4af543f 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ "typescript.findAllFileReferences": "Rechercher les références de fichiers", "typescript.format.enable": "Activez/désactivez le formateur TypeScript par défaut.", "typescript.implementationsCodeLens.enabled": "Activer/désactiver les implémentations CodeLens. Ce CodeLens affiche l'implémenteur d’une interface.", - "typescript.locale": "Définit les paramètres régionaux utilisé pour signaler les erreurs JavaScript et TypeScript. La valeur par défaut `null` utilise les paramètres régionaux de VS Code.", + "typescript.locale": "Sets the locale used to report JavaScript and TypeScript errors. Defaults to use VS Code's locale.", "typescript.npm": "Indique le chemin d’accès à l’exécutable npm utilisé pour l’[acquisition automatique de type] (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/working-with-javascript#_typings-and-automatic-type-acquisition).", "typescript.openTsServerLog.title": "Ouvrir le journal du serveur TS", "typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier": "Style de chemin préféré pour les importations automatiques.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json index 42aebfbc01..81f1ef6f8f 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "autoClosingQuotes": "Contrôle si l’éditeur doit fermer automatiquement les guillemets après que l’utilisateur ajoute un guillemet ouvrant.", "autoIndent": "Contrôle si l'éditeur doit ajuster automatiquement le retrait quand les utilisateurs tapent, collent, déplacent ou mettent en retrait des lignes.", "autoSurround": "Contrôle si l'éditeur doit automatiquement entourer les sélections quand l'utilisateur tape des guillemets ou des crochets.", + "bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Controls whether bracket pair colorization is enabled or not.", "codeActions": "Active l’ampoule d’action de code dans l’éditeur.", "codeLens": "Contrôle si l'éditeur affiche CodeLens.", "codeLensFontFamily": "Contrôle la famille de polices pour CodeLens.", @@ -585,6 +586,12 @@ "deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "L’ID est déprécié. Utilisez à la place 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground'.", "editorActiveIndentGuide": "Couleur des guides d'indentation de l'éditeur actif", "editorActiveLineNumber": "Couleur des numéros de lignes actives de l'éditeur", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Foreground color of brackets (1).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Foreground color of brackets (2).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Foreground color of brackets (3).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Foreground color of brackets (4).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Foreground color of brackets (5).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Foreground color of brackets (6).", "editorBracketMatchBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan pour les accolades associées", "editorBracketMatchBorder": "Couleur pour le contour des accolades associées", "editorCodeLensForeground": "Couleur pour les indicateurs CodeLens", @@ -905,6 +912,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": { "acceptInlineSuggestion": "Accepter", + "inlineSuggestionFollows": "Suggestion:", "showNextInlineSuggestion": "Suivant", "showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "Précédent" }, @@ -1547,6 +1555,8 @@ "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.osx": "Profil par défaut à utiliser sur macOS. Ce paramètre est ignoré si {0} ou {1} sont définis.", "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.windows": "Profil par défaut à utiliser sur Windows. Ce paramètre est ignoré si {0} ou {1} sont définis.", "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": "Indique si les nouveaux interpréteurs de commandes doivent hériter leur environnement de VS Code, qui peut sourcer un interpréteur de connexion pour garantir l’initialisation de $PATH et d’autres variables de développement. Cela n’a aucun effet sur Windows.", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionExperimentalSerializer": "Whether to use a more efficient experimental approach for restoring the terminal's buffer. This setting requires a restart to take effect.", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionScrollback": "Controls the maximum amount of lines that will be restored when reconnecting to a persistent terminal session. Increasing this will restore more lines of scrollback at the cost of more memory and increase the time it takes to connect to terminals on start up. This setting requires a restart to take effect and should be set to a value less than or equal to `#terminal.integrated.scrollback#`.", "terminal.integrated.profile.linux": "Profils Linux à présenter au moment de la création d'un terminal via la liste déroulante du terminal. Quand ils sont définis, ces profils remplacent les profils détectés par défaut. Ils sont composés de {0} et éventuellement de {1}", "terminal.integrated.profile.osx": "Profils macOS à présenter au moment de la création d'un terminal via la liste déroulante du terminal. Quand ils sont définis, ces profils remplacent les profils détectés par défaut. Ils sont composés de {0} et éventuellement de {1}", "terminal.integrated.profiles.windows": "Profils Windows à présenter au moment de la création d'un terminal via la liste déroulante du terminal. Pour les exclure, affectez-leur une valeur null. Pour vous servir de la configuration détectée par défaut, utilisez la propriété {0}. Sinon, définissez {1} et éventuellement {2}", @@ -2530,6 +2540,7 @@ "missing.command": "L'élément de menu fait référence à une commande '{0}' qui n'est pas définie dans la section 'commands'.", "missing.submenu": "L'élément de menu référence un sous-menu '{0}' qui n'est pas défini dans la section 'submenus'.", "nonempty": "valeur non vide attendue.", + "notebook.cell.execute": "The contributed notebook cell execution menu", "notebook.cell.title": "Menu du titre de cellule de notebook ajouté", "notebook.toolbar": "Menu de barre d'outils de notebook faisant l'objet d'une contribution", "opticon": "la propriété 'icon' peut être omise, ou doit être une chaîne ou un littéral de type '{dark, light}'", @@ -2720,10 +2731,15 @@ "closeWorkspace": "Fermer l'espace de travail", "duplicateWorkspace": "Dupliquer l’espace de travail", "duplicateWorkspaceInNewWindow": "Dupliquer en tant qu'espace de travail dans une nouvelle fenêtre", + "filesCategory": "File", "globalRemoveFolderFromWorkspace": "Supprimer le dossier d’espace de travail...", "miAddFolderToWorkspace": "A&&jouter un dossier à l'espace de travail...", "miCloseFolder": "&&Fermer le dossier", "miCloseWorkspace": "Fermer l'&&espace de travail", + "miOpen": "&&Open...", + "miOpenFile": "&&Open File...", + "miOpenFolder": "Open &&Folder...", + "miOpenWorkspace": "Open Wor&&kspace...", "miSaveWorkspaceAs": "Enregistrer l’espace de travail sous...", "noWorkspaceOrFolderOpened": "Il n'existe aucun espace de travail ou dossier ouvert à fermer dans cette instance.", "openFile": "Ouvrir un fichier...", @@ -2935,7 +2951,6 @@ "pinEditor": "Épingler l'éditeur", "previousChangeIcon": "Icône de l'action du changement précédent dans l'éditeur de différences.", "reopenWith": "Rouvrir l'éditeur avec...", - "run": "Exécuter ou Déboguer...", "showOpenedEditors": "Afficher les éditeurs ouverts", "showTrimWhitespace.label": "Afficher les différences d'espace blanc de début/fin", "sideBySideEditor": "Éditeur côte à côte", @@ -3063,6 +3078,15 @@ "groupLabel": "Grouper {0}", "ok": "OK" }, + "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorPlaceholder": { + "manageTrust": "Manage Workspace Trust", + "requiresFolderTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the folder.", + "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the workspace.", + "retry": "Try Open Again", + "trustRequiredEditor": "Workspace Trust Required", + "unavailableEditor": "Unavailable Editor", + "unavailableEditorText": "The editor could not be opened due to an error or an unavailable resource." + }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorQuickAccess": { "closeEditor": "Fermer l'éditeur", "entryAriaLabelDirty": "{0}, intégrité compromise", @@ -3080,7 +3104,6 @@ "configureModeSettings": "Configurer les paramètres du langage '{0}'...", "currentAssociation": "Association actuelle", "currentProblem": "Problème actuel", - "detectedLanguagesPicks": "langages détectés (identificateur)", "disableColumnSelectionMode": "Désactiver le mode de sélection de colonne", "disableTabMode": "Désactiver le mode d'accessibilité", "endOfLineCarriageReturnLineFeed": "CRLF", @@ -3092,7 +3115,6 @@ "indentView": "modifier la vue", "languageDescription": "({0}) - Langage configuré", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", - "languageDescriptionCurrent": "({0}) - Langage actuel", "languagesPicks": "langages (identificateur)", "multiSelection": "{0} sélections", "multiSelectionRange": "{0} sélections ({1} caractères sélectionnés)", @@ -3148,12 +3170,6 @@ "ariaLabelEditorActions": "Actions de l'éditeur", "draggedEditorGroup": "{0} (+{1})" }, - "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/workspaceTrustRequiredEditor": { - "manageTrust": "Gérer l’approbation d’espace de travail", - "requiresFolderTrustText": "Le fichier n’est pas affiché dans l’éditeur car le dossier n’a pas été approuvé.", - "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "Le fichier n’est pas affiché dans l’éditeur car l’espace de travail n’a pas été approuvé.", - "trustRequiredEditor": "Approbation d’espace de travail requise" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/notifications/notificationsActions": { "clearAllIcon": "Icône de l'action permettant de tout effacer dans les notifications.", "clearIcon": "Icône de l'action d'effacement dans les notifications.", @@ -4133,7 +4149,7 @@ "editBreakpoint": "Modifier {0}...", "editBreakpoints": "Modifier les points d'arrêt", "editInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "Modifier le point d’arrêt Inline sur la colonne {0}", - "editLineBrekapoint": "Modifier le point d'arrêt de la ligne", + "editLineBreakpoint": "Edit Line Breakpoint", "enable": "Activer", "enableBreakpoint": "Activer {0}", "enableBreakpointOnLine": "Activer le point d'arrêt de la ligne", @@ -4145,7 +4161,8 @@ "removeBreakpoints": "Supprimer les points d'arrêt", "removeInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "Supprimer le point d’arrêt Inline sur la colonne {0}", "removeLineBreakpoint": "Supprimer le point d'arrêt de la ligne", - "removeLogPoint": "Supprimer {0}" + "removeLogPoint": "Supprimer {0}", + "runToLine": "Run to Line" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/breakpointWidget": { "breakpointType": "Type de point d'arrêt", @@ -4240,6 +4257,7 @@ "copyAsExpression": "Copier en tant qu'Expression", "copyStackTrace": "Copier la pile des appels", "copyValue": "Copier la valeur", + "debug.console.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on enter in the debug console. enter is also used to evaluate whatever is typed in the debug console.", "debug.console.closeOnEnd": "Contrôle s'il faut fermer automatiquement la console de débogage à la fin de la session de débogage.", "debug.console.collapseIdenticalLines": "Contrôle si la console de débogage doit réduire les lignes identiques et afficher un certain nombre d'occurrences avec un badge.", "debug.console.fontFamily": "Contrôle la famille de polices dans la console de débogage.", @@ -4291,6 +4309,7 @@ "prompt": "Demandez à l'utilisateur.", "removeWatchExpression": "Supprimer une expression", "restartFrame": "Redémarrer le frame", + "run": "Run or Debug...", "run and debug": "Exécuter et déboguer", "setValue": "Définir la valeur", "showBreakpointsInOverviewRuler": "Contrôle si les points d'arrêt doivent être affichés dans la règle d'aperçu.", @@ -4473,6 +4492,7 @@ "installAdditionalDebuggers": "Installer l'extension {0}", "launchJsonDoesNotExist": "'launch.json' n'existe pas pour le dossier d'espace de travail passé.", "multipleConfigurationNamesInWorkspace": "Il y a plusieurs configurations de lancement `{0}` dans l’espace de travail. Utilisez le nom du dossier pour qualifier la configuration.", + "multipleSession": "'{0}' is already running. Do you want to start another instance?", "nActiveSessions": "{0} sessions actives", "noConfigurationNameInWorkspace": "La configuration de lancement '{0}' est introuvable dans l’espace de travail.", "noFolderWithName": "Impossible de trouver le dossier avec le nom '{0}' pour la configuration '{1}' dans le composé '{2}'.", @@ -4518,11 +4538,9 @@ "startAdditionalSession": "Démarrer une session supplémentaire" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/disassemblyView": { - "breakpointAllowed": "Possibilité de définir un point d'arrêt", - "breakpointIsSet": "Point d’arrêt défini", "disassemblyView": "Vue désassemblage", - "instructionAddress": "Adresse d'instruction", - "instructionBytes": "Octets d’instructions", + "instructionAddress": "Address", + "instructionBytes": "Bytes", "instructionText": "Instruction machine" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/exceptionWidget": { @@ -4596,6 +4614,7 @@ "addWatchExpression": "Ajouter une expression", "collapse": "Tout réduire", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "Supprimer toutes les expressions", + "typeNewValue": "Type new value", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "Déboguer les expressions espionnées", "watchExpressionAriaLabel": "{0}, valeur {1}", "watchExpressionInputAriaLabel": "Tapez l'expression à espionner", @@ -4630,6 +4649,7 @@ "callStackSessionIsAttach": "La valeur est true quand la session dans la vue PILE DES APPELS est attachée, sinon false. Utilisé de manière interne pour les menus en ligne dans la vue PILE DES APPELS.", "debugConfigurationType": "Type de débogage de la configuration de lancement sélectionnée. Exemple : 'python'.", "debugProtocolVariableMenuContext": "Représente le contexte que l'adaptateur de débogage définit sur la variable ayant le focus dans la vue VARIABLES.", + "debugSetExpressionSupported": "True when the focused session supports 'setExpression' request.", "debugSetVariableSupported": "La valeur est true quand la session ayant le focus prend en charge la requête 'setVariable'.", "debugState": "État dans lequel se trouve la session de débogage ayant le focus. Il s'agit de l'une des valeurs suivantes : 'inactive', 'initializing', 'stopped' ou 'running'.", "debugType": "Type de débogage de la session de débogage active. Exemple : 'python'.", @@ -4656,7 +4676,8 @@ "stepBackSupported": "La valeur est true quand la session ayant le focus prend en charge la requête 'stepBack'.", "stepIntoTargetsSupported": "La valeur est true quand la session ayant le focus prend en charge la requête 'stepIntoTargets'.", "terminateDebuggeeSupported": "La valeur est « true » lorsque la session ayant le focus prend en charge la fonctionnalité d’arrêt de l’élément débogué.", - "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "La valeur est true quand un champ 'evalauteName' est défini pour la variable", + "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "True when the focused variable has an 'evalauteName' field set.", + "variableIsReadonly": "True when the focused variable is readonly.", "variablesFocused": "La valeur est true quand la vue VARIABLES a le focus, sinon false", "watchExpressionsExist": "La valeur est true quand il existe au moins une expression à espionner, sinon false.", "watchExpressionsFocused": "La valeur est true quand la vue ESPION a le focus, sinon false.", @@ -5516,16 +5537,11 @@ "cut": "Couper", "deleteFile": "Supprimer définitivement", "explorerOpenWith": "Ouvrir avec...", - "file": "fichier", "filesCategory": "Fichier", "miAutoSave": "Enregistrement a&&utomatique", "miCloseEditor": "Fermer l'édit&&eur", "miGotoFile": "Atteindre le &&fichier...", "miNewFile": "&&Nouveau fichier", - "miOpen": "&&Ouvrir...", - "miOpenFile": "&&Ouvrir le fichier...", - "miOpenFolder": "Ou&&vrir le dossier...", - "miOpenWorkspace": "Ouvrir l'e&&space de travail...", "miRevert": "Réta&&blir le fichier", "miSave": "Enregi&&strer", "miSaveAll": "Enregistrer to&&ut", @@ -5538,8 +5554,7 @@ "revertLocalChanges": "Ignorer vos changements et rétablir le contenu du fichier", "saveAll": "Tout enregistrer", "saveAllInGroup": "Tout enregistrer dans le groupe", - "saveFiles": "Enregistrer tous les fichiers", - "workspaces": "Espaces de travail" + "saveFiles": "Enregistrer tous les fichiers" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/fileCommands": { "discard": "Abandonner", @@ -5876,11 +5891,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/markers/browser/markersTreeViewer": { "collapsedIcon": "Icône indiquant que plusieurs lignes sont réduites dans la vue des marqueurs.", "expandedIcon": "Icône indiquant que plusieurs lignes sont affichées dans la vue des marqueurs.", - "links.navigate.follow": "suivre le lien", - "links.navigate.kb.alt": "alt + clic", - "links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "option + clic", - "links.navigate.kb.meta": "ctrl + clic", - "links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "cmd + clic", "multi line": "Afficher le message sur plusieurs lignes", "problemsView": "Vue des problèmes", "single line": "Afficher le message sur une seule ligne" @@ -5981,6 +5991,7 @@ "notebookActions.editCell": "Modifier la cellule", "notebookActions.execute": "Exécuter la cellule", "notebookActions.executeAbove": "Exécuter les cellules au-dessus", + "notebookActions.executeAndFocusContainer": "Execute Cell and Focus Container", "notebookActions.executeAndInsertBelow": "Exécuter la cellule du Notebook et insérer en dessous", "notebookActions.executeAndSelectBelow": "Exécuter la cellule du Notebook et sélectionner en dessous", "notebookActions.executeBelow": "Exécuter les cellules au-dessous", @@ -5988,8 +5999,10 @@ "notebookActions.expandCellInput": "Développer l'entrée de cellule", "notebookActions.expandCellOutput": "Développer la sortie de cellule", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAbove": "Insérer une cellule de code au-dessus", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAboveAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Above and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAtTop": "Ajouter une cellule de code en haut", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelow": "Insérer une cellule de code en dessous", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Below and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAbove": "Insérer une cellule Markdown au-dessus", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAtTop": "Ajouter une cellule Markdown en haut", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellBelow": "Insérer une cellule Markdown en dessous", @@ -6199,9 +6212,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookKernelActionViewItem": { "select": "Sélectionner le noyau" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookServiceImpl": { - "builtinProviderDisplayName": "Intégré" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/output/outputRenderer": { "empty": "La cellule n’a pas de sortie", "noRenderer.1": "Aucun convertisseur n’a été trouvé pour mimetype : {0}", @@ -6226,9 +6236,14 @@ "unavailableRenderInfo": "renderer non disponible" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/cellRenderer": { - "cellExpandButtonLabel": "Développer", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Output (${0})", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell output ({0})", "notebook.moreRunActionsLabel": "Plus..." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/codeCell": { + "cellExpandInputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Input ({0})", + "cellExpandInputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell input ({0})" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/common/notebookEditorModel": { "notebook.staleSaveError": "Le contenu du fichier a changé sur le disque. Voulez-vous ouvrir la version mise à jour ou remplacer le fichier par les changements que vous avez apportés ?", "notebook.staleSaveError.overwrite.": "Remplacer", @@ -6389,6 +6404,7 @@ "openGlobalSettings": "Ouvrir les paramètres utilisateur", "openRawDefaultSettings": "Ouvrir les paramètres par défaut (JSON)", "openRemoteSettings": "Ouvrir les paramètres d'utilisation à distance ({0})", + "openRemoteSettingsJSON": "Open Remote Settings (JSON) ({0})", "openSettings2": "Afficher les paramètres (IU)", "openSettingsJson": "Afficher les paramètres (en JSON)", "openWorkspaceSettings": "Ouvrir les paramètres d'espace de travail", @@ -7754,10 +7770,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalDecorationsProvider": { "label": "Terminal" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalEditor": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (Par défaut)", - "terminal.new": "Nouveau terminal" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalIcons": { "configureTerminalProfileIcon": "Icône de création d'un profil de terminal.", "killTerminalIcon": "Icône permettant de tuer une instance de terminal.", @@ -7790,10 +7802,12 @@ "yes": "Oui" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalMenus": { + "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (Default)", "miNewTerminal": "&&Nouveau terminal", "miRunActiveFile": "Exécuter le fichier &&actif", "miRunSelectedText": "Exécuter le texte &&sélectionné", "miSplitTerminal": "Terminal divi&&sé", + "terminal.new": "New Terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.changeColor": "Modifier la couleur...", "workbench.action.terminal.changeIcon": "Changer l’icône...", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "Effacer", @@ -7845,9 +7859,7 @@ "terminalInputAriaLabel": "Tapez le nom du fichier. Appuyez sur Entrée pour confirmer ou sur Échap pour annuler." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalView": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (Par défaut)", "terminal.monospaceOnly": "Le terminal prend en charge seulement les polices à espacement fixe. Veillez à redémarrer VS Code s'il s'agit d'une police nouvellement installée.", - "terminal.new": "Nouveau terminal", "terminal.useMonospace": "Utilisez 'monospace'", "terminalConnectingLabel": "Démarrage...", "terminals": "Ouvrez les terminaux." @@ -7856,12 +7868,13 @@ "terminalCategory": "Terminal", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal": "Contribue aux fonctionnalités du terminal.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles": "Définit les profils de terminal supplémentaires que l’utilisateur peut créer.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.icon": "Codicon à associer à ce type de profil de terminal.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.id": "ID du fournisseur de profils de terminaux.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.title": "Titre de ce profil de terminal.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types": "Définit les types de terminal supplémentaires que l'utilisateur peut créer.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.command": "Commande à exécuter quand l'utilisateur crée ce type de terminal.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "Codicon à associer à ce type de terminal.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "A codicon, URI, or light and dark URIs to associate with this terminal type.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "Icon path when a dark theme is used", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "Icon path when a light theme is used", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.title": "Titre de ce type de terminal." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { @@ -8038,14 +8051,14 @@ "configureProfile": "Sélectionner un profil à mettre à jour", "debug test": "Déboguer le test", "debugAllTests": "Déboguer tous les tests", - "debugSelectedTests": "Déboguer les tests sélectionnés", + "debugSelectedTests": "Debug Tests", "discoveringTests": "Découverte des tests", "hideTest": "Masquer le test", "noDebugTestProvider": "Aucun test pouvant être débogué n'est présent dans cet espace de travail. Vous devrez peut-être installer une extension de fournisseur de tests", "noTestProvider": "Tests introuvables dans cet espace de travail. Vous devrez peut-être installer une extension de fournisseur de tests", "run test": "Exécuter le test", "runAllTests": "Exécuter tous les tests", - "runSelectedTests": "Exécuter les tests sélectionnés", + "runSelectedTests": "Run Tests", "testing.cancelRun": "Annuler la série de tests", "testing.clearResults": "Effacer tous les résultats", "testing.collapseAll": "Réduire tous les tests", @@ -8066,6 +8079,7 @@ "testing.showMostRecentOutput": "Afficher la sortie", "testing.sortByLocation": "Trier par emplacement", "testing.sortByStatus": "Trier par état", + "testing.toggleInlineTestOutput": "Toggle Inline Test Output", "testing.turnOffAutoRun": "Désactiver l'exécution automatique", "testing.turnOnAutoRun": "Activer l'exécution automatique", "testing.viewAsList": "Voir sous forme de liste", @@ -8084,8 +8098,10 @@ "updateTestConfiguration": "Mettre à jour la configuration de test" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingDecorations": { + "actual.title": "Actual:", "debug all test": "Déboguer tous les tests", "debug test": "Déboguer le test", + "expected.title": "Expected:", "peek failure": "Erreur d’aperçu", "peekTestOutout": "Apercevoir le résultat du test", "reveal test": "Révéler dans l'Explorateur de tests", @@ -8126,6 +8142,7 @@ "testing.goToFile": "Accéder au fichier", "testing.goToNextMessage": "Accéder à la défaillance du test suivant", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "Accéder à la défaillance du test précédent", + "testing.openMessageInEditor": "Open in Editor", "testing.reRunLastRun": "Réexécuter la série de tests", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Révéler dans l'Explorateur de tests", "testing.showResultOutput": "Afficher la sortie des résultats", @@ -8159,12 +8176,8 @@ "testing.iconUnset": "Couleur de l'icône d'état annulé dans l'Explorateur de tests.", "testing.message.error.decorationForeground": "Couleur de texte des messages d'erreur de test affichés inline dans l'éditeur.", "testing.message.error.marginBackground": "Couleur de marge à côté des messages d'erreur affichés inline dans l'éditeur.", - "testing.message.hint.decorationForeground": "Couleur de texte des messages de conseil de test affichés inline dans l'éditeur.", - "testing.message.hint.marginBackground": "Couleur de marge à côté des messages de conseil affichés inline dans l'éditeur.", "testing.message.info.decorationForeground": "Couleur de texte des messages d'information de test affichés inline dans l'éditeur.", "testing.message.info.marginBackground": "Couleur de marge à côté des messages d'information affichés inline dans l'éditeur.", - "testing.message.warning.decorationForeground": "Couleur de texte des messages d'avertissement de test affichés inline dans l'éditeur.", - "testing.message.warning.marginBackground": "Couleur de marge à côté des messages d'avertissement affichés inline dans l'éditeur.", "testing.peekBorder": "Couleur des bordures et de la flèche de l'affichage d'aperçu.", "testing.runAction": "Couleur des icônes d'exécution dans l'éditeur." }, @@ -8177,12 +8190,14 @@ "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView": "Configure le déclenchement de l'ouverture automatique de la vue d'aperçu d'erreur.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureAnywhere": "L'ouverture automatique s'effectue, quel que soit l'emplacement de l'échec.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureInVisibleDocument": "L'ouverture automatique s'effectue en cas d'échec d'un test dans un document visible.", + "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.never": "Never automatically open.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekViewDuringAutoRun": "Contrôle si la vue d'aperçu doit s'ouvrir automatiquement en mode d'exécution automatique.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction": "Contrôle l’action à prendre lorsque vous cliquez avec le bouton gauche sur une décoration de test dans la reliure.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.contextMenu": "Ouvrez le menu contextuel pour obtenir plus d’options.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.debug": "Déboguer le test.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.run": "Exécutez le test.", - "testing.followRunningTest": "Contrôle si le test en cours d’exécution doit être suivi dans l’affichage de l’explorateur de tests" + "testing.followRunningTest": "Contrôle si le test en cours d’exécution doit être suivi dans l’affichage de l’explorateur de tests", + "testing.gutterEnabled": "Controls whether test decorations are shown in the editor gutter." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/constants": { "testGroup.coverage": "Couverture", @@ -8561,7 +8576,6 @@ "recent": "Récent", "show more recents": "Afficher tous les dossiers récents {0}", "showAll": "Plus...", - "showAllWalkthroughs": "Ouvrir une procédure pas à pas...", "start": "Démarrer", "walkthroughs": "Procédures pas à pas", "welcome": "Bienvenue", @@ -8571,8 +8585,6 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted.contribution": { "Welcome": "Bienvenue", - "gettingStarted.goNext": "Suivant", - "gettingStarted.goPrev": "Précédent", "help": "Aide", "pickWalkthroughs": "Ouvrir la procédure pas à pas...", "welcome": "Bienvenue", @@ -8583,6 +8595,16 @@ "workbench.welcomePage.preferReducedMotion": "Lorsque cette option est activée, réduisez le mouvement dans la page d’accueil.", "workbench.welcomePage.walkthroughs.openOnInstall": "Lorsqu’elle est activée, la procédure pas à pas d’une extension s’ouvre lors de l’installation de l’extension." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedColors": { + "welcomePage.background": "Background color for the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonBackground": "Background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.progress.background": "Foreground color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.progress.foreground": "Background color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.tileBackground": "Background color for the tiles on the Get Started page.", + "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the tiles on the Get Started.", + "welcomePage.tileShadow": "Shadow color for the Welcome page walkthrough category buttons." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedExtensionPoint": { "pathDeprecated": "Déprécié. Utilisez plutôt `image` ou un `markdown`", "removed": "Supprimé, utilisez plutôt le point de contribution menu => fichier/newFile", @@ -8734,74 +8756,6 @@ "welcomeOverlay.search": "Rechercher dans les fichiers", "welcomeOverlay.terminal": "Activer/désactiver le terminal intégré" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/vs_code_welcome_page": { - "welcomePage.colorTheme": "Thème de couleur", - "welcomePage.colorThemeDescription": "Personnalisez l'apparence de l'éditeur et de votre code", - "welcomePage.customize": "Personnaliser", - "welcomePage.editingEvolved": "Édition évoluée", - "welcomePage.gitClone": "cloner le dépôt...", - "welcomePage.gitHubRepository": "Dépôt GitHub", - "welcomePage.help": "Aide", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPacks": "Outils et langages", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPacksDescription": "Installer un support pour {0} et {1}", - "welcomePage.installKeymapDescription": "Paramètres et combinaisons de touches", - "welcomePage.installKeymapExtension": "Installer les paramètres et les raccourcis clavier de {0} et {1}", - "welcomePage.interactivePlayground": "Terrain de jeu interactif", - "welcomePage.interactivePlaygroundDescription": "Essayer les fonctionnalités essentielles de l'éditeur dans une courte procédure pas à pas", - "welcomePage.interfaceOverview": "Vue d'ensemble de l'interface", - "welcomePage.interfaceOverviewDescription": "Obtenez une superposition visuelle mettant en évidence les principaux composants de l'IU", - "welcomePage.introductoryVideos": "Vidéos d'introduction", - "welcomePage.keybindingsCheatsheet": "Fiche de révision du clavier imprimable", - "welcomePage.learn": "Apprendre", - "welcomePage.moreExtensions": "plus", - "welcomePage.moreRecent": "Plus...", - "welcomePage.newFile": "Nouveau fichier", - "welcomePage.newsletterSignup": "S'inscrire à notre bulletin d'informations", - "welcomePage.noRecentFolders": "Aucun dossier récent", - "welcomePage.openFolder": "Ouvrir un dossier...", - "welcomePage.others": "autres", - "welcomePage.productDocumentation": "Documentation du produit", - "welcomePage.recent": "Récent", - "welcomePage.showCommands": "Rechercher et exécuter toutes les commandes", - "welcomePage.showCommandsDescription": "La palette de commandes ({0}) permet d'accéder rapidement aux commandes pour en rechercher une", - "welcomePage.showKeymapExtensions": "Afficher d'autres extensions de mappage de touches", - "welcomePage.showLanguageExtensions": "Afficher plus d'extensions de langage", - "welcomePage.showOnStartup": "Afficher la page d’accueil au démarrage", - "welcomePage.stackOverflow": "Stack Overflow", - "welcomePage.start": "Démarrer", - "welcomePage.tipsAndTricks": "Conseils et astuces", - "welcomePage.vscode": "Visual Studio Code" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePage": { - "details": "Détails", - "ok": "OK", - "welcome.title": "Bienvenue", - "welcomePage": "Bienvenue", - "welcomePage.atom": "Atom", - "welcomePage.azure": "Azure", - "welcomePage.docker": "Docker", - "welcomePage.extensionListSeparator": ", ", - "welcomePage.extensionPackAlreadyInstalled": "Le support pour {0} est déjà installé.", - "welcomePage.extensionPackNotFound": "Le support pour {0} avec l'ID {1} est introuvable.", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPack": "Installer un support supplémentaire pour {0} ", - "welcomePage.installKeymap": "Installer le mappage de touches {0}", - "welcomePage.installedExtensionPack": "Le support {0} est déjà installé.", - "welcomePage.installedKeymap": "Le mappage de touches '{0}' est déjà installé", - "welcomePage.installingExtensionPack": "Installation d'un support supplémentaire pour {0}...", - "welcomePage.installingKeymap": "Installation des raccourcis clavier de {0}...", - "welcomePage.java": "Java", - "welcomePage.javaScript": "JavaScript", - "welcomePage.keymapAlreadyInstalled": "Les raccourcis clavier {0} sont déjà installés.", - "welcomePage.keymapNotFound": "Les raccourcis clavier {0} ayant l'ID {1} sont introuvables.", - "welcomePage.openFolderWithPath": "Ouvrir le dossier {0} avec le chemin {1}", - "welcomePage.php": "PHP", - "welcomePage.python": "Python", - "welcomePage.showAzureExtensions": "Afficher les extensions Azure", - "welcomePage.sublime": "Sublime", - "welcomePage.vim": "Vim", - "welcomePage.willReloadAfterInstallingExtensionPack": "La fenêtre se recharge après l'installation d'un support supplémentaire pour {0}.", - "welcomePage.willReloadAfterInstallingKeymap": "La fenêtre se recharge après l'installation des raccourcis clavier {0}." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePage.contribution": { "workbench.startupEditor": "Contrôle quel éditeur s’affiche au démarrage, si aucun n'est restauré de la session précédente.", "workbench.startupEditor.newUntitledFile": "Ouvrez un nouveau fichier sans titre (s'applique uniquement à l'ouverture d'une fenêtre vide).", @@ -8810,16 +8764,6 @@ "workbench.startupEditor.welcomePage": "Ouvrir la page d’accueil qui propose du contenu pour faciliter la prise en main de VS Code et des extensions.", "workbench.startupEditor.welcomePageInEmptyWorkbench": "Ouvre la page d'accueil à l'ouverture d'un banc d'essai vide." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePageColors": { - "welcomePage.background": "Couleur d'arrière-plan de la page d'accueil.", - "welcomePage.buttonBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan des boutons de la page d'accueil.", - "welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan du pointage des boutons de la page d'accueil.", - "welcomePage.progress.background": "Couleur de premier plan des barres de progression de la page d'accueil.", - "welcomePage.progress.foreground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan des barres de progression de la page d'accueil.", - "welcomePage.tileBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan des vignettes de la page Prise en main.", - "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "Couleur d'arrière-plan en cas de pointage sur les vignettes de la page Prise en main.", - "welcomePage.tileShadow": "Couleur d'ombre des boutons de catégorie dans la procédure pas à pas de la page d'accueil." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/telemetryOptOut/browser/telemetryOptOut": { "telemetryOptOut.OptIn": "Oui, heureux de vous aider", "telemetryOptOut.OptOut": "Non, merci", @@ -8914,14 +8858,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/workspace/browser/workspaceTrustEditor": { "addButton": "Ajouter un dossier", - "addFolderAriaLabel": "Ajouter un dossier approuvé", "deleteTrustedUri": "Supprimer le chemin", "dontTrustButton": "Ne pas faire confiance", - "editTrustedUri": "Modifier le chemin", + "editTrustedUri": "Edit Path", "hostColumnLabel": "Hôte", "localAuthority": "Local", "no untrustedSettings": "Les paramètres d’espace de travail nécessitant une approbation ne sont pas appliqués", + "noTrustedFoldersDescriptions": "You haven't trusted any folders or workspace files yet.", "pathColumnLabel": "Chemin", + "pickerTrustedUri": "Open File Picker", "root element label": "Gérer l’approbation d’espace de travail", "selectTrustedUri": "Sélectionner le dossier à approuver", "trustButton": "Faire confiance", @@ -9882,6 +9827,9 @@ "saveElevatedSudo": "Réessayer en tant que Sudo...", "staleSaveError": "Échec de l’enregistrement de « {0} » : le contenu du fichier a été modifié depuis son ouverture. Voulez-vous remplacer le fichier par vos modifications ?" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants": "Saving '{0}'" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/electron-sandbox/workingCopyBackupTracker": { "backupBeforeShutdownDetail": "Cliquez sur « Annuler » pour arrêter l’attente et enregistrer ou restaurer les éditeurs incorrects.", "backupBeforeShutdownMessage": "La sauvegarde des éditeurs incorrects prend plus de temps que prévu...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json index d7779d949a..c8932fd443 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ }, "dist/githubServer": { "signingIn": "$(mark-github) Accesso a github.com...", - "signingInEnterprise": "$(mark-github) Accesso a {0}...", - "status.git.signIn.name": "Accesso a GitHub" + "status.git.signIn.name": "Accesso a GitHub", + "validUri": "Please enter a valid Uri from the GitHub login page." }, "package": { "description": "Provider di autenticazione GitHub", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 9e3c995013..c325a6e634 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ "configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Consente di configurare i criteri GLOB per determinare quando collegarsi in modalità `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` \"intelligente\". `$KNOWN_TOOLS$` viene sostituito con un elenco di nomi di strumenti di esecuzione codice e test comuni. [Altre informazioni disponibili nella documentazione di VS Code] (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/nodejs-debugging#_auto-attach-smart-patterns).", "configuration.autoExpandGetters": "Consente di configurare l'espansione automatica dei getter di proprietà. Se è false, il getter verrà visualizzato come `get propertyName` e sarà necessario farvi clic sopra per valutarlo.", "configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "Durante il debug di un'app Web remota, configura l'eventuale tunneling automatico del server remoto nel computer locale.", - "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Indica se arrestare l'esecuzione quando i punti di interruzione condizionali generano un errore. Nota: per usare questa opzione l'attributo `type` di launch.json deve includere il prefisso `pwa-`, ad esempio `pwa-node`.", + "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Opzioni usate durante il debug di collegamenti aperto su cui viene fatto clic all'interno del terminale di debug. Impostare su \"false\" per disabilitare questo comportamento.", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Valore predefinito `runtimeExecutable` usato per le configurazioni di avvio, se non specificato. Può essere usato per configurare percorsi personalizzati per installazioni di Node.js o browser.", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Indica se visualizzare una finestra di CodeLens \"Esegui\" ed \"Esegui debug\" negli script npm. Può trovarsi in \"all\", negli script, in \"top\" della sezione script o in \"never\".", @@ -337,7 +337,6 @@ "configuration.suggestPrettyPrinting": "Indica se suggerire la riformattazione del codice JavaScript che sembra ridotto quando si eseguono le istruzioni.", "configuration.terminalOptions": "Opzioni di avvio predefinite per gli script npm e del terminale di debug di JavaScript.", "configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Consente di configurare se il mapping del file con mapping di origine in cui non è possibile leggere il file originale verrà annullato automaticamente. Se è false (impostazione predefinita), viene visualizzato un prompt.", - "configuration.usePreview": "Usa il nuovo debugger JavaScript in anteprima per Node.js e Chrome.", "createDiagnostics.label": "Esegui diagnosi dei problemi dei punti di interruzione", "customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Consente di personalizzare la descrizione testuale degli oggetti (variabili locali e così via) visualizzata dal debugger. Esempi:\r\n 1. this.toString() // Viene chiamato toString per stampare tutti gli oggetti\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Usa il metodo customDescription, se disponibile; altrimenti restituisce defaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Usa il metodo customDescription, se disponibile; altrimenti restituisce defaultValue\r\n ", "customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Consente di personalizzare le proprietà visualizzate per un oggetto nel debugger (variabili locali e così via). Esempi:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Aggiunge un elemento extraProperty 12345 a tutti gli oggetti\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Usa il metodo customProperties, se disponibile; in caso contrario, usa le proprietà in this (le proprietà predefinite)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Usa il metodo customDescription, se disponibile; in caso contrario, restituisce le proprietà predefinite\r\n\r\n Deprecated: si tratta di un'implementazione temporanea di questa funzionalità finché non verrà implementata nel modo descritto in questo articolo: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/102181", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 076d7f9c48..f8ec0bff97 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ "typescript.findAllFileReferences": "Trova riferimenti a file", "typescript.format.enable": "Abilita/Disabilita il formattatore TypeScript predefinito.", "typescript.implementationsCodeLens.enabled": "Abilita/Disabilita le finestre CodeLens per le implementazioni. Questa finestra CodeLens mostra gli implementatori di un'interfaccia.", - "typescript.locale": "Consente di definire le impostazioni locali usate per segnalare errori JavaScript e TypeScript. Con l'impostazione predefinita `null` vengono usate le impostazioni locali di VS Code.", + "typescript.locale": "Sets the locale used to report JavaScript and TypeScript errors. Defaults to use VS Code's locale.", "typescript.npm": "Specifica il percorso del file eseguibile npm usato per [acquisizione automatica del tipo](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/working-with-javascript#_typings-and-automatic-type-acquisition).", "typescript.openTsServerLog.title": "Apri il log del server TypeScript", "typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier": "Stile di percorso preferito per le istruzioni import automatiche.