- Setup on ubuntu and centos
- Basic container operation
- inspecting container
- stopping and removing container
- Setting hostname
- Restart policies
- Copying content into and out in container
- publishing port
- Docker debug mode
- Logging drivers
- Docker Images registry
- image tags and naming conventions
- authenticating against registries
- inspecting and removing docker image
- Save and Load images
- Registry operations
- Dockerfile and docker build
- build httpd image
- COPY vs ADD & CM vs entrypoint
- Dockerfile best practices
- namespace and capabilities
- cgroups
- resource limits cpu and memory
- Docker networking Commands
- namespaces and networking deep dive
- Storage and Volume
- Microservice vs monolithic
- example of voting application
- Container orchestration
- swarm architecture
- swarm setup with 2 node cluster
- swarm operations
- swarm high availability - quorum
- Auto lock
- swarm service
- scaling rolling updates and rollbacks
- swarm service types
- docker config objects
- docker overlay networking
- swarm service discovery
- Docker stack
- kubernetes architecture
- pods
- pods with yaml and cmd
- replication controllers, replica setup
- deployments , Updates and rollbacks
- networking in kubernetes
- services , nodeport,clusterIP, loadbalancer
- Deploy a microservice example application
- Namespaces
- Environment variables and commands, comparison with docker
- Configmaps and secrets
- readiness and liveness probes
- Network policies
- Volumes in kubernetes
- PV, PVC and storage class
- Deployment of EE
- rbac
- Docker Trusted registry
- access control in DTR
- image scanning
- image promotion
- garbage collection
- Manage role based access control (RBAC)
- Use Kubeadm to install a basic cluster
- Manage a highly-available Kubernetes cluster
- Provision underlying infrastructure to deploy a Kubernetes cluster
- Perform a version upgrade on a Kubernetes cluster using Kubeadm
- Implement etcd backup and restore
- Understand deployments and how to perform rolling update and rollbacks
- Use ConfigMaps and Secrets to configure applications
- Know how to scale applications
- Understand the primitives used to create robust, self-healing, application eployments
- Understand how resource limits can affect Pod scheduling
- Awareness of manifest management and common templating tools
- Understand host networking configuration on the cluster nodes
- Understand connectivity between Pods
- Understand ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer service types and endpoints
- Know how to use Ingress controllers and Ingress resources
- Know how to configure and use CoreDNS
- Choose an appropriate container network interface plugin
- Understand storage classes, persistent volumes
- Understand volume mode, access modes and reclaim policies for volumes
- Understand persistent volume claims primitive
- Know how to configure applications with persistent storage
- Evaluate cluster and node logging
- Understand how to monitor applications
- Manage container stdout & stderr logs
- Troubleshoot application failure
- Troubleshoot cluster component failure
- Troubleshoot networking
- Kubernetes API
- Create and configure basic pods
- configmaps and secrets
- security contexts
- defining application resource requirements
- understanding service accounts
- understanding multicontainer pod design pattern( adapter, sidecar, ambassador )
- liveness readiness
- container logging
- application monitoring
- debugging applications
- deployments and rolling updates
- jobs and cronjobs
- use of labels and selectors and annotations
- PV and PVC and storage class
- servicesnetwork polices