Jira: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/QUARKUS-1027
The goal of this feature is to provide technology preview support of OpenShift Service Binding for RHOSAK in Quarkus applications.
- None. The testing is executed manually for the RHBQ 2.2 releases by deploying Quarkus Kafka Quickstart in OpenShift Dedicated and binding it to a running RHOSAK instance.
- We need to ensure all the supported means of producing Quarkus deployments in OpenShift work with service binding
- Source S2I
- Docker build
- Binary S2I
- Currently, a developer preview instance of RHOSAK is used along with OpenShift Dedicated running in RHBQ QE AWS quota during the manual testing.
There is a plan to improve Quarkus support of OpenShift service bindings in future releases (see QUARKUS-1414). From the QE point of view, the future tasks on the way to full support must include
- Automation of orchestration of OSD and RHOSAK and implement a test in Quarkus test suite deploying a demo application (Quarkus Kafka Quickstart) and binding it to RHOSAK.
- Binding to other services.
- Tester: Michal Jurč [email protected]
- Feature epic: QUARKUS-1027 OpenShift Service Binding - Tech preview