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json index 4cbd2f7a27..066a33e1d8 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "autoClosingQuotes": "Controlla se l'editor deve chiudere automaticamente le citazioni dopo che sono state aperte.", "autoIndent": "Controlla se l'editor deve regolare automaticamente il rientro quando gli utenti digitano, incollano, spostano le righe o applicano il rientro.", "autoSurround": "Controlla se l'editor deve racchiudere automaticamente le selezioni quando si digitano virgolette o parentesi quadre.", + "bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Controls whether bracket pair colorization is enabled or not.", "codeActions": "Abilita la lampadina delle azioni codice nell'editor.", "codeLens": "Controlla se l'editor visualizza CodeLens.", "codeLensFontFamily": "Controlla la famiglia di caratteri per CodeLens.", @@ -585,6 +586,12 @@ "deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "Id è deprecato. In alternativa usare 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground'.", "editorActiveIndentGuide": "Colore delle guide di indentazione dell'editor attivo", "editorActiveLineNumber": "Colore del numero di riga attivo dell'editor", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Foreground color of brackets (1).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Foreground color of brackets (2).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Foreground color of brackets (3).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Foreground color of brackets (4).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Foreground color of brackets (5).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Foreground color of brackets (6).", "editorBracketMatchBackground": "Colore di sfondo delle parentesi corrispondenti", "editorBracketMatchBorder": "Colore delle caselle di parentesi corrispondenti", "editorCodeLensForeground": "Colore primo piano delle finestre di CodeLens dell'editor", @@ -905,6 +912,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": { "acceptInlineSuggestion": "Accettare", + "inlineSuggestionFollows": "Suggestion:", "showNextInlineSuggestion": "Avanti", "showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "Indietro" }, @@ -1547,6 +1555,8 @@ "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.osx": "Profilo predefinito usato in macOS. Questa impostazione verrà attualmente ignorata se {0} o {1} sono impostati.", "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.windows": "Profilo predefinito usato in Windows. Questa impostazione verrà attualmente ignorata se {0} o {1} sono impostati.", "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": "Indica se le nuove shell devono ereditare l'ambiente da VS Code. Questo comportamento potrebbe dare origine a una shell di accesso per assicurarsi che $PATH e altre variabili di sviluppo vengano inizializzate. Non ha alcun effetto in Windows.", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionExperimentalSerializer": "Whether to use a more efficient experimental approach for restoring the terminal's buffer. This setting requires a restart to take effect.", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionScrollback": "Controls the maximum amount of lines that will be restored when reconnecting to a persistent terminal session. Increasing this will restore more lines of scrollback at the cost of more memory and increase the time it takes to connect to terminals on start up. This setting requires a restart to take effect and should be set to a value less than or equal to `#terminal.integrated.scrollback#`.", "terminal.integrated.profile.linux": "Profili Linux da visualizzare quando si crea un nuovo terminale tramite il menu a discesa del terminale. Quando sono impostati, tali profili sostituiranno quelli predefiniti rilevati. Sono composti da {0} e {1} facoltativo", "terminal.integrated.profile.osx": "Profili macOS da visualizzare quando si crea un nuovo terminale tramite il menu a discesa del terminale. Quando sono impostati, tali profili sostituiranno quelli predefiniti rilevati. Sono composti da {0} e {1} facoltativo", "terminal.integrated.profiles.windows": "Profili Windows da visualizzare quando si crea un nuovo terminale tramite il menu a discesa del terminale. Impostare su Null per escluderli oppure specificare la proprietà {0} per usare la configurazione rilevata predefinita. In alternativa, impostare {1} e {2} facoltativo", @@ -2530,6 +2540,7 @@ "missing.command": "La voce di menu fa riferimento a un comando `{0}` che non è definito nella sezione 'commands'.", "missing.submenu": "La voce di menu fa riferimento a un sottomenu `{0}` che non è definito nella sezione 'submenus'.", "nonempty": "è previsto un valore non vuoto.", + "notebook.cell.execute": "The contributed notebook cell execution menu", "notebook.cell.title": "Menu del titolo della cella del notebook aggiunto come contributo", "notebook.toolbar": "Menu della barra degli strumenti del notebook aggiunto come contributo", "opticon": "la proprietà `icon` può essere omessa o deve essere una stringa o un valore letterale come `{dark, light}`", @@ -2720,10 +2731,15 @@ "closeWorkspace": "Chiudi area di lavoro", "duplicateWorkspace": "Area di lavoro duplicata", "duplicateWorkspaceInNewWindow": "Duplica come area di lavoro nella nuova finestra", + "filesCategory": "File", "globalRemoveFolderFromWorkspace": "Rimuovi cartella dall'area di lavoro...", "miAddFolderToWorkspace": "A&&ggiungi cartella all'area di lavoro...", "miCloseFolder": "Chiudi &&cartella", "miCloseWorkspace": "Chiudi &&area di lavoro", + "miOpen": "&&Open...", + "miOpenFile": "&&Open File...", + "miOpenFolder": "Open &&Folder...", + "miOpenWorkspace": "Open Wor&&kspace...", "miSaveWorkspaceAs": "Salva area di lavoro con nome...", "noWorkspaceOrFolderOpened": "In questa istanza non ci sono attualmente aree di lavoro o cartelle aperte da chiudere.", "openFile": "Apri file...", @@ -2935,7 +2951,6 @@ "pinEditor": "Aggiungi editor", "previousChangeIcon": "Icona per l'azione Modifica precedente nell'editor diff.", "reopenWith": "Riapri editor con...", - "run": "Esecuzione o debug in corso...", "showOpenedEditors": "Mostra editor aperti", "showTrimWhitespace.label": "Mostra differenze spazi vuoti iniziali/finali", "sideBySideEditor": "Editor affiancato", @@ -3063,6 +3078,15 @@ "groupLabel": "Gruppo {0}", "ok": "OK" }, + "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorPlaceholder": { + "manageTrust": "Manage Workspace Trust", + "requiresFolderTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the folder.", + "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the workspace.", + "retry": "Try Open Again", + "trustRequiredEditor": "Workspace Trust Required", + "unavailableEditor": "Unavailable Editor", + "unavailableEditorText": "The editor could not be opened due to an error or an unavailable resource." + }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorQuickAccess": { "closeEditor": "Chiudi editor", "entryAriaLabelDirty": "{0}, modificato ma non salvato", @@ -3080,7 +3104,6 @@ "configureModeSettings": "Configura impostazioni basate su linguaggio '{0}'...", "currentAssociation": "Associazione corrente", "currentProblem": "Problema corrente", - "detectedLanguagesPicks": "lingue rilevate (identificatore)", "disableColumnSelectionMode": "Disabilita modalità di selezione colonne", "disableTabMode": "Disabilita modalità accessibilità", "endOfLineCarriageReturnLineFeed": "CRLF", @@ -3092,7 +3115,6 @@ "indentView": "cambia visualizzazione", "languageDescription": "({0}) - Linguaggio configurato", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", - "languageDescriptionCurrent": "({0}) - Linguaggio corrente", "languagesPicks": "linguaggi (identificatore)", "multiSelection": "{0} selezioni", "multiSelectionRange": "{0} selezioni ({1} caratteri selezionati)", @@ -3148,12 +3170,6 @@ "ariaLabelEditorActions": "Azioni dell'editor", "draggedEditorGroup": "{0} (+{1})" }, - "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/workspaceTrustRequiredEditor": { - "manageTrust": "Gestisci attendibilità dell'area di lavoro", - "requiresFolderTrustText": "Il file non è visualizzato nell'editor perché non è stato concessa l'attendibilità alla cartella.", - "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "Il file non è visualizzato nell'editor perché non è stato concessa l'attendibilità all'area di lavoro.", - "trustRequiredEditor": "Attendibilità dell'area di lavoro obbligatoria" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/notifications/notificationsActions": { "clearAllIcon": "Icona per l'azione Cancella tutto nelle notifiche.", "clearIcon": "Icona per l'azione Cancella nelle notifiche.", @@ -4133,7 +4149,7 @@ "editBreakpoint": "Modifica {0}...", "editBreakpoints": "Modifica punti di interruzione", "editInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "Modifica punto di interruzione in linea a colonna {0}", - "editLineBrekapoint": "Modifica punto di interruzione riga", + "editLineBreakpoint": "Edit Line Breakpoint", "enable": "Abilita", "enableBreakpoint": "Abilita {0}", "enableBreakpointOnLine": "Abilita punto di interruzione riga", @@ -4145,7 +4161,8 @@ "removeBreakpoints": "Rimuovi punti di interruzione", "removeInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "Rimuovi punto di interruzione in linea a colonna {0}", "removeLineBreakpoint": "Rimuovi punto di interruzione riga", - "removeLogPoint": "Rimuovi {0}" + "removeLogPoint": "Rimuovi {0}", + "runToLine": "Run to Line" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/breakpointWidget": { "breakpointType": "Tipo di punto di interruzione", @@ -4240,6 +4257,7 @@ "copyAsExpression": "Copia come espressione", "copyStackTrace": "Copia stack di chiamate", "copyValue": "Copia valore", + "debug.console.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on enter in the debug console. enter is also used to evaluate whatever is typed in the debug console.", "debug.console.closeOnEnd": "Controlla se chiudere automaticamente la console di debug al termine della sessione di debug.", "debug.console.collapseIdenticalLines": "Controlla se la console di debug deve comprimere righe identiche e visualizzare un numero di occorrenze con una notifica.", "debug.console.fontFamily": "Controlla la famiglia di caratteri nella console di debug.", @@ -4291,6 +4309,7 @@ "prompt": "Chiede conferma all'utente.", "removeWatchExpression": "Rimuovi espressione", "restartFrame": "Riavvia frame", + "run": "Run or Debug...", "run and debug": "Esegui con debug", "setValue": "Imposta valore", "showBreakpointsInOverviewRuler": "Controlla se i punti di interruzione devono essere visualizzati nel righello delle annotazioni.", @@ -4473,6 +4492,7 @@ "installAdditionalDebuggers": "Installa l'estensione {0}", "launchJsonDoesNotExist": "'launch.json' non esiste per la cartella dell'area di lavoro passata.", "multipleConfigurationNamesInWorkspace": "Nell'area di lavoro sono presenti più configurazioni di avvio '{0}'. Usare il nome di cartella per qualificare la configurazione.", + "multipleSession": "'{0}' is already running. Do you want to start another instance?", "nActiveSessions": "{0} sessioni attive", "noConfigurationNameInWorkspace": "Non è stato possibile trovare la configurazione di avvio '{0}' nell'area di lavoro.", "noFolderWithName": "La cartella denominata '{0}' per la configurazione '{1}' nell'elemento compounds '{2}' non è stata trovata.", @@ -4518,11 +4538,9 @@ "startAdditionalSession": "Avvia sessione aggiuntiva" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/disassemblyView": { - "breakpointAllowed": "Può impostare un punto di interruzione", - "breakpointIsSet": "Il punto di interruzione è impostato", "disassemblyView": "Visualizzazione disassembly", - "instructionAddress": "Indirizzo istruzione", - "instructionBytes": "Byte istruzione", + "instructionAddress": "Address", + "instructionBytes": "Bytes", "instructionText": "Istruzione" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/exceptionWidget": { @@ -4596,6 +4614,7 @@ "addWatchExpression": "Aggiungi espressione", "collapse": "Comprimi tutto", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "Rimuovi tutte le espressioni", + "typeNewValue": "Type new value", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "Esegui debug espressioni di controllo", "watchExpressionAriaLabel": "{0}, valore {1}", "watchExpressionInputAriaLabel": "Digitare l'espressione di controllo", @@ -4630,6 +4649,7 @@ "callStackSessionIsAttach": "È true quando la sessione nella visualizzazione STACK CHIAMATE è collegata; in caso contrario, è false. Viene usato internamente per i menu inline nella visualizzazione STACK DI CHIAMATE.", "debugConfigurationType": "Tipo di debug della configurazione di avvio selezionata. Ad esempio: 'python'.", "debugProtocolVariableMenuContext": "Rappresenta il contesto che l'adattatore di debug imposta sulla variabile con lo stato attivo nella visualizzazione VARIABILI.", + "debugSetExpressionSupported": "True when the focused session supports 'setExpression' request.", "debugSetVariableSupported": "È true quando la sessione con lo stato attivo supporta la richiesta 'setVariable'.", "debugState": "Stato in cui si trova la sessione di debug con lo stato attivo. Corrisponde a uno dei valori seguenti: 'inactive', 'initializing', 'stopped' o 'running'.", "debugType": "Tipo di debug della sessione di debug attiva. Ad esempio: 'python'.", @@ -4656,7 +4676,8 @@ "stepBackSupported": "È true quando la sessione con lo stato attivo supporta richieste 'stepBack'.", "stepIntoTargetsSupported": "È true quando la sessione con lo stato attivo supporta la richiesta 'stepIntoTargets'.", "terminateDebuggeeSupported": "È true quando la sessione con lo stato attivo supporta la funzionalità di terminazione dell'oggetto del debug.", - "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "È true quando la variabile con lo stato attivo ha un campo 'evaluateName' impostato", + "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "True when the focused variable has an 'evalauteName' field set.", + "variableIsReadonly": "True when the focused variable is readonly.", "variablesFocused": "È true quando la visualizzazione VARIABILI ha lo stato attivo; in caso contrario, è false", "watchExpressionsExist": "È true quando esiste almeno un'espressione di controllo; in caso contrario, è false.", "watchExpressionsFocused": "È true quando la visualizzazione ESPRESSIONE DI CONTROLLO ha lo stato attivo; in caso contrario, è false.", @@ -5516,16 +5537,11 @@ "cut": "Taglia", "deleteFile": "Elimina definitivamente", "explorerOpenWith": "Apri con...", - "file": "FILE", "filesCategory": "File", "miAutoSave": "Salvataggio a&&utomatico", "miCloseEditor": "Chiudi &&editor", "miGotoFile": "Vai al &&file...", "miNewFile": "&&Nuovo file", - "miOpen": "&&Apri...", - "miOpenFile": "&&Apri file...", - "miOpenFolder": "Apri &&cartella...", - "miOpenWorkspace": "Aprire Wor&&kspace...", "miRevert": "Ri&&pristina file", "miSave": "&&Salva", "miSaveAll": "Salva &&tutto", @@ -5538,8 +5554,7 @@ "revertLocalChanges": "Annulla le modifiche e torna al contenuto del file", "saveAll": "Salva tutto", "saveAllInGroup": "Salva tutto nel gruppo", - "saveFiles": "Salva tutti i file", - "workspaces": "Aree di lavoro" + "saveFiles": "Salva tutti i file" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/fileCommands": { "discard": "Rimuovi", @@ -5876,11 +5891,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/markers/browser/markersTreeViewer": { "collapsedIcon": "Icona per indicare che più righe sono compresse nella visualizzazione Marcatori.", "expandedIcon": "Icona per indicare che più righe sono visibili nella visualizzazione Marcatori.", - "links.navigate.follow": "Visita il collegamento", - "links.navigate.kb.alt": "ALT+clic", - "links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "Opzione+clic", - "links.navigate.kb.meta": "CTRL+clic", - "links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "CMD+clic", "multi line": "Mostra il messaggio su più righe", "problemsView": "Visualizzazione Problemi", "single line": "Mostra il messaggio su un'unica riga" @@ -5981,6 +5991,7 @@ "notebookActions.editCell": "Modifica cella", "notebookActions.execute": "Esegui cella", "notebookActions.executeAbove": "Eseguire sopra le celle", + "notebookActions.executeAndFocusContainer": "Execute Cell and Focus Container", "notebookActions.executeAndInsertBelow": "Esegui cella del notebook e inserisci in basso", "notebookActions.executeAndSelectBelow": "Esegui cella del notebook e seleziona in basso", "notebookActions.executeBelow": "Eseguire cella e sotto", @@ -5988,8 +5999,10 @@ "notebookActions.expandCellInput": "Espandi input delle celle", "notebookActions.expandCellOutput": "Espandi output delle celle", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAbove": "Inserisci cella di codice in alto", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAboveAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Above and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAtTop": "Aggiungi cella di codice in alto", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelow": "Inserisci cella di codice in basso", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Below and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAbove": "Inserisci cella Markdown in alto", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAtTop": "Aggiungi cella Markdown in alto", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellBelow": "Inserisci cella Markdown in basso", @@ -6199,9 +6212,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookKernelActionViewItem": { "select": "Selezionare Kernel" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookServiceImpl": { - "builtinProviderDisplayName": "Predefinito" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/output/outputRenderer": { "empty": "La cella non ha output", "noRenderer.1": "Non è stato trovato alcun renderer per il tipo MIME: {0}", @@ -6226,9 +6236,14 @@ "unavailableRenderInfo": "renderer non disponibile" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/cellRenderer": { - "cellExpandButtonLabel": "Espandi", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Output (${0})", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell output ({0})", "notebook.moreRunActionsLabel": "Altro..." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/codeCell": { + "cellExpandInputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Input ({0})", + "cellExpandInputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell input ({0})" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/common/notebookEditorModel": { "notebook.staleSaveError": "Il contenuto del file è cambiato nel disco. Aprire la versione aggiornata oppure sovrascrivere il file con le modifiche apportate?", "notebook.staleSaveError.overwrite.": "Sovrascrivi", @@ -6389,6 +6404,7 @@ "openGlobalSettings": "Apri impostazioni utente", "openRawDefaultSettings": "Apri impostazioni predefinite (JSON)", "openRemoteSettings": "Apri impostazioni remote ({0})", + "openRemoteSettingsJSON": "Open Remote Settings (JSON) ({0})", "openSettings2": "Apri impostazioni (interfaccia utente)", "openSettingsJson": "Apri impostazioni (JSON)", "openWorkspaceSettings": "Apri impostazioni area di lavoro", @@ -7754,10 +7770,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalDecorationsProvider": { "label": "Terminale" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalEditor": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (predefinito)", - "terminal.new": "Nuovo terminale" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalIcons": { "configureTerminalProfileIcon": "Icona per creare un nuovo profilo del terminale.", "killTerminalIcon": "Icona per terminare un'istanza del terminale.", @@ -7790,10 +7802,12 @@ "yes": "Sì" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalMenus": { + "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (Default)", "miNewTerminal": "&&Nuovo terminale", "miRunActiveFile": "Esegui &&file attivo", "miRunSelectedText": "Esegui testo &&selezionato", "miSplitTerminal": "Terminale &&diviso", + "terminal.new": "New Terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.changeColor": "Cambia colore...", "workbench.action.terminal.changeIcon": "Cambia icona...", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "Cancella", @@ -7845,9 +7859,7 @@ "terminalInputAriaLabel": "Digitare il nome del terminale. Premere INVIO per confermare oppure ESC per annullare." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalView": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (Predefinito)", "terminal.monospaceOnly": "Il terminale supporta solo tipi di carattere a spaziatura fissa. Assicurarsi di riavviare VS Code se si tratta di un tipo di carattere appena installato.", - "terminal.new": "Nuovo terminale", "terminal.useMonospace": "Usa 'monospace'", "terminalConnectingLabel": "Avvio...", "terminals": "Apri i terminali." @@ -7856,12 +7868,13 @@ "terminalCategory": "Terminale", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal": "Aggiunge come contributo la funzionalità del terminale.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles": "Definisce i profili di terminale aggiuntivi che l'utente può creare.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.icon": "Codicon da associare a questo profilo di terminale.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.id": "ID del provider di profili del terminale.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.title": "Titolo di questo profilo di terminale.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types": "Definisce i tipi di terminale aggiuntivi che l'utente può creare.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.command": "Comando da eseguire quando l'utente crea questo tipo di terminale.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "Codicon da associare a questo tipo di terminale.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "A codicon, URI, or light and dark URIs to associate with this terminal type.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "Icon path when a dark theme is used", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "Icon path when a light theme is used", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.title": "Titolo di questo tipo di terminale." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { @@ -8038,14 +8051,14 @@ "configureProfile": "Selezionare un profilo da aggiornare", "debug test": "Esegui debug del test", "debugAllTests": "Esegui debug di tutti i test", - "debugSelectedTests": "Esegui debug dei test selezionati", + "debugSelectedTests": "Debug Tests", "discoveringTests": "Individuazione dei test", "hideTest": "Nascondi il test", "noDebugTestProvider": "Non sono stati trovati test sottoponibili a debug in questa area di lavoro. Potrebbe essere necessario installare un'estensione del provider di test", "noTestProvider": "Non sono stati trovati test in questa area di lavoro. Potrebbe essere necessario installare un'estensione del provider di test", "run test": "Esegui test", "runAllTests": "Esegui tutti i test", - "runSelectedTests": "Esegui test selezionati", + "runSelectedTests": "Run Tests", "testing.cancelRun": "Annulla esecuzione dei test", "testing.clearResults": "Cancella tutti i risultati", "testing.collapseAll": "Comprimi tutti i test", @@ -8066,6 +8079,7 @@ "testing.showMostRecentOutput": "Mostra output", "testing.sortByLocation": "Ordina per posizione", "testing.sortByStatus": "Ordina per stato", + "testing.toggleInlineTestOutput": "Toggle Inline Test Output", "testing.turnOffAutoRun": "Disattiva esecuzione automatica", "testing.turnOnAutoRun": "Attiva esecuzione automatica", "testing.viewAsList": "Visualizza come elenco", @@ -8084,8 +8098,10 @@ "updateTestConfiguration": "Aggiorna configurazione di test" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingDecorations": { + "actual.title": "Actual:", "debug all test": "Esegui il debug di tutti i test", "debug test": "Esegui debug del test", + "expected.title": "Expected:", "peek failure": "Visualizza in anteprima l'errore", "peekTestOutout": "Visualizza in anteprima l'output del test", "reveal test": "Visualizza in Esplora test", @@ -8126,6 +8142,7 @@ "testing.goToFile": "Vai al file", "testing.goToNextMessage": "Passa al test non riuscito successivo", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "Passa al test non riuscito precedente", + "testing.openMessageInEditor": "Open in Editor", "testing.reRunLastRun": "Esegui di nuovo il test", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Visualizza in Esplora test", "testing.showResultOutput": "Mostra output risultati", @@ -8159,12 +8176,8 @@ "testing.iconUnset": "Colore per l'icona 'Annullato' in Esplora test.", "testing.message.error.decorationForeground": "Colore del testo dei messaggi di errore dei test visualizzati inline nell'editor.", "testing.message.error.marginBackground": "Colore del margine accanto ai messaggi di errore visualizzati inline nell'editor.", - "testing.message.hint.decorationForeground": "Colore del testo dei messaggi di suggerimento dei test visualizzati inline nell'editor.", - "testing.message.hint.marginBackground": "Colore del margine accanto ai messaggi di suggerimento visualizzati inline nell'editor.", "testing.message.info.decorationForeground": "Colore del testo dei messaggi informativi dei test visualizzati inline nell'editor.", "testing.message.info.marginBackground": "Colore del margine accanto ai messaggi informativi visualizzati inline nell'editor.", - "testing.message.warning.decorationForeground": "Colore del testo dei messaggi di avviso dei test visualizzati inline nell'editor.", - "testing.message.warning.marginBackground": "Colore del margine accanto ai messaggi di avviso visualizzati inline nell'editor.", "testing.peekBorder": "Colore dei bordi e della freccia della visualizzazione rapida.", "testing.runAction": "Colore delle icone 'Esegui' nell'editor." }, @@ -8177,12 +8190,14 @@ "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView": "Consente di configurare l'apertura automatica della visualizzazione in anteprima dell'errore.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureAnywhere": "Apre automaticamente, indipendentemente dal punto in cui si è verificato l'errore.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureInVisibleDocument": "Apre automaticamente quando un test non viene superato in un documento visibile.", + "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.never": "Never automatically open.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekViewDuringAutoRun": "Controlla se aprire automaticamente la visualizzazione in anteprima durante la modalità di esecuzione automatica.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction": "Verifica l'azione da eseguire quando si fa clic con il pulsante sinistro del mouse su un effetto del test nella rilegatura.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.contextMenu": "Per altre opzioni, aprire il menu di scelta rapida.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.debug": "Esegui il debug del test.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.run": "Esegui il test.", - "testing.followRunningTest": "Controllare se il test in esecuzione deve essere seguito nella visualizzazione Esplora test" + "testing.followRunningTest": "Controllare se il test in esecuzione deve essere seguito nella visualizzazione Esplora test", + "testing.gutterEnabled": "Controls whether test decorations are shown in the editor gutter." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/constants": { "testGroup.coverage": "Copertura", @@ -8561,7 +8576,6 @@ "recent": "Recenti", "show more recents": "Mostra tutte le cartelle recenti {0}", "showAll": "Altro...", - "showAllWalkthroughs": "Apri una procedura dettagliata...", "start": "Inizia", "walkthroughs": "Procedure dettagliate", "welcome": "Benvenuti", @@ -8571,8 +8585,6 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted.contribution": { "Welcome": "Benvenuti", - "gettingStarted.goNext": "Avanti", - "gettingStarted.goPrev": "Indietro", "help": "Guida", "pickWalkthroughs": "Apri procedura dettagliata...", "welcome": "Benvenuti", @@ -8583,6 +8595,16 @@ "workbench.welcomePage.preferReducedMotion": "Se questa opzione è abilitata, riduce il movimento nella pagina iniziale.", "workbench.welcomePage.walkthroughs.openOnInstall": "Se abilitata, la procedura dettagliata di un'estensione verrà aperta al momento dell'installazione dell'estensione." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedColors": { + "welcomePage.background": "Background color for the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonBackground": "Background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.progress.background": "Foreground color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.progress.foreground": "Background color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.tileBackground": "Background color for the tiles on the Get Started page.", + "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the tiles on the Get Started.", + "welcomePage.tileShadow": "Shadow color for the Welcome page walkthrough category buttons." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedExtensionPoint": { "pathDeprecated": "Deprecata. In alternativa, usare `image` o `markdown`", "removed": "Rimosso, usare invece i menu => file/punto di contributo newFile", @@ -8734,74 +8756,6 @@ "welcomeOverlay.search": "Cerca nei file", "welcomeOverlay.terminal": "Attiva/Disattiva terminale integrato " }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/vs_code_welcome_page": { - "welcomePage.colorTheme": "Tema colori", - "welcomePage.colorThemeDescription": "Tutto quel che serve per configurare editor e codice nel modo desiderato", - "welcomePage.customize": "Personalizza", - "welcomePage.editingEvolved": "Evoluzione dell'editor", - "welcomePage.gitClone": "clona repository...", - "welcomePage.gitHubRepository": "Repository GitHub", - "welcomePage.help": "Guida", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPacks": "Strumenti e linguaggi", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPacksDescription": "Installare il supporto per {0} e {1}", - "welcomePage.installKeymapDescription": "Impostazioni e tasti di scelta rapida", - "welcomePage.installKeymapExtension": "Installa le impostazioni e i tasti di scelta rapida di {0} e {1}", - "welcomePage.interactivePlayground": "Playground interattivo", - "welcomePage.interactivePlaygroundDescription": "Breve panoramica delle funzionalità essenziali dell'editor", - "welcomePage.interfaceOverview": "Panoramica dell'interfaccia", - "welcomePage.interfaceOverviewDescription": "Immagine in sovrimpressione che evidenzia i principali componenti dell'interfaccia utente", - "welcomePage.introductoryVideos": "Video introduttivi", - "welcomePage.keybindingsCheatsheet": "Bigino combinazione tasti stampabile", - "welcomePage.learn": "Impara", - "welcomePage.moreExtensions": "altro", - "welcomePage.moreRecent": "Altro...", - "welcomePage.newFile": "Nuovo file", - "welcomePage.newsletterSignup": "Iscriviti alla newsletter", - "welcomePage.noRecentFolders": "Non ci sono cartelle recenti", - "welcomePage.openFolder": "Apri cartella...", - "welcomePage.others": "altri", - "welcomePage.productDocumentation": "Documentazione del prodotto", - "welcomePage.recent": "Recenti", - "welcomePage.showCommands": "Trova ed esegui tutti i comandi", - "welcomePage.showCommandsDescription": "Accesso e ricerca rapida di comandi dal riquadro comandi ({0})", - "welcomePage.showKeymapExtensions": "Mostra altre estensioni mappature tastiera", - "welcomePage.showLanguageExtensions": "Mostra altre estensioni del linguaggio", - "welcomePage.showOnStartup": "Mostra la pagina iniziale all'avvio", - "welcomePage.stackOverflow": "Stack Overflow", - "welcomePage.start": "Avvia", - "welcomePage.tipsAndTricks": "Suggerimenti e trucchi", - "welcomePage.vscode": "Visual Studio Code" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePage": { - "details": "Dettagli", - "ok": "OK", - "welcome.title": "Benvenuti", - "welcomePage": "Benvenuti", - "welcomePage.atom": "Atom", - "welcomePage.azure": "Azure", - "welcomePage.docker": "Docker", - "welcomePage.extensionListSeparator": ",", - "welcomePage.extensionPackAlreadyInstalled": "Il supporto per {0} è già installato.", - "welcomePage.extensionPackNotFound": "Il supporto per {0} con ID {1} non è stato trovato.", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPack": "Installa supporto aggiuntivo per {0}", - "welcomePage.installKeymap": "Installa mappatura tastiera {0}", - "welcomePage.installedExtensionPack": "Il supporto {0} è già installato", - "welcomePage.installedKeymap": "Mappatura tastiera {0} è già installata", - "welcomePage.installingExtensionPack": "Installazione di supporto aggiuntivo per {0} in corso...", - "welcomePage.installingKeymap": "Installazione dei tasti di scelta rapida di {0}...", - "welcomePage.java": "Java", - "welcomePage.javaScript": "JavaScript", - "welcomePage.keymapAlreadyInstalled": "I tasti di scelta rapida di {0} sono già installati.", - "welcomePage.keymapNotFound": "I tasti di scelta rapida di {0} con ID {1} non sono stati trovati.", - "welcomePage.openFolderWithPath": "Apri la cartella {0} con percorso {1}", - "welcomePage.php": "PHP", - "welcomePage.python": "Python", - "welcomePage.showAzureExtensions": "Mostra estensioni di Azure", - "welcomePage.sublime": "Sublime", - "welcomePage.vim": "Vim", - "welcomePage.willReloadAfterInstallingExtensionPack": "La finestra verrà ricaricata dopo l'installazione di supporto aggiuntivo per {0}.", - "welcomePage.willReloadAfterInstallingKeymap": "La finestra verrà ricaricata dopo l'installazione dei tasti di scelta rapida di {0}." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePage.contribution": { "workbench.startupEditor": "Controlla quale editor viene visualizzato all'avvio se non ne viene ripristinato nessuno dalla sessione precedente.", "workbench.startupEditor.newUntitledFile": "Apre un nuovo file senza nome. Valido solo quando si apre una finestra vuota.", @@ -8810,16 +8764,6 @@ "workbench.startupEditor.welcomePage": "Consente di aprire la home page che include contenuto utile per iniziare a usare VS Code e le estensioni.", "workbench.startupEditor.welcomePageInEmptyWorkbench": "Aprire la pagina di benvenuto quando si apre un'area di lavoro vuota." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePageColors": { - "welcomePage.background": "Colore di sfondo della pagina di benvenuto.", - "welcomePage.buttonBackground": "Colore di sfondo dei pulsanti nella pagina di benvenuto.", - "welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "Colore di sfondo al passaggio del mouse dei pulsanti nella pagina di benvenuto.", - "welcomePage.progress.background": "Colore primo piano delle barre di avanzamento della pagina di benvenuto.", - "welcomePage.progress.foreground": "Colore di sfondo delle barre di avanzamento della pagina di benvenuto.", - "welcomePage.tileBackground": "Colore di sfondo dei riquadri nella pagina Attività iniziali.", - "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "Colore di sfondo al passaggio del mouse dei riquadri nella pagina Attività iniziali.", - "welcomePage.tileShadow": "Colore ombreggiatura dei pulsanti di categoria della procedura dettagliata della pagina iniziale." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/telemetryOptOut/browser/telemetryOptOut": { "telemetryOptOut.OptIn": "Sì, accetto", "telemetryOptOut.OptOut": "No, grazie", @@ -8914,14 +8858,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/workspace/browser/workspaceTrustEditor": { "addButton": "Aggiungi cartella", - "addFolderAriaLabel": "Aggiungi una cartella attendibile", "deleteTrustedUri": "Elimina percorso", "dontTrustButton": "Non considerare attendibile", - "editTrustedUri": "Cambia percorso", + "editTrustedUri": "Edit Path", "hostColumnLabel": "Host", "localAuthority": "Locale", "no untrustedSettings": "Le impostazioni dell'area di lavoro che richiedono attendibilità non sono applicate", + "noTrustedFoldersDescriptions": "You haven't trusted any folders or workspace files yet.", "pathColumnLabel": "Percorso", + "pickerTrustedUri": "Open File Picker", "root element label": "Gestisci attendibilità dell'area di lavoro", "selectTrustedUri": "Seleziona la cartella da considerare attendibile", "trustButton": "Considera attendibile", @@ -9882,6 +9827,9 @@ "saveElevatedSudo": "Riprova come Sudo...", "staleSaveError": "Non è stato possibile salvare \"{0}\": il contenuto del file è più recente. Si vuole sovrascrivere il file con le modifiche?" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants": "Saving '{0}'" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/electron-sandbox/workingCopyBackupTracker": { "backupBeforeShutdownDetail": "Fare clic su \"Annullare\" per interrompere l'attesa e salvare o ripristinare gli editor non salvati.", "backupBeforeShutdownMessage": "Il backup degli editor modificati ma non salvati richiede più tempo del previsto...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json index 52128e6a89..20b3798d90 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ }, "dist/githubServer": { "signingIn": "$(mark-github) github.com にサインインしています...", - "signingInEnterprise": "$(mark-github) {0} にサインインしています...", - "status.git.signIn.name": "GitHub サインイン" + "status.git.signIn.name": "GitHub サインイン", + "validUri": "Please enter a valid Uri from the GitHub login page." }, "package": { "description": "GitHub 認証プロバイダー", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 6d96cd721f..dd2d3a209e 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ "configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "\"スマート\" `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` モードでアタッチするタイミングを決定するために glob パターンを構成します。`$KNOWN_TOOLS$` は、共通テストとコード ランナーの名前の一覧で置き換えられます。[VS Code ドキュメントで詳細をご確認ください](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/nodejs-debugging#_auto-attach-smart-patterns)。", "configuration.autoExpandGetters": "プロパティのゲッターを自動的に展開するかどうかを構成します。これを false にすると、ゲッターは 'get propertyName' と表示され、それをクリックした場合にのみ評価されます。", "configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "リモート Web アプリをデバッグするときに、リモート サーバーを自動的にローカル マシンにトンネルするかどうかを構成します。", - "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "条件付きブレークポイントでエラーがスローされたときに停止するかどうかを指定します。注: これを使用するには、launch.json の 'type' の先頭に 'pwa-' が付いている必要があります (例: 'pwa-node')。", + "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "デバッグ時に使用したオプションによって、デバッグ ターミナル内からクリックしたリンクが開きます。\"false\" に設定にすると、この動作を無効にできます。", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "指定されていない場合に起動構成に使用される、既定の 'runtimeExecutable'。これは、Node.js またはブラウザーのインストールのカスタム パスを構成するために使用できます。", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "npm スクリプトで \"実行\" と \"デバッグ\" のコード レンズが表示される場所。\"すべて\" のスクリプトまたはスクリプト セクションの \"上\" に表示するか、\"表示しない\" を指定できます。", @@ -337,7 +337,6 @@ "configuration.suggestPrettyPrinting": "お客様がそれにステップ インしたときに縮小されたように見える JavaScript コードの再フォーマットを提案するかどうか。", "configuration.terminalOptions": "JavaScript デバッグ ターミナルおよび npm スクリプトの既定の起動オプション。", "configuration.unmapMissingSources": "元のファイルを読み取ることができない sourcemapped ファイルが自動的にマップ解除されるかどうかを構成します。これが False (既定) の場合は、プロンプトが表示されます。", - "configuration.usePreview": "Node.js と Chrome にプレビュー段階の新しい JavaScript デバッガーを使用します。", "createDiagnostics.label": "ブレークポイントの問題を診断する", "customDescriptionGenerator.description": "デバッガーがオブジェクト (ローカル変数など) に対して表示するテキスト形式の説明をカスタマイズします。サンプル:\r\n 1. this.toString() // は toString を呼び出して、すべてのオブジェクトを出力します\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // 利用可能な場合は customDescription メソッドを使用し、そうでない場合は defaultValue を返します\r\n 3. 関数 (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // 利用可能な場合は customDescription メソッドを使用し、そうでない場合は defaultValue を返します\r\n ", "customPropertiesGenerator.description": "デバッガーのオブジェクトに表示されるプロパティ (ローカル変数など) をカスタマイズします。サンプル:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } //すべてのオブジェクトに extraProperty 12345 を追加します。\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // 使用可能であれば customProperties メソッドを使用します。そうでない場合は this 内のプロパティを使用します (既定のプロパティ)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // 使用可能であれば customDescription メソッドを使用します。そうでない場合は既定のプロパティを返します\r\n\r\n 非推奨: これは、https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/102181 で説明されている方法でこの機能が実装されるまでの間の、一時的な実装です。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 4ea91a848b..56bd556220 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ "typescript.findAllFileReferences": "ファイル参照の検索", "typescript.format.enable": "既定の TypeScript フォーマッタを有効/無効にします。", "typescript.implementationsCodeLens.enabled": "CodeLens の実装を有効/無効にします。この CodeLens は interface の実装を表示します。", - "typescript.locale": "JavaScript と TypeScript のエラーを報告するために使用するロケールを設定します。既定値の 'null' では VS Code のロケールを使用します。", + "typescript.locale": "Sets the locale used to report JavaScript and TypeScript errors. Defaults to use VS Code's locale.", "typescript.npm": "[自動タイプ取得] に使われる npm 実行可能ファイルへのパスを指定します (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/working-with-javascript#_typings-and-automatic-type-acquisition)。", "typescript.openTsServerLog.title": "TS サーバーのログを開く", "typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier": "自動 import の優先パス スタイル。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json index a57586597b..cdddd0abc3 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "autoClosingQuotes": "ユーザーが開始引用符を追加した後、エディター自動的に引用符を閉じるかどうかを制御します。", "autoIndent": "ユーザーが行を入力、貼り付け、移動、またはインデントするときに、エディターでインデントを自動的に調整するかどうかを制御します。", "autoSurround": "引用符または角かっこを入力するときに、エディターが選択範囲を自動的に囲むかどうかを制御します。", + "bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Controls whether bracket pair colorization is enabled or not.", "codeActions": "エディターでコード アクションの電球を有効にします。", "codeLens": "エディターで CodeLens を表示するかどうかを制御します。", "codeLensFontFamily": "CodeLens のフォント ファミリを制御します。", @@ -585,6 +586,12 @@ "deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "id は使用しないでください。代わりに 'EditorLineNumber.activeForeground' を使用してください。", "editorActiveIndentGuide": "アクティブなエディターのインデント ガイドの色。", "editorActiveLineNumber": "エディターのアクティブ行番号の色", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Foreground color of brackets (1).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Foreground color of brackets (2).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Foreground color of brackets (3).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Foreground color of brackets (4).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Foreground color of brackets (5).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Foreground color of brackets (6).", "editorBracketMatchBackground": "一致するかっこの背景色", "editorBracketMatchBorder": "一致するかっこ内のボックスの色", "editorCodeLensForeground": "CodeLens エディターの前景色。", @@ -905,6 +912,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": { "acceptInlineSuggestion": "同意する", + "inlineSuggestionFollows": "Suggestion:", "showNextInlineSuggestion": "次へ", "showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "前へ" }, @@ -1547,6 +1555,8 @@ "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.osx": "MacOS で使用される既定のプロファイルです。{0} または {1} のいずれかが設定されている場合、現在この設定は無視されます。", "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.windows": "Windows で使用される既定のプロファイルです。{0} または {1} のいずれかが設定されている場合、現在この設定は無視されます。", "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": "新しいシェルがVS Codeから環境を継承する必要があるかどうか。これにより、ログイン シェルがソースとなり、$PATHおよびその他の開発変数が初期化される可能性があります。これは Windows には影響しません。", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionExperimentalSerializer": "Whether to use a more efficient experimental approach for restoring the terminal's buffer. This setting requires a restart to take effect.", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionScrollback": "Controls the maximum amount of lines that will be restored when reconnecting to a persistent terminal session. Increasing this will restore more lines of scrollback at the cost of more memory and increase the time it takes to connect to terminals on start up. This setting requires a restart to take effect and should be set to a value less than or equal to `#terminal.integrated.scrollback#`.", "terminal.integrated.profile.linux": "ターミナルのドロップダウンを使用して新しいターミナルを作成するときに表示する Linux プロファイル。設定すると、検出された既定のプロファイルがオーバーライドされます。これらは、{0} とオプションの {1} で構成されています", "terminal.integrated.profile.osx": "ターミナルのドロップダウンを使用して新しいターミナルを作成するときに表示する macOS プロファイル。設定すると、検出された既定のプロファイルがオーバーライドされます。これらは、{0} とオプションの {1} で構成されています", "terminal.integrated.profiles.windows": "ターミナルのドロップダウンを使用して新しいターミナルを作成するときに表示する Windows プロファイル。除外する場合は null に設定し、検出された既定の構成を使用する場合は {0} プロパティを使用します。または、{1} とオプションの {2} を設定します", @@ -2530,6 +2540,7 @@ "missing.command": "メニュー項目が、'commands' セクションで定義されていないコマンド `{0}` を参照しています。", "missing.submenu": "メニュー項目で、'submenus' セクションに定義されていないサブメニュー `{0}` が参照されています。", "nonempty": "空でない値が必要です。", + "notebook.cell.execute": "The contributed notebook cell execution menu", "notebook.cell.title": "提供されたノートブック セルのタイトル メニュー", "notebook.toolbar": "提供されたノートブックのツールバー メニュー", "opticon": "プロパティ `icon` は省略するか、文字列または `{dark, light}` などのリテラルにする必要があります", @@ -2720,10 +2731,15 @@ "closeWorkspace": "ワークスペースを閉じる", "duplicateWorkspace": "ワークスペースを複製", "duplicateWorkspaceInNewWindow": "新しいウィンドウでワークスペースとして複製", + "filesCategory": "File", "globalRemoveFolderFromWorkspace": "ワークスペースからフォルダーを削除...", "miAddFolderToWorkspace": "フォルダーをワークスペースに追加(&&D)...", "miCloseFolder": "フォルダーを閉じる(&&F)", "miCloseWorkspace": "ワークスペースを閉じる(&&W)", + "miOpen": "&&Open...", + "miOpenFile": "&&Open File...", + "miOpenFolder": "Open &&Folder...", + "miOpenWorkspace": "Open Wor&&kspace...", "miSaveWorkspaceAs": "名前を付けてワークスペースを保存...", "noWorkspaceOrFolderOpened": "このインスタンスで現在開いているワークスペースまたはフォルダーがないので、閉じられません。", "openFile": "ファイルを開く...", @@ -2935,7 +2951,6 @@ "pinEditor": "エディターをピン留めする", "previousChangeIcon": "差分エディター内の前の変更アクションのアイコン。", "reopenWith": "エディターを再度開くアプリケーションの選択...", - "run": "実行するかデバッグします...", "showOpenedEditors": "開いているエディターを表示", "showTrimWhitespace.label": "先頭と末尾のスペースによる違いを表示する", "sideBySideEditor": "横並びエディター", @@ -3063,6 +3078,15 @@ "groupLabel": "グループ {0}", "ok": "OK" }, + "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorPlaceholder": { + "manageTrust": "Manage Workspace Trust", + "requiresFolderTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the folder.", + "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the workspace.", + "retry": "Try Open Again", + "trustRequiredEditor": "Workspace Trust Required", + "unavailableEditor": "Unavailable Editor", + "unavailableEditorText": "The editor could not be opened due to an error or an unavailable resource." + }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorQuickAccess": { "closeEditor": "エディターを閉じる", "entryAriaLabelDirty": "{0}、ダーティ", @@ -3080,7 +3104,6 @@ "configureModeSettings": "'{0}' 言語ベース設定を構成します...", "currentAssociation": "現在の関連付け", "currentProblem": "現在の問題", - "detectedLanguagesPicks": "検出された言語 (識別子)", "disableColumnSelectionMode": "列選択モードを無効にする", "disableTabMode": "アクセシビリティ モードを無効にする", "endOfLineCarriageReturnLineFeed": "CRLF", @@ -3092,7 +3115,6 @@ "indentView": "ビューの変更", "languageDescription": "({0}) - 構成済みの言語", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", - "languageDescriptionCurrent": "({0}) - 現在の言語", "languagesPicks": "言語 (識別子)", "multiSelection": "{0} 個の選択項目", "multiSelectionRange": "{0} 個の選択項目 ({1} 文字を選択)", @@ -3148,12 +3170,6 @@ "ariaLabelEditorActions": "エディター操作", "draggedEditorGroup": "{0} (+{1})" }, - "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/workspaceTrustRequiredEditor": { - "manageTrust": "ワークスペースの信頼を管理", - "requiresFolderTrustText": "信頼がフォルダーに付与されていないため、ファイルはエディターに表示されません。", - "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "信頼がワークスペースに付与されていないため、ファイルはエディターに表示されません。", - "trustRequiredEditor": "ワークスペースの信頼が必須です" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/notifications/notificationsActions": { "clearAllIcon": "通知内のすべてクリアのアクションのアイコン。", "clearIcon": "通知内のクリア アクションのアイコン。", @@ -4133,7 +4149,7 @@ "editBreakpoint": "{0} の編集...", "editBreakpoints": "ブレークポイントの編集", "editInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "列 {0} のインライン ブレークポイントを編集", - "editLineBrekapoint": "行のブレークポイントの編集", + "editLineBreakpoint": "Edit Line Breakpoint", "enable": "有効にする", "enableBreakpoint": "{0} を有効にする", "enableBreakpointOnLine": "行のブレークポイントの有効化", @@ -4145,7 +4161,8 @@ "removeBreakpoints": "ブレークポイントの削除", "removeInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "列 {0} のインライン ブレークポイントを削除", "removeLineBreakpoint": "行のブレークポイントの削除", - "removeLogPoint": "{0} の削除" + "removeLogPoint": "{0} の削除", + "runToLine": "Run to Line" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/breakpointWidget": { "breakpointType": "ブレークポイント タイプ", @@ -4240,6 +4257,7 @@ "copyAsExpression": "式としてコピー", "copyStackTrace": "呼び出し履歴のコピー", "copyValue": "値のコピー", + "debug.console.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on enter in the debug console. enter is also used to evaluate whatever is typed in the debug console.", "debug.console.closeOnEnd": "デバッグ セッションの終了時にデバッグ コンソールを自動的に閉じるかどうかを制御します。", "debug.console.collapseIdenticalLines": "デバッグ コンソールで同一の行を折りたたみ、出現回数をバッジ付きで表示するかどうか制御します。", "debug.console.fontFamily": "デバッグ コンソールのフォント ファミリを制御します。", @@ -4291,6 +4309,7 @@ "prompt": "ユーザーに確認します。", "removeWatchExpression": "式の削除", "restartFrame": "フレームの再起動", + "run": "Run or Debug...", "run and debug": "実行とデバッグ", "setValue": "値の設定", "showBreakpointsInOverviewRuler": "ブレークポイントを概要ルーラーに表示するかどうかを制御します。", @@ -4473,6 +4492,7 @@ "installAdditionalDebuggers": "{0} 拡張機能のインストール", "launchJsonDoesNotExist": "'launch.json' が、渡されたワークスペース フォルダーに存在しません。", "multipleConfigurationNamesInWorkspace": "ワークスペースに複数の起動構成 '{0}' があります。フォルダー名を使用して構成を修飾してください。", + "multipleSession": "'{0}' is already running. Do you want to start another instance?", "nActiveSessions": "{0} 個のアクティブなセッション", "noConfigurationNameInWorkspace": "ワークスペースに起動構成 '{0}' が見つかりませんでした。", "noFolderWithName": "複合 '{2}' の構成 '{1}' で、名前 '{0}' を含むフォルダーが見つかりませんでした。", @@ -4518,11 +4538,9 @@ "startAdditionalSession": "追加のセッションを開始" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/disassemblyView": { - "breakpointAllowed": "ブレークポイントを設定可能", - "breakpointIsSet": "ブレークポイントが設定されています", "disassemblyView": "逆アセンブリ ビュー", - "instructionAddress": "命令アドレス", - "instructionBytes": "命令バイト数", + "instructionAddress": "Address", + "instructionBytes": "Bytes", "instructionText": "命令" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/exceptionWidget": { @@ -4596,6 +4614,7 @@ "addWatchExpression": "式の追加", "collapse": "すべて折りたたむ", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "すべての式を削除する", + "typeNewValue": "Type new value", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "ウォッチ式のデバッグ", "watchExpressionAriaLabel": "{0}、値 {1}", "watchExpressionInputAriaLabel": "ウォッチ式を入力します", @@ -4630,6 +4649,7 @@ "callStackSessionIsAttach": "コール スタック ビュー内のセッションがアタッチである場合は true、それ以外の場合は false になります。コール スタック ビューのインライン メニューで内部的に使用されます。", "debugConfigurationType": "選択した起動構成のデバッグの種類です。例: 'python'。", "debugProtocolVariableMenuContext": "[変数] ビュー内のフォーカスされた変数でデバッグ アダプターによって設定されたコンテキストを表します。", + "debugSetExpressionSupported": "True when the focused session supports 'setExpression' request.", "debugSetVariableSupported": "フォーカスされたセッションで 'setVariable' 要求がサポートされている場合は True です。", "debugState": "フォーカスされたデバッグ セッションの状態です。'inactive'、'initializing'、'stopped'、'running' のいずれかになります。", "debugType": "アクティブなデバッグ セッションのデバッグの種類。例: 'python'。", @@ -4656,7 +4676,8 @@ "stepBackSupported": "フォーカスされたセッションで 'stepBack' 要求がサポートされている場合は True です。", "stepIntoTargetsSupported": "フォーカスされたセッションで 'stepIntoTargets' 要求がサポートされている場合は True です。", "terminateDebuggeeSupported": "フォーカスされたセッションが終了デバッグ対象機能をサポートすしている場合は true。", - "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "フォーカスされた変数で 'evalauteName' フィールドが設定されている場合は True です", + "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "True when the focused variable has an 'evalauteName' field set.", + "variableIsReadonly": "True when the focused variable is readonly.", "variablesFocused": "[変数] ビューがフォーカスされている場合は True、それ以外の場合は False です", "watchExpressionsExist": "ウォッチ式が少なくとも 1 つ存在する場合は True、それ以外の場合は False です。", "watchExpressionsFocused": "[ウォッチ式] ビューがフォーカスされている場合は True、それ以外の場合は False です。", @@ -5516,16 +5537,11 @@ "cut": "切り取り", "deleteFile": "完全に削除", "explorerOpenWith": "ファイルを開くアプリケーションの選択...", - "file": "ファイル", "filesCategory": "ファイル", "miAutoSave": "自動保存(&&U)", "miCloseEditor": "エディターを閉じる(&&C)", "miGotoFile": "ファイルに移動(&&F)...", "miNewFile": "新規ファイル(&&N)", - "miOpen": "開く(&&O)...", - "miOpenFile": "ファイルを開く(&&O)...", - "miOpenFolder": "フォルダーを開く(&&F)...", - "miOpenWorkspace": "ワークスペースを開く(&&K)...", "miRevert": "ファイルを元に戻す(&&V)", "miSave": "保存(&&S)", "miSaveAll": "すべて保存(&&L)", @@ -5538,8 +5554,7 @@ "revertLocalChanges": "変更を破棄してファイルの内容に戻す", "saveAll": "すべて保存", "saveAllInGroup": "すべてをグループに保存", - "saveFiles": "すべてのファイルを保存", - "workspaces": "ワークスペース" + "saveFiles": "すべてのファイルを保存" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/fileCommands": { "discard": "破棄", @@ -5876,11 +5891,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/markers/browser/markersTreeViewer": { "collapsedIcon": "マーカーのビューで複数の行が折りたたまれていることを示すアイコン。", "expandedIcon": "マーカーのビューで複数の行が表示されていることを示すアイコン。", - "links.navigate.follow": "リンク先を表示", - "links.navigate.kb.alt": "alt + クリック", - "links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "option + クリック", - "links.navigate.kb.meta": "ctrl + クリック", - "links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "cmd + クリック", "multi line": "複数行にメッセージを表示します", "problemsView": "問題ビュー", "single line": "メッセージを 1 行に表示します" @@ -5981,6 +5991,7 @@ "notebookActions.editCell": "セルの編集", "notebookActions.execute": "セルの実行", "notebookActions.executeAbove": "上記のセルで実行", + "notebookActions.executeAndFocusContainer": "Execute Cell and Focus Container", "notebookActions.executeAndInsertBelow": "ノートブック セルを実行し、下に挿入する", "notebookActions.executeAndSelectBelow": "ノートブック セルを実行し、下を選択する", "notebookActions.executeBelow": "セルと以下の実行", @@ -5988,8 +5999,10 @@ "notebookActions.expandCellInput": "セルの入力を展開する", "notebookActions.expandCellOutput": "セルの出力を展開する", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAbove": "コード セルを上に挿入", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAboveAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Above and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAtTop": "一番上にコード セルを追加する", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelow": "コード セルを下に挿入", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Below and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAbove": "Markdown セルを上に挿入", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAtTop": "一番上にマークダウン セルを追加する", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellBelow": "Markdown セルを下に挿入", @@ -6199,9 +6212,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookKernelActionViewItem": { "select": "カーネルの選択" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookServiceImpl": { - "builtinProviderDisplayName": "組み込み" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/output/outputRenderer": { "empty": "セルに出力がありません", "noRenderer.1": "mimetype にレンダラーが見つかりませんでした: {0}", @@ -6226,9 +6236,14 @@ "unavailableRenderInfo": "レンダラーが利用できません" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/cellRenderer": { - "cellExpandButtonLabel": "展開", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Output (${0})", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell output ({0})", "notebook.moreRunActionsLabel": "その他..." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/codeCell": { + "cellExpandInputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Input ({0})", + "cellExpandInputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell input ({0})" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/common/notebookEditorModel": { "notebook.staleSaveError": "The contents of the file has changed on disk. Would you like to open the updated version or overwrite the file with your changes?", "notebook.staleSaveError.overwrite.": "上書き", @@ -6389,6 +6404,7 @@ "openGlobalSettings": "ユーザー設定を開く", "openRawDefaultSettings": "既定の設定 (JSON) を開く", "openRemoteSettings": "リモート設定 ({0}) を開く", + "openRemoteSettingsJSON": "Open Remote Settings (JSON) ({0})", "openSettings2": "設定 (UI) を開く", "openSettingsJson": "設定 (JSON) を開く", "openWorkspaceSettings": "ワークスペース設定を開く", @@ -7754,10 +7770,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalDecorationsProvider": { "label": "ターミナル" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalEditor": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (既定値)", - "terminal.new": "新しいターミナル" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalIcons": { "configureTerminalProfileIcon": "新しいターミナルのプロファイルを作成するためのアイコン。", "killTerminalIcon": "ターミナル インスタンスを強制終了するためのアイコン。", @@ -7790,10 +7802,12 @@ "yes": "はい" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalMenus": { + "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (Default)", "miNewTerminal": "新しいターミナル(&&N)", "miRunActiveFile": "アクティブなファイルの実行(&&A)", "miRunSelectedText": "選択したテキストの実行(&&S)", "miSplitTerminal": "ターミナルの分割(&&S)", + "terminal.new": "New Terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.changeColor": "色の変更...", "workbench.action.terminal.changeIcon": "アイコンの変更...", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "クリア", @@ -7845,9 +7859,7 @@ "terminalInputAriaLabel": "ターミナル名を入力します。Enter キーを押して確認するか、Esc キーを押して取り消します。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalView": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (既定値)", "terminal.monospaceOnly": "ご使用の端末はモノスペース フォントのみをサポートします。これが新しくインストールされたフォントである場合は、VS Code を再起動してください。", - "terminal.new": "新しいターミナル", "terminal.useMonospace": "'monospace' を使用", "terminalConnectingLabel": "開始しています...", "terminals": "ターミナルを開きます。" @@ -7856,12 +7868,13 @@ "terminalCategory": "ターミナル", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal": "ターミナル機能を提供します。", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles": "ユーザーが作成できる追加のターミナル プロファイルを定義します。", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.icon": "このターミナル プロファイルに関連付けるコディコン。", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.id": "ターミナル プロファイル プロバイダーの ID。", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.title": "このターミナル プロファイルのタイトル。", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types": "ユーザーが作成できる追加のターミナルの種類を定義します。", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.command": "ユーザーがこの種類のターミナルを作成するときに実行するコマンドです。", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "このターミナルの種類に関連付けるコディコン。", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "A codicon, URI, or light and dark URIs to associate with this terminal type.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "Icon path when a dark theme is used", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "Icon path when a light theme is used", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.title": "この種類のターミナルのタイトル。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { @@ -8038,14 +8051,14 @@ "configureProfile": "更新するプロフィールを選択してください", "debug test": "テストのデバッグ", "debugAllTests": "すべてのテストをデバッグする", - "debugSelectedTests": "選択したテストのデバッグ", + "debugSelectedTests": "Debug Tests", "discoveringTests": "テストの探索", "hideTest": "テストの非表示", "noDebugTestProvider": "このワークスペースでデバッグ可能なテストが見つかりません。テスト プロバイダー拡張機能をインストールする必要がある可能性があります", "noTestProvider": "このワークスペースにテストが見つかりません。テスト プロバイダー拡張機能をインストールする必要がある可能性があります", "run test": "テストの実行", "runAllTests": "すべてのテストを実行する", - "runSelectedTests": "選択したテストの実行", + "runSelectedTests": "Run Tests", "testing.cancelRun": "テストの実行をキャンセル", "testing.clearResults": "すべての結果をクリア", "testing.collapseAll": "すべてのテストを折りたたむ", @@ -8066,6 +8079,7 @@ "testing.showMostRecentOutput": "出力の表示", "testing.sortByLocation": "場所で並べ替え", "testing.sortByStatus": "状態順で並べ替え", + "testing.toggleInlineTestOutput": "Toggle Inline Test Output", "testing.turnOffAutoRun": "自動実行をオフにする", "testing.turnOnAutoRun": "自動実行をオンにする", "testing.viewAsList": "一覧として表示", @@ -8084,8 +8098,10 @@ "updateTestConfiguration": "テスト構成の更新" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingDecorations": { + "actual.title": "Actual:", "debug all test": "すべてのテストをデバッグする", "debug test": "テストをデバッグ", + "expected.title": "Expected:", "peek failure": "エラーをクイック表示する", "peekTestOutout": "ピーク テストの出力", "reveal test": "テスト エクスプローラーで表示", @@ -8126,6 +8142,7 @@ "testing.goToFile": "ファイルに移動する", "testing.goToNextMessage": "次のテスト エラーに移動", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "前のテスト エラーに移動", + "testing.openMessageInEditor": "Open in Editor", "testing.reRunLastRun": "テスト実行の再実行", "testing.revealInExplorer": "テスト エクスプローラーで表示", "testing.showResultOutput": "結果出力の表示", @@ -8159,12 +8176,8 @@ "testing.iconUnset": "テスト エクスプローラーの '設定解除' アイコンの色です。", "testing.message.error.decorationForeground": "エディター内にインラインで表示されるテスト エラー メッセージのテキストの色です。", "testing.message.error.marginBackground": "エディターでインラインに表示されるエラー メッセージの横の余白色。", - "testing.message.hint.decorationForeground": "エディター内にインラインで表示されるテスト ヒント メッセージのテキストの色です。", - "testing.message.hint.marginBackground": "エディターでインラインに表示されるヒント メッセージの横の余白色。", "testing.message.info.decorationForeground": "エディター内にインラインで表示されるテスト情報メッセージのテキストの色です。", "testing.message.info.marginBackground": "エディターでインラインに表示される情報メッセージの余白色。", - "testing.message.warning.decorationForeground": "エディター内にインラインで表示されるテスト警告メッセージのテキストの色です。", - "testing.message.warning.marginBackground": "エディターでインラインに表示される警告メッセージの横の余白色。", "testing.peekBorder": "ピーク ビューの境界と矢印の色。", "testing.runAction": "エディター内の '実行' アイコンの色です。" }, @@ -8177,12 +8190,14 @@ "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView": "エラーのピーク ビューを自動的に開くタイミングを構成します。", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureAnywhere": "エラーの場所に関係なく、自動的に開きます。", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureInVisibleDocument": "参照可能なドキュメントでテストが失敗したときに自動的に開きます。", + "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.never": "Never automatically open.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekViewDuringAutoRun": "自動実行モードでピーク ビューを自動的に開くかどうかを制御します。", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction": "とじしろ内のテスト デコレーションをクリックした場合に実行する操作を制御します。", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.contextMenu": "その他のオプションについては、コンテキスト メニューを開きます。", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.debug": "テストをデバッグします。", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.run": "テストを実行します。", - "testing.followRunningTest": "実行中のテストをテスト エクスプローラー ビューでフォローするかどうかを制御します" + "testing.followRunningTest": "実行中のテストをテスト エクスプローラー ビューでフォローするかどうかを制御します", + "testing.gutterEnabled": "Controls whether test decorations are shown in the editor gutter." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/constants": { "testGroup.coverage": "カバレッジ", @@ -8561,7 +8576,6 @@ "recent": "最近", "show more recents": "最近使ったフォルダーをすべて表示 {0}", "showAll": "その他...", - "showAllWalkthroughs": "チュートリアルを開く...", "start": "開始", "walkthroughs": "チュートリアル", "welcome": "ようこそ", @@ -8571,8 +8585,6 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted.contribution": { "Welcome": "ようこそ", - "gettingStarted.goNext": "次へ", - "gettingStarted.goPrev": "前へ", "help": "ヘルプ", "pickWalkthroughs": "チュートリアルを開きます...", "welcome": "ようこそ", @@ -8583,6 +8595,16 @@ "workbench.welcomePage.preferReducedMotion": "有効にした場合、ウェルカム ページでの動作を減らします。", "workbench.welcomePage.walkthroughs.openOnInstall": "有効にすると、拡張機能をインストールしたときに、その拡張機能のチュートリアルが開きます。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedColors": { + "welcomePage.background": "Background color for the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonBackground": "Background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.progress.background": "Foreground color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.progress.foreground": "Background color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.tileBackground": "Background color for the tiles on the Get Started page.", + "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the tiles on the Get Started.", + "welcomePage.tileShadow": "Shadow color for the Welcome page walkthrough category buttons." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedExtensionPoint": { "pathDeprecated": "非推奨です。代わりに 'image' または 'makrdown' を使用してください", "removed": "削除された場合は、代わりに、[メニュー] => [ファイル/newFile のコントリビューション ポイント] を使用します。", @@ -8734,74 +8756,6 @@ "welcomeOverlay.search": "複数ファイルの検索", "welcomeOverlay.terminal": "統合ターミナルの切り替え" }, - 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"signingInEnterprise": "$(mark-github) {0}에 로그인하는 중...", - "status.git.signIn.name": "GitHub 로그인" + "status.git.signIn.name": "GitHub 로그인", + "validUri": "Please enter a valid Uri from the GitHub login page." }, "package": { "description": "GitHub 인증 공급자", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 787a3c343e..125de93845 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ "configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "\"smart\" `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` 모드로 연결할 시간을 결정하는 GLOB 패턴을 구성합니다. `$KNOWN_TOOLS$`이(가) 공용 테스트 및 코드 실행기의 이름 목록으로 바뀝니다. [VS Code 문서에서 자세히 읽기](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/nodejs-debugging#_auto-attach-smart-patterns).", "configuration.autoExpandGetters": "속성 getter가 자동으로 확장되는지 구성합니다. false인 경우 getter가 `get propertyName`으로 표시되고 클릭하는 경우에만 평가됩니다.", "configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "원격 웹 앱을 디버깅할 때 원격 서버를 로컬 컴퓨터에 자동으로 터널링할지 여부를 구성합니다.", - "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "조건부 중단점에서 오류를 throw할 때 중지할지 여부입니다. 참고: launch.json `type`을 사용하려면 접두사로 `pwa-`를 붙여야 합니다(예: `pwa-node`).", + "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "디버그 터미널 내부에서 클릭한 열린 링크를 디버깅할 때 사용되는 옵션입니다. 이 동작을 사용하지 않도록 설정하려면 \"false\"로 설정할 수 있습니다.", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "지정되지 않은 경우 시작 구성에 사용되는 기본 `runtimeExecutable`입니다. 이 설정을 사용하여 Node.js 또는 브라우저 설치의 사용자 지정 경로를 구성할 수 있습니다.", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "npm 스크립트에 \"실행\" 및 \"디버그\" 코드 렌즈가 표시되어야 하는 위치입니다. \"all\", 스크립트, 스크립트 섹션의 \"top\" 또는 \"never\"일 수 있습니다.", @@ -337,7 +337,6 @@ "configuration.suggestPrettyPrinting": "시작할 때 축소되어 보이는 경우 JavaScript 코드 자동 서식 지정을 제안할 지 여부입니다.", "configuration.terminalOptions": "JavaScript 디버그 터미널 및 npm 스크립트에 대한 기본 시작 옵션입니다.", "configuration.unmapMissingSources": "원본 파일을 읽을 수 없는 sourcemap된 파일을 자동으로 매핑 해제하는지를 구성합니다. false(기본값)인 경우 프롬프트가 표시됩니다.", - "configuration.usePreview": "Node.js 및 Chrome을 위한 새로운 미리 보기 JavaScript 디버거를 사용합니다.", "createDiagnostics.label": "중단점 문제 진단", "customDescriptionGenerator.description": "디버거가 개체(로컬 변수 등...)에 대해 표시하는 텍스트 설명을 사용자 지정합니다. 샘플:\r\n 1. this.toString() // toString을 호출하여 모든 개체를 출력합니다.\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // defaultValue를 반환하지 않는 경우 customDescription 메서드를 사용합니다(사용 가능한 경우).\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // defaultValue를 반환하지 않는 경우 customDescription 메서드를 사용합니다(사용 가능한 경우).\r\n ", "customPropertiesGenerator.description": "디버거의 개체(로컬 변수 등...)에 대해 표시되는 속성을 사용자 지정합니다. 샘플:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // 모든 개체에 extraProperty 12345를 추가합니다.\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // this(기본 속성)의 속성을 사용하지 않는 경우 customProperties 메서드(사용할 수 있는 경우)를 사용합니다.\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // 기본 속성을 반환하지 않는 경우 customDescription 메서드(사용할 수 있는 경우)를 사용합니다.\r\n\r\n 사용되지 않음: 이 구현은 https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/102181에 설명된 방식으로 이 기능을 구현할 때까지 사용되는 이 기능의 임시 구현입니다.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 425f1435d4..699c66e572 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ "typescript.findAllFileReferences": "파일 참조 찾기", "typescript.format.enable": "기본 TypeScript 포맷터를 사용하거나 사용하지 않습니다.", "typescript.implementationsCodeLens.enabled": "CodeLens 구현을 사용하거나 사용하지 않습니다. 이 CodeLens는 인터페이스의 구현자를 표시합니다.", - "typescript.locale": "JavaScript 및 TypeScript 오류를 신고하는 데 사용하는 로캘을 설정합니다. 기본값 'null'을 설정하면 VS Code의 로캘이 사용됩니다.", + "typescript.locale": "Sets the locale used to report JavaScript and TypeScript errors. Defaults to use VS Code's locale.", "typescript.npm": "[자동 형식 인식]에 사용되는 npm 실행 파일의 경로를 지정합니다(https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/working-with-javascript#_typings-and-automatic-type-acquisition).", "typescript.openTsServerLog.title": "TS 서버 로그 열기", "typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier": "자동 가져오기의 기본 경로 스타일입니다.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json index 0a67a16398..8b37a9df0a 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "autoClosingQuotes": "사용자가 여는 따옴표를 추가한 후 편집기에서 따옴표를 자동으로 닫을지 여부를 제어합니다.", "autoIndent": "사용자가 줄을 입력, 붙여넣기, 이동 또는 들여쓰기 할 때 편집기에서 들여쓰기를 자동으로 조정하도록 할지 여부를 제어합니다.", "autoSurround": "따옴표 또는 대괄호 입력 시 편집기가 자동으로 선택 영역을 둘러쌀지 여부를 제어합니다.", + "bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Controls whether bracket pair colorization is enabled or not.", "codeActions": "편집기에서 코드 동작 전구를 사용하도록 설정합니다.", "codeLens": "편집기에서 CodeLens를 표시할 것인지 여부를 제어합니다.", "codeLensFontFamily": "CodeLens의 글꼴 패밀리를 제어합니다.", @@ -585,6 +586,12 @@ "deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "ID는 사용되지 않습니다. 대신 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground'를 사용하세요.", "editorActiveIndentGuide": "활성 편집기 들여쓰기 안내선 색입니다.", "editorActiveLineNumber": "편집기 활성 영역 줄번호 색상", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Foreground color of brackets (1).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Foreground color of brackets (2).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Foreground color of brackets (3).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Foreground color of brackets (4).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Foreground color of brackets (5).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Foreground color of brackets (6).", "editorBracketMatchBackground": "일치하는 괄호 뒤의 배경색", "editorBracketMatchBorder": "일치하는 브래킷 박스의 색상", "editorCodeLensForeground": "편집기 코드 렌즈의 전경색입니다.", @@ -905,6 +912,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": { "acceptInlineSuggestion": "수락", + "inlineSuggestionFollows": "Suggestion:", "showNextInlineSuggestion": "다음", "showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "이전" }, @@ -1547,6 +1555,8 @@ "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.osx": "macOS에서 사용되는 기본 프로필입니다. 현재 {0} 또는 {1}(으)로 설정된 경우 이 설정은 무시됩니다.", "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.windows": "Windows에서 사용되는 기본 프로필입니다. 현재 {0} 또는 {1}(으)로 설정된 경우 이 설정은 무시됩니다.", "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": "새 셸에서 $PATH 및 기타 개발 변수가 초기화되도록 로그인 셸을 제공할 수 있는 VS Code에서 환경을 상속해야 하는지 여부입니다. 이는 Windows에는 영향을 주지 않습니다.", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionExperimentalSerializer": "Whether to use a more efficient experimental approach for restoring the terminal's buffer. This setting requires a restart to take effect.", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionScrollback": "Controls the maximum amount of lines that will be restored when reconnecting to a persistent terminal session. Increasing this will restore more lines of scrollback at the cost of more memory and increase the time it takes to connect to terminals on start up. This setting requires a restart to take effect and should be set to a value less than or equal to `#terminal.integrated.scrollback#`.", "terminal.integrated.profile.linux": "터미널 드롭다운을 통해 새 터미널을 만들 때 표시할 Linux 프로필입니다. 설정하면 감지되는 기본 프로필이 재정의됩니다. {0} 및 선택적 {1}(으)로 구성됩니다.", "terminal.integrated.profile.osx": "터미널 드롭다운을 통해 새 터미널을 만들 때 표시할 macOS 프로필입니다. 설정하면 감지되는 기본 프로필이 재정의됩니다. {0} 및 선택적 {1}(으)로 구성됩니다.", "terminal.integrated.profiles.windows": "터미널 드롭다운을 통해 새 터미널을 만들 때 표시할 Windows 프로필입니다. 해당 프로필을 제외하려면 null로 설정하고, 감지되는 기본 구성을 사용하려면 {0} 속성을 사용합니다. 또는 {1} 및 선택적 {2}을(를) 설정합니다.", @@ -2530,6 +2540,7 @@ "missing.command": "메뉴 항목이 '명령' 섹션에 정의되지 않은 `{0}` 명령을 참조합니다.", "missing.submenu": "메뉴 항목이 '하위 메뉴' 섹션에 정의되지 않은 `{0}` 하위 메뉴를 참조합니다.", "nonempty": "비어 있지 않은 값이 필요합니다.", + "notebook.cell.execute": "The contributed notebook cell execution menu", "notebook.cell.title": "제공된 Notebook 셀 제목 메뉴", "notebook.toolbar": "제공된 Notebook 도구 모음 메뉴", "opticon": "'icon' 속성은 생략하거나, '{dark, light}' 같은 문자열 또는 리터럴이어야 합니다.", @@ -2720,10 +2731,15 @@ "closeWorkspace": "작업 영역 닫기", "duplicateWorkspace": "중복 작업 영역", "duplicateWorkspaceInNewWindow": "새 창에 작업 영역으로 복제", + "filesCategory": "File", "globalRemoveFolderFromWorkspace": "작업 영역에서 폴더 제거...", "miAddFolderToWorkspace": "작업 영역에 폴더 추가(&&D)...", "miCloseFolder": "폴더 닫기(&&F)", "miCloseWorkspace": "작업 영역 닫기(&&W)", + "miOpen": "&&Open...", + "miOpenFile": "&&Open File...", + "miOpenFolder": "Open &&Folder...", + "miOpenWorkspace": "Open Wor&&kspace...", "miSaveWorkspaceAs": "작업 영역을 다른 이름으로 저장...", "noWorkspaceOrFolderOpened": "현재 이 인스턴스에 열려 있는 작업 영역 또는 폴더가 없습니다.", "openFile": "파일 열기...", @@ -2935,7 +2951,6 @@ "pinEditor": "편집기 고정", "previousChangeIcon": "Diff 편집기에서 이전 변경 작업의 아이콘입니다.", "reopenWith": "편집기 다시 열기...", - "run": "실행 또는 디버그...", "showOpenedEditors": "열려 있는 편집기 표시", "showTrimWhitespace.label": "선행/후행 공백 차이 표시", "sideBySideEditor": "병렬 편집기", @@ -3063,6 +3078,15 @@ "groupLabel": "{0} 그룹", "ok": "확인" }, + "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorPlaceholder": { + "manageTrust": "Manage Workspace Trust", + "requiresFolderTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the folder.", + "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the workspace.", + "retry": "Try Open Again", + "trustRequiredEditor": "Workspace Trust Required", + "unavailableEditor": "Unavailable Editor", + "unavailableEditorText": "The editor could not be opened due to an error or an unavailable resource." + }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorQuickAccess": { "closeEditor": "편집기 닫기", "entryAriaLabelDirty": "{0}, 더티", @@ -3080,7 +3104,6 @@ "configureModeSettings": "'{0}' 언어 기반 설정 구성...", "currentAssociation": "현재 연결", "currentProblem": "현재 문제", - "detectedLanguagesPicks": "검색된 언어(식별자)", "disableColumnSelectionMode": "열 선택 모드 사용 안 함", "disableTabMode": "접근성 모드 사용 안 함", "endOfLineCarriageReturnLineFeed": "CRLF", @@ -3092,7 +3115,6 @@ "indentView": "보기 변경", "languageDescription": "({0}) - 구성된 언어", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", - "languageDescriptionCurrent": "({0}) - 현재 언어", "languagesPicks": "언어(식별자)", "multiSelection": "{0} 선택 항목", "multiSelectionRange": "{0} 선택 항목({1}자 선택됨)", @@ -3148,12 +3170,6 @@ "ariaLabelEditorActions": "편집기 작업", "draggedEditorGroup": "{0}(+{1})" }, - "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/workspaceTrustRequiredEditor": { - "manageTrust": "작업 영역 신뢰 관리", - "requiresFolderTrustText": "폴더에 신뢰가 부여되지 않았으므로 파일이 편집기에 표시되지 않습니다.", - "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "작업 영역에 신뢰가 부여되지 않았으므로 파일이 편집기에 표시되지 않습니다.", - "trustRequiredEditor": "작업 영역 신뢰 필요" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/notifications/notificationsActions": { "clearAllIcon": "알림에서 모두 지우기 작업의 아이콘입니다.", "clearIcon": "알림에서 지우기 작업의 아이콘입니다.", @@ -4133,7 +4149,7 @@ "editBreakpoint": "{0} 편집...", "editBreakpoints": "중단점 편집", "editInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "{0} 열에서 인라인 중단점 편집", - "editLineBrekapoint": "줄 중단점 편집", + "editLineBreakpoint": "Edit Line Breakpoint", "enable": "사용", "enableBreakpoint": "{0} 사용", "enableBreakpointOnLine": "줄 중단점 사용", @@ -4145,7 +4161,8 @@ "removeBreakpoints": "중단점 제거", "removeInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "{0} 열에서 인라인 중단점 제거", "removeLineBreakpoint": "줄 중단점 제거", - "removeLogPoint": "{0} 제거" + "removeLogPoint": "{0} 제거", + "runToLine": "Run to Line" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/breakpointWidget": { "breakpointType": "중단점 형식", @@ -4240,6 +4257,7 @@ "copyAsExpression": "식으로 복사", "copyStackTrace": "호출 스택 복사", "copyValue": "값 복사", + "debug.console.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on enter in the debug console. enter is also used to evaluate whatever is typed in the debug console.", "debug.console.closeOnEnd": "디버그 세션이 종료될 때 디버그 콘솔을 자동으로 닫을지 여부를 제어합니다.", "debug.console.collapseIdenticalLines": "디버그 콘솔에서 같은 줄을 축소하고 발생 횟수를 배지로 표시해야 할지를 제어합니다.", "debug.console.fontFamily": "디버그 콘솔에서 글꼴 패밀리를 제어합니다.", @@ -4291,6 +4309,7 @@ "prompt": "프롬프트 사용자입니다.", "removeWatchExpression": "식 제거", "restartFrame": "프레임 다시 시작", + "run": "Run or Debug...", "run and debug": "실행 및 디버그", "setValue": "값 설정", "showBreakpointsInOverviewRuler": "중단점을 개요 눈금자에 표시할지 여부를 제어합니다.", @@ -4473,6 +4492,7 @@ "installAdditionalDebuggers": "{0} 확장 설치", "launchJsonDoesNotExist": "전달된 작업 영역 폴더에 'launch.json'이 없습니다.", "multipleConfigurationNamesInWorkspace": "작업 영역에 시작 구성 '{0}'이(가) 여러 개 있습니다. 폴더 이름을 사용하여 구성을 한정하세요.", + "multipleSession": "'{0}' is already running. Do you want to start another instance?", "nActiveSessions": "{0}개의 활성 세션", "noConfigurationNameInWorkspace": "작업 영역에서 시작 구성 '{0}'을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.", "noFolderWithName": "복합형 '{2}'의 구성 '{1}'에 대해 이름이 '{0}'인 폴더를 찾을 수 없습니다.", @@ -4518,11 +4538,9 @@ "startAdditionalSession": "추가 세션 시작" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/disassemblyView": { - "breakpointAllowed": "중단점 설정 가능", - "breakpointIsSet": "중단점이 설정됨", "disassemblyView": "디스어셈블리 보기", - "instructionAddress": "명령 주소", - "instructionBytes": "명령 바이트", + "instructionAddress": "Address", + "instructionBytes": "Bytes", "instructionText": "명령" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/exceptionWidget": { @@ -4596,6 +4614,7 @@ "addWatchExpression": "식 추가", "collapse": "모두 축소", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "모든 식 제거", + "typeNewValue": "Type new value", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "조사식 디버그", "watchExpressionAriaLabel": "{0}, 값 {1}", "watchExpressionInputAriaLabel": "조사식 입력", @@ -4630,6 +4649,7 @@ "callStackSessionIsAttach": "CALL STACK 뷰의 세션이 attach이면 true이고, 그렇지 않으면 false입니다. CALL STACK 뷰의 인라인 메뉴에 내부적으로 사용됩니다.", "debugConfigurationType": "선택한 시작 구성의 디버그 형식입니다. 예: 'python'.", "debugProtocolVariableMenuContext": "VARIABLES 뷰의 포커스가 있는 변수에서 디버그 어댑터가 설정하는 컨텍스트를 나타냅니다.", + "debugSetExpressionSupported": "True when the focused session supports 'setExpression' request.", "debugSetVariableSupported": "포커스가 있는 세션이 'setVariable' 요청을 지원하는 경우 true입니다.", "debugState": "포커스가 있는 디버그 세션의 상태입니다. 'inactive', 'initializing', 'stopped', 'running' 중 하나입니다.", "debugType": "활성 디버그 세션의 디버그 형식입니다. 예: 'python'.", @@ -4656,7 +4676,8 @@ "stepBackSupported": "포커스가 있는 세션이 'stepBack' 요청을 지원하는 경우 true입니다.", "stepIntoTargetsSupported": "포커스가 있는 세션이 'stepIntoTargets' 요청을 지원하는 경우 true입니다.", "terminateDebuggeeSupported": "포커스가 있는 세션에서 디버기 종료 기능을 지원하는 경우 True입니다.", - "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "포커스가 있는 변수에 'evalauteName' 필드 집합이 있는 경우 true입니다.", + "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "True when the focused variable has an 'evalauteName' field set.", + "variableIsReadonly": "True when the focused variable is readonly.", "variablesFocused": "VARIABLES 뷰에 포커스가 있으면 true이고, 그렇지 않으면 false입니다.", "watchExpressionsExist": "하나 이상의 조사식이 있으면 true이고, 그렇지 않으면 false입니다.", "watchExpressionsFocused": "WATCH 뷰에 포커스가 있으면 true이고, 그렇지 않으면 false입니다.", @@ -5516,16 +5537,11 @@ "cut": "잘라내기", "deleteFile": "영구히 삭제", "explorerOpenWith": "연결 프로그램...", - "file": "파일", "filesCategory": "파일", "miAutoSave": "자동 저장(&&U)", "miCloseEditor": "편집기 닫기(&&C)", "miGotoFile": "파일로 이동(&&F)...", "miNewFile": "새 파일(&&N)", - "miOpen": "열기(&&O)...", - "miOpenFile": "파일 열기(&&O)...", - "miOpenFolder": "폴더 열기(&&F)...", - "miOpenWorkspace": "작업 영역 열기(&&K)...", "miRevert": "파일 되돌리기(&&V)", "miSave": "저장(&&S)", "miSaveAll": "모두 저장(&&L)", @@ -5538,8 +5554,7 @@ "revertLocalChanges": "변경 내용을 취소하고 파일 콘텐츠로 되돌리기", "saveAll": "모두 저장", "saveAllInGroup": "그룹으로 모두 저장", - "saveFiles": "파일 모두 저장", - "workspaces": "작업 영역" + "saveFiles": "파일 모두 저장" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/fileCommands": { "discard": "취소", @@ -5876,11 +5891,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/markers/browser/markersTreeViewer": { "collapsedIcon": "마커 보기에서 여러 줄이 축소되었음을 나타내는 아이콘입니다.", "expandedIcon": "마커 보기에서 여러 줄이 표시되었음을 나타내는 아이콘입니다.", - "links.navigate.follow": "링크로 이동", - "links.navigate.kb.alt": "Alt+클릭", - "links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "Option+클릭", - "links.navigate.kb.meta": "Ctrl+클릭", - "links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "Cmd+클릭", "multi line": "메시지를 여러 줄로 표시", "problemsView": "문제 보기", "single line": "메시지를 한 줄로 표시" @@ -5981,6 +5991,7 @@ "notebookActions.editCell": "셀 편집", "notebookActions.execute": "셀 실행", "notebookActions.executeAbove": "위의 셀 실행", + "notebookActions.executeAndFocusContainer": "Execute Cell and Focus Container", "notebookActions.executeAndInsertBelow": "Notebook 셀 실행 및 아래에 삽입", "notebookActions.executeAndSelectBelow": "Notebook 셀 실행 및 아래에서 선택", "notebookActions.executeBelow": "셀 실행 및 아래", @@ -5988,8 +5999,10 @@ "notebookActions.expandCellInput": "셀 입력 확장", "notebookActions.expandCellOutput": "셀 출력 확장", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAbove": "위에 코드 셀 삽입", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAboveAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Above and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAtTop": "위쪽에 코드 셀 추가", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelow": "아래에 코드 셀 삽입", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Below and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAbove": "위에 Markdown 셀 삽입", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAtTop": "위쪽에 Markdown 셀 추가", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellBelow": "아래에 Markdown 셀 삽입", @@ -6199,9 +6212,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookKernelActionViewItem": { "select": "커널 선택" }, - 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"vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalEditor": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0}(기본값)", - "terminal.new": "새 터미널" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalIcons": { "configureTerminalProfileIcon": "새 터미널 프로필을 만드는 아이콘입니다.", "killTerminalIcon": "터미널 인스턴스 종료 아이콘입니다.", @@ -7790,10 +7802,12 @@ "yes": "예" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalMenus": { + "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (Default)", "miNewTerminal": "새 터미널(&&N)", "miRunActiveFile": "활성 파일 실행(&&A)", "miRunSelectedText": "선택한 텍스트 실행(&&S)", "miSplitTerminal": "분할 터미널(&&S)", + "terminal.new": "New Terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.changeColor": "색 변경...", "workbench.action.terminal.changeIcon": "아이콘 변경...", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "지우기", @@ -7845,9 +7859,7 @@ "terminalInputAriaLabel": "터미널 이름을 입력합니다. Enter 키를 눌러 확인하거나 Esc 키를 눌러 취소합니다." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalView": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0}(기본값)", "terminal.monospaceOnly": "터미널은 고정 폭 글꼴만 지원합니다. 새로 설치한 글꼴인 경우 VS Code를 다시 시작해야 합니다.", - "terminal.new": "새 터미널", "terminal.useMonospace": "'고정 폭' 사용", "terminalConnectingLabel": "시작 중...", "terminals": "터미널을 엽니다." @@ -7856,12 +7868,13 @@ "terminalCategory": "터미널", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal": "터미널 기능에 기여합니다.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles": "사용자가 만들 수 있는 추가 터미널 프로필을 정의합니다.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.icon": "이 터미널 프로필과 연결할 codicon입니다.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.id": "터미널 프로필 공급자의 ID입니다.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.title": "이 터미널 프로필의 제목입니다.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types": "사용자가 만들 수 있는 추가 터미널 형식을 정의합니다.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.command": "사용자가 이 형식의 터미널을 만들 때 실행할 명령입니다.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "이 터미널 형식과 연결할 codicon입니다.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "A codicon, URI, or light and dark URIs to associate with this terminal type.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "Icon path when a dark theme is used", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "Icon path when a light theme is used", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.title": "이 형식의 터미널 제목입니다." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { @@ -8038,14 +8051,14 @@ "configureProfile": "업데이트할 프로필 선택", "debug test": "테스트 디버그", "debugAllTests": "모든 테스트 디버그", - "debugSelectedTests": "선택한 테스트 디버그", + "debugSelectedTests": "Debug Tests", "discoveringTests": "테스트를 검색하는 중", "hideTest": "테스트 숨기기", "noDebugTestProvider": "이 작업 영역에서 디버깅 가능한 테스트를 찾을 수 없습니다. 테스트 공급자 확장을 설치해야 할 수 있습니다.", "noTestProvider": "이 작업 영역에서 테스트를 찾을 수 없습니다. 테스트 공급자 확장을 설치해야 할 수 있습니다.", "run test": "테스트 실행", "runAllTests": "모든 테스트 실행", - "runSelectedTests": "선택한 테스트 실행", + "runSelectedTests": "Run Tests", "testing.cancelRun": "테스트 실행 취소", "testing.clearResults": "모든 결과 지우기", "testing.collapseAll": "모든 테스트 축소", @@ -8066,6 +8079,7 @@ "testing.showMostRecentOutput": "출력 표시", "testing.sortByLocation": "위치별 정렬", "testing.sortByStatus": "상태별 정렬", + "testing.toggleInlineTestOutput": "Toggle Inline Test Output", "testing.turnOffAutoRun": "자동 실행 끄기", "testing.turnOnAutoRun": "자동 실행 켜기", "testing.viewAsList": "목록으로 보기", @@ -8084,8 +8098,10 @@ "updateTestConfiguration": "테스트 구성 업데이트" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingDecorations": { + "actual.title": "Actual:", "debug all test": "모든 테스트 디버그", "debug test": "테스트 디버그", + "expected.title": "Expected:", "peek failure": "오류 피킹", "peekTestOutout": "테스트 출력 피킹", "reveal test": "테스트 탐색기에 표시", @@ -8126,6 +8142,7 @@ "testing.goToFile": "파일로 이동", "testing.goToNextMessage": "다음 테스트 실패로 이동", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "이전 테스트 실패로 이동", + "testing.openMessageInEditor": "Open in Editor", "testing.reRunLastRun": "테스트 실행 다시 실행", "testing.revealInExplorer": "테스트 탐색기에 표시", "testing.showResultOutput": "결과 출력 표시", @@ -8159,12 +8176,8 @@ "testing.iconUnset": "테스트 탐색기에서 '설정 해제' 아이콘의 색입니다.", "testing.message.error.decorationForeground": "편집기에 인라인으로 표시되는 테스트 오류 메시지의 텍스트 색입니다.", "testing.message.error.marginBackground": "편집기에 인라인으로 표시되는 오류 메시지 옆의 여백 색입니다.", - 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"testing.followRunningTest": "테스트 탐색기 보기에서 실행 중인 테스트를 따라야 하는지 여부를 제어합니다." + "testing.followRunningTest": "테스트 탐색기 보기에서 실행 중인 테스트를 따라야 하는지 여부를 제어합니다.", + "testing.gutterEnabled": "Controls whether test decorations are shown in the editor gutter." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/constants": { "testGroup.coverage": "적용 범위", @@ -8561,7 +8576,6 @@ "recent": "최근 항목", "show more recents": "최근 폴더 모두 표시 {0}", "showAll": "자세히...", - "showAllWalkthroughs": "연습 열기...", "start": "시작", "walkthroughs": "연습", "welcome": "시작", @@ -8571,8 +8585,6 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted.contribution": { "Welcome": "시작", - "gettingStarted.goNext": "다음", - "gettingStarted.goPrev": "이전", "help": "도움말", "pickWalkthroughs": "연습 열기...", "welcome": "시작", @@ -8583,6 +8595,16 @@ "workbench.welcomePage.preferReducedMotion": "사용하도록 설정하면 시작 페이지에서 동작을 줄입니다.", "workbench.welcomePage.walkthroughs.openOnInstall": "활성화되면 확장 프로그램을 설치할 때 확장 프로그램의 안내 기능이 열립니다." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedColors": { + "welcomePage.background": "Background color for the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonBackground": "Background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.progress.background": "Foreground color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.progress.foreground": "Background color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.tileBackground": "Background color for the tiles on the Get Started page.", + "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the tiles on the Get Started.", + "welcomePage.tileShadow": "Shadow color for the Welcome page walkthrough category buttons." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedExtensionPoint": { "pathDeprecated": "더 이상 사용되지 않습니다. 대신 `이미지` 또는 `Markdown`을 사용하세요.", "removed": "제거됨, 메뉴 사용 => 대신 file/newFile 기여 지점", @@ -8734,74 +8756,6 @@ "welcomeOverlay.search": "전체 파일 검색", "welcomeOverlay.terminal": "통합 터미널 설정/해제" }, - 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"signingInEnterprise": "$(mark-github) Trwa logowanie do usługi {0}...", - "status.git.signIn.name": "Logowanie do usługi GitHub" + "status.git.signIn.name": "Logowanie do usługi GitHub", + "validUri": "Please enter a valid Uri from the GitHub login page." }, "package": { "description": "Dostawca uwierzytelniania usługi GitHub", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 6966795452..6349cc4693 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ "configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Konfiguruje wzorce glob w celu określenia, kiedy należy dołączyć w trybie „inteligentnym” `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#`. Element `$KNOWN_TOOLS$` jest zastępowany listą nazw wspólnych modułów uruchamiających testy i kod. [Przeczytaj więcej w dokumentacji programu VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/nodejs-debugging#_auto-attach-smart-patterns).", "configuration.autoExpandGetters": "Konfiguruje, czy metody pobierające właściwości będą rozwijane automatycznie. W przypadku wartości false metoda pobierająca będzie wyświetlana jako „get propertyName” i zostanie przetworzona tylko wtedy, gdy ją klikniesz.", "configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "Podczas debugowania zdalnej aplikacji internetowej konfiguruje, czy automatycznie tunelować serwer zdalny do maszyny lokalnej.", - "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Czy zatrzymać, gdy warunkowe punkty przerwania zgłoszą błąd. Uwaga: wartość „type” w pliku launch.json musi mieć przedrostek „pwa-”, aby tego użyć, na przykład „pwa-node”.", + "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Opcje używane przy debugowaniu otwartych linków, które zostały kliknięte w obrębie terminalu debugowania języka JavaScript. Można wybrać opcję „off”, aby wyłączyć to zachowanie, lub „always”, aby włączyć debugowanie we wszystkich terminalach.", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Domyślny element `runtimeExecutable` używany na potrzeby konfiguracji uruchamiania, jeśli nie określono. Za jego pomocą można konfigurować ścieżki niestandardowe do instalacji przeglądarki lub platformy Node.js.", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Gdzie wskaźniki CodeLens „Run” i „Debug” powinny być wyświetlane w skryptach menedżera npm. Dopuszczalne wartości: wszystkie skrypty („all”), na górze sekcji skryptu („top”) lub nigdy („never”).", @@ -337,7 +337,6 @@ "configuration.suggestPrettyPrinting": "Określa, czy zaproponować widok strukturalny kodu JavaScript, który będzie zminimalizowany po wkroczeniu do niego.", "configuration.terminalOptions": "Domyślne opcje uruchamiania dla terminali debugowania JavaScript i skryptów npm.", "configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Określa, czy mapowanie pliku, w przypadku którego przeprowadzono mapowanie źródła, zostanie automatycznie usunięte, gdy nie można odczytać oryginalnego pliku. Jeśli zostanie podana wartość false (domyślna), będzie wyświetlany monit.", - "configuration.usePreview": "Użyj nowego debugera języka JavaScript w wersji zapoznawczej dla oprogramowania Node.js i przeglądarki Chrome.", "createDiagnostics.label": "Diagnozuj problemy z punktem przerwania", "customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Dostosuj opis tekstowy debugera wyświetlany dla obiektów (zmienne lokalne itp.). Przykłady:\r\n 1. this.toString() // wywoła metodę toString, aby wydrukować wszystkie obiekty\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription () : DefaultValue // Używa metody customDescription, jeśli jest dostępna; jeśli nie, zwraca atrybut DefaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Używa metody customDescription, jeśli jest dostępna; jeśli nie, zwraca atrybut DefaultValue\r\n ", "customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Dostosuj właściwości wyświetlane dla obiektu w debugerze (zmienne lokalne itp.). Przykłady:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Dodaj właściwość extraProperty 12345 do wszystkich obiektów\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Użyj metody customProperties, jeśli jest dostępna; w przeciwnym razie użyj właściwości w elemencie this (właściwości domyślnych)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Użyj metody customDescription, jeśli jest dostępna; w przeciwnym razie zwróć właściwości domyślne\r\n\r\n Przestarzałe: to jest tymczasowa implementacja tej funkcji, dopóki nie znajdziemy czasu na jej zaimplementowanie w sposób opisany tutaj: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/102181", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json index ebd2b1f7f7..a902bf32d3 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ "typescript.findAllFileReferences": "Znajdź odwołania do pliku", "typescript.format.enable": "Włącz/wyłącz domyślny program formatujący języka TypeScript.", "typescript.implementationsCodeLens.enabled": "Włącz/wyłącz funkcję CodeLens dla implementacji. Ta funkcja CodeLens pokazuje elementy implementujące interfejs.", - "typescript.locale": "Ustawia ustawienia regionalne służące do raportowania błędów języków JavaScript i TypeScript. Domyślna wartość „null” powoduje użycie ustawień regionalnych programu VS Code.", + "typescript.locale": "Sets the locale used to report JavaScript and TypeScript errors. Defaults to use VS Code's locale.", "typescript.npm": "Określa ścieżkę do pliku wykonywalnego pakietu npm używanego na potrzeby [Automatic Type Acquisition] (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/working-with-javascript#_typings-and-automatic-type-acquisition).", "typescript.openTsServerLog.title": "Otwórz dziennik serwera języka TS", "typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier": "Preferowany styl ścieżki dla importów automatycznych.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json index eada87e193..9fc87a69c1 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "autoClosingQuotes": "Określa, czy edytor ma automatycznie zamykać cudzysłowy po dodaniu przez użytkownika cudzysłowu otwierającego.", "autoIndent": "Określa, czy edytor powinien automatycznie dostosowywać wcięcie, gdy użytkownik wpisuje, wkleja, przenosi lub wcina wiersze.", "autoSurround": "Określa, czy edytor ma automatycznie otaczać zaznaczenia podczas wpisywania cudzysłowów lub nawiasów.", + "bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Controls whether bracket pair colorization is enabled or not.", "codeActions": "Włącza żarówkę akcji kodu w edytorze.", "codeLens": "Określa, czy w edytorze są wyświetlane wskaźniki CodeLens.", "codeLensFontFamily": "Określa rodziną czcionek dla funkcji CodeLens.", @@ -585,6 +586,12 @@ "deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "Identyfikator jest przestarzały. Zamiast tego użyj właściwości „editorLineNumber.activeForeground”.", "editorActiveIndentGuide": "Kolor aktywnych prowadnic wcięć edytora.", "editorActiveLineNumber": "Kolor aktywnego numeru wiersza edytora", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Foreground color of brackets (1).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Foreground color of brackets (2).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Foreground color of brackets (3).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Foreground color of brackets (4).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Foreground color of brackets (5).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Foreground color of brackets (6).", "editorBracketMatchBackground": "Kolor tła za pasującymi nawiasami", "editorBracketMatchBorder": "Kolor pól pasujących nawiasów", "editorCodeLensForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu wskaźników CodeLens edytora", @@ -905,6 +912,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": { "acceptInlineSuggestion": "Akceptuj", + "inlineSuggestionFollows": "Suggestion:", "showNextInlineSuggestion": "Następne", "showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "Poprzednie" }, @@ -1547,6 +1555,8 @@ "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.osx": "Profil domyślny używany w systemie MacOS. Obecnie to ustawienie będzie ignorowane, jeśli ustawiono wartość {0} lub {1}.", "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.windows": "Profil domyślny używany w systemie Windows. Obecnie to ustawienie będzie ignorowane, jeśli ustawiono {0} lub {1}.", "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": "Określa, czy nowe powłoki powinny dziedziczyć swoje środowisko z programu VS Code, co może spowodować utworzenie powłoki logowania w celu zapewnienia zainicjowania $PATH i innych zmiennych programistycznych. Nie ma to wpływu na system Windows.", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionExperimentalSerializer": "Whether to use a more efficient experimental approach for restoring the terminal's buffer. This setting requires a restart to take effect.", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionScrollback": "Controls the maximum amount of lines that will be restored when reconnecting to a persistent terminal session. Increasing this will restore more lines of scrollback at the cost of more memory and increase the time it takes to connect to terminals on start up. This setting requires a restart to take effect and should be set to a value less than or equal to `#terminal.integrated.scrollback#`.", "terminal.integrated.profile.linux": "Profile systemu Linux do wyświetlania podczas tworzenia nowego terminalu za pomocą listy rozwijanej terminali. Po ustawieniu te wartości zastąpią domyślne wykryte profile. Składają się one z kluczy {0} i, opcjonalnie, {1}", "terminal.integrated.profile.osx": "Profile systemu macOS do wyświetlania podczas tworzenia nowego terminalu za pomocą listy rozwijanej terminali. Po ustawieniu te wartości zastąpią domyślne wykryte profile. Składają się one z kluczy {0} i, opcjonalnie, {1}", "terminal.integrated.profiles.windows": "Profile systemu Windows do wyświetlania podczas tworzenia nowego terminalu za pomocą listy rozwijanej terminali. Ustaw wartość null, aby je wykluczyć, lub użyj właściwości {0}, aby zastosować domyślną wykrytą konfigurację. Alternatywnie możesz ustawić klucze {1} i, opcjonalnie, {2}", @@ -2530,6 +2540,7 @@ "missing.command": "Element menu odwołuje się do polecenia „{0}”, które nie jest zdefiniowane w sekcji „commands”.", "missing.submenu": "Element menu odwołuje się do podmenu „{0}”, które nie jest zdefiniowane w sekcji „submenus”.", "nonempty": "oczekiwano niepustej wartości.", + "notebook.cell.execute": "The contributed notebook cell execution menu", "notebook.cell.title": "Menu tytułowe dodanej komórki notesu", "notebook.toolbar": "Dodane menu paska narzędzi notesu", "opticon": "właściwość „icon” może zostać pominięta lub musi być ciągiem lub literałem, takim jak „{ciemny, jasny}”", @@ -2720,10 +2731,15 @@ "closeWorkspace": "Zamknij obszar roboczy", "duplicateWorkspace": "Duplikuj obszar roboczy", "duplicateWorkspaceInNewWindow": "Zduplikuj jako obszar roboczy w nowym oknie", + "filesCategory": "File", "globalRemoveFolderFromWorkspace": "Usuń folder z obszaru roboczego...", "miAddFolderToWorkspace": "Do&&daj folder do obszaru roboczego...", "miCloseFolder": "Zamknij &&folder", "miCloseWorkspace": "Zamknij &&obszar roboczy", + "miOpen": "&&Open...", + "miOpenFile": "&&Open File...", + "miOpenFolder": "Open &&Folder...", + "miOpenWorkspace": "Open Wor&&kspace...", "miSaveWorkspaceAs": "Zapisz obszar roboczy jako...", "noWorkspaceOrFolderOpened": "Obecnie nie ma żadnego obszaru roboczego lub folderu otwartego w tym wystąpieniu do zamknięcia.", "openFile": "Otwórz plik...", @@ -2935,7 +2951,6 @@ "pinEditor": "Przypnij edytor", "previousChangeIcon": "Ikona akcji przechodzenia do poprzedniej zmiany w edytorze różnic.", "reopenWith": "Otwórz ponownie edytor za pomocą...", - "run": "Uruchom lub debuguj...", "showOpenedEditors": "Pokaż otwarte edytory", "showTrimWhitespace.label": "Pokaż różnice wiodących/końcowych białych znaków", "sideBySideEditor": "Edytor w trybie obok siebie", @@ -3063,6 +3078,15 @@ "groupLabel": "Grupa {0}", "ok": "OK" }, + "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorPlaceholder": { + "manageTrust": "Manage Workspace Trust", + "requiresFolderTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the folder.", + "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the workspace.", + "retry": "Try Open Again", + "trustRequiredEditor": "Workspace Trust Required", + "unavailableEditor": "Unavailable Editor", + "unavailableEditorText": "The editor could not be opened due to an error or an unavailable resource." + }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorQuickAccess": { "closeEditor": "Zamknij edytor", "entryAriaLabelDirty": "{0}, zmodyfikowana zawartość", @@ -3080,7 +3104,6 @@ "configureModeSettings": "Konfiguruj ustawienia oparte na języku „{0}”...", "currentAssociation": "Bieżące skojarzenie", "currentProblem": "Bieżący problem", - "detectedLanguagesPicks": "wykryte języki (identyfikator)", "disableColumnSelectionMode": "Wyłącz tryb zaznaczania kolumny", "disableTabMode": "Wyłącz tryb ułatwień dostępu", "endOfLineCarriageReturnLineFeed": "CRLF", @@ -3092,7 +3115,6 @@ "indentView": "zmienianie widoku", "languageDescription": "({0}) — skonfigurowany język", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", - "languageDescriptionCurrent": "({0}) — bieżący język", "languagesPicks": "języki (identyfikator)", "multiSelection": "zaznaczenia: {0}", "multiSelectionRange": "zaznaczenia: {0} (zaznaczone znaki: {1})", @@ -3148,12 +3170,6 @@ "ariaLabelEditorActions": "Akcje edytora", "draggedEditorGroup": "{0} (+{1})" }, - "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/workspaceTrustRequiredEditor": { - "manageTrust": "Zarządzaj zaufaniem obszaru roboczego", - "requiresFolderTrustText": "Plik nie jest wyświetlany w edytorze, ponieważ nie udzielono zaufania do danego folderu.", - "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "Plik nie jest wyświetlany w edytorze, ponieważ nie udzielono zaufania obszarowi roboczemu.", - "trustRequiredEditor": "Wymagane jest zaufanie do obszaru roboczego" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/notifications/notificationsActions": { "clearAllIcon": "Ikona akcji czyszczenia wszystkiego w powiadomieniach.", "clearIcon": "Ikona akcji czyszczenia w powiadomieniach.", @@ -4133,7 +4149,7 @@ "editBreakpoint": "Edytuj element {0}...", "editBreakpoints": "Edytuj punkty przerwania", "editInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "Edytuj wewnętrzny punkt przerwania w kolumnie {0}", - "editLineBrekapoint": "Edytuj punkt przerwania w wierszu", + "editLineBreakpoint": "Edit Line Breakpoint", "enable": "Włącz", "enableBreakpoint": "Włącz {0}", "enableBreakpointOnLine": "Włącz punkt przerwania w wierszu", @@ -4145,7 +4161,8 @@ "removeBreakpoints": "Usuń punkty przerwania", "removeInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "Usuń wewnętrzny punkt przerwania w kolumnie {0}", "removeLineBreakpoint": "Usuń punkt przerwania wiersza", - "removeLogPoint": "Usuń element {0}" + "removeLogPoint": "Usuń element {0}", + "runToLine": "Run to Line" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/breakpointWidget": { "breakpointType": "Typ punktu przerwania", @@ -4240,6 +4257,7 @@ "copyAsExpression": "Kopiuj jako wyrażenie", "copyStackTrace": "Kopiuj stos wywołań", "copyValue": "Kopiuj wartość", + "debug.console.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on enter in the debug console. enter is also used to evaluate whatever is typed in the debug console.", "debug.console.closeOnEnd": "Określa, czy konsola debugowania ma zostać automatycznie zamknięta po zakończeniu sesji debugowania.", "debug.console.collapseIdenticalLines": "Określa, czy konsola debugowania ma zwijać identyczne wiersze i wyświetlać liczbę wystąpień ze wskaźnikiem.", "debug.console.fontFamily": "Kontroluje rodzinę czcionek w konsoli debugowania.", @@ -4291,6 +4309,7 @@ "prompt": "Monituj użytkownika.", "removeWatchExpression": "Usuń wyrażenie", "restartFrame": "Uruchom ponownie ramkę", + "run": "Run or Debug...", "run and debug": "Uruchom i debuguj", "setValue": "Ustaw wartość", "showBreakpointsInOverviewRuler": "Określa, czy punkty przerwania mają być pokazywane na linijce przeglądu.", @@ -4473,6 +4492,7 @@ "installAdditionalDebuggers": "Zainstaluj rozszerzenie {0}", "launchJsonDoesNotExist": "Plik „launch.json” nie istnieje dla przekazanego folderu obszaru roboczego.", "multipleConfigurationNamesInWorkspace": "W obszarze roboczym istnieje wiele konfiguracji uruchamiania „{0}”. Użyj nazwy folderu, aby zakwalifikować konfigurację.", + "multipleSession": "'{0}' is already running. Do you want to start another instance?", "nActiveSessions": "Aktywne sesje: {0}", "noConfigurationNameInWorkspace": "Nie można znaleźć konfiguracji uruchamiania „{0}” w obszarze roboczym.", "noFolderWithName": "Nie można odnaleźć folderu o nazwie „{0}” dla konfiguracji „{1}” w złożonym elemencie „{2}”.", @@ -4518,11 +4538,9 @@ "startAdditionalSession": "Rozpocznij dodatkową sesję" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/disassemblyView": { - "breakpointAllowed": "Można ustawić punkt przerwania", - "breakpointIsSet": "Ustawiono punkt przerwania", "disassemblyView": "Widok dezasemblacji", - "instructionAddress": "Adres instrukcji", - "instructionBytes": "Bajty instrukcji", + "instructionAddress": "Address", + "instructionBytes": "Bytes", "instructionText": "Instrukcja" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/exceptionWidget": { @@ -4596,6 +4614,7 @@ "addWatchExpression": "Dodaj wyrażenie", "collapse": "Zwiń wszystko", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "Usuń wszystkie wyrażenia", + "typeNewValue": "Type new value", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "Debuguj wyrażenia kontrolne", "watchExpressionAriaLabel": "{0}, wartość {1}", "watchExpressionInputAriaLabel": "Wpisz wyrażenie kontrolne", @@ -4630,6 +4649,7 @@ "callStackSessionIsAttach": "Wartość true, gdy sesja w widoku STOS WYWOŁAŃ jest dołączona. W przeciwnym razie wartość false. Używane wewnętrznie dla menu wbudowanych w widoku STOS WYWOŁAŃ.", "debugConfigurationType": "Typ debugowania wybranej konfiguracji uruchamiania. Na przykład „python”.", "debugProtocolVariableMenuContext": "Reprezentuje kontekst ustawiany przez adapter debugowania dla zmiennej z fokusem w widoku ZMIENNE.", + "debugSetExpressionSupported": "True when the focused session supports 'setExpression' request.", "debugSetVariableSupported": "Wartość true, gdy priorytetowa sesja obsługuje żądanie „setVariable”.", "debugState": "Stan, w którym znajduje się sesja debugowania z fokusem. Jeden z następujących: „inactive”, „initializing”, „stopped” lub „running”.", "debugType": "Typ debugowania aktywnej sesji debugowania. Na przykład „python”.", @@ -4656,7 +4676,8 @@ "stepBackSupported": "Wartość true, gdy sesja z fokusem obsługuje żądania „stepBack”.", "stepIntoTargetsSupported": "Wartość true, gdy sesja z fokusem obsługuje żądanie „stepIntoTargets”.", "terminateDebuggeeSupported": "Wartość true, jeśli priorytetowa sesja obsługuje możliwość zakończenia debugowanego obiektu.", - "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "Wartość true, gdy zmienna z fokusem ma ustawione pole „evalauteName”", + "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "True when the focused variable has an 'evalauteName' field set.", + "variableIsReadonly": "True when the focused variable is readonly.", "variablesFocused": "Wartość true, gdy widoki ZMIENNE mają fokus; w przeciwnym razie wartość false", "watchExpressionsExist": "Wartość true, gdy istnieje co najmniej jedno wyrażenie kontrolne. W przeciwnym razie wartość false.", "watchExpressionsFocused": "Wartość true, gdy widok WYRAŻENIE KONTROLNE ma fokus. W przeciwnym razie wartość false.", @@ -5516,16 +5537,11 @@ "cut": "Wytnij", "deleteFile": "Usuń trwale", "explorerOpenWith": "Otwórz za pomocą...", - "file": "Plik", "filesCategory": "Plik", "miAutoSave": "Zapisz a&&utomatycznie", "miCloseEditor": "&&Zamknij edytor", "miGotoFile": "Przejdź do &&pliku...", "miNewFile": "&&Nowy plik", - "miOpen": "&&Otwórz...", - "miOpenFile": "&&Otwórz plik...", - "miOpenFolder": "Otwórz &&folder...", - "miOpenWorkspace": "Ot&&wórz obszar roboczy...", "miRevert": "Przy&&wróć plik", "miSave": "&&Zapisz", "miSaveAll": "Zapisz &&wszystko...", @@ -5538,8 +5554,7 @@ "revertLocalChanges": "Odrzuć zmiany i przywróć zawartość pliku", "saveAll": "Zapisz wszystko", "saveAllInGroup": "Zapisz wszystko w grupie", - "saveFiles": "Zapisz wszystkie pliki", - "workspaces": "Obszary robocze" + "saveFiles": "Zapisz wszystkie pliki" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/fileCommands": { "discard": "Odrzuć", @@ -5876,11 +5891,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/markers/browser/markersTreeViewer": { "collapsedIcon": "Ikona wskazująca, że jest zwiniętych wiele wierszy w widoku znaczników.", "expandedIcon": "Ikona wskazująca, że jest pokazywanych wiele wierszy w widoku znaczników.", - "links.navigate.follow": "Otwórz link", - "links.navigate.kb.alt": "alt + kliknięcie", - "links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "option + kliknięcie", - "links.navigate.kb.meta": "ctrl + kliknięcie", - "links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "cmd + kliknięcie", "multi line": "Pokaż komunikat w wielu wierszach", "problemsView": "Widok problemów", "single line": "Pokaż komunikat w pojedynczym wierszu" @@ -5981,6 +5991,7 @@ "notebookActions.editCell": "Edytuj komórkę", "notebookActions.execute": "Wykonaj komórkę", "notebookActions.executeAbove": "Wykonaj powyższe komórki", + "notebookActions.executeAndFocusContainer": "Execute Cell and Focus Container", "notebookActions.executeAndInsertBelow": "Uruchom komórkę notesu i wstaw poniżej", "notebookActions.executeAndSelectBelow": "Uruchom komórkę notesu i zaznacz poniżej", "notebookActions.executeBelow": "Wykonaj komórkę i poniższe", @@ -5988,8 +5999,10 @@ "notebookActions.expandCellInput": "Rozwiń dane wejściowe komórki", "notebookActions.expandCellOutput": "Rozwiń dane wyjściowe komórki", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAbove": "Wstaw komórkę kodu powyżej", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAboveAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Above and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAtTop": "Dodaj komórkę kodu u góry", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelow": "Wstaw komórkę kodu poniżej", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Below and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAbove": "Wstaw komórkę znaczników markdown powyżej", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAtTop": "Dodaj komórkę znaczników markdown u góry", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellBelow": "Wstaw komórkę znaczników markdown poniżej", @@ -6199,9 +6212,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookKernelActionViewItem": { "select": "Wybierz jądro" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookServiceImpl": { - "builtinProviderDisplayName": "Wbudowane" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/output/outputRenderer": { "empty": "Komórka nie ma danych wyjściowych", "noRenderer.1": "Nie można odnaleźć modułu renderowania dla typu MIME: {0}", @@ -6226,9 +6236,14 @@ "unavailableRenderInfo": "program renderujący jest niedostępny" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/cellRenderer": { - "cellExpandButtonLabel": "Rozwiń", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Output (${0})", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell output ({0})", "notebook.moreRunActionsLabel": "Więcej..." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/codeCell": { + "cellExpandInputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Input ({0})", + "cellExpandInputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell input ({0})" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/common/notebookEditorModel": { "notebook.staleSaveError": "Zawartość pliku została zmieniona na dysku. Czy chcesz otworzyć zaktualizowaną wersję, czy zastąpić plik wprowadzonymi zmianami?", "notebook.staleSaveError.overwrite.": "Zastąp", @@ -6389,6 +6404,7 @@ "openGlobalSettings": "Otwórz ustawienia użytkownika", "openRawDefaultSettings": "Otwórz ustawienia domyślne (JSON)", "openRemoteSettings": "Otwórz ustawienia zdalne ({0})", + "openRemoteSettingsJSON": "Open Remote Settings (JSON) ({0})", "openSettings2": "Otwórz ustawienia (interfejs użytkownika)", "openSettingsJson": "Otwórz ustawienia (JSON)", "openWorkspaceSettings": "Otwórz ustawienia obszaru roboczego", @@ -7754,10 +7770,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalDecorationsProvider": { "label": "Terminal" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalEditor": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (domyślnie)", - "terminal.new": "Nowy terminal" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalIcons": { "configureTerminalProfileIcon": "Ikona tworzenia nowego profilu terminalu.", "killTerminalIcon": "Ikona zamykania wystąpienia terminalu.", @@ -7790,10 +7802,12 @@ "yes": "Tak" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalMenus": { + "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (Default)", "miNewTerminal": "&&Nowy terminal", "miRunActiveFile": "Uruchom &&aktywny plik", "miRunSelectedText": "Uruchom &&zaznaczony tekst", "miSplitTerminal": "&&Podziel terminal", + "terminal.new": "New Terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.changeColor": "Zmień kolor...", "workbench.action.terminal.changeIcon": "Zmień ikonę...", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "Wyczyść", @@ -7845,9 +7859,7 @@ "terminalInputAriaLabel": "Wpisz nazwę terminalu. Naciśnij klawisz Enter, aby potwierdzić, lub klawisz Escape, aby anulować." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalView": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (domyślnie)", "terminal.monospaceOnly": "Terminal obsługuje tylko czcionki o stałej szerokości. Pamiętaj, aby ponownie uruchomić program VS Code, jeśli jest to nowo zainstalowana czcionka.", - "terminal.new": "Nowy terminal", "terminal.useMonospace": "Użyj elementu „monospace”", "terminalConnectingLabel": "Trwa uruchamianie...", "terminals": "Otwórz terminale." @@ -7856,12 +7868,13 @@ "terminalCategory": "Terminal", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal": "Dodaje funkcję terminalu.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles": "Definiuje dodatkowe profile terminali, które użytkownik może utworzyć.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.icon": "Codicon do skojarzenia z tym profilem terminalu.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.id": "Identyfikator dostawcy profilu terminalu.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.title": "Tytuł tego profilu terminalu.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types": "Definiuje dodatkowe typy terminali, które użytkownik może utworzyć.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.command": "Polecenie do wykonania, gdy użytkownik tworzy ten typ terminalu.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "Codicon do skojarzenia z tym typem terminalu.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "A codicon, URI, or light and dark URIs to associate with this terminal type.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "Icon path when a dark theme is used", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "Icon path when a light theme is used", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.title": "Tytuł terminalu tego typu." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { @@ -8038,14 +8051,14 @@ "configureProfile": "Wybierz profil do zaktualizowania", "debug test": "Debuguj test", "debugAllTests": "Debuguj wszystkie testy", - "debugSelectedTests": "Debuguj wybrane testy", + "debugSelectedTests": "Debug Tests", "discoveringTests": "Wykrywanie testów", "hideTest": "Ukryj test", "noDebugTestProvider": "W tym obszarze roboczym nie znaleziono żadnych testów, które można debugować. Może być konieczne zainstalowanie rozszerzenia dostawcy testów", "noTestProvider": "W tym obszarze roboczym nie znaleziono żadnych testów. Może być konieczne zainstalowanie rozszerzenia dostawcy testów", "run test": "Uruchom test", "runAllTests": "Uruchom wszystkie testy", - "runSelectedTests": "Uruchom wybrane testy", + "runSelectedTests": "Run Tests", "testing.cancelRun": "Anuluj przebieg testu", "testing.clearResults": "Wyczyść wszystkie wyniki", "testing.collapseAll": "Zwiń wszystkie testy", @@ -8066,6 +8079,7 @@ "testing.showMostRecentOutput": "Pokaż dane wyjściowe", "testing.sortByLocation": "Sortuj według lokalizacji", "testing.sortByStatus": "Sortuj według stanu", + "testing.toggleInlineTestOutput": "Toggle Inline Test Output", "testing.turnOffAutoRun": "Wyłącz automatyczne uruchamianie", "testing.turnOnAutoRun": "Włącz automatyczne uruchamianie", "testing.viewAsList": "Wyświetl jako listę", @@ -8084,8 +8098,10 @@ "updateTestConfiguration": "Aktualizuj konfigurację testu" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingDecorations": { + "actual.title": "Actual:", "debug all test": "Debuguj wszystkie testy", "debug test": "Debuguj test", + "expected.title": "Expected:", "peek failure": "Błąd wglądu", "peekTestOutout": "Wgląd do danych wyjściowych testu", "reveal test": "Odsłoń w Eksploratorze testów", @@ -8126,6 +8142,7 @@ "testing.goToFile": "Przejdź do pliku", "testing.goToNextMessage": "Przejdź do następnego niepowodzenia testu", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "Przejdź do poprzedniego niepowodzenia testu", + "testing.openMessageInEditor": "Open in Editor", "testing.reRunLastRun": "Uruchom ponownie przebieg testu", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Odsłoń w Eksploratorze testów", "testing.showResultOutput": "Pokaż dane wyjściowe wyników", @@ -8159,12 +8176,8 @@ "testing.iconUnset": "Kolor ikony „Nieustawione” w Eksploratorze testów.", "testing.message.error.decorationForeground": "Kolor tekstu komunikatów o błędach testów wyświetlanych bezpośrednio w edytorze.", "testing.message.error.marginBackground": "Kolor marginesu obok komunikatów o błędach wyświetlanych bezpośrednio w edytorze.", - "testing.message.hint.decorationForeground": "Kolor tekstu komunikatów wskazówek dotyczących testów wyświetlanych bezpośrednio w edytorze.", - "testing.message.hint.marginBackground": "Kolor marginesu obok komunikatów ze wskazówkami wyświetlanych bezpośrednio w edytorze.", "testing.message.info.decorationForeground": "Kolor tekstu komunikatów informacyjnych dotyczących testów wyświetlanych bezpośrednio w edytorze.", "testing.message.info.marginBackground": "Kolor marginesu obok komunikatów informacyjnych wyświetlanych bezpośrednio w edytorze.", - "testing.message.warning.decorationForeground": "Kolor tekstu komunikatów ostrzeżeń dotyczących testów wyświetlanych bezpośrednio w edytorze.", - "testing.message.warning.marginBackground": "Kolor marginesu obok komunikatów ostrzegawczych wyświetlanych bezpośrednio w edytorze.", "testing.peekBorder": "Kolor obramowań i strzałki widoku wglądu.", "testing.runAction": "Kolor ikon „Uruchom” w edytorze." }, @@ -8177,12 +8190,14 @@ "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView": "Konfiguruje czas automatycznego otwierania widoku wglądu w błąd.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureAnywhere": "Otwórz automatycznie niezależnie od tego, gdzie wystąpiło niepowodzenie.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureInVisibleDocument": "Otwórz automatycznie, gdy test nie powiedzie się w widocznym dokumencie.", + "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.never": "Never automatically open.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekViewDuringAutoRun": "Określa, czy automatycznie otwierać widok wglądu w trybie automatycznego uruchamiania.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction": "Steruje akcją wykonywaną po kliknięciu lewym przyciskiem myszy dekoracji testowej na oprawie.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.contextMenu": "Otwórz menu kontekstowe, aby wyświetlić więcej opcji.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.debug": "Debuguj test.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.run": "Uruchom test.", - "testing.followRunningTest": "Określa, czy uruchomiony test ma być obserwowany w widoku eksploratora testów" + "testing.followRunningTest": "Określa, czy uruchomiony test ma być obserwowany w widoku eksploratora testów", + "testing.gutterEnabled": "Controls whether test decorations are shown in the editor gutter." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/constants": { "testGroup.coverage": "Pokrycie", @@ -8561,7 +8576,6 @@ "recent": "Ostatnie", "show more recents": "Pokaż wszystkie ostatnio używane foldery {0}", "showAll": "Więcej...", - "showAllWalkthroughs": "Otwórz Przewodnik...", "start": "Uruchom", "walkthroughs": "Przewodniki", "welcome": "Witamy", @@ -8571,8 +8585,6 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted.contribution": { "Welcome": "Witamy", - "gettingStarted.goNext": "Dalej", - "gettingStarted.goPrev": "Wstecz", "help": "Pomoc", "pickWalkthroughs": "Otwórz przewodnik...", "welcome": "Witamy", @@ -8583,6 +8595,16 @@ "workbench.welcomePage.preferReducedMotion": "Po włączeniu zmniejsz ruch na stronie powitalnej.", "workbench.welcomePage.walkthroughs.openOnInstall": "Po włączeniu tej opcji przewodnik rozszerzenia zostanie otwarty po zainstalowaniu rozszerzenia." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedColors": { + "welcomePage.background": "Background color for the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonBackground": "Background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.progress.background": "Foreground color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.progress.foreground": "Background color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.tileBackground": "Background color for the tiles on the Get Started page.", + "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the tiles on the Get Started.", + "welcomePage.tileShadow": "Shadow color for the Welcome page walkthrough category buttons." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedExtensionPoint": { "pathDeprecated": "Przestarzałe. Zamiast tego użyj \"image\" lub \"markdown\"", "removed": "Usunięto, zamiast tego użyj menu => pliku/punktu udziału newFile", @@ -8734,74 +8756,6 @@ "welcomeOverlay.search": "Wyszukaj w plikach", "welcomeOverlay.terminal": "Przełącz zintegrowany terminal" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/vs_code_welcome_page": { - "welcomePage.colorTheme": "Motyw kolorów", - "welcomePage.colorThemeDescription": "Dostosuj wygląd edytora i kodu do swoich upodobań", - "welcomePage.customize": "Dostosuj", - "welcomePage.editingEvolved": "Edycja przeszła ewolucję", - "welcomePage.gitClone": "klonuj repozytorium...", - "welcomePage.gitHubRepository": "Repozytorium GitHub", - "welcomePage.help": "Pomoc", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPacks": "Narzędzia i języki", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPacksDescription": "Zainstaluj obsługę dla: {0} i {1}", - "welcomePage.installKeymapDescription": "Ustawienia i powiązania klawiszy", - "welcomePage.installKeymapExtension": "Zainstaluj ustawienia i skróty klawiaturowe: {0} i {1}", - "welcomePage.interactivePlayground": "Interakcyjne środowisko testowe", - "welcomePage.interactivePlaygroundDescription": "Wypróbuj najważniejsze funkcje edytora w krótkim instruktażu", - "welcomePage.interfaceOverview": "Przegląd interfejsu", - "welcomePage.interfaceOverviewDescription": "Uzyskaj wizualną nakładkę z wyróżnieniem głównych składników interfejsu użytkownika", - "welcomePage.introductoryVideos": "Filmy wprowadzające", - "welcomePage.keybindingsCheatsheet": "Ściągawka skrótów klawiszowych do wydrukowania", - "welcomePage.learn": "Dowiedz się więcej", - "welcomePage.moreExtensions": "więcej", - "welcomePage.moreRecent": "Więcej...", - "welcomePage.newFile": "Nowy plik", - "welcomePage.newsletterSignup": "Subskrybuj nasz biuletyn", - "welcomePage.noRecentFolders": "Brak ostatnio używanych folderów", - "welcomePage.openFolder": "Otwórz folder...", - "welcomePage.others": "inne", - "welcomePage.productDocumentation": "Dokumentacja produktu", - "welcomePage.recent": "Ostatnie", - "welcomePage.showCommands": "Znajdź i uruchom wszystkie polecenia", - "welcomePage.showCommandsDescription": "Szybko uzyskuj dostęp do poleceń i wyszukuj je za pomocą palety poleceń ({0})", - "welcomePage.showKeymapExtensions": "Pokaż inne rozszerzenia mapy klawiszy", - "welcomePage.showLanguageExtensions": "Pokaż więcej rozszerzeń języka", - "welcomePage.showOnStartup": "Pokaż stronę powitalną przy uruchamianiu", - "welcomePage.stackOverflow": "Stack Overflow", - "welcomePage.start": "Uruchom", - "welcomePage.tipsAndTricks": "Porady i wskazówki", - "welcomePage.vscode": "Visual Studio Code" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePage": { - "details": "Szczegóły", - "ok": "OK", - "welcome.title": "Witamy", - "welcomePage": "Witamy", - "welcomePage.atom": "Atom", - "welcomePage.azure": "Azure", - "welcomePage.docker": "Docker", - "welcomePage.extensionListSeparator": ", ", - "welcomePage.extensionPackAlreadyInstalled": "Obsługa {0} jest już zainstalowana.", - "welcomePage.extensionPackNotFound": "Nie można odnaleźć obsługi {0} o identyfikatorze {1}.", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPack": "Zainstaluj dodatkową obsługę dla: {0}", - "welcomePage.installKeymap": "Zainstaluj mapowanie klawiszy {0}", - "welcomePage.installedExtensionPack": "Obsługa elementu {0} jest już zainstalowana", - "welcomePage.installedKeymap": "Mapa klawiszy {0} jest już zainstalowana", - "welcomePage.installingExtensionPack": "Trwa instalowanie dodatkowej obsługi dla: {0}...", - "welcomePage.installingKeymap": "Trwa instalowanie skrótów klawiaturowych {0}...", - "welcomePage.java": "Java", - "welcomePage.javaScript": "JavaScript", - "welcomePage.keymapAlreadyInstalled": "Skróty klawiszowe {0} są już zainstalowane.", - "welcomePage.keymapNotFound": "Nie można odnaleźć skrótów klawiszowych {0} o identyfikatorze {1}.", - "welcomePage.openFolderWithPath": "Otwórz folder {0} ze ścieżką {1}", - "welcomePage.php": "PHP", - "welcomePage.python": "Python", - "welcomePage.showAzureExtensions": "Pokaż rozszerzenia platformy Azure", - "welcomePage.sublime": "Sublime", - "welcomePage.vim": "Vim", - "welcomePage.willReloadAfterInstallingExtensionPack": "Okno zostanie ponownie załadowane po zainstalowaniu dodatkowej obsługi dla elementu {0}.", - "welcomePage.willReloadAfterInstallingKeymap": "Okno zostanie ponownie załadowane po zainstalowaniu skrótów klawiaturowych {0}." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePage.contribution": { "workbench.startupEditor": "Określa, czy edytor jest wyświetlany przy uruchamianiu, jeśli żadnego edytora nie przywrócono z poprzedniej sesji.", "workbench.startupEditor.newUntitledFile": "Otwórz nowy plik bez tytułu (dotyczy tylko otwierania pustego okna).", @@ -8810,16 +8764,6 @@ "workbench.startupEditor.welcomePage": "Otwórz stronę powitalną z zawartością, aby uzyskać pomoc dotyczącą rozpoczynania pracy z programem VS Code i rozszerzeniami.", "workbench.startupEditor.welcomePageInEmptyWorkbench": "Otwórz stronę powitalną przy otwieraniu pustego środowiska roboczego." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePageColors": { - "welcomePage.background": "Kolor tła strony powitalnej.", - "welcomePage.buttonBackground": "Kolor tła przycisków na stronie powitalnej.", - "welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "Kolor tła przycisków po zatrzymaniu na nich wskaźnika myszy na stronie powitalnej.", - "welcomePage.progress.background": "Kolor pierwszego planu słupków postępu na stronie powitalnej.", - "welcomePage.progress.foreground": "Kolor tła pasków postępu na stronie powitalnej.", - "welcomePage.tileBackground": "Kolor tła kafelków na stronie Rozpoczynanie pracy.", - "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "Kolor tła kafelków na stronie Rozpoczynanie pracy po zatrzymaniu na nich wskaźnika myszy.", - "welcomePage.tileShadow": "Kolor cienia dla przycisków kategorii przewodników na stronie powitalnej." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/telemetryOptOut/browser/telemetryOptOut": { "telemetryOptOut.OptIn": "Tak, ciesz się, że mogę pomóc", "telemetryOptOut.OptOut": "Nie, dziękuję", @@ -8914,14 +8858,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/workspace/browser/workspaceTrustEditor": { "addButton": "Dodaj folder", - "addFolderAriaLabel": "Dodaj zaufany folder", "deleteTrustedUri": "Usuń ścieżkę", "dontTrustButton": "Nie ufaj", - "editTrustedUri": "Zmień ścieżkę", + "editTrustedUri": "Edit Path", "hostColumnLabel": "Host", "localAuthority": "Lokalne", "no untrustedSettings": "Ustawienia obszaru roboczego wymagające zaufania nie są stosowane", + "noTrustedFoldersDescriptions": "You haven't trusted any folders or workspace files yet.", "pathColumnLabel": "Ścieżka", + "pickerTrustedUri": "Open File Picker", "root element label": "Zarządzaj zaufaniem obszaru roboczego", "selectTrustedUri": "Wybierz folder do zaufania", "trustButton": "Ufaj", @@ -9882,6 +9827,9 @@ "saveElevatedSudo": "Ponów próbę jako sudo...", "staleSaveError": "Nie można zapisać elementu \"{0}\": zawartość pliku jest nowsza. Czy chcesz zastąpić plik wprowadzonymi zmianami?" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants": "Saving '{0}'" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/electron-sandbox/workingCopyBackupTracker": { "backupBeforeShutdownDetail": "Kliknij przycisk \"Anuluj\", aby zatrzymać oczekiwanie oraz zapisać lub przywrócić zanieczyszczone edytory.", "backupBeforeShutdownMessage": "Tworzenie kopii zapasowej zmienionych edytorów zajmuje dłużej niż oczekiwano...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json index 1252930fb6..ce3c09f253 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ }, "dist/githubServer": { "signingIn": "$(mark-github) Entrando no github.com...", - "signingInEnterprise": "$(mark-github) Entrando no {0}...", - "status.git.signIn.name": "Entrada do GitHub" + "status.git.signIn.name": "Entrada do GitHub", + "validUri": "Please enter a valid Uri from the GitHub login page." }, "package": { "description": "Provedor de Autenticação do GitHub", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 1ac928fbef..8bdafae605 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ "configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "Configura padrões glob para determinar quando fazer a anexação no modo \"inteligente\" `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#`. `$KNOWN_TOOLS$` é substituído por uma lista de nomes de executores comuns de código e de teste. [Leia mais nos documentos do VS Code] (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/nodejs-debugging#_auto-attach-smart-patterns).", "configuration.autoExpandGetters": "Configura se os getters de propriedade serão expandidos automaticamente. Se for false, o getter será exibido como `get propertyName` e só será avaliado quando você clicar nele.", "configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "Ao depurar um aplicativo Web remoto, configura se é necessário efetuar túnel automático do servidor remoto para seu computador local.", - "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Se será necessário interromper quando os pontos de interrupção condicionais lançarem um erro. Observação: o seu launch.json `type` precisa ter o prefixo `pwa-` para usar isso, como `pwa-node`.", + "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Options used when debugging open links clicked from inside the debug terminal. Can be set to \"false\" to disable this behavior.", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Se não for especificada, esta opção será o `runtimeExecutable` padrão usado para configurações de inicialização. Ela pode ser usada para configurar caminhos personalizados para o Node.js ou para as instalações do navegador.", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Onde uma lente de código \"Executar\" e \"Depurar\" deve ser mostrada nos seus scripts npm. Pode estar em \"todos\" os scripts, na \"parte superior\" da seção de scripts ou \"nunca\".", @@ -337,7 +337,6 @@ "configuration.suggestPrettyPrinting": "Se é necessário sugerir reformatação automática do código JavaScript que parece minificado quando você intervém.", "configuration.terminalOptions": "Opções de inicialização padrão para o terminal de depuração JavaScript e scripts npm.", "configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Configura se o arquivo sourcemapped em que o arquivo original não pode ser lido será desmapeado automaticamente. Se essa configuração for false (padrão), um prompt será exibido.", - "configuration.usePreview": "Use o novo depurador JavaScript na pré-visualização para Node.js e Chrome.", "createDiagnostics.label": "Diagnosticar Problemas de Ponto de Interrupção", "customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Personalizar a descrição textual que o depurador mostra para objetos (variáveis locais etc.). Amostras:\r\n 1. this.toString() // chamará toString para imprimir todos os objetos\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Use o método customDescription se disponível, se não retornar defaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Use o método customDescription, se disponível, se não retornar defaultValue\r\n", "customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Personalize as propriedades mostradas para um objeto no depurador (variáveis locais, etc...). Exemplos:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Adicionar uma extraProperty 12345 a todos os objetos\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Usar o método customProperties, se disponível, caso contrário, usar as propriedades em this (as propriedades padrão)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Usar o método customDescription, se disponível, caso contrário, retornar as propriedades padrão\r\n\r\n Preterido: esta é uma implementação temporária deste recurso até que haja tempo para implementá-lo da maneira descrita aqui: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/102181", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json index 44a88544ae..5c7bb7290b 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ "typescript.findAllFileReferences": "Localizar Referências de Arquivo", "typescript.format.enable": "Habilitar/desabilitar o formatador do TypeScript padrão.", "typescript.implementationsCodeLens.enabled": "Habilitar/desabilitar CodeLens de implementações. Este CodeLens mostra os implementadores de uma interface.", - "typescript.locale": "Define a localidade usada para relatar erros de JavaScript e TypeScript. O valor padrão `null` usa a localidade do VS Code.", + "typescript.locale": "Sets the locale used to report JavaScript and TypeScript errors. Defaults to use VS Code's locale.", "typescript.npm": "Especifica o caminho para o NPM executável para [Aquisição Automática de Tipos] (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/working-with-javascript#_typings-and-automatic-type-acquisition).", "typescript.openTsServerLog.title": "Abrir o log do TS Server", "typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier": "Estilo de caminho preferencial para importações automáticas.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json index cf9c571d97..81d0b6b905 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "autoClosingQuotes": "Controla se o editor deverá fechar as aspas automaticamente depois que o usuário adicionar aspas de abertura.", "autoIndent": "Controla se o editor deve ajustar automaticamente o recuo quando os usuários digitam, colam, movem ou recuam linhas.", "autoSurround": "Controla se o editor deve envolver as seleções automaticamente.", + "bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Controls whether bracket pair colorization is enabled or not.", "codeActions": "Habilita a lâmpada de ação do código no editor.", "codeLens": "Controla se o editor mostra CodeLens.", "codeLensFontFamily": "Controla a família de fontes do CodeLens.", @@ -585,6 +586,12 @@ "deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "A ID foi preterida. Use 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground'.", "editorActiveIndentGuide": "Cor dos guias de recuo do editor ativo.", "editorActiveLineNumber": "Cor do número da linha ativa do editor", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Foreground color of brackets (1).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Foreground color of brackets (2).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Foreground color of brackets (3).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Foreground color of brackets (4).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Foreground color of brackets (5).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Foreground color of brackets (6).", "editorBracketMatchBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo atrás dos colchetes correspondentes", "editorBracketMatchBorder": "Cor das caixas de colchetes correspondentes", "editorCodeLensForeground": "Cor de primeiro plano do editor CodeLens", @@ -905,6 +912,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": { "acceptInlineSuggestion": "Aceitar", + "inlineSuggestionFollows": "Suggestion:", "showNextInlineSuggestion": "Próximo", "showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "Anterior" }, @@ -1547,6 +1555,8 @@ "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.osx": "O perfil padrão usado no macOS. No momento, essa configuração será ignorada se {0} ou {1} estiverem definidos.", "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.windows": "O perfil padrão usado no Windows. No momento, essa configuração será ignorada se {0} ou {1} estiverem definidos.", "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": "Se os novos shells devem herdar seu ambiente do código VS, o que pode gerar um shell de entrada para garantir que $PATH e outras variáveis de desenvolvimento sejam inicializadas. Isso não tem efeito no Windows.", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionExperimentalSerializer": "Whether to use a more efficient experimental approach for restoring the terminal's buffer. This setting requires a restart to take effect.", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionScrollback": "Controls the maximum amount of lines that will be restored when reconnecting to a persistent terminal session. Increasing this will restore more lines of scrollback at the cost of more memory and increase the time it takes to connect to terminals on start up. This setting requires a restart to take effect and should be set to a value less than or equal to `#terminal.integrated.scrollback#`.", "terminal.integrated.profile.linux": "Os perfis do Linux a serem apresentados durante a criação de um terminal por meio do menu suspenso do terminal. Quando definidos, eles substituirão os perfis padrão detectados. Eles são compostos por {0} e, opcionalmente, por {1}", "terminal.integrated.profile.osx": "Os perfis do macOS a serem apresentados durante a criação de um terminal por meio do menu suspenso do terminal. Quando definidos, eles substituirão os perfis padrão detectados. Eles são compostos por {0} e, opcionalmente, por {1}", "terminal.integrated.profiles.windows": "Os perfis do Windows a serem apresentados durante a criação de um terminal por meio do menu suspenso do terminal. Defina esta opção como nula para excluí-los, use a propriedade {0} para usar a configuração padrão detectada ou defina {1} e, opcionalmente, {2}", @@ -2530,6 +2540,7 @@ "missing.command": "O item de menu faz referência a um comando `{0}` que não está definido na seção `commands`.", "missing.submenu": "O item de menu faz referência a um submenu `{0}` que não está definido na seção `submenus`.", "nonempty": "esperava-se um valor não vazio.", + "notebook.cell.execute": "The contributed notebook cell execution menu", "notebook.cell.title": "O menu de título da célula do notebook contribuído", "notebook.toolbar": "O menu da barra de ferramentas do notebook contribuído", "opticon": "propriedade `ícone` pode ser omitida ou deve ser uma cadeia de caracteres ou um literal como `{escuro, claro}`", @@ -2720,10 +2731,15 @@ "closeWorkspace": "Fechar Workspace", "duplicateWorkspace": "Duplicar Espaço de trabalho", "duplicateWorkspaceInNewWindow": "Duplicar como Workspace na Nova Janela", + "filesCategory": "File", "globalRemoveFolderFromWorkspace": "Remover Pasta do Workspace...", "miAddFolderToWorkspace": "A&&dicionar Pasta ao Workspace...", "miCloseFolder": "Fechar &&Pasta", "miCloseWorkspace": "Fechar &&Workspace", + "miOpen": "&&Open...", + "miOpenFile": "&&Open File...", + "miOpenFolder": "Open &&Folder...", + "miOpenWorkspace": "Open Wor&&kspace...", "miSaveWorkspaceAs": "Salvar Workspace como...", "noWorkspaceOrFolderOpened": "No momento não há nenhum workspace ou pasta aberto nesta instância para ser fechado.", "openFile": "Abrir o Arquivo...", @@ -2935,7 +2951,6 @@ "pinEditor": "Fixar Editor", "previousChangeIcon": "Ícone da ação de alteração anterior no editor de comparação.", "reopenWith": "Reabrir o Editor com...", - "run": "Executar ou Depurar...", "showOpenedEditors": "Mostrar Editores Abertos", "showTrimWhitespace.label": "Mostrar Diferenças de Espaço em Branco à Esquerda/à Direita", "sideBySideEditor": "Editor Lado a Lado", @@ -3063,6 +3078,15 @@ "groupLabel": "Grupo {0}", "ok": "OK" }, + "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorPlaceholder": { + "manageTrust": "Manage Workspace Trust", + "requiresFolderTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the folder.", + "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the workspace.", + "retry": "Try Open Again", + "trustRequiredEditor": "Workspace Trust Required", + "unavailableEditor": "Unavailable Editor", + "unavailableEditorText": "The editor could not be opened due to an error or an unavailable resource." + }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorQuickAccess": { "closeEditor": "Fechar o Editor", "entryAriaLabelDirty": "{0}, sujo", @@ -3080,7 +3104,6 @@ "configureModeSettings": "Definir configurações baseadas em linguagem '{0}'...", "currentAssociation": "Associação Atual", "currentProblem": "Problema Atual", - "detectedLanguagesPicks": "idiomas detectados (identificador)", "disableColumnSelectionMode": "Desabilitar Modo de Seleção de Coluna", "disableTabMode": "Desabilitar Modo de Acessibilidade", "endOfLineCarriageReturnLineFeed": "CRLF", @@ -3092,7 +3115,6 @@ "indentView": "alterar exibição", "languageDescription": "({0}) – Idioma Configurado", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", - "languageDescriptionCurrent": "({0}) – Idioma Atual", "languagesPicks": "linguagens (identificador)", "multiSelection": "{0} seleções", "multiSelectionRange": "{0} seleções ({1} caracteres selecionados)", @@ -3148,12 +3170,6 @@ "ariaLabelEditorActions": "Ações de editor", "draggedEditorGroup": "{0} (+{1})" }, - "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/workspaceTrustRequiredEditor": { - "manageTrust": "Gerenciar a confiança do espaço de trabalho", - "requiresFolderTrustText": "O arquivo não é exibido no editor porque não foi concedida confiança para a pasta.", - "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "O arquivo não é exibido no editor porque não foi concedida confiança para a pasta.", - "trustRequiredEditor": "Confiança do espaço de trabalho necessária" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/notifications/notificationsActions": { "clearAllIcon": "Ícone da ação limpar tudo nas notificações.", "clearIcon": "Ícone da ação limpar nas notificações.", @@ -4133,7 +4149,7 @@ "editBreakpoint": "Editar {0}...", "editBreakpoints": "Editar Pontos de Interrupção", "editInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "Editar Ponto de Interrupção Embutido na Coluna {0}", - "editLineBrekapoint": "Editar Ponto de Interrupção de Linha", + "editLineBreakpoint": "Edit Line Breakpoint", "enable": "Habilitar", "enableBreakpoint": "Habilitar {0}", "enableBreakpointOnLine": "Habilitar Ponto de Interrupção de Linha", @@ -4145,7 +4161,8 @@ "removeBreakpoints": "Remover Pontos de Interrupção", "removeInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "Remover Ponto de Interrupção Embutido na Coluna {0}", "removeLineBreakpoint": "Remover Ponto de Interrupção de Linha", - "removeLogPoint": "Remover {0}" + "removeLogPoint": "Remover {0}", + "runToLine": "Run to Line" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/breakpointWidget": { "breakpointType": "Tipo de Ponto de Interrupção", @@ -4240,6 +4257,7 @@ "copyAsExpression": "Copiar como Expressão", "copyStackTrace": "Copiar Pilha de Chamadas", "copyValue": "Copiar o Valor", + "debug.console.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on enter in the debug console. enter is also used to evaluate whatever is typed in the debug console.", "debug.console.closeOnEnd": "Controla se o console de depuração deve ser fechado automaticamente quando a sessão de depuração termina.", "debug.console.collapseIdenticalLines": "Controla se o console de depuração deve recolher as linhas idênticas e mostrar um número de ocorrências com um selo.", "debug.console.fontFamily": "Controla a família de fontes no console de depuração.", @@ -4291,6 +4309,7 @@ "prompt": "Solicitar ao usuário.", "removeWatchExpression": "Remover Expressão", "restartFrame": "Reiniciar o Quadro", + "run": "Run or Debug...", "run and debug": "Executar e Depurar", "setValue": "Definir Valor", "showBreakpointsInOverviewRuler": "Controla se os pontos de interrupção devem ser mostrados na régua de visão geral.", @@ -4473,6 +4492,7 @@ "installAdditionalDebuggers": "Instalar Extensão de {0}", "launchJsonDoesNotExist": "'launch.json' não existe para a pasta de workspace aprovada.", "multipleConfigurationNamesInWorkspace": "Há várias configurações de inicialização '{0}' no workspace. Use o nome da pasta para qualificar a configuração.", + "multipleSession": "'{0}' is already running. Do you want to start another instance?", "nActiveSessions": "{0} sessões ativas", "noConfigurationNameInWorkspace": "Não foi possível localizar a configuração de inicialização '{0}' no workspace.", "noFolderWithName": "Não é possível localizar a pasta com o nome '{0}' para a configuração '{1}' no '{2}' composto.", @@ -4518,11 +4538,9 @@ "startAdditionalSession": "Iniciar Sessão Adicional" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/disassemblyView": { - "breakpointAllowed": "Pode definir ponto de interrupção", - "breakpointIsSet": "Ponto de interrupção está definido", "disassemblyView": "Exibição de Desmontagem", - "instructionAddress": "Endereço de instrução", - "instructionBytes": "Bytes de instrução", + "instructionAddress": "Address", + "instructionBytes": "Bytes", "instructionText": "Instrução" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/exceptionWidget": { @@ -4596,6 +4614,7 @@ "addWatchExpression": "Adicionar Expressão", "collapse": "Recolher Tudo", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "Remover Todas as Expressões", + "typeNewValue": "Type new value", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "Expressões de Inspeção de Depuração", "watchExpressionAriaLabel": "{0}, valor {1}", "watchExpressionInputAriaLabel": "Digitar expressão de inspeção", @@ -4630,6 +4649,7 @@ "callStackSessionIsAttach": "Esta opção é true quando a sessão na exibição PILHA DE CHAMADAS é anexação. Caso contrário, false. Usada internamente para os menus embutidos na exibição PILHA DE CHAMADAS.", "debugConfigurationType": "O tipo de depuração da configuração de inicialização selecionada. Por exemplo 'python'.", "debugProtocolVariableMenuContext": "Representa o contexto que o adaptador de depuração define na variável focalizada na exibição VARIÁVEIS.", + "debugSetExpressionSupported": "True when the focused session supports 'setExpression' request.", "debugSetVariableSupported": "True quando a sessão focalizada dá suporte à solicitação 'setVariable'.", "debugState": "O estado em que a sessão de depuração focalizada está. Pode ser um dos seguintes: 'inativo', 'inicializando', 'parado' ou 'em execução'.", "debugType": "Tipo de depuração da sessão de depuração ativa. Por exemplo 'python'.", @@ -4656,7 +4676,8 @@ "stepBackSupported": "True quando a sessão focalizada dá suporte às solicitações 'stepBack'.", "stepIntoTargetsSupported": "True quando a sessão focalizada dá suporte à solicitação 'stepIntoTargets'.", "terminateDebuggeeSupported": "True quando a sessão em foco oferece suporte ao recurso de encerramento de depuração.", - "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "True quando a variável focalizada tem um conjunto de campos 'evalauteName'", + "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "True when the focused variable has an 'evalauteName' field set.", + "variableIsReadonly": "True when the focused variable is readonly.", "variablesFocused": "True quando as exibições VARIÁVEIS estão focalizadas. Caso contrário, false", "watchExpressionsExist": "True quando há pelo menos uma expressão de inspeção. Caso contrário, false.", "watchExpressionsFocused": "True quando a exibição INSPEÇÃO está focalizada. Caso contrário, false.", @@ -5516,16 +5537,11 @@ "cut": "Recortar", "deleteFile": "Excluir Permanentemente", "explorerOpenWith": "Abrir Com...", - "file": "Arquivo", "filesCategory": "Arquivo", "miAutoSave": "Salvamento A&&utomático", "miCloseEditor": "&&Fechar o Editor", "miGotoFile": "Ir para &&Arquivo...", "miNewFile": "&&Novo Arquivo", - "miOpen": "&&Abrir...", - "miOpenFile": "&&Abrir o Arquivo...", - "miOpenFolder": "Abrir &&Pasta...", - "miOpenWorkspace": "Abrir Wor&&kspace...", "miRevert": "Re&&verter Arquivo", "miSave": "&&Salvar", "miSaveAll": "Salvar T&&udo", @@ -5538,8 +5554,7 @@ "revertLocalChanges": "Descartar alterações e reverter para conteúdo do arquivo", "saveAll": "Salvar Tudo", "saveAllInGroup": "Salvar Tudo no Grupo", - "saveFiles": "Salvar Todos os Arquivos", - "workspaces": "Workspaces" + "saveFiles": "Salvar Todos os Arquivos" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/fileCommands": { "discard": "Descartar", @@ -5876,11 +5891,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/markers/browser/markersTreeViewer": { "collapsedIcon": "Ícone indicando que várias linhas estão recolhidas na exibição de marcadores.", "expandedIcon": "Ícone indicando que várias linhas estão sendo mostradas na exibição de marcadores.", - "links.navigate.follow": "Seguir o link", - "links.navigate.kb.alt": "alt + clique", - "links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "option + clique", - "links.navigate.kb.meta": "ctrl + clique", - "links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "cmd + clique", "multi line": "Mostrar a mensagem em várias linhas", "problemsView": "Modo de Exibição de Problemas", "single line": "Mostrar a mensagem em uma linha" @@ -5981,6 +5991,7 @@ "notebookActions.editCell": "Editar Célula", "notebookActions.execute": "Executar a Célula", "notebookActions.executeAbove": "Executar as Células Acima", + "notebookActions.executeAndFocusContainer": "Execute Cell and Focus Container", "notebookActions.executeAndInsertBelow": "Executar Célula do Notebook e Inserir Abaixo", "notebookActions.executeAndSelectBelow": "Executar Célula do Notebook e Selecionar Abaixo", "notebookActions.executeBelow": "Executar Célula e Abaixo", @@ -5988,8 +5999,10 @@ "notebookActions.expandCellInput": "Expandir a Entrada de Célula", "notebookActions.expandCellOutput": "Expandir Saída da Célula", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAbove": "Inserir Célula de Código Acima", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAboveAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Above and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAtTop": "Adicionar Célula de Código na Parte Superior", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelow": "Inserir Célula de Código Abaixo", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Below and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAbove": "Inserir Célula de Markdown Acima", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAtTop": "Adicionar Célula de Markdown na Parte Superior", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellBelow": "Inserir Célula de Markdown Abaixo", @@ -6199,9 +6212,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookKernelActionViewItem": { "select": "Selecione Kernel" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookServiceImpl": { - "builtinProviderDisplayName": "Interno" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/output/outputRenderer": { "empty": "A célula não tem saída", "noRenderer.1": "Não foi possível encontrar um renderizador para o tipo mídia: {0}", @@ -6226,9 +6236,14 @@ "unavailableRenderInfo": "renderizador não disponível" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/cellRenderer": { - "cellExpandButtonLabel": "Expandir", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Output (${0})", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell output ({0})", "notebook.moreRunActionsLabel": "Mais..." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/codeCell": { + "cellExpandInputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Input ({0})", + "cellExpandInputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell input ({0})" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/common/notebookEditorModel": { "notebook.staleSaveError": "O conteúdo do arquivo foi alterado no disco. Deseja abrir a versão atualizada ou substituir o arquivo pelas suas alterações?", "notebook.staleSaveError.overwrite.": "Substituir", @@ -6389,6 +6404,7 @@ "openGlobalSettings": "Abrir as Configurações de Usuário", "openRawDefaultSettings": "Abrir Configurações Padrão (JSON)", "openRemoteSettings": "Abrir Configurações Remotas ({0})", + "openRemoteSettingsJSON": "Open Remote Settings (JSON) ({0})", "openSettings2": "Abrir Configurações (Interface do Usuário)", "openSettingsJson": "Abrir Configurações (JSON)", "openWorkspaceSettings": "Abrir Configurações do Workspace", @@ -7754,10 +7770,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalDecorationsProvider": { "label": "Terminal" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalEditor": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (Padrão)", - "terminal.new": "Novo Terminal" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalIcons": { "configureTerminalProfileIcon": "Ícone para criar um perfil de terminal.", "killTerminalIcon": "Ícone de encerramento de uma instância do terminal.", @@ -7790,10 +7802,12 @@ "yes": "Sim" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalMenus": { + "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (Default)", "miNewTerminal": "&&Novo Terminal", "miRunActiveFile": "Executar &&Arquivo Ativo", "miRunSelectedText": "Executar Texto &&Selecionado", "miSplitTerminal": "&&Dividir o Terminal", + "terminal.new": "New Terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.changeColor": "Alterar Cor...", "workbench.action.terminal.changeIcon": "Alterar ícone...", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "Limpar", @@ -7845,9 +7859,7 @@ "terminalInputAriaLabel": "Digite o nome do terminal. Pressione Enter para confirmar ou Escape para cancelar." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalView": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (Padrão)", "terminal.monospaceOnly": "O terminal só dá suporte a fontes com espaçamento uniforme. Não se esqueça de reiniciar o VS Code se esta for uma fonte recém-instalada.", - "terminal.new": "Novo terminal", "terminal.useMonospace": "Usar 'monospace'", "terminalConnectingLabel": "Iniciando...", "terminals": "Abrir Terminais." @@ -7856,12 +7868,13 @@ "terminalCategory": "Terminal", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal": "Contribui com a funcionalidade do terminal.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles": "Define tipos de perfis de terminal adicionais que o usuário pode criar.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.icon": "Um codicon a ser associado a esse perfil de terminal.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.id": "A ID do provedor de perfil de terminal.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.title": "Título para esse perfil de terminal.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types": "Define tipos de terminal adicionais que o usuário pode criar.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.command": "Comando a ser executado quando o usuário cria esse tipo de terminal.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "Um codicon a ser associado a esse tipo de terminal.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "A codicon, URI, or light and dark URIs to associate with this terminal type.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "Icon path when a dark theme is used", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "Icon path when a light theme is used", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.title": "Título para este tipo de terminal." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { @@ -8038,14 +8051,14 @@ "configureProfile": "Selecionar um perfil para atualizar", "debug test": "Depurar Teste", "debugAllTests": "Depurar Todos os Testes", - "debugSelectedTests": "Depurar Testes Selecionados", + "debugSelectedTests": "Debug Tests", "discoveringTests": "Descobrindo Testes", "hideTest": "Ocultar o Teste", "noDebugTestProvider": "Não foi encontrado nenhum teste depurável neste workspace. Talvez você precise instalar uma extensão de provedor de teste", "noTestProvider": "Não foi encontrado nenhum teste neste workspace. Talvez você precise instalar uma extensão de provedor de teste", "run test": "Executar Teste", "runAllTests": "Executar Todos os Testes", - "runSelectedTests": "Executar Testes Selecionados", + "runSelectedTests": "Run Tests", "testing.cancelRun": "Cancelar Execução de Teste", "testing.clearResults": "Limpar Todos os Resultados", "testing.collapseAll": "Recolher Todos os Testes", @@ -8066,6 +8079,7 @@ "testing.showMostRecentOutput": "Mostrar Saída", "testing.sortByLocation": "Classificar por Local", "testing.sortByStatus": "Classificar por Status", + "testing.toggleInlineTestOutput": "Toggle Inline Test Output", "testing.turnOffAutoRun": "Desativar a Execução Automática", "testing.turnOnAutoRun": "Ativar a Execução Automática", "testing.viewAsList": "Exibir como Lista", @@ -8084,8 +8098,10 @@ "updateTestConfiguration": "Atualizar Configuração de Teste" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingDecorations": { + "actual.title": "Actual:", "debug all test": "Depurar Todos os Testes", "debug test": "Depurar o Teste", + "expected.title": "Expected:", "peek failure": "Espiar o erro", "peekTestOutout": "Espiar Saída de Teste", "reveal test": "Fazer a revelação no Gerenciador de Testes", @@ -8126,6 +8142,7 @@ "testing.goToFile": "Acessar o Arquivo", "testing.goToNextMessage": "Acessar Falha do Próximo Teste", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "Acessar Falha do Teste Anterior", + "testing.openMessageInEditor": "Open in Editor", "testing.reRunLastRun": "Executar o Teste de Repetição", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Fazer a revelação no Gerenciador de Testes", "testing.showResultOutput": "Mostrar Saída do Resultado", @@ -8159,12 +8176,8 @@ "testing.iconUnset": "Cor do ícone 'Remover definição' no Gerenciador de Testes.", "testing.message.error.decorationForeground": "Cor do texto das mensagens de erro de teste mostradas embutidas no editor.", "testing.message.error.marginBackground": "Cor da margem ao lado das mensagens de erro mostradas embutidas no editor.", - "testing.message.hint.decorationForeground": "Cor do texto das mensagens de dica de teste mostradas embutidas no editor.", - "testing.message.hint.marginBackground": "Cor da margem ao lado das mensagens de dica mostradas embutidas no editor.", "testing.message.info.decorationForeground": "Cor do texto das mensagens de informações de teste mostradas embutidas no editor.", "testing.message.info.marginBackground": "Cor da margem ao lado das mensagens de informações mostradas embutidas no editor.", - "testing.message.warning.decorationForeground": "Cor do texto das mensagens de aviso de teste mostradas embutidas no editor.", - "testing.message.warning.marginBackground": "Cor da margem ao lado das mensagens de aviso mostradas embutidas no editor.", "testing.peekBorder": "Cor da seta e das bordas do modo de exibição de espiada.", "testing.runAction": "Cor dos ícones 'executar' no editor." }, @@ -8177,12 +8190,14 @@ "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView": "Configura quando a exibição de espiada de erros é aberta automaticamente.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureAnywhere": "Abrir a exibição automaticamente independentemente do local da falha.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureInVisibleDocument": "Abrir a exibição automaticamente quando um teste falhar em um documento visível.", + "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.never": "Never automatically open.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekViewDuringAutoRun": "Controla se a exibição de espiada será aberta automaticamente durante o modo de execução automática.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction": "Controla a ação a ser executada ao clicar com o botão esquerdo em uma decoração de teste na medianiz.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.contextMenu": "Abra o menu de contexto para mais opções.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.debug": "Depure o teste.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.run": "Execute o teste.", - "testing.followRunningTest": "Controla se o teste em execução deve ser seguido na exibição do explorador de teste" + "testing.followRunningTest": "Controla se o teste em execução deve ser seguido na exibição do explorador de teste", + "testing.gutterEnabled": "Controls whether test decorations are shown in the editor gutter." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/constants": { "testGroup.coverage": "Cobertura", @@ -8561,7 +8576,6 @@ "recent": "Recente", "show more recents": "Mostrar Todas as Pastas Recentes {0}", "showAll": "Mais...", - "showAllWalkthroughs": "Abrir um passo a passo...", "start": "Iniciar", "walkthroughs": "Passo a passo", "welcome": "Bem-vindo", @@ -8571,8 +8585,6 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted.contribution": { "Welcome": "Bem-vindo(a)", - "gettingStarted.goNext": "Próximo", - "gettingStarted.goPrev": "Anterior", "help": "Ajuda", "pickWalkthroughs": "Abrir Passo a passo...", "welcome": "Bem-vindo(a)", @@ -8583,6 +8595,16 @@ "workbench.welcomePage.preferReducedMotion": "Quando habilitado, reduz o movimento na página de boas-vindas.", "workbench.welcomePage.walkthroughs.openOnInstall": "Quando habilitada, uma explicação passo a passo da extensão será aberta após a instalação da extensão." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedColors": { + "welcomePage.background": "Background color for the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonBackground": "Background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.progress.background": "Foreground color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.progress.foreground": "Background color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.tileBackground": "Background color for the tiles on the Get Started page.", + "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the tiles on the Get Started.", + "welcomePage.tileShadow": "Shadow color for the Welcome page walkthrough category buttons." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedExtensionPoint": { "pathDeprecated": "Preterido. Use `image` ou `markdown` em vez disso", "removed": "Removido, use os menus => arquivo/novo ponto de contribuição do arquivo em vez disso", @@ -8734,74 +8756,6 @@ "welcomeOverlay.search": "Pesquisar entre arquivos", "welcomeOverlay.terminal": "Ativar/desativar terminal integrado" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/vs_code_welcome_page": { - "welcomePage.colorTheme": "Tema de cores", - "welcomePage.colorThemeDescription": "Faça com que o editor e seu código tenham a aparência que você mais gosta", - "welcomePage.customize": "Personalizar", - "welcomePage.editingEvolved": "Edição evoluída", - "welcomePage.gitClone": "clonar o repositório...", - "welcomePage.gitHubRepository": "Repositório GitHub", - "welcomePage.help": "Ajuda", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPacks": "Ferramentas e idiomas", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPacksDescription": "Instalar suporte para {0} e {1}", - "welcomePage.installKeymapDescription": "Configurações e associações de teclas", - "welcomePage.installKeymapExtension": "Instale as configurações e os atalhos de teclado de {0} e {1}", - "welcomePage.interactivePlayground": "Playground Interativo", - "welcomePage.interactivePlaygroundDescription": "Experimente os recursos essenciais do editor em uma breve explicação passo a passo", - "welcomePage.interfaceOverview": "Visão geral da interface", - "welcomePage.interfaceOverviewDescription": "Obter uma sobreposição visual realçando os principais componentes da interface do usuário", - "welcomePage.introductoryVideos": "Vídeos introdutórios", - "welcomePage.keybindingsCheatsheet": "Folha de referências imprimível do teclado", - "welcomePage.learn": "Conhecer", - "welcomePage.moreExtensions": "mais", - "welcomePage.moreRecent": "Mais...", - "welcomePage.newFile": "Novo arquivo", - "welcomePage.newsletterSignup": "Participar do nosso Boletim Informativo", - "welcomePage.noRecentFolders": "Não há pastas recentes", - "welcomePage.openFolder": "Abrir pasta...", - "welcomePage.others": "outros", - "welcomePage.productDocumentation": "Documentação do produto", - "welcomePage.recent": "Recente", - "welcomePage.showCommands": "Encontrar e executar todos os comandos", - "welcomePage.showCommandsDescription": "Acesse e pesquise rapidamente comandos na Paleta de Comandos ({0})", - "welcomePage.showKeymapExtensions": "Mostrar outras extensões de mapa de chaves", - "welcomePage.showLanguageExtensions": "Mostrar mais extensões de idioma", - "welcomePage.showOnStartup": "Mostrar a página inicial ao iniciar", - "welcomePage.stackOverflow": "Stack Overflow", - "welcomePage.start": "Iniciar", - "welcomePage.tipsAndTricks": "Dicas e Truques", - "welcomePage.vscode": "Visual Studio Code" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePage": { - "details": "Detalhes", - "ok": "OK", - "welcome.title": "Bem-vindo(a)", - "welcomePage": "Bem-vindo(a)", - "welcomePage.atom": "Atom", - "welcomePage.azure": "Azure", - "welcomePage.docker": "Docker", - "welcomePage.extensionListSeparator": ", ", - "welcomePage.extensionPackAlreadyInstalled": "O suporte para {0} já está instalado.", - "welcomePage.extensionPackNotFound": "Não foi possível encontrar suporte para {0} com a id {1}.", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPack": "Instalar suporte adicional para {0}", - "welcomePage.installKeymap": "Instalar {0} Mapa de Teclas", - "welcomePage.installedExtensionPack": "O suporte de {0} já está instalado", - "welcomePage.installedKeymap": "O mapa de teclas {0} já está instalado", - "welcomePage.installingExtensionPack": "Instalando suporte adicional para {0}...", - "welcomePage.installingKeymap": "Instalando os atalhos de teclado do {0}...", - "welcomePage.java": "Java", - "welcomePage.javaScript": "JavaScript", - "welcomePage.keymapAlreadyInstalled": "Os atalhos de teclado do {0} já estão instalados.", - "welcomePage.keymapNotFound": "Não foi possível encontrar os atalhos de teclado do {0} com a id {1}.", - "welcomePage.openFolderWithPath": "Abrir pasta {0} com caminho {1}", - "welcomePage.php": "PHP", - "welcomePage.python": "Python", - "welcomePage.showAzureExtensions": "Mostrar extensões do Azure", - "welcomePage.sublime": "Sublime", - "welcomePage.vim": "Vim", - "welcomePage.willReloadAfterInstallingExtensionPack": "A janela será recarregada após a instalação do suporte adicional para {0}.", - "welcomePage.willReloadAfterInstallingKeymap": "A janela será recarregada após a instalação dos atalhos de teclado do {0}." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePage.contribution": { "workbench.startupEditor": "Controla qual editor é mostrado na inicialização, se nenhum for restaurado da sessão anterior.", "workbench.startupEditor.newUntitledFile": "Abrir um novo arquivo sem título (aplicável somente ao abrir uma janela vazia).", @@ -8810,16 +8764,6 @@ "workbench.startupEditor.welcomePage": "Abra a página de boas-vindas, com conteúdo para ajudar na introdução ao VS Code e extensões.", "workbench.startupEditor.welcomePageInEmptyWorkbench": "Abrir a página inicial ao abrir um workbench vazio." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePageColors": { - "welcomePage.background": "Cor da tela de fundo da página inicial.", - "welcomePage.buttonBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo para os botões na página inicial.", - "welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "Focalizar a cor da tela de fundo para os botões na página inicial.", - "welcomePage.progress.background": "Cor de primeiro plano das barras de progresso da Página inicial.", - "welcomePage.progress.foreground": "Cor da tela de fundo das barras de progresso da Página inicial.", - "welcomePage.tileBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo dos blocos na página Introdução.", - "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "Cor da tela de fundo de focalização dos blocos na página Introdução.", - "welcomePage.tileShadow": "Cor da sombra dos botões de categoria de passo a passo da Página inicial." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/telemetryOptOut/browser/telemetryOptOut": { "telemetryOptOut.OptIn": "Sim, feliz em ajudar", "telemetryOptOut.OptOut": "Não, obrigado", @@ -8914,14 +8858,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/workspace/browser/workspaceTrustEditor": { "addButton": "Adicionar pasta", - "addFolderAriaLabel": "Adicionar uma pasta confiável", "deleteTrustedUri": "Excluir Caminho", "dontTrustButton": "Não Confiar", - "editTrustedUri": "Caminho de Alteração", + "editTrustedUri": "Edit Path", "hostColumnLabel": "Host", "localAuthority": "Local", "no untrustedSettings": "As configurações de espaço de trabalho que exigem confiança não estão aplicadas", + "noTrustedFoldersDescriptions": "You haven't trusted any folders or workspace files yet.", "pathColumnLabel": "Caminho", + "pickerTrustedUri": "Open File Picker", "root element label": "Gerenciar a Confiança do Espaço de Trabalho", "selectTrustedUri": "Selecione a Pasta em que Confiar", "trustButton": "Confiar", @@ -9882,6 +9827,9 @@ "saveElevatedSudo": "Repetir como sudo...", "staleSaveError": "Falha ao salvar '{0}': o conteúdo do arquivo é mais recente. Deseja substituir o arquivo com as alterações?" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants": "Saving '{0}'" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/electron-sandbox/workingCopyBackupTracker": { "backupBeforeShutdownDetail": "Clique em 'Cancelar' para parar de aguardar e salvar ou reverter editores sujos.", "backupBeforeShutdownMessage": "Fazer backup dos editores sujos está demorando mais do que o esperado...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json index e19569801f..2e89c5237e 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ }, "dist/githubServer": { "signingIn": "[zweH4][นั้$(mærk-gïthµþ) §ïgñïñg ïñ tø gïthµþ.çøm...Ấğ倪İЂҰक्र्तिृまẤğ倪นั้ढूँ]", - "signingInEnterprise": "[qn4Nj][นั้$(mærk-gïthµþ) §ïgñïñg ïñ tø {0}...Ấğ倪İЂҰक्र्तिृまนั้ढूँ]", - "status.git.signIn.name": "[dDPmR][นั้GïtHµþ §ïgñ-ïñẤğ倪İЂҰนั้ढूँ]" + "status.git.signIn.name": "[dDPmR][นั้GïtHµþ §ïgñ-ïñẤğ倪İЂҰนั้ढूँ]", + "validUri": "[Wq81W][นั้Plëæsë ëñtër æ vælïð Ürï frøm thë GïtHµþ løgïñ pægë.Ấğ倪İЂҰक्र्तिृまẤğ倪İЂҰक्นั้ढूँ]" }, "package": { "description": "[g0RGa][นั้GïtHµþ Ƶthëñtïçætïøñ PrøvïðërẤğ倪İЂҰक्र्तिृนั้ढूँ]", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 18b41545c5..d17bf1fb30 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ "configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "[A3PX0][นั้Çøñfïgµrës gløþ pættërñs før ðëtërmïñïñg whëñ tø ættæçh ïñ \"smært\" `#ðëþµg.jævæsçrïpt.æµtøÆttæçhFïltër#` møðë. `$KÑØWÑ_TØØ£§$` ïs rëplæçëð wïth æ lïst øf ñæmës øf çømmøñ tëst æñð çøðë rµññërs. [Rëæð mørë øñ thë V§ Çøðë ðøçs](https://çøðë.vïsµælstµðïø.çøm/ðøçs/ñøðëjs/ñøðëjs-ðëþµggïñg#_æµtø-ættæçh-smært-pættërñs).Ấğ倪İЂҰक्र्तिृまẤğ倪İЂҰक्र्तिृまẤğ倪İЂҰक्र्तिृまẤğ倪İЂҰक्र्तिृまẤğ倪İЂҰक्र्तिृまẤğ倪İЂҰक्र्तिृまẤğ倪İЂҰक्र्तिृまẤğ倪İЂҰक्र्तिृまẤğ倪İЂҰक्र्तिृนั้ढूँ]", "configuration.autoExpandGetters": "[dlj4l][นั้Çøñfïgµrës whëthër prøpërtÿ gëttërs wïll þë ëxpæñðëð æµtømætïçællÿ. Ïf thïs ïs fælsë, thë gëttër wïll æppëær æs `gët prøpërtÿÑæmë` æñð wïll øñlÿ þë ëvælµætëð whëñ ÿøµ çlïçk øñ ït.Ấğ倪İЂҰक्र्तिृまẤğ倪İЂҰक्र्तिृまẤğ倪İЂҰक्र्तिृまẤğ倪İЂҰक्र्तिृまẤğ倪İЂҰक्र्तिृまẤğนั้ढूँ]", "configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "[I90wZ][นั้Whëñ ðëþµggïñg æ rëmøtë wëþ æpp, çøñfïgµrës whëthër tø æµtømætïçællÿ tµññël thë rëmøtë sërvër tø ÿøµr løçæl mæçhïñë.Ấğ倪İЂҰक्र्तिृまẤğ倪İЂҰक्र्तिृまẤğ倪İЂҰक्र्तिृまẤğ倪İนั้ढूँ]", - "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "[RZGzI][นั้Whëthër tø støp whëñ çøñðïtïøñæl þrëækpøïñts thrøw æñ ërrør. 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[Дополнительные сведения см. в документации по VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/nodejs-debugging#_auto-attach-smart-patterns).", "configuration.autoExpandGetters": "Определяет, будут ли автоматически разворачиваться методы получения свойств. Если для этого параметра задано значение false, метод получения свойства будет отображаться как get propertyName и будет оцениваться только при нажатии на него.", "configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "При отладке удаленного веб-приложения определяет, следует ли автоматически туннелировать удаленный сервер на локальный компьютер.", - "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Следует ли останавливать выполнение, если в условной точке останова возникла ошибка. Примечание: для использования этого параметра необходимо указать префикс \"pwa-\" для типа \"type\" в launch.json, например, \"pwa-node\".", + "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Параметры, используемые при отладке открытых ссылок, выбранных изнутри терминала отладки. Можно задать значение \"false\", чтобы отключить это поведение.", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Значение \"runtimeExecutable\" по умолчанию, используемое для конфигураций запуска, если значение не указано. Оно может использоваться для настройки пользовательских путей для Node.js или установок браузера.", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Где требуется отобразить группы связанных элементов кода \"Run\" и \"Debug\" в ваших скриптах npm. Можно использовать значение \"all\" — во всех скриптах, \"top\" — сверху раздела скриптов или \"never\" — нигде.", @@ -337,7 +337,6 @@ "configuration.suggestPrettyPrinting": "Следует ли предлагать код автоматического форматирования JavaScript, который выглядит минифицированным при заходе в него.", "configuration.terminalOptions": "Параметры запуска по умолчанию для терминала отладки JavaScript и скриптов npm.", "configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Определяет, будет ли автоматически отменено сопоставление с исходным кодом для файла, если исходный файл не может быть прочитан. Если этот параметр имеет значение false (по умолчанию), отображается запрос.", - "configuration.usePreview": "Используйте предварительную версию нового отладчика JavaScript для Node.js и Chrome.", "createDiagnostics.label": "Диагностика проблем с точкой останова", "customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Настройте текстовое описание, которое отладчик отображает для объектов (локальные переменные и т. д.). Примеры:\r\n 1. this.toString() // Вызовет метод toString для печати всех объектов\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Использовать метод customDescription, если он доступен, в противном случае возвратить значение defaultValue\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Использовать метод customDescription, если он доступен, в противном случае возвратить значение defaultValue\r\n ", "customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Настройте свойства, отображаемые для объекта в отладчике (локальные переменные и т. д.). Примеры:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: \"12345\" } // Добавить extraProperty 12345 ко всем объектам\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Использовать метод customProperties, если он доступен, в противном случае использовать свойства this (свойства по умолчанию)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Использовать метод customDescription, если он доступен, в противном случае возвращать свойства по умолчанию\r\n\r\n Не рекомендуется: это временная реализация этой функции до тех пор, пока функция не будет реализована в соответствии с описанием на странице https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/102181.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json index ed6e49d720..f1696fe88a 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ "typescript.findAllFileReferences": "Найти ссылки на файлы", "typescript.format.enable": "Включение или отключение модуля форматирования TypeScript по умолчанию.", "typescript.implementationsCodeLens.enabled": "Включить или отключить CodeLens для реализаций. В этом CodeLens отображаются реализации интерфейса.", - "typescript.locale": "Устанавливает языковой стандарт, используемый для сообщений об ошибках JavaScript и TypeScript. Значение по умолчанию — \"null\". При указании значения null используется языковой стандарт VS Code.", + "typescript.locale": "Sets the locale used to report JavaScript and TypeScript errors. Defaults to use VS Code's locale.", "typescript.npm": "Указывает путь к исполняемому npm для [Автоматического получения типов](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/working-with-javascript#_typings-and-automatic-type-acquisition).", "typescript.openTsServerLog.title": "Открыть журнал сервера TS", "typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier": "Предпочтительный стиль пути для автоматического импорта.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json index 6a9f337678..eb2f67658f 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "autoClosingQuotes": "Определяет, должен ли редактор автоматически закрывать кавычки, если пользователь добавил открывающую кавычку.", "autoIndent": "Определяет, должен ли редактор автоматически изменять отступы, когда пользователи вводят, вставляют или перемещают текст или изменяют отступы строк.", "autoSurround": "Определяет, должен ли редактор автоматически обрамлять выделения при вводе кавычек или квадратных скобок.", + "bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Controls whether bracket pair colorization is enabled or not.", "codeActions": "Включает индикатор действия кода в редакторе.", "codeLens": "Определяет, отображается ли CodeLens в редакторе.", "codeLensFontFamily": "Управляет семейством шрифтов для CodeLens.", @@ -585,6 +586,12 @@ "deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "Параметр 'Id' является устаревшим. Используйте вместо него параметр 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground'.", "editorActiveIndentGuide": "Цвет активных направляющих для отступов редактора.", "editorActiveLineNumber": "Цвет номера активной строки редактора", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Foreground color of brackets (1).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Foreground color of brackets (2).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Foreground color of brackets (3).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Foreground color of brackets (4).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Foreground color of brackets (5).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Foreground color of brackets (6).", "editorBracketMatchBackground": "Цвет фона парных скобок", "editorBracketMatchBorder": "Цвет прямоугольников парных скобок", "editorCodeLensForeground": "Цвет переднего плана элемента CodeLens в редакторе", @@ -905,6 +912,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": { "acceptInlineSuggestion": "Принять", + "inlineSuggestionFollows": "Suggestion:", "showNextInlineSuggestion": "Далее", "showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "Назад" }, @@ -1547,6 +1555,8 @@ "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.osx": "Профиль по умолчанию, используемый в macOS. Этот параметр в настоящее время будет проигнорирован, если заданы {0} или {1}.", "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.windows": "Профиль по умолчанию, используемый в Windows. Этот параметр в настоящее время будет проигнорирован, если заданы {0} или {1}.", "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": "Должны ли новые оболочки наследовать свою среду от VS Code, который может попытаться получить оболочку входа для обеспечения инициализации $PATH и других переменных разработки. Это не влияет на Windows.", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionExperimentalSerializer": "Whether to use a more efficient experimental approach for restoring the terminal's buffer. This setting requires a restart to take effect.", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionScrollback": "Controls the maximum amount of lines that will be restored when reconnecting to a persistent terminal session. Increasing this will restore more lines of scrollback at the cost of more memory and increase the time it takes to connect to terminals on start up. This setting requires a restart to take effect and should be set to a value less than or equal to `#terminal.integrated.scrollback#`.", "terminal.integrated.profile.linux": "Профили Linux, отображаемые при создании терминала с помощью раскрывающегося списка терминалов. Если они установлены, они переопределят профили, обнаруженные по умолчанию. Они включают {0} и необязательный параметр {1}.", "terminal.integrated.profile.osx": "Профили macOS, отображаемые при создании терминала с помощью раскрывающегося списка терминалов. Если они установлены, они переопределят профили, обнаруженные по умолчанию. Они включают {0} и необязательный параметр {1}.", "terminal.integrated.profiles.windows": "Профили Windows, отображаемые при создании терминала с помощью раскрывающегося списка терминалов. Установите значение null, чтобы исключить их. Используйте свойство {0}, чтобы применить конфигурацию, обнаруженную по умолчанию. Либо установите {1} и необязательный параметр {2}.", @@ -2530,6 +2540,7 @@ "missing.command": "Элемент меню ссылается на команду \"{0}\", которая не определена в разделе commands.", "missing.submenu": "Пункт меню ссылается на подменю \"{0}\", которое не определено в разделе \"submenus\".", "nonempty": "требуется непустое значение.", + "notebook.cell.execute": "The contributed notebook cell execution menu", "notebook.cell.title": "Меню заголовка добавленной ячейки записной книжки", "notebook.toolbar": "Меню панели инструментов добавленной записной книжки", "opticon": "Свойство icon может быть пропущено или должно быть строкой или литералом, например \"{dark, light}\"", @@ -2720,10 +2731,15 @@ "closeWorkspace": "Закрыть рабочую область", "duplicateWorkspace": "Дублировать рабочую область", "duplicateWorkspaceInNewWindow": "Создать копию рабочей области в новом окне", + "filesCategory": "File", "globalRemoveFolderFromWorkspace": "Удалить папку из рабочей области...", "miAddFolderToWorkspace": "Д&&обавить папку в рабочую область...", "miCloseFolder": "Закрыть &&папку", "miCloseWorkspace": "Закрыть &&рабочую область", + "miOpen": "&&Open...", + "miOpenFile": "&&Open File...", + "miOpenFolder": "Open &&Folder...", + "miOpenWorkspace": "Open Wor&&kspace...", "miSaveWorkspaceAs": "Сохранить рабочую область как...", "noWorkspaceOrFolderOpened": "В этом экземпляре отсутствуют открытые рабочие области или папки.", "openFile": "Открыть файл...", @@ -2935,7 +2951,6 @@ "pinEditor": "Закрепить редактор", "previousChangeIcon": "Значок для действия предыдущего изменения в редакторе несовпадений.", "reopenWith": "Открыть редактор повторно с помощью…", - "run": "Запуск или отладка...", "showOpenedEditors": "Показать открытые редакторы", "showTrimWhitespace.label": "Показать различия начальных и конечных пробелов", "sideBySideEditor": "Параллельный редактор", @@ -3063,6 +3078,15 @@ "groupLabel": "Группа {0}", "ok": "OK" }, + "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorPlaceholder": { + "manageTrust": "Manage Workspace Trust", + "requiresFolderTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the folder.", + "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the workspace.", + "retry": "Try Open Again", + "trustRequiredEditor": "Workspace Trust Required", + "unavailableEditor": "Unavailable Editor", + "unavailableEditorText": "The editor could not be opened due to an error or an unavailable resource." + }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorQuickAccess": { "closeEditor": "Закрыть редактор", "entryAriaLabelDirty": "{0}, \"грязный\"", @@ -3080,7 +3104,6 @@ "configureModeSettings": "Настройка параметров, определяемых языком \"{0}\"...", "currentAssociation": "Текущая связь", "currentProblem": "Текущая проблема", - "detectedLanguagesPicks": "обнаруженные языки (идентификатор)", "disableColumnSelectionMode": "Отключить режим выбора столбца", "disableTabMode": "Отключить режим специальных возможностей", "endOfLineCarriageReturnLineFeed": "CRLF", @@ -3092,7 +3115,6 @@ "indentView": "изменить представление", "languageDescription": "({0}) — настроенный язык", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", - "languageDescriptionCurrent": "({0}) — текущий язык", "languagesPicks": "языки (идентификатор)", "multiSelection": "Выделений: {0}", "multiSelectionRange": "Выделений: {0} (выделено символов: {1})", @@ -3148,12 +3170,6 @@ "ariaLabelEditorActions": "Действия редактора", "draggedEditorGroup": "{0} (+{1})" }, - "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/workspaceTrustRequiredEditor": { - "manageTrust": "Управление доверием рабочей области", - "requiresFolderTrustText": "Файл не отображается в редакторе, поскольку не было предоставлено доверие этой папке.", - "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "Файл не отображается в редакторе, поскольку не было предоставлено доверие этой рабочей области.", - "trustRequiredEditor": "Требуется доверие рабочей области" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/notifications/notificationsActions": { "clearAllIcon": "Значок для действия очистки всех элементов в уведомлениях.", "clearIcon": "Значок для действия очистки в уведомлениях.", @@ -4133,7 +4149,7 @@ "editBreakpoint": "Изменить {0}...", "editBreakpoints": "Изменить точки останова", "editInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "Изменить внутреннюю точку останова в столбце {0}", - "editLineBrekapoint": "Изменить точку останова в строке", + "editLineBreakpoint": "Edit Line Breakpoint", "enable": "Включить", "enableBreakpoint": "Включить {0}", "enableBreakpointOnLine": "Включить точку останова в строке", @@ -4145,7 +4161,8 @@ "removeBreakpoints": "Удалить точки останова", "removeInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "Удалить внутреннюю точку останова в столбце {0}", "removeLineBreakpoint": "Удалить точку останова из строки", - "removeLogPoint": "Удалить {0}" + "removeLogPoint": "Удалить {0}", + "runToLine": "Run to Line" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/breakpointWidget": { "breakpointType": "Тип точки останова", @@ -4240,6 +4257,7 @@ "copyAsExpression": "Копировать как выражение", "copyStackTrace": "Копировать стек вызовов", "copyValue": "Копировать значение", + "debug.console.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on enter in the debug console. enter is also used to evaluate whatever is typed in the debug console.", "debug.console.closeOnEnd": "Определяет, должна ли консоль отладки автоматически закрываться по окончании сеанса отладки.", "debug.console.collapseIdenticalLines": "Определяет, необходимо ли сворачивать одинаковые строки и отображать число вхождений с помощью значка в консоли отладки.", "debug.console.fontFamily": "Определяет семейство шрифтов в консоли отладки.", @@ -4291,6 +4309,7 @@ "prompt": "Вывод запроса пользователю.", "removeWatchExpression": "Удалить выражение", "restartFrame": "Перезапустить кадр", + "run": "Run or Debug...", "run and debug": "Запуск и отладка", "setValue": "Задать значение", "showBreakpointsInOverviewRuler": "Определяет, нужно ли отображать точки останова на обзорной линейке.", @@ -4473,6 +4492,7 @@ "installAdditionalDebuggers": "Установка расширения {0}", "launchJsonDoesNotExist": "\"launch.json\" не существует в переданной папке рабочей области.", "multipleConfigurationNamesInWorkspace": "В рабочей области есть несколько конфигураций запуска \"{0}\". Используйте имя папки для определения конфигурации.", + "multipleSession": "'{0}' is already running. Do you want to start another instance?", "nActiveSessions": "Активные сеансы: {0}", "noConfigurationNameInWorkspace": "Не удалось найти конфигурацию запуска \"{0}\" в рабочей области.", "noFolderWithName": "Не удается найти папку с именем '{0}' для конфигурации '{1}' в составном объекте '{2}'.", @@ -4518,11 +4538,9 @@ "startAdditionalSession": "Запустить дополнительный сеанс" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/disassemblyView": { - "breakpointAllowed": "Можно задать точку останова", - "breakpointIsSet": "Точка останова задана", "disassemblyView": "Представление дизассемблирования", - "instructionAddress": "Адрес инструкции", - "instructionBytes": "Байты инструкции", + "instructionAddress": "Address", + "instructionBytes": "Bytes", "instructionText": "Инструкция" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/exceptionWidget": { @@ -4596,6 +4614,7 @@ "addWatchExpression": "Добавить выражение", "collapse": "Свернуть все", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "Удалить все выражения", + "typeNewValue": "Type new value", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "Отладка выражений контрольных значений", "watchExpressionAriaLabel": "{0}, значение {1}", "watchExpressionInputAriaLabel": "Введите выражение контрольного значения", @@ -4630,6 +4649,7 @@ "callStackSessionIsAttach": "Значение true, если сеанс в представлении \"Стек вызовов\", представляет собой присоединение, в противном случае — false. Используется для внутренних меню в представлении \"Стек вызовов\".", "debugConfigurationType": "Тип отладки для выбранной конфигурации запуска. Например, \"python\".", "debugProtocolVariableMenuContext": "Представляет контекст, который адаптер отладки задает в переменной, на которой находится фокус, в представлении \"Переменные\".", + "debugSetExpressionSupported": "True when the focused session supports 'setExpression' request.", "debugSetVariableSupported": "Значение true, если сеанс, на котором находится фокус, поддерживает запрос \"setVariable\".", "debugState": "Состояние сеанса отладки, на котором находится фокус. Одно из следующих значений: \"inactive\" (неактивен), \"initializing\" (инициализация), \"stopped\" (остановлен) или \"running\" (выполняется).", "debugType": "Тип отладки для активного сеанса отладки. Например, \"python\".", @@ -4656,7 +4676,8 @@ "stepBackSupported": "Значение true, если сеанс, на котором находится фокус, поддерживает запросы \"stepBack\".", "stepIntoTargetsSupported": "Значение true, если сеанс, на котором находится фокус, поддерживает запрос \"stepIntoTargets\".", "terminateDebuggeeSupported": "Установите значение true, если сфокусированный сеанс поддерживает возможность завершения отлаживаемого кода.", - "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "Значение true, если для переменной, на которой находится фокус, задано поле \"evalauteName\".", + "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "True when the focused variable has an 'evalauteName' field set.", + "variableIsReadonly": "True when the focused variable is readonly.", "variablesFocused": "Значение true, если фокус находится на представлении \"Переменные\", в противном случае — false.", "watchExpressionsExist": "Значение true, если существует хотя бы одно выражение с контрольным значением, в противном случае —— false.", "watchExpressionsFocused": "Значение true, если на представлении \"Контрольное значение\" находится фокус, в противном случае — false.", @@ -5516,16 +5537,11 @@ "cut": "Вырезать", "deleteFile": "Удалить навсегда", "explorerOpenWith": "Открыть с помощью...", - "file": "Файл", "filesCategory": "Файл", "miAutoSave": "А&&втосохранение", "miCloseEditor": "&&Закрыть редактор", "miGotoFile": "Перейти к &&файлу...", "miNewFile": "&&Новый файл", - "miOpen": "&&Открыть...", - "miOpenFile": "&&Открыть файл...", - "miOpenFolder": "Открыть &&папку...", - "miOpenWorkspace": "Открыть рабо&&чую область...", "miRevert": "Отменить &&изменения в файле", "miSave": "&&Сохранить", "miSaveAll": "Сохранить &&все", @@ -5538,8 +5554,7 @@ "revertLocalChanges": "Отменить изменения и вернуться к исходному содержимому файла", "saveAll": "Сохранить все", "saveAllInGroup": "Сохранить все в группе", - "saveFiles": "Сохранить все файлы", - "workspaces": "Рабочие области" + "saveFiles": "Сохранить все файлы" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/fileCommands": { "discard": "Отменить", @@ -5876,11 +5891,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/markers/browser/markersTreeViewer": { "collapsedIcon": "Значок, указывающий, что несколько строк свернуты в представлении маркеров.", "expandedIcon": "Значок, указывающий, что несколько строк отображаются в представлении маркеров.", - "links.navigate.follow": "перейти по ссылке", - "links.navigate.kb.alt": "Кнопка ALT и щелчок левой кнопкой мыши", - "links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "Кнопка OPTION и щелчок левой кнопкой мыши", - "links.navigate.kb.meta": "Кнопка CTRL и щелчок левой кнопкой мыши", - "links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "Кнопка OPTION и щелчок левой кнопкой мыши", "multi line": "Показать сообщение на нескольких строках", "problemsView": "Представление проблем", "single line": "Показать сообщение в одной строке" @@ -5981,6 +5991,7 @@ "notebookActions.editCell": "Изменить ячейку", "notebookActions.execute": "Выполнить ячейку", "notebookActions.executeAbove": "Выполнить ячейки выше", + "notebookActions.executeAndFocusContainer": "Execute Cell and Focus Container", "notebookActions.executeAndInsertBelow": "Выполнить ячейку записной книжки и вставить ниже", "notebookActions.executeAndSelectBelow": "Выполнить ячейку записной книжки и выбрать ниже", "notebookActions.executeBelow": "Выполнить ячейку и ниже", @@ -5988,8 +5999,10 @@ "notebookActions.expandCellInput": "Развернуть ввод в ячейке", "notebookActions.expandCellOutput": "Развернуть вывод ячейки", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAbove": "Вставить ячейку кода выше", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAboveAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Above and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAtTop": "Добавить ячейку кода вверху", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelow": "Вставить ячейку кода ниже", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Below and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAbove": "Вставить ячейку Markdown выше", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAtTop": "Добавить ячейку Markdown вверху", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellBelow": "Вставить ячейку Markdown ниже", @@ -6199,9 +6212,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookKernelActionViewItem": { "select": "Выбрать ядро" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookServiceImpl": { - "builtinProviderDisplayName": "Встроенный" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/output/outputRenderer": { "empty": "У ячейки нет выходных данных", "noRenderer.1": "Не удалось найти отрисовщик для типа MIME: {0}", @@ -6226,9 +6236,14 @@ "unavailableRenderInfo": "отрисовщик недоступен" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/cellRenderer": { - "cellExpandButtonLabel": "Развернуть", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Output (${0})", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell output ({0})", "notebook.moreRunActionsLabel": "Подробнее..." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/codeCell": { + "cellExpandInputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Input ({0})", + "cellExpandInputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell input ({0})" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/common/notebookEditorModel": { "notebook.staleSaveError": "Содержимое файла на диске изменилось. Вы хотите открыть обновленную версию файла или перезаписать файл на диске своими изменениями?", "notebook.staleSaveError.overwrite.": "Перезаписать", @@ -6389,6 +6404,7 @@ "openGlobalSettings": "Открыть пользовательские параметры", "openRawDefaultSettings": "Открыть параметры по умолчанию (JSON)", "openRemoteSettings": "Открыть удаленные параметры ({0})", + "openRemoteSettingsJSON": "Open Remote Settings (JSON) ({0})", "openSettings2": "Открыть параметры (пользовательский интерфейс)", "openSettingsJson": "Открыть параметры (JSON)", "openWorkspaceSettings": "Открыть параметры рабочей области", @@ -7754,10 +7770,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalDecorationsProvider": { "label": "Терминал" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalEditor": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (по умолчанию)", - "terminal.new": "Новый терминал" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalIcons": { "configureTerminalProfileIcon": "Значок для создания нового профиля терминала.", "killTerminalIcon": "Значок для завершения экземпляра терминала.", @@ -7790,10 +7802,12 @@ "yes": "Да" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalMenus": { + "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (Default)", "miNewTerminal": "&&Создать терминал", "miRunActiveFile": "Запустить &&активный файл", "miRunSelectedText": "Запустить &&выбранный текст", "miSplitTerminal": "&&Разделить терминал", + "terminal.new": "New Terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.changeColor": "Изменить цвет...", "workbench.action.terminal.changeIcon": "Изменить значок...", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "Сброс", @@ -7845,9 +7859,7 @@ "terminalInputAriaLabel": "Введите имя терминала. Нажмите клавишу ВВОД, чтобы подтвердить введенные данные, или ESCAPE для отмены." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalView": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (по умолчанию)", "terminal.monospaceOnly": "Терминал поддерживает только моноширинные шрифты. Не забудьте перезапустить VS Code, если этот шрифт был установлен недавно.", - "terminal.new": "Новый терминал", "terminal.useMonospace": "Использовать моноширинные шрифты", "terminalConnectingLabel": "Выполняется запуск…", "terminals": "Открыть терминалы." @@ -7856,12 +7868,13 @@ "terminalCategory": "Терминал", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal": "Предоставляет функциональные возможности терминала.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles": "Определяет дополнительные профили терминалов, которые может создать пользователь.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.icon": "Codicon для связи с этим профилем терминала.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.id": "Идентификатор поставщика профиля терминала.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.title": "Заголовок для этого профиля терминала.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types": "Определяет дополнительные типы терминалов, которые может создать пользователь.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.command": "Команда которая будет выполнена, когда пользователь создает этот тип терминала.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "Codicon для связи с этим типом терминала.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "A codicon, URI, or light and dark URIs to associate with this terminal type.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "Icon path when a dark theme is used", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "Icon path when a light theme is used", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.title": "Заголовок для этого типа терминала." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { @@ -8038,14 +8051,14 @@ "configureProfile": "Выберите профиль, который необходимо обновить", "debug test": "Отладить тест", "debugAllTests": "Отладка всех тестов", - "debugSelectedTests": "Отладить выбранные тесты", + "debugSelectedTests": "Debug Tests", "discoveringTests": "Обнаружение тестов", "hideTest": "Скрыть тест", "noDebugTestProvider": "В рабочей области не найдено тестов, доступных для отладки. Возможно, требуется установить расширение поставщика тестов.", "noTestProvider": "В рабочей области не найдено тестов. Возможно, требуется установить расширение поставщика тестов.", "run test": "Запустить тест", "runAllTests": "Запуск всех тестов", - "runSelectedTests": "Запустить выбранные тесты", + "runSelectedTests": "Run Tests", "testing.cancelRun": "Отменить тестовый запуск", "testing.clearResults": "Очистить все результаты", "testing.collapseAll": "Свернуть все тесты", @@ -8066,6 +8079,7 @@ "testing.showMostRecentOutput": "Показать выходные данные", "testing.sortByLocation": "Сортировать по расположению", "testing.sortByStatus": "Сортировать по состоянию", + "testing.toggleInlineTestOutput": "Toggle Inline Test Output", "testing.turnOffAutoRun": "Отключить автозапуск", "testing.turnOnAutoRun": "Включить автозапуск", "testing.viewAsList": "Просмотреть в виде списка", @@ -8084,8 +8098,10 @@ "updateTestConfiguration": "Обновить конфигурацию теста" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingDecorations": { + "actual.title": "Actual:", "debug all test": "Отладить все тесты", "debug test": "Отладка теста", + "expected.title": "Expected:", "peek failure": "Показать ошибки", "peekTestOutout": "Просмотреть вывод теста", "reveal test": "Открыть в Обозревателе тестов", @@ -8126,6 +8142,7 @@ "testing.goToFile": "Перейти к файлу", "testing.goToNextMessage": "Перейти к следующей ошибке теста", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "Перейти к предыдущему сбою теста", + "testing.openMessageInEditor": "Open in Editor", "testing.reRunLastRun": "Повторно запустить тестовый запуск", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Открыть в Обозревателе тестов", "testing.showResultOutput": "Показать выходные данные результатов", @@ -8159,12 +8176,8 @@ "testing.iconUnset": "Цвет значка \"Отменено\" в обозревателе тестов.", "testing.message.error.decorationForeground": "Цвет текста для сообщений об ошибках тестирования, отображаемых внутри редактора.", "testing.message.error.marginBackground": "Цвет поля рядом с сообщениями об ошибках, отображаемыми в редакторе.", - "testing.message.hint.decorationForeground": "Цвет текста для указаний тестирования, отображаемых внутри редактора.", - "testing.message.hint.marginBackground": "Цвет поля рядом с сообщениями с указаниями, отображаемыми в редакторе.", "testing.message.info.decorationForeground": "Цвет текста для информационных сообщений тестирования, отображаемых внутри редактора.", "testing.message.info.marginBackground": "Цвет поля рядом с информационными сообщениями, отображаемыми в редакторе.", - "testing.message.warning.decorationForeground": "Цвет текста для предупреждений тестирования, отображаемых внутри редактора.", - "testing.message.warning.marginBackground": "Цвет поля рядом с предупреждающими сообщениями, отображаемыми в редакторе.", "testing.peekBorder": "Цвет границ быстрого редактора и массива.", "testing.runAction": "Цвет значков \"Запуск\" в редакторе." }, @@ -8177,12 +8190,14 @@ "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView": "Определяет, когда будет автоматически открываться представление \"Просмотр ошибок\".", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureAnywhere": "Открывать автоматически независимо от того, где произошел сбой.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureInVisibleDocument": "Открывать автоматически при сбое теста в видимом документе.", + "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.never": "Never automatically open.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekViewDuringAutoRun": "Определяет, следует ли автоматически открывать представление просмотра в режиме автозапуска.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction": "Управляет действием, выполняемым при щелчке левой кнопкой мыши по оформлению теста во внутренней области.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.contextMenu": "Откройте контекстное меню, чтобы просмотреть дополнительные параметры.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.debug": "Отладить тест.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.run": "Запустить тест.", - "testing.followRunningTest": "Определяет, следует ли следовать тестовой проверке в представлении тестового проводника" + "testing.followRunningTest": "Определяет, следует ли следовать тестовой проверке в представлении тестового проводника", + "testing.gutterEnabled": "Controls whether test decorations are shown in the editor gutter." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/constants": { "testGroup.coverage": "Охват", @@ -8561,7 +8576,6 @@ "recent": "Последние", "show more recents": "Показать все последние папки {0}", "showAll": "Подробнее...", - "showAllWalkthroughs": "Открыть пошаговое руководство…", "start": "Запуск", "walkthroughs": "Пошаговые руководства", "welcome": "Приветствие", @@ -8571,8 +8585,6 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted.contribution": { "Welcome": "Приветствие", - "gettingStarted.goNext": "Далее", - "gettingStarted.goPrev": "Назад", "help": "Справка", "pickWalkthroughs": "Открыть пошаговое руководство...", "welcome": "Приветствие", @@ -8583,6 +8595,16 @@ "workbench.welcomePage.preferReducedMotion": "Если параметр включен, уменьшить движение на странице приветствия.", "workbench.welcomePage.walkthroughs.openOnInstall": "Если этот параметр включен, пошаговое руководство по расширению откроется после его установки." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedColors": { + "welcomePage.background": "Background color for the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonBackground": "Background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.progress.background": "Foreground color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.progress.foreground": "Background color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.tileBackground": "Background color for the tiles on the Get Started page.", + "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the tiles on the Get Started.", + "welcomePage.tileShadow": "Shadow color for the Welcome page walkthrough category buttons." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedExtensionPoint": { "pathDeprecated": "Не рекомендуется. Вместо этого используйте \"image\" или \"Markdown\".", "removed": "Удалено, используйте вместо этого пункт вклада «меню» => «файл/новыйФайл", @@ -8734,74 +8756,6 @@ "welcomeOverlay.search": "Поиск по файлам", "welcomeOverlay.terminal": "Переключить интегрированный терминал" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/vs_code_welcome_page": { - "welcomePage.colorTheme": "Цветовая тема", - "welcomePage.colorThemeDescription": "Настройте редактор и код удобным образом.", - "welcomePage.customize": "Настроить", - "welcomePage.editingEvolved": "Улучшенное редактирование", - "welcomePage.gitClone": "клонирование репозитория…", - "welcomePage.gitHubRepository": "Репозиторий GitHub", - "welcomePage.help": "Справка", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPacks": "Средства и языки", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPacksDescription": "Установить поддержку для {0} и {1}", - "welcomePage.installKeymapDescription": "Параметры и настраиваемые сочетания клавиш", - "welcomePage.installKeymapExtension": "Установить параметры и настраиваемые сочетания клавиш из {0} и {1}", - "welcomePage.interactivePlayground": "Интерактивная тестовая площадка", - "welcomePage.interactivePlaygroundDescription": "Познакомьтесь с основными функциями редактора с помощью короткого пошагового руководства", - "welcomePage.interfaceOverview": "Общие сведения об интерфейсе", - "welcomePage.interfaceOverviewDescription": "Используйте визуальное наложение с выделением основных компонентов пользовательского интерфейса.", - "welcomePage.introductoryVideos": "Вступительные видео", - "welcomePage.keybindingsCheatsheet": "Список сочетаний клавиш в печатном виде", - "welcomePage.learn": "Подробнее", - "welcomePage.moreExtensions": "Еще", - "welcomePage.moreRecent": "Подробнее...", - "welcomePage.newFile": "Создать файл", - "welcomePage.newsletterSignup": "Подпишитесь на наш информационный бюллетень", - "welcomePage.noRecentFolders": "Нет последних папок.", - "welcomePage.openFolder": "Открыть папку...", - "welcomePage.others": "Другие", - "welcomePage.productDocumentation": "Документация по продукту", - "welcomePage.recent": "Последние", - "welcomePage.showCommands": "Найти и выполнить все команды", - "welcomePage.showCommandsDescription": "Быстро обращайтесь к командам и выполняйте поиск по командам с помощью палитры команд ({0})", - "welcomePage.showKeymapExtensions": "Показать другие расширения для раскладки клавиатуры", - "welcomePage.showLanguageExtensions": "Показать дополнительные расширения языка", - "welcomePage.showOnStartup": "Отображать страницу приветствия при запуске", - "welcomePage.stackOverflow": "Stack Overflow", - "welcomePage.start": "Запуск", - "welcomePage.tipsAndTricks": "Советы и рекомендации", - "welcomePage.vscode": "Visual Studio Code" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePage": { - "details": "Подробные сведения", - "ok": "ОК", - "welcome.title": "Приветствие", - "welcomePage": "Приветствие", - "welcomePage.atom": "Atom", - "welcomePage.azure": "Azure", - "welcomePage.docker": "Docker", - "welcomePage.extensionListSeparator": ", ", - "welcomePage.extensionPackAlreadyInstalled": "Поддержка {0} уже добавлена.", - 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"welcomePage.sublime": "Sublime", - "welcomePage.vim": "Vim", - "welcomePage.willReloadAfterInstallingExtensionPack": "После установки дополнительной поддержки для {0} окно будет перезагружено.", - "welcomePage.willReloadAfterInstallingKeymap": "Окно перезагрузится после установки сочетаний клавиш {0}." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePage.contribution": { "workbench.startupEditor": "Управляет тем, какой редактор отображается при запуске, если содержимое редактора не было восстановлено из предыдущего сеанса.", "workbench.startupEditor.newUntitledFile": "Открыть новый файл без названия (применяется только при открытии пустого окна).", @@ -8810,16 +8764,6 @@ "workbench.startupEditor.welcomePage": "Откройте домашнюю страницу с содержимым, которое поможет начать работу с VS Code и расширениями.", "workbench.startupEditor.welcomePageInEmptyWorkbench": "Открывать страницу приветствия при открытии пустой рабочей области." }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePageColors": { - "welcomePage.background": "Цвет фона страницы приветствия.", - "welcomePage.buttonBackground": "Цвет фона кнопок на странице приветствия.", - "welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "Цвет фона при наведении указателя для кнопок на странице приветствия.", - "welcomePage.progress.background": "Цвет переднего плана для индикаторов хода выполнения на странице приветствия.", - "welcomePage.progress.foreground": "Цвет фона для индикаторов хода выполнения на странице приветствия.", - "welcomePage.tileBackground": "Цвет фона для плиток на странице \"Приступая к работе\".", - "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "Цвет фона при наведении курсора для плиток на странице \"Приступая к работе\".", - "welcomePage.tileShadow": "Цвет тени для кнопок категорий пошаговых руководств на странице приветствия." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/telemetryOptOut/browser/telemetryOptOut": { "telemetryOptOut.OptIn": "Да, я буду рад помочь", "telemetryOptOut.OptOut": "Нет, спасибо", @@ -8914,14 +8858,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/workspace/browser/workspaceTrustEditor": { "addButton": "Добавить папку", - "addFolderAriaLabel": "Добавить доверенную папку", "deleteTrustedUri": "Удалить путь", "dontTrustButton": "Не доверять", - "editTrustedUri": "Изменить путь", + "editTrustedUri": "Edit Path", "hostColumnLabel": "Узел", "localAuthority": "Локальный", "no untrustedSettings": "Параметры рабочей области, требующие доверия, не применяются", + "noTrustedFoldersDescriptions": "You haven't trusted any folders or workspace files yet.", "pathColumnLabel": "Путь", + "pickerTrustedUri": "Open File Picker", "root element label": "Управление доверием рабочей области", "selectTrustedUri": "Выберите папку для доверия", "trustButton": "Доверять", @@ -9882,6 +9827,9 @@ "saveElevatedSudo": "Повторить попытку в режиме Sudo...", "staleSaveError": "Не удалось сохранить \"{0}\": содержимое файла новее. Вы хотите перезаписать файл изменениями?" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants": "Saving '{0}'" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/electron-sandbox/workingCopyBackupTracker": { "backupBeforeShutdownDetail": "Нажмите кнопку \"Отмена\", чтобы прекратить ожидание и сохранить или отменить изменения недействительных редакторов.", "backupBeforeShutdownMessage": "Резервное копирование \"грязных\" редакторов занимает больше времени, чем ожидалось...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json index 2390d9a5f5..bbe2d8a1e5 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ }, "dist/githubServer": { "signingIn": "$(mark-github) Github.com'da oturum açılıyor...", - "signingInEnterprise": "$(mark-github) {0} Oturumu açılıyor...", - "status.git.signIn.name": "GitHub Oturum Açma Bilgileri" + "status.git.signIn.name": "GitHub Oturum Açma Bilgileri", + "validUri": "Please enter a valid Uri from the GitHub login page." }, "package": { "description": "GitHub Kimlik Doğrulama Sağlayıcısı", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 52d72c40a1..60792e51d9 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ "configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "\"Akıllı\" `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` moduna iliştirilmeyi algılama için glob desenlerini yapılandırır. `$KNOWN_TOOLS$`, ortak test ve kod çalıştıranlar adları listesiyle değiştirilir. [VS Code belgelerinde daha fazla bilgi edinin](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/nodejs-debugging#_auto-attach-smart-patterns).", "configuration.autoExpandGetters": "Özellik alıcılarının otomatik olarak genişletilip genişletilmeyeceğini yapılandırır. Bu false ise, alıcı `get propertyName` olarak görünür ve yalnızca üzerine tıkladığınızda değerlendirilir.", "configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "Uzak bir web uygulamasında hata ayıklarken, uzak sunucuyu yerel makinenize otomatik olarak tünelleyip tünellemeyeceğinizi yapılandırın.", - "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Koşullu kesme noktaları bir hata verdiğinde durdurulup durdurulmayacağını belirtir. Not: Bunu kullanabilmek için `type` launch.json dosyanız `pwa-node` gibi bir `pwa-` eki ile başlamalıdır.", + "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "Options used when debugging open links clicked from inside the debug terminal. Can be set to \"false\" to disable this behavior.", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "Belirtilmemişse, başlatma yapılandırmaları için varsayılan `runtimeExecutable` kullanılır. Bu, Node.js veya tarayıcı yüklemelerine özel yolları yapılandırmada kullanılabilir.", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "Npm komut dosyalarınızda \"Çalıştır\" ve \"Hata Ayıkla\" kod lensinin gösterilmesi gereken yer. \"Tümü\" seçeneğinin üzerinde, betik bölümünün \"üstünde\" veya \"hiçbir zaman\" olabilir.", @@ -337,7 +337,6 @@ "configuration.suggestPrettyPrinting": "İçine girdiğinizde küçültülmüş görünen düzgün yazdırma JavaScript kodunun önerilip önerilmeyeceğini belirtir.", "configuration.terminalOptions": "JavaScript hata ayıklama terminali ve npm betikleri için varsayılan başlatma seçenekleri.", "configuration.unmapMissingSources": "Özgün dosyanın okunamadığı, kaynağa eşlenmiş dosyanın eşlemesinin otomatik olarak kaldırılıp kaldırılmayacağını yapılandırır. Bu false ise (varsayılan) bir istem görüntülenir.", - "configuration.usePreview": "Node.js ve Chrome için önizlemedeki yeni JavaScript hata ayıklayıcısını kullanın.", "createDiagnostics.label": "Kesme Noktası Sorunlarını Tanıla", "customDescriptionGenerator.description": "Hata ayıklayıcısının nesneler (yerel değişkenler vb.) için gösterdiği metinsel açıklamayı özelleştirin. Örnekler:\r\n 1. this.toString () // tüm nesneleri yazdırmak için toString çağırır\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // Varsa customDescription metodunu kullanın. Yoksa defaultValue döndürün\r\n 3. işlev (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // Varsa customDescription metodunu kullanın. Yoksa defaultValue döndürün\r\n ", "customPropertiesGenerator.description": "Hata ayıklamada bir nesne için gösterilen özellikleri özelleştirin (yerel değişkenler, vb...). Örnekler:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // Tüm nesnelere extraProperty 12345 ekleyin\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // Varsa customProperties yöntemini kullanın, yoksa buradaki özellikleri kullanın (varsayılan özellikler)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // Varsa customDescription yöntemini kullanın, yoksa varsayılan özellikleri döndürün\r\n\r\n Kullanım dışı: Bu, burada açıklanan şekilde uygulanana kadar bu özelliğin geçici bir uygulamasıdır: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/102181", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json index aa7f803f5a..1cbddf7940 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ "typescript.findAllFileReferences": "Dosya Başvurularını Bul", "typescript.format.enable": "Varsayılan TypeScript biçimlendiricisini etkinleştirin/devre dışı bırakın.", "typescript.implementationsCodeLens.enabled": "CodeLens uygulamalarını etkinleştirin/devre dışı bırakın. Bu CodeLens bir arabirimin uygulayıcılarını gösterir.", - "typescript.locale": "JavaScript ve TypeScript hatalarını bildirmek için kullanılan yerel ayarı belirler. Varsayılan değer olan `null`, VS Code'un yerel ayarını kullanır.", + "typescript.locale": "Sets the locale used to report JavaScript and TypeScript errors. Defaults to use VS Code's locale.", "typescript.npm": "[Otomatik Tür Alımı] için kullanılan npm yürütülebilir dosyasının yolunu belirtir (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/working-with-javascript#_typings-and-automatic-type-acquisition).", "typescript.openTsServerLog.title": "TS Sunucusu günlüğünü aç", "typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier": "Otomatik içeri aktarmalar için tercih edilen yol stili.", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json index c7fbf0f158..1a746149ea 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "autoClosingQuotes": "Kullanıcı bir açma tırnağı eklediğinde, düzenleyicinin tırnağı otomatik olarak kapatıp kapatmayacağını denetler.", "autoIndent": "Kullanıcı satır yazarken, yapıştırırken, taşırken veya girintilerken düzenleyicinin girintiyi otomatik olarak ayarlayıp ayarlayamayacağını denetler.", "autoSurround": "Düzenleyicinin, tırnak işaretleri veya parantezler yazarken seçimleri otomatik olarak çevreleyip çevrelemeyeceğini denetler.", + "bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Controls whether bracket pair colorization is enabled or not.", "codeActions": "Düzenleyicide kod eylemi ampulünü etkinleştirir.", "codeLens": "Düzenleyicinin CodeLens'i gösterip göstermediğini denetler.", "codeLensFontFamily": "CodeLens için yazı tipi ailesini denetler.", @@ -585,6 +586,12 @@ "deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "Kimlik kullanım dışı. Bunun yerine 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground' kullanın.", "editorActiveIndentGuide": "Etkin düzenleyici girinti kılavuzlarının rengi.", "editorActiveLineNumber": "Düzenleyici etkin satır numarasının rengi", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Foreground color of brackets (1).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Foreground color of brackets (2).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Foreground color of brackets (3).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Foreground color of brackets (4).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Foreground color of brackets (5).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Foreground color of brackets (6).", "editorBracketMatchBackground": "Eşleşen köşeli ayraçların arka plan rengi", "editorBracketMatchBorder": "Eşleşen ayraçlar kutularının rengi", "editorCodeLensForeground": "Düzenleyici CodeLens'inin ön plan rengi", @@ -905,6 +912,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": { "acceptInlineSuggestion": "Kabul et", + "inlineSuggestionFollows": "Suggestion:", "showNextInlineSuggestion": "Sonraki", "showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "Önceki" }, @@ -1547,6 +1555,8 @@ "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.osx": "macOS'ta kullanılan varsayılan profil. {0} veya {1} ayarlandıysa şu anda bu ayar yok sayılır.", "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.windows": "Windows'ta kullanılan varsayılan profil. {0} veya {1} ayarlandıysa şu anda bu ayar yok sayılır.", "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": "Yeni kabukların, $PATH ve diğer geliştirme değişkenlerinin başlatıldığından emin olmak için bir oturum açma kabuğunu kaynak olarak kullanabilen VS Code’dan ortamlarını devralması gerekip gerekmediğini belirtir. Bunun Windows üzerinde hiçbir etkisi yoktur.", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionExperimentalSerializer": "Whether to use a more efficient experimental approach for restoring the terminal's buffer. This setting requires a restart to take effect.", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionScrollback": "Controls the maximum amount of lines that will be restored when reconnecting to a persistent terminal session. Increasing this will restore more lines of scrollback at the cost of more memory and increase the time it takes to connect to terminals on start up. This setting requires a restart to take effect and should be set to a value less than or equal to `#terminal.integrated.scrollback#`.", "terminal.integrated.profile.linux": "Terminal açılan menüsü aracılığıyla yeni bir terminal oluştururken sunulacak Linux profilleri. Ayarlandığında, bunlar varsayılan olarak algılanan profilleri geçersiz kılar. Bunları {0} ve isteğe bağlı {1} oluşturur", "terminal.integrated.profile.osx": "Terminal açılan menüsü aracılığıyla yeni bir terminal oluştururken sunulacak macOS profilleri. Ayarlandığında, bunlar varsayılan olarak algılanan profilleri geçersiz kılar. Bunları {0} ve isteğe bağlı {1} oluşturur", "terminal.integrated.profiles.windows": "Terminal açılan menüsü aracılığıyla yeni bir terminal oluştururken sunulacak Windows profilleri. Bunları dışlamak için null olarak ayarlayın, varsayılan olarak algılanan yapılandırmayı kullanmak için {0} özelliğini kullanın. Alternatif olarak {1} ve isteğe bağlı {2} özelliklerini ayarlayın", @@ -2530,6 +2540,7 @@ "missing.command": "Menü öğesi, 'komutlar' bölümünde tanımlanmamış bir '{0}' komutuna başvuruyor.", "missing.submenu": "Menü öğesi, 'alt menüler' bölümünde tanımlanmamış bir `{0}` alt menüsüne başvuruyor.", "nonempty": "boş olmayan değer bekleniyor.", + "notebook.cell.execute": "The contributed notebook cell execution menu", "notebook.cell.title": "Katkıda bulunulan not defteri hücresi başlık menüsü", "notebook.toolbar": "Katkıda bulunulan not defteri araç çubuğu menüsü", "opticon": "`icon` özelliği atlanabilir veya bir dize ya da `{koyu, açık}` gibi bir sabit değer olmalıdır", @@ -2720,10 +2731,15 @@ "closeWorkspace": "Çalışma Alanını Kapat", "duplicateWorkspace": "Yinelenen Çalışma Alanı", "duplicateWorkspaceInNewWindow": "Yeni Pencerede Çalışma Alanı Olarak Yinele", + "filesCategory": "File", "globalRemoveFolderFromWorkspace": "Klasörü Çalışma Alanından Kaldır...", "miAddFolderToWorkspace": "Klasörü Çalışma Alanına E&&kle...", "miCloseFolder": "&&Klasörü Kapat", "miCloseWorkspace": "&&Çalışma Alanını Kapat", + "miOpen": "&&Open...", + "miOpenFile": "&&Open File...", + "miOpenFolder": "Open &&Folder...", + "miOpenWorkspace": "Open Wor&&kspace...", "miSaveWorkspaceAs": "Çalışma Alanını Farklı Kaydet...", "noWorkspaceOrFolderOpened": "Şu anda bu örnekte kapatılacak açık çalışma alanı veya klasör yok.", "openFile": "Dosya Aç...", @@ -2935,7 +2951,6 @@ "pinEditor": "Düzenleyiciyi Sabitle", "previousChangeIcon": "Fark düzenleyicisindeki önceki değişiklik eylemi simgesi.", "reopenWith": "Düzenleyiciyi Şununla Yeniden Aç...", - "run": "Çalıştır veya Hata Ayıkla...", "showOpenedEditors": "Açık Düzenleyicileri Göster", "showTrimWhitespace.label": "Baştaki/Sondaki Boşluk Farklılıklarını Göster", "sideBySideEditor": "Yan Yana Düzenleyici", @@ -3063,6 +3078,15 @@ "groupLabel": "{0} Grubu", "ok": "Tamam" }, + "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorPlaceholder": { + "manageTrust": "Manage Workspace Trust", + "requiresFolderTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the folder.", + "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the workspace.", + "retry": "Try Open Again", + "trustRequiredEditor": "Workspace Trust Required", + "unavailableEditor": "Unavailable Editor", + "unavailableEditorText": "The editor could not be opened due to an error or an unavailable resource." + }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorQuickAccess": { "closeEditor": "Düzenleyiciyi Kapat", "entryAriaLabelDirty": "{0}, değişiklik içeriyor", @@ -3080,7 +3104,6 @@ "configureModeSettings": "'{0}' dili tabanlı ayarları yapılandır...", "currentAssociation": "Geçerli İlişkilendirme", "currentProblem": "Geçerli Sorun", - "detectedLanguagesPicks": "algılanan diller (tanımlayıcı)", "disableColumnSelectionMode": "Sütun Seçimi Modunu Devre Dışı Bırak", "disableTabMode": "Erişilebilirlik Modunu Devre Dışı Bırak", "endOfLineCarriageReturnLineFeed": "CRLF", @@ -3092,7 +3115,6 @@ "indentView": "görünümü değiştir", "languageDescription": "({0}) - Yapılandırılan Dil", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", - "languageDescriptionCurrent": "({0}) - Geçerli Dil", "languagesPicks": "diller (tanımlayıcı)", "multiSelection": "{0} seçim", "multiSelectionRange": "{0} seçim ({1} karakter seçildi)", @@ -3148,12 +3170,6 @@ "ariaLabelEditorActions": "Düzenleyici eylemleri", "draggedEditorGroup": "{0} (+{1})" }, - "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/workspaceTrustRequiredEditor": { - "manageTrust": "Çalışma Alanına Güveni Yönet", - "requiresFolderTrustText": "Bu klasöre güvenilmediği için dosya düzenleyicide görüntülenmiyor.", - "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "Bu çalışma alanına güvenilmediği için dosya düzenleyicide görüntülenmiyor.", - "trustRequiredEditor": "Çalışma Alanı Güveni Gerekli" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/notifications/notificationsActions": { "clearAllIcon": "Bildirimlerdeki tümünü temizleme eylemi simgesi.", "clearIcon": "Bildirimlerdeki temizleme eylemi simgesi.", @@ -4133,7 +4149,7 @@ "editBreakpoint": "{0} kesme noktasını düzenle...", "editBreakpoints": "Kesme Noktalarını Düzenle", "editInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "{0} Sütununda Satır İçi Kesme Noktasını Düzenle", - "editLineBrekapoint": "Satır Kesme Noktasını Düzenle", + "editLineBreakpoint": "Edit Line Breakpoint", "enable": "Etkinleştir", "enableBreakpoint": "{0} Kesme Noktasını Etkinleştir", "enableBreakpointOnLine": "Satır Kesme Noktasını Etkinleştir", @@ -4145,7 +4161,8 @@ "removeBreakpoints": "Kesme Noktalarını Kaldır", "removeInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "{0} Sütununda Satır İçi Kesme Noktasını Kaldır", "removeLineBreakpoint": "Satır Kesme Noktasını Kaldır", - "removeLogPoint": "{0} günlüğe kaydetme noktasını kaldır" + "removeLogPoint": "{0} günlüğe kaydetme noktasını kaldır", + "runToLine": "Run to Line" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/breakpointWidget": { "breakpointType": "Kesme Noktası Türü", @@ -4240,6 +4257,7 @@ "copyAsExpression": "İfade Olarak Kopyala", "copyStackTrace": "Çağrı Yığınını Kopyala", "copyValue": "Değeri Kopyala", + "debug.console.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on enter in the debug console. enter is also used to evaluate whatever is typed in the debug console.", "debug.console.closeOnEnd": "Hata ayıklama oturumu sona erdiğinde hata ayıklama konsolunun otomatik olarak kapatılıp kapatılmayacağını denetler.", "debug.console.collapseIdenticalLines": "Hata ayıklama konsolunun aynı satırları daraltmasının ve oluşum sayısını bir rozetle göstermesinin gerekip gerekmediğini denetler.", "debug.console.fontFamily": "Hata ayıklama konsolundaki yazı tipi ailesini denetler.", @@ -4291,6 +4309,7 @@ "prompt": "Kullanıcıya sor.", "removeWatchExpression": "İfadeyi Kaldır", "restartFrame": "Çerçeveyi Yeniden Başlat", + "run": "Run or Debug...", "run and debug": "Çalıştırma ve Hata Ayıklama", "setValue": "Değeri Ayarla", "showBreakpointsInOverviewRuler": "Kesme noktalarının genel bakış cetvelinde gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini denetler.", @@ -4473,6 +4492,7 @@ "installAdditionalDebuggers": "{0} Uzantısını Yükle", "launchJsonDoesNotExist": "Geçirilen çalışma alanı klasörü için 'launch.json' yok.", "multipleConfigurationNamesInWorkspace": "Çalışma alanında birden çok '{0}' başlatma yapılandırması var. Yapılandırmayı nitelemek için klasör adını kullanın.", + "multipleSession": "'{0}' is already running. Do you want to start another instance?", "nActiveSessions": "{0} etkin oturum", "noConfigurationNameInWorkspace": "Çalışma alanında '{0}' başlatma yapılandırması bulunamadı.", "noFolderWithName": "'{2}' bileşik dosyasından '{1}' yapılandırması için '{0}' adlı klasör bulunamıyor.", @@ -4518,11 +4538,9 @@ "startAdditionalSession": "Ek Oturum Başlat" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/disassemblyView": { - "breakpointAllowed": "Kesme noktası ayarlayabilir", - "breakpointIsSet": "Kesme noktası ayarlandı", "disassemblyView": "Ayrıştırma Görünümü", - "instructionAddress": "Yönerge adresi", - "instructionBytes": "Yönerge baytı", + "instructionAddress": "Address", + "instructionBytes": "Bytes", "instructionText": "Yönerge" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/exceptionWidget": { @@ -4596,6 +4614,7 @@ "addWatchExpression": "İfade Ekle", "collapse": "Tümünü Daralt", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "Tüm İfadeleri Kaldır", + "typeNewValue": "Type new value", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "Hata Ayıklama İzleme İfadeleri", "watchExpressionAriaLabel": "{0}, değeri {1}", "watchExpressionInputAriaLabel": "Tür izleme ifadesi", @@ -4630,6 +4649,7 @@ "callStackSessionIsAttach": "ÇAĞRI YIĞINI görünümündeki oturum ekleme olduğunda true, aksi durumda false olur. ÇAĞRI YIĞINI görünümündeki satır içi menüler için dahili olarak kullanılır.", "debugConfigurationType": "Seçili başlatma yapılandırmasının hata ayıklama türü (ör. 'python').", "debugProtocolVariableMenuContext": "Hata ayıklama bağdaştırıcısının DEĞİŞKENLER görünümünde odaklanılan değişkende ayarladığı bağlamı temsil eder.", + "debugSetExpressionSupported": "True when the focused session supports 'setExpression' request.", "debugSetVariableSupported": "Odaklanılan oturum 'setVariable' isteğini destekliyorsa true olur.", "debugState": "Odaklanılan hata ayıklama oturumunun durumu. Şunlardan biri olabilir: 'etkin değil', 'başlatılıyor', 'durduruldu' veya 'çalışıyor'.", "debugType": "Etkin hata ayıklama oturumunun hata ayıklama türü (ör. 'python').", @@ -4656,7 +4676,8 @@ "stepBackSupported": "Odaklanılan oturum 'stepBack' isteklerini destekliyorsa true olur.", "stepIntoTargetsSupported": "Odaklanılan oturum 'stepIntoTargets' isteğini destekliyorsa true olur.", "terminateDebuggeeSupported": "Odaklı oturum, hataları ayıklananı sonlandırabilmeyi destekliyorsa true değerini alır.", - "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "Odaklanılan değişkende 'evalauteName' alanı ayarlandıysa true olur", + "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "True when the focused variable has an 'evalauteName' field set.", + "variableIsReadonly": "True when the focused variable is readonly.", "variablesFocused": "DEĞİŞKENLER görünümüne odaklanıldığında true, aksi takdirde false olur", "watchExpressionsExist": "En az bir izleme ifadesi varsa true, aksi takdirde false olur.", "watchExpressionsFocused": "İZLEME görünümüne odaklanıldığında true, aksi takdirde false olur.", @@ -5516,16 +5537,11 @@ "cut": "Kes", "deleteFile": "Kalıcı Olarak Sil", "explorerOpenWith": "Şununla Aç...", - "file": "Dosya", "filesCategory": "Dosya", "miAutoSave": "&&Otomatik Kaydet", "miCloseEditor": "Düzenleyiciyi &&Kapat", "miGotoFile": "&&Dosyaya Git...", "miNewFile": "&&Yeni Dosya", - "miOpen": "&&Aç....", - "miOpenFile": "Dosyayı &&Aç...", - "miOpenFolder": "&&Klasör Aç...", - "miOpenWorkspace": "Ça&&lışma Alanını Aç...", "miRevert": "Dosyayı &&Geri Al", "miSave": "&&Kaydet", "miSaveAll": "&&Tümünü Kaydet", @@ -5538,8 +5554,7 @@ "revertLocalChanges": "Yaptığınız değişiklikleri atma ve dosya içeriğine geri dönme", "saveAll": "Tümünü Kaydet", "saveAllInGroup": "Gruptakilerin Tümünü Kaydet", - "saveFiles": "Tüm Dosyaları Kaydet", - "workspaces": "Çalışma Alanları" + "saveFiles": "Tüm Dosyaları Kaydet" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/fileCommands": { "discard": "At", @@ -5876,11 +5891,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/markers/browser/markersTreeViewer": { "collapsedIcon": "İşaretleyiciler görünümünde birden çok satırın daraltıldığını belirten simge.", "expandedIcon": "İşaret görünümünde birden çok satırın gösterildiğini belirten simge.", - "links.navigate.follow": "Bağlantıyı izle", - "links.navigate.kb.alt": "alt + tıklama", - "links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "seçenek + tıklama", - "links.navigate.kb.meta": "ctrl + tıklama", - "links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "cmd + tıklama", "multi line": "İletiyi birden çok satırda göster", "problemsView": "Sorun Görünümü", "single line": "İletiyi tek satırda göster" @@ -5981,6 +5991,7 @@ "notebookActions.editCell": "Hücreyi Düzenle", "notebookActions.execute": "Hücreyi Yürüt", "notebookActions.executeAbove": "Yukarıdaki Hücreleri Yürüt", + "notebookActions.executeAndFocusContainer": "Execute Cell and Focus Container", "notebookActions.executeAndInsertBelow": "Not Defteri Hücresini Yürüt ve Aşağıya Ekle", "notebookActions.executeAndSelectBelow": "Not Defteri hücresini Yürüt ve Aşağıdan Seç", "notebookActions.executeBelow": "Hücreyi ve Altındakileri Yürüt", @@ -5988,8 +5999,10 @@ "notebookActions.expandCellInput": "Hücre Girişini Genişlet", "notebookActions.expandCellOutput": "Hücre Çıkışını Genişlet", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAbove": "Yukarıya Code Hücresi Ekle", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAboveAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Above and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAtTop": "Üste Kod Hücresi Ekle", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelow": "Aşağıya Code Hücresi Ekle", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Below and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAbove": "Yukarıya Markdown Hücresi Ekle", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAtTop": "Üste Markdown Hücresi Ekle", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellBelow": "Aşağıya Markdown Hücresi Ekle", @@ -6199,9 +6212,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookKernelActionViewItem": { "select": "Çekirdek Seç" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookServiceImpl": { - "builtinProviderDisplayName": "Yerleşik" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/output/outputRenderer": { "empty": "Hücrede çıktı yok", "noRenderer.1": "{0} MIME türü için işleyici bulunamadı", @@ -6226,9 +6236,14 @@ "unavailableRenderInfo": "işleyici kullanılamıyor" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/cellRenderer": { - "cellExpandButtonLabel": "Genişlet", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Output (${0})", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell output ({0})", "notebook.moreRunActionsLabel": "Diğer..." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/codeCell": { + "cellExpandInputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Input ({0})", + "cellExpandInputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell input ({0})" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/common/notebookEditorModel": { "notebook.staleSaveError": "Dosyanın diskteki içeriği değişti. Güncelleştirilmiş sürümü açmak mı, yoksa yaptığınız değişikliklerle dosyanın üzerine yazmak mı istiyorsunuz?", "notebook.staleSaveError.overwrite.": "Üzerine Yaz", @@ -6389,6 +6404,7 @@ "openGlobalSettings": "Kullanıcı ayarlarını aç", "openRawDefaultSettings": "Varsayılan Ayarları Aç (JSON)", "openRemoteSettings": "Uzak Ayarları Aç ({0})", + "openRemoteSettingsJSON": "Open Remote Settings (JSON) ({0})", "openSettings2": "Ayarları Aç (Kullanıcı Arabirimi)", "openSettingsJson": "Ayarları Aç (JSON)", "openWorkspaceSettings": "Çalışma Alanı Ayarlarını Aç", @@ -7754,10 +7770,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalDecorationsProvider": { "label": "Terminal" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalEditor": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (Varsayılan)", - "terminal.new": "Yeni Terminal" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalIcons": { "configureTerminalProfileIcon": "Yeni terminal profili oluşturma simgesi.", "killTerminalIcon": "Terminal örneğini sonlandırma simgesi.", @@ -7790,10 +7802,12 @@ "yes": "Evet" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalMenus": { + "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (Default)", "miNewTerminal": "&&Yeni Terminal", "miRunActiveFile": "&&Etkin Dosyayı Çalıştır", "miRunSelectedText": "&&Seçili Metni Çalıştır", "miSplitTerminal": "&&Terminali Böl", + "terminal.new": "New Terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.changeColor": "Rengi Değiştir...", "workbench.action.terminal.changeIcon": "Simgeyi Değiştir...", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "Temizle", @@ -7845,9 +7859,7 @@ "terminalInputAriaLabel": "Terminal adını yazın. Onaylamak veya Enter tuşuna, iptal etmek için Escape tuşuna basın." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalView": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (Varsayılan)", "terminal.monospaceOnly": "Terminal yalnızca tek aralıklı yazı tiplerini destekler. Bu yeni yüklenmiş bir yazı tipi ise VS Code'u yeniden başlattığınızdan emin olun.", - "terminal.new": "Yeni Terminal", "terminal.useMonospace": "'Tek aralıklı' kullanın", "terminalConnectingLabel": "Başlatılıyor...", "terminals": "Terminalleri açın." @@ -7856,12 +7868,13 @@ "terminalCategory": "Terminal", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal": "Terminal işlevselliğine katkıda bulunur.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles": "Kullanıcının oluşturabileceği ek terminal türlerini tanımlar.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.icon": "Bu terminal profiliyle ilişkilendirilecek bir codicon.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.id": "Terminal profili sağlayıcısının kimliği.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.title": "Bu terminal profili için başlık.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types": "Kullanıcının oluşturabileceği ek terminal türlerini tanımlar.", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.command": "Kullanıcı bu tür bir terminal oluşturduğunda yürütülecek komut.", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "Bu terminalle ilişkilendirilecek bir codicon türü.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "A codicon, URI, or light and dark URIs to associate with this terminal type.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "Icon path when a dark theme is used", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "Icon path when a light theme is used", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.title": "Bu terminal türü için başlık." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { @@ -8038,14 +8051,14 @@ "configureProfile": "Güncelleştirmek için profil seç", "debug test": "Testin Hatalarını Ayıkla", "debugAllTests": "Tüm Testlerin Hatalarını Ayıkla", - "debugSelectedTests": "Seçili Testlerin Hatalarını Ayıkla", + "debugSelectedTests": "Debug Tests", "discoveringTests": "Testler Bulunuyor", "hideTest": "Testi Gizle", "noDebugTestProvider": "Bu çalışma alanında hata ayıklanabilir test bulunamadı. Test sağlayıcısı uzantısı yüklemeniz gerekebilir", "noTestProvider": "Bu çalışma alanında test bulunamadı. Test sağlayıcısı uzantısı yüklemeniz gerekebilir", "run test": "Testi Çalıştır", "runAllTests": "Tüm Testleri Çalıştır", - "runSelectedTests": "Seçili Testleri Çalıştır", + "runSelectedTests": "Run Tests", "testing.cancelRun": "Test Çalıştırmasını İptal Et", "testing.clearResults": "Tüm Sonuçları Temizle", "testing.collapseAll": "Tüm Testleri Daralt", @@ -8066,6 +8079,7 @@ "testing.showMostRecentOutput": "Çıktıyı göster", "testing.sortByLocation": "Konuma göre sırala", "testing.sortByStatus": "Duruma Göre Sırala", + "testing.toggleInlineTestOutput": "Toggle Inline Test Output", "testing.turnOffAutoRun": "Otomatik Çalıştırmayı Kapat", "testing.turnOnAutoRun": "Otomatik Çalıştırmayı Aç", "testing.viewAsList": "Liste Olarak Görüntüle", @@ -8084,8 +8098,10 @@ "updateTestConfiguration": "Test Yapılandırmasını Güncelleştir" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingDecorations": { + "actual.title": "Actual:", "debug all test": "Tüm Testlerin Hatalarını Ayıkla", "debug test": "Testin Hatalarını Ayıkla", + "expected.title": "Expected:", "peek failure": "Hataya Gözat", "peekTestOutout": "Test Çıkışına Göz At", "reveal test": "Test Gezgini'nde Göster", @@ -8126,6 +8142,7 @@ "testing.goToFile": "Dosyaya Git", "testing.goToNextMessage": "Sonraki Test Hatasına Git", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "Önceki Test Hatasına Git", + "testing.openMessageInEditor": "Open in Editor", "testing.reRunLastRun": "Test Çalıştırmasını yeniden çalıştır", "testing.revealInExplorer": "Test Gezgini'nde Göster", "testing.showResultOutput": "Sonuç çıktısını göster", @@ -8159,12 +8176,8 @@ "testing.iconUnset": "Test gezginindeki 'Ayarlanmadı' simgesinin rengi.", "testing.message.error.decorationForeground": "Düzenleyicide satır içi olarak görüntülenen test hata iletilerinin metin rengi.", "testing.message.error.marginBackground": "Düzenleyicide satır içi olarak görüntülenen hata iletilerinin yanındaki dış boşluk rengi.", - "testing.message.hint.decorationForeground": "Düzenleyicide satır içi olarak görüntülenen test ipucu iletilerinin metin rengi.", - "testing.message.hint.marginBackground": "Düzenleyicide satır içi olarak görüntülenen ipucu iletilerinin yanındaki dış boşluk rengi.", "testing.message.info.decorationForeground": "Düzenleyicide satır içi olarak görüntülenen test bilgi iletilerinin metin rengi.", "testing.message.info.marginBackground": "Düzenleyicide satır içi olarak görüntülenen bilgi iletilerinin yanındaki dış boşluk rengi.", - "testing.message.warning.decorationForeground": "Düzenleyicide satır içi olarak görüntülenen test uyarı iletilerinin metin rengi.", - "testing.message.warning.marginBackground": "Düzenleyicide satır içi olarak görüntülenen uyarı iletilerinin yanındaki dış boşluk rengi.", "testing.peekBorder": "Göz atma görünümü kenarlıklarının ve okunun rengi.", "testing.runAction": "Düzenleyicideki 'çalıştır' simgelerinin rengi." }, @@ -8177,12 +8190,14 @@ "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView": "Hataya göz atma görünümünün otomatik olarak açılacağı zamanı yapılandırır.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureAnywhere": "Hatayı, nerede oluştuğundan bağımsız şekilde otomatik olarak açın.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureInVisibleDocument": "Test görünür bir belgede başarısız olduğunda otomatik olarak açın.", + "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.never": "Never automatically open.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekViewDuringAutoRun": "Otomatik çalıştırma modu sırasında göz atma görünümünün otomatik olarak açılıp açılmayacağını denetler.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction": "Cilt payında bir test dekorasyonu için sol tıklandığında gerçekleştirilecek eylemi denetler.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.contextMenu": "Daha fazla seçenek için bağlam menüsünü açın.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.debug": "Testte hata ayıklayın.", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.run": "Testi çalıştırın.", - "testing.followRunningTest": "Çalıştırılan testin test gezgini görünümünde izlenip izlenmeyeceğini denetler" + "testing.followRunningTest": "Çalıştırılan testin test gezgini görünümünde izlenip izlenmeyeceğini denetler", + "testing.gutterEnabled": "Controls whether test decorations are shown in the editor gutter." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/constants": { "testGroup.coverage": "Kapsam", @@ -8561,7 +8576,6 @@ "recent": "Son", "show more recents": "Tüm Son Klasörleri Göster {0}", "showAll": "Diğer...", - "showAllWalkthroughs": "Bir Kılavuz Açın...", "start": "Başlat", "walkthroughs": "Adım adım kılavuzlar", "welcome": "Hoş Geldiniz", @@ -8571,8 +8585,6 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted.contribution": { "Welcome": "Hoş Geldiniz", - "gettingStarted.goNext": "Sonraki", - "gettingStarted.goPrev": "Önceki", "help": "Yardım", "pickWalkthroughs": "Kılavuzu Aç...", "welcome": "Hoş Geldiniz", @@ -8583,6 +8595,16 @@ "workbench.welcomePage.preferReducedMotion": "Etkinleştirildiğinde, hoş geldiniz sayfasındaki hareketi azaltır.", "workbench.welcomePage.walkthroughs.openOnInstall": "Etkinleştirildiğinde, bir uzantı yüklendikten sonra uzantının kılavuzu açılır." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedColors": { + "welcomePage.background": "Background color for the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonBackground": "Background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.progress.background": "Foreground color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.progress.foreground": "Background color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.tileBackground": "Background color for the tiles on the Get Started page.", + "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the tiles on the Get Started.", + "welcomePage.tileShadow": "Shadow color for the Welcome page walkthrough category buttons." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedExtensionPoint": { "pathDeprecated": "Kullanım dışı. Lütfen bunun yerine ' image ' veya ' markdown ' kullanın", "removed": "Kaldırıldı. Yerine menus => file/newFile katkı noktasını kullanın", @@ -8734,74 +8756,6 @@ "welcomeOverlay.search": "Dosyalar arasında ara", "welcomeOverlay.terminal": "Tümleşik terminali aç/kapat" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/vs_code_welcome_page": { - "welcomePage.colorTheme": "Renk teması", - "welcomePage.colorThemeDescription": "Düzenleyicinin ve kodunuzun istediğiniz gibi görünmesini sağlayın", - "welcomePage.customize": "Özelleştir", - "welcomePage.editingEvolved": "Düzenleme gelişti", - "welcomePage.gitClone": "depoyu klonla...", - "welcomePage.gitHubRepository": "GitHub deposu", - "welcomePage.help": "Yardım", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPacks": "Araçlar ve diller", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPacksDescription": "{0} ve {1} için destek yükleyin", - "welcomePage.installKeymapDescription": "Ayarlar ve tuş bağlamaları", - "welcomePage.installKeymapExtension": "{0} ve {1} ayarlarını ve klavye kısayollarını yükleyin", - "welcomePage.interactivePlayground": "Etkileşimli deneme alanı", - "welcomePage.interactivePlaygroundDescription": "Kısa bir kılavuz ile gerekli düzenleyici özelliklerini deneyin", - "welcomePage.interfaceOverview": "Arabirime genel bakış", - "welcomePage.interfaceOverviewDescription": "Kullanıcı arabiriminin ana bileşenlerini vurgulayan görsel bir yer paylaşımı alın", - "welcomePage.introductoryVideos": "Tanıtıcı videolar", - "welcomePage.keybindingsCheatsheet": "Yazdırılabilir klavye kısayol sayfası", - "welcomePage.learn": "Öğrenin", - "welcomePage.moreExtensions": "diğer", - "welcomePage.moreRecent": "Diğer...", - "welcomePage.newFile": "Yeni dosya", - "welcomePage.newsletterSignup": "Bültenimize katılın", - "welcomePage.noRecentFolders": "Son kullanılan klasör yok", - "welcomePage.openFolder": "Klasör aç...", - "welcomePage.others": "diğerleri", - "welcomePage.productDocumentation": "Ürün belgeleri", - "welcomePage.recent": "Son", - "welcomePage.showCommands": "Tüm komutları bul ve çalıştır", - "welcomePage.showCommandsDescription": "Komut Paleti'nden komutlara hızlı bir şekilde erişme ve komutları arama ({0})", - "welcomePage.showKeymapExtensions": "Diğer tuş eşlemesi uzantılarını göster", - "welcomePage.showLanguageExtensions": "Daha fazla dil uzantısı göster", - "welcomePage.showOnStartup": "Başlangıçta karşılama sayfasını göster", - "welcomePage.stackOverflow": "Stack Overflow", - "welcomePage.start": "Başlat", - "welcomePage.tipsAndTricks": "İpuçları ve Püf Noktaları", - "welcomePage.vscode": "Visual Studio Code" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePage": { - "details": "Ayrıntılar", - "ok": "Tamam", - "welcome.title": "Hoş Geldiniz", - "welcomePage": "Hoş Geldiniz", - "welcomePage.atom": "Atom", - "welcomePage.azure": "Azure", - "welcomePage.docker": "Docker", - "welcomePage.extensionListSeparator": ", ", - "welcomePage.extensionPackAlreadyInstalled": "{0} için destek zaten yüklü.", - "welcomePage.extensionPackNotFound": "Kimliği {1} olan {0} için destek bulunamadı.", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPack": "{0} için ek destek yükleyin", - "welcomePage.installKeymap": "{0} tuş eşlemesini yükle", - "welcomePage.installedExtensionPack": "{0} desteği zaten yüklendi", - "welcomePage.installedKeymap": "{0} tuş eşlemesi zaten yüklendi", - "welcomePage.installingExtensionPack": "{0} için ek destek yükleniyor...", - "welcomePage.installingKeymap": "{0} klavye kısayolları yükleniyor...", - "welcomePage.java": "Java", - "welcomePage.javaScript": "JavaScript", - "welcomePage.keymapAlreadyInstalled": "{0} klavye kısayolları zaten yüklü.", - "welcomePage.keymapNotFound": "{1} kimlikli {0} klavye kısayolları bulunamadı.", - "welcomePage.openFolderWithPath": "{1} yolundaki {0} klasörünü aç", - "welcomePage.php": "PHP", - "welcomePage.python": "Python", - "welcomePage.showAzureExtensions": "Azure uzantılarını göster", - "welcomePage.sublime": "Sublime", - "welcomePage.vim": "Vim", - "welcomePage.willReloadAfterInstallingExtensionPack": "{0} için ek destek yüklendikten sonra pencere yeniden yüklenecek.", - "welcomePage.willReloadAfterInstallingKeymap": "{0} klavye kısayolları yüklendikten sonra pencere yeniden yüklenecek." - 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"welcomePage.progress.foreground": "Karşılama sayfası ilerleme çubukları için arka plan rengi.", - "welcomePage.tileBackground": "Kullanmaya Başlama sayfasındaki kutucukların arka plan rengi.", - "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "Kullanmaya Başlama sayfasındaki kutucuklarının üzerine gelindiğinde görüntülenen arka plan rengi.", - "welcomePage.tileShadow": "Giriş sayfası adım adım kılavuz kategorisi düğmeleri için gölge rengi." - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/telemetryOptOut/browser/telemetryOptOut": { "telemetryOptOut.OptIn": "Evet, yardımcı olmak isterim", "telemetryOptOut.OptOut": "Hayır, teşekkürler", @@ -8914,14 +8858,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/workspace/browser/workspaceTrustEditor": { "addButton": "Klasör ekle", - "addFolderAriaLabel": "Güvenilen Klasör Ekle", "deleteTrustedUri": "Yolu Sil", "dontTrustButton": "Güvenme", - "editTrustedUri": "Yolu Değiştir", + "editTrustedUri": "Edit Path", "hostColumnLabel": "Konak", "localAuthority": "Yerel", "no untrustedSettings": "Güven gerektiren çalışma alanı ayarları uygulanmadı", + "noTrustedFoldersDescriptions": "You haven't trusted any folders or workspace files yet.", "pathColumnLabel": "Yol", + "pickerTrustedUri": "Open File Picker", "root element label": "Çalışma Alanına Güveni Yönet", "selectTrustedUri": "Güvenilecek Klasörü Seç", "trustButton": "Güven", @@ -9882,6 +9827,9 @@ "saveElevatedSudo": "Sudo Olarak Yeniden Dene...", "staleSaveError": "'{0}' kaydedilemedi: Dosyanın içeriği daha yeni. Değişikliklerinizle birlikte dosyanın üzerine yazmak istiyor musunuz?" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants": "Saving '{0}'" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/electron-sandbox/workingCopyBackupTracker": { "backupBeforeShutdownDetail": "Beklemeyi durdurup geçersiz düzenleyicileri kaydetmek veya geri döndürmek için 'İptal'e tıklayın.", "backupBeforeShutdownMessage": "Geçersiz düzenleyicileri yedeklemek beklenenden uzun sürüyor...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json index 54d16b6460..de40cceba1 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ }, "dist/githubServer": { "signingIn": "$(mark-github)正在登录到 github.com…", - "signingInEnterprise": "$(mark-github)正在登录到 {0}...", - "status.git.signIn.name": "GitHub 登录" + "status.git.signIn.name": "GitHub 登录", + "validUri": "Please enter a valid Uri from the GitHub login page." }, "package": { "description": "GitHub 身份验证提供程序", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 3a1f8ce280..bbcc9ad4ea 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ "configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "配置 glob 模式,以确定何时附加智能 `#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` 模式。`$KNOWN_TOOLS$` 被替换为常见测试和代码运行器的名称的列表。[在 VS Code 文档中阅读更多内容](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/nodejs-debugging#_auto-attach-smart-patterns)。", "configuration.autoExpandGetters": "配置是否自动扩展属性 getter。如果为 false,getter 将显示为 `get propertyName`,并且仅在单击时才进行评估。", "configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "调试远程 Web 应用时,配置是否自动将远程服务器通过隧道传输到本地计算机。", - "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "当条件断点引发错误时是否停止。请注意: launch.json `type` 必须带有 \"pwa-\" 前缀才能使用它,例如 \"pwa-node\"。", + "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "调试时从调试终端内部单击链接使用的选项。可设置为\"false\"以禁用此行为。", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "用于启动配置的默认 \"runtimeExecutable\" (如果未指定)。这可用于配置 Node.js 或浏览器安装项的自定义路径。", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "在 npm 脚本中应显示“运行”和“调试”代码的位置。 它可以在脚本部分的“全部”、脚本、脚本部分的“顶部”或“从不”上面。", @@ -337,7 +337,6 @@ "configuration.suggestPrettyPrinting": "是否建议在单步执行时将看起来被压缩的 JavaScript 代码美观打印。", "configuration.terminalOptions": "JavaScript 调试终端和 npm 脚本的默认启动选项。", "configuration.unmapMissingSources": "配置是否会自动取消映射无法读取源文件的源映射文件。如果这是 false (默认),系统会显示提示。", - "configuration.usePreview": "为 Node.js 和 Chrome 使用新的预览版 JavaScript 调试器。", "createDiagnostics.label": "诊断断点问题", "customDescriptionGenerator.description": "自定义调试程序为对象(本地变量等)显示的文本说明。示例:\r\n 1. this.toString() // 将调用 toString 来打印所有对象\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // 如果未返回 defaultValue,则使用 customDescription 方法(若可用)\r\n 3. function (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // 如果未返回 defaultValue,则使用 customDescription 方法(若可用)\r\n ", "customPropertiesGenerator.description": "自定义为调试程序中的对象显示的属性(本地变量等)。示例:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // 向所有对象添加 extraProperty 12345\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // 如果不使用此(默认属性)中的属性,请使用 customProperties 方法(若可用)\r\n 3. function () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // 如果不返回默认属性,请使用 customDescription 方法(若可用)\r\n\r\n 已弃用: 这是此功能的临时实现,直到我们有时间按此处所示方法实现它为止: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/102181", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json index b1cb717b50..f5104bbcb4 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ "typescript.findAllFileReferences": "查找文件引用", "typescript.format.enable": "启用/禁用默认 TypeScript 格式化程序。", "typescript.implementationsCodeLens.enabled": "启用或禁用实现 CodeLens。此 CodeLens 显示接口的实现。", - "typescript.locale": "设置在报告 JavaScript 和 TypeScript 的错误时使用的区域设置。默认 (`null`) 使用 VS Code 的区域设置。", + "typescript.locale": "Sets the locale used to report JavaScript and TypeScript errors. Defaults to use VS Code's locale.", "typescript.npm": "指定为 [自动类型获取] 使用的 npm 可执行文件的路径 (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/working-with-javascript#_typings-and-automatic-type-acquisition)。", "typescript.openTsServerLog.title": "打开 TS 服务器日志", "typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier": "自动 import 语句中路径的首选样式。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json index 5161d4e359..c8257ee4f5 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "autoClosingQuotes": "控制编辑器是否在左引号后自动插入右引号。", "autoIndent": "控制编辑器是否应在用户键入、粘贴、移动或缩进行时自动调整缩进。", "autoSurround": "控制在键入引号或方括号时,编辑器是否应自动将所选内容括起来。", + "bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Controls whether bracket pair colorization is enabled or not.", "codeActions": "在编辑器中启用代码操作小灯泡提示。", "codeLens": "控制是否在编辑器中显示 CodeLens。", "codeLensFontFamily": "控制 CodeLens 的字体系列。", @@ -585,6 +586,12 @@ "deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "\"Id\" 已被弃用,请改用 \"editorLineNumber.activeForeground\"。", "editorActiveIndentGuide": "编辑器活动缩进参考线的颜色。", "editorActiveLineNumber": "编辑器活动行号的颜色", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Foreground color of brackets (1).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Foreground color of brackets (2).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Foreground color of brackets (3).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Foreground color of brackets (4).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Foreground color of brackets (5).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Foreground color of brackets (6).", "editorBracketMatchBackground": "匹配括号的背景色", "editorBracketMatchBorder": "匹配括号外框的颜色", "editorCodeLensForeground": "编辑器 CodeLens 的前景色", @@ -905,6 +912,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": { "acceptInlineSuggestion": "接受", + "inlineSuggestionFollows": "Suggestion:", "showNextInlineSuggestion": "下一个", "showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "上一个" }, @@ -1547,6 +1555,8 @@ "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.osx": "在 macOS 上使用的默认配置文件。如果设置了 {0} 或 {1},则当前将忽略此设置。", "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.windows": "在 Windows 上使用的默认配置文件。如果设置了 {0} 或 {1},则当前将忽略此设置。", "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": "新 shell 是否应从 VS Code 继承其环境,这可能会生成登录 shell,以确保初始化 $PATH 和其他开发变量。这不会对 Windows 造成影响。", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionExperimentalSerializer": "Whether to use a more efficient experimental approach for restoring the terminal's buffer. This setting requires a restart to take effect.", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionScrollback": "Controls the maximum amount of lines that will be restored when reconnecting to a persistent terminal session. Increasing this will restore more lines of scrollback at the cost of more memory and increase the time it takes to connect to terminals on start up. This setting requires a restart to take effect and should be set to a value less than or equal to `#terminal.integrated.scrollback#`.", "terminal.integrated.profile.linux": "通过终端下拉列表创建新终端时要显示的 Linux 配置文件。设置后,这些配置文件将替代默认检测到的配置文件。它们包含 {0},可选择性地包含 {1}", "terminal.integrated.profile.osx": "通过终端下拉列表创建新终端时要显示的 macOS 配置文件。设置后,这些配置文件将替代默认检测到的配置文件。它们包含 {0},可选择性地包含 {1}", "terminal.integrated.profiles.windows": "通过终端下拉列表创建新的终端时要显示的 Windows 配置文件。若要排除这些配置文件,请设置为 null;若要使用默认检测到的配置,请使用 {0} 属性。或者,设置 {1} 或选择性地设置 {2}", @@ -2530,6 +2540,7 @@ "missing.command": "菜单项引用未在“命令”部分进行定义的命令“{0}”。", "missing.submenu": "菜单项引用了未在“子菜单”部分定义的子菜单“{0}”。", "nonempty": "应为非空值。", + "notebook.cell.execute": "The contributed notebook cell execution menu", "notebook.cell.title": "贡献的笔记本单元格标题菜单", "notebook.toolbar": "贡献的笔记本工具栏菜单", "opticon": "可以省略属性 \"icon\",若不省略则必须是字符串或文字,例如 \"{dark, light}\"", @@ -2720,10 +2731,15 @@ "closeWorkspace": "关闭工作区", "duplicateWorkspace": "复制工作区", "duplicateWorkspaceInNewWindow": "在新窗口中复制工作区", + "filesCategory": "File", "globalRemoveFolderFromWorkspace": "将文件夹从工作区删除…", "miAddFolderToWorkspace": "将文件夹添加到工作区(&&D)...", "miCloseFolder": "关闭文件夹(&&F)", "miCloseWorkspace": "关闭工作区(&&W)", + "miOpen": "&&Open...", + "miOpenFile": "&&Open File...", + "miOpenFolder": "Open &&Folder...", + "miOpenWorkspace": "Open Wor&&kspace...", "miSaveWorkspaceAs": "将工作区另存为...", "noWorkspaceOrFolderOpened": "此实例中当前没有打开的工作区或文件夹需要关闭。", "openFile": "打开文件...", @@ -2935,7 +2951,6 @@ "pinEditor": "固定编辑器", "previousChangeIcon": "差异编辑器中上一个更改操作的图标", "reopenWith": "重新打开编辑器的方式…", - "run": "运行或调试...", "showOpenedEditors": "显示打开的编辑器", "showTrimWhitespace.label": "显示前导/尾随空格差异", "sideBySideEditor": "并排编辑器", @@ -3063,6 +3078,15 @@ "groupLabel": "第 {0} 组", "ok": "确定" }, + "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorPlaceholder": { + "manageTrust": "Manage Workspace Trust", + "requiresFolderTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the folder.", + "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the workspace.", + "retry": "Try Open Again", + "trustRequiredEditor": "Workspace Trust Required", + "unavailableEditor": "Unavailable Editor", + "unavailableEditorText": "The editor could not be opened due to an error or an unavailable resource." + }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorQuickAccess": { "closeEditor": "关闭编辑器", "entryAriaLabelDirty": "{0},存在更新", @@ -3080,7 +3104,6 @@ "configureModeSettings": "配置“{0}”语言基础设置...", "currentAssociation": "当前关联", "currentProblem": "当前问题", - "detectedLanguagesPicks": "检测到的语言(标识符)", "disableColumnSelectionMode": "禁用列选择模式", "disableTabMode": "禁用辅助功能模式", "endOfLineCarriageReturnLineFeed": "CRLF", @@ -3092,7 +3115,6 @@ "indentView": "更改视图", "languageDescription": "({0}) - 已配置的语言", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", - "languageDescriptionCurrent": "({0}) - 当前语言", "languagesPicks": "语言(标识符)", "multiSelection": "{0} 选择", "multiSelectionRange": "{0} 选择(已选择 {1} 个字符)", @@ -3148,12 +3170,6 @@ "ariaLabelEditorActions": "编辑器操作", "draggedEditorGroup": "{0} (+{1})" }, - "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/workspaceTrustRequiredEditor": { - "manageTrust": "管理工作区信任", - "requiresFolderTrustText": "该文件未在编辑器中显示,因为尚未向该文件夹授予信任。", - "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "该文件未在编辑器中显示,因为尚未向该工作区夹授予信任。", - "trustRequiredEditor": "需要工作区信任" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/notifications/notificationsActions": { "clearAllIcon": "通知中“全部清除”操作的图标。", "clearIcon": "通知中“清除”操作的图标。", @@ -4133,7 +4149,7 @@ "editBreakpoint": "编辑 {0}…", "editBreakpoints": "编辑断点", "editInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "编辑第 {0} 列的内联断点", - "editLineBrekapoint": "编辑行断点", + "editLineBreakpoint": "Edit Line Breakpoint", "enable": "启用", "enableBreakpoint": "启用 {0}", "enableBreakpointOnLine": "启用行断点", @@ -4145,7 +4161,8 @@ "removeBreakpoints": "删除断点", "removeInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "删除第 {0} 列的内联断点", "removeLineBreakpoint": "删除行断点", - "removeLogPoint": "删除 {0}" + "removeLogPoint": "删除 {0}", + "runToLine": "Run to Line" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/breakpointWidget": { "breakpointType": "断点类型", @@ -4240,6 +4257,7 @@ "copyAsExpression": "复制表达式", "copyStackTrace": "复制调用堆栈", "copyValue": "复制值", + "debug.console.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on enter in the debug console. enter is also used to evaluate whatever is typed in the debug console.", "debug.console.closeOnEnd": "控制调试控制台是否应在调试会话结束时自动关闭。", "debug.console.collapseIdenticalLines": "控制调试控制台是否应折叠相同的行,并显示出现次数和徽章。", "debug.console.fontFamily": "控制调试控制台中的字体系列。", @@ -4291,6 +4309,7 @@ "prompt": "提示用户。", "removeWatchExpression": "删除表达式", "restartFrame": "重启框架", + "run": "Run or Debug...", "run and debug": "运行和调试", "setValue": "设置值", "showBreakpointsInOverviewRuler": "控制断点是否应显示在概览标尺中。", @@ -4473,6 +4492,7 @@ "installAdditionalDebuggers": "安装 {0} 扩展", "launchJsonDoesNotExist": "传递的工作区文件夹没有 \"launch.json\"。", "multipleConfigurationNamesInWorkspace": "工作区中存在多个启动配置“{0}”。请使用文件夹名称来限定配置。", + "multipleSession": "'{0}' is already running. Do you want to start another instance?", "nActiveSessions": "{0}个活动会话", "noConfigurationNameInWorkspace": "在工作区中找不到启动配置“{0}”。", "noFolderWithName": "无法在复合项“{2}”中为配置“{1}”找到名为“{0}”的文件夹。", @@ -4518,11 +4538,9 @@ "startAdditionalSession": "启动其他会话" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/disassemblyView": { - "breakpointAllowed": "可以设置断点", - "breakpointIsSet": "已设置断点", "disassemblyView": "反汇编视图", - "instructionAddress": "指令地址", - "instructionBytes": "指令字节数", + "instructionAddress": "Address", + "instructionBytes": "Bytes", "instructionText": "指令" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/exceptionWidget": { @@ -4596,6 +4614,7 @@ "addWatchExpression": "添加表达式", "collapse": "全部折叠", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "删除所有表达式", + "typeNewValue": "Type new value", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "调试监视表达式", "watchExpressionAriaLabel": "{0},值 {1}", "watchExpressionInputAriaLabel": "键入监视表达式", @@ -4630,6 +4649,7 @@ "callStackSessionIsAttach": "当调用堆栈视图中的会话是“附加”状态时为 true,否则为 false。在内部用于调用堆栈视图中的内联菜单。", "debugConfigurationType": "所选启动配置的调试类型。例如 \"python\"。", "debugProtocolVariableMenuContext": "表示 \"VARIABLES\" 视图中调试适配器针对焦点变量设置的上下文。", + "debugSetExpressionSupported": "True when the focused session supports 'setExpression' request.", "debugSetVariableSupported": "焦点会话支持 \"setVariable\" 请求时为 True。", "debugState": "焦点调试会话所处的状态。以下项之一:“非活动”、“正在初始化”、“已停止”或“正在运行”。", "debugType": "活动调试会话的调试类型。例如 \"python\"。", @@ -4656,7 +4676,8 @@ "stepBackSupported": "焦点会话支持 \"stepBack\" 请求时为 True。", "stepIntoTargetsSupported": "焦点会话支持 \"stepIntoTargets\" 请求时为 True。", "terminateDebuggeeSupported": "如果焦点会话支持终止调试对象功能,则为 True。", - "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "焦点变量具有 \"evalauteName\" 字段集时为 True", + "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "True when the focused variable has an 'evalauteName' field set.", + "variableIsReadonly": "True when the focused variable is readonly.", "variablesFocused": "当 \"VARIABLES\" 视图处于焦点时为 True,否则为 false", "watchExpressionsExist": "至少存在一个监视表达式时为 True,否则为 false。", "watchExpressionsFocused": "\"WATCH \" 视图处于焦点时为 True,否则为 false。", @@ -5516,16 +5537,11 @@ "cut": "剪切", "deleteFile": "永久删除", "explorerOpenWith": "打开方式…", - "file": "文件", "filesCategory": "文件", "miAutoSave": "自动保存(&&U)", "miCloseEditor": "关闭编辑器(&&C)", "miGotoFile": "转到文件(&&F)...", "miNewFile": "新建文件(&&N)", - "miOpen": "打开(&&O)...", - "miOpenFile": "打开文件(&&O)...", - "miOpenFolder": "打开文件夹(&&F)...", - "miOpenWorkspace": "打开工作区(&&K)...", "miRevert": "还原文件(&&V)", "miSave": "保存(&&S)", "miSaveAll": "全部保存(&&L)", @@ -5538,8 +5554,7 @@ "revertLocalChanges": "放弃所做的更改并恢复到文件内容", "saveAll": "全部保存", "saveAllInGroup": "全部保存在组中", - "saveFiles": "保存所有文件", - "workspaces": "工作区" + "saveFiles": "保存所有文件" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/fileCommands": { "discard": "放弃", @@ -5876,11 +5891,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/markers/browser/markersTreeViewer": { "collapsedIcon": "在标记视图中指示多个线条已折叠的图标。", "expandedIcon": "在标记视图中指示多个线条已显示的图标。", - "links.navigate.follow": "关注链接", - "links.navigate.kb.alt": "alt + 单击", - "links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "option + 单击", - "links.navigate.kb.meta": "ctrl + 单击", - "links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "cmd + 单击", "multi line": "在多行中显示消息", "problemsView": "问题视图", "single line": "在单行中显示消息" @@ -5981,6 +5991,7 @@ "notebookActions.editCell": "编辑单元格", "notebookActions.execute": "执行单元格", "notebookActions.executeAbove": "在单元格上方执行", + "notebookActions.executeAndFocusContainer": "Execute Cell and Focus Container", "notebookActions.executeAndInsertBelow": "执行笔记本单元格并在下方插入", "notebookActions.executeAndSelectBelow": "执行笔记本单元格并在下方选择", "notebookActions.executeBelow": "执行单元格及以下", @@ -5988,8 +5999,10 @@ "notebookActions.expandCellInput": "展开单元格输入", "notebookActions.expandCellOutput": "展开单元格输出", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAbove": "在上方插入代码单元格", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAboveAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Above and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAtTop": "在顶部添加代码单元格", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelow": "在下方插入代码单元格", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Below and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAbove": "在上方插入 Markdown 单元格", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAtTop": "在顶部添加 Markdown 单元格", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellBelow": "在下方插入 Markdown 单元格", @@ -6199,9 +6212,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookKernelActionViewItem": { "select": "选择内核" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookServiceImpl": { - "builtinProviderDisplayName": "内置" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/output/outputRenderer": { "empty": "单元格没有输出", "noRenderer.1": "找不到 mimetype 的呈现器: {0}", @@ -6226,9 +6236,14 @@ "unavailableRenderInfo": "呈现器不可用" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/cellRenderer": { - "cellExpandButtonLabel": "展开", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Output (${0})", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell output ({0})", "notebook.moreRunActionsLabel": "更多..." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/codeCell": { + "cellExpandInputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Input ({0})", + "cellExpandInputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell input ({0})" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/common/notebookEditorModel": { "notebook.staleSaveError": "文件内容在磁盘上已更改。是要打开更新的版本还是使用所作更改覆盖该文件?", "notebook.staleSaveError.overwrite.": "覆盖", @@ -6389,6 +6404,7 @@ "openGlobalSettings": "打开用户设置", "openRawDefaultSettings": "打开默认设置(JSON)", "openRemoteSettings": "打开远程设置({0})", + "openRemoteSettingsJSON": "Open Remote Settings (JSON) ({0})", "openSettings2": "打开设置 (ui)", "openSettingsJson": "打开设置 (json)", "openWorkspaceSettings": "打开工作区设置", @@ -7754,10 +7770,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalDecorationsProvider": { "label": "终端" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalEditor": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (默认)", - "terminal.new": "新建终端" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalIcons": { "configureTerminalProfileIcon": "用于创建新的终端配置文件的图标。", "killTerminalIcon": "用于终止终端实例的图标。", @@ -7790,10 +7802,12 @@ "yes": "是" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalMenus": { + "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (Default)", "miNewTerminal": "新终端(&&N)", "miRunActiveFile": "运行活动文件(&&A)", "miRunSelectedText": "运行所选文本(&&S)", "miSplitTerminal": "拆分终端(&&S)", + "terminal.new": "New Terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.changeColor": "更改颜色...", "workbench.action.terminal.changeIcon": "更改图标...", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "清除", @@ -7845,9 +7859,7 @@ "terminalInputAriaLabel": "输入终端名。按 \"Enter\" 键确认或按 \"Esc\" 键取消。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalView": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (默认)", "terminal.monospaceOnly": "终端仅支持等宽字体。如果这是新安装的字体,请确保重新启动 VS Code。", - "terminal.new": "新建终端", "terminal.useMonospace": "使用 \"monospace\"", "terminalConnectingLabel": "正在启动...", "terminals": "打开终端。" @@ -7856,12 +7868,13 @@ "terminalCategory": "终端", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal": "参与终端功能。", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles": "定义用户可创建的其他终端配置文件。", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.icon": "要与此终端配置文件关联的 condicon。", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.id": "终端配置文件提供程序的 ID。", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.title": "此终端配置文件的标题。", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types": "定义用户可创建的其他终端类型。", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.command": "在用户创建此类型的终端时执行的命令。", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "要与此终端类型关联的 condicon。", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "A codicon, URI, or light and dark URIs to associate with this terminal type.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "Icon path when a dark theme is used", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "Icon path when a light theme is used", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.title": "此类型终端的标题。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { @@ -8038,14 +8051,14 @@ "configureProfile": "选择要更新的配置文件", "debug test": "调试测试", "debugAllTests": "调试所有测试", - "debugSelectedTests": "调试所选测试", + "debugSelectedTests": "Debug Tests", "discoveringTests": "正在发现测试", "hideTest": "隐藏测试", "noDebugTestProvider": "未在此工作区中找到可调试测试。可能需要安装测试提供程序扩展", "noTestProvider": "未在此工作区中找到测试。可能需要安装测试提供程序扩展", "run test": "运行测试", "runAllTests": "运行所有测试", - "runSelectedTests": "运行所选测试", + "runSelectedTests": "Run Tests", "testing.cancelRun": "取消测试运行", "testing.clearResults": "清除所有结果", "testing.collapseAll": "折叠所有测试", @@ -8066,6 +8079,7 @@ "testing.showMostRecentOutput": "显示输出", "testing.sortByLocation": "按位置排序", "testing.sortByStatus": "按状态排序", + "testing.toggleInlineTestOutput": "Toggle Inline Test Output", "testing.turnOffAutoRun": "关闭自动运行", "testing.turnOnAutoRun": "启用自动运行", "testing.viewAsList": "以列表形式查看", @@ -8084,8 +8098,10 @@ "updateTestConfiguration": "更新测试配置" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingDecorations": { + "actual.title": "Actual:", "debug all test": "调试所有测试", "debug test": "调试测试", + "expected.title": "Expected:", "peek failure": "速览错误", "peekTestOutout": "速览测试输出", "reveal test": "在测试资源管理器中显示", @@ -8126,6 +8142,7 @@ "testing.goToFile": "转到“文件”", "testing.goToNextMessage": "转到“下一个测试失败”", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "转到“上一个测试失败”", + "testing.openMessageInEditor": "Open in Editor", "testing.reRunLastRun": "重新运行测试", "testing.revealInExplorer": "在测试资源管理器中显示", "testing.showResultOutput": "显示结果输出", @@ -8159,12 +8176,8 @@ "testing.iconUnset": "测试资源管理器中“未设置”图标的颜色。", "testing.message.error.decorationForeground": "在编辑器中内联显示的测试错误消息的文本颜色。", "testing.message.error.marginBackground": "在编辑器中内联显示的错误消息旁边的边距颜色。", - "testing.message.hint.decorationForeground": "在编辑器中内联显示的测试提示消息的文本颜色。", - "testing.message.hint.marginBackground": "在编辑器中内联显示的提示消息旁边的边距颜色。", "testing.message.info.decorationForeground": "在编辑器中内联显示的测试信息消息的文本颜色。", "testing.message.info.marginBackground": "在编辑器中内联显示的信息消息旁边的边距颜色。", - "testing.message.warning.decorationForeground": "在编辑器中内联显示的测试警告消息的文本颜色。", - "testing.message.warning.marginBackground": "在编辑器中内联显示的警告消息旁边的边距颜色。", "testing.peekBorder": "速览视图边框和箭头颜色。", "testing.runAction": "编辑器中“运行”图标的颜色。" }, @@ -8177,12 +8190,14 @@ "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView": "配置何时自动打开“错误速览”视图。", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureAnywhere": "无论故障在何处,都自动打开。", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureInVisibleDocument": "在可见文档中测试失败时自动打开。", + "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.never": "Never automatically open.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekViewDuringAutoRun": "控制是否在自动运行模式期间自动打开“速览”视图。", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction": "控制在装订线中左键单击测试修饰时要执行的操作。", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.contextMenu": "打开上下文菜单以获取更多选项。", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.debug": "调试测试。", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.run": "运行测试。", - "testing.followRunningTest": "控制在测试资源管理器视图中是否应遵循正在运行的测试" + "testing.followRunningTest": "控制在测试资源管理器视图中是否应遵循正在运行的测试", + "testing.gutterEnabled": "Controls whether test decorations are shown in the editor gutter." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/constants": { "testGroup.coverage": "覆盖率", @@ -8561,7 +8576,6 @@ "recent": "最近", "show more recents": "显示所有最近使用的文件夹 {0}", "showAll": "更多...", - "showAllWalkthroughs": "打开演练...", "start": "启动", "walkthroughs": "演练", "welcome": "欢迎使用", @@ -8571,8 +8585,6 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted.contribution": { "Welcome": "欢迎使用", - "gettingStarted.goNext": "下一个", - "gettingStarted.goPrev": "上一个", "help": "帮助", "pickWalkthroughs": "打开演练...", "welcome": "欢迎使用", @@ -8583,6 +8595,16 @@ "workbench.welcomePage.preferReducedMotion": "启用后,减少欢迎页中的移动。", "workbench.welcomePage.walkthroughs.openOnInstall": "启用后,将在安装扩展时打开扩展的演练。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedColors": { + "welcomePage.background": "Background color for the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonBackground": "Background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.progress.background": "Foreground color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.progress.foreground": "Background color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.tileBackground": "Background color for the tiles on the Get Started page.", + "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the tiles on the Get Started.", + "welcomePage.tileShadow": "Shadow color for the Welcome page walkthrough category buttons." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedExtensionPoint": { "pathDeprecated": "已弃用。请改用“图像”或“Markdown”", "removed": "已删除,请改用 menus => file/newFile 贡献点", @@ -8734,74 +8756,6 @@ "welcomeOverlay.search": "跨文件搜索", "welcomeOverlay.terminal": "切换集成终端" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/vs_code_welcome_page": { - "welcomePage.colorTheme": "颜色主题", - "welcomePage.colorThemeDescription": "使编辑器和代码呈现你喜欢的外观", - "welcomePage.customize": "自定义", - "welcomePage.editingEvolved": "编辑进化", - "welcomePage.gitClone": "克隆存储库…", - "welcomePage.gitHubRepository": "GitHub 存储库", - "welcomePage.help": "帮助", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPacks": "工具和语言", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPacksDescription": "安装对 {0} 和 {1} 的支持", - "welcomePage.installKeymapDescription": "设置和按键绑定", - "welcomePage.installKeymapExtension": "安装 {0} 和 {1} 的设置和快捷键", - "welcomePage.interactivePlayground": "交互式演练场", - "welcomePage.interactivePlaygroundDescription": "在简短的演练中尝试基本的编辑器功能", - "welcomePage.interfaceOverview": "界面概览", - "welcomePage.interfaceOverviewDescription": "查看突出显示主要 UI 组件的叠加图", - "welcomePage.introductoryVideos": "入门视频", - "welcomePage.keybindingsCheatsheet": "快捷键速查表(可打印)", - "welcomePage.learn": "学习", - "welcomePage.moreExtensions": "更多", - "welcomePage.moreRecent": "更多...", - "welcomePage.newFile": "新建文件", - "welcomePage.newsletterSignup": "接收我们的新闻稿", - "welcomePage.noRecentFolders": "无最近使用文件夹", - "welcomePage.openFolder": "打开文件夹...", - "welcomePage.others": "其他", - "welcomePage.productDocumentation": "产品文档", - "welcomePage.recent": "最近", - "welcomePage.showCommands": "查找并运行所有命令", - "welcomePage.showCommandsDescription": "使用命令面板快速访问和搜索命令 ({0})", - "welcomePage.showKeymapExtensions": "显示其他按键映射扩展", - "welcomePage.showLanguageExtensions": "显示更多语言扩展", - "welcomePage.showOnStartup": "启动时显示欢迎页", - "welcomePage.stackOverflow": "Stack Overflow", - "welcomePage.start": "启动", - "welcomePage.tipsAndTricks": "提示与技巧", - "welcomePage.vscode": "Visual Studio Code" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePage": { - "details": "细节", - "ok": "确定", - "welcome.title": "欢迎使用", - "welcomePage": "欢迎使用", - "welcomePage.atom": "Atom", - "welcomePage.azure": "Azure", - "welcomePage.docker": "Docker", - "welcomePage.extensionListSeparator": ", ", - "welcomePage.extensionPackAlreadyInstalled": "已安装对 {0} 的支持。", - "welcomePage.extensionPackNotFound": "找不到对 {0} (ID: {1}) 的支持。", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPack": "安装对 {0} 的额外支持", - "welcomePage.installKeymap": "安装 {0} 按键映射", - "welcomePage.installedExtensionPack": "已安装 {0} 支持", - "welcomePage.installedKeymap": "已安装 {0} 按键映射", - "welcomePage.installingExtensionPack": "正在安装对 {0} 的额外支持...", - "welcomePage.installingKeymap": "正在安装 {0} 键盘快捷方式...", - "welcomePage.java": "Java", - "welcomePage.javaScript": "JavaScript", - "welcomePage.keymapAlreadyInstalled": "已安装 {0} 键盘快捷方式。", - "welcomePage.keymapNotFound": "找不到 ID 为 {1} 的 {0} 键盘快捷方式。", - "welcomePage.openFolderWithPath": "打开路径为 {1} 的文件夹 {0}", - "welcomePage.php": "PHP", - "welcomePage.python": "Python", - "welcomePage.showAzureExtensions": "显示 Azure 扩展", - "welcomePage.sublime": "Sublime", - "welcomePage.vim": "Vim", - "welcomePage.willReloadAfterInstallingExtensionPack": "安装对 {0} 的额外支持后,将重载窗口。", - "welcomePage.willReloadAfterInstallingKeymap": "安装 {0} 键盘快捷方式后,将重载窗口。" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePage.contribution": { "workbench.startupEditor": "在没有从上一会话中恢复出信息的情况下,控制启动时显示的编辑器。", "workbench.startupEditor.newUntitledFile": "打开一个新的无标题文件(仅在打开一个空窗口时适用)。", @@ -8810,16 +8764,6 @@ "workbench.startupEditor.welcomePage": "打开包含帮助开始使用 VS Code 和扩展内容的欢迎页面。", "workbench.startupEditor.welcomePageInEmptyWorkbench": "在打开空工作区时打开欢迎页面。" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePageColors": { - "welcomePage.background": "欢迎页面的背景色。", - "welcomePage.buttonBackground": "欢迎页按钮的背景色。", - "welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "欢迎页按钮被悬停时的背景色。", - "welcomePage.progress.background": "欢迎页面进度栏的前景色。", - "welcomePage.progress.foreground": "欢迎页面进度栏的背景色。", - "welcomePage.tileBackground": "“入门”页上磁贴的背景颜色。", - "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "“入门”页上磁贴的悬停背景颜色。", - "welcomePage.tileShadow": "欢迎页演练类别按钮的阴影颜色。" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/telemetryOptOut/browser/telemetryOptOut": { "telemetryOptOut.OptIn": "好,乐意提供帮助", "telemetryOptOut.OptOut": "不,谢谢", @@ -8914,14 +8858,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/workspace/browser/workspaceTrustEditor": { "addButton": "添加文件夹", - "addFolderAriaLabel": "添加受信任的文件夹", "deleteTrustedUri": "删除路径", "dontTrustButton": "不信任", - "editTrustedUri": "更改路径", + "editTrustedUri": "Edit Path", "hostColumnLabel": "主机", "localAuthority": "本地", "no untrustedSettings": "未应用需要信任的工作区设置", + "noTrustedFoldersDescriptions": "You haven't trusted any folders or workspace files yet.", "pathColumnLabel": "路径", + "pickerTrustedUri": "Open File Picker", "root element label": "管理工作区信任", "selectTrustedUri": "选择要信任的文件夹", "trustButton": "信任", @@ -9882,6 +9827,9 @@ "saveElevatedSudo": "以 Sudo 重试。", "staleSaveError": "未能保存 \"{0}\": 文件的内容较新。是否要用所做的更改覆盖该文件?" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants": "Saving '{0}'" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/electron-sandbox/workingCopyBackupTracker": { "backupBeforeShutdownDetail": "单击“取消”以停止等待并保存或还原脏编辑器。", "backupBeforeShutdownMessage": "备份脏编辑器花费的时间比预期长...", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json index 0966c306b5..18c87af424 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/github-authentication.i18n.json @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ }, "dist/githubServer": { "signingIn": "$(mark-github) 正在登入 github.com...", - "signingInEnterprise": "$(mark-github) 正在登入 {0}...", - "status.git.signIn.name": "GitHub 登入" + "status.git.signIn.name": "GitHub 登入", + "validUri": "Please enter a valid Uri from the GitHub login page." }, "package": { "description": "GitHub 驗證提供者", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json index 374fd9c573..1711e55de9 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/ms-vscode.js-debug.i18n.json @@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ "configuration.autoAttachSmartPatterns": "設定 Glob 模式以決定要在「智慧型」`#debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter#` 模式中附加的時機。已使用通用測試和程式碼執行器的名稱清單取代 `$KNOWN_TOOLS$`。[在 VS Code 文件閱讀更多內容](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/nodejs-debugging#_auto-attach-smart-patterns)。", "configuration.autoExpandGetters": "設定是否要自動展開屬性 getter。如果設為 false,getter 將顯示為 `get propertyName`,並且只在按一下該屬性時才會進行評估。", "configuration.automaticallyTunnelRemoteServer": "偵測遠端 Web 應用程式時,設定是否自動打開遠端伺服器到本機電腦的通道。", - "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "當條件式中斷點擲回錯誤時是否停止。請注意: 您的 launch.json `type` 前面必須加上 `pwa-`,才可使用此設定,例如 `pwa-node`。", + "configuration.breakOnConditionalError": "Whether to stop when conditional breakpoints throw an error.", "configuration.debugByLinkOptions": "在偵錯終端機內按一下偵錯開啟連結時所使用的選項。可設為 \"false\",停用此行為。", "configuration.defaultRuntimeExecutables": "用於啟動設定的預設 `runtimeExecutable` (若未指定)。其可用於對 Node.js 或瀏覽器安裝,設定自訂路徑。", "configuration.npmScriptLensLocation": "\"Run\" 與 \"Debug\" 程式碼濾鏡應在您 npm 指令碼中顯示的位置。可以是「全部」、指令碼、指令碼區段的「頂端」或「永不」。", @@ -337,7 +337,6 @@ "configuration.suggestPrettyPrinting": "是否要在您進入時建議看起來已縮小的美化顯示 JavaScript 程式碼。", "configuration.terminalOptions": "JavaScript 偵錯終端機和 npm 指令碼的預設啟動選項。", "configuration.unmapMissingSources": "設定無法讀取原始檔案的 sourcemap 檔案是否將自動取消對應。如果為 false (預設),系統會顯示提示。", - "configuration.usePreview": "使用 Node.js 和 Chrome 適用的全新預覽版 JavaScript 偵錯工具。", "createDiagnostics.label": "診斷中斷點問題", "customDescriptionGenerator.description": "自訂偵錯工具為物件 (例如區域變數等...) 所顯示的文字描述。範例:\r\n 1. this.toString() // 會呼叫 toString 列印所有物件\r\n 2. this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : defaultValue // 使用 customDescription 方法 (如果有的話),如果沒有則傳回 defaultValue\r\n 3. 函式 (def) { return this.customDescription ? this.customDescription() : def } // 使用 customDescription 方法 (如果有的話),如果沒有則傳回 defaultValue\r\n ", "customPropertiesGenerator.description": "自訂偵錯工具中,為物件所顯示的屬性 (區域變數等等)。範例:\r\n 1. { ...this, extraProperty: '12345' } // 將 extraProperty 12345 新增至所有物件\r\n 2. this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this // 使用 customProperties 方法 (若可用); 若無法使用該方法,則請使用這裡的屬性 (預設屬性)\r\n 3. 函式 () { return this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this } // 使用 customDescription 方法 (若可用); 若無法使用該方法,則傳回預設屬性\r\n\r\n 已淘汰: 這是此功能暫時的執行方式,會持續到我們有時間以下列描述的方式進行實作為止: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/102181 (英文)", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json index e269270360..a2fe888994 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/extensions/typescript-language-features.i18n.json @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ "typescript.findAllFileReferences": "尋找檔案參考", "typescript.format.enable": "啟用/停用預設 TypeScript 格式器。", "typescript.implementationsCodeLens.enabled": "啟用/停用實作 CodeLens。此 CodeLens 會顯示介面的實作。", - "typescript.locale": "設定用於回報 JavaScript 與 TypeScript 錯誤的地區設定。預設值 `null` 會使用 VS Code 的地區設定。", + "typescript.locale": "Sets the locale used to report JavaScript and TypeScript errors. Defaults to use VS Code's locale.", "typescript.npm": "指定用於 [自動類型取得] 的 npm 可執行檔路徑 (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/working-with-javascript#_typings-and-automatic-type-acquisition)。", "typescript.openTsServerLog.title": "開啟 TS 伺服器記錄", "typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier": "自動匯入的偏好路徑樣式。", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json index 7d9be0f210..9e348fdc3e 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ "autoClosingQuotes": "控制編輯器是否應在使用者新增開始引號後,自動加上關閉引號。", "autoIndent": "控制編輯器是否應在使用者鍵入、貼上、移動或縮排行時自動調整縮排。", "autoSurround": "控制編輯器是否應在鍵入引號或括弧時自動包圍選取範圍。", + "bracketPairColorization.enabled": "Controls whether bracket pair colorization is enabled or not.", "codeActions": "在編輯器中啟用程式碼動作燈泡。", "codeLens": "控制編輯器是否顯示 codelens。", "codeLensFontFamily": "控制 CodeLens 的字型家族。", @@ -585,6 +586,12 @@ "deprecatedEditorActiveLineNumber": "Id 已取代。請改用 'editorLineNumber.activeForeground' 。", "editorActiveIndentGuide": "使用中編輯器縮排輔助線的色彩。", "editorActiveLineNumber": "編輯器使用中行號的色彩", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground1": "Foreground color of brackets (1).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground2": "Foreground color of brackets (2).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground3": "Foreground color of brackets (3).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground4": "Foreground color of brackets (4).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground5": "Foreground color of brackets (5).", + "editorBracketHighlightForeground6": "Foreground color of brackets (6).", "editorBracketMatchBackground": "成對括號背景色彩", "editorBracketMatchBorder": "成對括號邊框色彩", "editorCodeLensForeground": "編輯器程式碼濾鏡的前景色彩", @@ -905,6 +912,7 @@ }, "vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant": { "acceptInlineSuggestion": "接受", + "inlineSuggestionFollows": "Suggestion:", "showNextInlineSuggestion": "下一步", "showPreviousInlineSuggestion": "上一步" }, @@ -1547,6 +1555,8 @@ "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.osx": "MacOS 上使用的預設設定檔。如果已設定 {0} 或 {1},就會忽略此設定。", "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.windows": "Windows 上使用的預設設定檔。如果已設定 {0} 或 {1},就會忽略此設定。", "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": "新殼層是否應該從 VS Code 繼承其環境,而 VS Code 可能會提供登入殼層,以確保 $PATH 和其他開發變數已初始化。這對 Windows 沒有影響。", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionExperimentalSerializer": "Whether to use a more efficient experimental approach for restoring the terminal's buffer. This setting requires a restart to take effect.", + "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionScrollback": "Controls the maximum amount of lines that will be restored when reconnecting to a persistent terminal session. Increasing this will restore more lines of scrollback at the cost of more memory and increase the time it takes to connect to terminals on start up. This setting requires a restart to take effect and should be set to a value less than or equal to `#terminal.integrated.scrollback#`.", "terminal.integrated.profile.linux": "透過終端機下拉式清單建立新的終端機時,要顯示的 Linux 設定檔。如有設定,這些設定檔會覆寫偵測到的預設設定檔。其中包含 {0} 和選擇性的 {1}", "terminal.integrated.profile.osx": "透過終端機下拉式清單建立新的終端機時,要顯示的 macOS 設定檔。如有設定,這些設定檔會覆寫偵測到的預設設定檔。其中包含 {0} 和選擇性的 {1}", "terminal.integrated.profiles.windows": "透過終端機下拉式清單建立新的終端機時,要顯示的 Windows 設定檔。設定為 Null 時會排除這些設定檔; 若使用 {0} 屬性,則會使用偵測到的預設組態。或者,請設定 {1} 和選擇性的 {2}", @@ -2530,6 +2540,7 @@ "missing.command": "功能表項目參考了 'commands' 區段中未定義的命令 `{0}`。", "missing.submenu": "功能表項目參考了 'submenus' 區段中未定義的子功能表 `{0}`。", "nonempty": "必須是非空白值。", + "notebook.cell.execute": "The contributed notebook cell execution menu", "notebook.cell.title": "所提供的筆記本儲存格標題功能表", "notebook.toolbar": "提供的筆記本工具列功能表", "opticon": "屬性 `icon` 可以省略,否則必須為字串或類似 `{dark, light}` 的常值", @@ -2720,10 +2731,15 @@ "closeWorkspace": "關閉工作區", "duplicateWorkspace": "複製工作區", "duplicateWorkspaceInNewWindow": "在新視窗複製工作區", + "filesCategory": "File", "globalRemoveFolderFromWorkspace": "將資料夾從工作區移除...", "miAddFolderToWorkspace": "將資料夾新增至工作區(&&D)...", "miCloseFolder": "關閉資料夾(&&F)", "miCloseWorkspace": "關閉工作區(&&W)", + "miOpen": "&&Open...", + "miOpenFile": "&&Open File...", + "miOpenFolder": "Open &&Folder...", + "miOpenWorkspace": "Open Wor&&kspace...", "miSaveWorkspaceAs": "另存工作區為...", "noWorkspaceOrFolderOpened": "此執行個體中目前沒有開啟的工作區或資料夾可以關閉。", "openFile": "開啟檔案...", @@ -2935,7 +2951,6 @@ "pinEditor": "釘選編輯器", "previousChangeIcon": "Diff 編輯器中 [上一個變更動作] 的圖示。", "reopenWith": "重新開啟編輯器,使用...", - "run": "執行或偵錯...", "showOpenedEditors": "顯示開啟的編輯器", "showTrimWhitespace.label": "顯示前置/後置空白字元差異", "sideBySideEditor": "並排編輯器", @@ -3063,6 +3078,15 @@ "groupLabel": "群組 {0}", "ok": "確定" }, + "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorPlaceholder": { + "manageTrust": "Manage Workspace Trust", + "requiresFolderTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the folder.", + "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "The file is not displayed in the editor because trust has not been granted to the workspace.", + "retry": "Try Open Again", + "trustRequiredEditor": "Workspace Trust Required", + "unavailableEditor": "Unavailable Editor", + "unavailableEditorText": "The editor could not be opened due to an error or an unavailable resource." + }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorQuickAccess": { "closeEditor": "關閉編輯器", "entryAriaLabelDirty": "已改變 {0}", @@ -3080,7 +3104,6 @@ "configureModeSettings": "進行以 '{0}' 語言為基礎的設定...", "currentAssociation": "目前的關聯", "currentProblem": "目前問題", - "detectedLanguagesPicks": "偵測到的語言 (識別碼)", "disableColumnSelectionMode": "停用資料行選取模式", "disableTabMode": "停用協助工具模式", "endOfLineCarriageReturnLineFeed": "CRLF", @@ -3092,7 +3115,6 @@ "indentView": "變更檢視", "languageDescription": "({0}) - 設定的語言", "languageDescriptionConfigured": "({0})", - "languageDescriptionCurrent": "({0}) - 目前的語言", "languagesPicks": "語言 (識別碼)", "multiSelection": "{0} 個選取項目", "multiSelectionRange": "{0} 個選取項目 (已選取 {1} 個字元)", @@ -3148,12 +3170,6 @@ "ariaLabelEditorActions": "編輯器動作", "draggedEditorGroup": "{0} (+{1})" }, - "vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/workspaceTrustRequiredEditor": { - "manageTrust": "管理工作區信任", - "requiresFolderTrustText": "檔案未顯示在編輯器中,因為尚未將信任授予資料夾。", - "requiresWorkspaceTrustText": "檔案不會顯示在編輯器中,因為尚未將信任授予工作區。", - "trustRequiredEditor": "需要工作區信任" - }, "vs/workbench/browser/parts/notifications/notificationsActions": { "clearAllIcon": "通知中 [清除所有動作] 的圖示。", "clearIcon": "通知中 [清除動作] 的圖示。", @@ -4133,7 +4149,7 @@ "editBreakpoint": "編輯 {0}...", "editBreakpoints": "編輯中斷點", "editInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "編輯資料行 {0} 的內嵌中斷點", - "editLineBrekapoint": "編輯行中斷點", + "editLineBreakpoint": "Edit Line Breakpoint", "enable": "啟用", "enableBreakpoint": "啟用 {0}", "enableBreakpointOnLine": "啟用行中斷點", @@ -4145,7 +4161,8 @@ "removeBreakpoints": "移除中斷點", "removeInlineBreakpointOnColumn": "移除資料行 {0} 的內嵌中斷點", "removeLineBreakpoint": "移除行中斷點", - "removeLogPoint": "移除 {0}" + "removeLogPoint": "移除 {0}", + "runToLine": "Run to Line" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/breakpointWidget": { "breakpointType": "中斷點類型", @@ -4240,6 +4257,7 @@ "copyAsExpression": "複製為運算式", "copyStackTrace": "複製呼叫堆疊", "copyValue": "複製值", + "debug.console.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on enter in the debug console. enter is also used to evaluate whatever is typed in the debug console.", "debug.console.closeOnEnd": "控制偵錯主控台是否應在偵錯工作階段結束時自動關閉。", "debug.console.collapseIdenticalLines": "決定偵錯主控台是否應摺疊相同的行,並以徽章顯示發生次數的控制項。", "debug.console.fontFamily": "在偵錯主控台中控制字型家族。", @@ -4291,6 +4309,7 @@ "prompt": "提示使用者。", "removeWatchExpression": "移除運算式", "restartFrame": "重新啟動框架", + "run": "Run or Debug...", "run and debug": "執行與偵錯", "setValue": "設定值", "showBreakpointsInOverviewRuler": "控制中斷點是否應顯示在概觀尺規中。", @@ -4473,6 +4492,7 @@ "installAdditionalDebuggers": "安裝 {0} 延伸模組", "launchJsonDoesNotExist": "傳遞的工作區資料夾中沒有 'launch.json'。", "multipleConfigurationNamesInWorkspace": "工作區中有多個啟動組態 '{0}'。請使用資料夾名稱以符合組態。", + "multipleSession": "'{0}' is already running. Do you want to start another instance?", "nActiveSessions": "{0} 個正在使用的工作階段", "noConfigurationNameInWorkspace": "無法在工作區中找到啟動組態 '{0}'。", "noFolderWithName": "在複合 '{2}' 的組態 '{1}' 中找不到名稱為 '{0}' 的資料夾。", @@ -4518,11 +4538,9 @@ "startAdditionalSession": "啟動附加工作階段" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/disassemblyView": { - "breakpointAllowed": "可以設定中斷點", - "breakpointIsSet": "已設定中斷點", "disassemblyView": "反組譯碼檢視", - "instructionAddress": "指令位址", - "instructionBytes": "指令位元組", + "instructionAddress": "Address", + "instructionBytes": "Bytes", "instructionText": "指令" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/exceptionWidget": { @@ -4596,6 +4614,7 @@ "addWatchExpression": "加入運算式", "collapse": "全部摺疊", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "移除所有運算式", + "typeNewValue": "Type new value", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "對監看運算式執行偵錯", "watchExpressionAriaLabel": "{0},值 {1}", "watchExpressionInputAriaLabel": "輸入監看運算式", @@ -4630,6 +4649,7 @@ "callStackSessionIsAttach": "當 [呼叫堆疊] 檢視中的工作階段為附加時,為 True; 否則為 False。會在內部用於 [呼叫堆疊] 檢視中的內嵌功能表。", "debugConfigurationType": "所選啟動組態的偵錯類型。例如 'python'。", "debugProtocolVariableMenuContext": "代表 [變數] 檢視中,偵錯配接器在焦點變數上設定的內容。", + "debugSetExpressionSupported": "True when the focused session supports 'setExpression' request.", "debugSetVariableSupported": "當焦點工作階段支援 'setVariable' 要求時為 true。", "debugState": "焦點偵錯工作階段所處的狀態。下列其中一項:「非作用中」、「正在初始化」、「已停止」或「正在執行」。", "debugType": "使用中偵錯工作階段的偵錯類型。例如 'python'。", @@ -4656,7 +4676,8 @@ "stepBackSupported": "當焦點工作階段支援 'stepBack' 要求時為 true。", "stepIntoTargetsSupported": "當焦點工作階段支援 'stepIntoTargets' 要求時為 true。", "terminateDebuggeeSupported": "當焦點工作階段支援終止偵錯工具功能時,為 True。", - "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "當焦點變數具有 'evalauteName' 欄位集時為 true", + "variableEvaluateNamePresent": "True when the focused variable has an 'evalauteName' field set.", + "variableIsReadonly": "True when the focused variable is readonly.", "variablesFocused": "當 [變數] 檢視是焦點時為 true,否則為 false", "watchExpressionsExist": "當存在至少一個監看運算式時為 true,否則為 false。", "watchExpressionsFocused": "當 [監看] 檢視是焦點時為 true,否則為 false。", @@ -5516,16 +5537,11 @@ "cut": "剪下", "deleteFile": "永久刪除", "explorerOpenWith": "開啟方式...", - "file": "檔案", "filesCategory": "檔案", "miAutoSave": "自動儲存(&&U)", "miCloseEditor": "關閉編輯器(&&C)", "miGotoFile": "移至檔案(&&F)...", "miNewFile": "新增檔案(&&N)", - "miOpen": "開啟(&&O)...", - "miOpenFile": "開啟檔案(&&O)...", - "miOpenFolder": "開啟資料夾(&&F)...", - "miOpenWorkspace": "開啟工作區(&&K)...", "miRevert": "還原檔案(&&V)", "miSave": "儲存(&&S)", "miSaveAll": "全部儲存(&&L)", @@ -5538,8 +5554,7 @@ "revertLocalChanges": "捨棄您的變更並還原至檔案內容", "saveAll": "全部儲存", "saveAllInGroup": "全部儲存在群組中", - "saveFiles": "儲存所有檔案", - "workspaces": "工作區" + "saveFiles": "儲存所有檔案" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/files/browser/fileCommands": { "discard": "捨棄", @@ -5876,11 +5891,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/markers/browser/markersTreeViewer": { "collapsedIcon": "標記檢視中表示多個線條已摺疊的圖示。", "expandedIcon": "標記檢視中表示顯示多行的圖示。", - "links.navigate.follow": "追蹤連結", - "links.navigate.kb.alt": "alt + 按一下", - "links.navigate.kb.alt.mac": "選項 + 按一下", - "links.navigate.kb.meta": "ctrl + 按一下", - "links.navigate.kb.meta.mac": "cmd + 按一下", "multi line": "在多行中顯示訊息", "problemsView": "問題檢視", "single line": "在單行中顯示訊息" @@ -5981,6 +5991,7 @@ "notebookActions.editCell": "編輯儲存格", "notebookActions.execute": "執行儲存格", "notebookActions.executeAbove": "在儲存格上方執行", + "notebookActions.executeAndFocusContainer": "Execute Cell and Focus Container", "notebookActions.executeAndInsertBelow": "執行筆記本儲存格並在下方插入儲存格", "notebookActions.executeAndSelectBelow": "執行筆記本儲存格並選取下方儲存格", "notebookActions.executeBelow": "執行儲存格及下方", @@ -5988,8 +5999,10 @@ "notebookActions.expandCellInput": "展開儲存格輸入", "notebookActions.expandCellOutput": "展開儲存格輸出", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAbove": "在上方插入程式碼儲存格", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAboveAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Above and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellAtTop": "在頂端新增程式碼儲存格", "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelow": "在下方插入程式碼儲存格", + "notebookActions.insertCodeCellBelowAndFocusContainer": "Insert Code Cell Below and Focus Container", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAbove": "在上方插入 Markdown 儲存格", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellAtTop": "在頂端新增 Markdown 儲存格", "notebookActions.insertMarkdownCellBelow": "在下方插入 Markdown 儲存格", @@ -6199,9 +6212,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookKernelActionViewItem": { "select": "選取核心" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/notebookServiceImpl": { - "builtinProviderDisplayName": "內建" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/output/outputRenderer": { "empty": "儲存格沒有輸出", "noRenderer.1": "找不到 MIME 類型的轉譯器: {0}", @@ -6226,9 +6236,14 @@ "unavailableRenderInfo": "轉譯器無法使用" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/cellRenderer": { - "cellExpandButtonLabel": "展開", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Output (${0})", + "cellExpandOutputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell output ({0})", "notebook.moreRunActionsLabel": "更多..." }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/browser/view/renderers/codeCell": { + "cellExpandInputButtonLabel": "Expand Cell Input ({0})", + "cellExpandInputButtonLabelWithDoubleClick": "Double click to expand cell input ({0})" + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/common/notebookEditorModel": { "notebook.staleSaveError": "檔案的內容已在磁碟上變更。您想要開啟更新的版本,或使用您的變更覆寫檔案?", "notebook.staleSaveError.overwrite.": "覆寫", @@ -6389,6 +6404,7 @@ "openGlobalSettings": "開啟使用者設定", "openRawDefaultSettings": "開啟預設設定 (JSON)", "openRemoteSettings": "開啟遠端設定 ({0})", + "openRemoteSettingsJSON": "Open Remote Settings (JSON) ({0})", "openSettings2": "開啟設定 (UI)", "openSettingsJson": "開啟設定 (JSON)", "openWorkspaceSettings": "開啟工作區設定", @@ -7754,10 +7770,6 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalDecorationsProvider": { "label": "終端機" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalEditor": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (預設)", - "terminal.new": "新增終端機" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalIcons": { "configureTerminalProfileIcon": "用於建立新終端機設定檔的圖示。", "killTerminalIcon": "刪除終端機執行個體的圖示。", @@ -7790,10 +7802,12 @@ "yes": "是" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalMenus": { + "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (Default)", "miNewTerminal": "新增終端(&&N)", "miRunActiveFile": "執行使用中的檔案(&&A)", "miRunSelectedText": "執行選取的文字(&&S)", "miSplitTerminal": "分割終端(&&S)", + "terminal.new": "New Terminal", "workbench.action.terminal.changeColor": "變更色彩...", "workbench.action.terminal.changeIcon": "變更圖示...", "workbench.action.terminal.clear": "清除", @@ -7845,9 +7859,7 @@ "terminalInputAriaLabel": "輸入終端機名稱。請按 Enter 鍵確認或按 Esc 鍵取消。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalView": { - "defaultTerminalProfile": "{0} (預設)", "terminal.monospaceOnly": "終端機只支援等寬字型。如果這是新安裝的字型,請務必重新啟動 VS Code。", - "terminal.new": "新增終端機", "terminal.useMonospace": "使用 'monospace'", "terminalConnectingLabel": "正在啟動...", "terminals": "開啟終端機。" @@ -7856,12 +7868,13 @@ "terminalCategory": "終端機", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal": "參與終端機功能。", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles": "定義使用者可以建立的其他終端機設定檔。", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.icon": "要與這個終端機設定檔建立關聯的 codicon。", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.id": "終端機設定檔提供者的識別碼。", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.profiles.title": "此終端機設定檔的標題。", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types": "定義使用者可以建立的其他終端機類型。", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.command": "當使用者建立此類型之終端機時所要執行的命令。", - "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "要與這個終端機類型建立關聯的 codicon。", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon": "A codicon, URI, or light and dark URIs to associate with this terminal type.", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.dark": "Icon path when a dark theme is used", + "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.icon.light": "Icon path when a light theme is used", "vscode.extension.contributes.terminal.types.title": "此類型之終端機的標題。" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalColorRegistry": { @@ -8038,14 +8051,14 @@ "configureProfile": "選取要更新的設定檔", "debug test": "對測試偵錯", "debugAllTests": "對所有測試偵錯", - "debugSelectedTests": "對選取的測試偵錯", + "debugSelectedTests": "Debug Tests", "discoveringTests": "正在探索測試", "hideTest": "隱藏測試", "noDebugTestProvider": "在此工作區中找不到可偵錯的測試。您必須安裝測試提供者延伸模組", "noTestProvider": "在此工作區中找不到任何測試。您必須安裝測試提供者延伸模組", "run test": "執行測試", "runAllTests": "執行所有測試", - "runSelectedTests": "執行選取的測試", + "runSelectedTests": "Run Tests", "testing.cancelRun": "取消測試回合", "testing.clearResults": "清除所有結果", "testing.collapseAll": "摺疊所有測試", @@ -8066,6 +8079,7 @@ "testing.showMostRecentOutput": "顯示輸出", "testing.sortByLocation": "依位置排序", "testing.sortByStatus": "依狀態排序", + "testing.toggleInlineTestOutput": "Toggle Inline Test Output", "testing.turnOffAutoRun": "關閉自動執行", "testing.turnOnAutoRun": "開啟自動執行", "testing.viewAsList": "以清單檢視", @@ -8084,8 +8098,10 @@ "updateTestConfiguration": "更新測試設定" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/browser/testingDecorations": { + "actual.title": "Actual:", "debug all test": "對所有測試偵錯", "debug test": "對測試偵錯", + "expected.title": "Expected:", "peek failure": "瞄核錯誤", "peekTestOutout": "查看測試輸出", "reveal test": "在測試總管中顯示", @@ -8126,6 +8142,7 @@ "testing.goToFile": "移至檔案", "testing.goToNextMessage": "移至下一個測試失敗", "testing.goToPreviousMessage": "移至上一個測試失敗", + "testing.openMessageInEditor": "Open in Editor", "testing.reRunLastRun": "重新執行測試回合", "testing.revealInExplorer": "在測試總管中顯示", "testing.showResultOutput": "顯示結果輸出", @@ -8159,12 +8176,8 @@ "testing.iconUnset": "測試總管中「取消設定」圖示的色彩。", "testing.message.error.decorationForeground": "在編輯器中顯示內嵌測試錯誤訊息時的文字色彩。", "testing.message.error.marginBackground": "編輯器中內嵌顯示的錯誤訊息邊界色彩。", - "testing.message.hint.decorationForeground": "在編輯器中顯示內嵌測試提示訊息時的文字色彩。", - "testing.message.hint.marginBackground": "編輯器中內嵌顯示的提示訊息邊界色彩。", "testing.message.info.decorationForeground": "在編輯器中顯示內嵌測試資訊訊息時的文字色彩。", "testing.message.info.marginBackground": "編輯器中內嵌顯示的資訊訊息邊界色彩。", - "testing.message.warning.decorationForeground": "在編輯器中顯示內嵌測試警告訊息時的文字色彩。", - "testing.message.warning.marginBackground": "編輯器中內嵌顯示的警告訊息邊界色彩。", "testing.peekBorder": "預覽檢視之框線與箭頭的色彩。", "testing.runAction": "編輯器中「執行」圖示的色彩。" }, @@ -8177,12 +8190,14 @@ "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView": "設定自動開啟錯誤瞄核檢視的時機。", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureAnywhere": "無論失敗發生在何處皆自動開啟。", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.failureInVisibleDocument": "當測試在可見的文件中失敗時,自動開啟。", + "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekView.never": "Never automatically open.", "testing.automaticallyOpenPeekViewDuringAutoRun": "控制是否在自動執行模式期間自動開啟瞄核檢視。", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction": "控制在裝訂邊中按一下測試修飾時要採取的動作。", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.contextMenu": "開啟捷徑功能表以取得更多選項。", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.debug": "對測試偵錯。", "testing.defaultGutterClickAction.run": "執行測試。", - "testing.followRunningTest": "控制是否應該在測試瀏覽器檢視中遵循執行中的測試" + "testing.followRunningTest": "控制是否應該在測試瀏覽器檢視中遵循執行中的測試", + "testing.gutterEnabled": "Controls whether test decorations are shown in the editor gutter." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/testing/common/constants": { "testGroup.coverage": "涵蓋範圍", @@ -8561,7 +8576,6 @@ "recent": "最近使用", "show more recents": "顯示所有最近使用的資料夾 {0}", "showAll": "其他...", - "showAllWalkthroughs": "開啟逐步解說...", "start": "開始", "walkthroughs": "逐步解說", "welcome": "歡迎使用", @@ -8571,8 +8585,6 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStarted.contribution": { "Welcome": "歡迎使用", - "gettingStarted.goNext": "下一頁", - "gettingStarted.goPrev": "上一頁", "help": "說明", "pickWalkthroughs": "開啟逐步解說...", "welcome": "歡迎使用", @@ -8583,6 +8595,16 @@ "workbench.welcomePage.preferReducedMotion": "啟用時,減少歡迎頁面中的動作。", "workbench.welcomePage.walkthroughs.openOnInstall": "啟用後,擴充功能的逐步解說將在安裝擴充功能時開啟。" }, + "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedColors": { + "welcomePage.background": "Background color for the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonBackground": "Background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.", + "welcomePage.progress.background": "Foreground color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.progress.foreground": "Background color for the Welcome page progress bars.", + "welcomePage.tileBackground": "Background color for the tiles on the Get Started page.", + "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "Hover background color for the tiles on the Get Started.", + "welcomePage.tileShadow": "Shadow color for the Welcome page walkthrough category buttons." + }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/gettingStarted/browser/gettingStartedExtensionPoint": { "pathDeprecated": "已取代。請改為使用 'image' 或 'markdown'", "removed": "已移除,請改用功能表 => 檔案/newFile 貢獻點", @@ -8734,74 +8756,6 @@ "welcomeOverlay.search": "跨檔案搜尋", "welcomeOverlay.terminal": "切換整合式終端機" }, - 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"welcomePage.newFile": "新增檔案", - "welcomePage.newsletterSignup": "加入我們的電子報", - "welcomePage.noRecentFolders": "沒有最近使用的資料夾", - "welcomePage.openFolder": "開啟資料夾...", - "welcomePage.others": "其他", - "welcomePage.productDocumentation": "產品文件", - "welcomePage.recent": "最近使用", - "welcomePage.showCommands": "尋找及執行所有命令", - "welcomePage.showCommandsDescription": "從命令選擇區快速存取及搜尋命令 ({0})", - "welcomePage.showKeymapExtensions": "顯示其他鍵盤對應延伸模組", - "welcomePage.showLanguageExtensions": "顯示更多語言延伸模組", - "welcomePage.showOnStartup": "啟動時顯示歡迎頁面", - "welcomePage.stackOverflow": "Stack Overflow", - "welcomePage.start": "開始", - "welcomePage.tipsAndTricks": "秘訣與提示", - "welcomePage.vscode": "Visual Studio Code" - }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePage": { - "details": "詳細資料", - "ok": "確定", - "welcome.title": "歡迎使用", - "welcomePage": "歡迎使用", - "welcomePage.atom": "Atom", - "welcomePage.azure": "Azure", - "welcomePage.docker": "Docker", - "welcomePage.extensionListSeparator": ",", - "welcomePage.extensionPackAlreadyInstalled": "支援功能{0}已被安裝。", - "welcomePage.extensionPackNotFound": "找不到ID為{1}的{0}支援功能.", - "welcomePage.installExtensionPack": "安裝 {0} 的其他支援", - "welcomePage.installKeymap": "安裝 {0} 按鍵對應", - "welcomePage.installedExtensionPack": "已安裝 {0} 支援", - "welcomePage.installedKeymap": "已安裝 {0} 按鍵對應", - "welcomePage.installingExtensionPack": "正在安裝 {0} 的其他支援...", - "welcomePage.installingKeymap": "正在安裝 {0} 鍵盤快速鍵...", - "welcomePage.java": "Java", - "welcomePage.javaScript": "JavaScript", - "welcomePage.keymapAlreadyInstalled": "已安裝 {0} 鍵盤快速鍵。", - "welcomePage.keymapNotFound": "找不到識別碼為 {1} 的 {0} 鍵盤快速鍵。", - "welcomePage.openFolderWithPath": "透過路徑 {1} 開啟資料夾 {0}", - "welcomePage.php": "PHP", - "welcomePage.python": "Python", - "welcomePage.showAzureExtensions": "顯示 Azure 延伸模組", - "welcomePage.sublime": "壯麗", - "welcomePage.vim": "Vim", - "welcomePage.willReloadAfterInstallingExtensionPack": "{0} 的其他支援安裝完成後,將會重新載入此視窗。", - "welcomePage.willReloadAfterInstallingKeymap": "{0} 鍵盤快速鍵安裝完成後,將會重新載入此視窗。" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePage.contribution": { "workbench.startupEditor": "控制在啟動時顯示哪個編輯器,若沒有,則從上個工作階段還原。", "workbench.startupEditor.newUntitledFile": "開啟一個新的無標題檔案 (僅在開啟空白視窗時適用)。", @@ -8810,16 +8764,6 @@ "workbench.startupEditor.welcomePage": "開啟包含協助開始使用 VS Code 和延伸模組內容的歡迎頁面。", "workbench.startupEditor.welcomePageInEmptyWorkbench": "在開啟空的工作台時開啟歡迎頁面。" }, - "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/page/browser/welcomePageColors": { - "welcomePage.background": "歡迎頁面的背景色彩。", - "welcomePage.buttonBackground": "起始頁面按鈕的背景色彩.", - "welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "起始頁面暫留於按鈕的背景色彩", - "welcomePage.progress.background": "歡迎頁面進度列的前景色彩。", - "welcomePage.progress.foreground": "歡迎頁面進度列的背景色彩。", - "welcomePage.tileBackground": "[開始使用] 頁面上磚的背景色彩。", - "welcomePage.tileHoverBackground": "[開始使用] 上磚的暫留背景色彩。", - "welcomePage.tileShadow": "歡迎頁面逐步解說類別按鈕的陰影色彩。" - }, "vs/workbench/contrib/welcome/telemetryOptOut/browser/telemetryOptOut": { "telemetryOptOut.OptIn": "是,我很樂意幫忙", "telemetryOptOut.OptOut": "不了,謝謝", @@ -8914,14 +8858,15 @@ }, "vs/workbench/contrib/workspace/browser/workspaceTrustEditor": { "addButton": "新增資料夾", - "addFolderAriaLabel": "新增信任的資料夾", "deleteTrustedUri": "刪除路徑", "dontTrustButton": "不信任", - "editTrustedUri": "變更路徑", + "editTrustedUri": "Edit Path", "hostColumnLabel": "主機", "localAuthority": "本機", "no untrustedSettings": "未套用需要信任的工作區設定", + "noTrustedFoldersDescriptions": "You haven't trusted any folders or workspace files yet.", "pathColumnLabel": "路徑", + "pickerTrustedUri": "Open File Picker", "root element label": "管理工作區信任", "selectTrustedUri": "選取要信任的資料夾", "trustButton": "信任", @@ -9882,6 +9827,9 @@ "saveElevatedSudo": "以系統管理者 (Sudo) 身分重試...", "staleSaveError": "無法儲存 '{0}' : 檔案的內容較新。是否要以您的變更覆寫檔案?" }, + "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/common/storedFileWorkingCopySaveParticipant": { + "saveParticipants": "Saving '{0}'" + }, "vs/workbench/services/workingCopy/electron-sandbox/workingCopyBackupTracker": { "backupBeforeShutdownDetail": "按一下 [取消] 以停止等候並儲存或還原已變更的編輯器。", "backupBeforeShutdownMessage": "備份已變更的編輯器所花時間超過預期...",